11 Read "Midas and Son," by Stephen McKenna, Author of "Sonia" -The Book Shop, Main Floor LEAGUE TO PEOPLE Ratification Will Be Asked in We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10 Cents or More Filled Stamp Books Redeemed at S. & H. Stamp Office on Third Floor Portland Agency for Coolmor Porch Shades and Brenlin Window Shades Portland Agency for Gossard, Nemo and Bien Jolie Corsets Richardson's Linens Sale of Tennis Racquets Department, Fourth Floor New Hammocks, Canopies and Swings Third Floor Lawn Swings with canopy tops, Open Swings, Porch Seats, Porch Chairs, Lawn Benches, Set tees, Hammocks, Swing Stands, etc. Splendid assort ment here at LOWEST PRICES . IN THE CITY. , We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with purchases. The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods - Series of Speeches. Regular $2.00 QO Tennis Raeauets &Ol Regular ?3.00 Q- QQ Tennis Racnupts j5As0 Regular S2.50 A Q Regular $5.50 flJO QQ COVENANT TEXT WITHHELD Tennis Racquets W AeV Tennis Racquets W-WU Headquarters for Baseball Gloves and Mitts. THE 3I0RI"G OKEGOIA TUESDAY, JUXE 17, 1919. PRESIDENT TO CARRY Sir. Wilson Refuses to Give Details of League to Senate in Ad " vance of SIzninz. WASHINGTON". June IS. President Wilson, facing a divided senate, baa de cided to carry his fight for ratification of the league of nations covenant di rectly to the people in a country-wide speaking tour. Be expects to beg-in the trip as soon as he returns from Paris. The president's decision was revealed litre today coincident with receipt of a message in which he declined to five the senate. In advance of signing, the official text of tne peace treaty, re quested in a resolution adopted over vigorous opposition of the league sup porters. Neither development caused great sur prise here, but each served to empha size the president a position and to pro vide further subject matter for the de rate which begins tomorrow on Sena tor Knox's resolution to put the senate on record against accepting the league covenant along with the peace treaty, Teatatite I' la us Completed. A tentative Itinerary for the speak ing trip has been completed by secre tary Tumulty, but It will not be made public until Mr. Wilson finally has ap proved it. It is expected, however, that the tour will carry him into the far west and will occupy many days. It was said hi probably would devote most attention to western states where jcague opposition nas guinea tne great est headway. As nearly as officials here can pro diet. Mr. Wilson will reach Washing ton about July . will lay the treaty formally before the senate and then possibly on Independence day will be Ktn a swing around the circle that will eclipse in extent and In spirit all his previous direct appeals to the people. It is regarded as certain that opposi tion speakers will follow the presi dent's special train through the doubt ful states. Opoaltioa Senators Silent. Opposition senators generally, how ever, declined today from making any i-ommeot on the executive's plan of campaign. The message declining to send the treaty text also was received in silence when it was read to the sen ate, but Senator Johnson, republican, of California, who introduced the reso lution making the request. Is exected to make the president's action the sub ject of a senate speech within the next few days. Notification of the president's deci sion to withhold the treaty text was sent through the state department, o which he senate's request was . ad dressed. In a letter to the senate Frank L. Polk, acting secretary of state, said he had been Instructed by the president to say that "he (the pres lan. f ..I fh.t I. Wnilll) HM K I n the public interest to communicate of ficially to the senate a text which is provisional and not definite." . Important Poieta lavolved. The letter also pointed out that many points of great moment are un der consideration," and added that "the text will, of course, not be complete until it is finally ready for signing. Confirming the expectations of sena tors on both sides of the treaty con troversy, the letter was received only as a formal closing of that chapter of the fight which reached its climax a week ago when Senator Borah, republi can o Idaho, put Into the Congressional Record a copy of the treaty brought to this country by a newspaper corre spondent. The new chapter of the fight written. around the Knox resolution occupied leaders most of the day while the sen ate was working on appropriations. Fature Actios la Doobt. Senator Knox was uncertain tonight whether he would attempt to bring the subject technically before the senate tomorrow, but he expects to spesk at length In its favor regardless of the parliamentary situation. The opposi tion will be opened by Senator McCum ber, republican of North Dakota, and in the debate that will follow scores of members expect to participate. The discusion seems certain to last for many days. Beyond a determination to fight the resolution at every stop, the plans of league supporters is being left largely to be formed by developments. They disclaim any Intention to carry their opposition to the point of a fillibuater. but It is considered entirely probable that there will be no rollcall until after the treaty is signed. And This Is Portland's Best Store for Housekeepers ! DIXON P. BURTON PUSSES J.AXE COC3iTV ASSESSOR LONG KESIDENT OF OREGON. Id Official Fir-t Elected to Office J 896 Widow, Daughter and I Three Sons Survive. ECGEXn. Or.. June (Special.) Dixon P. Burton. Lane county assessor, died at Mercy hospital in i-ugene this morning at the ate of years. Not withstanding his Illness he had at tended to the duties of his office up to a tew days before his death, under going an operation Thursday. - Mr. Burton as firl elected assessor h 1)11 and again in 1900. Retiring to private life for a number of years be was again elected to the office in IV! C. Besides his widow Mr. Burton leaves three sona and one daughter. Stephen TV. Burton, who resides in Wisconsin: Milton C. Burton, who is with the army of occupation in Germany: Cyrus C Burton of Eugene, and Mrs. F. B. Bar row of Trout Creek, Mont. Mr. Burton was born at Sacramento, CaL. and came to Oregon in 1S&1. His home was at Cottage Grove when he was first elected mad after he left of fice he returned there and resided on a farm. Before coming to this state he was engaged in mining In northern California. Announcing: Many New Arrivals in Women's Sport Sweaters Second Floor For golf, tennis, beach, outing and street wear, we show a remarkable collection of the newest styles in Sweaters. At $7.50 Women's Wool Sweaters in Slip on style with Tuxedo collar and cuff effect, peplum and tie sash, All of the newest sport colors. At $10.00 Coat Sweaters in plain weave with convertible collars and cuffs trimmed with stripes. Green, rose, salmon, cherry, peacock, tan, etc. At $13.75 Hikers' Coat Sweaters in plain or fancy weave with wide ribbed or convertible collars, patch pock ets and front fastening belts. Shown in a full line of the staple shades. New Fiber Silk Waist Sweaters, $13.50 to $15.95 Second Floor The newest thing out! Waist Sweaters worn in place of waists. Roll or Tuxedo collar, belt or tie sash finished with tassel. All the latest colors with collars and cuffs of contrasting shades. Priced at $13.50 up to $15.95. Also many other new styles now on display. Crepe Waists At $5.00 Second Floor Many charming styles in this sale. Flowered and dotted Georgette crepes in wanted colors. Some are embroidered and beaded. Also Tailored Waists of(gr ff :repe de chine, pongee, striped silks DOJJ Coverall Dresses At $1.19 Center Circle, First Floor Women's Coverall Dresses in neat belted styles with round or V necks. Made up in plaid, figured and striped percale in a large assortment of fl- Q patterns and colors. Priced special DAeXJ7 Witness These Savings On Household Supplies Main Floor Imported Huck Towels Q with hemstitched ends. Special, each "Ov BED SPREADS 72x90 inches. (j0 QT Fine satin finish; scalloped at wOeai) BATH MATS in blue or pink. Qfl These are of good heavy quality I7Ul Sale of Sheets BLEACHED SHEETS of good heavy quality, absolutely free, of starch P1 At anrl rlrpssine-. Size 63x90 inches tDA.'llll 72x90 Bleached Sheets, special at $1.45 45x36-inch Linen Finish Pillow Cases 39 New White Goods For Summer Frocks White Silver Striped Voiles, special 390 Organdies, Voiles and Batiste, only 48 36-inch White Pique priced at yard 6o White New Cloth priced the yard 29 Nainsook By the Box At Special Prices $3.50 White Nainsook put up 10 PQ - r yards to the box. Priced special at DO.AD ?3.90 White Nainsook put up 10 JQ (r-t yards to the box. Priced special at t&O.OX iWeek You are cordially invited to visit the Housewares Section and inspect our complete line of Hotpoint Electrical Appliances an expert from the factory will be on hand to tell you all about the different articles on display. Hotpoint Toasters priced $6.00 Hotpoint Boudoir Sets at $7.00 Hotpoint Disc Stoves at $6.25 Hotpoint Electric Heater $10.50 Hotpoint Electric Grills $10.00 Hotpoint Percolator at $13.50 Hotpoint Electric Irons $6.50 Hotpoint Ovenettes' only $5.00 High-Grade Dinner Sets In a June Sale!. Regular $6.75 Silverware At $5 Third Floor High-grade Silver-plated Ware Handled Cake Plates, Bread Trays, Jam Jars, Sandwich Tray3, Gravy Boats, Compotes, Cold Meat Platters and Water Pitch- Qr Afj ers $6.75 values special 0J.UU Model Grocery Fourth Floor IMPORTED French Peas, regular 20c size, priced special Tues. 1 f day at $1.65 a dozen; a can OUR MODEL BAKERY is splen didly equipped to fill all orders for j birthday and wedding cakes. Try us. Libbey Cut Glass Reduced! Third Floor We have filled two large display tables with this beautiful Cut Glass lines taken from our regular stock. Genuine Libbey Cut Glass Bowls, Water Pitchers, Compotes, Vases, Bas kets and various other articles. Very desirable for bridal gifts or personal use V. to OFF. China Dept., Third Floor AMERICAN Semi - Porcelain Dinner Sets white and gold decoration. Neat design. Set of 50 pieces; spe- (P- Q QQ cially priced; only 3)X7.70 E N G L I S H Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets with dainty pink decoration and gold QOO line. Set 59 pieces D. t D ENGLISH Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets of 67 pieces. Red and black line deco- (JJOI Oft ration. Special, set Di-.eViU E N G L I S H Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, 60 pieces. Oriental, yellow, blue and flJOfi fift cold decoration; set Div).Ul ENGLISH Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets of 61 pieces. Blue border $22.05 Detroit Jewel JGas Stoves "THEY BAKE BETTER" this is the reason the Detroit Jewel is the choice of good housekeepers everywhere. We now have a complete stock of Detroit Jewel Stoves and Ranges for gas, wood, coal and combinations. WINDOWS SHOW FESTIVAL VIS ITORS WHAT STATE DOES. Retailers, Clubmen Report, Fall Show Appreciation of Home Payrolls' Value. to Displays of Oregon-made wares and roods in the windows of Portland busi ness houses were silent salesmen and i-nminunltT propagandists during; the recent visit of the Pacific Coast Ad vertising Wen s association and of the scores of thousands who were drawn to the city by the Rose Festival. The exhibition of products of Ore con industry was made possible through the efforts of the committees delegated by the Portland Ad club and the Progressive .Business Men a ciuo. who interviewed the manufacturers, secured their co-operation and made arrangements with the stores for dis play windows. With them worked A. G. Clark, manager of the associated Industries department of the Chamber of Commerce. Representing the Ad club, the re tailers were enlisted by M.. ,. Ke, while George L. Rauch, for the Pro gressive Business Men's club, secured exhibits from manufacturers. Though the display transcended all previous attempts, it was but partially success ful, according to the committeemen. owing to attitudes of indifference on the part of some business men and manufacturers. We had secured 100 or more ex hibits of Oregon-made goods," said Mr. Rauch. "but were able only to obtain display space from 67 retailers. Those who refused to co-operate apparently do not realize what home industry means, what increased payrolls mean to them and to their city. "We had the appreciated aid of the Central Labor council In securing dis plays. One Industry, which I will not name, but which the Ad club freely aided to enter the field last year, even selling stock for it, flatly declined to exhibit." Lodging House Is Closed. MGDFORD. Or, June 1. (Special.) As th. result of a drunken carousal late tiaturday night the Kenilworth lodging hour here was closed today by the au thorities and R. L Miller was sentenced to six months In the county jail. His wife, who Is too ill from t?ie effecta ef liQuor. will be tried later. Etta Free man, of Weed. CaL. was fined S2 and coats and ordered to leave town on the first train. Jerry O'Calagan. also of Weed, and a returned soldier who came to th. city with the Freemaa woman, waa fined (10 and costs. GRANGE MEET WEDNESDAY Farmer to Discuss Gresham Pro gramme and Other Matters. Multnomah grange will hold its regu lar quarterly meeting Wednesday at Pleasant Home. A business session will open at 10:30. In the afternoon reports on the farmers' field day. to be held July 2 at Gresham. will be heard, and several speakers will give addresses. R. W. Gill will report on the recent meeting of the state grange. The evening programme win open with the conferring of degrees on a class of members, to be followed by a social programme. Automobillsts will take the Powell Valley road and those going by railway will take the Mount Hood car. leaving First and Alder streets at 1:40. i HOLD UP BY BOYS, REPORT Two Charged With Robbery, One Stealing Auto, Held to Grand Jury. ' I. Jeffries, 1SS Main street, reported to the police that tn'o boys held him up and robbed him of 13 at Broadway and Main street. Inspectors Snow and Tackaberry are investigating. Municipal Judge Rosman held to the grand Jury Joe Werner and Leo Whor low. charged with robbing W. Martin of $78 In Martfn's room at 305 Couch street. Inspectors Hill and Morris ar rested them. I Peter Ritthaler of Cornelius. Or., was bound over to the grand jury on a charge of stealing en automobile from C. Humphrey. S17 East Twenty-third street, and abandoning it after it skidded into a ditch at Multnomah Falls. Two boys who rode in the stolen car were turned over to the juvenile court. OLD FRIENDSHIP RENEWED Business Men of Wisconsin and Iowa to Take Overland Auto Trip. C. T. Andreas and L. C. Hamilton, boyhood companions and schoolmates in the "good old days" at Sparta, Wis., have met in Portland to make the trip home by automobile. Mr. Andreas is a business man of Bayfield, Wis while Mr. Hamilton Is in the drug business at Clarion, la. Mr. Andreas drove from Wisconsin to California last summer in his car, mak ing the trip by himself. He came to Marshfield, Or., last fall and spent the winter there. Mr. Hamilton has just arrived from Iowa by rail in order to make the trip back with Sir. Andreas. They will go from here to Seattle, thence east over the northern .route through Montana. . HARBORMASTER GOES EAST CAPTAIX JACK SPEIER BOOSTS FOR PORTLAND PORT. WIFE SLAIN BY HUSBAND Man Then Turns Revolver Upon Self and Commits Suicide. ELLENSBURG, Wash., June IS. - Mrs. F. J. Potter, 41, wife of the ferry man in charge of the Kittash-Grant counties joint ferry at Vantage on the Columbia river, was shot and killed late last night and the body of Potter, age 38. was found also, with a bullet hole showing the cause of death. A coroner's jury today returned a verdict of murder and suicide. Ruby Potter, 15-year-old adopted daughter, said the tragedy took place after Potter had attempted to attack her and failed. Potter's brother lives Colfax, and two sisters In Spokane, one in Seattle and another in Idaho. Mrs. Potter has a mother and sisters Lima, O. School Director Re-elected. ASTORIA. Or.. June IS. (Special.) Thomas Nelson, manager of the Fish crmen's Co-operative Packing company, was re-elected today as a member of the board of school directors for the Astoria district. Carnation Keep it Handy! The wise housewife keeps a. few eaas of CVrnartno Milk on the pastry shelf. It is afl the wnllr supply needed for her home rich, pure, safe, errmomiral and wonder futhr convenient, Camataea Milk m jar tjetuer-. met. cows' snUce-evcratod o the consiitrocy of ewa and sugiii d. H soheva tb mOk mad enu question. Ua. Crotioa in coffee, cocoa and ta lor eookxn- aad bsku( for drinkiag and every milk Daed. Order a few cans of Carsab'oa Vflk from roar grocer and mem for yourself. - W mf t00 9mim Prim mm rmmtsi. ' WriU Cmian MOk iVoSarU Cm.. SmtUm. Wmth. Remember, toot grocer hxs Camattioa " Official Will Meet Shipping Board in Hope of Securing Addition al Coast Commerce. Bound on a mission to the east, with Washington, Philadelphia and New York as the principal points on his itinerary. Captain Jack Speier, harbor master of the city of Portland, left last night with the avowed purpose of adding to the shipping of the port, backed by the municipality and the Chamber of Commerce. On the eve of his departure he was apprised of the serious illness of his mother, whose home in at San Fran cisco, so he proceeded there first. If her condition does not interfere with his immediate plans, he w.ill be in the east shortly. Shipping interests have considered for some time the advisa bility of having a representative, versed in maritime matters and competent to explain local conditions, proceed to the Atlantic side and personally meet the men who are figuring on the coast-to-coast services as well as Europe, and the outcome was the selection of Captain Speier. He has successfully negotiated the ordering of navy vessels to Portland for several years as Rose Festival attractions, and on the recent visit of the congressional navy committee, which investigated the Astoria naval base site, he was the personal repre sentative of the city, meeting the mem bers at San Francisco and proceeding here as well as to Puget sound with them, the Puget sound journey being made at the special request of the delegation. There are matters relative to the future governmental policy, as well as shipping details, that Captain Speier is expected to delve into. Besides having been Portland's harbormaster for more thai 10 years, he was allowed leave last year to serve as port captain for the shipping board here, then was commissioned a captain in the corps of engineers, U. S. A., it being intended to send him abroad in the transport service, so he was rated admirably fitted to take up the re sponsibilities of the eastern journey. Obituary EUGENE, Or., June 16. (Special.) Mrs. Cecelia Dunn, an early pioneer of Eugene and widow of F. B. Dunn, one of the early day merchants of this city, died at her home here Sunday at the age of 79 years. Mrs. Dunn was the daughter of tne late D. R. Christian, an early settler upon whose donation land claim a large part of the city is now located. Mrs. Dunn was born at Mount Carroll, 111., where the first 12 years of her life were spent. She crossed the plains with her parents at the age of 12, traveling by ox team. They first settled on the Tualatin plains near Portland and came to Eugene th. next year. Mrs. Dunn is survived by the follow ing eons and daughters: Frank E. Dunn. Professor Frederick S. Dunn Mrs. C. S. Williams, Mrs. G. O. Yoran and Miss Amy Dunn, of Eugene; Mrs. George A. Dorris of Springfield, and Mrs. Edna Diggles of Berkeley, Cal She also leaves two brothers, John W. Christian of Noti, and S. H. Christian of Spokane, Wash., and one sister, Mrs Sara Patterson of Eugene. Professor Dunn is now on his return trip from Europe. Mrs. Ethel Allen French died at her home, 992 East Salmon street, Sunday evening. She was born in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1S77. She was educated in the public schools of Port land, and in recent years has taught in the schools of this city. She was prominent member of the Eastern Star and of the Sunnyside Congregational church. The funeral services will be held at Breeze and Snook's chapel, Wednesday, June 18. at 10 A. M. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Allen and daughter Miss Mildred French. ' VANCOUVER, Wash.. June 16. (Spe cial.) William C. Schumacher, who had made his home at Heisson for the last 20 years, died Saturday evening. He was 84 years and 8 months rid and was a native of Germany. He had lived in this country for 35 years. He is survived by a son. F. C. Schumacher of Heisson, and a daughter, Mrs. Will iam Lichtward of Helena, Mont. Fu neral services will be held at the grave Wednesday morning. Interment will be in the family plot at Crawford cemetery.- all fight was the result. The com plainants went to Deputy District At torney Deich late yesterday to get a warrant for Frank Hansen, but the deputy told them to wait until the first case had been heard in court before swearing out more warrants. Hides and skins of all kinds are now admitted to France, which indi cates that France is gradually re establishing her leather industries, especially her manufacturing of gloves. r ri i I Are you sacrificing cotree f Hi H awnrv ftJar-weT '.r"tE4a-- . J. II ! I af-- : Are you sacrificing coffee flavor for price? Lower coffee prices do not mean a saving. Real coffee economy lies in strength and flavor. M.J.B. Coffee is the richest flavored coffee you can buy. Buy the five pound can and f5ta save more money. REMEMBER OUR GUARANTEE DO DO aii-iii M. J. BRANDENSTEIN & CO. J fmJ D FIREMEN FIGHT, IS CHARGE Acting Mayor Starts Investigation of Engine Company No. 9. Investigation of affairs at engine company No. 9 at East Thirty-fifth and Belmont street, was begun by Acting-Mayor Bigelow and Battalion Chief Holden on report that four fire men In that station had engaged in. a free-for-all fight . yesterday morning. As a result of the fracas, H. D. Thomas and L. W. Gillihan swore out a warrant charging W. Hansen, cap tain in charge of the company, with attacking them with an iron bar. Police had not served the warrant at a late hour yesterday. The complainants told police that when they reported for work yesterday morning Captain Hansen and his son, Frank, had attacked them. A free-for- Vajues Dominate at This Credit Store CHERRY CHAT t Seldom are so many extraordinary inducements offered by any one store as are offered to buyers by Cherry's. Here you may secure not only the most convenient monthly terms, and have choice of a great stock of high grade apparel for men and women, but the values offered by Cherry's are exceptionally noteworthy. A visit to Cherry's will surely prove to you that this is the best store to trade, considered from any angle. Cherry's, 389-91 Washington street, Pittock Block. Adv. Qt0 W The Bride's First Luncheon will be a pleasant and successful meal if each viand is of superior qual- ity. The bread is of par ticular importance. Make sure it is Luxury Bread. BreAd "NevYbrk Baker r