THE MORNING OREG ONI AN," WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1919. " 13 FRINGE SEEKS CASH FOR FOE TREACHERY Deputies Ask Inquiry Into Loss of Teuton Fleet. ADMIRAL WILL BE TRIED automobile. After be obtained the car and had demanded that certain acces sories be added, he took It and went to Canada with hU wife and nine chil dren. The Vehef family is still in Canada. The oldest child is 13 years old. BOY SAVES COUSIN'S LIFE Max Mjers, 10, Rescues John ewls In RWer ar Oregon City. OREGON C1TT, Or., June 24. (Spe cial.) John Lewis, aged 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lewis, formerly of Jwewbergr. had a narrow escape from drowning Monday morning while swim PATAGES star introduces SEW DANCES THIS WKEK. Board of Experts Will Decide if Armistice Provisions Wore Vio lated by Scuttling. PARIS. June :. By the Associated Presa France has decided to require complete reparation from Germany for the sinking of the German warships at Scan Flow. This announcement was made by the minister of marin to the naval committee of the chamber of deputies today. It was declared tha the act of the Germans violated both the armistice and the peace treaty. Viscount Guatave De Kerccuezec mem ber of the naval committee of th chamber of deputies, told the budget committee of the chamber yesterda hat he had warned the French min Istry of marine previously that th German fleet interned In Scapa Flow was not being watched with sufflclen care. The budget committeo decided to ask Premier Clemenceau for further Inlor maiion on the subject of the sinking of the ships, and the steps the French government proposed to take to have the loss made good. Some criticism is directed at the British admiralty, the Journal saying "No article in the armistice forbade the maintenance of British guards aboard the German ships." It is likely that the whole subject will come up for discussion in par liament. The council of three has referred the question relative to the ninklng of the German fleet in Scapa Flow to a com mission of experts, which will deter mine whether the armistice conditions were violated. LONDON. June Zt. Admiral von Reu ter. in command of the German fleet scuttled and sunk in the Scapa Flow, will bo court-martialed for having broken the armistice conditions, says the Daily Mail today. The newspaper adds that the details of the trial will be arranged by the allied council in Farts. Ttse German admiralty denies a ru nor In circulation today in Paris and elsewhere that the Germans had sunk the remainder of their warships in Ger man harbora. THVRSO. Scotland. June 23. (By the Associated Frees.) German sailors wer shot by their own officers when they attempted to obey the commands him. or the British omcers to return to I time. their ships and shut the seacocks. This tatament was made by Lieutenant Nut- tall of tha steamer Alouette, who reached here yesterday from Scapa Flow, where the German ships were sunk. LONDON. June 14. The linking of the German fleet at Scapa Flow is re garded by most editorial writers here as a fresh example of German faithless ness. It is contended that the carrying out of Admiral .Von Reutera order auto matically annuls the armistice and renders the admiral liable to the death penalty. Some newspapers demand that the allies exact fullest penalties, including immediate payment ot 70,000,000 gold aa the value ot the fleet. PARIS. June S4. The German ahlps at tea pa Flow did not have red flags flying when they went down, acord Ing to advices received by the American peace delegation. The ships c-arrid the old imperial German ensign. j " ! t L-A .... f If , Hi IfcS is IX-tSV , , -. Mla Mildred Lovejoy. Tripping the light fantastic is an art in itself as Mildred Love Joy, whv is co-starring with Roy Steverat Pantages this week, will testify. Society demands so many new dances every season, accord ing to Miss Lovejoy. and it is up to the creators of the latest Terpsichorean eccentricities to afford the public what it de mands. New dances are just as hard to conceive as new plays and new acrobatic feats. Miss Lovejoy and Mr. Stever have to their credit some 60 dances, which they have introduced from season to season, and with "the cominf" year they plan many additional numbers. TO Marconi Says Orlando's Suc cessor for Reconstruction. SATISFACTORY PEACE AIM Purpose of w Cabinet Is to In- sure Latins Raw Materials to Br Ids Back Prosperity. . ROME, June 23. "Francesco Nitti. the new Italian premier, is undoubted ly a statesman who is most friendly to America," said Guglielmo Marconi to day in speaking of the new cabinet. it is Known that fiignor Nitti wishes to establish close relations with Amer ica to bring about the reconstruction of Italy. The newspapers favorable to Baron Sonnino, former minister of for eign affairs, and the nationalist press, arc unfavorable to the new cabinet. n se maintaining it is not particularly kee to uphold Italy s claims, -but Tomma Tittoni, the new foreign minister wh will be the first Italian delegate Paris, has declared "a satisfactory peace for Italy must be such as wi allow her to conclude equitable treaties, Insure raw materials for her industry and. protect her immigration and safe guard her position in the Adriatic an Mediterranean, besides giving her her legitimate colonies." impartial political observers agree tnat tne downfall or the Orlando minis try was due to Italy's disapproval of tne handling of the nation s affairs the peace conference. "The new government must go Paris with a firmer resolve to secure the ends for which Italy fought," sai Captain Gabriels O'Annunzio, th Italian poet-aviator today. "Woe to if it should return without having ac complished this mission. Italian claims on the Adriatic must be allowed.' of Auburn for $222,693 against a de partment engineering estimate of $195,277. This is a square yard rate of $2.65, while the department estimate was $2.25. Four miles of paving on the Sunset highway from Spokane was let to the I Standard Asphalt Paving company of Spokane at 1131.358. the official esti-1 mate being $115,666. Among bids re jected the highest square yard rate I quoted was $3.89. to it L TO OPEIi JUDGE KAXZLER HEADS DOMES TIC RELATIONS COURT. ming with companions in the Willam ette river near the mouth of the Aber nethy creek. Lewis was saved by his cousin. Max Myers, aged 10. The boys mid stolen away from the Myers home. Myers was an excellent swimmer. The Lewis lad. who was earning, climbed upon a floating tim ber and lost his balance. After sink ng and rising Governor Acts Following Opinion That Parts of Law Creating Of fice Are Constitutional. SALEM, Or., June 24 (Special.) bc cim i 1 nit? a fliyra . fhnii. . . ...H IA.i. .nrl wm o ,hnri uith """v"" ",""MO ucub Lewis was unconscious for a DR. LOVEJOY IS HONORED IE- SUPPOSED TO HAVE OPER ATED WITH FORGED PERMITS. San Francisco Grand Jury Indicts Couple for Alleged Illegal Con signments to Washington. Portland Physician Appointed Head of Women's Hospitals. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash- ngton. June 24. Dr. Esther Pohl Love- Joy of Portland has been appointed hairman or the American women s ospltals., with headquarters in New York, and will assume her new duties once. This organisation still maintains 100 ospltals in Prance and a large num ber in Serbia and it was In these hos pitals during the war that many Ore gon women distinguished themselves. among them Dr. Ber'ha Stewart of Reed college. Portland, and Dr. Mary Evnns and Dr. Mary McLaughlin, also of Portland. Dr. Lovejoy was urged to take the chairmanship of this work because of her familiarity with It gained In two trips to Europe during the war and also in her Red Cross experience. the court of domestic relations In Multnomah county is unconstitutional in various places, enough of it prbbably can be saved from the legal wreck to permit the operation of the juvenile court department, according to an opinion given Governor Olcott today by Attorney-General Brown. Following receipt of this opinion the governor confirmed his recent an nouncement of the appointment of Captain Jacob Kanzler as judge of the newly created court. The appoint ment takes effect immediately. The governor and attorney-general were agreed that the validity of the aw may be tested through proceed ings which are certain to be Instituted after the court begins operation. Captain Kanzler was one of three candidates selected for the judgeship by the circuit judges of Multnomah county. He was chosen by the gover nor from this list. The actual ap polntment has been held in abeyance for several weeks, while the attorney- general has been examining the act to determine whether or not it is con stitutional. JITNEYS ON RAGGED EDGE SAN FRANCISCO. June 24. Samuel Cassmire and Harry Greenwald. both of Tacoma. were indicted hero today by. the federal grand Jury on a charge of having shipped alcoholic liquors into dry" territory. According -to federal officials the shipment of a barrel of beer to Puyallup. Wash., resulted in the un doing of Cassmlre and Greenwald. Prior to this, the officials said, the two men had shipped whisky to Sumner, Puyallup and other points In Washing ton on the strength of permits sup posed to have been issued by the audi tor of the state of Washington, that official having the power to issue per mits for the importation of liquor when used for "medicinal purposes." The shipment of a barrel of beer was said to have started an investigation. It develoDed. the officials said, that the auditor of Washington had not j st uw me permits on wnicn ine alleged earner shipments had been made. The authorities estimate that Cass- mire s and Greenwald alleged shlD ments of liquor to the north amounted In value to Jl.Ooo. Chrhalis Considers Ousting Buses to Save Electric Line. CHEHALIS. Wash.. June 24. (Spe cial.) Chchalis city commission prob ably will prepare a new ordinance regulating Jitney service between Che halls and Centralla that will practically put a stop to the auto stage lines now operating. So deep has been the cut into the earnings of the electric line be tween the twin cities that it is losing so much money that unless the jitney service is reduced to a minimum or cut out entirely the street car company will be compelled to discontinue its service. Since the tractton company pays large sum annually in taxes this fea ture is considered the best end of argu ment to protect the electric line own ers. CHICAGO STRIKE HALTED Unions Declare Truce When City Hearing Is Granted. CHICAGO. June 24. Agreement of the city council finance committee to day to hear representatives of the unions, called a truce in the strike of 3800 employes of the city who quit work earlier in the day. It had the effect of calling off the threatened strike tonight of 400 electrical workers and postponing action by nearly 2000 other union employes. Street bureau men started to strike this morning. Electrical workers and workers of nearly a dozen other unions threatened similar action. Increased wages are asked by nearly all classes of city employes, but a thorn in their side was the expectation that the finance committee would cancel the annual vacations of two weeks with pay. TWO HURT IN ACCIDENTS PROBE OF HOUSTON ASKED Automobile Mishaps Slightly Injure Two Agricultural Department In- Woman and Man. vestigatlons Proposed. n,-. tv v- r.t... ooi r..t :..,,. WASHINGTON. June 24. Resolu ninth street.' was s'l'ig'htly Injured last tions authorizing wo investigations of evening when the automobile In which agricultural Department oy ope he was ririina- collided with a car cial committees driven bv J. S. Holton. 171 Fourth Thursday by CAMP LEWIS NOT CHANGED War Department Has "o Intention of Reducing Size. aan., june tramp Lewie win not be reduced in size as has oeeiv rumored In Pacific coast cities, according to a special dispatch received aere tonignt. "The r department has no inten tion ot reducing tne size of Camp Lewis." the dispatch says. "The war departments intention Is to preserve the camp at its full size of mora than acres. Responsible officials of the war de partment who were interviewed toda; am tney naa never neara ot tne scheme to reduce the size of the camp and that there was no liklihood whatever that tha department would counten ance any such plan. FORGERY GUILT ADMITTED Man Extradited From Canada Sen tenced at Tacoma. TACOMA. Wah.. June 24. Specials M. A. Neher, who was extradited from Canada on a grand larceny charge, pleaded guilty today and was sentenced by Judge Chapman to five to 15 years in the penitentiary. Neher pleaded gnilty to forging the name of H. E. Kelly on a $5 check and presented it aa payment for two pairs of shoes. Neher is also chargee with forging the same name on a $200 cbsc. fee .which, so .obtained, a new. by will be considered the house rules com rr Th arrfricnt nornrrH mt th. mitiee. corner ot Albert and sixteenth streets. m'w".u ..i. .uuu. Mr. Doahu w rut about mi ear. (charges made recently by W. J. Sidney Jefferies. 385 San Rafael splllman. iormer cnatrman or me tarm street, sustained bruises and minor in- management. Dureau. mat. secretary Juries as the result of being struck by Houston "pigeonholed" reports on the an automobile driven by L. J. McCoy, 293 Thirty-third street. The accident occurred in the early evening at the corner of Eighth and Couch streets. cost of producing farm products, while the other would relate to the method of grading wheat under regulations of the market and rural section of the department. RABID DOG ATTACKS 13 -. Mad Beast Bites School Children and Terrorizes Teachers. PHILADELPHIA. Thirteen persons. mostly children, were attacked and bitten by a mad dog which ran amuck in the fashionable residential section at Roland Park. The dog was later cap tured near the Roland Park schaal. Roland avenue and St. John's road, by Motorcycle Patrolman Joseph A. Ba- rouch and killed. An examination proved tnat tne dog was suffering from rabies. The canine first made its appearance in the Roland Park section. It was suffering from a broken leg. It at tacked Miss Stocksdale Monday evening on the porch of her home. Several boys were running the dog along Eu clid avenue when it ran to the porch and, alter attacking Miss Stocksdale, bit four other persons residing along I the same street. The dog then made Its appearance in the neighborhood of the Roland Park school and attacked groups of children who were on their way to school. Pa trolman Barouch came up with the dog along Roland, avenue, near the school. He caught tha animal behind the neck. and, securing a bag, took it to the I Northern police station, 'where it was I shot and killed by the turnkey. 'The! animal was sent to the city health de partment, where an examination of the I canine's brain proved that it had rabies. Several of the school children bitten had their wounds cauterized by Drs. Sydenham R. Clarke and M. .Gibson I Porter. Residents of Roland Park are seri ously alarmed over the number of per sons bitten, and it is feared that large number of dogs and cats have I also been attacked by the rabid dog. Mrs. Todd, principal of the Roland Park school, stated that on several previous occasions children of her school ha dbeen attacked by stray dogs I and that something should be done im mediately to suppress the nuisance, as there are a number of worthless aogs i running at largo in that vicinity wlth-l out license tags. It is expected that the Roland rarK I Civic league ,of which former Governor Goldsborough is hte president, will take I action at its next regular meeting to I have the dog law strictly enforced in the annex. comfortable; clean shave every day not once in a while only A fresh razor blade every dav is out of the question for most men, but a perfectly . satisfactory shave every day is not out of the question for any man. You don't need a new blade to insure a keen blade if you use the AutoStrop Razor. The AutoStrop Razor Blades are made of the hard est and toughest steel pro duced for razor blades, each with the sharpest, finest kind of cutting edge. To keep these blades keen-edged as when new, the AutoStrop Raf of i made with a patented, self contained stropping feature and with it is supplied a specially-treated. strop of se lected hide. A pressure of the thumb" adjusts it for close, medium or light shaving. It is the only safety razor that sharpens, shaves and cleans without removing the blade. Ask your dealer about the 30-day free trial plan. AutoStrop Safett Razor company' New York Toronto London Pari COREA INQUIRER REPORTS Opposition Party Representative Gives Reasons for Insurrection. TOKIO (Correspondence of the As ..opiated Press.) Reoresentative Kono- suke Moriya. who was dispatched oy the constitutional, or opposition party, to Corea to investigate the disturb ances, has reported tne insurrection to be due to the following causes: Discriminatory treatment given to the Corean subjects, who are refused eaual treatment with Japanese sub jtcts In matters relating to the ap pointment in government suras auu stipends allowed. Complicated and ImpracticaDie aa- ministratlve measures, particularly mrict measures for the tax collection which are against the old customs and marners of Cora. Extreme oppression on puouc speeches. Coreans have no organs to give utterance to their - complaints, which do not 'reach "the ears of the governor-general. Forcible adoption or tne assimuaiiuu system. It is a great error and failure of colonial policy, he asserts, to at tempt to enforce upon the Koreans, with a 2000-years' history, tne same oiritual and mental training as on the Japanese people. Snread of the prirciple of the self- determination of nations, which he de scribes as the rising tide of the thoughts of the worlds nations ana which, he says, has deeply implanted itself in the minds of the Corean peo ple. ' NOVEL EXPERIMENT TRIED 4utOtr0p Razor -sharpms itself 500 clean, comfortable shaves from every dozen blades guaranteed STATE TO SUE' ACTIOX TO RECOVER $4000 FROM SIRS. DIBBERX ORDERED. Money Alleged Illegally Paid as Compensation for Death of Hus- band in Shipyard. Circuit Judge G. C. Bingham of Marion county, issued yesterday at Salem, an alternative writ of man damus directing the attorney-general, on behalf of the State Industrial Acci dent commission, to institute suit to recover 4000, alleged to have been il legally paid by the commission to Edna Blanche Dibbern, as compensation for the death of her husband, who was killed at the Grant-Smith-Porter ship yard February 5. The petition, asking for the writ,, which was filed by At torney Lee Roy E. Keeley of Portland on behalf of C. W. Fenn, alleges that such payment of M000 may be legally made only when "the beneficiary removes from the state or resides out of the state for a period of one year." Mrs. Dibbern is a resident of Portland. The writ of mandamus issued also stepping along a five-inch ledge 75 feet from the ground, climbed a fire escape, made ais'way to the Worcester building hand over hand on a telephone cable and took an elevator to freedom lasting three years. He was arrested about ten days ago In Fresno, Cal. With another man Satterwhite broke into a tailoring establishment at 266 Stark street in 1916. He has an exten sive criminal record, it is said. Amherst Astronomer Has Had Wide I directs tne attorney-general to attach and hold the $4000, which is now in the hands of the sheriff of Multnomah Traction Service May Cease. CEXTRALIA. Wash.. June 21. (Spe. rial. At a meeting held last night by the directors of the Centralla Chamber of Commerce. W. A. Schoel, manager of the North Coast Power company, and Mr. JHayden of Tacoma, attorney for the company, informed the board that the company wilt discontinue its traction service between Centralla and Chehalls unless it gets relief from iitnev competition. An ordinance regulating tne jitueys is oeing araitea by the directors for submission to the city commission. At a meeting of the board Thursday night tnei jitney men will state their sice of the case. Liquor Licenses to Be Renewed. LOS ANGELES, June 24. Tele- graphic instructions were received here tonight by Collector of Internal Rev enue John C. Carter o renew federal licenses to sell wine, beer and whisky after July 1. Mr. Carter said the in structions were received from Daniel C. Roper. Internal revenue commis sioner at Washington. TRAIN MISSED, PLANE USED Chico Business Man Flies to Corpo ration Meeting. SAN FRANCISCO, June 24. Benjamin Crouch, a business man of Chico. Cal., was in a dilemma today when he missed train leaving Chico which would have brought him here in time to at tend an important corporation direct ors' meeting. Then he remembered that an air plane, with its pilot, was in Chico. Crouch interviewed the pilot and a few minutes later was sitting tit the observer's cockpit in tha plane and was on his way to this city. He arrived in time to attend the meeting. The flight f com Chico took little less than one hour. Pearl Button Industry Threatened. WASHINGTON. June 24. S A. Prouty of the Iowa board of arbitrators In a latter read to the house ways and meana committee today declared that unless congress enacted a higher tariff protecting pearl button manufacturers from Japanese competition raonlum would . break loose Iowa Industry . ROAD PAVING COSTS RISE Contract Let In Washington to Aver age $3.55 a Square Yard. OLTMPIA. Wash.. June 24. (Spe cial.) Sharp Increases in concrete prices were noted In today's bidding on state highway paving contracts award ed by the state highway commission. Rather than risk delaying the work beyond this year the board let the nande-! contract for pavln- seven miles of the in the I Pacific highway between Forest and J Toledo, in .this tp.unty, .to L, Jl. Morgan. Practical Experience. WASHINGTON. Professor David Todd, who had the novel experiment of taking observations or soiar eclipse from a soaring aeroplane in the South Atlantic, has had a wide experience in practical astronomy. As far back as 1R7S ha was an assistant in the United States transit of Venus expedition. He as chief of the United states navai bservatory eclipse parties in Texas in 1878. chief assistant on the unitea States nautical almanac in 1878-1881, astronomer In cnarge or tne iick oo servatory observations of the transit of Venue in 1882, astromer in cnarge oi the American - eclipse expeaiuon to Japan in 1887, chief of the United States scientific expedition to west Airica in 889. and the head of half a flozen or more ecliDse expeditions in later years. For five years he was proiessorwi astronomy at Smith college, ana since 1881 he has been professor or astronomy and director of yie observatory at Am- erst college. OKE HAS TRAGIC ENDING Prank at Local Shipyard Results In Death of Workman. Rav Stark, employe of the Columbia River ShiDbuilding plant who was in jured Thursday as the result of a prac tical Joke, died last evening at 6:30 o'clock at St. Vincent's hospital. The accident resulted when an air hose con taining some 90-pounds pressure was placed against his body, causing serious lacerations. An investigation was made by the police, but no action was taken. Stark admitting, it is said, that he began the affair In fun which later ended so tragically. The body has been taken in charge by the coroner and further investigation may follow. Stark lived at 211 West Polk street. county, under a suit brought by Keeley against Mrs. Dibbern to recover a fee of 11600. Keeley has offered to dls miss his suit and turn the ehtire $4000 over to the state, losing his fee. HURLEY ASKS MORE MONEY Shipping Board Head Makes Bid for $300,000,000. WASHINGTON. June 24. An increase of approximately f'JOO.000,000 In the JS76.000.OOO appropriation for govern ment shipbuilding carried in the sun dry civil appropriation bill was urged today by Chairman Hurley of the ship ping board at the beginning of near. ings on the measure today before the senate appropriations committee. Mr. Hurley said if the increases were not granted the government would lose heavily In disposing of ships now under construction. Unemployment of men in the shipyards also would result, he said. Franklin T. Griffith at Capital. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. June 24. Franklin T. Griffith, president of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, arrived here today and will appear before the war labor board tomorrow with reference to the wage controversy of employes of ;h Portland street railway lines. Clos- Muraya Tea tickles the palate. set. A Eeierst Pfirtl n.da Adj, ONE-MAN CAR IS SMASHED Two Passengers and Motorman In Jurcd When Truck Is Hit. Three persons were injured and f one-man Fulton street car was wrecked late yesterday in a collision with an auto truck loaded with cordwood at First and Market streets. Two of the injured, B. Rose, 463 East Mill street, and P. McGinley of Oswego, Or., were passengers on the car, while the other, R. Olinger, was the motorman. The car was crowded with passen gers, and according to witnesses was traveling at a high rate of speed north on First street. The truck was headed west on Market street. The driver was Frank Hill. The force of the collision telescoped the front platform of the car and scat tered wood all over the street. The in jured persons, who were cut about the hands and face, were taken to the Good Samaritan hospital. The truck was not damaged. HOME BREWERY NOT LIKED Astoria Justice Levies Fine on Beer Manufacturer. ASTORIA. Or.. June 24 (Special.) The manufacture of home-brewed beer was discountenanced in the justice court this morning when W. Storm of Hammond pleaded guilty to the charge of making beer and was fined 50. The collection of the fine waa suspended during good behavior. Two more cases against residents of Hammond on similar charges are pend ing. The case against Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peterson will be called for trial tomorrow morning and that against Ids Storm is to be heard Thursday. This afternoon the police searched the residence of Peter Kardich, a fish erman, and confiscataed 150 gallons of home-made grape wine. Two barrels containing grape mash were also found. OLD BURGLARY CONFESSED Lester Satterwhite Pleads Guilty to Three-Year-Old Crime. A plea of guilty to a burglary perpe trated more than three years ago wa entered before Presiding Judge Staple- ton yesterday by Lester L. Satterwhite, just returned from California, whore he had been arrested as a fugitive years after his sensational escape from the Portland city jail. Sentence will be pronounced at 9:30 this morning. On March 6. 1916, at 9:40 in the morn ing Satterwhite escaped from his cor ridor in the city jail, wormed his way along the wail on the Second-street side of the jail by digging his finger !,, .stonUb you. into, crevices in the brickwork and appear troirent amvoth sad velvety, KANSAS .GUARDING WHEAT State Taking No Chances With Har vest Agitators. TOPEKA, ' Kan., June 24. Seventy trained observers were sent into the Kansas wheat fields today in an effort to prevent incendiary fires, to warn farmers against I. W. W. agitators be lieved to be in the wheat belt, and to run down any radicals whom they may discover. Special agents of "the railroads and local representatives of the Anti-Horse Thief association will assist in protect ing the farmers grain. Literature received today in Topeka includes that of the A. W. I. U., or Agricultural Workers Industrial Union, said to be an offspring of the I. W. W. Harvest hands are warned In this literature not to be slackers, but to do their bit. McARTHUR TAKES AIR TRIP Oregon Representative at Once Ap plies for Longer Journey. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, June 24. Representative N. c McArthur of Oregon and William J. Browning of New Jersey today took a 30-minute flight in a naval flying boat, with Ensign Davidson at the wheel. They started from the Anacosta aerial station and flew down the Potomac river to Mount Vernon, then returnee and encircled the cities of Alexandria and Washington. ' Their machine attained a maximum height of 2200 feet and a speed of 90 miles an hour. This was Mr. Brown ing's fourth flight, but the first tor Mr. McArthur, who upon landing ap plied for passage to Norfolk, Va., the next time-! navy plane is dispatched for that place, which is 200 miles distant. WHITE TERRORISM FOUGHT AXTI - BOLSHEVIK MEETINGS AMONG LOGGERS ARRANGED. ' E. B. Fish at Y. M. C. A. Declares America Offers Xo Soil for Xo-Toil Propaganda. v ' " ' ' "White terrorism," as he collectively terms radicalism, the I. W. W. prln- uipica aim wjiaiiK v isiii v no uciiucu terday noon at the Y. M. C. A., by E. B. Fish, who has been conducting lum ber camp "Americanism" meetings. Mr. Fish is associated with Captain Jack AnrierKnn. whn has hppn SAnrlins irood. . literature to the industrial establish ments of the northwest as a part of the anti-bolshevist movement. The two men came from Seattle, where they made plans for the fall speaking campaign and will return to that city tonight. Nearly all the great Industries of this. section of the country have ro.uested Mr. Fish to speak in their camps. Captain Anderson has been carrying. , on his unique fight against radicalism, three years and is now being assisted by Mr. Fish, who acts as evangelist "V for the movement. "We must believe that the vast ma- . jority of the people of this freedom-c. loving country are loyal, said Mr. Fish, "but we must ever remember. that agitators seeking to propagater their theories which promise the- , millenium are working persistently. American institutions have not only.... been the pioneers of world democracy,,, but they stand today as a mighty bui- t . wark against the encroachment of law- lessness and slavery. The agitators.. , promise freedom; they promise the', products of toil without toll, but in Russia, where they have had the best. chance to work out their theories, they have brought confusion, distress, de- -.. vastation and death. America offers no soil for the tares of bolshevism. nor. any other form of radical revolution- if the citizens of this country will arouse themselves to preach the gospel r of Americanism everywhere." -. . Packers' Employes Ask Rise. SPOKANE, Wash., June 24. A flat increase of $1 a day and a 44-hour week is asked by packing house employes of this city in a new wage scale submitted today by the employes' union to three local packing concerns. The increase would apply equally to men and women. The companies have until Friday morn ing to pass on the proposed scale. Hoover to Receive Degree. PARIS. June 24. Herbert Hoover, head of the' inter-allied food commis sion, left for England today to receive a degree from Oxford university. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Dentist Arrested for Bigamy. TACOMA, Wash., June 24. Robert- Howard, also known as Leroy Patery, a local dentist, was arrested this after noon on a charge of bigamy brought by?.' Esther Johnson, his former wife, who secured a divorce from him March 31. Miss Johnson alleges that at the time of their marriage, Howard, or Patery,'. had already married Lena Gibson. CASTOR I A: For Infants and Children r In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Famous In A Day For Her Beautiful Complexion. Oatmeal Combination Does it Free Prescription Does Its Work OvernightYou Can Prepare It at Your Home, x-. mrii! It Is my own discovery and It takes just one nisnt to get such marvelous rinults. smys Mae Edna Wilder, when her friends ak her about her wonderful com nlexlon nd th" Improved appearance of her hands and arms. Tou can do tha same thins if you follow my advice, she says: I feel It t tell every alrl and woman what hl wonderful prescription did for me. I naver tire of telllns othr just what brouslit ,!,.. i nreaeriDtlon that removed every de fect from my face, neck, hands and arms. ii,i vau trv it you can form no idea ot the marvelous chni it will make in just one application. The prescription which you can .rnur at vour own home la aa follows: Go to any crocary and set tan casta worth of ordinary oatmeal, and from any dru store a bottle of derwillo. Prepare th oatmeal as directed in every packag-e of derwillo and apply night and mornins. Tha firat applica nt WHitea iu Htvin esptscfsHy itcmranJ It for frckJa, tan,' sun spots, coarse pores, rough kin, ruddi ness, wrinkles, and. In fact, every blemlshi1 the face, l.nd and trim are heir to. If . your neck or chest ia discolored from ex- poaure, apply this combination there and , the objectionable defect will disappear. It Is absolutely harmless and will not produce or stimulate a growth of hair. No matter how rough and ungainly- the hands and,, arms, or what abuses they have had through hard work and exposure to sun and wind, this oatmeal-derwillo combination will work a wonderful transformation In 12 hours at the most. Thousands who have used U have had the same results I have had. Note: To get the best effect be sure to , follow tha complete directions contained In every package of derwillo. You have only r to get derwillo and oatmeal. You need nothing else and it is so simple that any- -one can use It; and Is so Inexpensive that any sir) or woman cun afford it. The manufacturers and druggists guarantee that ' there wilf be a noticeable improvement after the first application or they will refund the money. It is sold in this city under a money refund guarantee by department stores and ' all upafo-dute druffsiiita Including Wood- . ward Clarke fc lo. ana the Uwj store,. m