TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX", TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1919. 19 FOR RENT. Furnished Apartineata. THE ELM WOOD C-rm furntslied apart ment un court; large room. well ven - Utate-d. two disappearing Usd. $40; adults; Mry-tjy urr class. Miin WW. Cafarabtoe Aptflw si. V-ROC-M trartmnt. unfurnished, uteim heat. Inrdwood floor. do In. new building. M ai n . UMTR.VISHED 2-ro.jme.l apL. 2 block li brary; aater, licnt. phone; adults. Hth L. cr. Salmon. Main g7. TUB AMERICAN J-rm unfurnished fcKYN 11AWR, li East 15th 5-room. PU si ping porch. 5i. East 2154. 40T 10TH ST. 9-room unfurnished apt. Main 490. . l.va'KM.-HKD apartment, five room; apt. MO K!tr St.. -V M. 456. FnrnUbed or 1 nfnrnlhed Apartments, 2 AND 5 -room furnished housekeeping SMrtmtnU; moderate rates. bs Burn-aide. cor. Grand ve- Flats. J'OR.RBNT July 1. thoroughly modem fiat. rooms and maid room. 2 fireplace. 944 per m-. West aide. clw n. iieai . location. Reference-. A F Me. Oregonian. I llODEKN 3 room, rent I16SO. near Wdln. and Vancouver car. Phon Last 4-t7 morning. 4-ROOM flat. 250V Dixon at., near approach Broad way bridge; rea-jnaoie. ROOMS, bath, pantry. 2U lc-tii.n. Phone Main or East VIVE-ROOM nar :hoI FLAT Gas, bath and sink; ; $14 per month. 20j E. 34th. Famished Flat. (TO- LE ASK Modern 4-room lower Hat for montTir or more: suitable for four or more: 95; 2S Uta at., corner Jefferson. Mara!l lOo.V JiSS CiTY PARK 6-room furnished bun . galow until MptmtMr or October, rent J53. Inrludlng phone, water. Pi", d rriphonolt: no children- Tabor 72 i. BARGAIN' 3 or 4-room nat. furniture com p.ata. for sale cheap; terms: walking- dis tance Apply 47 Columbia St.. top f:L AtrDERN 5 room, t-10. nr Wdln. and Vancouver cars. Phone East 4267 morn- Irga - iI'E airy. 6-room. comp'etMy furnished up per f.at In Irvmgton. with yard, for July and A u gust, Phone E. 7044. lH IfODEUN 5-room furnished flat. KiOVi rnmmrni st. wood:wn 17. $15 3-room furnished flat. Mill st- J. E. Kennedy. 32G Sa Imon. 6-ROOM furnished flat. T hne Broadway 06. 6bft Nor thru p st. -ROOM nlce'.y furnished flat; 5-room ex pensive! yfuriishedapt StODFKX. 4-room. n-at. cl.'un. g-vd Tiew. walking distance: aduits. East FURNISHED flat. 4 r-Mm N. S. car. Tortland, J27.&o. ! torw ENTIRE FLOOR, A rooms, furnished, tor rent; piedmont district; wain. -- S-ROOM turntshed flat; wst sld.; walking 1tt.inre; no catiaren; jim HmMekwplBff Rooms. 4-ROONt housekeeping apartments fur nished, ami single steeping, twmw. w ' l" steam heat, hot and cold water, electric lights. Commercial hotel. 4wJ& Wash ington st. CLEAN, nicely furnished front housekeep ing room, water, ngni. ram, puij ga. laundry priytlge. walking dlatance. 262 12rb- , JfHE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. $15 up pr nv, clean H. K. rooms. Including elec tric 11 g tits, not water, gas raugc LARt-R room and kitchenette, first floor. single room: not water atwaya. ko iiu- dTS. CLEAN H. K. room, electric light, rent reasonable. ouuwu 44 OS. CI-HAN, modern room. a!so sleeping rooms. .-v-h, rlawtaome. j no jvnw apis. am 7Q21. , 3AOOAE and furniture moving: phone CIVGLR and 2-room furnished houaekeop- tng suite. 1J-tnion avo- yorR unfurnished H. K. rooms, g and i:ght. Albina mat rift, sauna. tawr a'. JiOUHEK EE PI NO and sleeping rooms for cor. Washington rnt. 2 4 iin rx. 4U ii. MORRISON, cor. E. th humitbed 1 ana ;-room it. rv. apes.; aaunw. 2 OR 3 furnish-d H. K. rooms. S2SS . 17th. ft73 8d for housekeeping room. J lousekeeptng Roomt In private Family. TWO H. K. rooms and sleeping porch, adults. rent sue college su netween iu uu th. THRBB fum f-hed hotiyekeep'ng rooms. 1n- clttoing s modern, clean aitcncn. iaoor niN. TWO housekeeping rooms, partly furnished; near uooi bamaritan nospiiaa. x none Marshal i sti TWO nice'y furuUhed liicht housekeeping rooms, gas ana iigut irvc. taano eu Hlvervlew car. TWO large housekeeping roms. close In. -vryning Iuroilio. xmn St.. corner Market. ONE 2-room apt . hot and cold wster. lights, phone, 9j'1 one nit e sleeping room, ". 15 2mh snd Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furn'shed. electricity, gas. mrnacc neat, ireo yuuna and bath. 11 N. 22d. t WO housekeemug rooms, with use of par- .lor. gas. i:gnt ana water, tumisnca, -u month. AT t. MarK. ONE furnished housekeeping room: heat. light, hot ana co.a water ana gas xur nished. itft Everett Ft. 3 i O I. S K tv K K P I N j and sleeping rooms, tran sient ana permanent, in priaio lamiiy. Main 24 24th. TWO furnished rms, houst-keeping rooms; conveniences; aauu, r. tuuen. r-ai S24. a WO evrra large light housekeeping rooms. 244 Montgomery st. TWO H. K. rooms and k!tchn; steam hat. pnOIlS. ligni. I'll". mnj. 1.. inn. FURNISHED H. K. room, working man or worn an. iroa away 2 FURNISHED U. K. roomt 60S K, ilor- r:son. 5 ROOMS, every convenience. 7 SI Kearney. Marsnaii THREE rooms, unfurnished, private family. 4S ria:i at. gltV TWO furnished h. k. rooms, private BASEMENT room suitable for working man or couple. litiK X LA I N. clean I f. K. rooms. 2 beds. electricity, cnesp. vt't 1 psnur at. 2 FURNISHED rooms and sleeping porch .. U1 W. Mo' Phnno K. t 'A I 1 LARGE airy housekeeping room, phons snd bstn. sif a montn. w i-in si. H oases. JJUNGALOW, 5 rooms exclusive of reception hall and Datn. rurosce. iirepiace. taunary tubs, nice yard. Tlowers and frutt. all In excellent condition; some furniture for i; rent fo, to sdulrs only. 1'hone Wdln. 2vti. or call I'H'J Luit 17lh iL N., bet. Wygant snd Going. 9T.a WHY PAY RENT? Fcnr-mom house, partly modern. 950 wown. 1 20 monthly. PARING. 2S4 Oak. 4V-BOOM house. 3 blocks from Mt. Scott ar, ii.wt. ir you nave anytning 10 rent, sell or exchange, s-e John lirow n. 321 Kali way Exchange bldg. V HEN YOU MOVB Use NO it 1U V tUa i. tUt SL&CTtUC Ug ervlce. Broadway 50. A eT4T. C ROOMS snd S. P., Sunnysidc. close to laureinurst parK, rent net; auuits yrferred. Hill. Bdw y. 421. smOVJN'G Piano, rurnitani and long-dh.ta.ice nsu.ipg a specisity. o. . w. trues oervice Co.. 40 Second st. Fbone Broadway &1JL HUNGAJ.OW. furnace, firep.ace. large yard. vzo wncoovr ave.. .: close to jtaier- son high school. Wood lawn 116. FOR KENT or rale. 8-room modern house. I-'OI t:. tTtD St. n. xovzns si-room House for hent. ,1 ALL UOULAW N L-VKGB house, walking distance, west side. toee owner, s.a Mroaawsy. S-KOOM rotfage. close In, in aide. 0J V W Bank b dg. JiOlKRN i-rom houuc in Piedmont. Wood lawn 8203 after 3 P. M. or before 9 A. M. 4-ROOM cottage 912.3 7.2 Kelly st.. nest side. olS Board of Trade. Main 7452. E. 74TH ST. Call for Mrs. Anna, TrouL Telephone Tabor TtiV- eavnmer Resort. MX-ROOM modern houe. pj sdnlrs; repoaf :ble parties street. .rtly furnishe-1. 730 K. Ankeny FURVT5HED co'tage to sharo with working woman; garage, fru't. f;uw!rs: references exchanged. -Kt Going st. f:er 7 P. M. COMFORTABLE, aitra- tive 7-room house in A?ameda Park. July snd Aug. Wood. a-ROOM f urntshsd cottage. t'Ioe In. 92" per mo., references required. Main 4-RtK)M furnished house for summer, gar den started. 730 Saner st. FOUR-ROOM modem bouse ?t rent. 910; lux ni iur tor saic. lliO. tJG E. Stark su FOR KENT. Furnished flooae. ALAMEDA PARK. Furnished home, new and exclusive: iH modern conveniences ; hot-water heating m and 2 fireplace, double garage; a handsomely appointed bathroom, built-in, shower, also complete bathroom upstair, un room, sleeping porch, electric washer, varonm Weaner. etc; n- finer view on east std: grand piano, excellent furnitur and fum Is Kings; select neighborhood : the grounds are spacious and delightful: the homo 1 all you could wish or desire. Will lease for one year to the proper party with references; jl.io per month net. Ph-ne Wood In wn 3S2, FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 9 rooms, fumtn. '-replace, wood ana gas range, completely furnished including piano: SwxlOO corner, garage, nice lawn, lota of rosea and some fruit: 973 per month. Will lea for 10 months or on year. See E. X. Brown with XEILA.V A- PARKHILL, 19 Lumbermen Bldg.. 5th and Stark St. Broadway 2eo2. . NICELY furnished, complete, hot and cold water, gaa range, everything, s rooms ana sleeping porch, plastered, newly tinted, near Alberta car. $J5: temporary tenants accepted and might make it permanent; ref. required. Inquire Broadway hotel, 410 r. itroaaway, , Ft'RXISHBD house In Alameda, lovely view. overlooking city. Double garage, two nam rooms, sun room and sleeping porch; grand piano, electric wanr, eteciric iwwpur, beautiful grounds. Will leasa for one year. !. a month. Phone Wdln.' 3S2. CLEAX. DMt. r liable rounle to share fur nished home with woman staying alone during summer months: no rnuoron. lih:s, fuel, uater furnished; fit. 1277 E. Madison St.. cor. 44th. 1'OHTLAN l HKIGHTS Very desirable room furnished house to lease for one veer, from Julv 1: no children or dog reference required: rent $100 per month. Marshall 4v't. A Ji. FOR two month, six rooms of eight-room modern home, nicely XurnUfieil. player- piano: yard, fruir. flowers; walking dla- stance: adults. 119 L. 12th. PLAIN" cottage, foot of Mt. Tabor. S rooms, furnished, suitable for summer outtng. 2 months only, 12. Act quickly. 177 Divis ion street. MODERN Irvlngton home for rent or will I'aM for one year; no garage. Phone East i'ii7. MODERN B-rnom furnished or unfurnished hiwif. 9J51 Hawthorne. Tabor M. Samrarr Beeorts. KRAVIF.W. WASH. Choice residence, with four large bed- moms, one block from h he I burn station on Boulevard with ocean vUw. One of choicest quarter blocks on th beach, large barn. House thoroughly furnished. A Iso one four-room house partly fur nished. T. J. Seufert. Main 193, 628 Henry building. " FOR KENT. BEACH COTTAOB AT SALTAIR. (Tillamook Beach. Right at station and on beach, hot and cold water. PHONE H. 309. GiARJiART PARK cottage, on ridge, on ocean front: 5 bedrooms, living room, din ing room, kitchen, enclosed sun porch. 2 baths, 2 toilets, running water In every room, nicely furnished; 4."i for season till S-'ptfmbr 13. B. M. Lombard. 2."0 3d. FOR YOUR VACATION. Tent city In beautiful Ocean Grove; every convenience: best place to summer. Particulars at 212 Lumbermens bldg. Broadway 1A12. oEAVIKW. Wash.. "Afoha" cottage. $1.".0 for season; furnished; 5 bedrooms, bath snd toilet; largo living room with fire place: now ready for occupancy. Marshall h4. or apply on premises. Very desirable. COTTAtiE AT BEACH CENTER. WASH. 5-room cottage, completely furnished, running water, nice grounds, one block from ocean, for rent for season. $100. In quire 2il Morrison at. Main 9J99. WILL rent part of 6 -room furnished cottage at Long Beach, Wash., for season. Main 80S. SEA VIEW, WASH. 7-room house, fur nished; good water; 2 blocks from ocean. Phone East 8. FOR RENT at tiearhart, 5-room cottage east of golf links, water and electric lights, from July 15 to September 1. Main 2242. SEAV1EW, Wash., furnished 6 -room cottage on ridge for July and August; rent only 150. Marshall ISM. SMALL cottsge at GearharL Will rent for short periods, 925 per month. Main 3-163. THB U-TAHANA for nice rooms at the beach, 1 block, south of Broadway, on 2d. Seaside. Or. SEASIDE. T-room cottar overlooking; ocean 17 for season. Call East 6273. ROOMS, private family; cottage on boerd walk facing ocean. P. O. box 123, Sea side. Or. FOR It EXT at Cannon Beach, two small cottages, siou lor season, call Aiarstiall lis 2. 370 6th SU Mrs. Fisher. FOR RENT Furnished house. Seavtew, w ash., 1 block from beach, ow art. 80 4th st. 0-ROOM furnished house with fireplace, fac ing ocean, sea view: rent reasonable, Phone Main 4'jv, or write 4S5 W. Park sC MolNT HOOD It on Still creek, near Rhododendron. Transfer cheap. AN 27 " resonian. SEASIDE. 7-room cottage, overlooking ocean. $175 for season. Main rt4u4. SEAVIEW, V4t1h. Small, completely furn. cottages; all have ocean view; address Seacrest Cottage tiormeriy bhepards. SEASIDE Modern 6-room furnished bouse, near ocean. Tabor 1S,"4. SEASIDE COTTAGE Two block from the beach. Phone : INTO. 6-ROOM furnished cottage, fireplace. Ocean Park, v asn. Marsnau jum. MEALS, family siyle, 60c. An dors, 2 block north of postoirice. Seaside, Or. SEASIDE. OR. Glen mar cottsge for rent for July; 120S E. Hoyt st. Tabor 3"27. FURNISHED cottage. i block from ridge, Sea view. Wash. Tel. 3273. Store, WAREHOUSING. SPLENDID LOCATION: CONCRETE BUILDING; GROUND FLOOR; ALSO BALCONY: SPUR TRACK; ABOUT 6000 bWUARE FEET: 2-YEAR LEASE. THE R. M. HOLLINGSHEAD CO.. 19TH AND UPSHUR STS. BROADWAY 4062. FIVE stores for rent, northeast corner 1st and Washington. Hall. 114 1st sL STORES. 10th and Purnelde. now being vacated by Willard Service station. DESIRABLE offices, modern convenience. Stark street, between 3d and 4th. Apply room 312. Hallway Exchange. STORE room or office for rent on Oak st. Inquire at 227 Oak St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A CASH GROCERY Sales 30 to $35 day; no delivery; has 3 living rooms. Price 9150. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. ACCESSORY store, sells tires, does vulcan izing, etc. ; clears 50 week; full equip ment. Price I1J00. Call 611 Railway Ex. CLEANING and second-hand clothing shop ior su e; owner; ooing nice caan business. 2u N. 6th. COOK wants lady partner, some capital, in restaurant business, hp .sua. Oregonian. A GOOD growing grocery for sale, will in voice; no trant-. r lil. Oregonian. $2(MM) WILL buy good second-hand furniture tore. .Main Sao J 6o OuT AT HER- HfcR. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CASCAUC. IDAHO. Permanent county seat of valley county, n Iddho Northern railroad, population &04); ha tbe finest, dairying and atockrals Ing propositions In Idaho; surrounded by rich. lertiU soil with am pie rainfall. Lands can be had at from S15 to lo0 per acre. Thousands of acres of outside rang. Cas cade Is center of large lumbering indus try, employing from 700 to 10O0 men. Cas cade ha three churches. F-O.OOO school building, good school, flna gravity water system, sewer system, electric light and Power generated by water power in city limits. Addition to power plant la being made now. Cascade need a furniture store, cloth ing store, steam laundry, bakery, cream ery, harness shop. Implement store, hard ware store, shoe star and many other line of besines. Cascade needs you, Mr. Business Man. end you need Cascade. Long Valley need yon, Mr. Farmer and Dairy Alan. You can do no batter than come. There is en opportunity here for you. Write the raidft Commercial Club, or get right on the train and coma look Mm over. The CUmAm. fAmmawlaT 1nh tta noth ing to Mil vnti nA will trmt nn pnmmislion on anything you may buy. but will be glad v cuuki you every poasioie aasiaiau getting located. FOR SALE AuiomorriB and aarage busi ness, located In one of the best sections of Oregon and In one of the best little cities; have a fully equipped shop, tire Press. In fact everything is up to date; the business Is In the verv. best of condition, have contracts that are very valuable to ( the business, also have the agency for four louring cars ana one true-; tnis piace wn Invoice a lot more than we are asking, the best of reason for selling; this Is the largest garage in tbe city; 4100.000 take Aggress A v 1Z7, Oregonian. WB WANT BUYERS FOR Grocery Stores, cigars and Confectionery. Kestaurant. Garages. Hotels and Rooming Houses. Anything in the Business Line. If vrill vliih to hn v or I r-Jt.11 ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO. no Board of Trad bldg. Main 631. FOR SALE Bay City. Or., short distance ium iiiiamgoK. restaurant ana six iur nlsiied rooms, complete hot and cold wa- ter; easy terns, cheap rent; doinff good business; the opportunity for man and wim 10 gat into good established du sin ess. ine omy restaurant in town: for particu jars, write to-q F. Glrard. Bay City. Or. FOR SALE At Eugene. Or., the Smeed ho- vi, iin lumuure ana ous: rooms, large dining room, office and sample rooms, aoing good business; well and centrally located: H-atorv brick huilolng good term, part cash, long time. Address g. ameeu. am w. luth ave., Eugene, Or. READ THIS THE FT7RNITUKE AND GOOD WILL I A A FIRST-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE. A PAYING BUSINESS. IF SULU THIS WEsiK WILL TAKE 450. SPACKMAN, 1'NION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST COH 2S4 OAK. FOR SALE General merchandise store, will Invoice about 0JO; 25 miles from Port land on highway, between St. Helens and bcappoose. Good business, little competl lion. cheap rent. Owner has good rea sons for selling. Box 2, Warren. Or. SODA FOUNTAIN. 8-foot, nearly new, with oak back bar witn large mirror, 20-gal. latest model carbonator, new plate glass top tables. osk cnairs and counters. 2 IS en ton bldg. 3 to tf P. 14., any week day. CAPABLE high-class man who has some ex perience in general mercantile trade can secure permanent position with local wholesale house; requires investment about SlS.OOu; references; confidential; phone nuraucr. xti. uregonian. CONFECTIONERY FOR SALE Oldest and best-established place in town; doing a good business; must sac rifice on account of health; will take lump price or invoice. tit oregonian. FOR SALE Small stock dry goods, notions ano groceries; line location lor dry gooas; living rooms; ciieap rent; oniv Tew nun dred dollars will buy thLx AR 074, Ore gonlan. BUSY .little bottling plant, confectionery and mineral springs. 90. terms. We went to build a su.nItorium and cannot handle both propositions. Klickitat Min eral springs, Klickitat. Wasn. BUSINESS college Splendid location of highest standing: will sell very reasonable. A splendid opportunity to step right Into a good-paying business, long and well es- taoiisncu. u oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established leal estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COVVGILL, Secretary. FOR SALE General merchandise store do ing a good business, with a ranch in con nection; located In a thriving stock coun try In eastern Oregon. Address Post master, Beulah, Or. LAUNDRY FOR BALE. One-half or whole Interest; big plant. Address D. 1. Olmstead, 24 Union sl, Sslem, Or. WILL SELL my interest in small mill very reasonable to good mill man: have other bunlnjfci to look after. Odin Neailey, 103 Wilbur sL. city. LEAVIN citv. will sacrifice my good paying Apollo temple dance business; will stand investigation; experience not necessary. K. 7no.n INSURANCE! business, 10 years old, live Idaho town, county seat, population 6000 ; real estate business very active. AV 73, Oregonian. FOR SALB Bicycle and general repair shop, only shop in town of about 4u00; want to quit on account of poor health. O. Craft. McMlnnvi lie. Or. COAST INVESTMENT CO., BROKERS." Apartment, rooming house and business chances. We help you buy your business. Pbons Main 3052. Room 2 Ry. Exch. bldg. WANT GARAGE BUILDING. Want owner to build garage, size lOOx 10O, 1 to 4 stories, on weft side; will lease & to 10 years. X 70S, Oregonian. n INTEREST In a good paying up-to-date cigar stand. A splendid opportunity for a good business woman. AE 153, Ore gonian. WILL sell fully equipped restaurant In splendid location; only cash will be con sidered; owner going south reason for sale. Apply 143 Park st. TRANSFER business In Portland; gross In come last yesr 930.000; good profits; pries 915,000; some terms; good reasons lor selling. K 363, Oregonian. FOR SALE Grocery store, at Invoice, in good location; doinrr good business; deal with owner. AC 4'it. Oregonian. 7-ROOM house. 10500; 3-flat building; 1 storeroom, 2 garages, all rented, paying 26 per cent Woodiawn 187. 92000 BUYS cigar and confectionery store, a real sacrifice. See John Brown, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Paying garage In beat little town in Oregon worth Investi gating at $2500. AV IQtf. Oregonian. $400 CASH bnys the best paying little res taurant in Portland. This Is a real snap. AK 33. Oregon ian. A BARGAIN If taken at once Barber shop at 5513 72d st, S. E.; living rooms in con nection. WE sell all kinds of barbers supplies. Agents for Koken's barber chairs. Kemp Barbers Supply Co., 271 Washington sl FOR SALE One 40 M. Cap. mill, three donkeya and complete rig sing, planing milL A. A. Lausmann. Timber. Or. SPLENDID opening for woman, in Institu tion; good income; $000 cash; Investigate. AE 10;l. Oregonian. U1ZZ CO.. 705 Swetland bldg.. want address of any one with appendicitis. RESTAURANT for sale at a bargain. Call at 22H N. 10th wt.. between 2 and 4 P. M. LEAVING city, give bargain in my mina ture railroad ot Columbia Beach. E. 70,". it To ad -Hi MS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 9750 Confectionery on Burnslde st. 9975 Cash grocery; rare opportunity. J 12 00 Confectionery on Washington st. 91250 Cash grocery, with living rooms. 91900 Cafeteria bargain; clears 9300 mo. 93000 Cash grocery with living rooms. 94000 Meat market; doing 94000 month. 95000 Prominent grocery, center of city. CARL E. TUGGLE, 630 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 3002. GROCERY STORKS " We have several good snaps In cigar stands, grocery stores, billiard halls and Ice cream parlors, now is the time to get a good place at a reai Bargain, i ne sum mer season Is just on and the time to make money is here; if you are thinking of Investing In any of these, come and see us, we are sure to have just what you want. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO. 716 Boaxd of Trade Bldg. Main 5315. WANTED Live, hustling business getter to handle one of the best commodities known In the automobile field In exclusive terri tory and appoint sub-agents; $3000 Is re quired; thai is an exceptional opportunity to make big money. Address AV 16S, Ore gonlan. WOULD you Invest J 30 00 In a picture thea ter? Paramount and Artcraft film contract; with a guaranteed profit of 950 to $100 a week; if so address G. H. Adams, Box 162, Prince George, B. C. Strictest investiga tion Invited. Reason for selling, wish to retire. THE CASH SHOE REPAIR SHOP at 702 4 ialn street. Vancouver. Wash., for sale at sacrifice on account of family matters in Europe; includes a Gritxner stitcher. Progressive finisher. Inquire at shop. Act quickly, AUTO GARAGE and repair shop; handy man with loo casn can ouy equai nan Interest with a mechanic; 38 cars steady storage and good pro tits. au room iui, oeKum oidg. v a rtvkb wanted to sell suDDlfes. gasoline, etc., and make himself generally useful in auto garage; qd cars steaay Biorusc mm big repair business. 91550 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. Cl A Br,R FOR SALE. " Thirty-four cars storage; good repair business; also sell gasoline, etc.; large profits. Price only $1400. Room 401 kum bldg. 1S5 FRONT ST. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. SACRIFICE SALE OF Safe, scales, counter, shelves, axle grease. corree grinaer. etc. FOR SALB with good terms. In good loca tion, on "n lirnrnla ajia (joiumoia mgnway, hotel, livery stable, blacksmith shop and garage, repair shop and good water wonts. W. C. Stillwell, Tygtt vaiiey, or. COUNTRY STORE. 111.000 stock for $10,000, I'd per cent trade, balance casn; uuu to 940,000 annual sales, building and fixtures leased at 4u per montn. uer orest, a-u Henry bldg. GARAGE for sale, splendid location, moder ate rent, good storage. .Possibilities un limited. Owner unable to take care work. Good repair business. For further information can labor oouo. BUSINESS to trade for a home. $6500 store building and $120U stock, near .Portland, lor small iarm or city property, ueu or est, 320 Henry bldg. CHOICE fancy cash grocery and confection ery, over day traae; rent si-i.au; smau amount iixtures and living room, partic ulars 611 Railway Exchange bldg. PARTNER wanted in a good garage in the valley; owner will show can clear i.'uu month If mechanic; only 91600 required. wan on itauway exchange. Business Opportunities Wonted. CASH clients wishing for hotels, rooming ana apartment nouses, also grocery and confectionery stores. Why not list your place witn me? C. is. Tuggie, o3U jn. vv. Bank bldg. A PARTNER that would like to go In the garage business; best location in neart oi cnter; would consider a siieut partner. AE 150, Oregonian. WANTED Concessions at Oak Grove beach. Liberal terms. Apply 208 Abington bldg. Hotel and Rooming Honsrs. SPECIALS. 24 rooms located close to 12th and Wash. Flee, lights and nicely furnished; rent $b5, with lease; we don't believe you can beat this buy in Portland, as it nets $150 every month. Price only $1750; 91000 cash. 17 rooms, electric lights: furniture all new; this place is nice and clean; clears 9'J0 above expenses and 1 a good buy at 91700; 91000 casn. 8 room. located on 16th, south of Morri son; extra well furnished, electric ngnts; better look at this today if you want a small place. It won't last at $70. SEE MR. BOWDEN. WITH E. O. MAGOON. 431 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 126-ROOM APT. HOUSE. 26 3; 13 2s; 2 4ff and 14 Bedrooms. Good furnishings, 'modern brick build in;?, comparatively new, with private baths and phones in each apartment. Will leafe building for from 3 to 5 years, and sell furnishings for f 8250, part time. Capacity income $1635 per month. DeForest, 320 Henry bldg. BEST HOTEL PROPOSITION IN CITY. 7S-room hotel. 40 baths, furniture and equipment in good, Al condition; fin building, centrally located, large ground floor lobby; long lease; cheap rent; will clear $10,000 per year net; easily managed; full ail the time; high-class permanent people; 910,000 cash will handle it; small balance, easy terms. N 655, Oregonian IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELI Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. R1TTER. LOWE & CO., 203-S-7 Board of Trade bjdg. 44-ROOM hotel, 16 connecting baths, running water in every room.- isricit. ounamg, wei Fide. Rent 9200. Income 9665. Price 94500. $2500 down, balance to suit. Jap anese considered. DeForest. 320 Henry bldg 24 ROOMS, mostly housekeeping, bargain today, cheap rent, some terms, consiaer good trade, no agents or phone calls. 314 Main st. after 10 A, M. FOR SALE cheap, furniture of 11 rooms. all housekeeping, nice clean piace, good furniture, always full, am leaving city. See owner, 370 1st bL, near Montgomery. MILL hotel Jflr rent unfurnished; 935 per month, including woou ana jsuii nun water. Clark & Wilson Lumber Co., Linn ton. MILL boarding house for rent, $35 per month, including wooa ana un itun water. Clark A Wilson Lumber Co., Linn ton, Or. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment house see members 01 tne xteaity jsoara. Yatos Keaity (o z-a im at. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL & APARTMENT HOUSE BROKER. FOR SALE or trade. International 'hotel. 100 rooms, otrice, aining room. Kiicaen on ground floor; rent reasonable. 72 N. 3d st. 8-ROOM house in light housekeeping rooms lor saie. auu A 1631. TWO 10-room rooming houses for sale cheap if taken at once; on ttouut 01 sicanesa. Marshall 3412. FURNITURE! of 10 rooms for sale, rooming and boarding no use. ooa 4. --u su lenna reasonable. FOR SALE An 8, four-room apartment house. 3t f irst st. POLLY AND lCb0u III - . 6 ' tWDfFL"Tnfe. sk CwyrilfcU 1819, by Newspaper ,Ftur Sarricv Inc. &rat AU"T MAGGIE'S TRYXXG HARD TO MAKE GOOD BY CLIFF STERRETT. LOST AND FOCVIX THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. June 14. 1 pin. 1 brace let, 1 watch fob. 1 doll's dress. 1 comb. 2 pr. gloves. 1 pr. mitts, 1 glove. 7 pack ages, 1 book, 1 pr. rubbers, 1 roll films, 1 lunch box. 2 boxes. 3 suitcase. 1 travel ing bag. 10 umbrellas. June 15. 1919: 1 bracelet. 1 pin. 1 key. 1 pipe. 2 pr. gloves. 2 gloves. 4 packages. 1 lunch box. 1 kodak. 2 sacks, 1 shovel, 2 suitcases, 1 traveling bag, 6 umbrellas. . Owners may obtain property at lat and Aider-street station. AUTO OWNER Am the man who rode with you from East 2Sth and Burnside Monday morning and I left my umbreiia in your car. Pleas call Main 67U7 and receive reward. LOST One lady's hexagon wrist watch, gold case and gold dial, valuable as keepsake. Return to cashier, room 200. Oregonian bldg. Reward. LOST White silk sweater sash, between Portland and Estacada; $2.50 reward. Mrs. Demangeon, 546& E, 15th N. Phone East 8123. LOST Sunday night, silver wrist watch, gold face, Swiss movement. Wash, st., or 16th bet. Glisan and Wash. Kewaxd 423 Pittock blk. LOST Green leather pocketbook, paper with owner's name In It. Finder return watch to 302 E. Stafford and keep money; no questions asked. LOST Blackskunk fur, Saturday evening on 6th sL, between Morrison and Ankeny or on Broadway between Ankeny and Gli san. East 400. Substantial reward LOST Gold fountain pen engraved (O. Michal Mdse. Office. M. 4 F. Co.); liberal reward. Phone Marshall or address P. O. box 822. LOST Saturday P. M., wrist watch, hexagon, gold dial, valued as keepsake. Return to cashier, room 200, Oregonian bldg. Re ward. LOST Between Bull Run and Portland. 3.".x5 Silvertown cord tire, mounted steel ri in and cover. Reward for return. Mar shall 2,'.29. FOUND Frtdav, a purse, at cor. Yamhill and 4th st. Inquire 335 E. 42d st. Phone Tabor USS. LOST English pointer bird dog. small brown ears, perfect round brown spot on back. Reward. Tel. East 051) r LOST In First National bank, savings de partment, on Monda v, J une 16, $ 100 in currency; liberal reward. Phone East 6203. CHILD'S gold bracelet engraved L. G. Very liberal reward. C. C. Gibbs, Milwaukie, Or. Telephone 75R. LOST Eastman vest pocket kodak, on Co lumbia highway, Sunday. Owner at 313 Corbett bldg. LOST Platinum bar pin. sapphire and dia monds. Saturday afternoon, 925 reward. isiotiiy man cierK. Muuootnan notei. LOST One 9x12 Brussels rug. Phone Main 5534. 705 Board of Trade bldg. Liberal reward. LOST One brown and white English bull pup. Reward. Fbone Last 7bbj. FOUND Purple silk umbrella. Phone Wdln. 5161. FOUND Lady's gold bracelet watch. East 7300. LOST Black-and-white last. Reward. Sell wood brooch, 29.17. Friday LOST A roll of bedding Sunday. Tabor 4153. Reward. LOST A large trunk, number of check 260, 470. Phone Tabor 4836. LOST Sunday on Oregon City car, purple umbrella; reward. Phone Last 7495 CANARY bird, black and yellow, please re turn to. 154 ISth at. N Bdwy. 1318. Reward. LOST Saturday, June 7. gentleman's scarf pin. small diamond. Mam 3504. Kewara. SPECIAL NOTICES, Proposals Invited. SEALED BIDS for hauling garbage and reiuse ior scnooi atstrict no. 1, jiuitno mah county, Oregon, '.or the year ending June 30, 1920, will be received at the of fice of R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager. 401 courthouse, Port land, Or., until 3 P. M. July 3. 1919, and will be opened at a meeting of the board to be held at 4 P. M. same date in room 304 courthouse. Certified check for $25 payable to R. E Thomas, school clerk and business man ager, must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to re ject any and all bids or to divide the award. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. June 13, 1919. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. M iscellan eons. I WILL not b responsible for any debts against the Olympian Cafe. 421 Washing ton C after 7 days from today. LOUIS T. LANIS. AFTER June 17. 1919. I will not be re sponsible for any bills contracted by mj wife. Hazel Raed. G. E. Reed. FIX A NCI AL. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. If you must seij your bonds or partially paid receipts, sell to us. We buy and sell all Jfdme at h1hst market price. BONDS SATURDAY WERE WORTH: $101.27 2d 4 94.23 3d 44 H6.62 4th 4 15.00 5th 4 Victory 100.26 Less 37c brokerage and commission on a 95o bond. Others may pay less, none pay more. Checks mailed out-of-town sellers day bonds are received. MONEY LOANED ON BONDS AND IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. BONDS FOR SALE AT NEW YORK MARKET PLUS ACCRUED INTEREST. SEE US FOR CONSERVATIVE INVEST MENTS. FREE ADVICE ON FINANCIAL MAT TERS. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY, Second Floor Wilcox Bldg. 6th and Washington. Established 1909. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. NEW YORK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS WITH INTEREST ADDED MON DAY WERE AS FOLLOWS: FIRST 3Vfe $ 99 46 SECOND 4 94.07 THIRD 44 96.40 FOURTH 4U9e 94.81 - FIFTH 4 300.20 WES WILL PAY YOtT THE MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BONDS. WE LOAN 90 ON THE FACE VALUE AT 7. INTEREST. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY, STOCKS AND BONDS. 231 TJ. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE. LOANS ON LIBERTY BONDS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS, WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT, PRESIDENT OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR), -CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE. MAIL BONDS to us. We will remit by return malL Send us your receipts. . MONEY TO LOAN ON BONDS, W. S. S.f 7 per cent interest; also on real estate. Remember the Place 725 Gasco Bldg., Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. HER PALS Y'5fefe AliAl-rWfc. H u 1 Frx.vvciAL. YOU CANNOT T0 BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Monday, June 16, we paid the fol lowing price for United States govern ment liberty and victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices plus accrued interest, N. T. Accrued Total Market. Int. Paid. sua m 44 $ .02 $ m.4 1st 4s R4.90 .02 4.t2 2d 4s Hli.72 .36 P4 OS 1st 41 .02 H5.22 2d 4Vs S4.10 .3 J4.4S 3d 4s W5.32 1.09 H641 4th 4H 94.26 .73 4. Victory S 100.10 .28 HK1.3S Victory 4fes UU.04 .36 10O.30 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds, we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and 9250 on a 91000 bond. in selling Liberty and victory Don as. we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Established Over 25 Years. 309-311 Stark St.. Bet. 5th and 6th. (Ground Floor. Telephone Broadway 213L LIBERTY BONDS. . AH Issues Bought and Sold. Before buying or selling get our quotations. E. L. DEVEREATJX & COMPANY, Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. MONET TO LOAN ON TMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE Ain TRUST COMPANY, TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. 7? GUARANTEED. An old established Bond and Brokerage company desiring to enlarge its business is offering $100,000 preferred 7 guaran teed stock in lots to suit Investor. AP 254, Oregonian t t dtutv Avn VTrTORY BONDS. If you must sell your liberty or victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more lib erty or victory bonds, buy from us. w e buy and sell liberty and victory bonds at the market. HIGHEST values In casn paid for mortgages and seller's interest in real estate con- WILLIAMS LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 422 Cham, of Com. Phone Main 44 19. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OCR Installment plan Is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32 26 per month for 86 months, or 921.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 month pays a 91000 loan and In terest. - Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. No commission charged. .-,., EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark SL, Portland. Cr RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6 to 7 per cent for five year. YOU MAY PAY 9100 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us for lowest interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 254L 1524-29 Yeon Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette valley m. XIa .nn.mfitHn?T- ft (lei a VS. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 8J Sixth St.. ortiana. ur. unpTfi a dir. T.fliNS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BiRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A-411S. MORTGAGE LOANS. made on improved city property; prompt action; no delays. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5 PER CENT, 6 rKK I.KM, i rJfc-tl t&.l. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate or interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. $300, $400, $500, $750, $100O and up at lowest rates; quiCK action, r rei v . wrmsn o-, 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. $20,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building Joans, lowest raifs. w . w. di-ck, .JO-.lu Failing bldg. Fnone aiain 3ut. $300, $400, $500, $650, $750, $1000 A'D UP; lowest rates: quick action. Gordon Invest ment Co., 631 Cham, ot Com. Main 1370. $5000 TO LOAN Will divide for good se curity. Tabor 8741. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 cent up. F. Fuclis, 420 Cham, of Com. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. A. H. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. MONEY to loan on farm and improved city property. K. K. Baxter, 704 Rpalding bidg. $500, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brok erage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. 16000 3 TO 5 YEARS: WILL DIVIDE IF DESIRED. EAST 543S. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 408 Selling bldg. $500, $1000 and up, no commission. Main 1166. F. H. Deshon. 615 Cha. of Com, bidg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY? We make a specialty of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, vtctrolas. etc Security left in your possession. Small wtekly or monthly payments. ALSO Loans made to salaried people. Rates reasonable. Private office. All business confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed), Third and Washington sts. 806-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 8286. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL - WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSES, ABSOLUTELY NO' SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 21S Failing Building. . US BriUin RlahU Re,rreL RegUtorgJ hi FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. ' PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phono Broadway 93 a 294 Stark Street, Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, vtctrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal instruments and anything of value, ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT TH& BOR ROWER. City and county warrants cashed for face value. ' CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates, all article held a year; established since 1SS8. Dan Marx. 23 Washington. HATHAWAY, loans on pianos, furniture and other securities. 20 Wsshington bldg. GEO. HARVEY loans money on household goods. Legal ratea Tabor S806. Loans Wanted. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. 91000 up on improved city property. F. H. PESHOWN. 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANTED 91M0 loan, 3 years, 7 per cent on house. First class security. A. C. Mo Donald. 296 W. Lombard. Wdln. 623. SEE OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Star' PERSONAL. DIPLOMACY. If yon really love your hunband And wish to make him smile. Just hug and kiss htm dearly And make it worth the while. And when yon look on his bright face, Just tell him you need clothes; You'll quickly get the money. As every husband knows Few men are ever selfish When wife needs things to wear; He'll go without new clothes himself And find the cash to spare. Then show your better Judgment By saving him much more On your new SUIT, COAT, DRESS and WAIST At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. 2d floor. Pittock block. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 20-inch wavy switch, 3 sep $1.40 All-around transformation 1.75 HalrdressfnE, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c Hair re-, moved by electric needle; switch made of combings. 95c. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldig.. 3d and Wash. Marshal' 1702. INDIAN herbal baths, good for rheumatism, paralysis, dropsy, blood, other kindred ailments; no danger of taking cold in wet weather. Mrs. Dr., Wheat ley Howe. 252 Monroe st. Phone Woodlawn 276. "WA" to Monroe or east side. HONOR BRIGHT! THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. Does grow hair. Write or call 800 Union ave. North for positive proof. CHIROPODIST, manicurist, face and scalp specialist, superfluous hair permanently removed. 610 Bush 4k Lane bldg., corner Broadway and Alder. MAN and wife going to Casper, Wyoming, want to get passage witn party traveling east by auto. Phone Main 1955 or call at 515 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 91 will get both your feet fixed up good at Dr. baton's, the CHIROPODIST, who doesn't hurt you; 5 years here; exam. free. Giobe theater bldg., lltb and Wash. Bdwy. 22. MRS. STEVENS, 25 years Portland's re nowned teacher of palmistry and crystal gazing; has crystals for sale; also her book "Palmistry Made Easy." 375 Taylor. MRS. M. hf LAMAR. 235 5TH ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction in the theory of health, suc cess and. harmony. ATTENTION, business women, open 9 A. M. to 8 P. su., hairdressing parlor. Portland Hotel. Shampooing, scalp treatment, fa cials, etc. Main 5o01. MRS. ROSE BAUMAN holds circles Tues day, Thursday, 8 P. M. Lecture followed by messages. Sunday, 8 P. M. Readings daily. 3S5 4ih st. South. M. 3921. BEST STEAM BATH. Massage, vibration,, electric and chiroprac tic in city. Dr. Margaret Hayuie, 215 Swetland bldg. Main 1705. CHEERFUL, beautiful rooms with food pre pared by expert aietitian ior con valescents or rest patients. 925 and up a week. 143 N. 10th st. .Broadway 4314. FEB VET & H ANNE BUT, leading wig and toupe makers, finest stock human hair goods, hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main C46. DR. JENSON. chiropractor, massage, color rays, electricity, faradlc. vibratory; all dis eases. Raleigh bidg., Washington at 6th. Main 1132. REV. MRS. J. C. SIIORI, spiritual adviser. 15 E. 15th sl N., cor. Burnside. Question meeting Tues.. Thurs.. 8 P. M. Eabt 30S4. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple needle method Indorsed by phy siciana, 504 Swetland bldg.. 5th at Wash. DANIELS & DAVIS, superfluous hair spe-' cialist, manicuring, face and scalp; 3 J 3 Fliedner bldg. Broadway 02. DR. RUTH OLSSON, Swedish druglese meth ods, 12 years successful experience. 653 Wash. bldg.. 4th and Wash. Main 634. NOTICE I will not be responsible for auy debts contracted by Mrs. B. J. Touscnd. B. J. TOL'SKNO. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josie Fiu lcy 614 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 638. MA DAM M E JEANETTE, teacher of palm istry. Rooms U-10 Zora hotul, cor. 5tU and Morrison. APPENDICITIS Hundreds cured without knife. Free circular on request. Hlzz Co., "705 Swetland bldg. MME G RE NELL relieves itching, acalp dandruff; face massage; moles removed. 230 Fliedner bldg. SOPHIA B. SEIP, spiritual adviser, 200 Goodnough bldg. Question meetings, Tues.. Fri . 8 P. M. Marshall 2503. DK W. L. HOLLOWAY. Chiropractor and other drugless methods. 705-107 Dekum bldg. Main 4133. Res.. Woodlawn 5172. r DR. NELSON cures corns, bunions, ingrow ing nails without pain; consultation free; very reasonable. 503 Dekum bldg. SPI RITUAL advice daily; circles Tues. 2; Wed. and Sun. S. Rev. May A. Price, 1340 Division st.. near M. S. car. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 5, or by appointment. Phon Main 1040. Office 308 C 3d. DR. ELLA SORENSEN, 508 Panama bldg. Drugle&B methods. Stomach, kidneys, rheu matism, constipation, etc. Main 5086. WANTED Boy, G or 7 years of age. to board and care for. 8626 Woodstock ave. S. E. RUPtT:RECANBE CURED without an op eration. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105. pILHts CAN BE CURED without operation; send for free booklet. P. O. box 1105. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 3Ud. Sellwood 2213 mornings. WANTED To adopt a brown-eyed boy; 14 or 2 years. AL 345, Oregonian. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg. PRESSING, dvelng. alterations. We call and deliver. Cabinet Cleaners. Malu 1825. DR E. F. Kimmell. chiropodist, sui Ausay bldg., 3d and Morrison. UAY ANDREWS, phrenologist, card reading, 82 Park St. lain 7548. CLETA. PLEASE WRITE. GEORGE. K 74j. Oregonian. j - a. . t TWi U. 3. Patent Off, I nl 1 no r t