Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 19, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Konenkamp Says Collective
Bargaining Real Issue.
cj men's Head Sajs More Men HaTe
Joined Strike, While Company
Officials Deny Much Delay.
" CHICAGO. June 18. After a confer
ence lata today union officials said that
the action of the Postal Telegraph com-
unjr in announcing that striking com
xnercial telegraphers who return to
work before June 20 will be reinstated
with continuitr of service." will have
too bearing on the situation.
"We are fighting for the right of
collective bargaining, the same right
that the postmaster-general extended
to electrical workers." said S. K.
. Konenkamp. president of the teleg
raphers onion.
He added that latest reports showed
that more workers were idle than at
amy time since the strike started.
Telegraph company officials asserted
that business was not being delayed
x toottceably in any district.
Union leaders said conferences In
Atlantic City between American Fed
eral of Labor officials would probably
result In placing the entire situation
feefore President Wilson.
Charles P. Ford, secretary of the In
ternational Brotherhood of Electrical
"Workers, said the strike of telephone
operators and linemen in the Pacific
coast district might be extended to
other states included in that district
unless the demands are met. He attrib
uted the trouble to failure of telephone
rmpanies to abide with the postmas-er-general's
order permitting the
workers to bargain collectively.
rfTrlesraphers Advised to Refuse to
i Do This Work for Companies.
Railroad operators of the country
fiave been called upon by E. J. Manion.
president of the Order of Railway
Telegraphers, with headquarters in St.
J-ouiB. to decline to test wires for the
V'estem Union and Postal Telegraph
companies during the strike. A copy
ml the order, which Is being sent broad
east to all operators, was received here
festerday. and follows:
"Referring to ours of the 13th. calls
"from the Western Union or Postal
fchould be ignored: you will also de
cline to test wires for Western Union
or Postal wire chiefs, but should make
necessary wire tests for Southern Pa
cific wire chiefs in clearing trouble on
railroad wires."
More optimism prevailed yesterday
tit strike headquarters than has been
noted since the walkout began and
leaders of the union were emphatic in
their declaration that the keymen
would be victorious in the stand they
have taken to; enforce their demands.
They characterized as "propaganda"
the recent statements of Western Union
officials that business is being carried
on as usual, and declared messages
destined to points where wires were in
charge of railroad operators are not
transmitted by wire, but are mailed
from the Portland office.
The order against testing of wires
Is regarded as a big concession to the
strikers, in that operators on duty will
be unable to locate wire trouble in case
It develops, and the complete demoral
isation of telegraphic communication
Is forecast as a result of this latest de
velopment. C. H. Preston, deputy International
president, in speaking of the situation
yesterday said:
The Oregonian printed the story
recently that the president of the West
ern Union Association of Employes was
on his way to St. Louis to interview the
president of the Order of Railway
Telegraphers and ask him to have rail
road telegraphers continue handling
messages for the Western Union. The
telegraphers assert that the president
of the Western Union Association of
Employes has insulted the intelligence
of their president, and has brought
about the order against the testing of
-ires by railroad operators. Under this
condition Western Union operators will
be unable to locate wire trouble."
Workers Quit After Asking Pay Rise
! of 0 Cents a Day.
' ASTORIA. Or- June 18. (Special.)
A strike of electrical workers employed
y the Pacific Power fc Llsht company
took place this morning, when six men
belonging to the line crew quit. They
aid they had asked for a 90-cent daily
Increase in pay and the company bad
apven them no answer.
Manager Bailey said the company
was paying the union scale, but Mon
day evening the. men sent him a peti
tion asking a IS per cent addition, as
verting that the living costs in Astoria
are higher than at other cities. Before
the company had a chance to consider
the matter and reply the men quit, he
will be prepared for any eventuality.
If a further Invasion becomes neces
sary the troops will march into Ger
many in battle formation.
With President Wilson In Belgium
and Premier Lloyd George visiting the
battlefields around Verdun, the council
of foreign ministers and the supreme
economic council were the only sec
tions of the peace conference in Paris
at work Wednesday. The Polish
Ukrainian situation and details as to
the occupation of Danxig by the Poles
were discussed by the foreign min
isters, while the economic council's de
liberations concerned resumption of
trade relations with Germany and fi
nancing of food supplies ,pr Austria.
Released Spartacan and communist
prisoners have been repulsed in an at
tempt to force their way into the castle
at Weimar, where members of the Ger
man government have their headquar-i
ters. The attackers' intention is be
lieved to have been to seise President
Ebert. Premier Scheidemann and Min
ister of Defense Noske.
An attempt by French sailors, who
carried a red flag, to release from the
prison at Brest a number of their com
rades who recently mutinied In the
Black sea also failed. The situation
at Brest Is reported as serious.
Teamsters Plan Blockade by
Refusal to Deliver Goods.
Scottsbnrg Girl, Chagrined at Ac
tion of S. A. Krcramcr, Re
turns Engagement Ring.
.Jiew Bridge Opens Main Highway
' Vp Mountain's Higher Slopes.
HOOD RIVER. Or., June 1. (Spe
cial.) County roads were never bet
ter, is the declaration of County Judge
I N. Blowers, who. with County Road
tranter W. L. Nichols and Commissioner
F. II. Black man. motored to the Upper
tut Fork yesterday to Inspect a steel
bridge just plsced there on the trunk
line highway up Mount Hood.
The eld bridge, replaced by a con
crete structure, formerly connected the
city with the East Side orchard dis
trict. It was removed to the new site
at an expense of 17500.
International Situation.
By the Associated PresaJ
"VTOTHIXO official has yet become
IN known as to what action the Ger
man government will take regarding
the peace treaty. At Weimar the docu-I
stent is being carefully studied by the I
national assembly s peace commission.
Unofficial reports are that there is
Treat dissatisfaction on the part of I
the German cabinet members and high
German oClcliU over what are con
sidered the extremely hard terms. It
la said a large majority of the cabinet
members are opposed to signing the
treaty, but are fearful of a reign of
Bolshevism and consequent chaos in
the country should they decline.
German newspapers take a dark view
of the outcome, whether Germany
signs or not. Those newspapers which
oppose signing expect a resumption of
bostilltl i Monday if the armistice is
, jiermltted automatically t" end.
.' American, British and French, troops
ROSEBURG, Or., June II. (Special.)
Joe Juvich. an Austrian, the fourth
man implicated in the Scottsburg rob
bery, was brought here last night by
Deputy Sheriff Sterling of Drain. The
man was arrested near urain. Juvich
admits his part in the hold-up, but con
tends that neither he nor John Kalis
knew just what, the trip was intended
for until told of the plans by Mike
in a statement made to the orncers
today, Juvich said that Zelock planned
the crime and that he and Kails en
tered the bunkhouse and at the point
of a gun robbed Pete Tarvich. Juvich
waiting at the door while the hold
up was going on. The men will be
given a preliminary hearing Friday or
Proudly disclaiming any allegiance
to a man upon whom a shadow of sus
picion pointed, a pretty Scottsburg girl
removed a diamond engagement ring
from her finger and sent it back to
3. A. Kremmer. the deputy cons able
arrested by Sheriff Qulne charged with
getting away with the money dropped
by Mike Zelock when he was shot
by a posse of citizens following the
robbery of the rock crusher bunk
house crew. Kremmer was unable to
account satisfactorily for the money
found in his possession.
Ranks of California Strike Forces
Increased; Men Operate Swltch
- boards In San Francisco.
Commissioner Bnchtel Explains So-
Cent ChaVge.
SALEM. Or.. June 1. (Special.)
Telephone patrons who have given
notice to the Pacific States Telephone
& Telegraph company that they desire
to change from the desk to the wall
telephones cannot be charged the 2o
cents extra recently allowed by the
public service commission, according
to a statement today of Chairman
This explanation was given as a re
sult of complaints from Portland that
the telephone company is demanding
25 cents extra for those patrons who
still maintain desk telephones. At the
time the order changing the telephone
rate was signed, the patrons were given
30 days in which to apply for the wall
telephones, and the company is not al
lowed to charge the extra 23 cents,
even though the wall telephones have
not yet been installed.
It was explained by Chairirlan Buch
tel that the telephone company in bill
ing patrons for the month of May added
the extra 23 cents. ' Those patrons who
during the month of May applied for
wall telephones are entitled to a refund
of that amount, but those who have
not sought to change to wall tele
phones are compelled to pay the addi
tional 23 cents.
&. Devers. Portland. Adv.
Read The Oresronian classified ads.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 18. A coast
wide strike of electrical workers was
discussed in meetings today and tonight
of representatives of the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
from all of the principal coast cities,
in connection with the general walkout
of theso workers in California and
The representatives are here to meet
tomorrow with telephone company offi
cials following the granting of their
demands for collective bargaining by
Postmaster-General- Burleson.
Calls here today were handled In
some instances by men. A canvass of
the situation Indicated the tleup is
more complete than it was yesterday,
although fairly regular service was be
ing maintained for the newspapers.
hospitals, police and government lines.
Aid Pledged Strikers.
Teamsters and other unions were said
to be preparing a blockade of the ex
change buildings by refusing to deliver
goods or transport strike breaking
operators or linemen. Many unions
have - pledged financial aid to the
strikers, it was reported.
Stockton and Sacramento exchanges,
which had held out since the . strike
was called Monday, joined the strike
forces today. There was no apparent
change in the Los Angeles situation,
where the strike has been in force since
Monday. In Oakland many additional
strike recruits were claimed, and in
Fresno the striking linemen offered
their aid to the city In the emergency.
Keymen'e Sltnatloa Unchanged.
The biggest apparent development
today was the general walkout through
out the bigger Nevada towns. The
whole state's service was said to have
been crippled by strikes in the Reno.
Sparks and Wlnnemucca offices. The
telephone girls have no separate union
organization, so have joined the elec
trical workers' unions, it was an
nounced. There was no apparent chance In
the commercial telegraphers' strike.
Patrick O'Connor, head of the teleg
raphers union, said that the strikers
were greatly heartened by the strike
of telephone operators and linemen.
Telegraph company officials said the
strike condition was unchanged.
Congress ' Asked to Appropriate
9300,000 for Post Roads.
WASHINGTON. June J 8. Major Her
bert L. Buell of the enginser corps
asked the ways and means committee
today to increase the house appropria
tion of $100,000 for post roads In Alaska
to 1300.000. He estimated at 1279,000
the amount that would be .required for
the maintenance of these roads, while
the remainder would be used for the
construction of additional roads in
southeastern Alaska.
If the Alaskan roads are not main
tained. Major Buell said, the production
of precious metals will decrease. Should
the house appropriation stand, he said,
it would be necessary to devote all of
that amount to the maintenance of the
Fairbanks and Valdes road, which is
the outlet for a rich mining district.
aies o
MEN ! Another of Our Great
Thousands of Them
Two Great Groups
All At or Less Than
Present Wholesale Cost
Merchandise of Merit Only"
Jersey Silk Pettibloomers
All Colors Now Ready For the First Time
Women of fashion have come to regard
the pettibloomers as an indispensable gar
ment; its slim, snug lines follow perfectly
the lines of the new silhouette.
Such voguish colors as purple, gray,
taupe, old rose,- emerald, Russian green,,
navy and Belgian blue; elastic at waist
and ankles. Some have wide accordion
plaited ruffles, others have two rows of shirring. Priced
$6.50 and up. Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Our Furnishings Chief now in the markets wires us: j
"Merchandise is scarce, and prices are all higher. I could
not hope to duplicate this tie sale under present conditions."
The ties are from America's chief tie maker, of a quality of silk,
of beauty as to pattern, of exactness in workmanship only- to be
found in the most expensive cravats.
Hood Raspberries In Market.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. June 18. (Spe
cial.) First red raspberries of the sea
son were marketed yesterday by B. F.
Moses, who nicked the fruit from his
harkvard earden on the heights. The
berries sold for 20 cents per pint box.
Molalla Minister ALs oCop.
MOLALLA. Or June 18. (Special.1)
Saturday Evening
June 21, 8 P. M.
Kick-Off Rally
V ; si
f ' 4
is si
JUNE 22 TO 30, INC
Special Engagement
of the
Famous Orator and
Special Envoy to France for
the Salvation Army and
Hero of Chateau Thierry,
Cantigny and St. Mihiel, in
Mrs. Jane Burns Albert, Leader
Women's Silk Boot
Stockings 75c
Seconds All New Today
Black and Best Colors
A few very negligible irregularities in weave put these pure
silk boot stockings in the class known as "seconds," but they
will wear as well as any "firsts" of similar quality you have
ever bought.
Very elastic garter tops and heavy heels and toes insure
complete satisfaction as to wearing quality.
Black, white, Havana brown, mouse, cloud gray and sky
blue. These stockings represent value not to be found every
day. Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
The feature lot includes brocades,
stripes, floral effects, ombres, . two-tones,
polka-dots in pure silk twills, heavy satins '
and poplins, and you won't see better ties
anywhere for again as much as 95c.
Rarely do we have better ties at any
price than these, and never have we had
better values. . Ombres, brocaded figures,
pyramids, Jacquard effects, floral designs
in heavy basket weaves and brocade silks.
Slip-easy bands; beautifully made.
Men may take our word for it that the sale price is less than
wholesale cost in today's market and come prepared to stock up.
Street Floor, Just Inside Washington-Street Entrance.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Rev. F. Snyder, pastor of the Molalla
Methodist church has the distinction of
being both minister and city marshal.
He arrested two men this week on a
charge of bootlegging. Both forfeited
Samuel Hill on T,one Trip.
SEATTLE. June 18. Samuel
road enthusiast, is on a globe-circling
tour, according to word received here.
He sailed from France for Tokio May
25 and will leave Japan for the United
States on July 8. Mr. Hill went from
Seattle to France several months ago.
Japanese Ambassador Is Gnest.
SEATTLE. June 18. While his wife
is viewing the scenic wonders of the
Columbia river highway in Oregon,
Viscount K. Ishii, Japanese ambassador
to the United States, today motored to
Snrqualmie Pass as the guest of a dele
gation of local Japanese.
Chehalis Boosters on Visit.
SEATTLE, 'June 18. Sixty Chehalis
business men, members of the Chehalis
Citizens' club, arrived in Seattle today
and were iuncheon guests of the Seat
tle chamber of commerce. The visitors
came here from Tacoma, where they
wera entertained yesterday. They plan
to visit Everett tomorrow and then will
turn homeward.
Read The Oregonian classified a1..
PREPARED Meats, like those here
pictured, will help you solve summer
food problems. Many of them are ready to
eat All are easily served. All are tempt
ingly good, rich in food value, convenient,
without waste. This group is typical of
all Armour Oval Label foods.
The Oval Label is our pledge of a never
failing quality supply of pure foods for
the consumers of America. Similarly, it
is the producer's guarantee of a constant
market all the year 'round.
The Oval Label simplifies the housewife's
buying. It furnishes the family meal com
plete, whether it be "quick" breakfast,
luncheon or a full-course dinner. For the
Armour Oval Label symbolizes more than
300 food products of the highest excellence.
Look for it on
your food mer
chant's store-front. Ask him to supply
Armour's Oval Label Foods because they
are products of known quality and value.
Order, through him, today, a reserve supply
of Armour foods for all occasions. Start
an Armour Shelf in your pantry as a
protection against all food emergencies.
Portland, Oregon .:
Telephone Broadway 1380