7 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1919. REQUIRED OF WHEAT DEALER! Proclamation Affecting Traffic ' Signed by President. PENALTIES ARE PROVIDED Baiters Vstng less Than 50 Barrels of Flour Monthly, Retailers and Fanners Are Excepted. NEW YORK, June i4 Julius Barnes, tTnlted States wheat director, an nounced tonight that President Wilson had signed a proclamation-putting; tin dr license of the wheat director per' sons, firms, corporations and associa tions dealing In wheat, wheat Hour or baking proaucta manufactured either wholly or partly from wheat flour. . The only exceptions are farmers and small bakers. The proclamation, which goes Into affect July la. applies to the business of "storing or distributing wheat or manufacturing, storing or distributing wheat flour." as well as to the manu facture of bread or other bakers' prod ucts, either wholly or partly from wheat flour. Exeeprtoaui Ar Ktsua, The exoentlons are listed as follows: A) Bakers and manufacturers of bakery products whose consumption of flour in the manufacture of such prod ucts Is, In the aggregate, lees than SO barrels per month. (B) Retailers and farmers or co-operative associations of fanners or other persons with respect to the products of any farm or other land owned, leased or cultivated by them. Common carriers are required to se cure on or before July IS a license from Mr. Barnes "In such form, under such, conditions and under such rules and regulations governing the conduct of the business aa he may from tune to time prescribe." Peaaltles Are Provided. Blank forms to be used In applying for such licenses may be obtained from the sone agents of the grain corpora tion In Baltimore, Chicago, Galveston. Minneapolis. Kansas City. Mo.; New Orleans. Omaha. Philadelphia. Port land. Or.: St. Louis, San Francisco, Buffalo and Duluth. After the appli cations have been filled out they must be sent to the wheat director, division of licenses. Washington. The proclamation states that "any person, firm, corporation or associa tion other than those hereinbefore ex cepted, who shall engage in or carry on any business above specified after July 15 without first securing such li censes, or shall carry on any such business while such license Is sus pended or after suoh license Is revoked, will be liable to the penalties pre scribed by law SIX MORE BODIES FOUND DEATH LIST AT FERGT7S FALLS NOW NUMBERS 50. Potato Shipment Ordered by Express, But Other Food Sufficient for Present. FERGUS FALLS. Minn.. June 14. With the recovery of six additional bodies today, the number of known dead as a result of the tornado that struck Fergus Falls Sunday was raised to 60. Five or six other bodies are still unaccounted for. The body of George Woodhouse. pro prietor of the Grand hotel, was found in the boiler room of the structure, where It is believed he had sought safety. The city today ran short of potatoes and a shipment has been ordered sent here tomorrow morning by express. Other supplies are sufficient for the present. Military control over the storm-swept town will be exercised at least four more days. A survey of the damage done by the tornado shows lis residences were de molished snd 110 others damaged be yond repair. All idlers mill be kept out of the town. vocational schools at Camp letter reads in for the Lewis. General Johnston's part as follows: I fee! sure that your observation asrees with my opinion that each soldier who has seen service In the army aunnf tn pres ent war Is not only now a more loyal and valuable' citizen, but is better prepared physically, mentally and morally to earn i Uvina and to discharge the duties of citl senahlp. If service in tbe army during the past two years of war haa Improved nearly 4,000.000 young men In the manner Indi cated above. It seems to me tbe duty of for mer officers and men to advise all youns men to enter the army and obtain similar beneflta .You can render valuable service to tbe government through personal advice given to those of your acquaintance- wbose cbaracter you believe tits them or mill tarv service. I am very anxloes to obtain several hun dred such young men for service -at camp Lewis. In order to fill the units now sta tioned here. If In your vicinity there are ex-members of the 91st division you may in-form- them that they will find at -Camp Lewie several officers with whomNthey served In France and Belgium. . Colonel P. J. Hennessey, Infantry re cruiting officer at Camp Lewis, has notified the general army recruiting offices at Third and Oak streets that vacanclea exist In every branch of the service at Camp Lewis. Young men who desire military training and do not wish to get away from home are want ed to spend their time in the voca tional schools at that place. Week-end leaves and a 1-cent fare to and from their homes are gaining many young men for the Camp Lewis cantonment. CHERRIES HIGH IN PRICE OREGON CROP, LIGHT, BUT DE MANDS ARE MET. State Fruit Shipped East Sells for . $4.43 Per Crate; Local Market About 12 Cents. The cherry crop of Oregon Is rather light this year, but the market has been well supplied to date. As Is the case with all other fruits, cherry prices are high, about double what they were before the war. The larger canneries are paying 10 cents a pound for all the Royal Anns they can get, and this naturally fixes the market. The wholesale price of the best Royal Anns yesterday waa j.2 cents and Blngs sold at 15 cents on the street. - Oregon cherries are being shipped East In considerable quantities. A car load of Blngs was auctioned at Chi cago Monday; 1 (-pound boxes averaging (3.63 and 26-plnt crates averaging 14.62. Washington Bings. in 16 pound boxes, averaged $2.83 at the same sale and Idaho Blngs averaged J 3.10. VALLEY CHERRIES GO NORTH nil OF 40010 IS SENATE'S PROPOSAL Amendments to Bill Fixing Av ' j,' . erage Adopted. OLDeSYSTEM IS DENOUNCED Brigadier-General lord Tells 'Why ( Cumbersome Pre-War Methods Had to Be Abandoned. Crop Light and Prices High at En gene; Berry Outlook Good. EUGENE. Or., June 24. (Special.) Ten cents a pound will be paid In Eu gene for Royal Anns, Bing and Lambert cherries this summer, according to an nouncement of J. W. Shumate, buyer for the Puyallup and Sumner Fruit Growers' association, which annually hips large quantities of cherries and berries from this valley to the can nerrles at Puyallup and Sumner. Wash. Only cents a pound was paid here for Royal Anns last summer and Bings nd Lamberts brought a lower price. Tbe 'crop is not large in this part of the state, but it Is predicted that grow. rs will make as much or more from he crop than they did last year be cause of the increase in price. Loganberries will also bring a great y Increased price-this year, according o Mr. Shumate.- He announces that the price will be a .cents a pound, as gainst cents last year, and black berries will at least be as high in price. but the figure has not yet been fixed for this crop. UN RECORD EXCELLENT TRIBUTE PAID TO PATRONS OF FEDERAFj IAND BANK. Promptness of Borrowers In Western Tart of Two States in Meeting Obligations Commended. CHEHALTR. Wash.. June 24. (Spe cial.) Delegations from Lewis. Pierce, Grays Harbor. King, Skagit, Pacific. Cowllta, Clarke. Thurston and other counties attended a picnic here today of the Lewis County Farm Loan league at Claquato grove. L. G. O'Shea of Spokane, president of the Federal Land bank, was the principal speaker. A. D. Davidson of Spokane, federal appraiser, also was present. President O'Shea complimented the residents of western Washington and Oregon on the promptness with which th-y have met their Interest and other payments. He declared that from the British Columbia line to the Willam ette valley the record was a most ex cellent one. This, he said, was not the case with some other sections, where defaults In meeting obligations have followed poor craps. The Citizens' club assisted In trans porting the visitors to the picnic grounds. A. Anderson of Adna is pres ident of the Lewis county association, while K. E. Pier of Forest is secretary. Tn this rounty alone In the time the federal loan act has been operative 100.000 tn loans has been placed. ARMY SCHOOLS WANT MEN CAMP LEWIS OFFERS VOCA TIONAL TRAINING. ALIEN FISHING BAN DPRELD CASE OF CHARLES OLIN MISSED Br COURT. DIS- Judre Bean Holds Alien Has No Vested Right to Be Impaired by Refusal to Renew License. With the dismissal by Federal Judge Bean of the case against Cart D. Shoe maker, state game warden; Harry Kitchmlller, R. E. Clanton, Governor Ben Olcott and members of the fish and game commlsslor in which con spiracy, was charged, the right of the state to deny fishing privileges to aliens has . been upheld. The action was thrown out of court Monday on argument of a motion to dismiss. The complaint, which was filed by Charles Olln. an alien, set forth that members of the game commission had conspired to obtain the passage of a law by the last legislature preventing aliens from fishing along the Colum bia.' The plaintiff set forth that through operation, of the law he had been deprived of his rights. .In di: missing the action. Judge Bean held that the court would not look to the influences that may have been used to bring about ita passage, but would consider, rather, the val'dity of the measure. The law was held to be valid, unless further showing as to Its In validity is made, and even though such a ruling might be in error, the court ruled the plaintiff .had no cause for complaint, for. being an alien, no vest ed right had been impaired by th pass age of the law in question. A license to take fish, the court held. Is a privilege granted by the state, and the holder has no claim for a renewal of a license previously Issued. Major-General Johnston Predicts Physical, Mental and ' Moral Benefits for Recruits. Recruiting parties la the Portland district, which includes the state of Oregon and southwest Washington, are In receipt of a wersonal letter from Major-General William H. Johnston, camp commander at Camp Lewis. In whuh he enjoins recruiting partfes to et.- ir.ar.y young meq as pje'aiblq PENDLETONJO GREET MEN Veterans of Old Cowboy Troop to Be Welcomed ITorae. PENDLETON. Or., June 24. (Spe cial.) Thirty-eipht members' of the 14Sth field artillery, who were mem bers of Pendleton's old troop D, the cowboy cavalry organization, will ar rive here some time tomorrow after noon, according to word received from their commanding officer. First Lieu tenant Eugene P. Walters. Word has been sent .that, if possible, a stop here would be appreciated in order that a demonstration might be given the men. Plans are being made for a' big re ception to Pendleton's veterans. It had been reported previously that the men would be discharged in Wyoming, and It was expected that they would re turn in small groups so that a demon stration would be impossible. The city will also join in the demon stration at Walla Walla for the re turning members of the 146th field ar tillery, expected there Thursday morning. WASHINGTON. June 24. Without a record vote, the senate tonight adopted committee amendments to the army ap propriation bin providing for an aver age army of 400,000 men for the year Beginning July l. The bill as passed by the house provided for an army of 300.000 and Secretary Baker had recom merfded that the total be placed at ous.uuv orncers and men. The senate adopted an amendment offered by Senator France, reoublican, of Maryland, limiting the salary of C w. nare. director- of sales and In charge' of disposal of surplus war ma terial. to $12,900. Mr. Hare now is be ing paid at the rate of 125.000 a year. uunnsr the discussion Senators Me Kellar, democrat, of Tennessee, and Reed criticised the manner in which war materials were being disDOSed of by the government and especially the surplus supply of meats, estimated to De worth $65,000,000. Packers Declared Favored. Senator McKellar called attention to a newspaper item which said all bids for this meat had been Tejected be cause they were too low and charged that the packers were being especially favored by the war department in the disposal of . this meat. He asserted that Mr. Hare "Is the only man in the United States that can be found who says this meat must not be sold so that the people can get the benefit, but that it must be put on the market so that only the packers can get it. Chairman W&dsworth asserted that if this meat were sold in smaller quan titles or If the government were com pelled to open stores for the purpose of retailing it, a much larger appropri ation would be required. He said that applications for bids had been sent to 40,000 retail dealers and others by the war department. I cannot see," he added, "that any body is criminally negligent in this matter. " Airplane Sale Criticised. Senator Reed criticised the sale of (20.000,000 worth of airplanes for 12,000,000 by the war department, and said he thought some explanation of this matter should be made. The senate also accepted the com mittee amendment authorizing the war department to turn over to the Red Cross medical and hospital supplies not needed by the American expedi tionary forces, for relief work in Europe. - , ', WASHINGTON, June 24. The old purchasing system of the army was cumbersome and inefficient, and the war made necessary a reorganization and centralization, Brigadier-General Lord, director of finance, told the spe cial house committee investigating war department expenditures. . Bureaus bid against each other for supplies, he said, forcing up prices, and there was simi lar duplication as to disbursements, re sulting in confusion and added expense. After General Lord had testified that army officials had not had complete charge at all times of awarding con tracts. Chairman Campbell announced that "if the committee desired to get at all the facts it might be found neces sary to call more witnesses than was originally intended." Claim Record Is Demanded. There were indications that officials of the war industries board and the council of national defense might be called. Records of claims made by the Pack ard and Ford motor companies in set tlement of contracts with the war dee partment were requested of General Lord by the committee upon the sug gestion of Representative Bland, re publican. Indiana. Mr. Bland did not ex plain why he desired the records pro- traced. WASHINGTON. June 24. Without a record vote the senate today approved committee amendment to the annual army appropriation bill authorizing the war department to proceed witn tne purchase of camp sites, negotiations for which are pending. The house specifically prohibited these transactions in passing the bill and stormy debate preceded senate action. Camp Purchase Denounced. By a vote of 33 to 20, the senate restored a provision stricken out in committee to prevent use of stopwatches- or. similar time-measuring de vices in work done under contract for the war department. In discussing the purchase of camp Benning, Ua. Senator Lenroot. republi can, Wisconsin, renewed his charge that Secretary Baker had been guilty of a breach of faith. "The secretary of war," the senator said, "had no more moral right to take these millions of government money to purchase this land than I would have the right to steal so much money from my neighbor. No one dreamed that there would be any such violation of trust as to use money appropriated for war purposes to buy land for a peace programme to which congress never had given approval." . Smith Defends Secretary. Senator Smith, democrat, Georgia, de fended Secretary Baker's action, de claring Mr. Lenroot's attack "utterly inexcusable." Senators Owens, demo oral, Oklahoma, and New, republican, Indiana, also criticised the secretary. Committee amendments, retaining during the coming fiscal year tbe pres ent organization of the war department, were accepted by the senate. Upon a point of order raised by Sena tor McKellar, democrat, of Tennessee, who claimed it was general legislation inserted in an appropriation bill in vio lation of the rules, the committee amendment recommended by Secretary Baker authorizing the president to ap point a committee to represent this country at a'meetlng of the international aircraft standards commission in Paris this month was eliminated. The amend ment also would have authorised the payment by the United States of a proportionate share of the expense for the maintenance of a permanent office of the commission in Paris. - Last Times Today Charles Ray in "The Busher" 'N THE FUN STARTS TOMORROW With the Funniest of Mack Sennett's Comedies, Entitled "No Mother to Guide Him," with Cock-Eyed Ben Turpin and the Gang That Made Laughing Catching, Infectious and Contagious. WILLIAM RUSSELL CHILD SOUGHT IN SOUTH ROBLV grigsby mat be near GRANTS PASS, RUMOR. Portland Woman Enters Disappear ance Case With Account of Plot to Keep Girl. . Has 14-year-old Robin Grigsby been spirited away to a farm in southern Oregon by the woman in whose keeping she was placed by the juvenile court? That this was the threat made by Miss Mabel Walters of 1250 East Twelfth street. North, custodian of the girl, if the mother attempted to get the child, is the assertion of Attorney A. B. Carter, based on a conversation with Mrs. May Wournell of 611 Petty grove street, wno promised the attor ney she would sign an affidavit in substantiation of the statements she made. Mrs. Wournell declared that Miss Walter told her she was keeping the Grigsby girl and a boy of about th same age who had been sent to her by juvenile authorities so that, when they grew older, they could support her by working in a factory, said Carter. "In my presence," said Clark. "Mrs. Wournell eaid that last fall she had left her own daughter with Miss Wal ter on recommendation of the' juvenile court because she was employed and could not care for her at home for short time. She said she took the girl away when, she found . her daughter was not receiving enough to eat. Be fore this, however, Mrs. Wournell de clared she had held -several conversa tions with Miss Walter, in the course of which Miss Walter had said that there were two children there she in tended to keep until they were old enough to work for her, one being Robin Grigsby and the other a boy named Powers. 'Mrs. Wournell further declared that Miss -Walter had boasted, that - if the courts or parents endeavored to force her to give op the children' she would send them to the country where they could not be found. A place mentioned by her was a farm near Grants Pass, concerning which I am making in quiries through the authorities." The mother or the missing girl wss deprived of her daughter about a year ago by. the' juvenile court, but Judge Campbell of Oregon City, who granted her a divorce from her husband three months ago, reopened the case to per mit a modification of the divorce de cree and awarded- the' custody of the girl to Mrs. B..F. Truax of Washington, a wealthy aunt. No attempt was made to claim tbe youngster until after the close of the school term.- Then she dis appeared. This was 10 days ago and all that has been heard from her has been a letter, postmarked "Eugene," saying in her childish scrawl that she is well cared for and happy. , LEAGUE FIGHT IS SUSPENDED Day Passes Wlith No Mention of Treaty In Senate. WASHINGTON, June 24. There was temporary lull today in the league of nations debate, which has been al most continuous since the new senate convened. It was the first time in more than'a month that an entire day's session passed without mention of the peace treaty. The senate aia not taae up tne amendment presented by Senator Fall, republican, of New Mexico, and fa vored by many league -opponents, to declare the war at an end. When the amendment finally is reached the prospect is that it will be ruled out of order after It has lur- nlshed the vehicle for a debate on its propriety. In the event it Is thus re Wood CInb to Be Permanent. SEATTLE. Wash., June 24. Perma nent organization of the Seattle Leonard Wood for President club is to be ef fected t a meeting Friday, called by the temporary president. Orvis Gladden. Officers and dn executive committee will be named, and as Seattle probably will be state "headquarters for the Wood movement, plana for the state cam paign doubtless will be discussed- A Vnnnnat nf th nrl.nl Knrnr. Classet & Levers, roi.IaaOj Ady i Get Under Dobbs Straw Light, airy weaves that will give you a world of comfort and style.. Straws and Panamas $5 to $20 " MEN'S WEAR Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison r s ' tLJ 1 - SOME ill ' -W LIAR 1 te- - U j J A Comedy-Drama 4 'J - " I I jCT""--'. Filled tr ;U f U . Gills , - I ? hU $ i! Vs. With ' - & MDRTAGH t " -j.v ' - ye and V" r -,'" - i Bf our '--t - S $n,00 -V ""v - i ' J ffmamii i -- 111 ." iMi mil ii jected Senator Fall Is expected to try fdr action later on the Joint resolution he introduced yesterday embodying a similar peace declaration. There were indications tonight mat the foreign relations committee mat' not take up the measure as had been expected tomorrow. Dormitory Plans Changed. SPOKANE, Wash., June 24. Because none of the bids for construction of a new women's dormitory at the Cheney Normal school provided for concrete construction within the limit set by the state board of control, it is probable that the building will be built of brick, it was said here today by Julius Zlttel, state architect. A local contractor sub mitted a bid of $86,481 for brick con struction. The appropriation provides for $100,000. Soldiers to Be Guests. MARSHFIELD, Or., June 24. (Spe cial.) The new dancehall erected by the volunteer firemen has been dedi cated and pronounced an excellent ad dition to the amusement places of the city. The hall has a floor 6pace 80x80 feet, without obstructions. The Victors' ball, for returned sailors and soldiers. will be given in the July S to inaugurate July festivities. the Fourth of T. P. Sbonts May Recover. NEW YORK, June 24. An improve ment was shown today In the condition of Theodore P. Shonta, president of the Inter-Borough Rapid Transit company, who underwent a major operation Sun day night. Hope Is now held out for his recovery. S. &. H. green stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co.. Main 353, A 3363. Block wood, short slabwood; Roclc firemen's hall Springs and Utah coal: sawdust. Adv. f f? " - ' " .vij' "eN. w f .. y Maffc'il '. ' a. SHIRLEY MASON in !THE FINAL CLOSE-UP Circumstance, the big director, had made this girl a "movie bug." You think you know all . about the "movies" -but see this and learn a few more things. Elmo the Mighty Elmo springs surprises in this session fast as the "rat-a-tat" of a Browning automatic A Mutt and Jeff Cartoon Today and until Friday midnight. iiniiiii iTTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniininiiiiiiinuiiiiiu I COLUMBIA I " -. Portlands Theater Beautiful 5MMHHiMmi."'iii"iiHHii