TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1910. KET, ESTATE. For hale Hmmti. SOME BARGAIN'S. 0bw gne to A r i so da, y pacrlflca for quirk ule m r (ronm bnmralow home, completely furnished (mm upright piano to ptu and kettles, Jut as we left lu in good neighborhood. ever thing in fine iuti for only oq rood ey terma. tiuod 9-room nxxiern homf, like new. "ttabf for one or two families. large lot 67xloO, fruit, berries and to: No. 2K6 E. 45lb st, only J0O feet from Haw thorne ave.; sacrifice price, terma, asess menu paid. Ood ti-room modem house, walking distance. No, kL 11th su; Miwimcnu Paid; term. l-room bungalow. lot 50x100; only $850, terms. 6-room baDfulAV, lot BOrlOO, only one Hck from L'nlon-ave. and Vancouver cars: 430 Magnolia st, : term. Good 7 -room buneaiow. near nubile and 1 CaUiuilc pc uowi. Iui imiuu(. Wa h traya, lie ; terms. I E. PTELNMETZ. 4 Oerllng'.r Bldg. Main 6"91. VERT SPECTAT TRVlNGToN HuiiG. NTr offered for sale before. In ery b t part of Irvington, 1 block from carline. corner 75xluo. fine con crete garage. Tnls is a' lu-room boui with 4 lance bedrooms and 1 small one on second floor, 1 finished room a third floor, First floor la all finished In old ivory, large living room, dining room, muMC room, den, coat room. Dutch kitchen, fine buf fet In breakxast room &a well aa in diulng room. Nearly every room ha larite bevel plate mirror doors. This Lome coot over fli.lMH to build but owner will sell today for $13,5hj. 'or special appointment call 1 M. JtL' N GALO W 4 rooms, opposite Woodmere acoooi, ill. bcott. car. Z biorki Ixmta road 4 lota ooxluo. price $-oo. caao. $4uO, , COTTAG E-BUNO A LOW, 4 rooms. ML , scott; rarn. cnicaen house garden, . Iota; $2 loo, term. 1 1 MODERN 5-room bunrslow - cottar. tUit-in ; Woodstock, near car, lawn, sax- can; s-inhi, pome urniK. O 42. ADAM S, 507 CHAM. OP COiL. Marshall 2575. ANOTHER CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. $1ik bus 6-room house, close in on paved street; eiectna lights, bath, as. plastered, kitchen newly enam eled and lower iioor newiy tin tea; full bailment, vu& trays; garden up and ready to use; vacaui; on Sunnyside and M t- Tattor cars: now don't dlav, as this 1m one of the real bargain now own oficred, well worth $25o0. REMEMBEIt, NO MORTGAGE; to attun ajud only $vo down. J. a. nrioiAN co.. 04 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main I054 A REAL BARGAIN HOME. 6-room bungalow, fireplace, good phrmb fn. built-lns, walls tinted, light fixtures and window shade; price for quick sale. SAO. terms. 7 -room modern home, newly painted and looks fine, lull lot -t front; $4100, terms. 7-room modern house, corner lot; only $IM, eafy term. B. F. hNU REALTT CO.. 1230 Sandy Blvd. Tabor 325. A HOME IN LACK ELH URST PRICED TO SELL. Complete in every detail, this modern roimi of 9 rooms meet- the mci't exacting tato; built by the present ownern, no detail was overlooked that would add to the charm and comfort of a real home; from the artistic ballroom to the modern hot-water heat, two large fireplaces, two bathrooms, eAira larKo sleeping porcn; priced low at f-ono, terms if dv&ired. MacINNKS A PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Hldg. Main S86R. HOSE CITY rARK -SrEClAU" NEW NEW NEW. JTST COMPLETING. 13300. Beautiful home below hill, extra large living room, old Ivury, trimmed mahog any, lance plate-gla-os witido e, a beveled ptate-Kla buffet that la a dream, break -fa-tt room, eastern oak floors, soiid brass hardware. 1'bone owner. Tabor llHJO. THISPTOn AT frBrNGALOWCAN BE KUCOHT CHKAP. 5 fargw rooms, niee attic, with porch In front; beamed c'tllngs and hardwood tf oora In living and dining room ; fire place, furnucv, Dutch kitchen and built in features; cement basement, stationary tubs: will leave window shades on win dvi And linoleum on ktuhen floor; ail Xor 31tMi; J'hhi ca."h ; Rooa time on ba STKWAK? liTCK. 315 N'QRmWEriTElCN HAN K BTLDQ. A LAM EH A PARK BARGAIX. G300 BeauUful 2-story home with hard- mnI floors upstairs and down, fireplace, furnace, ail bnllt-lns; very larce immr room, ai i ouiit-m three bedrooms and den second floor: Karat:, street linn, all and paid; house alone worth price aKed. i-et us snow you. J. A. V ICKJdAN CO.. Rt. Exch. Xtldg. Main t0f4. CLOSING AN KJ-TATR. Will sell beautiful 6 rooms and sleep. tng iorch. finished floors, bookcase, buf fet. 'S larce fireplace, cooler, Hoynton furnai-e. cement basement, garage, full Dlumbinr: 2 cherry. 2 pium. 1 apple. peach tree; choice roej: near hiKh and grade schools; 2 car a; 4Uv, IOOU cah. MUanc en.y. JMHNSOX-DOPSO CO., N. W. BANK BLDG.. MAIM 37S7. TWO SNAPS ROSE CITT PARK. & rooms, ncarlv now. California bunra few, furnace, f ireptace, hardwood floor?, riard-surlace street, gurage; snap, IJUO. terms. ft- room ba rtrnlow, f 1 renl n ce, h ard wood floors, full cement basement. In bet ot condition; for quick sale. J.34.0. terms. Iheji are good buys and will not last. J. KOBm.NS. fto RT. EXCH. BLIk;.. MAIN TPftt. $ 4 :00 I R V I N . T O S 4 : M . t.MMI CASH I0 PER MONTH. Futl corner lot, houM: ha- god line. excellent coustruction; 7 pleasant rooms In old ivorv and rry, full basement, fur nace, laundry trays, fireplace: a good home, ready to move into, on easy term. Man.NN KS PKATT. 41?t Board of Trade Bldg. Main SfiR". TRVINGTOV HOME. ONLY A good ti-room houtic. fine corner, roses, tawn. xartien: strveta hard-surfaced and ivtid: only 1 block to car, located at Kwt 2'th and Broiulwiy; can give immediate poaskt-sion; net quick If you expect to got U 1 1 ft a e-T-p.n o;iric;in. CCB". 4i SH ETLAND BLDG. PHONE MARSHALL 4'J7.". ROSE CITV PARK. 33300 buys new modern attractive bunga low, never been occupied: fireplace, hardwood floor, buflct, Dutch kitch en, cement basement. wa.-h trays, at tto. full ThKKH) lot; one block to car; tiOO cash will naiune. T MMI'V MIX: WK'KilAN CO.. 24 Rr. Excb. Bldg. Main 10ft4. HAWTHORNE. 3oirt jxoo CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. Owner leaving city inntruow us to sell bl buneaiow. b rooms aud sleeping porch. firelace. lull plumbing, furnace, cement basement, brrrles. etc JOHNSOX-lKJPSON CO., t3 N. W. BANK BLDG.. MAIN 37P7. CHOICE LADD ADDITION HOME. Consist Ine of 8 rwms. bungalow style, fine condition, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in convenience. bet part of the addition, cloae to car; price terms. J. ROBBTNS, goi RT. EXCH. BLDti.. MAIV 7931. 7r(M MMl CASH HAWTHORNE. I'rettr 4-room buneaiow, full piumblng, faces east, porch extending across front, all kireis of roea, lily pond, cuerry, appie and plum tres. JOHXSOV-pOpSOX CO, c n s. w. BANK. i;L.LH.. Al.A l. 7S7. FOl"R-K MM BCNGALOW. goo-t tor a 4-room bungalow with flr p?Hce. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, on renter M'xl'. nar Aiametla Para.; $730 cash. bal. U rm. M:rsh. M-'O. F. L- BL. XC H A KD, Ry. Ex. PKETTT NEW RCNGALOW. IS rooms, attic, fireplace, oak floors, built -ins. enam-l plumltlnu; walls tinted, l! ht f tturea and w indow shade;i ; sx7.ti, easy terms. Owner office 1J30 Sandy hivd.. Tabor Open evenings. " i'M DOWN, jm MONTH LtO0. K-rouiti. double ct'nft. houxt, full rnenu laundrv tras. ga. electricity, bik. from Sellwood car, !." minute out. EDWARD A. BROWN CO.. 3"S Railway Exchange Bldg.. Main 2tg!t. W. PRRSt'OTT ST.. LARGE LOT. 7-room semi-modern hou; good double rarace. l-;u a. ley. some :ruit. In fact, a nice home. Price UiOu. $300 down, bal ance eay terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. 7l.BERTA PXAP f-'lOO $300 DOWN, fc-rm. modern bungalow, full cement baement, laundre trays, 2 biks. to cax, near 2ih st, l.Vft. alley, garaice. UPWARD A. BROWN CO., n3 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Main 2ftf3. ' HAWTHORNE 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. i-l-eiin porch; corner 4ixld: good basement: walklnv ditanee of Franklin high; macadam street; new garage. A fine borne: icood terms: low price. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK KX. JVI N' i TON VJ."9 ; teema; charming bun galow style home: large ilxing room, fire-puii-c; music room. attract iTe dining rvoi. kitchen. 3 bedrooms, steeping porcn, garage. Main MUs. Eat 3;4. 1 RVrNOTOV SACRIFICE, p.'on-ridnt will sell g-room bungalow for $ t&ou, xikh cah will handle. J. RORRIXS, LdX 1, F.Nv'.H. XiiX iLAlN EAL ESTATE. THE DREAM HOME. We eail this "The Lrem Home because that is exactly what It is. We do not know of another bouse la the city to compare with it at the price. :1K. It is very thoroughly constructed and conveniently ar ranged. Haa lare rooms, ce ment basement and bath, front and tack porches, aii the built-in fea tures and modern convenitnees. It la of the coionial type and you will find perfect harmony both inside and out. Living room extends across entire length of house. Ar tistic siairway leads to second fioor; be J rooms are large, light and airy; hardwood floors even In the kitchen. On paved street, only blocks to car on the hill in Rose City Park. Can be purchased for as low as $."Oo down, balance like rent, ebown by appointment. THE FRt:i A JACOBS CO., K KAl.Tdlt.S. 104 Fifth SL Main ftS6& LAl'RELHL'llST. Hnnmi iTOOO Here, folks, is truly a wonderful bar- gain. This was taken in on a mortgage foreclosure and the price is low t tremely low. Splendidly located on beautiful corner near park; and car. I lux aa new and modern as tomorrow sunrise. Finished In old Ivory and white throughout- Hardwood floors, Xirepiace, French doors between living room an dining room and between livlug room an dn. Them are so manv real SUlendii features this homo Is so downright rrtod era that It lust must sell. There is l garage and street aHt. paid In full. Rea sonable terms. It wilt be a downright pleasure to show you. Now hurry. A il TKHPW CO.. 2G4 Stark iu nr. 3d. Main 301ft. Main 3092. Uranch or t ice. outn and banuy. A RARE BAUGA1N. ROSE CITV PARK BUNGALOW. Six Roomi and bleeping Porch. 13.-u Here, truly. Is a wonderful bun galow for very little money. Six rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, massive buffet, full cabinet kitchen, breakfast room, cement baxement. furnace, etc. Full lot. lou would never dream it possible to buy such a home for that price. Owner must sell at once. Hurry. Let us repeat the prico is e3H00. A (1 TFPPE CO - 264 Ft ark. near 3d. Main 39:!. Mi in 3516. Branch office. &0th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK S-lfioO. This is not an ordinary bungalow. In the Ijltcu livinz room is an inside fire place. The paneled dining room has a beautiful buffet; there are 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen and breakfant room; on the upp-T i;oor are two xinisnea rooms; yes. It has oak floors, a full basement with furnace and wash trays. This beautiful 7-roorn bunsralow is one of the show places of Rosn Ciiy Park; owner wants elioO Cash. May we show you today Open Evenings. COE A. MrKEN.N'A Ac CO. Ml 4oT K2 4th t.. Hoard of Trade Bidg. LArRELHL'KST. It mnmi nnrl Slnintr Porrtl S.'iOO. Here is one of Laurelhurxt's real good looking-, real attractive home and it ii in iterfurt cotiilition. ToU will be SUr Irlsed to learn how in tensel y modern it is. lou will notice tne ouiiaer oau in mind srfection even to the last detail. The owner la downright anxious to sell and you'll get a splendid deai. Let us show you. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark bl, nr. 3d. Maui 3.l0. Mnltt 3092. Branch office. 50th and andy. FINE BUNGALOW AND 65x17. Swell larce bunicnlow. A rooms down stairs, large attic, room for 4 more rooms, nice bath, furnace, china closet, laundry tray a; full cement basement, nice barn for garage; lot G3x127; no city liens to assume: on Rodney ave. Lots of fruit, near Portland blvd.. adjoining Piedmont. Pri $4tou, ."iMj cash and $-. per month. Va cant. Photo at our office. GKCSSI & BENNETT. SIS Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. HAWTHORNE 11230. SWELIj N I KTV MODERN BUNGALOW. Now. hurry, mister, don't let this get away from you. Here, truly. Is one of the niftiest little bungalows we have ever had listed. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookraaes. complete Dutch kitchen even canopy over kitchen range. Abso lutely double-constructed. btreet assta. paid. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. nr. 3. Main 3310. Main 3002. Branch office. &0th and andy. 6-R. FINE BUNGALOW, Mi0 CASH. Swell tl-r. bungalow, 3 bedrooms and In closed nnd screened sleeping porch; fur nace, fireplace, bookcases, cement base ment. wash trays; Karuge; ca binet kitch en, lot &uxl00. no liens to assume, on E SI st near Alnsworth, Irvlngton park: a re stricted district: 1 block to car; price a nap, eXtm. f.nt) cash. lm:nnee to suit. GKUSSI & BENNETT. SIS Board of Trade bldg. Main 74.12. NOW VACANT. CORNER. tEMl-lUXJAIW. Gfrictiy modern 0 rooms aud sleeping porch. 11 paved streets In and paid, close to car and schools, gas range, wood and coal in basement, go with place; price SaOO, terms. C. A. WARRINER. FITTER. LOWE & CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. $:r0 ROSE CITY PARK. Something good In 7-room and large sleeping porch, full concrete basement, furnace, fireplace, excellent plumbing and lighting fixtures, located on choice east front corner lot, nice shade trees, every Improvement in, 2 blocks to car; you wu want it when you see lu .Look una over food terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41 1M. $3GU0 COMPLETELY FURNISHED J.IObO. MOVE RIGHT IX. Comer lot, 50x100. fruit trees, berries and shrubbery, paved sis. In and paid good o-mom house, all good furniture in cluding SiKi piano; g.0O takes possession, balance easy payments: close in, east side. C. A. WAKKIA K li. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. S Rooms Breakfast Nook $'10. We want you to pee this thoroughly modern new bungalow, large lining room, with plate-da window, rtrepiae buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. etc. Very reasonable terma. Paved street paid. Let us hnw you, A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark sL, nr. 3d. Main r.51rt. Main 300: Branch office, 5ith and Sandy. HAWTHORN' E $ :;7..0. 6 ROOMS GA RAGE. Real modern bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, etc., located on 47th st.. about 2 blocks south of Haw lliorrte. You will appreciate the real value In this home. err lihernl terms. .A, G. TEEPE CO.. 264 FtarK st., nr. 3d. Main 3.-l. Main SOW. Branch office. f0th and Sandy. fin;;) ALBERTA FURNISHED. See a picture of this beautiful bungalow at our oixice. it nas n rooms and oatn. fireplace, beautiful buiit-in buffet and bookcases, 3 bedrooms, fine garage, full lot. fruit and flowers: all the furniture. stoves, etc., goes with place at price of S.iM.'O, or win fh uniurmsneu, COE A. McKKNNA &. CO. Main 422. 92 4:h St. Open Evcnln.cs. ROSE CITY FARK. 11 U N G A LO W $ 3.-.00. Say. folks, here is a dandy bungalow. with all the modern conveniences, hard wood floors, fireplace. buffet. furnace, etc.. located near Sandy, for $3300 and on easy terms, too. Let us show you. A, G. TEEPE CO.. 64 Stark sL. nr. 3d. Main 3.lrt. Main 300: Branch office, t'oth and Sandy. WEST SIDI0 PLENTY OF ROOM. Have your own chickens, berries, fruits and card en and live on the west side, 3 10x160 ground with young orchard, all kinds berries, etc. Jl-room house, base ment, ras and electricity in. Something- at tractive for $2500. $-u0 cash handles, baL to suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO 217 NT. W. Bank b'dg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. IN LA U RE LH U R ST. we hare a really beautiful house of 8 rooms. 2 fireplaces. The reception hall and living room are especially large. This hnuse Is in the finest condition, lmmedi ate possession. The price ts $7."00 on easy terms. Phne ns tomorrow and we will show you this sp'end id home. CijE A Mc K EN N A CO. Main 4522. Opn Evenings. 72 4th Pf . Board of Trade BTdg. ACRE AND BUNGALOW. HAWTHORNE CAR. 1 acre ot good loam soil aijd It-room buniraiow, large living rooms. chicken houi- and runs. Here is an ideal little poultry f-rm. 1 block from the Haw thorne car. for $340o, en easy terms of $r0 or more cash. Don't let this one pass by. CLEVELAN D-B A R R- H E X D K RSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. A PRETTY BUNGALOW. Near MontavlMa car we have a K-room bungalow, with fireplace, all built-in fea tures, large chlcksn house on rear of lot: the price is only $20." 0. with $W-$ ensh. Modern bun ft a lows at t his price are scarce: better see this today. COE A McKENNA A CO. M. 4S22. 82 4th St, Open Evenlnr. SNAP SNAP SNAP. J2i"M down buys a modern 6-room bouse; sas and electrtc Hvht. double constructed, la rge, airy bedrooms. cTose to two splen did car lines and school; price $2000, baL $16 per month and Interest at 1 per cent. RIET.T 4t GUSTAFSOX. fwvs Teon R'dg. Marshall 14" 8. OWNER must sell Irvlncton glOTO corner. -room nome. ivory nnisn. every conven ience: price $4750. East 8013. (.ROOM house for sale. 1176 E. Main. phone Tabor cwia. PIEDVOXT. $2"0. exceptional 7-room home. yeaxa out, lamia. ev.u HEAL ESTATK. For saleHouses. 126VJ BUNGALOW RN'AP S2S50. 3 rooms, fireplace, rurnace. hardwood floors, attic, concrete basement, Dutch kitchen, buffet, paved iL; HUO cash. baL G. C. GOLDENBERG, 213 Abington Bldg. "33 Years in Portland. " i30UO MT. TAHOR CAR Look at this for the money: Five-room double constructed bungalow, oak floors, fir-place, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen. excellent oatn, cement basemen, furnace, laundry trays, big sleeping porch, finished in gray enamel; lOOxlOO lot. with 24 fruit trees, different varieties: berries and small fruits; lots of room for chickens; lovely lawn and flowers; two blocks Mt Tabor car; terms; phone for appointment. Open Even! net. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. lWi YEOX BLDG. $42.10 ONLY $500 CASH. 9-ROOM HOUSE, Suxluo, CLOSE IN. NEAR 1STH AND SANDY, FIREPLACE. BUFFET, SLP. PR, CEMENT BAST., ENAMEL PL UMB LNG, DEN. G. C. OOLDEXBERG, AfiLNUTON BLdJU. J3400 TERMS 13400. 6-RM. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Hardwood firs., fireplace, cement bast., hard-surfaced sts., and sewer. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, 33 Yeara in Portland." Abington Bldg. Alain 4803. THIS BUNGALOW SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Modern, & rooms, extra large floored attic, beautifuJ buffet, window seats, built in kitchen, piped water cooler built in ironing board, fuii cement basement, wash trays, furnace. 60xlu0 east front lot. fine garage; well-kept lawn, healthy roses, alley, paved streets, everything in and paid; price $:i500; 11 000 cash, $23 per month; key at 304 Oak at. Bdwy. 2. $3500 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. The best was none too good when they built this five-room bungalow in one of the prettiest districts In Portland: all rooms large, light, airy; sleeping porch, full basement; all improvements In and paid; let us show you; $1300 down will handle, A Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEOX BLDG. THIS modern borne must be sold this week at this very low orice of IMAO. inHudin the very best of furniture, 8 rooms, with furnace, fireplace,, hardwood floors, full cement basement and garage in one of ine oesi residence districts in Portland must be seen to be aDnreciated. no thin like It on the east side for the money; fur appointment can Alain bjlfT. ENGLISH HOME. Trvlnarton swell R.room. h&lL Hvln library, dining, all oak finished; 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch, billiard and serv an t.s' quarters ; garage : beautiful corner juuxitHi; cost ilboo, will sell for 03c on u; nave to; now vacant, EAST 1347. $3400 ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful five-room Rose Citv Park bun galow; large living room, lovely fireplace, oaK floors, Dutch kitchen, built-in effects, line Da e ment with laundry trays; lull lot aiuuv oown; tms wees: only. Onen Eveni ics. G SO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Dandy 5-room bungalow, fireplace, full cement oasement and floor, wash trays lot 60x1051, paved street, sewer connec tion, piped for furnace: all imp. paid price $J4M0; $.100 down. Let us show you. It. r . r EEMSTKR. 3 Ablnffton Bldg. CAR FARE Be No city taxes to pay; 20 minutes from Broadway; electric cars always on time near school and church; paved highway 100x100 lot, corner, garage, 6 rooms and steeping porcn; sjoou. Magoon, 431 Cham- per ot commerce bldg. $3100 BEAT IT IF YOIT CAN. Five large rooms, with floored attic oak floors, fireplace, built-in effects, full basement, laundry trays and in the re stricted district of Woodlawn; only $750 uown, Open Evenlnes. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. GOINO to Montana, reduced $1200 to $000 tor quick sale, ltioxliHi corner, fine garden, fruits, berries, chicken house, neat cow barn. 4-room house, nicelv DainLed. neat and clean inside and out, water, gas, cel lar, bring check book, sure to buy. 612 Gerllnger blug. 1550 MT. SCOTT. Why be a slave to the landlord whn i.u down, siu month and Interest wil put you into a neat three-room cottaxe. wun attic ana oasement: lot ouxxto. Onen Evenlnes. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDO. S.1000 $G00 CASH. 2-story attractive 6-room house. In best part W averley Help h ts ; gas, electric! ty, cement basement, furnace, hard -surfaced suee-i inciuufa in price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG., MAIN 3787. $3700 $50O CASH. NEAR 1HTH AND B L RX SIDE. JUST THINK OF THIS OFFER. 6 RMS., HOT WATER HEAT, BLT.-TXS. PAX l.Nti. JtTC' PAID; A-l MODERN JiOLSK. G. C OOLDEXBERG, MAIN 4803- $3000 WEST SIDE. Let ns put you Into a modern eight room home on paved street, eood neiich borhood. for only $200 down, the balance better than rent. Hurry! Hurry! Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEOX BLDG. S2O00. $2000. $2000. 2000. A nice 6-room shingled bungalow, near Flrland on Mt, tcott line, with furnace, full cement basement. 50x1 no lot. garage. etc, xnis is an aosoiute bargain. R. F. FEEMSTER, Abington Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $4250. HALF CASH. Strictly modern 6-room house, all mod ern conveniences, beautiful location, open for Inspection. Owner leaving. Immediate possession. Call at 5d E. 45th st. IV, Tabor 3335. 8-ROOM house, modern, with lot 50x100, on corner; hard-surfaced sts. all paid for. Price $2hO, $5oo cash, bal. easy. This tilace Is very sightly, 2 blocks from IrvlnK- ton car, on E. 13th, U01 E. Madieon. Phone Tabor 8000. WELL constructed 6-room house, ' newly nainted: hard-surfaced street, close in on 2 car lines; all Improvements paid; large lot 50x130, with alley; good terms; $3200. Lot worth the money. U3y Williams ave. $250 CASH Slft.V). 9 ROOMS. NEAR SELLWOOD CAR. Modern, paving pd.; $16 per month and Interest at n per cent. Main iMJvi. O. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Fared streets and close to car line; modern; lot 40x100; good place for gaxa&e. Price som, easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. $500--LOT $500. YOTJ buy the lot, owner will furnish the money to build $1500 to $2000 home, at per cent. Wilbur F. Jouao, 320 Henry bldg. l-v'O BUYS 5-room bungalow on 22d st. N .: good garage: will make terms; also sac rifice furniture for $250; owner leaving city. John Brown, 324 Railway Exchange mug. HOME BARGAIX. 3 -room cottage, garage. 30x100 ft. ; $1150, $150 cash, $15 month, 6 per cent. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th St. 3-ROOM tent-house on King Hts.; light, water, good view, 1 block from King Hts. CB.r: in.itf santa Anita terrace. Suburban Home, SUBURBAN BUNGALOW HOME $9000. 24 acres: 13 acres under plow, 3 acres good fir grove, balance stump pasture, easily cleared; black shot soil; all fenced and cross-fenced; new S-room plastered bungalcw, large new barn, 2 wells, gaso line pump, family orchard; good team, 1 cow, 1 heifer. 2 plows, 2 cultivators, 1 bugry, 1 wagon. 1 stump puller, etc, all in first-class condition; -mi?e to graded schcoL 1 mile to town of Tualatin, on Oregon Electric R, R. ; 40-mIn. ride from Portlnnd; $2000 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce b Id g Open evenings and Sundays. I OWN a new, modern bungalow on the t apiital hienway in trucking nam ne ignis, jufrt this side of Multnomah Station; It was built by day labor. Is modern in everv nartlcular and is situated on a sightly tract of ground; will takr, 1500 down ana give easy terms on me Daj auca. For particulars, see owner, 404 Piatt bldg. $lsot $650 DOWN. baL $20 month; about acre who nfnj uew uuugaiu, . ruoms and sleeping porch; on O. C. Ry.; fie commutation fare from Portland ; house completely furnished: big gas range, etc: water, eiec. lights and gas In; new chicken run and house, about 40 chickens and all garden tools; some garden In; berries and fruit tree. See owner. Nelson. 73 3d st. SUBURBAN 5-room modern bungalow, close In on .c rare, wun casement, taunary trave, fireplace,, newly painted, fine condi tion; $300 cash, balance monthly. ee Atchison. 404 Piatt bldg. ' J 740 NORTH IRVTNGTON LOT. 50-foot frontatrK paved and paid. 4 blks. Irvington car. $10 down, $3 monthly. Fred W German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $lH0op. Inquire third house north of Rialey station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Aider Brook." CALIFORNIA bungalow; new, $22nO; acre; grove, anto roao. eiec, pnone. water, mod em: $50 cash, McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. FINK house and 11 lota all for (6000. booa UX 4roYC . w . . KEAL BCTATt, rmburban Homes. MULTNOMAH, on the Oregon Electric, just 20 minutes from the center of Portland, Is the ideal location for your home; I have a great many additions here, rang ing from lots to acre tracts, which will meet your requirements; we have water, gas, electricity, telephones In the street and paid for; enjoy school advantages of fered by the city schools and are in every way equipped to supply every do mestic need; I will build you a house to suit on reasonable terms and shall be glad to show you over the ground at any time; I am at Multnomah personally all day Sunday and at my office, 404 Ptatt bldg., during the week; call Main SS0 to maKe appointments to see tms property. Ben Riesland, West Side Subdivisions. For feale Business Property. LCOK AT THIS FOR $2200 A FTX5 CORNER QN MACADAM ST., SOUTH PORTLAND. Lot 50x100; that will make a fine fac tory site, also a good place for an oiling Elation and repair shop; haa building now that can be used for some time, STEWART & BUCK. J15 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. WHOLESALE business, factory or Industrial site; quarter block, close- In, east side, trackage; sacrifice and easy terma lor quick sale. Owner, R 814, Oregonian. For Sale Acreage. SftOO 20 ACRES $600. 40 miles from Portland, 1 miles from Kalama, Wash., on county road, the very best of soil, no waste land, small clear ing, quite a bit slashed, burned and seeded and very easily cleared ; tt acres timber stumpage; cord wood will almost pay for land. Another 20 acres In same tract, prac tically all slashed and seeaau, easy riMrd and lies welL 3 acres cleared; frame house 24x130 feet not quite finished; magnificent view of Columbia river; eitner tract win maae goou uwue price $!00, terms. A. W. ESTES, 202 McKay Bldg-. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres. $250, $10 down, $3 per mnnth. buvM five acres of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of three railroads, 1 to 3 miles from good little town; sawmills and logging camps in immediate vicinity; some of this land is paruy ciearea; running Mnma hottom And some bench: this acre age priced from $23 to $75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. SUMMER HOMESITE. tWI NTER DUCK SHOOTING. Fine 35 -acre tract on highway, near Scappoose, 20 acres good tillable upland, 15 acres river-bottom land with good duck lake on It, fine pheasant shooting; acces sible by boat, rail or auto; good shack and barn, some stock and equipment; a snap at $u400. L L'EDDE M ANN COMPANY, I3 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST HOME. $750 CASH MOVE IX. Seven rooms and reception hall; excep tionally well built; oak floors with inlaid border, furnace, fireplace, buffet, book cases, etc; all street improvements in and paid; one block from Glisan St.; price $0000; will sell furniture cheap if desired; move In July 1. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. TWO ACRES of ground, three-room house, between Multnomah and Ryan Stations, on the Oregon Electric; property lies at the junction of two improved . county roads; is all cleared, has some fruit trees; an excellent buy at $2950; will sell you one acre with the house and trees for $1850. For particulars, call at the Mult nomah Real Estate Office Sunday, or at 44 Piatt bldg on week days. A BIG SNAP. 20 acres, located on the pavement, near Sycamore station, 10 miles from the court house, all good land, under cultivation, jn crop, which is fine; close to school; good community; price $250 per acre; easy terms: personally inspected. See Davis, with John Ferguson, Geriinger bldg., open evenings. CLOSE IN ACREAGE. 12 acres, 10 miles out, just off the pave ment, east, near Gresham, all under culti vation; close to station; 5-room house', out buildings, good well; cherries. Royal Anns, Bings, Lamberts, apples, pears, all in fruit, good red shot soil; personally Inspected; price $3000; terms. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg., open evenings. 8 ACRES $2000. 7 acres orchard, mostly apples, 6-year-old; on good road, near school and stores; this place is worth $3900, but for quick vale will sacrifice for OO0; $1000 down, balance 3 years. w LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 113 Chamber of Commerce. 10-ACRE BARGAIN. $300 down, full price only $1300, near Sherwood, 8-room large house, 1 H acres cleared, balance burnt over, ana easy io clear, well, spring and creek on place, all icood soil, some beavej-dam; will consider home in Portland, A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg Main 2690 TTIWU! KIT TIT TT? RAN TRACT AND HOME. 20 acres, located only 7 miles out, Powell Valley road; lu acres in cultivation, i acrea berries: arood 2-story. -room bunga low, modern construction, fine concrete basement and furnace, garage ana barn price $12,000; terms half casn. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 113 Chamber of Commerce. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. S4(i.-0 S750 CASH. Six rooms on first floor, two Hp: fire- TtinfA fiiHinro beamed ceilintrs and all bui It-ins; streets paved and paid; this is a pick up at 4tKu. CLEVELAND-BARR-HRNDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. CLOSE IN. Attractive R-room house, nice neighbor hood, 2 blocks to car, like new, hardwood Doors, large Iirepiace, enameieu wouuworn., grav paper, large porch, beautiful outlook; $3500; terms. F. H. Deshon, 61o Chamber of Commerce bldg. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. 15X7 R TAYLOR ST. Five rooms and sleeping porch, living room 14x26, furnace, usual bull t-ins ; lot 50x135; street paved and paid; big garage with cement driveway; must sell this week; will sacrifice. 8-10 ACRES, at Huber station, red electric, all under cultivation, acre Loganberries, orchard, barn, chicken house. Pacific high way in front of place; price $1500, $500 cash; nice 3-room bungalow. See Brooks, with John Ferguson, Geriinger bldg., open evenings. A REAL BARGAIN. 5 acres, 3 miles out from Portland, all Jn cultivation; o-room nouse; an ienceu, best of soil; no rocks or gravel; lies flu; o n good coun try road ; orchard. Snap, $1500. H. W. GARLAND, 1S3 3D. ACRES, all in cultivation; -aere vine yard L.-acre asstd. tree fruit, lots of ber ries; good 5-room house and outbldgs. ; all very silghtly and best of soil; at Clacka mas, on good auto road. Price $3500, good terms. K01 E. Madison, Phone Tabor Sit06- rm.TlMRIA HIGHWAY. Near Troutdale, wild and woolly, lots of water, 20 acres, borders on the high way; beautiful view, some wood, a grand site for a country home; $2500; will take $500 down. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers oniy ; easy terms, iow prices. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 10 ACRES SECTION LINE ROAD. 10 acres, 2 small buildings, young or chard, o acres in ciover; liiis ib a uarKa.ni that can't be beat at price of $3000; good terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRE. S600. POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Nice acre of ground, some brush, on Powell valley road, near Buckley ave. price $600. Ut-i casn. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 313 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 18 ACRES, $1000 Close in, 4 mile to live town, gooa roao; smaii nouse, otner out buildings; half cash. F..K- STEARNS, Main 3517. 2o2 Wilcox Bldg. 10 ACRES of land, good orchard, house, all outbuuaings, un nun water; locatea just south of Lents. 6131 92d sUS.fi. Thomas Allen. BENDEMEER Best of Tualatin valley lands; 5 acres and up; aoo to choose xrorn. Handy Bros.. 6o6 Railway Exchange. For Sale Fruit Lands. 10-YEAR-OLD walnut orchard, 5-acre tracts. Handy Broa oott Railway ixenange, For Sale -Farms. HERE'S the bargain. Enough land for three good xarms ox neariy fuo acres eacn; some good timber, good mill, good box factory fruit, mill soon pay for alL Price $16,500 for whole ball of wax. Write F. D. Watts. Weston. Or. FOR SALE 9 acres, mostly all in crop, good house, furnished; out-ouimings, larm im plements, 11 miles from Portland; $3000, $15uO cash balance easy terms, deal direct with owner. 329 W. Park st. o ACRES, 3 mllea from R. R. station. 375 acres cultivation. 15 acres orchard, good I n ces and bull d i n gs, l o-roo m house ; plenty good water and wood: price si,- 0 o ; easy terms. AV ISO. Oregonian. IF YOU want a wheat or stock ranch, for particulars writs al. raumaunca, uonaon. Or LOGGKD-OFF lands, $10 acre up: running water, good son; y una Die; employment; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp, 83 3d st. FARM 100 acres near Portland, bearing fruit trees; no agents. Y 338, Oregonian. FTRST-CLASS stock land for sale by West era Oregon Land Co Corvallia Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. FARMS NEAR NEW BERG. 20 acres of Ai soil, running water, 8 acres cultivated; family orchard; small buildings, some timber; $3uo, including erop; terms. $3300, plastered house. 10 acres, all In cultivation; 4 acres apples; half the crop grain ana rruit; 00, terma 6 acres; 2 acres prunes, raspberries and apples; spring water; fair buildings; some creek bottom; neat home; $3to0. 47 acres, prune and berry soil, about 23 acres bearing fruit; large house and bam, prune dryer, pasture aud water. This place will cut nicely into 5-acre tracts and ought to be worth $400 an acre; near town and only $1000, half cash. This is a snap. ItiO acres of best soil, about 110 acres in crop that looks fine and the buyer gets it with the place; good barn, silo, fair nouse, 'pasture and water; only an acre. Including the stock, machinery and crop makes the best buy in this country; ooou casn wiu Handle, Must D sold before July L WHITE A CO.. 703 FIRST, New berg. Or. SOME EASY MONEY. PURCHASER SELLS CROP FOR ENOUGH TO PAY FOR LAND. Press dispatches of June 10 told of the excitement caused among owners In this locality by the reported sale of the Gran ston apple orchard of 20 acres to a fruit syndicate that had in turn sold the ap ple crop alone for enough to pay for the land. Thus the purchaser retained an al falfa crop (worth probably $75 an acre) that was growing between the trees and also had the land and orchard left to represent his prolit In this little fling at frenzied finance. Why not emulate his example? Write for our illustrated price list. SAMPLE BARGAIN NO. &4L Five acres, all in 8-year-old apple or chard; under government irrigation; half mile from fine school; In heart of thickly settled district. Price $2000, with crop. Other tracts, any size, similarly priced. We furnish photos. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO., Prosser, Wash. A MODEL 50-AC RE FARM. Highly improved, with stock crop and equipment complete; will give possession at once; new 7-room modern bungalow, with full concrete basement, best porce lain plumbing, splendid water system, large dairy bam, milk house and sepa rator, concrete root cellar, granary, wagon shed and garage, fine orchard, 5 acres timber and creek: the crop is the finest ever grown In this locality, 9 bead of cows and heifers, 3 good horses, 5 hogs, 100 chickens, farm tools, wagons and Im plements. It's the biggest bargain ever offered this ruar Portland; will bear closest Inspection; price $10,000. KRIDKR & KLKINGTON. G RES HAM, OR, 176-ACRE money-maker with 10 cows, 3 horses and manure spreader, reaper, drill, potato digger, mowing machine, rakea, sulky and walking plows, roller, long list implements, in heart high-grade farming section, short walk school, 13t miles R, R. town; loam tillage for good crops, wire fenced, spring watered pasture for 30 cows; home-use wood, fruit, 10-room hniiA- llU-ft. stock bam. horse barn, corn house, etc.; owner retiring makes quick sale price, $5500, easy terms, gets an. ie tans page oo, catalog naisjuim statos- eonv free. ST ROUT FARM AGENCY, 208 BK, Plymouth bldg., Mlu- neapolis. YOU WILI HAVE TO HURRY TO GET J HIS. 60 acres. Just a short way out on Foster roau; an good son; io acres m gwu crop almost reaiy to harvest; fair house; nice large barn suitable for dairying; new garage and otner ouiDUiiamp; line iea.ni, 2 wa L-rvns- all kinds of Rood machinery: good Holstein cow and heifer, 3 hogs, lot of chickens: everything goes for $9200; half cash if taken at once; let us show you this. STEWART A BUCK, 315 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. DO YOU want a wheat farm In one of the best wheat sections in wasnington r we can offer until July 1st a 320-acre farm, all In cultivation, summer fallowed this season. It is 3 miles from good town, all fenced and cross fenced, good well, bouse, barn for 8 horses and out-buildings. If taken at once owner will include 5 head of good work mules. Land adjoining held at $40 per acre. Price $25 per acre; $3000 cash will handle, balance long time at oy interest. For interview witn owner, new TUCKER & SHRBCK. 502 Spalding Bldg. CHARMING AND ITS A BEAUTY. AN 8-ROOM COSY BUNGALOW. $3000 -TERMS $3000. ftino 77TH ST. S. E.. COR. 61ST AVE. Six rooms on first floor include two bedrooms, haa porcelain plumbing fixtures, electric light fixtures, gas; room arrange ment convenient and comfortable, large front porch, east front; corner lot 100x100, rarace. roses and shrubbery; a snappy buneaiow: a brilliant bargain. Take Alt. Scott car to 77th sL, walk 1 block south owner occuuiea uu"- . PiTH TTP WATER RIGHT. BinriMST SNAP IN OREGON. 80 acres with 7 5-acre paid-up water right, 60 acres in cultivation. Fine set of buildings, and good roads. Water piped t. 7 orro in alfalfa: 65 acres in crop, uhirh will brin around $3000. Don fail to investigate this as this is the big gest buy offered In Oregon this year. Price including the crop, $7500; $4000 cash, bal ance easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 309 Oak st, Broadway 4133. - EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TILLAMOOK COUNTY DAIRY RANCH- One of the best and most modernly equipped dairy ranches in Tillamook coun ty; now milking herd of 40 cows; has co operative cheese factory on the Placo; also unusually good buildings; will sell complete with stock and equipment for 25 on first payment and balance on easy terms. Owner in city at presenL - BF 594, OREGONIAN LINN COUNTY FARM. Have 80 acres, near Harrisburg. all In cultivation, fair set of buildings, good water, first-class sotl. all fenced and cross fenced, good roads, only a mile from station on Ore. Electric and So. Pacific- price $8000; no mortgage; will take residence property clear for part or all on strictly cash basis. xu R. F. FEEMSTER, 309 Abington Bldg. PIGS AND CHICKENS, SURE WINNERS. 19 acres of fine land, all in cultiva tion. Good 7-room plastered house, large barn and other out-buildings. If v taken now you get all this years crop which is worth at least $1000. Call and m m and let us show you. Price only $4200. $1700 cash. T,v 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. EXTRA good team, making $7.50 a day. harness, 34 wagon, 2 dozen hens, brood sow lii.000 feet lumber, mostly inch; large house, barn, woodshed full wood, 4 acres cleared; rent free for upkeep fences; 4 miles south of timber on Forest Grove Astoria highway, 2 mills operating mile away; team works year round; consider trade for No. 1 Ford. Call or write George Fisher. Olenwooa, or. 44 ACRES 4 miles from county seat of 3000 population, 1V miles irom rurimuu, acres in cultivation, 5 acres partly cleared and in pasture, -room eoua, gwm ' " and out-buildings, 40 fruit trees in bear ing, good well. Price $125 per acre; $100o casn, naiance at w. TUCKER & SHRECK, 502 Spalding Bldg. 160-ACRE farm for sale or trade; 70 acres in cultivation ana crops xUj kurvt - mod 8-room house and large; 30 miles from Portland; $100 per acre, in i -. - aii -rn and HomA stock and im plements; want city property or general muse, store, auuiom goman. i fiViP' MUST SELL. 100 acres. 64 in cultivation, balance in pasture and timber, near Damascus, Or.; .-. s-nod build in es. new 80-ton silo. potato house, full equipment of farm ma chinery; water piped to house, everything convenient; haa to be seen to be appre ciated. Tabor 2295. An irRKS. 22 MILES PORTLAND. On good road; house, large barn, assort ment fruit, well, running water, 2 good mares 3 cows, 3 young heifers, 1 good brood sow, 3 wagons, all kinds farm im plements. Price $6500; good terms. tvr 1PRR & CALWAY. 526 Cham, of Com. bldg. . xir-u Trnrm MTLES FROM TOWN. 120 acres, 85 acres cleared; 2 1-year-old cows; 5 first-class milk cows; 1 house and barn: 1 firet-clsss orchard, 5 years old; 1 , . Jn,.Kla ritr and inr'U riff- gOOu uorse, -o --o sou 000 feet timber. M. FRED RICK SON A SON, 8 ka moka w a, Wash. ,mmpvb!N FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, t-. i - tiK n C'nn net Bi-ra AfldT near rwi noim, w " " - - . terms; best son. r McFarlantL 603 Yeon bldg., Portland. FOR SA.LB by owner, 80-acre alfalfa farm. S8000, terma win up iwv ua.ua A. O? Whlttler. 2407 Main at. Baker. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To buy on west slope ML Tabor, between xseiraont mv u, uiuumu .room bungalow; give lowest price, terms and location; no agent considered, AB 463. Oregonian. FROM owner, first-class modern 7-room residence ana BjaK ju . -vlngton: no high bank, Donald Macleod, 10O1-2 Spalding bldg. m WANT TO BUY a modern or 7-room bungalow in ft-ose uiy trtu-tu r u $3000 to X3Q0U. AO. OOP, mmitn WE want 5 or 6-room bungalows, in good district, irom ssoitu to ojwu. r. F. FEEMSTER, 809 Abington Bldg. WANTED Modern bungalow t prefer Rose City); must oe Bargain; evenings, iiuwi 91 S8. WA NTED 4 to 6-room houses in Haw thorne or Mnnysia". cu v . uvuidaiu. 1S8 3d ST, Main 369. HOUSES of merit, sell quickly; list with Edw. A Brown. 303 Ry. Exchange. , 'HOUSE wanted in Irvington, pay all cash.; i 6 to ft rooms, AH 92. Oregonian, WANTED REAL ESTATE. 400 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 1919. 104 SOLD ONE MONTH. 11 HOMES SOLD SUNDAY AND MONDAY. JUNE 22-23 By, Frank L. McGuire's sales force of 10 experienced real estate salesmen. UNDISPUTED RECORD FOR U. S. Naturally wa need new listings more homes to sell. We have been established since 18S0. We advertise extensively, are In touch with the majority of buyers, have a very efficient selling organisation. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM Rets results. Every house listed Is personally inspected, photo graphed and appraised by an expert ap praiser and the photograph of your house Is placed on display in our show room In Its respective district. If you have a home for sale LIST IT WITH US. We will get quick and satisfactory results for you. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE . TO SELL YOUR HOME. Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Established In 1SS. Office Open Sundays and Evenings BUNGALOW. FIVE ROOMS, MUST HAVE FULL-SIZE BASEMENT AND r 1 RE PLACE, GOOD DISTRICT. OUR PARTY HAS $3000 CASH. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 20W-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. WHAT I want Is houses. I have the buy ers waiting. Your house will be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To buy in Hawthorne district. modern 5-room bungalow, not over douu or $3200; can pay $1000 down; give exact location, price and terms; no agents. Ad dress J 16, Oregonian. WE WANT SMALL FARMS. Close to town, east or west side. If you want to sell, let us know. Wa are doing the business. J. C. COKBIN CO., 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. IMPROVED acreage, with buMdirun close in. we aeai in tms exclusively. nave four autor? to show it and are selling lots of it. John Ferguson, Geriinger bldg. Open evenings. Farms Wanted. CAN PAY $1000 DOWN. Have party wanting farm with at least 15 or 20 acres in cultivation, house and other improvements. DRAPER & CAT.WAY. 526 Cham, of Com. bldg. 20 OR more acres, part cleared, tome or chard preferred:iuildlngs no object. Write T 413, Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED To rent 2 to 5 acres with build ings, near 6c car line. Sell wood 3716. Homesteads, Relinquishments. 40-ACRE relinquishment on Lewis river; hous 18x22; 6-hole range, heating stove, 2 beds, springs and mattress; table and chairs; some dishes and cooking utensils; garden all in; on county road; mail route. Price $275. Bundy, 411 Henry bldir FOR RENT FARMS. 45 ACRES, 30 acres In crop, near Estacada, stock, crop and rent paid to December, 1119: $1300, terms. Wilbur F. Jouno, 320 Henry bldg. PLACE for rent and crop for sale, Ernest Thomas, Tigardville, Or. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Thirty million feet of good saw timber. together with saw mill and logging outfit complete. Mill now operating on foreiRn contract. Can ma He car or cargo snip ments. - Will consider part trade or par tial payments. This will stand a tnor ough investigation. A 276, OregoniRn. FOR SALE 40 acres of fine piling and tie timber, two miles from railroad; sacrifice for quicK sale. laoor ouau. "v ANTED Man to log with horses by Mt or day. Call Main 03. V. J. rniiupa. PILING wanted: give scale, price and when cut. O. v. Gamble, coucn uias. WANTED Sawyer for 20M mill. Call Main 623. V. J. Phillips. TIMBER and wood for sale cheap. AK 403, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE HAVE YOU A GOOD SUBURBAN HOME THAT YOU WANT TO TRAUE IN ON A FINE FARM 7 We have one of the best farms In west ern Oregon of 240 acres, all under culti vation but 8 acres, which is oak grove, fenced and cross-fenced into 11 fields. Good 0-room modern house, larjie barn with silo built Inside. This is not a run-down place but an up-to-date place in every way: only mile from R, R. station on good road, short way from Albany; let ua tell you about this. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange. 11-acre farm, 7 acres improved; good new barn ana a.so --room house and woodshed, all fenced. miles north of Camas. Wash., on Fern Prairie road, to be sold on account of old age and sickness, or will exchange for house and lot In Portland. Address Dennis Murphy, Camas, Wash., R. F. D. route 1, box 63. ONE ACRE, 6-room new bouse, outside of city limits with null Run water, io young bearing fruit trees, berries of all kinds, roses, shrubbery, garage, bam; will sell or trade for 5-room hou.se, close in. Take Mount Scott car to Tremont station, one mile south on 72 d street to box 424; three blocks southwest yellow house. FOR SALE or trade, 40 acres, dairy ranch. threo miles from aiarshiieid. ur. ; l miles to creamery, on county road; about 18 acres cleared, small house. 3 acres bearing orchard; trade for grocery, mer chandise or furniture stock. Mc Hardy. 914 Chamber of Commerce. $12,000 BUSINESS and property, 150 feet on car line, Duuaing wx.iu teet; s-srory with full basement; woodshed 60x90 feet; new 2-ton truck, 500 cords of wood and 5000 stumpage; small amount of money will handle; good location; a bargain. Phone Sellwood 3460. WILL exchange modern 7-room house and lot in Hawthorne district, value s.uH. Tor 5 or 6-room modern bungalow with garage. Irvington, Mount Tabor or Laurel hurat preferred. Phone B 6161, ask for 703. FOR SALE or trade for city or nearby prop erty, 320-acre improved stock ranch in Lake county, worth $3500. For particulars 131 12th. E. C. Stover. SOME cash and $3000 equity in 71H-acre farm, oi acres in cuit. ; mile irom Au rora, Or., for 40 to 100-room apt. house. AK 405, Oregonian. FLAT BLDG. near Stark street, Montavllla car, $100 month income; price $12,000; ex changa for farm. 215 Lumbermen's bldg. A CLEAR lot for sale. Mount Tabor; for sale, or trade for machine; lot worth $70. 504 is. oaK, ast -oo. ESTACADA acreage and town property for sale or trade for Portland improved. Box 255. Urea ham. Or. OWNER would exchange Warren ton. Or., for Portland income, or what have you? Add ress lock box s 1 7. Astoria, Jr. LOT near Jefferson hleh school and cash for good house In small Willamette valley town, sellwood rJiz. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED To trade diamond for Remington typewriter. AJ oua, oregonian. FOB 6 AXE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. MARE, harness and surrey, reasonable; also furniture; good house ana barn for rent. Lenta. E. E. stowe. R. a, box 449 DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crip-oied horses. Phone Miiwaukle CI1 J for results. CHUNKY built horse 4 -ears old. 1450 lbs., sale cheap or exchange for older horse. Wood Yard, 3J7 r-Tout st. 130 BEEF steers on fted at Montague, Cat, also stock cattle. Wei bom Beeson, Talent, Oregon. LARGE. 4-year-old. Jersey-Durham, rich, all-round, perfect cow. Phone Sell wood 1109. 504 E. 0th st. FOR SALE Nearly new wagons, used but s short timi. Baker A Kinney. 512 m Mala st. Vancouver. Wash. HORSE, weight 1150 lbs., harness and 2 wagons: gooa ueiivery or una norse. Woodlawn &Od2. VERY attractive spotted Welsh pony and saddle, ownea oy private party, tau i Front, corner Clay. wti.t. huv 50 head big horses, 1",00 up must De young, ran cueuer, oii rruui St., Crown stables. OLD and young milch goats and billy cheap. R, K, Uarison, uresnam, ur. DEAD horses and animals nauiea away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. PASTURE for stock at Ladd'a Canyon farm. Canyon roaa, ciose in, j-none Jiain tiif. DEAD horses taken quick. Cash for dead cows. lauor -t-u-v CHOICE, fresh Jersey cows. 6S9 N. Tabor n. tx. ie.Rg. FOR SALE- Young Jersey Hobs tela cow. xresn. mone juajyt. oto.'. FOR BALE Horse, buggy, harness and cart 851 E. SWtn st. i. 1 . ... FOR SALE 5-months-oid heiier. w oou- lawn 141. 8 BROOD SOWS for sale. Wdln. 3438. JERSEY cow for sale. Call 654 Raleigh st. 2 GOOD work-horeea, $30 each. Tabor rOB 8AlJfi, Homes, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE 12 head of young mares snd geldings, weighing from 1200 to 1750 lbs., from 4 to 7 years old. This stock has just arrived from the Willamette valley. If In need of a good horse call and inspect this stock before buying. Call at J.0O E. Wth and Flanders. JUST received a small shipment of fresh cows from Washington, mostly Jerseys aud Pur hams, price from $70 to $100 each. Some of them tubercular tested. Barn at Union stockyards. I BIG Durham cow for sale. Jus, fresh, 5 years old, also 2 young Jersey cows. Just fresh, rich milkers; one block south of S. P. depot. Miiwaukle. Phone 20 J, Md waukle. Ask lor H. A. Smith. HAVE moved to town: two good fresh cos and calves, one Jersey and one Durham, giving four to five gallons Pr day. must be sold at once. 234 Front St., foot of Main. Pianus, Organs and Musical Instruments, 6ECURITY STORAGECOctoslng out Parlor organs for $J5 to $48 cash. Square pianos for $35 to $05 cash. Upright pianos, sniaiL $eo to $75 cash. Arlington Co.. upright. $375, now $135 cash. Vose it Sons uoright, $450, now $105 cash New stored uprights, $425. for $264 cash. New stored upnguts. $450, for $JW) catm. Stored player piano, $6u, for $3 5 cash. Stored player piano, $750. for $435 cash Pianos stored for 50c month. Pianos boueht and soM for cash only. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 109 4th U, at Washington st. GENUINE VICTROLA, cabinet style. mour and cane exactly like new; over 100 selec tions of records, including red seal, such as Caruso, McCormack, etc.; original co $150; owner will sacrifice $o5 for im mediate cash sale. Oregon Eilera Musio House, third floor, 2S7 Washington St., below 5th. Phone Main 113. VICTROLA. like new; beautiful mahogany cabinet filled with big bunch of latent records. Including red seal; original cot $134; owner will sacrifice. $52 tor quick cash sale. Call or telephone third floor Oregon Ellers Music House, 2S7 Waah Ington st, below 5th. Phone Main 1123. DO YOU want to buy salesman's sample VIctrola, equal to any I'JiiO machine on the market ? Plays all records, beautifully finished In mahogany, cheap fur cash. B. H. Corbett, Carlton hotel. THE BEST, the cheapest piano; used I vera & Pond (plain artistic), $387; used Kstey former owner sick), $350. No shop im Portland like mine. Harold A. UllbarU 884 Yamhlil st $3, $10. $15 TO $90 buys used phonographs; a $250 one for $u0, terms 50c. 75o to $1 weekly; new pianos $281; $450 one. $337; $15 cash. $8 or $10 monthly. Sen wan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st, CHICKKRfXG PIANO. Upright, small, plain mahogany finished ca.se: just the piano for a small room at s price. Terms giveu, SeiberUng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new VIctrola and rerorda Inquire as to our proposition. Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th at. Main 85S6. PIANOS WANTED. Highest cash price paid for used pianos. Get our bid. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co 125 4th st. Main KtSti. WE HAVE several dandy buys In sightly utted pianos from $100 to $285. Soule Brothers, 166 10th St., near Morrison. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND I N STRU.MKN1S. S1EKE RL1 N O U'CAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. HAMILTON piano, mahogany case, good con dition, 18. Terms made. Seiberllng Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. Main 85 86. GOOD upright piano and new Columbia cabinet phonog rap h, ma hogany. Mrs. ItHleigh. 243 W. Park. EXCHANGE the player rolls you are tired of at 10c per rod. Harold S. Glloert, 34 Yamhill it. ORGANS. $20 and np. Good condition. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4lh st. $15 CASH buys $375 Emerson upright plane at -Security Storage Co., 10V 4lh SL at Was h ington. BAILEY piano, mahogany case, plain, at a bargain for a piuno like this. Terms. Seiberllug-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st, i pay "cash fo r Us ed" pia n 6s." HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill st. $100 CASH or more paid for your upright piano at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st PIANOS tuned. $3. George T. Peck, Tabor 8574. Graduate New Eng. Conservatory. BEST piano in Portland for $100. Souls Bros., 106 10th st., near Morrison. PIANO wanted. Pay cash for bargain from private party. Marshall 1517. PIANO, first-class condition. $125. Call Main 5404. Furniture for Sale. A SWELL CHANCE FOR A DOZEN PORTLAND HOMES. We have 12 living-room suites, - each comprising a solid oak library table, mis sion design in fumed finish, and fine arm rocker and chair to match; scats uphol stered In brown chase leather; you'll surely want one of these bargains. We only aslc $27.50 for the co nplete suite: easy terma MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-100 1st st. FOR SALP: One practically new nickel- plate combination coal and wooa neater; very fine oak davenport; solid oak mas sive library table; 'new Ruud gas water heater; cabinet and writing desk com bined; hall tree with mirror; also rockers, small tables and genuine black leather sofa and dining room rug Mxl2. Leaving for England. M. Ward, 659 Kearney st. Call Broadway 4656. HA RATA WILTON velvet rugs, Qxl2 Wind sor breakfast set, box coucn, fcngnsn dishes, mahogany chlfflonier, bookcase, flat desk and three chairs, oak writing d esk and book. Iron bed. etc. Marshal I 5576. FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale; all good ; 4 rooms rented tor house Keeping paving well; cheap for cash If taken at once; house for rent. 431 East Ankeny at. FULL-SIZB davenports, with good cotton folt mattress inside, worm so, our price $37.50. Star Furniture Co.. the Store of Bargai ns. M ai n 5064. 204 First at. HOUSEHOVD furniture, suitable for any home: cheap by piece or whom; practically new beautiful golden oak buffet and vhif- fonler. Broadway 2059. FOR SAL& High-class walnut dining-room set. price 300, cost x..nu: also oia ivory bedroom set, pieces, $150. Phone Van couver 9S5 L. GOOD range, sanitary couch, kitchen cabi net, neater, iruil jars, oreaKiast taoie. dining table, 6 chairs, linoleum. 422 Church st. GOOD-SIZE refrigerator in good condition. special $9.85. atar v urniiure i o., ine Store of Bargains, Main 5064, 204 First st. I RUG, 1 sanitary couch and mattress, 1 typewriter aesic ana cnair. x ocuaieau, breakfast table. Call Tabor 7141 NEARLY new gas. wood and coal range. leaving town, must be sold by Wednesday night. 1120 H. Madison st, $100 CASH takes 3 rooms in 5-room income flat, close In. Call mornings bet. V and 11. 425 Sixth st. Main 5593. NEW furniture for 5-room house for sale, house for rent, $18. Call 26 East Tenth South. Phone East 8237. FURNITURE in 5-room house; house rents for $13 month. 27 E. 10th st. N. FOR SALE One oak desk table. 615 Pit- tock block . FOR-SALE Majestic range. Just like new. Call Woodlawn 2925. FOR SALE New furniture; leaving city; sell cheap. 203 Hooker su HOUSE for rent and 5 rooms furniture for sale. 487 W. Park St, ONE goat for sate. Sellwood 3692. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds. Pet Stock. AT STUD "Starke's Sidney," Boston ter rier of quality, by "Little Charlie Chap Jin" and "Cramer's Beppo"; dark seal brlndie. well marked, perfect screw tail; fee $S for limited time. East 3067. RABBITS for sale at less than half price. Inquire at 1646 East 7th St., Sellwood, Also hutches. YOUNG red cocker spaniel, female; fine for hunting; reasonable- Woodlawn 1581. FULL-BLOOD Fox terrier pups for sale. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE Rabbits, cheap, 351 E. 57th st. North. ONE St. Andreasburg singer for sale. East 44S3. ANGORA cats, $10, 274 North 24th st. Fool try. WHITE LEGHORNS are the most profitable breed or poultry, ll you are in ine ousi -nerts for profit you will eventually have them. Early broilers, early layers, early profits. We sell only White Leghorn B by Chlx from heavy-laying Hogamsed hens. Safe delivery of full-count live chicks guaranteed. Price pr 100: May and June delivery, $12.50; Juty, $14. Tha Pioneer Hatchery, 402 6th at-. Petal urns, Oal- MAGU1RES DAY-OLD CHICKS. Rhode Ialand Reds, O. A C. Barred Rocks, $25 per 100; Brown Leghorns and White Leghorns, $20 per 100; high quality ho can i zed stock. HATCHES OFF JUNE 20, 22, 26 28; JULY 3. EGGS FOR HATCHING. J. R. MAG LIKE, 787 Oregon sC East 180$. THE LTJHR FARM. 2O0 W. L. yearling laying herw at $1.73 each An agreement just closed permits ns to offer 2000 3 moa pullets (W, L. ). Aug. 15 to 30, delivery at oc each in 100 lots; $1 in lesser lots. Kendall station. Kstacada line. P. O. address R. 3. box 2f.S. Lents, Or. SILVER campines. 4 months old, fancy, $1.50 each. Alar, ji- or ooo ui