Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 20, 1919, Image 1

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    rni T VIII IS entered at Portland (Oregon)
UL. III. J. !.- p.Tof'r" s.-con -Class Matter.
0 N T UN O
800 Delegates Gather in
Municipal Auditorium.
Survivors of Whitman Mas
sacre Among Those Present.
Afternoon Programme Presided Over
by Sirs. TCebecca J. BargCr,
Quern Mother of Oregon.
' A. 3. Huneacker of Tamhill
county, who rimi to this state in 1847.
was last nlirht elected president of the
Oregon rioneer association at Its meet
ins. in the auditorium. C. H. Canfield,
1SS3. of Oregon City, was made vice-
president, while George H. Himes. 1833,
was re-elected secretary for his 33d
consecutive year. William Ladd was
chosen to act as treasurer. The board
of directors will include John W. Baker,
1S5J. of Multnomah county: Mi's Ella
Chamberlain. 1857. and O. D. Chltwood,
1853. of Clackamas county.
At the last bend of the river, far
from the mountain sources where the
stream rushed, ouward like an un
broken colt, the current is serene and
smiling. Vistas of ocean lie beyond
the bend. The course runs strong and
atlll and sure, straight to the evening
Who was it said that age is beauti
fulT So many sages, in so many years,
have voiced that sentiment that its
source is lost. It remains as the fact
And that la why. when artists turn to
the wood for poses, they do not choose
the saplinr. dancing in the wind, but
rather the rugged oak that spread its
had so long ago that even the van
ished tribes remembered.
Former Tinea Recalled.
-The 47th annual reunion of the Ore-
iron-Pioneer association met -in Port
land yesterday. Throughout the day
the municipal auditorium was filled
wlh laughing folk the kindly faced
seniors of their state. In all the books
that have been written of the west
and of the Oregon country in particular.
not one holds so rich a trove of fact
and recollected romance as that which
poured gossip yesterday, in the casual
greetings and reminiscence of the 800
The Whitman massacre? So long
ago that was that the tale of the books
seem dim and far away. Tet there
were present at yesterday's reunion
many who recall it well, and at least
three who passed from the terror of
that savage raid to captivity with the
The long trails of the plains, when
the oxen lumbered into the perilous
prairies, swollen fords where the strug
gling stock was swept away in the
crossing, the stormy passage around
Cape Horn, are realisms to most of the
men and women who were Portland's
honored guests mt the reunion.
Reaslssi Brlag Joy.
And happiness It never came In such
tide as when the comrades and play
mate of those days, after scores of
years, came face to face again and
slipped past the barriers of time to
the Joyful gates of remembrance.
"Why, bless my stars, this can't be
"Oh. yes It Is:"
There never was a more compre
hensive survey of the reasons why
pioneers delight to assemble, in the
one big first family of Oregon, than
that which was given by the little old
lady who curtseyed right and left, with
now and then the reward of an old ac
quaintance answering her smile.
"I alius like to com to these meet
ings. she explained. 'cause I meet the
ones I knew ever so long ago."
So long ago. indeed that those who
sought might have the privilege of
doffing hat and bowing to the daugh
ler of Jo Meek, that famous frontier
character, first United States marshal
of Oregon, who solved the historic rid
dle at Champoeg on May 3. 1S43, when
he cast the first ballot for American
civil government west of the Rocky
mountains and fixed forever the status
of the young commonwealth.
Ploacera Sire HUtory Made.
And Joe Weeks daughter Is Mrs.
Oliv Riley, ready for many a reunion
to come, her 77 years vexing her not
at all. Of all Oregon's residents none
Is more closely identified with the
tint chapter of the state than is the
pioneer woman whose volatile and ec
centric father, a character of note in
the day when characters were many
and soon forgotten, crossed the plains
in 1839 to play his role in the winning
of the Oregon country.
First among the pioneers present, in
point of residence, were two who were
born in the new land white children
who came with the stork to play
grounds where the pappoose had been
the dusky little sovereign sine the
time of the sabertooth.
They wer Mrs. Jacob Kamm of Port
land, born at the Spaulding mission,
near l.eriston. in lStw and Cyrus H.
Wslker of Albany, born at the Whit
man mission In 1S3S.
Whitsaaa Maaaaere ReaaraiTsered-
One cannot hear the warwhoop In
th movies, and if you could It wouldn't
bring the realism of terror. And
Commerce Commission Asked to He
move Advantages Given Puget
Sound Over Oregon Ports.
WASHINGTON', Jane 19. The public
service commission of Oregon today at
tacked artificial advantages alleged to
have been given Pacific ana rugm
Sound ports In the state of Washing
ton over Portland and other Oregon
cities, especially In the matter or
freight to Alaska and the Columbia
Klver basin.
The interstate commerce commission
was .asked, in a complaint against the
director-general and a number of rail
roads to review virtually the entire
rate structure In that territory.
Presumably the plea of the Oregon
public service commission is to the point
brought out In the complaint iiiea wnn
the Interstate commerce commission in
the Tortland rate case, wnicn is ior
hearing before commissioners who are
to come to Portland and conduct the
case July SI. It is set forth in that
complaint that Portland Is entitled to
enjoy the same rates as oeaiue on
Alaska trade, since Seattle na ins
same rates on snipmcnio ,,si,b
through Portland from points in the
Columbia river basin, and also by vlr
ture of other similar existent rates that
establish such precedent depriving
Portland of natural advantages.
Proposal to Form Political
- Party Is Rejecy
, . o
Written for Workers
Cold Slipper Awaits Actress Who
Wins In Contest.
(Copyright by the New York Worll Ful
u.h.ri bv arrangement.)
LONDON. June 19. (Special Cable.)
Miss Daphne Pollard of "Joy Bells."
playing at the London Hippodrome,
challenges the claim of Misa Frances
White, a Portland, Or., girl, who has
arrived here from New York and
inlned tha cast of "Hello. America," at
the -Palace theater, to her claim or pos
session of the smallest feet of any
Miss Pollard Intends to make a sol
emn test of her feet as against those
of Miss White and settle the matter
once for all unless there are other
candidates. '
The argument has had amazing de
velopments. The London Daily Mail is
offering a slipper of 18-carat gold for
the theatrical lady with th smallest
foot. The slipper will be conveyed to
various London and provincial thedters
and bestowed on the actress of adult
yearr who, like Cinderella, finds she
can wear It. A membei1 of the G roe
smith and Laurillard management sug
gests that a French or American woman
will win the golden slipper. It is re
marked that Fanny Ward has a very
small foot and so, too, has Gaby Deslys.
The Evening News, suggests a new
Cinderella may be found in the Russian
ballet at the Alhambra.
Ratifying Legislative Acts on Amend
ments Rests With Voters.
COLUMBUS. O.. June 19. Right of
Ohio voters to prove or disapprove the
action of the state legislature in rati
fying the federal constitutional amend
ment was upheld today by Judge E. B
Dillon of the Franklin county common
picas court. The decision, unless re
versed by higher courts, will permit a
referendum to be held on both the fed
eral prohibition and woman suffrage
amendments which the legislature has
SACRAMENTO. Cal., June 19. Refer
endum petitions filed with the secre
tary of state against the prohibition
ratification resolution and the Harris
enforcement act passed by the Cali
fornia legislature contain slightly more
han 30,000 names. It was announced
today. Only 34,434 names are neces
sary to have the referendum measure
placed on the ballot at the next elec
'Powers Which Even Monarchs and
Kaisers Dare Xot Exercise," Said
to Be Used Against People.
iVoaciuUcii ea 1'age 8, Column LJ
Daughters Get $2000 Each, Equal
Interest in Home, Widow. Rest.
PENDLETON. Or., June 19. (Spe
clal.) Twenty-five thousand dollars
is the estimate of the value of the
property left by the late W. N. Mat
lock of this city, according to the
petition for the probate of his will.
filed today.
His two daughters. Hazel Privett
and Lulu Estes. receive $2000 each and
an equal interest in the home property.
Mrs. Matlock is' to receive the re
'ATLANTIC CITT, N. J., June 19. A
comprehensive reconstruction pro
gramme designed "to bring to all peo
ple greater hope for a better day, a
brighter life, greater liberty and a
larger degree of happiness," w-as adopt
ed by the American Federation of La
bor at today's session of its annual con
vention. The suggestion that American or
ganized labor form a political party
was rejected unanimously by the con
Radicals and conservatives united in
approving a report embodying recon
struction recommendations devised by
the federation's executive council. The
report tonight was-termed by labor
leaders "a new declaration of Inde
pendence for the workers of America."
Labor Conscious of Right.
"Developments in our social, . in
dustrial and political relations, by rea
son of the necessities of war, have been
as Varied in nature as they have been
grave in character," said the report.
"One of the most pronounced and far
reaching results is the realization of
workers' rights, duties and responsi
bilities in the structure of society. In
dustry and government.
"Conscious, as never heretofore, of
Its power, labor no longer will rest
content under a system which treats
workers as a commodity or article of
commerce., workers have reached me
status and have come to that deter
mination which demands treatment of
equality with all other men and women
in modern society. They now Insist on
full value and full compensation for
services rendered on a basis that will
enable all to enjoy the higher things
in life, rather than merely exist near
the line beyond which we find human
misery, which spells human bank
ruptcy. . Mr Denaads Made.
"The reconstruction programme in
brief suggests remedies against unem
ployment; demands living wages; com
mands labor's right to fix its own
working hours; demands protection of
women and children in industry; favors
co-operative institutions of farmers and
j Spread of Anarchy Laid to Official
I r.Mii. T?i.. i .... . H-i.Mn f
as Glaring Example. .
WASHINGTON, June 19. Represen
tative Gallivan, democrat, - of Massa
chusetts, in an attack today on the
administration of Postmaster-General
Burleson, declared It would be a great
relief to the people of the United States
if President Wilson Ifcvould hurry home
and clean house In his official family.
"If ho will do this." Mr. Gallivan
added, "it will do more than anything
else to check the spread of radicalism
and anarchy and make unnecessary a
special appropriation of half a million
dollars urged by the attorney-general
to prevent crime by anarchists."
The spirit of nnrest among the toilers
of the country, Mr. Gallivan said, was
breaking out In the most violent form
of anarchy In many places.- The. men
most directly responsible. . he charged,
were "the misguided off iclals in the
city of Washington clothed with war
authority which had turned their
While the president has been in
Europe," he said, "some of these of
ficials seem to have gone mad in their
lust for power and have blindly blun
dered in the administration of their
departments in such a manner as to
aggravate the spirit of unrest."
Mr. Gallivan asserted that Mr. Burle
son forced a strike among telegraph
operators and then "got from under'
by turning the operation back to prl
vate hands, "and destroyed all hope of
government ownership of public util
Germans Are Expected to
Sign Peace Pact.
Fear Felt That. $20,000 Load of
Grain Is Rnined.
HOOD RIVER, Or., June 19. (Spe
cial.) The crew of an O.-W. R. & N.
freight train, westbound between
Mosier and this city last night, dis
covered a carload of wheat ablaze. On
reaching here the volunteer fire de
partment was called, but when the
local fire fighters reached the scene
the train had been split and the car
backed under a water tank and
The extent of the damage was not
determined but it is feared that the
load of approximately 10,000 bushels,
valued at more than 820,000, was
ruined by smoke.
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 2.
Joint Operation of Railroads Held
..Solution of Problem.
DENVER, June 19. Governor. Henry
J. Allen of Kansas, today told the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Enginemcn at their triennial con
vention here, that if government owner
ship of railroads should be rejected,
the Plumb plan for Joint operation of
roads by employes and railroad offi
cials would be the fairest solution of
the railway problem as far as the gen
eral public is concerned. "
Touching on bolshevlsm and in
dustrial unrest, the governor told the
delegates bolshevlsm was not to be
feared in the United States. ,
Change in Personnel of Dele
gation Also Possible.
Solid Front From Rhine to Danube
Forming to Meet Any Pos
sible Contingency.
PARIS, June 19. (By the Associated
Press.) Advices received in American
peace conference circles in Paris from
Weimar indicate that there may be a
change in the personnel of the German
peace delegation and that a short ex
tension of the time limit for signing
the peace treaty may be requested by
the Germans, but that the Germans will
sign the treaty.
PARIS, June 19. (Havas.) Marshal
Foch is forming one front against the
Germans from the Rhine to the
Danube, L'Intransigeant says it is in
formed, and will henceforth extend his
command over the Czecho-Slovakia,
Roumanian and Polish armies.
PARIS. June 19. The peace treaty
as delivered to the German delegates
June IS with the revisions and cor
rections made since the original draft
was formulated embodied in It, will
be published tomorrow in London and
Airplane Carrie Document.
An airplane left the airdrome at
Buc, near Paris, today, bearing 45 copies
of the revised document to London,
BERLIN. June 19. The German na
tional assembly will make its final de
cision on the peace treaty Saturday, ac
cording, to private advices received here
from Weimar. In all probability, it is
said, the assembly "will decide to order
that a plebiscite be taken.
BERLIN, June 19. (By the Associ
ated Press.) The German peace delega
tion is one In backing up Count von
Brockdorf f-Rantzau in . his opposition
to signing the peace conditions, ac
cording to the correspondents of Berlin
newspapers at Weimar.
A memorial prepared by the delegates
demands rejection of the terms. The
hostile" tenor of the reply, it is argued
in the memorial, simplifies such action
and it Is said, unless Count von Brock
dorf f-Rantzau succeeds in persuading
the cabinet to bis view, he and the en
tire delegation will withdraw and he
will resign from the cabinet as foreign
minister. -
The correspondent of the Lokal An-
(Concluded on Pace 3. Column 2.)
Bullet Wounds Found on Head of
Man Xrar Hoqnlam.
HOQCTAM. Waah.. June 19. '(Spe
cial.) The first mate of the steamer
Agarista. which left Hoqulam this af
ternoon, was found in his room In a
dying condition after th vessel had
proceeded 10 miles down the harbor.
Bullet wounds were found on his bead.
Officers tonight said the slayer was
seen taking refuge in a Hoqulam sawmill.
John Hodglns Succumbs to Fumes
Generated by Dynamite Blast.
LA GRANDE, Or., June 19. (Special.)
"Gabstd'' by fumes generated by
dynamite exploded In a well, John
Hodglns oj. Telocaset died here today.
Hodgias descended Into the well al
most immediately after the blast, and
w-as overcome by the fumes. Though
alive when removed from the botti-m
of the bore, he died soon afterwards.
: : ; , . , - j
I T I a' 1 1 . SJi - - WZM X X V a, WM M 1 ' I (JJ I T f-
I T ' .......
Government by Big Majority Frovms
onv Foreign Policy of Premier.
King Ponders Resignations.
ROME, June 19. (By the Associated
Press,) The Italian government re
signed this evening following an ad
verse vote against it in the chamber
of deputies.
Premier Orlanao, In announcing his
resignation and. that of the cabinet,
said King Victor Emanuel had reserved
decision as to acceptance.
The chamber of deputies bad by a
vote of 259 to 70 rejected Premier
Orlando's motion In favor of discussing
in secret session the question of con
fidence which related to the foreign
policy of the government.
Lord Xorthciiffe Holds Chicago At
- tack Cause of 'Illness.
CHICAGO. June 19. Lord Northcliffe,
London publisher, blames an Incident at
a Chicago banquet, two years ago, for
the throat affection which caused him
to undergo an operation recently,
James Keeley, former Chicago publish
er, said today.
Viscount Northcliffe recalled a month
ago, Mr. Keeley said, that a "stencn
bomb" had been placed in the banquet
hall and noxious fumes emitted, irritat
ing his throat. The "bomb" presum
ably was place! by a pro-German, Mr.
Keeley said.
LONDON, June 19. Viscount North
cliffe, who underwent an operation yes
terday, was progressing satisfactorily
today, according to his physicians.
Committeeman Is Picked
Despite Noisy Threats. ;
Newton McCoy, Defeated 24
to 1, to Renew Contest.
Judge Crawford and Senator Gar
land Laud Oregon Senator for
AVar Record.
Late Michael Earles Bequeaths Lar;
Amounts to Trusted Men.
SEATTLE, Wash.. June 19. Trusted
employes were well remembered in th
will of the late Michael Earles, pioneer
lumberman, filed for probate today an
disposing of an estate estimated to be
worth more than 11,000,000. T. L. Har
rington, his private secretary, and Will
lam J. Hillier, Bellingham, another em
ploy, received $20,000 and $10,000
worth of etock, respectively, in th
Fuget Sound Saw Hills & Shingle com
Bulk of the estate was left to Mrs,
Earles and- two daughters.
Eugene Cameron Is Victim of
Strange Accident.
COEUR D' ALENE, Idaho, June 19.
(Special.) Eugene Cameron, age 10
son of Mrs. Minnie Cameron of Port
land, and a pupil at the Lyon school
for boys at Mica Bay, eight miles
south of this city, was drowned this
According to Dr. D. D. Drennan the
boy was swimming with a number of
other pupils of the school, when he was
seized with an epileptic fit, falling into
wo feet of water. The cause of death
according to Dr. Drennan, is proble
Clint Bartmess, Back From Army, Is
Accidentally Killed."
LA GRANDE. June 19. (Special.)
Clinton Bartmess; 21 years old, who re
cently returned from army service, was
found shot dead, apparently by acci
dent, In the stable yard at the home of
his father on a ranch up the Grand
Ronde river.
He was employed in the forest serv
ice, and it is believed that his revolver
was discharged while he was preparing
his horse for the day's work.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum tsmperature, 78
die.---" , minimum, ".4 degrees.
TODAY'S Cloudy, cooler; moderate south
westerly winds.
Germans will sign, says latest Weimar ro
port. Page 1.
Orlando cabinet in Italy resigns. Page 1.
Wilson paints picture of new era ot Jus
tlce. Pace 3.
EcvDttan solidarity proved by funerals.
Page 3.
British resumption of blockade may bring
trouble, rage 4.
- National.
Democratic representative warns Wilson to
hurry home ana clean nouse. x-aso x.
Address on league precipitates clash in sen
ate. Page 4.
Demand of striking telephone operators re
jected, l-'age la.
Rotary convention discusses many things.
Page 8.
Ex-Senator Beveridge to follow president in
tour of west. Page L'8.
Germans h'isy at reconstruction, says Lieutenant-Colonel
White. Page 2b.
Public utilities hard hit by advancing prices.
Page 5.
Pacific . Northwest.
Washington women denounce extravagant
dress. Page 8.
Pacific Coast league results: Seattle 4. Ver
non 1; Sacramento 3, San Francisco O;
Salt Lake 3. Los Angeles 2: Portland 11,
Oakland 7. Page 18.
Dieti' trial etarts Monday. Page 18.
Star trapshooters all ready for "pull."
Page 16.
Governor urged to stop Toledo fight. Page 17.
Commercial and Marine.
Brazilian coffee boom affect American mar
kets. Page -7.
Chicago corn shorts bid prices up on them
selves. Page 2i.
Moderate reaction Jn stocks despite easier
money. Page 27.
Filipinos' destroyer proves to be speedy ship.
Page is-
Portland and Vicinity.
Loyal legion to hold nine district meets in
stead of general convention. Page 20.
Amended lumber tariffs held satisfactory in
main at rate hearing. Page S.
Dr. De-ine of New York says Russian soviet
' rule is not German-aid. Page 12.
Oregon Pioneers open 47th reunion. Page 1.
Democrats again elcot Lr. Morrow national
committeeman. Page 1. 1
The roasting and boosting of Senator
Chamberlam; the election of Dr. J. W.
Morrow national committeeman in the
teeth of dire threats from Newton Mc
Coy: efforts to placate two rival women
democrats; a determination to keep
campaign money in Oregon Instead of
sending it to the national headquar
ters these and other diverting matters
made a sprightly meeting of the dem-oc.-atic
state central committee at the
Portland hotel yesterday. The friends
of Senator Chamberlain took every
trick, but, none the less, the anti
Chamberlaln democrats managed to in
ject their propaganda via the com
munique of Mr. McCoy.
Federal Officials Attend.
Federal office holders were much in
evidence at the meeting, equipped with
proxies, among them being United
States Marshal Alexander, Collector of
Customs Moore and Conciliator Harry.
Ex-Governor West had a fistful of
proxies, ditto State Senator Garland and
Judge T. H. Crawford. Other federal
officials, sat around on the sidelines,
interested but voiceless, possibly be
cause of a prompting of caution.
Several ripples of discord ran over
the meeting before the McCoy dynamite
was set off. In a letter asserting that
he is the national committeeman, le
gally elected by the executive com-'
mlttee, and offering to resign in favor
of anyone but Dr. Morrow, Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy Promises Contest.
.."If, however, the committee should
go through the form of electing Dr.
Morrow national committeeman, I will
renew my contest 'for the position be
fore the national committee. Should I
fail before the national committee, I
will appeal to the voters of the demo
cratic party at the primaries next year.
"I have opposed the election of Dr.
Morrow to this office because he is
the candidate of Senator George E.
Chamberlain and Morrow's election will
be deemed by many people a rebuke to
the democratic national administration.
'Senator Chamberlain, by his opposi
tion to President Wilson's administra
tion, has put himself In such a position
before his own party in Oregon and in
the nation at large that to support
him further would, in the minds of
most people, be a rebuke and condemna
tion of President Wilson's administra
tion and support of Chamberlain will
essen the chances for carrying Oregon
for the democratic candidate for pres
ident in 1920. .
Cbamberlaln Is Blamed.
"These facts cannot be ignored, and
Senator Chamberlain is wholly to blame
for the threatened disruption of the
democratic party in Oregon. i
'I regret that I am compelled to
take this course, for I have been a
personal friend and a supporter of Sen
ator Chamberlain in all his political
campaigns for more than 20 years.".
A dramatic pause came, and then:
'That shouldn't be read into the min-'
utes of any democratic meeting in the
state," shouted a listener.
And it was not made part of the min
utes. Senator Garland moved that it
be accepted as an ex parte, individual
and personal statement of Mr. McCoy,
and as such filed with the rc"cord.
Marshal Alexander demanded that it be.
made no part of the mjnutes.
Judge Crawford Disclaims Discord.
Grown gray in the 'service of the
party, Judge Crawford claimed recog
nition and got it. He said he has been
displeased with some of the things Mr.
Chamberlain has done, and at the same
ime some of the persons the Senator
criticised, - but the judge avowed bis
admiration for the courage of any man.
emocrat or republican, who will op
ose what he thinks is wrong.
That letter," continued Judge Craw
ford, "makes it appear that the ad
ministration and Chamberlain are at
outs. Mr. McCoy is mistaken. Mr.
McAdoo and I talked for 15 minutes at
Baker, and he had nothing on earth but
good words for Chamberlain. He asked
me how Chamberlain stands In the
state and his chances for re-election,
nd said: 'I hope he'll be elected. He's
good man, and while he and the
president have had some disagreements
e's doing good work for Oregon.
Ciitieliun Held Beaeflclal.
Chamberlain's criticism of several
departments did an immense amount
of good and helped the boys at the.
ont. If Dr. Morrow is elected, he will
national committeeman for the
party and not for a faction. I wanted
to get this off my mind.
Chairman Starkweather also dis
agreed with Mr. McCoy, whom he voted
for in the executive committee for na
tional committeeman. May 2S. "McCoy.''
said the chairman, "would make this
a straight fipht of Chamberlain and
anti-Chamberlain. I don't think this
(Concluded on Page t. Column L)