Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 17, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Egypt's Way of Answering
British Is Something New.
Final Outcome Not Tet in Sight but
Since It Affects Gremt Ques
tion, World Gets Facts.
ICopynirht. r the New Tor Herald
ICoP'TrnhtTcn.-i. by the New lork Her-
CAIRO? Pharaoh, who is Egypt,
has been fighting- a strange and deadly
duel with a British peer, who represents
parliament and the government. Many
curious sitrhts the pyramids hae
looked down upon, from the changing
of history a course by the seductive
wiles of Queen Cleopatra to the shift
ing of the balance of world power by
the crack of a rhinoceros whip over a
fellah's back. All the forma of warfare
that mankind has ever used except
certain manifestations of German Kul
tur'i have been practiced within sight
of the great pilea of masonry which
dot the edge of the Libyan desert.
Recent days, however, have developed
something new long range duel be
tween a lord and a land, with the con
ventional "you're another!" as the pro
vocation. The final outcome of this
conflict is not yet in sight. b"ts'nce
it profoundly affects all phases of the
complicated near eastern question, the
facta belong to the world. ,K..
As earlier articles have described.
Egypt is in a state of national Insurrec
tion, which Is in process of being sup
pressed, so far as military force can
do so. by troops of the British empire.
The causes are manifold, some of them
being serious and some being simple
misunderstandings which patience and
tact could have removed. The all em
bracing reason was Egypt's desire for
an expression of her own self-determination.
Casin r Revolt Maay.
Causes for the revolt were many, the
occasion was one. Egyptian nationalists
wanted to send a delegate to Farts to
present their claims to the peace con
ference. Earlier, they had asked simply
for opportunity to send the prime mini
ster and member of the cabinet to Lon
don to talk over Egypt's 'affairs with
the British government.
The nationalist movement, fed by the
utterances of President Wilson, and b ya
formal declaration bv Great Britain
and France of their altruistic war alms
in Turkey and Syria, had for its leader
Saad Zaglul Pacha, vice-president of
the legislative body which was Inop
erative during the war. Official and un
official representatives of the country
named him and thirteen others as a
commission to Paris. When England
Kot ready to let Rushdl Pacha, the
prime minister, go to London, he de
clined to do so unless Saad Zaglul and
the delegation went also to Paris. To
this the British government refused to
accede. Shortly afterward It exiled
Zaglul and three other members of the
delegation to Malta as dangerous
mPTherewe have broadly stated, the
conditions that lie back of the duel.
Lord Cunon. who was acting foreign
secretary in the absence of Mr. Bal
four in Paris, was called upon to an
swer questions In parliament concern
ing conditions in Egypt. I'pon the day
of the deportations of the four nation
alists all Egypt began to break loose in
"demonstrations." some of which were
peaceful and most of which were other
wise. All the railways, telepraphs. tele
phones and tramways of Egypt were
put out of business. Stations were at
tacked bv fanatical mobs. Eight Brit
ish soldiers were horribly slain on a
railway train. Many foreigners were
besieced. For a time Cairo was cut
off from the world, except by airplane
and wireless. And parliament wanted
to know all about it.
lanoraaec la Caafeaaed.
Vow. the ways of governments are
Inscrutable, and it is even conceivable
that the dignified and urbane peer, who
ts .an aristocrat of the old school, a
famous one-time viceroy of India and
an Intrepid Imperialist, really did not
possess all the facts. More than once
public men have spoken upon subjects
concerning which their information
was somewhat Inadequate. Not long
Kgo I heard a member of parliament
aildress the house of commons upon the
eastern question, beginning his speech
with "lie sentence. "I do not know any
thing about this subject." and then pro
ceeded to demonstrate the accuracy of
that statement by half an hour of
l,ord Cunon does know the near east.
Still, he may not have been Informed of
the gravity of the Egyptian situation.
Censored Press dispatches had euphem
istically treated the "disorders" as a
series of outbreaks by the lower ele
ments of the population. Those dis
patches art back in Egypt now in the
London newspapers: and they make
the heathen rage. They illustrate how
wholly false half truths may be. To
an American, used to the candor of a
press that publishes all the facts which
may be ascertained, this collection of
inadequate and constantly reassuring
telegrams, not one of which, so far as
I have seen, gives a clear, full state
ment of actual conditions, has been a
real wrong done to the British public,
which, whether it yet knows so or not.
has one of its gravest imperial crises
upon Its hands without understanding
whv or what.
So the noble lord suavely assured
parliament and the people that the men
Be Up to Date!
A high-grade soft drink with a
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Henry Weinhard Plant
Mrlbatn for Pertland.
Tr1 away vtjr Backache. rM today a
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that lame. aor and ail unstrung leal
Ins ot the narvea. If your kliloeya act too
Tr-ejuni iy, or aciira iiu'i .. n - " "
Araaatatlc-Lrai In pleasant and th beat lonlo
laxative. At unjtl or oy ravi, ww.
Mapla FRER Adureaa, The jttbr Cray
who had been deported were merely
irresponsible agitators, with no popular
support. .
Had it not been lor tne censurm...
the Egyptian nationalists wouia
. ... i AnAii anf thej. world fervid
denials and eloquent statements of
their case. They wantea to can "
handsome and distinguished peers a
well, a dlsembler, but they were bottled
up in Egypt, with all wires and mails
closed to them.
So they proposed a strike of all gov
ernment employes to last for three
days. Wednesday. April to Saturday.
April 5, inclusive, rriaay oems "
Moslem sabbath. This was to be the
test of strength between Lord Curzon
th. inarticulate Pharaoh, over
distance of 2000 miles. The aaareos i
to parliament was accepted as a cnau
lenge by the nationalists. Their super
..iim.ntn wav of saving "You're
another:" was to stop all the wheels of
government. a,
And they aia. unaouoieuiy mi., ..,.-
il.. w. ii.-h -t first, until suosequent
events cemented the Egyptian senti
ment by blood. The cabinet had already
quit or gone on a strike as a protest
against the refusal of the British to
allow the deputation to proceed abroad.
No other public man would accept cab
inet positions Decause OI tear, I im
British say. The year's national bud
get, since it could not be passed by the
nhlniL was Issued by General Allenby
as an extraordinary proclamation with
an additional million pounds pacxea on
to pay for the consequences oc tne dis
Practically every Egyptian or tne
government In all departments, from
street sweepers and letter carriers to
heads of bureaus and departments, quit
work on Wednesday. Students and
lawyers were already on strike. The
duel was on. Tiny shops In tie naitve
basaars as well as large foreign stores
out ud their shutters. The general
strike was a success. The clean-shaven
face of the handsomely groomed lord
was completely blackened, as they say
In the east. Earl Curson of Kldlestond
had been proved to be something less
than well informed.
Crabbing Limelight XoteA.
British and foreign residents of
Egypt had clearly seen and frankly
said that London had blundered egre
glously in refusing the nationalist dep
utation permission to go abroad. It
also erred in the Curson declaration
and In permitting that utterance to be
reported in Egypt. For now noDoay
could deny that all classes of people,
from the puppet sultan down to the
hooligan In the back alleys, supported
Saad Zaglul and disapproved of Brit
ain s course.
Had the delegation gone to Paris when
It desired it would have been only one
of doxens of similar bodies seeking op
portunity to get the ear of some com
mission or commissioner. Its exist
ence would have been practically Ig
nored by the great world. Britain s
reputation and position in Egypt were
safe. She had received the world s ap
proval for the great constructive re
forms she had wrought ' It would have
taken more than a petition from a na
tionalist deputation to Paris to dis
turb her place at the gateway between
east and west.
Instead, thanks to Lord Curson and
other inept officials, what might have
been done In a corner now is a focus of
the world's spotlights. Pharaoh has
moved Into the center of the universal
stage, sharing with Paris and Poland
and Kussia the attention of mankind.
I do not write here ot the effect of
Egyptian developments upon Oriental
and Moslem peoples. More of that
later. In Europe and America the plea
of Egypt is heard. Whatever the deci
sion or the development, the facts must
be known. British statesmen played
the nationalists' game for them more
skilfully than they have done themselves.
Grave Conaeqaeacea Certain.
Egypt could properly . raise a sub
scription to build a little pyramid to
Lord Curson, for by defeating htm in
this extraordinary long-range duel
they advanced their case by years.
There will be many embarrassing ques
tions asked in parliament and else
where about the land of the Pharaohs,
as a result ot the noble peers rather
inartistic effort to carry the spirit and
methods of the censorship into the
ancient and honorable law-making
body of the British empire.
Trouble is easier to start than to
stop. What began only as a protest
against the Curson speech soon as
sumed more sinister aspects. Once out
on strike, and conscious of their power.
the government employes remained out.
n an effort to force the new cabinet
and the British authorities to declare
that the Parts deputation was repre
sentative: to abolish martial law and
to announce ultimate Egyptian inde
pendence as the British programme.
The strikers soon constituted a na
tional Soviet. Their course has been
steadily more and more 'irreconcilable.
aa they, find that they can lead the
people into whatever action or Inaction
they please.
As I close this article there are omi-
ous rumors of the employment of still
stronger measures by the - military
which means more killings and the
end of what began so unsuspectingly
in parliament is not yet in sight.
' Dr. Ellis Is believed yet to be a. pris
oner of British authorities in Cairo.
Many Oregon Troops Among
Latest Arrivals.
Weil-Known Resident of Xorth Beach
Peninsula Fails to Return From
Fishing Expedition.
Idaho and Oregon Delegations on
Piers to' Meet Returning Soldiers.
Fighters Have War Record.
ILWACO. Wash.. June IS. (Special.)
Walter Seaborg. mayor of Ilwaco, and
one of the best-known of the older
residents of the North Beach peninsula,
is believed to have been drowned in the
ocean, off The Bocks, a short distance
from this city.
Mr. Seaborg left for The Rocks Fri
day morning to fish and dig clams and
has not been seen since his arrival at
the beach. Searching parties found his
bait pall and fish lying upon the fish
ing rocks, and as the breakers at this
place are extremely treacherous It Is
believed that he fell between the rocks
and was unable to climb back again.
The fact that Mr. Seaborg never made
a practice of remaining away from
home over night strengthens the be
lief that he has been drowned.
The missing man was about 60 years
of age and except for a short residence
in Portland had always made this city
his home. He was regarded as the
nestle of republicanism on the North
Beach peninsula and was generally cred
ited with being one ot tne oest-posiea
political students in this part of the
Animals Dazed by Headlight Stand
Motionless Near Car.
HOOD RIVER. Or, June IS. (Spe
cial.) Motoring home from Portland,
Captain Edward W. Van Horn, accom
panied by his wife and mother. Mrs.
Willis Van Horn, almost ran down a
doe and small fawn just west of
Mitchells Point tunnel on the Columbia
river highway.
As the car awung around a curve the
headlights flashed directly on the ani
mals. Both seemed dased by the lights
snd stood motionless within to feetrof
the car. The party watched the ani
mals for five minutes before they
plunged off into the forest.
NEW YORK. June 16. (Special.)
Two regiments, the 146th and the 148th
field artillery, arrived yesterday aboard
the transports Alaskan and Peerless.
There are many Oregon men in these
regiments who were on the front from
June. 1917, until the signing of the ar
mistice and who are a part of the 66th
field artillery brigade, which holds the
record, according to Colonel P. H. Wey
rauch of Walla Walla, commanding the
146th, of firing 63 per cent of the 150
millimeter ammunition used by the en
tire army. ,.
The troops, which are all western,
and principally Idaho, men. with Ore
gon leading the others, were met by the
welcome barge, bearing Governor Davis.
Representatives Burton L. French and
Addison Sm'th, ex-Governor Frank K.
Gooding. Mrs. William E. Borah of
Idaho. On the piers they were wel
comed by Oregon representatives and
by the Idaho delegation.
The 148th is at Camp Mills and the
146th went to Orap Merritt. The regi
ments went through the St. Mlhiel.
Meuse-Argonne. Chateau-Thierry, Cham-pagne-Marne
and Aisne-Marne offen
sives and have been with the army of
occupation in Germany near Coblens.
Germans Hateful as Ever.
According to the men they are as
bitter as ever against the Germans.
"Everyone liked us," said an Oregon
lad "but the Germans, and they didn't
even take a shine to us when we were
on the Rhine. I tell you, we ousni
never to consider them a minute. They
are as ambitious, though whipped, and
as hatefu! as ever."
During the entire time over only 15
were killed In battle. Ninety-two were
wounded. They have no accurate in
formation regarding casualties, as
many of their sick and wounded have
, . o. rnjiiin Is. A few Of
their troops are still in replacement
work in liermany.
Arriving on the Alaskan were head
quarters, 4th army corps. Glen C.
Hoover, Fossil: Company D, S15th en
gineers, Charles T. Cody, Portland;
company F, Andy F. Mages. Portland;
casual company. St. Aignon, 6401.
Harry H. Woods, Portland; William
Lees, Portland.
Oregon Meat on Peerless.
On the Peerless were: Sergeant
Major Leonard A. Wallln, Portland;
headquarters detachment. 66th field
artillery brigade, Raymond Van Atta.
Lawrence Lavagetto, Albert Fortler,
Dclbert R. Evans. Sylvester S. Stevens,
Albert G. Moreland. Portland: Ivan G.
Morris. Newberg; Charles R. Rockwell,
Portland: 146th field artillery head
.nn.nv niika Bartlett.
Pendleton; supply company. Barrel W.
Low. Union; battery a. naipn r uMu,
Dallas; battery B, Fred H. Bell, Hood
River; battery C, Charles C. Owens,
Adams; Earl A- Riddings. Portland:
battery D, Ray Barger. Brownsville;
. - . A Camnlm M t It DTI ! ROSS L.
Lcuimiu ........ .
McMahon, Pendleton; Thomas F. Martin,
Oswego; Ermal A. Teller. Cottage
Grove; Stanley Hatch. Berdman; Fred
Jennings, Perryville; Oscar F. Munn.
John S. McCracken. Barton: Ivan W.
Carr. Pendleton; Joe W. Bowersox,
Corvallis; John E. Kelly. Freewater;
battery E, Guldo M. Lueddemann,
Seattle to Send Special Decorators
to Army Cantonment.
. - . l t - 1 B fSneeial.)
TACUMA, au., " ' '
Portland. Tacoma and Seattle rose
growers will assist ia --- -
rose show at the Camp Lewis base
hospital tor tne na..
' i i ... .tt.nii thn Port-
who were unaum -"-', .,
land Rose Festival and flower shows
in the souna cmes.
Captain R. C French of the Y. M. C. A.
house, base hospital, is arranging for which will start on June
20 and continue for four days.
... n H n i A v w- 111 men fl
The Seattle nose ew.cj - '
m .a- wAt rfaT.rnfnra TO R Trail E"
the flowers and remain there during
the Bhow. The exhibits will be ar
ranged n booths and a continuous re
freshment service win w
MU8 Louise C. Ehrman Gets Word
of Praise From Oregon.
June 16. (Special.) Miss Louise C.
Ehrmann, who, Blnce April, 1918, has
been acting dean of women in the uni
versity, retires from that position with
the end of the spring term today and
will return to her former position in
the department of English in the Los
Angeles high school. Miss Elizabeth
F Fox, dean of women, who has been
absent on leave, doing war work for
the Young Women's Christian associa
tion In France, will return to resume
her duties as dean at the opening of
the fall term. October 1.
Miss nrmann's service was rererrea
Fresh arrivals al
most daily lend the
spice of variety
of newness of
exclusiveness to
Politz styles.
That is. what
makes our store
so interesting, so
pleasing to the
average Customer
the absence of
style-compulsion! .
With an assort
ment so wide and
diverse he is free
to follow his own
whether it is one
of our smart new
waist seam models,
or a conservative
Exclusive Agents for;
"Sampeck" Clothes
for Young Men, and
Their Fathers, Too
Washington at Sixth
to in President Campbell's report to the
board of regents as "faithful and con
scientious" and "of the greatest value
to the university."
During the epidemic of influenza on
the campus last fall. Miss Ehrmann
worked night and day for weeks look
lng after the Interests of the young
women who were ill or convalescent.
The board of regents has appointed
Miss Gertrude Talbot, the head resi
dent of Hendricks hall, women's hall of
residence, as dean of women for the
summer session of the university. Miss
Talbot's home Is In Portland. She is a
sister of Guy W. Talbot of that city.
Full Military Honors to Be Accorded
Late Governor at Tacoma
TACOMA. June 16. With a bugler
playing "taps" as the -casket is lowered
into the grave, following the firing of
three volleys by a company of 3d Wash
ington infantry. Governor Ernest Lister,
who died in Seattle Saturday morning
after a long illness, will be laid to rest
in Tacoma cemetery tomorrow aft
ernoon, after services- at tne iirst
Methodist church.
As commander in chief of the na
tional guard of Washington, full mili
tary honors will be accorded the gov
ernor. Six hundred men, from the six
companies in the western part of the
state, marching as part oi tne runerai
cortege to the cemetery, will render
him the homage due the commanding
The body will lie in state at the
First Methodist church from 10 A. M.
tomorrow morning until 1 o'clock P. M.
The body is now at a chapel where an
honor guard of two privates, two cor
porals and one officer, changed hourly,
is on duty.
Rev. R. H. Schuert, pastor of the
First Methodist church, will have charge
of the services and will De assisted Dy
Rev. B. F. Brooks of Sedro-wooiley,
Wash., who joined the late governor
and Mrs. Lister in marriage.
President Henry Suzzallo of the Unl-
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itches just use1
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Tar trial traa, write Dept. 7-K. Kav
feoi. Btltinore, Md.
Resinol Ointment, with Resinol
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zema, rash, or similar tormenting
akin or scalp eruption, even when
other treatments have given little
reli e L Physicians prescribe Resinol
extensively. Sold by all druggists.
versity of Washington, will represent
t th, ..rvinAit. sneaking for a
few minutes, while Bishop Frederic W.
Keator will deliver tne euiogy.
4-MnDA n.r,nn,l friends of tthe late
governor will act as pallbearers. They
are Jilius A. Zittell of Spokane, State
Highway Commissioner James Allen of
Olympia, Industrial Insurance Commis
sioner James w. urisiawn oi uijiuiii
E,,hiij. Printer "Frank M. Lamborn of
Olympia, State Fish Commissioner L. H.
Darwin of Bellingham ana former
Chief Justice Overton ,G. Ellis of
Tacoma Women Join In Protest
Against Field Stunts.
TACOMA, Wash., June 18. (Special.)
who are members of the Tacoma Hu
mane society, colonial names aim
fleers' council and parent-teacher asso-
- fifftitinc ntrainttt 1 Jl V 1 M ET
U1U11UUO, G llt,nn"B O
wild west features at the forthcoming
northwest peace jumiee in uu
They believe . bull-dogging of steers,
. ..nino. h.nnihn.htlHtinff and
steer-riding all comes under the head
of cruelty to animals.
Mrs. W. R. Rust, of the humane so
ciety, said that broncho-busting would
not be so objectionable if wild bronchos
were used, but they feared broken ani
mals will be sent in and spurs used.
Couple Divorced at Lewlston.
LBWISTON, Idaho, June 16. (Spe
cial.) District court opened today.
Judge Wallace Scales presiding. George
J. Bauerle, 65, obtained a divorce from
Lena May Bauerle, 25, on grounds of
desertion. The couple were married at
Spokane in 1907. Merrttt Hefling. 18.
pleaded guilty to steading an automo
bile belonging to Marion r"
Lewlston. Sentence was suspended but
the boy is to report to the sheriff at
each term of court for two years.
Lee Coulter, implicated in the same
offense, pieaaea gumy " ,7
-.-I .Antar,ori tn nerve from 1 to i
years in the penitentiary.
Charge Filed Against I. W. W.
CHEHALIS, Wash., June 16. (Spe
cial.) A charge of criminal syndical
! hoi hun filed here in the Lewis
county superior court against Law
rence Gross. I. W. w. leaaer ana
ganizer arrested tne week-end in Cen
tralia. Gross is said to be wanted in
various northwest cities.
NURAYA TEA. A perfect blend,
Ceylon-Indlan-Java teas. Closset
Devers. Portland. Adv.
alestine and Jerusalem
shown in living
moving pictures at
Municipal Auditorium
Tuesday, June 17, 8 P. M.
Wonderful Opportunity
to See the Holy Land
American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief. -
Caw UK A. . v.