20 THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, JITXE 26, 1919. HELP W AVTK D M A I. K. 1IAV and wife; man night cook and wife waitress, country hotel, east; $150, room a d boed; fare advanced. Van uid wf f for hrldre crew: Wife cook and nua chore man; good wagci and Itm HELP WAVTr.D FEMALE. Vaa a rut wife. Ank and TflHoer for Saw mill hotel, small crew; $125, room and board. Two millwright on rpsrir work; two r three inii' work; a noura Ptinvrmm for small mill: one machine. easy place; hotel accommodations and fax advanced; $a B bours; so ooaa awe. 8EINNKR A WHITE. 35 N. 2d. CARRIERS wanted for the following Ore gonian routes to he open July j,. Cnnri nrl Ank.nw $30 profit West Hide North 45 profit West Fide North 40 profit Mt side South .............. 40 profit Woodlawn H. 25 profit Vnloo and Albertn SO profit In loo and Stanton -- profit Laurelhurst 40 Vtn (.rnd and Morrison 49 pro lit TMrunklva ........ 25 Profit uth and Gliaea 33 profit Applications should be made ax one. Tlova muat b at laat 14 Year of K References required and some capital necessary. Apply in person a room -04. T.KonWQ DICK. XA HG& insurance agency wants office boy, 16 to li veana permanent position for re liable boy. Salary small, but excellent op port unity for advancement ana duhow train inc. Address, own handwriting, p 173. Ore iron Ian. MAKE MORE MONEY. Tonne men In various occupations earn extra, money hand line Oregonian routes; clean, enjoyable work, out of doors; a good aide line for office man. Get particulars at room 2 Oregonian bldg. EXPERIENCED man and wife, who under stand chickens and can milk, to take charge of small country place. Apply 533 Pit lock block, between tuid IP A. M. nANTtD Several young men. ex-soldiers and sailors given preference; good pay. See Mr. Nerdrum. 8 to 10 and 4 lo ft, 432 Chamber of Commerce bidg. WANTED--Experienced colored man as an African dodger for a park. Call 248 h Second sC VAN to operate small laundry: must un derstand engine andboiier. 313 front sC " Help Wanted Salesmen. RBAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED. One competent aa salesmanager. with experience and references; best of firm connection and contract offered; salesmen with automobile also wanted, write AN 2W, Ore so man. PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN. Due to the approaching consolidation ef the manual and automatic telephone systems, permanent positions are open the oneratlna denartmenL Young women considering employment snouid rail upon the employment super visor, room 8th floor. Telephone bide. Park aad Oak sta. Telephone Broadway THE PACTTIC TELEPHONE as TELEGRAPH COL HELP WAXTED FEMALE. Wan ted Domestics. YOL'.NG couple w ith small children desire competent girl to relieve mother of cook ing and assist her in care of bungalow; aurroundinics convenient and pleasant; want someone desiring permanent home. WO MIDI TO WORK IN KITCHEN. LEIGH TON DAIRY LUNCH. BROAD WAT AND WASHINGTON. LIT MAN. WOLFE sV CO. require the aerr- icea of 2 ladtea for drapery sewers, uso one lady for glove cleaning aepc APPLY SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, between 9 and 10. 30 Thursday morning. THIS OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING STORE requires the services or an experienced hosiery saleswoman. Apply superintend ents office, 0 to 10:30 A. AC. WANTED Woman to patch seeond-hand grain sacks; preference given expenencea packer. Appiy Ames, Harris, Neville .Bag Co 15th and Hoyt sta. WANTED AGENTS. LIVE MEN with earn, here's your chance. selr-OemonstratlRf accessory neeoea on every car; If you know autost experience unnecessary; money maker for good men. 2V4 Main il, between o and 0 eveninga Phone Main 3477. HAS with Ford car to veil 2 fast-selling ar ticles: exc I ust ve tern Lory to rig at man. U7 Plttock block. AGENTS at onca Sell &0c per month hos pital ticket 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALJ5. TWO WOMEN of unquestioned culture and refinement, over 25, preference given to thoe who through misfortune or financial reverse find it necessary to enter the business world; position we offer does not require previous bust neat .experience nor the Investment of any money, as we pay from the start. For interview call at room 6.-2. Henry bldg 10 to 11 and 4 to 6.30 P. M- , UPMAN. WOLFE ft CO. require the services of an experienced saleslady for the pattern dept. Apply at superintendent's oifice between 0 and 10 Wednesday morning. EXPERIENCED typist; must be Industrious, rapid and accurate on form work. Sten ographer not required. Moderate salary to start. Increased according to ability. Ap ply 430 Norm western Bank bldg., to 11 Thursday. WANTED For first-clssa mountain resort Immediately: 1 first -class, experienced cook, $u; i dlshwasber. lou; X waitress. $45; 1 chambermaid, 945; all with room and board. Call long distance or write Mrs. K. Pransettl, Rhododendron Inn, AIL Hood, box 6. Zlgaag. Or. ' WAITRESS wanted for small country com mercial hotel; must be experienced; steady employment, good side money, pleasant surroundings, $35, Board and good room. Hotel Kedmond. Redmond. Or. WANTED Capable girl over 18 to assist with housework and cooking In family of 2 sduits and 8 small children; must be able to do plain cooking; small house: no laundry ; wages Phone Main 6V45. WANTED For month of July, woman Jiv ing in neighborhood of Sellwood to do general housework in family of 4 adults and go home nights; no breakfast. Call Main t&O. WANTED Active, middle-aged housekeep er for widower and 2-yeur-old daughter; must be congenial with children and Shave best character references. V SAL, Oregocian. WANTED Girl for cooking and down stairs work: one willing to go to Sea side July and An gust. Phone Marshall 1010. Call 1108 W stover Road. WANTED Jefferson high school girl to as sist with housework and care of children; $J0 a month during vacation, 910 a month during school term. East 1U9. SITCATIONS WANTED MA LB. PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTENTION. I specialize in all kinds of roof painting and repairing. clean off moss, repair around chimney, vent pipes and gutters; put on a good waterproof paint on store bldgs. or garage roofs. For reliable work call C. Enoa Wdln. 504. References raJore. 8 years in Portland. All work n gvaxanteed. SALESMANAGER of much experience on road and In office, with trade or through agents, will consider hsndling good line o n salary and com mi anion basis ; I no w control two good products that con Id be combined with good line on fair basis. Write for interview. AM 331, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lumberman, familiar with logging, mill, office and sales, will con sider handling tie or lumber business on salary and profit sharing basis, acquainted with both fir and pine timber; will con sider small or targe plant. Writs giving particulars Oregonian. BITCATION WANTED FEMALE. WILL give private lessons in 6th. 7th. 8th and 9th grades, also in high school Eng lish, history and algebra; charges reason able, or will take position as governess; references. Phone Tabor 37S& ' POSITION wanted. years experience in cleaning, spotting and fancy pressing. Hoff man presser; references: wages 9-5 a week. M. 10od. hours 8 to 12 AN &4. Oregonian. BY REFINED, experienced young lady, place in small family to do housework and to assist with cooking; treated as one in the family preferred. AN 291, Oregonian. STRONG woman wants place In sawmill, logging or fishing camp; good cook and cook for 30 or 40 men: good references. Wood lawn 1864. AM 3 -'J. Oregonian. SMALL family in Cordova, Alaska, want maid for general housework ; references given and required. Apply 428 Columbia st. Victorian apartment 23. RELIABLE girl to help with second work and care of children school age, go to the beach in August. Main 7S4o. 5 Buena Vista drive. HOUSEKEEPER for light cooking and home housework; 4 adults: good pay. Call Kt 329 E. 3.rth st. before 2 P. M. or after 4. WANTED Woman for general housework. sou a mo. cull wain. otj!. WANTED By traveling salesman, young middle-aired man. with Ford machine . go on trip through eastern Washington and Idaho; salary or salary and commis sion, on business; will buy machine after learning to run it. See Brown, boo xom- oard sc. or call CoL 667. POSITION wanted In hardware business, nave had lone; and wide experience buyer and manager, can give best of ref erence as to fitness, ability and character live country town preferred. AV lbO, Oregonian. FRUIT PICKERS. Family of 6 pickers wishes dob for sea son picking fruit, berries on halves; long job wanted. Call or write, O. J. Johnson, 4i'j sixth street couth. WANTED Capable woman for housework. no cooking. Marsh. 2&U3. Teachers, DOMESTIC SCIENCE teacher to represent educational depart ment well-known firm: salary and ex- nenses: no sellina : commercial demon- it rators need not apply. Add ress box O 70S, Oregonian, giving age, training, sal ary expected. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED L. H. Roberts, owner of largest yard in Oregon, will be at the women's division of the L. 8. employment service, room 211 Lew bldg.. Fourth and Oak sts., on June 26-27 for the purpose of signing pickers. Two cents per pound wilt be paid for picking and board furnished at cost. Lodging for women only. Full Information given at time and place Indicated above. WEAVERS AND SPINNERS WANTED. Pteady work; 4 8-hour week; good wages Apply Portland Woolen Mills. WOMEN And sirle who wish to spend pleasant and profitable vacation, free cot tAges, light, water and wood, light, pleas ant work. For particulars phone East xx-iz or can at P2 s. utn at. WANTED Saleslady for ladles and chil dren's hosiery and underwear; one who Is capable of tsklng chance of the depc must be thoroughly ex perl a r cea. ievitt 4th ana vajnington. SALESLADIES Catholic, tired of store work, can secure outdoor positions pay In 919-26 weekly. Call 618 Yeon bldg. be tween B-io and 4-n. WANTED Experienced floor lady to tak charge and tie for one mangle; country laundry; wages 918 per week; stats ex perience. A1-. 261, Oregonian. PHONOGRAPH SALESWOMAN with experience, good appearance; answer, stating experience and salary wanted, etc AH 3tH. Oregonian. WANTED Woman for light housework summer cottage, family of two; laundry snt out. No. z Benson apt a. i: s. .oto phone Broadway 0-39. WANTED An experienced girl to assist with housework, small family, good Home ana wage Oo to ealoe in Auxust; must Like children. 7e2 Kearney at. Main 10; L KLDKKLY woman to atay night with lone woman, help took meals. Board, room and glO month. Good home. Monta vnia. Address or call 112 E. 11th. WANT several bright women to solicit; guarantee and commission, work six hours dMliy. permanent position. Se Mr. Bark ley. lO to 11 only, at Henry bldg. WANTED Mlddle-asvd chambermaid, one who understands answering phone. Wsgs 916 A week. Apply 26W iMlinua, between i snd 12. No pbone calls. EXPERIENCED woman to manage hlsh class apt- bouse; saiary 90 and furnished apt. Give experience and references In answer. BP 4-4. Oregonian. WANTED 2 young women used to meeting the public: $i a day to richt party. tfc Mr. Nerd rum. 10 A. M. 4JJ Chamber of Commerce bldg. itXPHRlKNCED stenographer and typist; wholesale lumber office: stats experience and references, salary expected, etc 3'. Oregonian. WANTED Married couple to share com fortable cottage: rent, pbons free for serv Ices; references exchanged. W 313, Ore gonian. V ANTED Expert machinist and lathe man. aiao automobile mechanic Write Kil A Meier, Corvallla, Oregon. Give refer ences. LADY for work In stationery store; must be able to do billing and general store work one with sales experience preferred. Kubli Moweii co.. 4 4tn su WANTED Experienced girl for confection ery and cigar store; fountain experience necessary; afternoon and evening shut. Phone East 6G3.Y WANTED Housekeeper, msn. 4 small chi dren; one that Is looking for steady pos lion, lines nome ana care oi cniiaren. 4;lt, Oregonian. WANTED Appilc ns from girls to worl In wood-work in i. .actory at bt- John, Steady work and good wages. J 796. Ore gonlan. HIGH acale of waces. 4S-hour week, for ex Deri e need oDerafcrs on overalls, shirts. waterproof clot hing. tents. Hirsch-Wels Mfg. Co.. 205 Burnslde st. M I lrLE-AG ED woman to keep house for gentleman wltn two sons; goou nome ana wagett. Call between o A. M. and 3 P. M- 4mI Ivy at. AiOOK K KKl'KH, atenographcr. experienced In tna work: state n.ity. reference, ase good permanent posHioa assured. BD 41L ( recontsn. ANTED l-oganfcwrry pickers. Apply Fed eral Employment agency. Sd and Oak. Portland. Thursday morning, ask lor M. llubos. STKNOGRATIIERS and dictaphone operat or. rrta:er Xr work at TM K D1TA- 1'HONH 429 Wash at.; positions open, no fe. THE KRA N0-A M BR It A N HYGIENE CO. seeks women to retail their preparations. capable, intelligent. U 11A oregonian. jOrX'l Udv as assistant to Hawaiian dancer; experience not required. Call Alain between :30 sad 1- on;y W ANT klD Woman to be companion young wife: xxd home and good wages. Main 174. g- corpen il IN ANTED Waitress; mul be experienced. s:iod war?, room and board. Mai lory hotel. 171 Lownsdale. LA PT in cleaning: and pressing establish mnt. one that can make herself useful. 27 N. 16th. 1 H R 'I Oh LT experienced girl In dress- making. Apply in person, - roau way J. . WANTED A rirl between IS and 16 as com panion while husuand. U away, tell wood WANTED Yotmg lady waitress, confec tionery store; wages 912 s week, ei N. gtn. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Mam 1Q2. A 261 f A NT K D Wal t ress. Beach hotel. July and August: mo place to work. East 7419. frALESLADY wanted at Japanese store. Ap p!y 411 Washington st- K Kohara A Co. tHORt'S GIRLR Highest wagra, long en gagementa; no traveling. Casino tmatcr. CHAMBERMAID wanted for hotel work. Apply Heiveua huul. 248isalmon SC WANTED 2 waitresses: aiao 1 dinner wsit ress. 2 1 N. 20th; Chestsrbury hotel. ivAPEKIENCED waitress, Seward dining room. 10th and Aider. hotel MAIDS wanted. Oregon Hotel. Apply Park street entrance. y I RT-CLAHS waitress, room and board fur piahed. with good pay. Alexandra Court. .VI Elis st. IOI NO iaJr for housekeeper. 4 aJu.ts. con genial fAimly. 9-0 E. Mtn st. CTRL for general housework. No washing. 145 N. 22d stu Main 4j:i. WANTED Toung lady to learn manicur ing and shampooing. AJ Oregonian. POSITION ooen with larse well-know firm; applicant must be well educated not office work: state education, expert ence and phone number. fiO 81, Oregonian. TEACHERS Splendid posltlona open for vacation; give education, experience and phone number. A R 4 .ft, oregonian. WANTED Fine cook snd housekeeper for a fine home in Pendleton; splendid salary and consideration guaranteed. Bdwy. 4A WANTED Millinery eppreo tires; must handy with the needle: none other need apply. emporium. J-o sixtn St. 8TENOGRA PHER Wbo-ele house; state ase. experience. references and phone ni mbcr. Ab Joo, oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper, good home: no oh' Jectlon to one or two children. 5"o alu win: take frt. jonns car. LNTBI.LIGBVT young girl for filing; at office between 9 and 11 A. M Cash Store, 80 Front sC annir Jones WANTED Cook st the smallpox hospital $2 per day; Id patients. Apply room 310 city nam YOUNG woman for kittfhen help; very good salary and room with board. 24 Alblna a ve. WANTED Woman to make her home here and care for invalid lady; easy, prmi. rent place, wages. Ab loj, oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographers, law, t(X; K. R.. 9100. timber, 1"0; oooK Keeper, 9100 to 9l-. zvi w. isana niag. HI'TH school glrla. tear hers, exceptional op portunity to make good money during va cation. Call after 3. 144 1st st. M 1 1. LINE RY rlmmers and maker expert rnred. wanted for c:tr and out or city po- suiona Apply lxtwengart at lo. GIRLS wanted for light factory work, good wages, steady work. Apply Amsncan can Co HID ana rronisii A WOMAN cook to cook at a small board )ng house at 2tH n. itb at.; state wagea Phons Broad ay GIRI light work small spL. may go home nights If preferred, si American apts. Broadway 8361. ANT gtrl La need of a friend apply to the Mlvatlon Army rtescne nome, ava aai loth st. or phone East 12A IOUNO WOMAN collector, solicit accounts from doctors and uentists. u u, ore goman. WANTED A Chambermaid at 204 Colum bia at. WANTED Cook's helper. Chester bury ho tel, 2U1 N. 20th. Wa aUc Kk LIABLE woTian to cook and assist with a-nenu housework. Tnree in ramuy. ino family waahlng. Wages 930. S 692, Ore gonian, WANTED Girl to assist with light house work; good wages: good noma, Pi. 24th sc. phone Marrhall 1321. G1K1. general housework, plain cooking; no washing or ironing: cnuaren; wages u por month wood lawn ai4. Jsl RSE girl, one who would like good home and wages. Home phone, t 14t.. WAITRESS wanted from 12 to 2 P. M, L eraiiy dub. 6in and Jefferson. WANTED Woman foe kUclten helper at the Patton Home; Wdla. lTtHJ. WANTED Woman for chamber work. CampbH hotel. 23d and Hot. MA.i;i.E gtrla and iron era. Apply lanndry department, Portland hotel. EXPERIENCED c;pr in drcasmaking shop. 415 Broadway bUg. V NTEK WANTED Girl An experienced Broadway. chain berinald. tasher. Apply American theater, cor. 1st and Main, after lO A. M. A NT E D Worn a n coo k for cafeteria, A p ply Boll man Lunch. M JJ ti BASKET makers at Multnomah Lumber A Bom Co.. foot of Bancroft ave. W ANT good g rl to work In confectionery. App'y i Washington. IX P KrTeNCE D fitter wanted. Apply 394 V ahing'on street- CHAMBERMAID for the Portland hotel. Caa at room 2.0. TOI NG INDIES te Work at Oaks Park. See V-a. Stiffens W ANTE! Cook. InsUtntional posiUoa. Call Main ftT. WANTED 2 waltreees. North ;h. W ANTE D W 1 1 rasa, t amjKteU aWtsi, WANTED Girl for general housework. Sun day off: beach in August; gooa wage. Phone Marshall 441ft. YOl'NG girl to help with housework after noons and eveninxs. Apply 1207 E. Flan clrs or T a bor WANTED Experienced girl for downstairs work; also laundress willing to go to beach. Main 2644. GIRL for 3 hours' housework in exchange f-r nice room and breakfast, small wages. Main 37to. WANTED Competent cook in small family: good wages; no washing. Main 32. 769 Northrup. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; no washing; best wages. Phone Marshall 4t . COMPETENT maid second work, willing to go to beach. Min 1214. or 7 7 7 Park ava. WANTED A girl to do reneral housework, fa.mily of four adults. Inquire 243 11th st. SXPEKJENCED girl for general houmwork; g In family; no washing. Wo-dlawn l.oq. GIRL to sssijt with light housework. Phone Main 4.M. EXPERIENCED girt for general housework; rvd wacea Phone East 1842. Vi ANTED Experienced girl for general housework, no upstairs work. Main eV3i WANTED School girt to take care of baby. 44$ Utb, ape No. 1- Marshall 37. GIRL for ho-j work In flat; no rooking or STT ST1ig: jiWtt HS SMb MAN or woman for mornings or afternoons only, fur ortlce work. Typewriter opera tor and some knowledge of bookkeeping desirable. Give nul information and sui ary wanted first letter. H 309, Ore gonian. RAILWAY mall clerk examinations August 23; 91100-9 1600 year; sample question free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3iti K, Rochester, N. Y. EVERY newsboy, schoolboy and girls to , make from 91 to 93 afternoons, guaranteed, respectable business. Call -room b, 397 First street. WE have a good proposition for high school boys and girls lu Portland; pays well and nice, clean work. Address AO 340, Ore goDla n. WEAVERS WANTED GOOD PAT. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS, OREGON CITY. CHERRY PICKERS wanted, A. Ledbury. Tabor 3U70. EDUCATIONAL, LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE DAYS FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto, Tractor, Gas Engine and Auto Electrical Work. BIG 100-PAGE CATALOGUE FREE. Address Ad cox Auto A Tractor school, DepC K, Union ave. and Wasco sc. Portland, Or. Phone East 7445. BURS ELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Now la the time to prepare for a better position. Our successful students prove that our methods are right. Individual instruction, new equipment. Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stars. Broadway 3464. Miss . Bursell, principaL DAT SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL. LUMBERMAN, qualified in mill manage ment., aaiesmananip ana witn wnoiesa. experience, iuat reDatriated. desires con nection; age 33; highest bank and mill referencea T 412. Oregonian. CARPENTER contracts, new or old work, plans and estimates cheerfully given. I can save you money: satisfaction cuaran teed: house raising and concrete. Phone Aiaranail ltt. LOGGER Thoroughly exDerienced in buy ing and selling, scaling and all kinds of logging In Oregon and Washington, wants a position: can xurnish A-i reierencea. av 14U, oregonian. GENERAL jobbing and repair work; ca penter contracting; garages, both concrete ana wooo; plans and estimate on applica tion. Hance A Lindley, 1877 Van Houten SC COl. Wi YOUNG man of executive ability, with man agerial and general office experience, de- Bires make connection with aroing concern. Best of references furnished. T 316, Ore soman. SALESMAN of middle asre wants staple lin lor city or good specialty. I am willing to put my car and time up against you goods; A-l references. AE 173. Oregonian. Al SALESMAN 20 years experience, serv ices available all afternoon ana evening. Salary and commission, none other con si tiered, ao .i&s, oregonian DISCHARGED soldier with "overseas serv ice desires clerical position, graduati bookkeeper, good at figures; can give ret erences. Af Oregonian. CARPENTER is prepared to do all kinds repair ana new worK, aay or contract. Fatt worker and reasonable. Phone Wdln 40U6 and 1 will call. HARVESTER MECHANIC 15 years experi ence Joits ieat coraninea narvesiers. wants repair work in country. W. Treisler, 33J Giiean sL, city. WA'NTED Position, man and wife, as Jan Itors; none but tirst-ciass nouses need apply; want same for July 1; best of ref erences. I'D one Main iur. WANTED Position "chef" first-class, best references, age 4i, American. Phone Broadway 3413, room lib. H 317, Orego nian. COMPETENT landscape gardener wants steady work on private place, city or coun try; best of references. Room 415 Helvetia hotel. 246 Salmon sc ALL kinds carpenter work done, general repair, contracts taicen. large or small first-class work; prices right. East 7820. East Alder St. LANDSCAPE gardener wishes a few more places to look alter, do new work ana take care 01 lawn ana now era. Call la bor 1222. WANTED Work as helper In saw filing room witn opportunity to learn tne trade. Address Millman, 106 Union ave., city. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. .61 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors, lgnltlou and starter work. Vulcanizing and re treading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and steam engineering, raecnanicai drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetyiene welding, sutomobile and tractor operating and repairing. Catalogue on each subjecc Write for one you wane Seattle Engineer ing School, Seattle. Wash. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE UF BEHNKE -WALKER. Business College. Portland. -Enrol any time. Telegrapfiy. stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men snd women wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free bookleC Hallway Telegraph Institute. MAN and wife, general management of hotel, resort or commercial or ciera ana nouse keeper; reierencea. P 212, Oregonian. ENGINEER and mechanic wants steady work in or out of city. Phone fc. ltxtu, Address Engineer, 8(6 East Ankeny. YOUNG man wants position, experienced salesman; Dent reierencea. Dona u neoes- sary. BO it6. Oregonian. YOUNG man, excellent typist, good knowl edge otuce worn, aeaurea position. &eu wood 201. EXPERIENCED cafeteria man wants poai tion as manager. Address box 6L R. D. 27, Wrtgnta Cai. 3 44-TON truck with or without trailer. wauia work; go any place. 833 Mai lory ave. wood lawn iui. CARPENTER WORK. Concrete work. Repairing, Reasonable prices. East 1644. YOUNG carpenter wishes small jobs of car peter work : rates very reasonable. 16. ttout st. Phone Marshall 677. LADIES, LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE We teach everything, nigm scnooi, to a o'clock; learn a trade, good wages when finished. Sanitary Parlors. 400 Dekum b!d(t. Marshall 1702. LUMBERMAN desires position as manager or mill loreman ; unaerstanos tne busi ness. AP 2Ub, Oregonian. college stlident wants position in store or office during summer, quick at figures. iSU 4-'. oregonian. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pavs you white learning, gives you a set of tool. Positions secured. Send for cata logue. 2-14 Burnside st. Broadway It'll. PECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer, all other mod. bus tne" courses. Day, nijcht school. Allsky bldg.. Sd and Mor. Main ;il4. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trane in c ween, p w m loaming, po sition guaranteed. 234 Couch sC MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free. wagea while learnins:: position guaranteeo, Oreson Barber College. Madison sC ROCKY MOUNTA IN TEACHERS AGENCY. Frank K. weties, ex-aaai. r(aie eupi., mgr. V. W. Bank b'.ds. Teachers placed promptly. HAVE your automobile truck, tractor over hauled at your nome oy iirst-ciasa me chanic Marshall 18&5. COOK'S helper and flunkey, working- camp economical. Address Cook, 2o7 obth sC feouth .asu BY all-around chef: cook In hotel or board Ing house; city or country. O' 707, Ore gonian. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. ENERGETIC young man desires position with firm where ability and perseverence are appreciated; have had previous selling experience, can also ao general otucs work. At. uregonian. MAN, competent bookkeeper, experienced! in waiting on traae, wnoiesaie ano. rii. done some collecting, can drive car, is w illing and honest; referencea Tabor 2789. GRADUATE BOOKKEEPER DESIRES WORK. X 814. OREGONIAN. K AST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckcl's private ahool: individual Instruction. 1224 Grand ave. East 427. PORTLAND GRADE TEACHER WTLL TAKE Pl'fllvM r.ri rr.iiAb 1 M n I - TION DI KLNu cU MMK.K. 1ABUK WANTKD To study bookkeeping under pri vate Instructor. Aaaress A id, Orego nian. TEACHERS wanted: registi .tion free. Inter- Mountain cit service, inc., uiarn, nan. MISS MATTlN'ILi S Shorthand, Typewrit ing School; 9 mo. i4tn. Mam 3W3, TKACHING position, free registration. M 4 "". Fisk Teacners- agency, journal Diag. ATES-F1SHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6L't4. Proadwuy bldg. BE International Correspondence Frhoois can raise your salary. 1H1 Broadway. 8ITCATTOy8 WANTED MALE. YOUTH, 0. wanta Job evenings from 6 P, M. on. HL 4 JU. oregonian. WANT work; handy with tools; aiso good with team. BD 4 oregonian. TEADY position by married man: 2 years' grocery experience; rers. ast 1 x4. APANESE boy wants any kind of work; hotel or restaurant. js ti2, Oregonian. WANT Job driving truck or in garage, part wages pay ior car. w oouiawn lou. PAINTING, outside: also tinting, papering. Interior finishing. Benton. ast wa. DARKROOM msn wants work In kodak fin ishing ahop. Jjavia, Aiaer notec CARPENTER contracts taken for building or aJterationa Manny, beuwooa 241. EXPERIENCED M. P. operator wants posi tion out of city, m. U4 Aiaaison l ALL-AROUND BAKER wants position, coun try preferrea. rc lo. oregonian: WALL tinting or Interior painting. Manny, Sellwood :4zl COMPETENT Japanese cook wanted, work In family, n i'sv oregonian. CARPENTER, A-l mechanic, remodeling or ir worn, rnone xaoor hv4U. ANTED Work to do at home, rood Dew- man. BF bDl. Oregonian. HOUSE PAINTING, good work and reason able prices. iawriwji, eta, o.&r to o:3AL PLUMBER Repair toilets, boilers, stoppage ANTED Position by experienced man or janitor or watchman. Sell wood 3710. PAPERHANGfNG. painting and tinting; gooq wort ; ngiu pri 1 a. war. -t yj. Ol'NG MAN wanis kitchen work. per day, J. oregonian. JAPANESE wants position as schoolboy or tiousewora. a vresouian. CEMENT WORK of any kind, anywhere; sat- facuon guaranieeo. xvast ovi4. PAINTING, paperhajiging and oaldmining. Phone r-asx NTING. Main 41" kalsomlnlng, neat work. Ca.l ANTED Small set of books to keep dur ing eveninga AC 1O6. Oregonian. ANTED Work for 2 -ton truck. Sell wood 2454, pomiiv sA "ight watch ma a. Xbor Soldiers ana Smllora, BY discharged soldier; would like position driving or garage job; am competent driv er snd know the city; would consider any other kind of employment where hon esty and reliability count; am married aad ha e good education ; I want some thing permanent. What have you? Call Wood lawn -tyi- YOUNG married man, honorably discharged from C. S. army, derdrea position as book keeper, auditor or accounianC Excellent references. K, G. McCulioch, 211 12th sC, Portland, Or'. Phone Main 84Ca. LIVE young man. 23, desires an opportunity with a wholesale bouse or similar place where he may progrena in the sales de partment; competent in clerical work; use tvpvrriter. BC ISft, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 23 years old. Just discharged from the army wishes employment as a shipping, receiving or stock clerk. Can furnish refs. Call Mar. 3464. YOUNG roan with good references wants out-door work to do mornings or after noons. W 22 T, Ore go n ian. MECHANICALLY Inclined young man, will ing to work hard to learn a trade; I must hare work at once. X 755. Oregonian. YAI'VP. I.1DY wlahM DO i tion In Office. clerical work or meeting tne puoiic; gooa reference. Write AN 240, oregonian. WANTED Position as camp cook, good, strong woman, can handle 40 men; best of references. Phone Broadway 4862. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate-Price Hotel of Merit, HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotei Oil ford is the rrhcipal eat side hotel and Is a hotel at dignity and refine ment. Daily rates SI. 00 up; two in room, 31.73; weekiy rates. 35 and up. NORTONIA HOTEL, Port'and's downtown . hlgh-ciss family hotel; rooms en suite or singie, with or without board, for families and business men and women. Wa give you ail the comforts of a home. Reason able rates. FURNISHED rooms for rent, with or with- out board. Broad way a 1 4b Furnished Rooms in Private Family. Bookkeepers Steaograpners, Office. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper desires a position until September Call CoL 1106, EXPERIENCED filing clerk desires posi tion; some stenographic work. CaU Tabor 7644 before noon. POSITION as typist, knowledge of stenog raphy and bookkeeping. X 754, Orego- EFFICIENT stenogrspher and bookkeeper, 5 years tx-p., best of ref. Main 2817. BY JULY 1, clerical position; will consider substitute work. BD 414. Oregonian. LARGE, cheerful front room, well fur nished for housekeeping, electric lights, telephone, hot water and wash trays, $5 wmaIt ilMnlnr rnnnii S4: aangle room. $2.50, pleasant surround ing a 204 E. 3d st, j Walking distance. 1 ortn FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. THE STELvt-YN, HIGH CLASS. 2 and S-rra, apis, with sleeping porches, furnished In beautiful Chinese rugs, w 11 low and mahogany; a pleasant summer home; also suite of rooms, exceptionally choice; references require, itar. 283-t. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store: good surroundings, stnctly modern, 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. all outside, with French doors and balcony. VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern furnished a part meat e the Pacific coast; Roof Uardea In Connection. Reference NBWLT furnished large front room in nice home, private phone, hot water, walk ing distance, suitable for 1 or 2 gentle men. 86 N. 17th st. Broadway 815. NICE, large front room, nicely furnished, good neighborhood, one block from Haw thorne car. 254 E. 16th at-, cor. Madi son. East 234. NICELY furnished room In private family for gentlemen; 15 min. walk to center of city. Phone C 1066. MODERN well-furnished rooms with sleep ing porch; everything furnished; In pri vate family. 260 East 23d at. Phone 3451. ' CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th. ft minute ous. center, 3-room iront oor .-; 2 -room back. 135; both phones free, new, modern, clean; save car fare; referencea CLINTON APTS.. 523 East 16th sC Three rooms, furnished, modern, two beds, clean; take Woodstock or Richmond car at 2d and Alder. Phone Sell wood 1032. CHAPMAN APT., modern brick bldg. ; front corner 2-room apL, private hath, 3 lartat windows, phone, walking distance. 35o Chapman, cor. Mill. GIRLS wants washing and ironing. 5180. Dressmakers. WANTED Dressmaker, coats, dresses and alterations, has few more days to spare this month: 33.50 day. Coiumbia 501 after 7 P. M. or before 7:30 A M. RELIABLE sffice girl, a good accountant. one familiar with Underwooa typewriter preferred. Call office Oaks Amusement Park. DRESSMAKING Is an art; we are artists; lit ting stout women ray specialty; most reasonable prices. Phone Main 7007, apt. B. EXPERIENCED, capable bookkeeper-sten ographer wants work, in or out of city. Phone Main 1715. DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy, prices reasonable; service prompt. 00 7 Montgom ery st. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing: prices reasonable. 62 . N. 21st at. Main 660o. WANTED Sewing, ptain dresses for ladies at iiii cents to cniiaren. cast s. FOR 1 or 2 young men, large front room. not and cola water; aoor opens on porcn; 1st-class home. 351 W.Park. Mar. 4:115. VERY attractive well -furnished room In modern private home. West side. Fire-place, all conveniences. Mar. 101U. FURNISHED room in private home for one or two gentlemen. Call after 6:30 P. Al. or Sunday. 326 Tenth sc YOUNG couple have very large room in well furnished home, on . Broadway, close in. East 6180. 4-ROOM furnished apt. ; clean, light and airy; hardwood floors, adulta Main 7422. Unfurnished Apartmenta, ATTRACTIVE 3-room unfurnished apart ment, all modern conveniences, desirable locaton, garage space If desired. $24 to parties without children. See Janitor, Waverly Court, E. 26th and Clinton sts. NICELY furnished front room for 1 01 gentlemen; walking distance west side. croaaway 31:0. LARGE furnished room with sleeping porch suitable for two or more. Main 7U23. 313 W. Park. LARGE clean front room, close in. choice location, reasonable. Main 1263. dotf lOtn streec NEWLY furnished large rooms, walking dls tan ce, modern, very reasonable, lot J. lbth. GRADUATE nurse wishes position as as sistant to doctor or dentist- xiu ., Oregonian. A .CHRISTIAN SCIENCE nurse, would leave city, a ol oregonian. WANTED Position as practical nurse. Broadway 251KL Housekeepers. NEAT, refined young lady, with quiet boy of 9. desires position as nousKeeper ror clean, fatherly, elderly ' gentleman, with nice home. V 38. Oregonian. LADY wants position housekeeper . for widower or where work is iignt: nome more than wages. Call in person at Del majo hotel. Miss Baker WANTED Position as housekeeper by a re fined lady witn one cnua in a wiaowers home; references exchanged. S 706, Ore gonian . REFINED lady wants position as house keeper; wilt go to beacti, jars. Jtu. c iay lor, 431 E. 37th st., city YOUNG woman 'will do general housework for small family at seashore, av iiu, oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED TO LEASE FOR SIX MONTHS. A man and wife, strictly reliable, want to rent a strictly modern 5 or 6-room house and garage, In a good district; will consider no flats or apartments; can pay 340. See Mr. Chris ten son, 267 H Oak sc Main 1743. RESPONSIBLE business man. who will take excellent care of property, wisnes to lease modern bungalow with garage, now or by Aug L Res- phone Tabor 2857, office Broadway 232. WANTED 4 OR 5-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE; MUST bfi KA30iN a3Ji. aaifl 313 AFTER A. M. WANTED Unfurnished house, 5 or 6 rooms. close in; wouia consiuer uu.ub, payment down, reasonable rent, quite Ciose in. Call room 644, Hotel Portland. BY RESPONSIBLE couple, 5 or 6-room flat or modern nouse tio rem1; win ad vance one year's rent if necessary; west side preferred. Broadway 4244. TWO large furnished rooms with kitchen ette, price $14; bath and toilet. Tabor 2356. FURNISHED sleeping room, one housekeep ing loom, suitable tor one; reason aula. East 1952. NICELY furnished room in beautiful home suitable for 1 or 2 people. 414 Market. NICE front room in Irvington home; young man preierrea. rnone Last zuio. TWO well-furnished rooms in modern home gentlemen preferred. Woodlawn 4ih7. NICELY furnished room In private home for gentleman. 400 Clay, cor. lUtn. FURNISHED rooms SS and $10 per month ISO N. 18th St., cor. Johnson, 2 CLEAN attic rooms in nice home, cheap. 10 N. 18th SC Brwy. 105. LARGE front room for gentleman. 16 2lsC Broadway 2087. LARGE, pleasant room, with board. Irving 3C A NICELY furnished sleeping room. Bdwy. 241. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 Washington. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23d and Hoyt. Residence Hotel ; American Plan. Excellent Dining Room Service. On Carline, Near Garage. Reasonable Kates. Day Week Month. ONE of the finest homes In Portland, recent ly fitted out to provide home accommoda tions for discriminating people. offers splendid suite with private bath, private entrance, garage and all modern conven iences; also 2 very attractive double rooms with board, located in one of the most de sirable sections of the city ; large, at tractive grounds, good car service, close in. .attractive dining room service. Phone East BAIRN BRAE A beautiful country home for children; large grounds, scientific home care; tutoring if desired; a desira ble place for desirable children. Phone Main 3U39. MODERN 6 or 7-roora bungalow with garage; will lease ror one or 1 wo years state rental. X 778, Oregonian. WANTED To lease for 1 year, Irvington A iatrict. bouse. -o rooms. 1 sleeping porch, garage. East 5l5. WANTED to rent, a 5 ot- 3-room house, close in. will taae tne neoi 01 cre, uiu uu wife, 1 boy. BD 426, Oregonian. WANTED Modern bouse to rent; four bed rooms: near scnooi; oe wtj uwuwi preferred. Broadway 343J. OR 6-ROOM bungalow type preferred with raE6 or space 10 erect a.raD. , xj. Winters, Marshall 1241. WANTED To rent 6 or 6-room modern house. A. -P. winaiey. Armour u. Y July 5. 2 unfurnished rooms, oata, ana furnished Kltcnen. x em. resoiijiLii. UMED oak furniture, complete four rooms. $H month. mu sen ai i-. ROOM furnished cottage, modern. 42d st. rast sine, riiuuo . . . MODERN 5-room bungalow, garage. Can Mrs. Coote, aamo. Rooms. WOULD like room in private family for elderly laay wnre nits a hu oiuer boarders; Portland Heights or near that section of city. A r ant, uregonian. -nmwa ateam heat, hot and cold water. Oatn, reanriiiaoio ien ui.fciv - Hut, Vancouver. v ash. Rooms With Board. YOUNG lady employed wishes room and board, in private larany, waiaiug uib tance. Write to Miss Herman, care of Knight Shoe Co. TWO ladies and 3-year-old boy desire board at once at moaern iarm cio w x-uruaua. Sast 281", 661 taytor. Unfurnished Rooms, WO unfurnished rooms with bath and kitchenette, west siue. jaoor aner p. Apartments. Y gentleman and wife for the summer, a or O-room aparioieui wiiuiiieieij ana finely furnished; roust be on west side and strictly fine in every respect. Main 4430, 1 to 4. Flats. WANTED 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT OR 3 HOC&si iCfLNU itoca. w. MAIN 313. WANTED About July 6, two unfurnished flats, from 4 to o rooms; prexer west siae. AR 598, Oregonian. SOLDIER wishes position as salesman: have Ford roadster: have 3 years' selling ex perience. BF 590. Oregonian. WANTED Position as accountant. Have had six months experience on bloc a oooaa. Y 330. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS shrfe salesman, have had ex perience as manager of shoe store. Ad dress 5528 71st sc S. EL Y 331, Oregonian. WOULD like private chauffeur job. can give good reference, can do own repair wora, can leave city. K. 3737, Apt. 6. DISCHARGED overseas soldier, exceLent typist, good knowledge on ice wora. no sires position. Sellwood 251. DISCHARGED soldier wants position as chauffeur. rnone Manor auuv. EX-SOLDIER wants 2 or 8 hours work in morning or evening, r zai. urfgonian. SOLDIER student, desires work after school hours. Room J5 . M. C. a. SnXATION WANTED FEMALE- FOB BENT. Furnished Rooms. $3 to $5 Per Week, THE GARLAND, Desirable modern outside rooms, 25 Trinity sc, cor. Washington, bet. 19th and 20th. Main 1135. THE GEM HOTEL. 665 y First SC Transient and housekeeping rooms, 25c a day and up; $1.50 a week and up; one week's rent free to start- HEREFORD hotel, 735 Hoyt. modern resi dential hotel, excellent table; meals served to transients; reasonable rales. Phone Main 3305. WALDORF COURT. E. th and Schuyler sts., 5 rooms with large sleeping porch, private phona. hardwood floors: one of the most modern and up-to-date apartments In the city; rent $65; vacant July 1. 3-ROOM modern apC, steam heat, private phone, disappearing bed, gas range, etc.; $2S. No children. Waverley Court East 26th ard Clinton sts. 4 OUTSIDE rooms and bath, furniture for sale or job lot price H of new; rent $3A; solid oak. and sewing machine- Mar- shall 2309. ROSENFELD APTS., 14th and K. Stark 4-rm. unfurnished apC, $32.50, in modern brick building. GARDNER 13th and EL Ash; 3 large rooms, modern, clean, newly tinted. East 2871. GARFIELD 4-roora modern apartment, 361 East Falling. 1 block west Union. Flats. MODERN 3-room unfurnished fiat with gas range and nice yard; $17.50 per month. 567 Powell it, H block from Sellwood car. Brooklyn car passes door. Main 4Sfll. 262 ROSS ST., 6-room upper flat, walking distance, pear Harnman bridge. East 281. FOR RENT Unfurnished 3-room upper flat. 5n2 Mary st. Brooklyn car. FOR RENT 4 rooms, modern flat, adults. 11 7 Williams ave. 4-ROOM lower flat, walking distance. Agent, d44 . uiamook. 5-ROOM flat, with or without garage. k. fcjveretc FLAT for rent, $12. Manor o-mu. 755 Va Alberta. Call 5 ROOMS flat, garage, $15. 1840 E. QUsan. Furnished Flats. 5-ROOM well furnished flat, garage, good residence district, east side, close in, near good high school; will lease; references required. P 1H3, Oregonian. MONTHS of July and Aug.. furnished four- room riau bath, water, gas and lights, t'iO; two blocks from Broadway bridge. 202 M aicMillan st. NICELY furnished 4 -room fist, close In, west aide. 6-0 Main sc. near Multno mah club; rent $55. Main 915. 4 ROOMS furnished completely, everything new and clean; Nob ui aistricu can Broadway 5450 till 1 P. M. FURNISHED 3-room flat for rent, $16, In cluding light and water. Long A ailva. 402 Hawthorne ave. g-ROOM furnished flat, near Piedmont car barns. $!.. Phone vdin. Bo3T. EXPENSIVELY furnished 5-roora f lat for rent. Main 1973. 3-ROOM furnished flat, $25. Vancouver ave. Wdln. 1953. 7u Housekeeping Booms. $20 PER MONTH; well-furnished 2 house- Keeping rooms; ugnt ana piace 10 wasn; no objection to children; also bachelor's quarters, $15 per month, outside room. 203 Union ave., 1 block south of Hawthorne. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th st. For business girls and stu dents; reasonable rates. Marshall lii;l. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th, choice rooms and board, modern conveniences, warning ais- tance. CHESTERBURY HOTEL. 201 N. 20TH. American plan hotel ; desirable rooms excellent table; meals served transients. ROOM and board for business girls, all modern conveniences; walking distance $4 perweek. East 432. 1 L. 7th sc PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board. exceiient taoie; close in. o Montgomery near West Park. AIRY rooms, single or double; good board close in.- zoi I4tn st. SUMMER home for boys: terms reasonable. 324 South Main, ro rest throve, or. Rooms With Board in Private Family. TWO very pleasing rooms, suitable for gen tteman only, with delightful surround Ings, with or without breakfast and din ner. 1255 HaUey aC Tabor 1933. CORNER room, suitable for 2 men; lots of hot water ana snower Dam: gooa norm cooking, or will give table board wltliou room, b&l OJisan su TWO working men to room and board i small congenial ramuy ot young people piano, modern. .Main 013. ROOM and board for voung lady employe piano, nome privileges, warning aisiance. 4'io ciay luwaiu ! ROOM and board for gentleman In strictly private family; reierencea. road way 1782. ovtc hi- room with board for 2 men or mar ried coupie, nome privileges, wane enamel furniture. eoe n. Jitn. xaoor atfuj. ROOM and board, private family. 394 Co lumbia sc stain Q4. - ROOMS, with meals. 320 11th corner Clay, Furnished Apartments. THE EVERETT, 644 EVERETT. Furnished three-room apartment; all modern conveniences, BONNIE BRAE. 1 Three rooms, bath and dressing room, large closets; white enamel rinusa; irving ton di." tricC East 4619. FURNISHED 3-room court apts.. $25 and $27.60, facing "street. S& and $40. Last 2846. Jackson Apts., 51 Union ave. ONE room and kitchenette, walking dis tance, reasonable. qj.o Jo.hl, near roaa way. MORASLO APARTMENTS. Cory sleeping, for rent. 554 E, Madi son, cor. 13th. Phone East 8Q65. KINGSBURY APTS.. 186 VISTA AVE. H-room apt with outside balcony. From $50 pp. Call Main 3&6-t. 3 OR 4 OUTSIDE rooms, heat, hot water, light and gar page, o.oh. no cnuuren. 240 East 16th st. East 358L FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment until iseptemDer: ftiiver ourt, irving ton; rent $45. call Last sitf. 2 AND 3-room furnished h. k. apartments walking distance to principal Duainess sec tion. 3924 E. Burnside. HOTEL NAVARRE. Alder street at Eleventh, central loca tion, elegantly furnished rooms; rates by week HOTEL Everett, Broadway and Everett sts., modern conveniences, 2 blocks from new postoffice. Transient, $1 uj; weekly, $4 up- HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st, at Tenth Fates $1 per day up; weekly, $4 up; run ning water, free phone and bath. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash, sc ; downtown location, respectable and strictly modern, steam heat; rooms large, clean. NEAT, refined young lady, 27, experienced elevator operator, desires steaay position.. No Sunday work. V 385. Oregonian. WANTED Work at home addressing en velopes ana ioiaing circuiam, wriin fuua business hand. Phone Wdin. 555. EXPERIENCED switchboard operator and oifice assistant wisnea position. n give references. Y 342. Oregonian. REFINED lady, easterner, would like house keeping position ior reiuiu ieuueiuu. ABjpL Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of children evening wmie momer is swar; reuuea Woodlawn 161L EXPERIENCED lady wants bo usee lean ing. washing. other wora nour or uay. Woodlawn 6305. NEAT appearing lady wishes a position as casmer, cau sa em : - v. ginian. . YOUNG lady attending business college de- Pires work balf days. At 40, uregoman. COLLEGE girl wishes positi Broadway 4 iv A SUITE of nicely furnished rooms, piano included, $30; in downtown ouuaing; rei erences. P. O. Box 195. ONE small Bleeping room on the lower floor, $2.50 per week. 535 Couch sc Broadway 3608. ONE or two aieeping rooms, one H. K. apartment, delightful surroundings. Phone Broadway 2266. j THREE furnished rooms $15 month; near carbarn. W. E. St we, 108 Killings worth ave. DELIGHTFUL room with bath for two re fined young men. Phone Broadway 2266. SARGENTIjoTEL, 271 Grand ava, h. k. ape and sleeping rooms. East 29 L LARRABEE HOTEL. 227 Larrabee; mod, clea n. steam heat; $2.50 up. East 849. HOTEL MADRAS, Washington and 12th, all conveniences; $4 and $5 week; $1 day. MODERN sleeping rooms for renL New hall hotel. 402 E. Washington. HILLCREST HOTEL Private bath, phone. $25 and $30 per mo. 733 Wash. 2iW FRONT room, dam ia. 32ft Ui ct vi KOMIS ANNEX, modern, housekeeping, SIR up. 245 17th sC N., cor. Marshall. Phone Broadway 2642. JULIANA APTS., 45 Trinity Place. 2 and 3 room furnished ap rUuents. Adults ouly Mar. 609. CLEAN modern, very handy. 2 or 3-room apartments. Kelso apC, 3V2 Hawthorne ave. , BAGGAGE snd furniture moving: phon Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 411'j Stark GARDNER 13th snd E . Ash; 3 large rooms, h Irony: adults only; referencea K. 2871. GRAND OAK apt. 2 and rooms, snictiy modern. Grand ave. E. Oak. East 3302. PENINSULA APTS.. 1135 Albina ave Con crete bldg.. 2 and 3-room apts. Wdln. 1352. MODERN. 3 rooms and private bath, near Wdln ana vancuuvw . muuc &nt PORTNOMAH 4 rooms, hardwood floors, walking distance, adults. 2U0 East 13th. 2-ROOM furnished apt for July and August, $30 per month. Call Marshall 2815. FOR RENT Modern 3-room apartment. Grand esta Apartments, East 20. FLORENCE APTS., 388 11th, 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch; also 3-room fiaC COMPLETELY furnished 2 -room apartment. 680'fr Lombard, SC John's car. GARFIELD I rooms, porch, ing, 1 block west Union ave. 301 E. Fail- HOUSE KEEPING apartments, hotel, 10th and Alder. Alexander LAMBROOK apts., E. 7th and Yamhill; two room ape East 4062. COMPLETE apartment, $19. concrete bldg. wooaiawn ou. 3-ROOM partly furnished apartment. See bOJLUCr, out cauuj iimh FURNISHED, clean H. Kl. suite. 2 or 3 rms.. free lighc phone, hot and cold water; $18. Separate entrance, porch. ya-d, fine view, walking distance. 480 College sc Main 6249 or Marshall 3843. 10 to 4. LOVELY, large, two-room completely fur nished housekeeping suite; $18 month, free lights, hot wnter. bath, phone, etc. The Todd. East 12th and Stark. 2-ROOM siiite and private bath, and 2 sin gle housekeeping rooms, ground floor; hot and cold water; close In. 564 Flanders, near 17th. Broadway 1098. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, $15 up per month; eiean H. K. rooms, including electric lights, hot water, gas range. 12 Lh and Marshall. FOUR completely furnished housekeeping rooms In rear of store, near shipyards, in South Portland; rent $20.75. Telephone Main 2317. TWO very nice clean H. K. rms., gas range, large ard, $16; 2 blocks off Washington, 509 Davis. Call before 10:30 or after 5. FOUR large, unfurnlslied rooms, $10; twe rooms. $5 per month; gaa, electric. Al bina districC Adults. Tabor 571. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1 and 2 apts.; $2.50 week and up. 372 H 1st and Montgomery. ONE and two rooms, furnished, for light housekeeping. au west i-arx street cor. Taylor. 2 HOUSE KEEK ING rooms, completely fur nished, hot water, close in. a-JB aiain sc FoR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Call Tabor 75S1. 3 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, unfurnished. 286 Haisey sc BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway 4Ul. Aiert a rangier, exue stara. 461 E. MORRISON, comer E. 8th: furnished '-room housekeeping apartments: aouita. DORMER. 283 13TH ST.. Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. FRONT housekeeping room. $5 wk. 4 blocks from Meier & Frank a. Karic. THREE housekeeping rooms. Apply 66 N. 21st st., near wasn. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. CaU 2U5 N. 23d sC ALCOVE housekeeping room for rent. 5g Flanders. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 189 W. Park. FOR RENT 3 or 4 -room unfurnished. 449 Hall. 8 ROOMS, near car. Phone Wdln. 2663. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. LA RGB 3d floor room, furnished, light housekeeping, Hgnc oatn, gas, pnone, ciose in, outside, cool, airy. 387 12th sc VERY desirable light housekeeping auite; front rooms witn balcony; west siae, ciose in. 6,"6 GllsaneC ' 3-ROOM auite with private bath, $30; alse 2 -room suite, a-iu. juarsnau 01 -. 20th. just off Wash- TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, pri vate family, cniiaren carea ior curing usj. 865 Haisey. FURNISHED H. K. suite, clean, coxy, pri vate f ami ly. lo s- tn. cor. aw. 1237. . ROOMS, every convenience. 781 Kearney; very reasonable. Main 7713. 2 CHEERY rooms, 1st floor; walking dis tance. 3ia merry at., cor, c. iau THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; pri vate entrance. iv- . 1am p FOUR housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, lo per mnum. ow uu HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms in quiet nomeuse piace. iMiu ONB 3 -roomed H. JC apartmenC 202 11th ., 1 sleeping ana . n.. ruom. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms at 1000 M. Main. Manor oiw. TlOU-''KEEPING rooms and kitchenette, $18. 320 Tillamook. NEWLY fitted-up, desirable H. K. rooms. 515 Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, also care of chil dren. b in. ninst- .. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 125 14th sL, near Washington. TWO nice, lame, light housekeeping rooma. 244 Montgomery. LARGE clean well-furnished housekeep ing room.", suitable for 3- 63 N. 30th, near Wash. sEVEN-room bouse. Grand ave. and bldg. , HOUSE of 12 rooma for renC furniture for ie. good location. 01a gwenanu. miuk. STRICTLY modem cottage. Call at 9D Northwest cann piox. oeiween o aim J ROOM Tiouse with one acre. 2502 E. 71st Bt.. near Division. Apply 1306th sC SIX-ROOM cottage, $1. No small chil dren. Apply 4i4i siontg-omery w.. HorSE for rent, furniture for saie. 3ttl JL 43d. Tanor som. ALarun i