THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE - 25, 1919. church. Interment waa in Rivervlew 0 cemetery. The pallbearers were J. P. Rasmussen. W. J. GI1L Judge Bell. F. R. Chown, A. M. Russell and Wylie A. Moores. BY IRISH REPUBLIC MOUNT ANGEL Or, June 14. Spe-I cial.) The funeral of Edward Zollner. I Vacation Suits For Young Men YOU will admire the soft fabrics the smart, easy-f itting lines of these cleverly-styled suits for young men. I show many patterns, both in the waistline model and in the high waist English model. Wherever you go with these suits, my label assures satisfaction. $18 to $50 Young; Men, Second Floor, who was drowned in Willamette river at Portland Thursday, was buried from I St. Mary's church here Sunday." The I This picture waa completed jt before bis departure for Toledo local band and large concourse of peo 250,000 Pounds to Be Offered ple, including a sauad of boys in uni form, accompanied the body to the I WHO WILL WIN THE FIGHT? cemetery. The deceased had Just a short while ago returned from service overseas and bad received his dis charge. His youngest brother, who , Abroad, Says De Valera. was also in service in France, bad reached Camp Lewis on his return RESISTANCE IS PROMISED when informed of the death of his I brother. WC MM DEAD Drastic Measures Threatened Against COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. British Yho Seek to Keep Irish men From Csing Resources. WILLARD PARKER ANDRCS STARTING PASSES AWAY IX CITY HOTEL. NEW IORK, Jane 24. The Irish re public proposes to Issue bonds to the mount of fl. 000.000. President Earaonn Ie Valera announced tonight. Half the Issue will be offered to the public for Immediate subscriptions. 250.000 in Ireland and 250.000 abroad. The bonds Trtll be of small denominations. In order to obtain recognition for our own de lure Eoverrunent and for the Irish republic." Mr. De Valera said, -we shall send at once our accredited representatives to Paris to the peace 'conference and to the league of na tions. "We shall send also to other coun tries a number of duly accredited am bassadors and consuls to see that the position of Ireland is understood as It trulT is. "At the present time of general world reconstruction it Is most Important that the material interests of the country at home be also looked after, and by Irishmen. It will be the duty of our ministry to secure the co-operation and to co-ordinate the activities or the va rious bodies which have taken volun tartly on themselves the safee-uardlng and advancement or these Interests. Towards English legislation interfer ing with these interests we sball act aa we think best for the general good. "To measures, such as the English ways and communications bill, designed as regards Ireland to prevent Irishmen from using the natural resources oi their own country, we shall offer all tbe resistance we command as being both Injurious and unjust. Tbe bond issue will be repaid. Mr. re Valera said, six months after the English evacuation of Ireland. He de nied emphatically that Russian or Ger man money ever had been used for promoting the cause of Ireland. DCBIJN. June !. By the Associat ed Press.) With reference to an alle gation made by Messrs. Walsh and L-unne. representatives of American Irish societies that the prosecution of Countess Markievics. Sinn rein leader, was in retaliation for the countess having given Information to the dele rates concerning brutalities against Irish women, an official denial of this charge waa issued at Dublin castle to- tar. The denial aays the countess was or dered prosecuted May 2i. long before the first statement of the delegates was made. Treasurer of Multnomah Council I and Holder of Membership Rec ord of Oregon Commandery. Willard Parker Andrus. who died Sunday afternoon at the Campbell hotel following a brjef illness, had been a resident of Oregon aince 1902. in I which year he came here from Kalama- I soo. Mich. He was born October 10, 1849 In Poughkeepsle. X. Y.. and when about yeara of age became afflicted with asthma, which caused his death. Mr. Andrus was prominent in Masonic I circles and while a resident of Hood : i A-. ; P. Aadraa. " " ' ' '' ' ' '' IQenSellixi' lin MorrisonStreei at Fourth: "w IB HH FAMILY SAFE LETTER YESTERDAY BRINGS WELCOME NEWS. VUIarJ IS STILL ALIVE KLAMATH, FALLS MAX SHOT BY WOJUX IX GR-WE STATE. Assailant at Liberty on Bail, I ' VnUer Care of Physicians, and Thought Deranged. KUMATH TALLS. Or, June 14. (Special.) Dr. G. C. Mitchell, who was shot and perhaps fatally mounuea oy JHrs. T. J. Nicholas of this city early last erenlnr. was still alive at the Klamath general hospital tonight and bis attending physicians said that It will be two or three days before there will be any marked change in his con dition. Mrs. Nicholas, his elderly as sailant, ia at liberty on ball of J3000 and under care of a physician. Mrs. Nicholas Is said to hare shot Dr. Mitchell because he mistreated ber pet dog. No statement has been made by the defendant regarding the shooting, but the most reliable report obtainable is to the effect that Mrs. Nicholas brooded over Dr. Mitchell's chastising her dog nntil she became demented. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas, being childless, were more than ordinarily attached to their dog. Dr. Mitchell Is said to have mis treated the animal for eating eggs at bis stable. ANTI-DISEASE DRIVE OPENS Clarke County to Raise Funds to Aid Tuberculosis Patients. VANCOUVER. Wash, June 24. (Spe cial. The educational campaign of the Anti-Tuberculosis league of Clarke county opened this morning and is to continue the remainder of the week. The purpose of the campaign is to raise funds for the care of persons in the county afflicted with tuberculosis. The league plans to employ a visiting nurse to help carry on the work. Prevention measures and methods to cure the dis ease will be told by speakers. Dr. Striker and William C Bates spoke at Camas tonight. Dr. Herbert Lieser and A. L. Miller spoke at Wash ougal this evening. Dr. J. K. P. Chal mers spoke at trie V. S. A. theater. Other speakers are: Before the Elks lodge Tuesday evening and Prunarians Wednesday, J. W. Shaw; Woodmen lodge. Wednesday evening. James O. Blair; this evening at La Center. Henry Crass and R. D. Wiswall: shipyards. Clement Scott; at the regular meetings of Barberton. Fishers and Minnehaha granges. E. J. O Conned; C P. Bush. Riverside and La Center granges. Obituary. fcLUKMi. Or.. June Si. (Special.) Mrs. Sarah S. Marquiss. a member of one of the best-known families in this section of the state, died at the home of ber daughter. Mrs. Nellie Matlock, in Eugene, yesterday at the age of 2. Mrs. Marquiss was born near Eugene and lived in this locality all her life. Surviving are four sons and four daughters: B. J. Marquiss of Veneta. L. Marquiss of North Bend. Kloyd Mar quiss of Chlco. CaL. M. Marquiss of Eugene, Mrs. V. M. Brumley and Mrs. Harold Hunt of Portland, Mrs. Guy Garrett of Medford and Mrs. Nellie Matlock of Eugene. e ABERDEEN. Wash, June 14. (Spe cial.) Andrew Anderson, a resident of Aberden for the past 14 years, died yesterday at his residence "in South Aberdeen. Mr. Anderson is said to have bsve bed considerable interests in Alaska. Besides a wife and daughter bere. be leaves a son and married daughter, who live at Astoria. Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Marsh, who tuned away after seevral weeks of severe illness at the borne of ber daughter. Mrs. J. A. Young. Thurs day. June 1. were held at the Finley chapel Monday at 2:30 o'clock. The ser vices were conducted by Dr. Joshua djtaacleid, pastor of the First Methodist River reorganized the Royal Arch chap ter, which lacked spirit. He was a charter member of Imperial lodge No. 15 J of Portland: Hood River council. K. and fa. M.; Multnomah council No. 11. R. and S. M.. Portland, and Hood River commandery No. 12. Knights Templar. Mr. Andrus was instrumental in the organisation of Imperial lodge In 1913. when he secured the original membership among personal friends. He holds the record in Oregon com- mandery of obtaining and taking into that body more members than any other ten men of that organization. At the organization of Multnomah council he was elected - treasurer, a position be filled until his death. Mr. Andrus was engaged in business as a financial expert,, having offices In the Northwestern Bank building. He became ill Saturday afternoon while at the office of Morris Brothers, and on Sumiay his condition became critical. He died at 4:25 o'clock. The funeral will be at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon from the hall of Oregon commandery No. 1. Knights Templar, at Park and Yamhill streets. in charge of Finley A Eon. 40 ATTEND SHORT COURSE Wasco Sends Big Delegation to O. A. C. Classes. ' OREGON1 AGRICULTURAL- COL LEGE. Corrallis. June 24. (Special.) Nearly 40 boys and girls are at the college for a two-weeks' course in practical agriculture and home eco nomics correlated with club work. These young people were sent to the college as prize winners in state fair and other contests. The largest delegation is from Was co county, headed by Clyde T. Bonney, county superintendent. The group in cludes Exie Morgan, club leader In the county. Others in the delegation are Ella Kerby and Margaret Rees. Shan Iko; Josephine O'Brien. Wapinitla; Frances Johnson. Glenn Cooper and Rose Harrlman, The Dalles,. and Ken neth Heisler, Dufur. Two county winnera of Klamath county in attendance are Charles Schulmlre and Buby Schrinner. Mer lin Hughes is here from Sherman coun ty to take the work. AH -Are Spared by Orders of Turk ish Officer Who Obeyed Mandates of Masonry. The first word In four years during which they became convinced that their relatives had been put to the sword by the Turks was received yesterday by Cartozian brothers of this city an nouncing that members of their imme diate family had escaped the slaughter in Armenia and were alive and well. Grandmother Cartozian, who had grieved until marked by an apparently hopeless Illness, declared that she must live until her son and daughter arrive on their Plannea visit irom Armenia. When Turkey entered the war, and reading dally of the plight of Armenia, the Cartozlans gave their relatives up for dead. A cablegram arrived last week from the American mission In Armenia announcing that the Carto zlans had been spared. The letter yesterday contained no account of the slaughter that swept the town of Slvas, but said that the Cartozians had been spared by order of . a Turkish officer, who obeyed the man- 1 dates of Masonry. Both Pilibos Carto zian and the Turkish commander were members of the Masonic order. Megr Kirlshtan, a nephew and who came to America three years ago, en listed In the Rainbow, division when America entered the war, declaring that he must be revenged for the supposed murder of his mother and kindred. He was wounded in France and returned to Portland a month ago. of counties and east as far as the Co lumbia river north of Kennewlck, and seven are making their headquarters at Spokane, working through eastern Washington, northern Idaho and Mon tana as far east as Billings. Portland Marine Killed. Lieutenant Harold C. Jones, execu tive officer of the Oregon naval militia. Is in receipt of information from the headquarters United States marine eorps, Washington, D. C, that Private Albert L Harlow of 192 Simpson street, Portland, was killed in action Novem ber 2, 1918, while serving with the American expeditionary forces. Harlow was a member of the marine detach ment of the Oregon naval militia which went into federal service April 6, 1919. For many months Harlow was on duty as a guard at Puget sound navy-yard. Dye Shop Damaged by Fire. Fire of unknown cause yesterday damaged a small cleaning and dyeing shop at Twenty-eighth and Thurman streets. The loss was about $300. of undesirables. Few bad been ar rested at a late hour, although police expected to gather in larger crowds during the evening. Police to Clear Pool Sails. Chief of Police Johnson ordered a cleanup of the north-end poolhalls yes terday, and personally superintended the start of a campaign to rid the city Two Youths Arrested. Patrolmen Rockwell, Kelly and Jef fries early yesterday arrested Frank McGrath, 19, and charged him with at tempting to break into the store of J. C. Manning, Grand avenue and Multno mah streets. Frank Savodie, 15, who was with McGrath. was turned over to the Juvenile court. Police say the boys had broken a window of the store and confessed that, they intended to rob It WORK ON BRIDGE BEGINS COMMUNITY SING PLANNED Portland Folk Invited to Practice Patriotic Melodies. A community sing will be held Thursday evening, by Portland chapter, No. 1, of the National Choral league. at Central library, under the leadership of Professor Tom G. Taylor, organist and choirmaster of St. David's church. Tbe programme will consist of patri otic songs and choruses in preparation for Independence day. Mrs. lvian So rum will be the soloist. A five-minute talk on "Should Sing ers Smoke" will be given by Pro- bessor James Irving Crab be. All patri otic citizens are nvled to participate the eiuglng. winch begins c S:li P. M. A Emission and music will be free to all Longest Wooden Draw In World, at Albany, to Be Replaced. ALBANY, Or, June 24. (Special.) Work began today on the reconstruc- 1 .... n k. a t-allmart hr ilM AmM thfl Willamette river at Albany, replacing j of steel. The firet step will be the in stallation of concrete piers, and the complete construction will require all summer. The present bridge is said to be the longest wooden drawbridge in the world. It is 460 feet long and has a draw span 280 feet long. The bridge is crossed by the Albany-Yaquina branch of the Southern Pacific for merly the Corvallis & Eastern. It was built 38 years ago. RECRUIT DRIVE TO START War Department Parties Will Oper ate Over Xorthwest. CAMP LEWIS, Tacoma, Wash, June 4. Nineteen recruiting parties have been assigned to cover fhe northwest in the drive the war department is making for recruits in the United States army. It was given out at head quarters today, and will be sent into every section of the Pacific north west. Six of the recruiting parties are op erating from Camp Lewis and Portland, Or, covering Oregon and southwestern Washington; six are wonting out oi Seattle, covering the northwestern tier OLD CHERRY TREE YIELDS Planted in 1642 It Faithfully Do- livers Record Crop. FOREST GROVE, Or, June 24. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. John Frisbie have ust picked their cherries from the old est cherry tree in Forest Grove. It yielded them, at the cannery. $50.98. besides 50 pounds that were sent to relatives at Tillamook and many pounds given away to neighbors. say nothing of those purloined by boys. This tree was planted by Moses White, whose widow now resides in Portland, in the year 1842. Camas Boy Dies at Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash, June 24. (Spe- ial.) Claude J. Bannister of Camas, who waa brought to the St. Joseph's hospital Sunday evening, died last ight- He bad been 111 but a short time. He waa 14 years of age and is survived by bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Bannister of Camas, two brothers and a ister. Funeral services will be held at Knapp's chapel tomorrow afternoon 1:30 o clock. Rev. A. H. Thompson the First Methodist church will of ficiate. Interment will be in Fishers cemetery. Kimball Piano ft k3 yjw f ' Great Value $295 This fine Kimball used piano looks like new Oak case and is in perfect condition. Terms or Cash GJJogsoNPMoCO; 14 Sth. Bet. Alder and Morrises Vlctrolaa Plsnni Records NEW SHOW TODAY VIVIAN STAR t MARTIN K . . . : ' ----- - :;-:p5:-:::"-::':::::-::S-5 - OAs fe.!'--1 f -': 9 4 - t j SATURDAY j m "AN INNOCENT ADVENTURESS" You' know how it is: You try to do some thing for a friend and Bang! Everything comes tumbling down around your own head! That's how it happens in "An Innocent Adventuress." It's the most "life-like" pic ture you ever saw. It'll make you laugh a hundred times at similar past adventures in your own life. Come, won't you? OTHER FEATURES 3 DAYS ONLY JESS WILLARD (HIMSELF) ITS "THE CHALLENGE OF CHANCE" Xot a prize fight or ring picture, but the greatest -western photo play in existence with a aood story showing; Willard as the hero, performing stunts and free-for-all fights never attempted by any picture actor. STAR "TARTS SATt'BDAY JINE 28 PIWS SUN y o Has Thanksgiving Every Day. "Two years asro, after suffering many years with stomach trouble, I took a course of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy, and haven't been sick a day since. I can eat anything I want and have no' pain at all. Three doctors had advised ' operation, but your remedy has cured me. Every day is thanksgiving for. me." It is a simple, harmless prepara--tion that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ail-, ments. Including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Drug gists everywhere. Adv. MEDICINES USED BY MONKS It is claimed that Monks of ancient ' days knew of more than three hundred ' species of medicinal plants used In gen eral for medicines by these religious orders. "While centuries have passed," with all the advance made in medical science, many or our most successful remedies are today made from the roots -and herbs of the field, like that good, old-fashioned remedy, Lydla E. I'lnk ham's Vegetable Compound, which for' more than forty years has been reliev- ing women from some of the worst" forms of female ills, and is now consid ered the standard remedy. Adv. RUISES-CUTS Cleanse thoroughly reduce inflammation bv cold wet comores- ipply lightly, without friction VICRS VAPORUi "YOUR BODYGUARD" -30 60'. L20 For Headache tr Than Tablets