Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 25, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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492 of 500 Targets Broken in
Four Days' Tournament.
Frank Kaynor or Seattle Captures
Handicaps Event by Hitting 48
of 50 Blue Rocks.
Frank M -Troeh ' triumphed over all
h hooirri entered In the lilt .North
west Sportsmen's association "hoot in
he final dav yesterday on the Ever-
riinff Park traps of the Portland Gun
club by breaking' lis targets out of a
possible 120 In the regular evenis. giv
ing htm a total of 493 registered tar
gets out of 500 for the four days of the
tournament. " .
James J. W. Seavey. Oregon state
champion, placed a . second among the
amateurs for the four days by shatter
ing 48f clay pigeons out of 500, while
Frank Templeton of Portland ran a
close third with 4SS out of S00. Kay
Spangle of Pendleton . finished fourth
among the topnotchers with a score of
483 out of 500.
Ls H. Reid of Seattle and Hugh E.
Poston, well-known San Francisco pro
fessional, led all professionals for the
tournament by breaking 481 out of 600
targets. Held broke 118 out of 120
vesterdav. placing him on top of the
tiros, with Poston. Poston nailed 11
out of 120 yesterday. Frank C. Riehl
-veteran TiMtma professional scatter
run artist, finished third with 470
broken out of 600. while P. J. Holohan
of Portland was fourth with 453 out of
Brattle Mum Win Handicap.
Frank Kaynor. the Green Lake Gun
club of Seattle, won the northwest
hinrllnn event of 50 targets yesterday,
blowing to dust 48 out of 60 bluerocks.
C. E. McKelvey. also of the Green
Lake Gun club, won the Smails cup in
a shoot-off with E. H. Keller of the
Portland Gun club, and Ray Spangle
of Pandleton. The three nimrods each
broke 25 straight in the event. In the
shoot-off for the prise, McKelvey
smashed 25 straight again, while Span
gle broke 22 and Keller 19.
The individual shooting of Frank M.
Trooh of Vancouver, who shoots as a
. member of the Portland Gun club, was
the outstanding feature of the tourna
ment. Troeh not only won the highest
honor of the entire tournament by reg
istering the top score for tne lour aays
hnntinir- hut won two trophies the
liupont Anaconda trophy and the Becker
trophy. Troeh did not spring into prom
inence the first day of the shoot, but
came to the fore as the shoot pro
J. A. Tree High Polut Mam.
This year's Northwest Sportsmen's
association tournament was one of tne
most successful ever staged and all
visiting trapshooters have gone on rec
ord aa savins? that it was one of the
h.t events that they have ever at
tended. The 1920 event will be staged
in Seattle by the Green Lake Gun club.
Eighty-three shooters competed in the
final day's events.
The highest Individual run of the
tournament was registered by J. Arnold
Troeh, who broke 12S targets without
dropping one. He turned the feat on
Sunday, the second day of the shoot.
Yesterday's scores follow.
1 H. Reld. Seattle
J. II. Davis. Seattle
C L. Templeton. Seattle
1 ;. B. Raaar, Seattle
R. S. Searle. Seattle
Sirs. A. schilling. Portland ..
F. Cathev. Portland
H. B. Newland. Portland ...
F. Van Atta. Portland
E. R. Keeley, Portland
E. H. Keller. Portland
?. B. Preston. Portland .
7. A. Conklln. Seattle
W. W. McCornack. Eugene .
J. W. Seovey, Portland
' H. E. Poston. San Francisco
F. TemplMon. Portland ....
D. C. Bowman. Pendleton ..
C A. O'Connor. Spokane
P. P. Nelson. Varolt. Wash. .
H. R- EverrtlnK. Portland ...
D. C. Van Brunt. Los Angeles
F. tJllbert. San Bernardino .
' D. Stoop. Kalispell
E. B. Morris. Portland ....
P. J. Holohan. Portland ....
P. I., stannard, Kalispell ....
K. M. Troeh. V ancouver
I Ravburn. Portland ...
J. B. Troeh. Portland
Gladys Keld. Portland
J. I'ooper. Tacoma
B. Bales. Tacoma
E. W. Cooper. Tacoma
J. A. rague. Tacoma
J. A. Troeh, Vancouver
i. Mtller. Belilngham
R. Williams. Yakima
F. C. Riehl. Tacoma
K. W. Ktnxer. Seattle
C. E. McKelvey. Seattle
J. C. Morris. Portland
J. S. Crane. Portland
Charles Lelth. Wood burn
Charles Fellers. Donald
H. O. Net jger. Wenatchee . .
R. Spangle. Pendleton
A. Lb Tlppett. Deer Lodge ...
M. A. Ru kard. Corval'ls
C. O. Dodele. Albany
W. G. Ballock. Albany ....
P. B. Dodele. Albany
E Nlckersham. Corvallls ...
H Williams
O. J. Wlrkkala. AttortA
Charles Bay. Astoria
. Anderson. San Jose
' E. Taplam. San Francisco
; Hn. bright. Seattle
B. Kompp. Eugene
K. Kavnor. Se tttle
P. Whitney. Woodburn
1. J. Hoiohan. Lew-istoa
B. L. Denton. Portland
E. O. Haeman. Portland ....
c. B. Bishop. Tacoma
E. H. Riches, Woodburn
A. Zieroff. Junction City ....
A. A. Hoover. Portland
W. S. Short. Vancouver
J. B. Lake. Yakima
J. K. Sampson. Portland .....
A. W. Stroger. Portland
J. A. Reed. San Francisco . ..
F. Fried. ander. Portland ....
1 8. MeLlnger. Portland
A. L. Zachfiason. Portland ..
H. D. Dexter. Portland
R. 8. La cry. Albany
W. C Bristol. Portland
F. O. Joy. Portland
.1111 S3! -.Mi 47.
.I10WI IS 241 3S
. 1 los' iiii 37'isl ik: 211 39
.Ul; 221 22! 46
..1104;... ...I...
..1114! 17! 241 32
.,11.11 211 20i 43
.,11171 1' 2;i! 311
.'Ui 22! 21! 41
.11111 lb, 23 44
.mill. . .1. ..I
.ill4i -Ml... I 42
.11.-.! 2:i l.V St
. im; 2i irii 37
.114! 2:ll 201 42
.11111 ini ii 41
.11111 2111. ..I 4U
.11111! Ill 20! 47
.! ust IS 221 41
.IllOi 141 22! Sfi
.1111! 211 21! 3S
.11151 211! 24 ' 42
.11(1! 20; 23! SB
.111W. . .!. ..I. ..
. lnoi IS 22 46
. ll'.ll 23 21! 4.".
.111.1! 21 24 44
.,112' 221 211 S'l
.llOti! lo I 37
.11(1.-. ......!...
.!!(!. ..I. ..!...
.I11KC. . .1. ..I. . .
.111.-.. 22 241 37
.111! 20 23 ! 38
.jlOO' 11 211. ..
.11141 20; 39
.11119 IS' 221 44
.m:ii 1 2.-. 4(1
.llo.-.l IS! 231 41
.1 KM l'...l 40
.1121 2i 21! 31
. I 9. 2il: 2.-.' 39
.IllWI 21)i 23! 43
.1111.1 22 2.1' 45
.!107 211 11 44
.1109! 19! 21' 40
.IH9 20! 20! 43
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.111.".! 2' 23! 37
.1107: 211' 2l: 40
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.I10.V 1S 211 33
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.140, 1! 21! 42
.1-4,1 1 9 39
27x4. t34x4n.
49xS0. tiSxSO. I3Sx40.
Captain Kellejr and Lieut. Schwan
to Be in Inter-Allied Content.
LE MANS. France. June 22. Names
nf those composing the American team
In the inter-allied rifle.- pistol and
sharpshooting tournament to be held on
the D'Avoura range this week were an-
' nounced today.
Colonel George H. Healy, Rennselaer.
Indiana, is the captain. Members of
the team Include Lieutenant A. Schm-arx,
Portland. Or.: Sergeant Harry W.
Sharks. Vancouver. Wash.; Captain C
K. Kelley. Portland. Or.
Golten ITrged
More Recruits.
to Secure
"After checking up the club's roster
we find you are one of the live mem
ber of lbs Tortland Golf club who has
t oMatned a new member during this
drive for 200 additional men and
women," reads a card mailed to all
members of the club who have failed to
respond with a recruit to date.
"Tour club needs 60 more new mem
bers and they must be found before
July 1. This 'no entrance fee' drive
ends June 30. We 'positively know you
can get one if yon wilL For the good
of your club, we ask you to do it now
Please do not fail us," is the way the ik. ..,... 1 I. an
signed by the membership committee.
Members are urged to send their appli-
cations to James A. Beckett, chairman,
205 Selling building. . .
Cowlits Pnpils Stand High.
KELSO. Wash' June 24. (Special.)
PudIIs of the Willow Grove school, on
the Columbia River between Kelso and
Stella, tied with Ostrander In the recen
eighth-grade examination in Cowlltx
county. Six of the seven pupils passed
in all subjects and. the other failed in
but one. Thev are Lennart Carlson, At'
goth Hermans, Jennie Carlson. Mildred
Berg, Ruth Dahl, and Hllma Mustoia.
Bobby Evans, Former Matchmaker,
to Offer Bout With Boxer Visit
ing in North Dakota.
ai snmrnera the Portland middle
weight who took part in many sens
tlonal boxing bouts in this vicinity until
he Joined the eolors and sailed over'
ith mnc-hine run eompany, has
heen heard from.
Al received his honorable discharge
last week and is now visiting at his
mother's ranch in North Dakota. After
looking the old place over it is ex
neoierf that Sommers will resume his
pincr activities In these parts.
However Sommers may be asked to
take part in a match t an earlier date
than he anticipated, for Bobby Evans,
who handled Sommers' business affairs
until a short time before his enlistment,
has a chance to match a middleweight
in a nearbv citv and Sommers will be
offered the match.
Muff Bronson, who meets Joe Gor
man at Eugene July 4, is training like
trninn for his coming tilt with the
snanish lightweight. Each morning
finds Bronson hitting it on high out
Twelliger boulevard. Bronson is takfng
his match with Gorman very seriously
and figures that a win over tne not
tamale will place him- in the front
flight of northwest lightweights.
Billy Mascott slipped one over on his
brothers-in-swat by stepping out and
purchasing a real automobile. Billy
who has had a desire to own a car for
some time, realized his ambition yes
terday. Now Bobby Evans says he looks for a
call most any minute from police head
quarters asking him to come down to
bail Mascott out.
Danny O'Brien, the veteran light
weight, is showing nice form in his
Australians to Compete In Meets on
Pacific Coast.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 24. Miss
Fanny Durack, Australian swimmer and
holder of many world s recoras ior
women, and Miss Mini wyne, noiaer 01
the majority of the world's records for
the breast stroke for women, began to
day to arrange their Itinerary during
their stay in the United States. The
swimmers arrived yesterday from Aus
tralia and will be under the manage
ment of G. H. Dowsing, who made the
trip with them.
A number 01 meets win do arrangea
for them on the Paclflo coast, after
which they will make a tour of the east.
Miss Durack and Miss w yiie were nere
two years ago, but owing to a misun
derstanding regarding their amateur
status they did not compete. Subse
quently matters were adjusted.
Bicycle Racing Attracts.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 24. The re
vival of bicycle racing, which occurred
here a few months ago with the com
pletion of a new velodrome, continues
successful as Indicated by the attend
ance each week. For nearly a decade
the sport practically was non-existent
as far as the crowds were concerned.
Many old-time names are to be found
among those of the new aspirants for
vy. q I .v JTOjl Vxlj f fit covCn j
UwC ' 1 L4 wliiL- c hi.' ;:
j . SHAprer iN i
ChamDlOn IS Rapped Hard by
Joe Chip, Sparrer.
Tate Again Under Fire In
Dempsey Camp, Bnt Most of
Trainers Have Respite.
(Copyright by the New York World. Pub
lished by Arrangement.)
TOLEDO, O., June 24. Jess Willard
came back to the races today after his
Monday loaf and he felt so good that
he was up on his toes and dancing
about like a lightweight. Jess skimmed
through ten rounds with his men, and
though he was blowing a bit at the
end, ha seemed pretty sure of himselft
In the main, he backed away and did
world of blocking. He blocked pretty
nearly everything that came his way.
except perhaps the spiteful little raps
that Joe Chip gave him. Chip is the
life of the Willard camp when It comes
to the sparring trials. Willard seems
to enjoy the honest-to-goodness ate
tempts of this little fellow to hurt the
wearer of the crown.
M illard lavltes Hard Knocks.
Once Willard had him in a tremen
dous bunny hug. Women in the front
row were admonished: "Ladies, you
must not laugh when the champion is
being drawn and quartered." But the
women laughed loud and long. Willard
had no laugh in the last round, how
ever, for spunky little Chip struck with
right-hander at close quarters and
hit the king on the head so hard that
the blood came with a tiny drizzle from
bis always open mouth.
Willard Insisted on the hardening
process today and allowed his hired
help free swings. For instance, when
he boxed Steamboat Bill Scott he told
the fistic navigator to whale away at
his stomach. Bill certainly did, ana
held Jess with both hands until he was
groggy himself. He gave one more
mighty poke at Willard and then
stepped back to watch the champion
topple. Jess didn't tip over, but only
invited Bill to continue the belaying.
Willard got around on his pins with
the grace of a bantam for the first
few rounds. He began to lag toward
the end, and was puffing after seven
Willard Is Criticised.
John J. Ryan saw Jess box today.
Ryan is an owner of horses and fast
motor boats and knows something
about fighting.
Jess had gone ajong about five or six
rounds with Chip when Ryan up and
said, "I'll bet Jess goes for the water
bottle." The champion did and then
Ryan gave some more expert advice:
Watch him take a swig. That fellow
isn't right. I'll bet a case of -champagne
that he won't be able to expel the water
after he has rolled It around his mouth."
Jess did just the things that Ryan said
he would do. "That's from lack of tip
top condition, lie s got a Dale 01 cotton
in his mouth as big as a push ball,"
added Ryan. "He's clogged and fatty
clean down to his collar bones. A man
isn't right when he acts like that."
"Go over to the Dempsey camp, what
do you find there never a bottle of
water," said John J. Ryan, with the
air of a man who pretends to know.
Because of Willard's great height he
has asked the ring builders to make
the top ropes just four feet four inches.
Jess must be counting on Dempsey
crowding a bit. Jess likes to lean back
on the ropes and with his length and
great weight it is necessary for him to
have all the bracing that the ring law
allows. -Dempsey
Sparrera Get Respite.
Bill Tate was the first under fire in
the Dempsey camp today. Tate wasn't
handled as roughly today. All the help
mates came in for a sort of a respite
from hard knocks. This was evident in
his bout with Jack Malone, the St. Faul
Wltfc Kid Lively.
Malone is a fast little fellow and
Dempsey got right down to the busi
ness of outboxing the little fellow if
he could. Dempsey made a splendid
showing in the matter of sheer science
Reasok Of It s 1.1
He kept working full force, but called
on Malone to rip and tear, which order
was fully carried out- The best fight
of the day in the Dempsey camp was
the bout between the challenger and
Jamaica Kid. Kid is clever and Demp
sey tries with might and main to out
guess him. They exchange no love
taps and it is a real go while they are
at it. Perhaps the hardest punching
Dempsey engaged In was during the
last round with Bill Tate. He caught
Bill several hard ones that made the
lanky darkey hang on for dear life.
Once Bill got a terrific shot against
the side of the head and he reached out
and took the challenger into a close
clutch "until his head had cleared. .
Tex RIckard, Jack Welch and Billy
Brown Suggested.
TOLEDO, O., June 24. Tex RIckard,
promoter of the heavyweight cham
pionship contest between Willard and
Dempsey July 4, tonight met Jack
Kearns, manager of the challenger.
and officials of the army, navy and
civilian board of boxing control in an
effort to solve the problem of selecting
a referee.
Willard did not -attend the confer
ence, but arranged to meet Promoter
RIckard tomorrow.
Included in the list of officials sub
mitted by Kearns as acceptable to
Dempsey were Bill Brown of New
York; Jack Welch, San Francisco; Ollie
Pecord, Toledo; Jim Griffin of San
Francisco; Kid McPartland of New
York; Jack Skelly of Yonkers, N. Y.;
Walter Kelly of Buffalo, and Billy
Roche of New York.
W. A. -Gavin, a member of the exe
cutive committee of the board, and
Adam Empie, secretary, profess to be
lieve the situation is not a serious one
and that the question, will be settled
within two or three days.
Various reports were current tonight
that Willard had declared that he
would accept RIckard as referee and
no one else. Another report was that
Kearns would insist upon either Jack
Welch of San Francisco, or Billy Brown
of New York. Willard is opposed to
the plan of having two judges in ad
dition to a referee.
Dempsey 24 Years Old.
Dempsey was 24 years old today, and
in true boy fashion celebrated the oc
casion with a birthday party tonight
by entertaining 24 children of the
Twenty-three hundred persons paid
25 cents each today to visit the chal
lenger's camp in anticipation of seeing
him flatten out his sparring partners.
Bill 'Tate, who was knocked out yes
terday and the Jamaica Kid, another
negro sparring mate, kept their chins
out of harm's way, but both were con
siderably shaken up.
willard boxed 10 exceedingly tame
rounds and refrained from doing any
thing impressive, although he worked
In the ring for 69 minutes. He con
tinually stood flat-footed and allowed
his sparring mates to hit him in the
John J. Relster removed the last pos
sible legal obstacle to the contest to
day when he announced he would not
take his case against Dempsey into
court at this time. Relster claims to
have a contract to manage Demosev.
Managers, "Trainers and Referees
FaTor Challenger.
Jack Dempsey will stop Jess Will
ard in about eight rounds." said Dumb
Dan Morgan, -manager of Jack Britton,
Battling Levlnsky and who has
handled a score of well-known boxers,
in an Interview given out in New York.
"He is the hardest hitting man alive.
He has youth, hitting ability, game
ness and is- a clean-cut fellow."
Other managers, trainers, referees
and other brands of critics and celebri
ties gave their opinions some of which
Sam Harris, who managed Terry
McGovern Looks like Willard.
Sandy M'Naughton, trainer of Omar
Khayman I like Dempsey.
Honest John Kelly, famous referee
and stake holder Willard.
Albert Cutler, billiard referee Will
ard. Jimmy DeForest, chief trainer of
Jack Dempsey The distance of 12
rounds is quite sufficient to decide
this contest. In fact, I confidently ex
pect that the battle will be decided
long before the 12th round is reached.
I look for Dempsey to knock the
champion out in one - of the early
George M. Cohn My partner Sam
Harris figures that Jack Dempsey has
a good chance and as Harris seldom
makes a mistake In picking: he picked
me, didn't he? I guess I'll string
along with Dempsey.
Sam Harris I am rooting for Jack
Distance doesn't
seem to count
The longer you walk and the
farther you go, the more you'll
enjoy the journey if it's made on
"USCO" Rubber Heels.
Every step is on a soft-yielding
pad of springy rubber. All heel
hammer shocks are absorbed. The
pavement is gripped firmly and
nerve tension is lowered.
"USCO" possesses, in a high
degree, all the good points of
rubber heels.
In addition it bears guarantee of
the world's largest rubber manu
facturer. And yet you pay no more
for "USCO" Rubber Heels.
Black, white or tan. All sizes.
For the whole family. You will
know them by the name "USCO"
and the U. S. seal.
United States Rubber Company
6) 1 . 99
Dempsey to win because he is the type
of fighter who won't stall around but
will defeud the title whenever called
upon to do so.
Tad, New York Evening Journal My
opinion of the Willard-Dempsey fight
Is that Dempsey will be the winner.
William H. Hicks, Jr., sporting editor.
New York Evening Journal Willard.
Sid Mercer, New York Globe I think
that 12 rounds will be ample for Demp
sey to win in.
Californians Will See Fight.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal 'June 24. A
special train carrying approximately
200 California followers of boxing is
expected to leave here in time to reach
the scene of the championship battle
at Toledo between Champion Jess Will
ard and Challenger Jack Dempsey,
which is shedeuled to take place on
Independence day. The party is being
organized by James W. Coffroth, well
known as a ngni promoter ano now
president of the Lower California Rac
ing association, wnose tracK is at
7i 1 1 1 V'Trr-i
egd rrrn
Rubber Heels
are Good Heels
Tijuana, Mexico. Coffroth was active
in staging a number of benefit boxing
bouts during the war which netted
handsome returns to the various war
Seattle Tournament to Pick ' Best
Tennis Player.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 24. With the
Seattle Tennis club championship event
out of the way interest is now centered
upon the next big tennis event of this
city the city championships.
The tournament which will determine
Seattle's best tennis player will etart
July 7 on the club grounds at Lake
Wabraushek, tha new club champion,
and first holder of the challenge cup
recently presented, will again be seen
in action, as well at W. Mansel-Smlth,
the state champion. In the women's
division Sara Livingstone, one of Amer
ica's "first ten," will appear for her
first tournament this season.
'Willard Beat Johnson in 1915.
PORTLAND, June 23. (Sporting Edi
tor.) In what round did Jess Willard
win from Jack Johnson at Havana and
what was the date of the bout? Why
has Johnson left America? E. F. L.
Jess Willard knocked out Jack John
son in 26 rounds at Havana on April 5,
1915. Johnson fled from America as
the result of being wanted on a white
slavery charge.
Centralia Schedules Two Games.
CENTRALIA, Wash., June 24. (Spe
cial.) Two baseball games have been
scheduled for Centralia's July 4 cele
bration. In the morning Pe Ell will
play the local Roundhouse aggregation,
the winners to meet the Tacoma Beav
ers in the afternoon. Sunday at Pe
Ell the Tacoma agregation was de-
You Don't Learn to Like
The first foam-topped glass and you know it's the
friendliest kind of a drink one that agrees with you.
Any Time All the Time!
Served Everywhere.
In Bottles
On Draught
The Portland
This picture w completed Jo
before fcla departure for Tolel
Not a prise fight or ring picture,
bnt the greatest western photo
play In exiatenee with a good
atory showing willard as the
hero, performing stunts and free-for-all
fights never attempted by
7 picture actor.
feated by a score of 7 to S,' while the
Railroaders were taken into camp at
Toledo by a score of 7 to 6. Next Sun
day the Roundhouse will play Oak
ville. nian. Phone Main 7070, A 6096.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
the drink
that (its
Brewing Co.
y starting y
. V- ,
.J'S C'v'o :.!;. ,w- " :
... i
' ! ? ' ( '
v " ,
- i x
: -
f'i, t V V i X)f v J-i-a-,.