Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 19, 1919, Page 22, Image 22

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Williams, Diamond Fleet Asks
Cargoes for Europe.
Shippers Asked to Declare, as Soon
as Possible, Prospects for
Overseas Freight.
Announcement of rates applying
tween the Pacific coast and European
ports, as fixed yesterday by the ship
pine board and telegraphic advice from
Williams. Diamond & Co.. that shippers
indicate the probable amount of bus
ness for July sailing, whether suf
ficient business is available for a full
cargo from Portland or for a part car
so. afforded impetus to the new serv
The Columbia Pacific Shipping com
pany. . Portland agents for the fleet
which Is to be made up of 8800-ton
steel steamers, has complied a ques
tional that will be sent to exporters
and importers at once, requesting In
formation as to business for the last
half of the year, particularly that
which may move next month.
Rate Sehedale et Caasplete.
The schedule of rates la Incomplete,
Regardtnr vessela to be furnished and
rates fixed so far the following tele
gram yesterday reached C. D. Ken
nedy. Portland agent for the division
of operations:
"The shipping board will allocate
for European service such new steam
era as may be available for moving
particularly canned fish, milk and
fruits, dried fruits, beans, rice, etc..
from Pacific coast ports. Ratea per
100 pounds, gross shall be as follows
To direct ports of call in the United
Kingdom: Canned goods and dried
beans. II. SO: dried fruits in boxes, and
fruit kernels. 120; honey, J2.10; dried
fruits In sacks, $2.40. To direct French
Atlantic ports. Antwerp and Rotter
dam, the rate Is IS cents per 100 pounds
additional. To Copenhagen and direct
Scandinavian ports, 60 cents per 100
additional. Rates on other commodi
ties to be named later as required.-
A request has been made for the tar
iff on copra, barley. lumber and such
smpmenis. ana inn snouia d inauc
known in a few days.' Williams. Dia
mond tc Co. have informed the Colum
bia Pacific Shipping company that more
rates are being worked out by the ship
ping board, and it is asked that an ef
fort be made to determine when ships
should be scheduled to sail. -
It waa particularly desired, says the
message, to load steamers for London
' and Liverpool, also continental ports
and Scandivanian ports, and if full csr
Kocs were not available the vessels may
rail within the Golden Gate to com
plete. Cargo Kaowledge Desired.
"Having succeeded in bringing this
line to Portland, we feel that much of
the preliminary labor is ended, though
there are general details yet to be
passed on in connection with which we
must have the aid of the shippers." said
A. C. Stubba. general manager of the
olumbia Pacittc agency. "The sooner
we are able to obtain tangible krwl
edge of the prospective cargo move
ment, the quicker we can furnish Infor
mation toward a permanent schedule.
"Our aim will be to afford full con
sideration to local products: that is.
auch as originate in the territory for
which Portland and the Columbia river
(provide an outlet. Inquiries have been
received from Astoria is to canned
salmon: while there is copra to move
and barley. Whether these may be
accepted in large or small parcels is
to be governed by the information we
are given by all. The more diversified
the cargoes are from Portland, the
more they will represent our natural
and manufactured products abroad, and
the more satisfied we will be that the
service is serving the general com
mercial community."
Humboldt Bay an advance of SO cents
was made on cargo for southern Cali
fornia totaling $7.60. the San Fran
cisco rate remaining the 'same. $6.
From Mendocino ports the Increase is
50 cents.
Offshore freights are unchanged, ex
cept to Valparaiso and Callao they are
raised from $30 and $32.50 to $32.50 an
$33.50. There is said to be no indication
that lumber tonnage for the Antipodes
and west coast will become more plen
tlful soon.
Vessels Assigned to Load Cargo Find
Berths Much Occopied.
So rapidly are vessels being
signed to loading berths here
space for ships is becoming scarce. On
tliv arrival lut nisrht ot the 3teniner
Mahanna. from Astoria, arrangement
had to be made with the San Fran
Cisco A Portland Steamship company
to berth her at the lower end of Ains
worth dock, where she will complete
her inspection today.
Shipping board vessels are tKcn
care of at different docks, some where
they load supplies and others where
cargo Is ready, while such as are not
delivered to operating companies are
held elsewhere. Naturally, the wood
ship builders are desirous of gettin
ships away from their plants as rap
idly as they can be delivered, and tha
keepa the Emergency Fleet officials
busy out temporary berths.
. Jiew Boat Line Taps Seattle.
SEATTLE. June lg. Entry of th
New York-Cuba Mail Steamship com
pany into the Seattle trade was sig
nalized today with the charter by tha
company from the South American
Pacific line of the 3500-ton steamer
Governor Forbes for six months. Th
Forbes, now coming to Vancouver, B. C.
with sugar from Peru, will carry a full
rice cargo to Cuba. According to th
local representative of the New lorK
Cuba line. 98 per cent of all rice re
cetved here from the orient finds its
way to Cuba for consumption by Chi
nese laborers there.
Captain Drops Dead on Liner.
Andrew W. Nelson, known as the "com
modore" of the Pacific Mail company's
fleet, dropped dead on the trans-Pacific
liner Colombia today a few minutes
after he had berthed the ship, which
had just arrived from the orient. He
tarted with the company 4? years ago.
Marine Aotes.
Command Given John Magee of 12,-000-Ton
MARSH FIELD. Or., June II. (Spe
cial.! James Magee. who had served
In the United States shipping board
fleet during the war. is at home on a
short vacation, hut will return to New
York in July to take command of -a
12. 000-ton steel ship belonging to the
Mr. Magee was first officer on the
steamship Armenian and was on board
both times when she was torpedoed.
The craft was kept afloat and taken
Into Southampton. Kngland. where re
pairs were made. The Armenian was
in Southampton for 10 months, the
damage by the la torpedo having torn
away her stern and effected a 20 per
cent loss of the vessel.
Mr. Magee had special opportunity to
observe the labor conditions in Kng
land during the repairs on the Arme
nian, and frequent visits were made to
other districts. He declares the labor
situation in England is tense and those
who are laboring are not working up
to the speed found in America. Nearly
everything there In the shipyards is
done m-ithout improved facilities, auch
as air drills, hammers and boring ma
chines, he stated.
The steamer Boykln. assigned to the Co-
umbla Pacific Shipping company, starts load
ing ties at ths Oregon 6 California dock to
day, while the Kort 111. under the manage
ment of the same company, begins working
cargo at the lnman-Poulsen mill
The schooner Oakland, which arrived Ir.
the river Sunday from Apia with a copra
argo. left up from Astoria yesterday after
noon and berths at the Fifteenth-street term-
nal to dlicharge. The cargo la consigned
tha Kaola company.
The steamer Rose City was scheduled to
sail from San Francisco yesterday and will
be here tomorrow night or Saturday morn
in. She Is to sail on the return Monday.
Having recently obtained a permit for i
new dock, the Emerson Hardwood Lumber
company yesterday began construction
foot of Twentieth street. The dock will
vi a length of 2.V feet on the harbor line.
being connected with north Front street by
n approach MO feet long.
W. s. Atkinson, connected with the marine
gineeling department of the Todd Drydock
Construction company, returned to Tacoma
rt night after having accompanied th
earner Cascade from Tacoma to Astoria,
here she loaded wheat. The Cascade Is s
7000-ton ship.
Three of the oil fleet figured In yester-
movement in the river, the Frank H.
uck getting away on tho return to San
Pedro, the William F. Herrln arriving from
Gaviota and the Argyll departing for the
Golden Gate.
The Merchants' Exchange was Informed
3esterday that the 9.0il-ton steamer Cokeait
the first of the Standifer steel fleet dis
patched from the harbor, had reported at
Hampton Roads Tuesday on her wsy to
Europe. She left Portland May 10 and de
parted from Colon .June 7.
Ending her first round trip to Lewlston.
the atcamer Grahamona. of the Yellow Stack
line, reported back here at 5 o'clock yester
day sftemoon. She discharged freight at
th East Washington-street terminal, where
considerable had been collected meanwhile
for her return trip, which begins tonight.
The Northwest Steel company launchea Its
32d steel hull Friday, the West Cheswatd.
and Saturday the last keel for the emer
gency fleet corporation is to go Into place.
The steamer West Celina went on her trial
trip from that yard yesterday and the West
Noaska will be given her trial the last of
the week by the Columbia River shipbuild
ing corporation.
In about lendays s survey of the channel
In the Columbia river, below the mouth of
the Willamette. Is to be started by the
government engineers to learn if much sedi
ment was deposited by the June freshet.
When It is certain the stream will not rise
sgain above the ten-foot stage, dredging will
be resumed on the lower river.
Advices to the custom-house from Nor
folk. Vs.. are that Frederick Banxe was re
cently signed on there as master of the
Portland. built steamer 'West Corum, reliev
ing A. G. Thomas.
The Port of Portland dredge Tualatin
movpd yesterday from the Swan island ranse
to the upper end of tho Fifteenth-street
Standifer Corporation Has
Only Two More Deliveries.
Hope Entertained Cancellations May
Be Reinstated. Enabling;
"Work to Proceed.
Without undue haste, but under a
steady pace, the wood shipbuilding pro
gramme of the G. M. Standifer Con
struction corporation is being brought
to a close and when July passes there
will remain only two steamers to be
delivered, the By field and Mendora,
which are. on tha stocks at the Van
couver plant. An uncompleted hull re
mains on the ways at the North Port
land yard, that having been canceled
and three hulls built there, which are
not to have machinery installed, the
Wabanaquot, Akanaquint and Kuda-
pasan, have been accepted by the gov
Previous to June 1 the corporation
delivered the steamers Klneo, Bushong,
Belding and Buttonwood from the Van
couver woodyard and the first June de
livery was the Benzonia, while ths
Kangl, Bushrod and Aim well are
scheduled for delivery this month and
July the Butte, Umatilla, Moosabee
and Oktya should be turned over to the
Emergency Fleet corporation. The
By fie Id should be floated July 15 and
the Mendora July 20 and with the other
carriers out of the way meanwhile the
completion of the last two should bs
Plaats May Close.
Jim" Clarkson, manager of the wood
plants, says that they will be closed
and the property disposed of as soon
as possible after the government pro
gramme ends.
vv e are hopeful at least three of
the five ships canceled will be rein
stated, but have no definte news as yet
and only the signing of a new contract.
restoring the ships to us, will be con-
id c red as the final step, says K. v.
ones, vice-president of the G. M. Stan
difer corporation, the head of which.
Guy M. Standifer. has been tn the east
for several weeks on business having
to do with the reinstatement of the
ships. Shipping board officials have
been quoted in press dispatches as
favorable to the Standifer Vancouver
plant being allowed two or three of the
five vessels, otherwise only ten ships
would be turned out there, as compared
to twice and three times the number at
ther coast yards.
Price May Be Cut.
At the same time, it would not be sur
prising if the five vessels were turned
back, though probably at lower figures
than originally applied, as the con-
racts were signed during the war
period. The yard is regarded In ex
cellent condition for fitting in the ad-
itional vessels, as the fifth will be
floated the last of this month, leaving
ve, or one turn over of the ways,
for delivery. Should the five canceled
vessels be regained provision will be
made for another "turn over" that
would insure the plant going ahead for
several months, by which time private
contracts are hoped for.
City ow Has Between 50 and 60
Men Engaged at Terminal.
Between 50 and 60 men were work
ing on -the municipal grain elevator at
the St. Johns terminal yesterday. They
re on the payroll of the commission
public docks because the contract
of Grant Smith & Co. was taken over
Monday. It is estimated that when a
ull force is employed in completing
the elevator construction there wiU be
about 200 men.
The commission meets this morning
to take final action on bids for the
construction of the Woodward avenue
ublic landing. Proposals were opened
uesday and referred to CKy Attorney
La Roc he and Engineer Hegardt, and
thev are to renort todav. With an ex
tension of pier No. 1 under wav aid
the wharf for pier No. 2 to be started,
while J. M. Dugan & Co. will begin
shortly on the extension of the shed
of pfer No. 1, the commission is rap-
been forced to remain In China, for wmt
time. -
J. r. Armstrong', northwestern manager of
tho Sperry Flour company at Tacoma, waa
a. pa wen re r on the Colombia. He aaya some
of the biggest stores In China have removed
Japanese goods entirety from their establish
ASTORTA. Or., June 38. The Emerrenry
fleet steamer Mahanna. left at 1:10 this af
ternoon for Portland, where she will be
tumea over to the rovernment.
The schooner Oakland left at 1 o'clock
this afternoon for Portland to discharre hi
cargo of copra, which she brought from
A 0600-ton wt earner will arrive within the
cominc few days from Seattle to load
full cargo of bulk grain at the port dock.
ms win do the first cargo or bulk gral
ever snipped ioret?n irom trie river,
steamer is also listed for here -to load
crgo of flour for Europe.
By a tiu of sale filed at the custom house
John Anderson and Hamburg Palmer sell
tne gasoline launcti Columbia to tne colum
Dta Kiver run comnany.
leaden with flour from Portland th
steamer City of Eurka crossed out at 10:
lFt night. She returned at 10:30 today
after her 12-hour trial run and sailed at 11
o clock for Europe.
The steam schooner Flavel that is loading
lumber at the Hammond mm will complete
ner cargo ntxt irtaay ana sail zor ea;
The tank steamer William F. Herrln ar
rived at 30 o'clock last night from Califor
nia, with fuel oil for Portland.
The steam schooner Daisy Matthews
due from San Francisco with freight for
SEATTLE, Wash., June 13. When th
steamship Western Glen, operated by
Strut hers & Dixon, leaves port about June
30, tho principal item of her cargo will be
several thousand tons of scrap iron, odd;
and ends of Junk yards tn this country
that have been bought up by Chinese firms
for shipment to China where the scraps are
used for various purposes.
Completing a voyage of 13 days, the Blue
Funnel liner Cyclops, Captain W. Duncan,
arrived in Seattle last night from Yoko
hama and ports in the far east.
The Cyclops brought a huge cargo ot
products of the orient and six first cabi
and 252 steerage passengers. One of th-
Chinese passengers died during the voyage
and was burled at sea.
TACOMA, Wash., June 18. (Special.)
Shipping at Tacoma has taken a very quiet
turn and there is little In sight for several
days, the local agents declare, outside the
regular coasters. The next oriental steamer
due Is the African Maru, Friday. The Osaka
Shosen Kaisha have several steamers early
in July which will drop in here for coal on
their way from the east coast.
The President docked here this morning
from San Francisco. According to members
of the crew the seasick cure prescribed by
General Passenger Agent E. G. McMicken
worked fn fine shape. There was not a sea
sick person on board.
To load a part cargo of wheat here, the
ossining is due about July 1. The vesae
will take flour also from here. It is said.
According to word reaching Tacoma, Ed
ward N. Hurley, of the United States ship
ping board, might pay a visit to this port in
the next two or three weeks.
When the Admiral Schley gets away front
here next week she will take in her holds
nearly 1000 barrels of imported oil for Cal
ifornia points. Most of this cargo will go
Los A ngeles and San Francisco. The
Governor, of the same line, will take south a
cargo of tbe same material.
Captain Cousins of the steamship Presi
dent, who is an ardent golf fiend, hied to
the links Wednesday morning and played for
several hours. Captain Cousins does not
know whether this kind of sport will reduce
his avoirdupois or not, but be expects to
aeep it up, ne says.
Thirteen tank cars are on the sidetrack
at the Northern Pacific oriental docks tak
ing on peanut oil, shipped to Tacoma for
transfer across the country to the Proctor
& Oamble plant In Chicago. The peanut oil
is originally shipped to Tacoma in barrels.
These barrels are emptied into a large tank
on the dock and a steam pump is then used
to pump it into the railroad tank cars. This
Is a departure for the Northern Pacific docks.
as the ships heretofore have unloaded at the
Milwaukee docks, where the apparatus for
transferring the oil from tne barrels to tbe
tank cars has been in use.
Sixteen Tacoma shippers protested today
to ben a tor Poindexter on the long and short
nam clause in the Spokane rate case, which
he recently defended. The shippers see an
injustice in the intermountain rate differ
ential, which works for the benefit of the
inland empire points and adversely to coast
V. S. Naval Radio Reports.
municipal terminal, to resume dredging in j idly adding to the amount of construe-
Improvements Call for Expenditure
of $137,000.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. June IS. (Spe-
riaL One hundred and twenty-seven
thousand d-Mlar are to be expended on
the Bandon bar and the nearby channel,
according to figures submitted to the
Port of Bandon recently by the gov
ernment. Of this um. the port pro
vides one-half and the government the
remainder. The improvements which
are to be made are planned for a three
year period, and the major portion of
the work is the removal of rock from
the vicinity of the Jetty.
The programme tarts this month,
with investigations by a diver who is
marking rock projections in the harbor
channel. Blasting the rock fn the chart
nel will follow the survey and in 1929
the dredge Oregon will be employed for
several months. The cost of explo
sives to be used in breaking up the
rock formation is one of the most ex
pensive features of tbe proposed improvements.
Advance of 30 Cents a Thousand
I ret Made on Pacific.
Advances of 50 cents a thousand feet
have been made in coast lumber freight
rates, according to the latest circular
of the Shipowners' association of the
Pacific, which fixes the charge at I7.&0
to San Francisco and IS. 50 to southern
California ports from Puget sound.
Urays Harbor. Willtpa. Harbor and the
Columbia river. From Coos Bay the
rate Is Increased the same ratio, mak
ing the freight 7 and S and from
front of the west side docks. She will op
erate upstream and material Is to be dumped
toward the eat aide, where It will be picked
up later and deposited on low land, north
east of the Pacific coast elevator dock.
Such progrc is being made with a fill
at the Si. Johns terminal, where vegetable
oil tanks are to he located, that It is ex
pected to be completed June 25. The dredge
Willamette will then h relieved, the dredge
Portland continuing there to dig out slip
No. -'.
As the new wooden ntnmrr Boy kin was
being a foisted through the llarrfman bridge
Tuesday ny tne steamer Shaver, of the
Shaver fleet, the latter a guards were dam
aged in striking, while lines holding the
vessels toget her were parted. The Boy k in
berthed at the Fifteenth-street ter
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. June H. Palled at 1 P. M.
Frank H. Buck, for Sin Pedro. Arrived at
in A. M-. steamer W. F. Herrln, from
-Wavtota. Arrived at 6 A. M., steamer Argyll,
from-Kan Francisco. Arrived at 10 P. M.,
steamer Mahanna, from Astoria. j
ASTORIA. Jut) IR. Left Up at 10:T,n last
night, steamer W. F. Herrln. from Gaviota.
Satlrd at 1:3 last night and returned
and sailad st 11 A. M.. steamer City
of Eureka, from trial trip, for Europe via
New lork for orders. Left up at i:.0 P. w
schooner Oakland, from Apia. Left up at
1:15 P. if., steamer Mahanna, for Fort I and
tion under its direction.
SAV FRAVCISCO. June 1. Sailed at mid-
ntcht. steamer Tiverton, for Portland. Ar
rived, steamer F. S. Loop, from the Columbia
POIVT BETES. June IT. Passed at non
steamer Daisy Freeman, from Portland for
an Pedro.
Ft'REKA. June Ts. Sailed Steamer City
f Tp-ka. fnom San Francisco for Portland
via Coca Bay.
PORT PAN" l,V IP. June 1. Arrived
Steamer Washtenaw, from Portland.
GAVIOTA. Jum is. Arrived Steamer J.
A. i'hancelor. from Portland.
HAMPTOV ROADS. June 17. Arrived
Steamer Cokestt. from Portland for Europe.
ASTORTA. June IS. I-eft up at 5 P. M..
steamer Argyll, from San Francisco. Arrived
at P. M.. steamer W. F. Herrln, . from
SEATTLE. Jun IS. Arrived Steamers
Admiral "A stson. from Santa Ana; City of
Seattle, from southeastern Alaska. Sailed
frteamer Glymont. for Honolulu; power
schooner uimo, xor JietneL
TACOMA. June 1. Arrived Steamers
President, from fr-an Francisco: Quadra, from
Britannia Beach: Admiral Watson, from
Cordova. Sailed Steamers President. for
San Francisco. Quadra, for Vancouver, B. C
SHANGHAI. June 12. Sailed Harold Dol
lar, for Vancouver.
SAK FRANCISCO, June 1. Arrived
Steamers Queen, from Seattle; Saginaw, from
Port Angeles: Oleum, from Tacoma: G. C
Llndauer. from Coos Bay: F. 8. Loop, from
Astoria: Wilmington, front MuklHeo. Sailed
Steame.-s Tiverton, for Portland ; Enter
prise, Annie Johnson, for Hilo: Car m el. tor
Grays Harbor.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.,
High. Low.
4:.Y, A. M feet It:.": A, M OS foot
6.1? P. AL....7 6 feet. 0;10 A. 3lL... Z-l feet
Pilot Commissioners Make Plans for
Semi-Annual Trip.
Members of the Oregon state board
of pilot commissioners will make their
semi-annual inspection of the channel
from Portland to the sea next week,
accompanied by Robert Warrack, su
perintendent of the 17th lighthouse dis
trict At a meeting: yesterday it was
decided to arrange for the trip at an
early date.
Regarding a complaint filed by the
master of the steamer Steadfast, that
she was delayed in the river after her
sea trial trip, because of the failure of
a launch to be sent from Astoria to
take off five shipping board inspec
tors, the commissioners opined that
such transportation was beyond their
jurisdiction, not having control of any
passenger facilities. None of the de
tention was attributed to any failure
of the pilotage service.
Seattle Port Pays Well.
SEATTLE. June IS. Official figures
made public today showed that the:
Seattle port commission bad made a I
net gain for the first five months ofl
this year of 1131.104. This also allowed
for proper depreciation charges on the
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
SAN FRAVCISCO. Cel., June IS. (Spe
cfal.) The British steamship Makura. which
is now at Vancouver, B. C. waiting to be
loaded before sailing for Sydney via Hono
lulu, may be shifted to this port to load,
duo to the strike situation, which makes
It impossible to handle freight st the Pacific
Canadian port. Investigation is being made
here to ascertain whetner the cabin passen
gers would be permitted to come ashore
for a few days while the loading opera
t ions aro cond ucte. Permission has been
granted but no official annonuccment has
been made regarding, the disposition of the
ship excepting for the statement that she
will leave Vancouver tomorrow.
H. M. Gregory, purser in the Pacific Mall
service for some years past and formerly
freight clerk, has been appointed to the
position of Panama agent for the company
to succeed A. C. Parke, Gregory will leave
for his new work tomorrow, accompanied
by hia family.
The Pacific Mali liner coiomota arrived
from tho orient today with general cargo
and 2-"0 passengers. The pleasant and un
eventful homebound voyage wound up with
gioom a half hour after the veasel berthed
pier 44. when captain Andrew w. iel-
son. the ship's commander, fell dead of heart
failure. The Colombia s cargo included 4499
packages of raw silk valued at some $3,000,
000. The total value of the entire cargs
mas In excess of So.OOO.OAO.
Passengers arriving on the steamship
Colombia brought the news that the steamer
Empress of Asia, which was reported takes
over by the British government, had bees
subsequently relessed and w ill leave Toko-
ham a tomorrow ror Vancouver witn a lull
lUi of passengers who would otherwiee have ,
(All notations reported at A P. M. yester
day unlewtf otherwise indicated.)
W. S. PORTER, San Pedro for Everett,
1S1 miles from San Pedro at 5 P. M.
C. A. SMITH, San Francisco for Marsh
field. 190 miles north of San Francsico.
LYMAN STEWART. Port San Luis for
Seattle, 334 miles from Seattle.
D. G. SCOFIELD, Seattle for San Pedro,
660 miles from San Pedro.
C ELI LO. Linn ton for San Francisco, 50
miles north of Point Arenas.
ATOKA, Seattle for New York via San Fran
cisco. 27 miles south of Cape Mendocino.
WHITTIER, Eureka for San Luis, 290
miles from San Luis.
ATLAS, El Scgundo for Hilo, 1013 miles
from Hilo.
DIABLO. 1100 miles from San Francisco.
CAPT. A. W. LUCAS. Richmond for
Ocean Falls, 550 miles north of San Fran
STAXWOOD, Bellingham for San Pedro.
230 mUes from Bellingham.
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, June 18.-Condition of
the bar at 5 P. M. Sea, smooth; wind,
west, 6 miles.
Spokane Seeks New Trade.
SPOKANE, June 18. The Pan Amer
ican Products company, with a capital
of $1,000,000, has been formed by a
group of Spokane men to enter the do
mestic packing trade of Guatemala and
the export trade between that country
and the United States, it became known
here today. Directors are Carl Tuttle,
H. C. Ingram. Dr. C. E. Grove, A. M.
Premo and Carl Eutis. Spokane will be
the principal place of business. It was
said the company would establish a
packing plant in Guatemala this year.
The Kind You Have .-Always Bought.
' T .UIS is the caution applied to the puhlio announcement of Castoria that ha3
been manufactured under the supervision of Chas. H. Fletcher for over
30 years the genuine Castoria. We respectfully call the attention of fathers and
mothers when purchasing Castoria to see that the wrapper bears his signature in
black.; When the wrapper is removed the same 'signature appears in red on both
sides; of the bottle. Parents who have used Castoria for their little ones in the
past years need no warning against counterfeits and imitations, but our present
duty is to call the attention of the younger generation to the great danger of intro
ducing spurious medicines into their families.
It is to be regretted that there are people who are now engaged in the
nefarious business of putting up and selling all sorts of substitutes, or what should
more properly be termed counterfeits, for medicinal preparations not only for
adults, but worse yet, for children's medicines. It therefore devolves on the mother
to scrutinize closely what she gives her child. Adults can do that for themselves
but the child has to rely on the mother's watchfulness.
Children Cry For
l r --urvr -.1 PER GENT-
fe Knart.fcStamacisattl Bowels rf
Ticrcty Promoting I)i5ti
neither Opidm.Morphine nl
Hineral. NoTWrv!
W -
Constipalionand DUrrtu1
5. .T n ir:
a- rvrV.
Your Friend, the Physician.
The history of all medicines carries with it the story of battles
against popular beliefs : fights against prejudice : even differences of
opinion among scientists and men devoting their lives to research work;
laboring always for the betterment of mankind. This information
' is at the hand of all physicians. He is with you at a moments call
be the trouble trifling or great. He is your friend, your household
counselor. He is the one to whom you can always look for advice
even though it might not be a case of sickness. He is not just a
doctor. He is a student to his last and final call. His patients are
his family and to lose one is little less than losing one of his own
flesh and blood.
Believe him when he tells you as he will that Fletcher's
Castoria has never harmed the littlest babe, and 'that it is a good
thing to keep in the house. He knovs.
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
ffj mlr m the Signature of r ,
Wall-Street Financier Dies.
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., June 3 8.
Following a stroke of paralysis, John
Martin Graham, late president of the
International Trust company of Boston,
Mass., died here late this afternoon. It
was learned that Graham, who Is wide
ly known in financial circles in New
England and who is said to be a power
in Wall street, had been in a feeble
condition for nome months.
System . Devised by Grain Corpora
tion for Handling Crop Under
. Government Guarantee.
A general bulletin was isaued yesterday
by M. H. Houaer, second vice-president of
jrrain corporation, to mnis. aeaiers,
bakers and other flour handlers, outlining
the policy of tho corporation in the handling
of wheat and flour during the ll'lO season.
The bulletin in part follows:
License All wheat flour mills regardless
of sizo, all grain dealers and elevators, all
flour jobbers, all bakers using. 50 barrels
or more per month. While there exists the
authority to license retailers, if found neces-
ary, they will not at the present time oe
put under license. A proclamation govern -In?
licensos will be issued in a few - days.
Then forms of application will be distributed
from the zone manager's -office. License
rules and regulations will shortly be Issued
but co-operation of the various trades will
be accomplished through voluntary con
tracts, a separate contract for each trade,
namely wheat- flour millers, grain dealers
and elevators, flour jobbers and bakers.
These printed contract forms wiii be in
the hands of the second vice-presidents
within a week. When contract forms are
signed they are to be returned to the zone
manager who will at once forward them
to the general office for signature of execu
tive of the grain corporation. Through
these contracts the dealer and miller agree
to pay not less than the corporation guar
anteed wheat price basis and in securing
a proper reflection of not less than that
basis to the producer the corporation pro
tecting the contracting party in the event
of a lower" wheat resale basis established
by the grain corporation. Certain provision
is made in the contracts for the payment to
dealers of ' storage before - and after the
period of advancing premiums if shipping
conditions prevent normal turnover; this
protecting the dealer from tho necessity of
reducing th price to the producer. Tt hats
been determind to put in a premium basis
over the guaranteed price basis and this
premium reflected to the producer when
the situation in the judgment of the wheat
director makes such action advisable. It is
decided that there will be no advance pre
mium over the guaranteed price for the
month of July; a proper reflection of the
guaranteed price basis to the producer is
the guaranteed price at the most favorable
terminal minus freight and a reasonable
maximum handling margin,
is ex Dec ted that comoetition
regulate the handling charge or buying
margin on a reasonable basis. All mills,
dealers and elevators in purchasing wheat
from the producer shall buy on the basis
of the federal standards, using their best
and honest judgment. In the event of a
difference of opinion as to the grade, sample
of wheat shall at once be drawn in the
presence of both buyer and seller, enclosed
in a proper container, and sent to the rone
manager for decision as to proper grade.
Elimination of intermountain absorption
In viaw of the doubt of our authority to
continue to absorb on a theoretical $2 min
imum at intermountain points, we shall
retire altogether from that absorption. The
new basis provides a net minimum of $1,964
at intermountain points included in the new
rail rate and since the literal enforcement
of the guarantee would only make effective
the $2 price at the named points of Salt
Lake City, Pocatello and Great Falls, and
without this new gulf construction netting
St. 964 the producer would oe obliged to
deliver this wheat at these named points
at $2, the result is that the grower is get
ting better net return than under the literal
application of the guarantee- as formerly
Reduced wheat resale nrice Tn the event
of a, reduced resale price for wheat on the
part of grain corporation that reduction
will be based on wheat but Indemnification
made only on flour, the guaranteed price
to the producer remaining at the one price
through the year. Only licensees who enter
into contract relations with the grain cor
poration will be able to avail themselves
of the indemnification in the event of a
lower resale price of wheat. Flour jobbers,
dealers and bakers of 50 barrels and over
should be circularized by the vice-presl
dents, advising they may have protection
of contract in the event of a lower wheat
resale price. Bakers under the 50-barrel-per-month
limit may have the protection
by signing contract, although not under
Tacoma Greets the. .alls Citizens.
TACOMA, Wash., June 17. (Special.)
Fifteen members of the Chehalis Cit-
As a rule it izens' club were greeted upon their ar
will properly J rival in Tacoma today on a grct-ac-
quainted trip. The Tacoma Kiwanig
club led in the reception, which includ
ed a band concert. The Chehalis men
are making: a swing- about the circle in
southwest Washington.
Skin Eruption Causes
Unbearable Itching
Scratching Increases the Irrita
tion of the Delicate Skin
Tou can claw your nails into your
skin until it bleeds, in an effort to ob
tain relief from the fiery itching and
burning caused by skin diseases, but
you only increase the irritation and
And you can pour ointments, salves
and lotions by the gallon on the irritat
ed parts, without obtaining anything
but temporary relief. Just as soon as
the strength of the counter irritant
gives out, your pain and torture will
return with increased violence, because
these local remedies have not reached
the source of the trouble.
The real source of all skin disease is
the blood supply. The blood becomes
Infected with some impurity, and the
disease germs break out through the
delicate tissues of the skin. They may
appear as eczema, tetter, boils, pimples,
scaly eruptions, caused by disease germs
in the blood.
The real cure, therefore, must be di
rected through the blood. And no rem
edy has yet been discovered that equals
S. S. S. 'for any disorder of the blood.
This great old remedy rids the blood of
every trace of disease .germs, and clears
up the' complexion and gives it the
ruddy glow of perfect health. Get
bottle at : your druggist's today and
you will soon be rid of your tormenting
skin trouble. Also ' write at once for
expert . medical advice regarding your
own case. .'Address, Medical Director,
263 Swift ; Laboratory, Atlanta. Ga
If you have any trouble with your diges
tion Chamberlain's Tablets will do .you
good. They strengthen the stomach and
enable it to perform its ; functions hat-"
urally. They only cost a quarter.
There's b-t:s' mfferias Irom th
arfal onj of lme back. Don't wait
tit- it "passes off." It only comes back.
Find the cause and stop it. Disessed
conditions of kidneys are osnally Indi
cated by stiff lame backs and other
wrenchinc pains, which are citurs s if
nsJs for help!
Here's tbe remedy. When yon feel
the first twinges of pain or experi
ence any of these symptoms, get bnsy
at once. Go to your druggist and get
box of the pure, original GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil ospsules, in-
fiorted fresh every month from thy
rborstories in Hssrlem, Holland.
Pleasant and easy to take, thy instant
ly attack the poisonous germs, clogging
jour system and bring quick relief.
JTor over two bufldred years they
hae been helping the lick. Why not
try them? Sold everywhere by re
liable druggists in sealed ; packages.
Three sizes. Money back jf they a
not help yon. Ask for "GOLD
MEDAL and be sure ths name
"GOLD MEDAL" ia on the box.
orient scro tSuttcme
JAPAN in 10 days
CHINA in 14 days
MANILA in 18 days
Freqsenl Sailiap from Vucsarer, B. C
Cabin fare $$. up third -class
una $o7.50.
Further information from
TC. E. Pcnn, General A Kent,
5 Third Street. Portland.
S. F. & P. S. S. Lines
S. S. Rose City
Fares include berth and meals.
Third and WashlnKtoa Kts.,
Phones ! Blaia 3530 A8611.
Freight, Alnsworth Dock Phones)
Bdwr. 2BS A12J4.
-Mr. Wm. E. Bryant. R. V. D.,
Bryantville, Mass.. writes: "I am
using: your Balmwort Kidnsy
Tablets and find them the very
best of anything I have ever
tried. I have tried lots of other
remedies," etc. Pains in the back,
rheumatic pains, frequent, scanty,
highly colored,- smarting pains, '
etc., tell you that Kidneys and
Bladder are not doing; their regu
lar duties. Balmwort Kidney Tab
lets correct and revivo their ac
tivity. Sold by all druggists.
Adv. .
M. Bollam, Agent. 1S2 Third St.
iJtione Main -b
The Dalles and Way Points.
Sailings, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, 10 P. M.
Ash St Dock. Broadway 3451
Suva, Naw Zealand. Australia
The Palatial Passenger Steamers
B. M. 8. "NIAGARA." K. M. 8. "MAKCBA"
HO.OOO Tons 1X000 Ton
tiaii From Vancouver, B. C.
For Fares and sailings apply Can. Pac. Hall
way. 55 Third Ht., Portland, or Canadian
Australian Itoyal Mail Line, 410 Seymour b