THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1919. 11 CLEVER MASKED PLOT JO ROB IS ALLEGED Mrs. Permelia Tyler Sues At torneys to Recover Legacy. COMPLICATED CASE BEGINS Counsel Arm Plan Cloaked In Law Was Made Against Aged, Infirm Woman. ITS WONDERFUL SAYS Salvation Army Home Service Campaign Leave Your Subscription at Booth on Our Main Floor MRS. RIEL Tear before the proceedings now fcetna- brourht. baaed upon charges of conspiracy and blackmail. certain agencies beiran work upon a plan to rob, nnder the cloak of the law, a woman, then in her early eighties and weak with the Infirmities of as-e. who bad Just come Into a legacy of 1160.000. on which she hoped she an her only von might live In comfort the rest of their days. This was the contention of Attorney Tn j. Maiarxey in nis opening argu ment before the Jury yesterday In the ault of Permella U Tyler against Oorge A. Hall, a Portland attorney: John X. Slevers, Justice of the peace at Oregon City, and Harry and Ethel Henderson, on trial before Circuit Jnrir Kavanauch. Already consider ably more than 155,000 of a legacy received by Mrs. Tyler has disappeared, and the lawyer left a strong inference that certain practitioners at the bar re responsible for Its disappearance. Soa Saea for Diverse. In his argument. Malarkey went be hind the present case. In which Mrs Tyler seeks to recover about $24,000 paid out in settlement of charges brought against herself and her eon. bringing other attorneys Into the net of charges. He went back to 1915 when "William M. Tyler, son of Mrs. Per mella Tvler. filed suit for divoroe gainst Vina Tyler. Tyler employed as bis attorney. George C. Brownell, in whose office John N. Sievers. a de fendant In' the present case, was prac ticing law. according to Mr. Malarkey. Mrs. Tyler employed J. R. Greenfield to , defend her. Greenfield at that time was a. law partner of George A. Hall, an- ' another defendant In the present action. Tyler secured his divorce, but Mrs. Tyler Immediately filed suit against Mrs. Permella Tyler for $100,000 dam ages due to alleged alienation of affec tions. This case was settled for $30,000, Greenfield representing Mrs. Vina Tyler and ilsres. Brownell and . Bievers representing Tyler and his mother, according to assertions made yesterday. The coincidence, pointed out by Mr. ilalarkey yesterday is that the alleged extortion of $24,000 more from the 88-year-old lady wa accomplished through the efforts of attorneys who had been legal associates of those who handled the .previous case and who supposedly bad knowledge of any possible suscep tibility of the aged woman to coercion. Enjoys Good Health for First! Time in Years Cains Twenty-five Pounds by Taking Tanlac "T now Vnaw what It la to enjoy good I health for tha first time In years and I Just want to tell everybody that It s all because of what Tanlac baa done ior me." said Mrs. Clara Kiel, resiaing i ; 500 Twelfth avenue south, Seattle, recently. "For a rood many years, ana con tinued, "1 was a dressmaker and was under such a nervous strain ail tne time that my whole system finally got Into a very badly rundown condition. My stomach got so weak that my food would not digest properly and soon after eating a sour gas would form. bloat me up terribly and almost cut off my breath. My appetite left me ana my stomach got so weak that even the sight of food was repulsive to me. I could eat nothing scarcely and became so nervous and rundown that I was forced to give up my business entirely. . Actually I was so nervous that I could hardly pin a skirt In place and was so weak and exhausted that I would drop down In a chair and feel as though I never wanted to get up. This fermenta tion of my food must have filled my I system with uric acid, or other poisons. as I suffered from rheumatism all through my arms and legs. They were so stiff and painful all the time that I couldn't bend them about without Just suffering agony, and this aching together with my nervousness kept me I awake most of the night. I also suf- i fered constantly with headache and Just felt miserable nearly all tha time. "Finally, I made up my mind to try Tanlac, as I had beard so many of my friends talking about the good It was doing, and the way It has helped me already is nothing less than wonder ful. My appetite was never better and my stomach is In such a good condition that I can at just anything I want without Buffering the least bit from gas, bloating or shortness of breath. and the headaches and rheumatism have disappeared, too. I have gained at least 25 pounds In weight and my nerves are so good that I can sleep Just like a child all night long. Really, I have not felt so well In a long time. My son is also taking Tanlac now with splendid results. He had been in rundown condition for sometime and it used to worry me terribly to see him leave home in the mornings without I eating a bite of breakfast. But now as soon as he gets up In the mornings he is ready to eat and has a fine appetite. I have never seen or heard of a medi cine doing what Tanlac does and 1 1 think everybody should know about it." Tanlac is sold In Portland by the Owl Drug company. Adv. ResirktesTT Gets S1SOO. The events In which the present trial Is concerned all occurred within a week In January. 1918. Ethel Henderson had been employed as a housekeeper at the Tyler home. With her was a man who represented himself to be her brother, Harry Henderson. In January, 1918. - - -m .-.Imi W 111 ion. Tv. Jcr for $3000. alleged to be due her for services as housekeeper. Tyler protested against such a large amount and finally compromised by the pay ment of $1500. Hall represented the woman making the claim. Siegers rep resented Tyler. Tyler signeQ a slip presented him. At a previous hearing In the same case, which never went to tha Jury because of a technical flaw in the pleadings. Tyler testified that Sievers . told him It was a receipt he was sign ing. He said he did not read it ana igned on the advice of his attorney after protesting that It appeared to him that the woman should have given .he receipt, as she was getting the Jnoney. This was referred to by Mr. Malar key. The document actually signed by Tyler was a statement of a settlement of all claims of the Henderson woman, due to her having lived with him, sata the Instrument, as his common-law wife." Warrant Against Tyler. The document was signed January 21, J91S. On January 22 Henderson, then representing himself to be husband or the woman instead of her brother, se cured a warrant charging Tyler witn a social crime. Mr. Tyler has testified that on January 23 Mrs. Henderson tried to get Into his rom at night. On January 24 Tyler and Mrs. Henderson were arrested. Tyler has declared that Shirs. Henderson had come Into his room gainst bis desire after he had once made her leave at the psychological moment the officers arrived with the warrant. i On January 2 6 Henderson filed a suit against Mrs. Termalla Tyler for $100,000 damages, charging her with alienating the affections of Mrs. Hen derson. On January 27. Sunday, at the borne of Mrs. Tyler. 160H East Forty fifth street. Henderson, Hall and Sie. vera demanded that the suit be settled. Mrs. Tyler was 111 and confined to bed. Eh testified at the last trial that the attorneys frightened her with threats of Imprisonment for herself and her on. and that Sievers, representing her, was almost aa urgent as Hall, repre senting Henderson, that a settlement be made. Finally. $20,000 worth of Stock waa paid over by Mrs. Tyler. On January 2$, the attorneys and Henderson are accused of dividing the money, each attorney getting one third. The Hendersons then fled to Vancouver and have not been seen since. There -Is a warrant out in Multnomah county for their arrest. Tyler Home la Watched. Deputy District Attorney Dempsey testified yesterday that Hall and Hen derson came to see him about getting a warrant against Tyler, charging adult ery. January 22. 191S. and that they rep resented that they had been watching outside the Tyler home and had seen Mrs. Henderson go into the room occn- pled by Tyler and disrobe there. Tyler has testified that Mrs. Henderson was standing before him, nude, before he noticed her presence In his room, and that he then ordered her out. After wards ha noticed she had been standing near a window, the shade of which had been rolled up. In reply to the charges made by Ma. larl:ey, the attorneys for the defense contended that Tyler had urged all the settlements, had acted as the agent of Mrs. Permella Tyler, -and that every thing done was absolutely legal and above suspicion. All charges of con spiracy and blackmail were denied with Indignation. Attorney Joseph E. Heldges repre sents Sievers and W. H. Fowler, Hall. The plaintiff la represented by Attor neys Malarkey, Seabrook and Dibble and W. J. Makellm. IDAHO SELLS STATE NOTES FOUR FIRMS TO BTTS $1,700,000 TREASURY PAPER. $1,250,000 Will Go to General Fond and $4 50,000 Is Awarded for Highway Improvement. BOISE, Ida., June 24. (Special.) Bids on $1,700,000 worth of treasury notes were opened by State Treasurer Eagleson today. Bids In two forms one an offer of S per cent Interest, plus a bonus of $6570 with the treasury; a second of 4 per cent interest, the state to pay for the printing of the notes at the rate of 30 cents a thou sand or a total of $510 were submitted by combination composed of the Palmer Bond and Mortgage company of Salt Lake; the John E. Price A Co., of Seattle; the Equitable Trust company of New York and the William R. Comp ton Co.. of St. Louis. After careful con sidering tha merits of the two offer ings Treasurer Eagleson decided the latter to be the moat advantageous for Idaho. A contract for the execution of the sale was accordingly drawn in the name of the four Tirms mentioned. Ten days are required to advertise the sale of the bonds and considering this lapse the notes were disposed of In record time. The money will be divided be tween the general fund which gets $1,250,000 of the issue and the highway department which is awarded the re mainder of $450,000 for good roads im provement work. Tve -found out POST TOASTIES (mada of corn) have got a Lot of nour ishment In them.' And the flavor beats everything! TUSCANIA'S FATE RECALLED Klamath County Boy Tells of Sink ing of Great Transport. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. June 24. (Special.) "It certainly was a sinking sensation, declared Charles Hendricks, who was on the last boat to get away from the alnking Tuscania on that foggy night of February 5, 1918, when the big boat went to the bottom off. the Irish coast. Hendricks, who has lust bad bis dia- rharcn from tha 17th com nan v of the I 20th Engineers, recorded at the county ciera s oiiica nere, iu reiemns id ins i incident, said that the transport floated for three houra after being struck. dropping gradually lower In the water. I Three destroyers reached the scene be- for the vessel sank, the one on which Hendricks departed, getting away about 30 minutes before she disappeared. Five boys from Klamath- county were I on the boat, one, Joe Redfleld, being lost. WELL" DERRICK GOES UP Standard's Oil Bore Near Moclips, Wash., Pushed Rapidly. ABERDEEN. Wash- June 24. (Spe cial.) The derrick for the Standard Oil company'a well. No. 1. near Moclipa is expected to be completed this week, the first leg being up Saturday. All lum ber needed for lta construction and all derrick irons are on the ground. The drilling will start with a 20-Inch bore. Outside speculators are betting heav ily on the finding of oil by the Standard or other drillers in this section, accord ing to local realty men. In the past two weeks many land aales have been made which bave run Into thousands. Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Light Luncheon Served Shoe Shining Parlors in Basement Under price Store Hammocks, Porch Swings, Settees, Porch Chairs, Third Floor Trunks, Suitcases and Bags, 3d Floor Kodaks, Wheel Goods, 4th Floor i Best Butter $1.15 No deliveries except with other purchases made in the Grocery Department. Q1 - (T Glenwood Butter, 2-lb.' tD-L.-LtJ The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Mail Orders Filled and forwarded same day as re ceived. City and out-of-town cus tomers are invited to make use of this service. Shop by mail. DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS With Gash Purchases All Over the Store Now that vacation days are at hand every member of the family will need new things in the way of wearing apparel to make the trip more pleasurable. Having this in mind we are going to make it doubly profitable for you to shop at this store by giving DOUBLE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS with attcash purchases made today. Take Advantage of These Extraordinary Offerings for Today in Our 13 iGUBLE Basement Saving Sales A.STM1PS. Double Trading Stamps Given With All Cash Purchases Made in the Basement Today 1 Basement Sale NewTub Skirts $1.48 to $3.98 Basement Women's and Misses' White Sport Skirts will be featured in a special showing; and sale Wednes day in the Basement Store. Extensive assortment in all the new season's best styles with novelty belts, pockets, buttons, etc Some have embroidered de signs around bottom. Materials are pique, tricotine and gabardine. Sale prices range $1.48 up to $3.08 Women's Khaki Skirts and Bloomers Basement Especially adapted for vacation and out ing wear. Khaki Skirts in medium or dark. Also Khaki Bloomers of good quality $1.48 up to $.95 DOUBLE STAMPS WITH CASH PURCHASES. f mm OC Ola JO e e 1 9 0 I o C $ JMML! Great Sale of Muslin Underwearl Basement Here is an oppor tunity to select from over 3000 pieces of dainty under muslins at about today's cost of production. Night Gowns, Skirts, Combinations, En velope Chemise, in a great range of beautiful styles. Lace and embroidery trimmed. Supply your pres ent and future needs and save. Lotl-Special $1.19 Lot2-Special $1.49 Lot3-Special $1.69 Sale Corsets At $1.19 Basemen t Made of good quality coutil. Low and me dium bust styles with long skirt and rust-proof boning. Sizes 19 to 30. Extraordinary values. On sale " Q Wednesday; a pair 0-a-eX7 Tub Waists At $1 Basemen t Women's new' Tub Waists of fine sheer voiles in plain white or with colored stripes. Sev eral very pretty styles in this sale and all sizes. Priced spe- P" (f cial for Wednesday, at W-LeUU MIDDY BLOUSES plain white material of good qua'.ity. Made with black tie attached. P" OQ All sizes. Basement sale DAeO7 Bath Robes, $2.25 Basement Women's Bath Eobes of splendid quality Terry cloth. Just what you need for (JO OC the beach. Priced special Dw.yeJ SWEATERS special lot, slight ly soiled from being used as sam ples. Popular styles and (JJO Of? all colors. On sale at Motor Coats $2.25 Basement Women's Motor Coats of linene cloth. Several styles and a good range of sizes. Priced spe cial Wednesday $2.25 and $3.95 Dainty Summer Frocks For Women and Misses Basement Fine, airy cotton frocks that are a joy to wear throughout the summer, no matter where you spend your vacation. Many are made up in dainty sheer voiles, others in the more serviceable ging hams. Any number of pretty 6tyles. Priced $3.48 up to $10.98 Toilet Paper Special C1 12 Rolls P Basement Full 1000 sheets to the roll. Excellent quality tissue a paper that usually sells at 15c Limit 12 rolls to a customer. No telephone, C. O. D. or mail orders will be accepted. Spe- G1 f( cial, 12 rolls for only XaUU Lisle Hosiery 49c Pair Basement- Women's fine Cotton Lisle Hose in black and white. Beinf orced heels and toes. Splen did wearing quality. Shown in a full assortment of regu- AQn lar sizes. Special; a pair tt7C EXTRA All items below will be on sale one day only. No telephone, C. O. D. or mail orders will be accepted. WOMEN'S VESTS low neck, sleeveless styles, also with wing sleeves. Pure white cotton. OC All sizes in the lot. Special a DC WOMEN'S UNION SUITS of fine white ribbed cotton. Low neck, no sleeves; knee length. KQ Sizes 36, 38 and 40. Special J7l WOMEN'S PURSES in assorted styles. These are of splendid qual ity and are very desir- J- ff able. On sale for one day D-L.Uv GARMENT BAGS for furs and woolens. Guaranteed moth-proof. These have slight imperfec- - Q tions. Two sizes. Special J-aO WOMEN'S APRONS of good quality percales and chambrays. Belted styles, cut gener- tfjl ff ouslyfull. Priced special DJ-.UU Men's Half Hose 2 Pairs 25c Basement Men's Seamless Black Cotton Hose with elastic ribbed top. Medium weight and excellent quality. Sizes 10, 11 and Qr 11. Special, 2 pairs for AOK, MEN'S UNION SUITS broken lines but nearly all sizes. Long or short sleeves; knee or A T nMi lemrthr 1.1 ft to D-Le'U Girls' Dresses At $1.39 Basement Of good quality ging hams in plaids, stripes, etc Many attractive new styles. j" OQ Ages 6 to 14. On sale at D.07 Shirt Sale Continues $2, $2;50, $3 Shirts Basement Special $1.45 YOU CANT DECEIVE A MAN when it comes to shirts! He knows values and he knows when they are made right. These facts have been amply proven by the generous response to this sale. Hundreds have bought not one or two shirts but by the dozen and half dozen. The sale will continue Wednesday with still a splendid stock to Q"1 AfT select from. Regular $2, ?2.50 and $3 Shirts Basement Sale tDXatl SIX SHIRTS FOR $8.50 DOZEN FOR $16.50 i . i 2500 Yards Wash Goods 25c Yard Basement Voiles, Batistes, Organdies,, Crepes, Ginghams, Percales and Madras in an extraordinary assortment of colorings and patterns for summer dresses. We also include at the same price, hundreds of yards Outing Flannels, Flannelettes and OC Curtain materials. Wednesday special; yard OK 36-Inch Poplins 79c Basement 36-Inch Silk Mixed Poplins, for summer skirts and dresses. Bjack, white, navy, Copen, brown, green, gray, pink, blue and rose. Priced very HCkn special for Wednesday at, a yard . I White Canvas Oxfords Special $1.48 Basement Odd lines Women's, Misses' and Children's White Canvas Oxfords and Shoes. Small and medium sizes. Slightly soiled from display. While P" AQ they last, priced the pair; only Dl-exO Women's White Pumps at $3.95 White Nu-buck Shoes $4.48 Basement Women's White Nu buck Pumps, English welts with low heels. Cool and comfortable for days. Slightly QQ QC summer soiled. Special, the pair JJasement Women's White Nu-. buck Shoes' with Goodyear welt soles. This is an odd lot ranging in size from 3 to 6. &A AO Extra good values, at D4xixO Basement Millinery (J Untrimmed Hats ' Q'l P-w and Tailored Hats P-w Untrimmed' Hats leg horns, rough straws and novelty braids. Good as sortment popular shapes. Hats formerly selling at from $2.69 on up to $4.98. Banded rough straw sailors, milans with sider roll brims, large chip sail ors and many other styles. Black, white and a few colors.. See these today! Bed Pillows At 90c Basement Bed Pillows filled with sanitary feathers and covered with good grade fancy ticking. No mail orders will be accepted. OA a On sale Wednesday; each f" Sheets $1.39 Basement 72x90-inch full bleached Sheets, of good quality, reinforced with seam in center. Limit one. dozen to a customer. P- OQ $16 a dozen, or, each DlOI Towels 19c Basement Hemmed Huck Towels of excellent quality with red bor der. Nice size for home or hotel use. On sale at $2.15 a 1 Q dozen, or priced each, at J-'' Blankets ! 120 pairs have been "Blue Penciled" for quick disposal on account of being slightly soiled. Very suitable for the camp. 1 Granite Kettles in a Sale Good quality Granite Kettles, similar to pic ture. A special lot of these will go on sale Wednes day in the Base ment at low price s. LOT 1 Granite Kettles AQ in 2-quart size; sale price LOT 2 Granite Kettles ?9 in aw-nuart size: sale price VlOl Headquarters for Garden Tools, Screen Doors, Fruit Jars, etc, etc Drink nraya Oyion-Indla-JaTa taa. Closset ft Devera, Portland. Adr. Sale of Notions and Small Wares Today at Bargain Circle, First Floor