13 THE 3I0R"IXG OREG O.MAX, WEDNESDAY, JUXE 23. 1919. WOOL PRICE JIT BEi PROMINENT GREETEBS OF AMERICA GREETED BY PORTLAND IN THEIR NATIONAL CONVENTION. Boston Mills Buy 3744 Pounds at 54!8 Cents. 600,000 POUNDS ON SALE Jlost of 310 Tons Sold by Central Oregon Associations Goes to Eastern Firms. S" BEND, Or.. June It. (Special.) The highest price paid ' in the state this year for rant sheep fleeces was given today at the aala held by the Central Oregon Wool Growers association, the first to be hald ua Bend for three years. when the American Woolen Mills of Boston, through tneir agent. Alex LIv tngston, paid 64 cents a pound for the 3744-pound clip of John Atkinson. Earlier in the day the price had keen run up to 53 and 51 cents, each Being Oregon records for the year. Fifteen buyers were on Jand from Boston. Portland. Salt Lake jnd Pen dleton, but the greater part of tha total or tiO.SIS pounds sold went to supply eastern mills. More than COO. 000 pounds were offered, and a number of deals are still pending. Virtually all the. wool taken was fine staple. Sales made today were as follows Ned Angand, 7177 pounds at 46', cents, to Isador Ashland of Boston Barry & Ahern. 54, 490 pounds at 50 M cents, to Charles Green of PorilanaW Dan Hourlgan. I4.t3 pounds at li1 cents, to tha American Woolen Mills ef Boston: Payne 4k Lester, ll.:S4 pounds at SOS cents, to the American Woolen Mills; Dennis O'Connor, ls.SSO pounds at 4. cents, to Isador Kosh- land: Pitcher & Warner. 51.600 pounds at 60 cents, to the American Woolen Mills: Earl Small. 7?64 pounds at 52 "4 cents, to tha French Woolen Mills ef Boston? O'Callaghan Bros.. 13.761 pounds at illi cents, to tha American Woolen Mills. Con O'Koefe. 15.700 pounds at S314 cents, to Isador Koshland: L. T. Hoy, 12.400 pounds at 494 cents, to Crim mins & Pierce of Boston; George Jones, ll.tiS pounds at 42'4 cents, to the French Woolen mills: Parker & O'Keefe. 12.000 pounds, 54 cents to T. E. Fell of Portland; Mike Angland. 19.037 pounds, at 47 cents, to the American Woolen mil's; Reeder & Welsch. 8394 pounds, at 45 4 cents, to Charlea Green of Portland; Tom Kronln. 34.5,0 pounds, at 47 cents, to the American Woolen mills; Con C'Connell, 13,169 pounds, at iOS cents, to Crimmins &. Pierce W. W. Brown. 48,400 pounds, at 44-1 cents to the r rench W oolen mills; W, L. Cook, 3325 pounds at 4'4 cents, to the French Woolen mills: Jack O'Kecfe. 30.000 pounds, at 60S cents, to Isador Koshland and C. R. Potts: !140 pounds. at i cents, to Charles Green of Port land; John Atkinson. 3744 pounds, at HH cents, to tha American Woolen mills; Pike Bros.. 674 pounds at 46 cents, to Charles Green or Portland. 148TH GUNNERS DUE SOON DETACHMENT SCHEDULED ARRIVE THCRSDAr. TO Cult Comprises ICS Men on Way tol Camp Lewis to Be Mus tered Out. One hundred and sixty-six members I ef the 148th field artillery are sched uled to arrive in Portland at 8 o'clock Thursday morning on the way to Camp Lewis, where they will be mustered out of the service. They will be accom panied by a casual company of 72 men. and aiz artillery officers. Members I ef the reception committee will meet the troops at Union station, and es cort them to one of the hotels, where breakfast will be served, and other I entertainment ia being arranged. Tha 14tth field artillery, traveling and fighting companion of the 14Sth. will not come through Portland, but is scheduled to arrive In Walla Walla to day. The 146th was recruited chiefly in eastern and southeaatern Washing ton, and will be given a big demonstra tion at Walla Walla today, according to reports received here. Ninety-one casuals from Newport I News will arrive in Portland at 12:30 o clock thla afternoon and will leave at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Camp I Lewis. They will be guests at lunch eon at the Benson hotel, and later will be taken to the Y. M. C. A- or Mult nomah club for swimming. Owing to I their limited stay In Portland, elab orate arrangements for their entertain ment are not being made. V "V 'r r HsT VilW J v v 'Af ;w tils i;.:',f v i A4t "y .. rM'if i . snpi . 'ft' " ' . '.---:;:;.- -jif ; -' s" rr,. "S;3 B ALL EGYPT IS WILD AS EXILES ARE FREED Aristocratic Women Vie With Dancing Girls in Cairo. nature's green symbols as they shout ed. Again and again I saw men take off their outer cloaks and throw them about. Cairo Near te Jangle. In other ways It appeared how near these people are to the changeless past. Cairo is close to the desert and the Jungle, figuratively as well as literally. For on the main streets and squares to which all classes graviated by the hun dreds of thousands there appeared the tom-toms such as one hears in farthest African and Asiatic villages. Their wild music, evoked by skillful fingers, suits such an occasion of unrestraint this. Over and over a circle would be cleared in the crowd while men did a jungle dance. Directly in front of Shepheaxd's hotel this scene was re but FIGHT FOR LAND LIKELY Leaseholders on Wagon Roud Grant Prepare for Action. MARSH FIELD. Or.. June 14. (Spe- eial. An Interesting feature of the Coos Bay wagon road land grant for feiture looms in the near future. The Southern Oregon company, which owned the land grant before the gov ernment confiscated It. had many choice areas of cleared dairying land. Such ranch - lands were rented and leased to the occupants, but never sold. Now that the land has reverted to the government, the people who have occupied the various places, many of them for yeara at a time, hope to es tablish priority claims In eacn in stance, and to further their hopes are orKaatzing a company to protect their Interests. 1 W. Hammoari (HamM) Williams, presidential candidate, of Saa Fraaeiaee. Leonard Hicks, another presidential aspirant, of Chleaan. S Leigh Fuller ef Lea Aagelea, who also aspirea to the leadership of the Greeters. 4 John T. Faxon of l.oa Angeles, chairman of the board ef governors. 5 K. A. Sears of Rochester. Minn., member of the board. B. Sweeney of Milwaukee, wls member of board. T -Francis Patrick Shanley ef San Francisco, In rharacterlatle speaking pose. 8 F. H. Rokwer ef Spokane, member of board. 0 -V. s- Warriner of Denver, secretary id member of the board. 10 Avery G. Warren of Chicago, member of the board. 11 President R. D. McFaddan of Fremont. .N'eb., head of Greeters of America, greeted by charlea D- Schrrtter, president of the Greeters of Oregon. 9REETERS HEBE FOR MEET! HOTEL MEX EAGERLY LOOKING FORWARD TO HIGHWAY TRIP. FIRE DESTROYS DERRICK Astoria Bankers and Equipment Salter $1500 Damaje. ASTORIA. Or, -Sune 14. (Special ) A fire which started in the engine room of the digger that was being used In unloading rock at the Walluski bridge bunkers about o'clock last night burned the derrick as well as all the upper works of the digger. . The loss Is estimated at about lliOft. Several men hesitated to go aboard to fight the, flames for fear of a gaso line explosion. The bridge and bonkers al! caught fire but were merely scorched and not damaged. Women Folk With Delegates Are Entertained by Tortland Auxil iary to Association. fTorttrraM Vrore First FagO Reckless Drivers Arrested. Collision between a Thirteenth-street ear and a truck driven by William Botsen. a stove mounter, at Thirteenth and Alder streets, yesterday resulted in slight Injury to John Krueger. Zit Russell street. He was attended at the Emergency hospital. Botxen was arrssted on a charge of reckless driv ing and ef driving a motor vehicle while Intoxicated. Two other men were ar rested yesterday en charges of reckless driving. They were M. Schmltxerji an Jfrssemas, aud dgr C. Lindse, the willing far westerners. There is a great deal of talk for the Irrepressible Ham," but his rivals are .working the field lndefatigably and predictions of the outcome are discounted. For the matter of that, every Grectcr, quite as a matter of course, wears ail the cam paign decorations that the rivals pin upon him and keeps his own counsel. At yesterday's afternoon session three bids for the next convention were brought to tha attention of the Greet, era. They came In the form of urgent messsges from Los Angeles. Colorado Springs and St. Louis each setting forth admirable reasons why the privi lege of host in 19-0 should be accorded them. With the delegates are " scores of ladlea whoame along to see the rose city and watch tueir husbands enact the big convention scenes. At other conventions women visitors have been rather left to-their own devices, by reason ef the fact that they are not members of the organization. But Portland has the first ladles' auxiliary, charter No. 1. of the Greeters. and the local members ' have prepared a com plele and separata programme of enter, tainmenl theater parties. shopping tours, luncheons, dinners, drives and other social diversions. Jhj registration. ages pi the con vention form a veritable directory of the country. Delegates are present from practically every city of im portance, while there are scores from the smaller towns. But the de mocracy of Greeterdom knows no dis tinctions, and the delegate from Goth am would be no more welcome or tm portant than one from Gresham. Proof of this is found in the fact that Presi dent McFaddan, of Fremont, Neb., won his office in contest with "Tommy" Farrell, widely known clerk of the Waldorf-Astoria staff, one of the most prominent of New lork Greeters. The Chicago delegation, headed by Its presidential candidate. Leonard Hicks, ia 18 strong, the party number ing 34 In all. New York Is represented by 14 delegates, led by Frank A. Ready, of the McAlpin hotel. Two oieihe most active and, certainly, the most uniquely original characters on the convention floor are Franeis Patrick Shanley, vice-president, of Loe Angeles, and David Olmstcad of Cleve land, both with the reputation of being able to "start something most any time." Highway Trip Flaaned. Among the many prominent delegates are V. S. Warriner, secretary, of Den ver, publisher of the American Greeter, who motored to Portland: R- E. Gould, first vice-president, of the Newport house, Newport, N. H., and Frank C. Jordan of the Lexington, Chicago. Many of the delegates, bearing com missions from tneir home cities, are improving the occasion by making res ervations for their own particular crom'd of Shrlnera, to attend the na tional assembly of tha Shrine In this city next Summer. "We are aii looking forward with keen pleasure to the highway trip along the scenic Columbia," said Ham ' Will iams of San Francisco. "To those of us who are fed up on western grandeur It will prove more than an ordinary tfa kuj to the. brothers itsm the east say, they don't know what they have coming!' And, speaking of scenery, A. J. Ba raah, of Seattle, publisher of the Hotel News of the West, circulated among his fellow delegates with the announce ment that, beginning next week, his house will issue a special travel maea sine, featuring the scenery of the Pa- cliic northwest. Today's session will open at 9:30 a.m. in the Multnomah hotel and will be devoted to educational work and ad dresses. The afternoon session will convene at t:SC o'clock. Other features of the day's programme will be the shopping tour of the ladies, under supervision of the local hotel auxiliary, at 10 o'clock; luncheon for the ladies at the Imperial hotel: an automobile trip for delegates at 4 o'clock, over the Interstate bridge: and a "high Jinks" at 1 p.m., ladies included, at the Cham ber of Commerce. ORCHARD-WORKERS SOUGHT Camps to Be Established Xcar Rose- burg for Pickers. ROSEBURG. Or.. June 24. (Special.) With thousands of acres of fruit in heavy bearing this season and cnerries and loganberries ready for picking growers are feverishly searching for pickers. he fruit inspector, acting under direction of the county court, is developing plans for pickers' camps, where boys, girls and older people may find accommodations while working. A camp will be established In Gar den valley this week, which will be the first of the kind in this county. The largest apple, yield is expected from this section and thinners are in great demand Just now. This camp will be in charge of one of- the high school in structors or the county school super visor. A cook will be provided and proper sleeping accommodations ari ranged, J i MOP niHPIfl Y ACCETMQI Cn peatedly enacted. IflVU taviWllfc.1 ntfWklllUbLU with nn tho,.-ht r,t vi.l.rltv I only as an instinctive, spontaneous ex pression of enthusiasm, after the Im memorial fashion of their ancestors in , . , , , , lu- guuwi ttuu mo uracil, kimcb ui uUS" -es oi "wni women mounted carts, and, with casta Live the Nation" Greet Prorlima. nets on their fingers, did the muscle I nances woicn are taDooea ty tne police of American cities. The social stand ing of these women is represented by a minus sign rather than by sero; yet they rode unrebuked side by side with the elegant n nfftmnh)l, nf tiA veiled BT WILLIAM T. ELLIS daughters and wives from the harems (Copyright by the New York Herald. Pub- I of the princes and pashas and beys. .. sy Arrangement.) Egypt was never before so democratic '-"'"w- ccicorawrs ana juoua- i a r,n thi, a .i , - a tors and demonstrators, Egyptians lead CTOSa sectlon of the nation.s life. from the world. Mrs. Pharaoh does the I rv, t t.'u,.- n uuucc-nuuvueo uig u. ruaraon sicpi clamorous with "Yahia el Watan! i.iT V. D,nce' Dla Prance ana yen Organized demonstrations In Fifth with a tirelessnees that makes an oc-1 venua mav .hn , cidetital marvel. I saw America's two pageantry and of the stage manager's armistice celebrations the premature art- hnt r. k. ,i and the real in Philadelphia and Bos- interest of thla swirling, sureing. ion, ana tneee went Deyond any or tne screaming mass of Cairenes. Americans lwtii. ti ttlUiCiiU jcdi flffl nnt let t ioitiraIv, trn Hn tha ouiDurais i naa ever witnessed. Amer- Oriental. There was something about ...,t.L.vt,.., " this Jubilation that was elemental and Sunday school exercises when compared primitive; it seemed to belong to the with the mad delirium of patriotic fer- childhood of the race. The Instinct "r swept v.airo mio ine streets to shout and to fling about one's body .r xwu .d,, ui .ra;"oa u ,proc'?- was given free rein. Considering the mation of General Allenby freeing the varied colors and flowlne- fashion of nationalist leaders exiled to Malta and granting permission to Egyptians to travel and to send a deputation to the peace conterence, Contrast, that first element of the dramatic, was abundantly present. For three weeks the nation had been in revolt- Wires were down, rails were cut, buildings burned, foreigners besieged. The army had visited swift punishment, by air, by water, by land. A thousand or more Egyptians had been killed. Riot' ing and death had been common in Cairo. Great public funerals on the two preceding days had keyed the popu the raiment of the crowd, the effect was harmoniously kaleidoscopic. In all that two days of celebration there were only two or tnree hands; aside from the reverberating: tom-toms and the shrill reed pipes the .music was altogether that of the human voice, which displayed amazing quantities of volume ana endurance. Cries of Joy Hear. "Otcourse there were speeches, hun dreds of them, from speakers in car riages, on verandas, windows and on the shoulders of men. None were long. lace up to a high pitch of tension. Then for the crowds merely wanted fresh suddenly, at noon of Monday, April 7, occasion to yell. Every orator in Egypt there fell the unexpected and astound- knows the art of antlphonal response; ing news that all the demands of the and the climax of eloquence is to set people bad been granted by General I one s nearers to snouting. Allenby. I More interesting to the foreigner Opposite my window is a nopular cafe tnan speeches or dances or the thrones where Egypt's favorite outdoor sport of I that mounted to the top of street cars conversational endurance races is and carriages and roofs were the Joy played. The men at the tables suddenly cries of the village and Bedoulin began to yell and clap their hands. 1 women. These black clad figures, usual looked out; an automobile had brought ly wearing black veils from the eyes a message and some copies of an extra down, although occasionally showing edition of the Official Journal. As the tattooed chins and cheeks, are the machine sped on its way runners darted somber background of native life. At off with copies of the paper. Those left wedding feasts they make merry, quite behind shook hands with one another, after the fashion of the Bible, and waved their canes and tossed their tar- they have a distinctive cry, made by booshes into the air, cheering the while. I pressing the tongue against the roof Within five minutes the noise of shout- or the mouth, thus producing a hieh. ing was heard in every direction. Fif- piercing and ululating sound. It resem teen minutes later I was driving around bles somewhat the yoding of the ex the city, and the news apparently was uberant small boy or the war cry of everywhere. People poured out of their the American Indian. Frequently groups homes as If summoned by telepathy. No of women in the multitude would give prairie fire ever sped more swiftly tnan utterance to this wedding Joycall. In the hilarious tidings that Saad Zaglul, front or Shepheard's hotel an unveiled whose arrest- had made him a national black woman with snapping eyes, martyr, was free and that Mr. Wilson shining skin and large white teeth did and the peace conterence. were eager a jungie can-can, witn ner Dane on to hear Egypt's plea. Mob Quickly Assembled, Life is more mobile in the east than In the Occident. People are not tightly tied to their task-. They are never too busy to obey the impulse or the lnstant. A mob is a matter or moments oniy. The scattered Dools and rivulets of hu man life quickly merge into a swut river. Within an hour after the puoii cation of General Allenby's message all Cairo was astir and out of doors. Into the remotest room of the most palatial harem, where elegant ladles lonea in tedium and comjlaint at the turbulent times which kent them so rigidly in doors, and into the most hidden hovel in the narrowest alley in the native quar ter the electric message of freedom ran PoDUlarlv. the news was in as national lIDerty. Aparentiy mo masses thought that Independence had been granted to Egypt. There could De no doubt of the appeal of patriotism to the hearts of even the humblest. A man at a London desk might contena tnat her shoulder, out of sheer exuberance of spirit and apparently unconscious of the onlookers. A few moments later two camels came along the sidewalk, so close to the houses and terraces that those within could almost touch them. They bore loads of celebrants, waving branches and flags. A short distance behind them a student, causrht In the Jam with a bicycle, tried to carry it above the heads of the people, and as the wheels banged to and fro thev hit the merry-makers; but everybody con sidered it a Joke. Nothing could dampen tne gooa nature or these shouters for patriotism. During the first afternoon I saw two heavy truckloads of stone being pushed along the street bv men ternreted who sliu "'"ck to their tasks; and they worked when everybody else was holi daying, Uhough as they toiled they chanted "Yahia el Watan!" Shouts Given for America. On the second day of the demonstra te lower classes of Egyptians neither tion there were more flairs and vehicle know nor care anything about nation- Also the outlying towns had sent their alism, but no honest person looking people in for the rejoicing, the women upon the Cairo outburst wouia Deneve riding on the familiar, flat-topned don- so for a moment. Something new hap- key cart, which commonly carries two pened in the long dormant east. The great passions have stirred the hearts of the least among the people. Resur rection life is coursing hot through the arteries and veins of old Egypt. Ele mental deep is answering to deep. or more passengers and makes an ad mlrable stage for the native dance. Every vehicle in Cairo was pressed into use and I warrant the wheelwrights had busy times afterwards with broken springs. Sumptuous automobiles that average American Is sui generis. Hs may be a bit unsophisticated, and sus ceptible to polish, but he is muddy gold and not gilded mud. His aptitude for what is real amounts to genius. Some how his eyes see through shams and pretenses. Teachable, when taught he is not uncertain. Europe and the orient may gull him once or twice usually do. in fact but not the third time. His capacity for apprehending the essential has won the appellation "Yankee com mon sense. This American believes certain big ideas about human rights and brother hood. He thinks they have made him what he Is. No genuine American could ever become a Brahmin. His only cast is democracy. Therefore he instinctively feels that every other human being, be he a Chinese on the upper Tangtse, an Egyptian on the Nile, an Armenian beneath Mount Ararat, a Russian on the Volga, or a Kaffir in the jungle of Africa, has a right to a square deal and a fair chance. For the basic rights of man and for world Justice and civiliza tion he will even go to war. But he will not draw his sword for the sake of trade or territory or privilege. President WMlson may be reshaping the world, but America shaped Presi dent Wilson. Aaaericaa Spirit Landed. Back home one wonders are they stressing anew. In the light of a world on fire, the old, old verities that have made the American type. It eeems a. long way from the Pyramids to Phila delphia, but at the moment Philadelphia-made political doctrines are rock ing the Egypt of the Pyramids. Across the aands, the seas and the centuries Egypt cries to America to guard well her distinctive and democratic Ideals, casting out or shutting out all who would impair them. America was con stituted as a protest against class and caste; whatever savors of either, at top or at bottom, should be thrown anew, like a bad casting in the foundry, into he furnace of democracy. It would be treason to far more than our own history for America to become in any degree or kind an imitation of Europe or Asia's outworn systems. If I were to stand on the top of this great Pyramid and make an address to the schools of all America it would not deal with the Interesting theme of Egypt, old and new, but rather with the su preme importance ef drilling into the innermost consciousness of every boy and girl, man and woman, the story and spirit of our America her history, her constitution, her personalities, her traits, her nniaueneBS. her democracy and all the etrange providences that have made her today the moat power ful influence in the whole world. One does not need to consult the sands in which Arab fortune-tellers trace fate to nerceive that America's destiny is to carry ner far, far afield in, world service. We who sail a troubled sea In a stout and safe craft cannot , turn away from the hands of the drown ing: stretched out to us in supplication. Our nation faces new overseaa respon sibilities of a grave character. The more reason, therefore, that she should cultivate vigilantly at home and send watchfully abroad the true American tvne of democratic character, with fear of none and good will to all. For this the very soul of America is wnai mj weak and wounded and weary world asks of us most of all. 1 PLJIEO FOB KEYMEN UNIONS TO CONSIDER MUSS FOR PAYING SALARIES. All of us are primitives in times of had been out of sieht for the nreeedina- deep experience, and Egypt is near weeks of tumult now appeared, all enouslt to naked man to give unre- decorated with flowors and flairs n strained play to the impulse to shout red and white ribbons, and leap for Joy. That is what Cairo it needed this second day to bring did. and the rest of the country as well. It went out into the street and yelled and cheered. America in celebration seeks mechanical methods of making noise, the east exercises its lungs. Hap piness, more than misery, loves com forth fully the two most remarkable as pects of the demonstration. First of these was the appearance of the upper class women, riding in automobiles and carriages and dressed in black silk, with the white, transparent veil covering the pany; and the people naturally cliis- iower half of their face Somebody tered together, and cried aloud in com- counted 76 loads of women in the Tues mon. day afternoon procession. Most of them "Long Live the Nation' carried Egyptian flasrs or more natri- The words that they shouted were I otic ribbons. Several mothers had their the same all over the city: "Yahia el children dressed in the Egyptian flag. watan 1" "Long live the nation!" The crv became a refrain, chanted in unison Capering bays on tne street snnuea it to the same cadence, bodies of students lunged it as a college yell. Black robed women with tatooed faces came out from their hovels, babies bouncing astride their shoulders, and echoed It antiphonally to gangs of cavorting coolies. Eminent citizens from car riages and motors saluted the throngs with it, to receive the same words in mighty response. Men with Egyptian flags beat time while crowds took up the refrain. Occasionally the one chorus was va ried by cheers for America and for Mr. Wilson and for France and for Saad Zaglul and for the peace confer ence. Mostly, tnougn, it was tirelessly. Yahia el watan! Yahia el watan!" The frenzy grew with the crowds. These The women did more than shout for Egypt, for liberty, for Zaglul. for America, for Mr. Wilson, for France and for the peace conference. Inces santly they leaned out of their vehicles and started the antlphonal yelling of the crowds. Sometimes they stood up and made patriotic speeches, ever being greeted with "Vive la Femme!" This cry became part of the common chorus of the crowd. This was emancipation day for Egyp tian women. That American and Brit ish women should march and make speeches is no longer noteworthy; but this is the east, the home of the harem, the land of the veil; where it Is not proper for a man to mention his wife or his mother; the very citadel of seques tration and subordination of women. This high day, however, brought women of all classes to the fore as inciters to Labor Council Indorses surine oi Commercial Telegraphers; Other Help Is Sought. Financial . arrangements by which salaries may be paid to commercial, telegraphers who are on a strike will be considered at a joint meeting of rail road telegraphers, commercial teleg raphers.lrain dispatchers and members of other unions interested, to be held in Portland Sunday. Announcement has hn mid that the Portland Central Labor council has indorsed the strike of the commercial telegraphers, and affiliated bodies may be called upon to assist the telegraphers in financing their walk-out. Local officials were hopeful yester day that the International News Serv io and United Press operators soon would join the ranks of the commercial men, and were optimistic In the belief that the strike would be of short dura tion. . Several unions already have voted money for the strike fund, and Deputy International President C. H. Preston Sr. said yesterday that plans are being ade to pay a regular salary to inoan out of employment. Agato Carnival Postponed. MARSHFIELD. Or., June 24. (Spe cial.) Port Orford folk, at a recent meeting for the purpose of arranging for the 1919 Agate carnival, decided that sufficient backing could not be obtained to Insure the carnival being a success, and so it was abandoned for this season. It is probable the carnival will be given in 1920. since it bad be come a function which drew crowds from great distances and furnished enr joyment for local people and strangers alike. LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls 1 Make beauty lotion for a few cents Try It! people were happy and harmless: the patriotism and as leaders of the men. same crowds might have dealt death the day before, but .now anybody was safe to go anywhere. I covered the streets of the forbidden native city. Shopkeepers began to take down the boards that protected their windows. This alone marked the occasion as revolutionary. Nevertheless, each is Itself and the American Is of his own kind. There is a distinctive American type; one may identify an American by his clothes, his Anybody could see that this was a fes- carriage, his walk, his face, his speech tival of Joy, with animosity to nobody. General Allenby's master-stroke of magnanimity had done what his army could not do. There were no parties classes in this freedom carnival. Egypt was indulging in a Joyous and innocent orgy of national conscious ness. The slums sent their worst and the palaces sent their best to mingle in common and tumultuous street filling procession of patriotism, which kept up an overpowering and unbelievable din. Always the east reverts, xn any ex his actions, his thoughts. Since the first Pyramid was begun there have been many mixtures of human life; and na tions beyond count have come and gone, as if nature had almost exhausted the resources of her laboratory; yet after these five thousand years there has been evolved in the new west a people unlike any other that has ever been anywhere. National Type's Gift. War has taught our veterans that pression of feeling it acts as it acted there is an American t; pe distinct front two or five thousand years ago. Tne all others and having no reason to covet story of the triumphal entry of Jesus alien qualities. This has 'been to the into Jerusalem became understandable world the great revelation of the war. to one watching this Cairo celebration. For America it has been an experience Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake veil, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautlfter, at very, very- small cost. Tour grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard whits for a tew cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck,- arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, oft and rosy-white tha skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless and never irritates. Adv. "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN The men, who are only of lata city dwellers, instinotively turned to the waving of branches. They tore .the boughs from the nearest trees, ruining. alas, much of Cairo's foliage, though. ot in any spirit or aestructivenesa. Carried away by primitive feelings, they Ized branches as naturally as did the people on the Mount of Olives, outside of the eastern gate of Jerusalem. On the first day of Cairo's jubilation there were many times more branches than banners to be seen; on the day follow ing the country folk came in, waving In self-reailzation. In former days we had the blatant braggart, boasting his way through Europe oq a Cook's ticket, and also the apologetic imitator of Eu ropean ways, who desired to have it un derstood that he was ot superior breed to his crude fellow countrymen. Ameri cans are content to be Americans with out either arrogance or sycophancy. In the presence of the Pyramids it is as clear as Egyptian sunlight that America's supreme gift to mankind is this national type. Sane, strong, direct transparent, helpful, open-minded, the j ( "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be gen uine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross.1 Always buy an un broken, Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Head ache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of U tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Kalicylicavio