Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 17, 1919, Image 1

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    VOL. LVIII "0. 18,270
Entrd at Portland (Oreiron
ma iiir
Final Adoption of Rate Ex
pected by Welfare Board..
Germany Has Week to
Reply. to Final Terms
Note from Clemericeau Scores
Huns Deliberately Plan
um ning World Crime.
nal Terms Are Somewhat
Modified, but the General
Ideas Are Unchanged.
PARIS, June 16. (By the Associ
ated Press.) The Germans have been
granted an additional 48 hours in
which to make their reply regarding
the signing of the peace treaty.
Ex-Police Sergeant, Bank Gnard and
ConTicted Felon, Who Escaped
Believed to Be rrow In Mexico.
SALEM. Or., June IS. Clyde J. (Red)
Rupert, escaped convict from the Ore
eon atate prison, la believed to be ai
officer in Villa's rebel army, which hat
been besieging Juarez.
Rumors to the effect that Rupert,
who escaped from the atate lime plant
near Gold Hill three months ago. had
Joined the Villa forces after crossing
the Mexican border have been rife
among; prison convicts for the past
week. These rumors were further
strengthened several days ago when
Joe Keller, atate parole officer, over
heard two paroled convicts at Portland
discussing Rupert.
The parole officer heard one of the
paroled men Inform another that "Red"
had been commissioned an officer in
the Villa forces and was having "the
time of his life." Just bow these re
ports have reached the paroled con
victs Is not known, but the fact that
Rupert was last heard from while flee
ing: toward the border, together with
the fact that he was of a reckless and
irresponsible nature, lends color to the
rumors which have reached Salem.
Rupert, who was, formerly a Portland
police sergeant, was convicted In Port
land a year ago for the theft of $19,000
In liberty bonds from the Northwestern
National bar.k, where he had been em
ployed as a guard. The bonds later
ere recovered.
Postmaster-General Said
to Be Able to End Strike.
Right of Collective Bargaininn
Is Union's Demand.
Western Union Official? . , That
Business Is Badly Dela While
Strikers Allege the Contrary.
;h Cost of Accessaries Generally
Causes Anxiety.
(Copyright by the New Tork World.
usnea oy arrangement.)
LONDON, June IS. Anxiety In regard
to the price of food and other costs of
living, which ceased to be grave follow- rights that have been extended elec
ng the signing of the armistice, has I trical workers," S. J. Konenkamp, inter-
revlved and is spreading all over Eng- national president of the union, said
land. ' I today at a meeting; of the strikers.
Inquiries by the Dally News show
that while practically everything costs
t least 100 per cent more than in
peace times, many necessaries have ad
vanced to more than three times their fffr railroad telegraphers to refuse to
former prices.
Profiteering is said to be rampant
everywhere, even the seaside hotels and
boarding houses reaping rich harvests
t the expense of visitors.
College Ranks Among First 12 in
United States In Point of Sacrifice.
Corvallis, June 16. (Special.) The col
lege is one of the first 13 in the United
States in point of number of men sac
rificed In the world war. This Is point
ed out by President Charles F. Thwing
of Western Reserve university, in sta
tistlcs compiled by him and published
in the New York Times. Harvard heads
the list with 297 deaths. More than SO
faculty, students and alumni of O. A. C.
died in the service.
President Thwing's figures show that
4920 college men died, 1643 of wounds,
179: of disease and 641 of other causes.
PARIS, June 16. The final reply of
the allied and associated powers to the
conditions of peace handed to the
Germans at Versailles, May 7, was de
livered to the German delegation to
day and made public shortly after
The Germans are allowed five days
to accept or to refuse the treaty as
it stands. If they accept, peace will
be signed at once; if they do not ac
cept, the armistice will terminate Sat
urday (June 21) and the powers will
take such steps as may be necessary
to enforce their terms.
The principles of the original con-
dit:ons have been vigorously upheld
AC CtoVlltcVll'r,r o mtu i. . -1 ." V..4
certain modifications in detail and ! 0. A. C. HIGH IN PATRIOTISM TJ
many explanations of the effect of
execution are made.
Reply in Two Sections.
The reply is in two parts-a general
covering letter and seriatim discus
sions of the general counter-proposals.
The changes include:
A plebiscite for Upper Silesia, with
guarantees of coal from that territory.
Frontier rectifications in West
Omission of the third zone in the
chicswig plebiscite.
Temporary increase of the German
rmy from 100,000 to 200,000 men.
Declaration of the intention to sub
mit, within a month of signature, a
list of thote accused of violation of the
laws and customs of war.
Offer to co-operate with a German
commission on reparations, and to re
ceive suggestions for discharging the
Certain detailed modifications in the
finance, economic and ports and water
ways clauses, including abolition of
the proposed Kiel canal commission.
League Membership Possible.
Assurance of membership in the
league of nations in the early future
if Cermany fulfills her obligations.
The covering letter is from M.
Clcmeneeau, president of the peace
conference, to Count von Brockdorff-
Kantzau, president of the German
delegation. In this letter M. Clemen-
ceau says:
"The allied and associated powers
have given the most earnest considera
tion to the observation of the German
delegates on the draft treaty of peaci.
The reply protests against the peace
on the ground that it conflicts witi'
the terms upon which the armistice of
November 11, 1918, was signed; that
it is a peace of violence and not a
peace of justice. The protest of the
German delegation shows that they
I ail 10 unaers;ana me position in i
which Germany stands today. They ! p A M A n I A RIC
seem to think that Germany has only i
to make sacrifices in order to' attain ! Railway Shopmen
peace, as if this were but the end of
tome mere struggle for territory and
War Held Great Crime.
"The allied and associated powers,
CHICAGO. June 16. Termination of
the nation-wide strike of commercial
telegraphers, union officials declared
tonight, now rests almost wholly In the
hands of Postmaster-General Burleson.
They said a definite statement from Mr.
Burleson concerning the scope of the
order to electrical workers would be
awaited before any move Is made.
Officers of the Commercial Teles
raphers' Union of America, said if the
postmaster-general's order granting the
right of collective bargaining to electrl
cal workers actually covered the strik
ing telegraphers, steps probably would
be taken to end the walkout after as
surances of no unfair discrimination
against them had been obtain led. "In
the meantime we shall continue plans
for a fresh fight, a fight for the same
Assertions In Conflict.
He reiterated that the strike
spreading and now includes nearly
5.000 persons, and declared the order
handle commercial business had clogged
channels to scores of smaller towns
throughout the country.
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany, on the other band, denied that
commercial business was being greatly
An officer of the Association of West
ern Union Employes went to St. Louis
to confer with officers of the Order of
Railroad Telegraphers in an effort to
have the order against handling com
mercial business on railroad wires re
In a number of cities electrical work
ers and a few telepnone operators
walked out today in accordance with a
strike order recently sent out by the
International Brotherhood of Electrical
J. O. Luhrsen, president of the Amer
(Concluded on Face 3. Column 14) i
Quartet In Big Touring Car Hold V
Austrian Near Scottsburg; Sheriff
and Deputies Scour Vicinity.
ROSEBURG, Or.. June if. (Special.
Four men who visited Scottsburg in
a big touring car held up and robbed
an Austrian living down the river from
Scottsburg, securing approximately
$2000. and later the bandits encountered
a posse as they returned by boat to
the former place, and in a running
lght that ensued one of the bandits
a shot through the hips and badly"
ounded, and is under surgical care at
.he Scottsburg hotel.
The others got away, two of them
reaching Drain, where they were ap
prehended and locked up. One of the
pair was found to be suffering from
several buckshot wounds in the back
received in the fight at Scottsburg,
None of the stolen money was found
upon them and they alleged the mem
ber of the gang, yet uncaptured, was In
possession of the funds secured in their
raid. Owing to imperfect telephone
connections with Scottsburg only mea
ger information could be obtained con
cerning the shooting. No names were
Sheriff Quine and deputies are scour
ing the densely timbered country be
tween Drain and Scottsburg in hope
of discovering the fourth man impli
cated in the robbery.'-
Another version of the robbery ai
leges that it took place at the govern
men rock crusher, between Gardiner
and Scottsburg, but the story could
not be confirmed.
President Wilson Sends In Many
Karnes for Confirmation.
WASHINGTON, June 16. A m o n g
scores of nominations received by the
senate today from President Wilson
were those of John Skelton Williams
to succeed himself as controller of the
currency, and Norman Hapgood of New
Tork to be minister to Denmark. These
were among hundreds which failed of
confirmation In the last senate.
Other nominations Included Richard
Crane,' to be minister to Czecho-Slo-vakia;
Hugh S. Gibson, to be minister
to Poland, and Henry M. Robinson of
California, to be a member of the ship
ping board.
All Wool" Isn't That at All in
Many Cases, Says' Leader.
CHICAGO, June 16. A campaign for
, "purs goods" law that would compel
marking of all fabrics so as to show
whether they contain only "virgin
wool" or "shoddy" has been inaugu
rated by the national sheep and wool
"What people have been buying for
all wool," said Alexander Walker of
New Tork, elected president of the
bureau yesterday, "is not, in two
thirds of the cases, all wool."'
Punitive Expedition Into
, Mexico Slays Many.
American Artillery Causes Big
Rout Below - Border.
General Angeles Breaks Camp
Soon as Courier Arrives With
News of Crossing.
EL PASO, Texas. June 16. American
troops that participated in the punitive
expedition against the Villa rebels In
and near Juarez last night and today
were billeted In barracks and, camps
on the American side tonight! and most
were asleep Before dark after their 24
hours of campaigning.
As a rear-guard to the cavalry.
artillery ana engineers' columns which
wound over the mesa from the river
late today, seven ragged, high-hatted
Mexican prisoners were herded toward
the Fort Bliss stockade by a. detach
ment of the Fifth cavalry, while an
other cavalry detachment drove a herd
of 100 Mexican horses and ponies cap
tured from the Villa forces to the re
mount station.
Fifty Villa Men Killed.
While no official report of the cav
airy operations has yet been prepared
for Brigadier-General James B. Erwin
and Major-General Cabell, it was un
officially stated tonight at Fort Bliss
that approximately 50 Villa followers
were killed and prisoners, horses and
mules captured.
One American, of the 7th cavalry
Corporal Chigas, was shot through the
lung by a Mexican rebel.
After crossing during the night, the
cavalry column, supported by a battal
ion of the 82d artillery, advanced and
at daybreak started scouting over the
ow, ma.sliy fields in the elbow of the
Rio Grande south of Ysleta, Tex.
Capturing the seven prisoners before
reaching the Villa camp, the cavalry
was enabled to proceed, dismounted, to
short distance of the adobe headquar
ters, when fighting was begun by the
Americans, standing in water to their
knees, according to cavalry officers.
Four Villa men were killed in the first
assault and the entire force, number
ing approximately 200 men, mounted
and escaped toward the southwest, with
the cavalry troops in pursuit.
The rejels scattered into small bands
Massachusetts Farmer rays $5100
for One Animal Whose 10-Day
Calf Is Sold for $2100.
. CARLTON, Or., June 16. (Special.)
Close tc 2000 persons attended today
and more are expected tomorrow at
the Jersey sale at Ed Cary's Oaksprings
farm, Shi miles from here.
Among today's purchasers was D. C.
Howard, Clatskanie, Or., county agent
or Columbia, who paid 81500 for one
Jersey of 7 years, 4 months; 11200 for
one 4 years, 10 months.
A 10 months' calf brought 11300 from
Morton E. Deguire, a banker of Silver
ton, who also purchased at 21-months'
old calf for $610.
Record prices were reached in the
sale of the Jersey cow St. Mawes Boise
Rosaria, three years and three months
old, which was bought for the Hood
farm at Lowell, Mass., for $5100.
This cow's calf, 10 days old, was
bought by Frank Loughery of Mon
mouth, Or., for $2100.
The entire sale brought In some
$37,000. There were 34 head of cattle
Journey from Portland Made In One
Hour and 50 Minutes.
TACOMA, Wash., June 16. Lieuten
ant Jay M. Fetters, with Sergeant Owen
Kessler, reached Tacoma this afternoon
after an air flight from Portland made
in one hour and 80 minutes of actual
flying. A stop was made at Chehalis.
wnicli was reached In one hour and
five minutes from Portland.
A landing was scheduled at Olympia,
but the aviator said he could not locate
the landing place.
The aviators will fly over Governor
Lister's funeral cortege Tuesday, leav
ing shortly thereafter for Seattle.
They plan to fly to Spokane and then
Into Idaho. They are .making- a tour of
northwest states under government or
ders to report on air conditions and
landing places.
Conference Likely to Estab
lish Scale Next Friday. ;
48-Hour Week, and One Day Off In
Scxeu, With Maximum 9-Hour
Bay, Included In Report.
13 lit ill 1 v
5riV at; ion
rttn -f port
m& ". t .i rv
(Concluded on Pge 2, Column 3.)
New York and Obio Solons Approve
Suffrage Amendment.
ALB ANT. X. T.. June 16. The New
Tork legislature without a disenting
vote tonight ratified the federal woman
suffrage amendment. New Tork is the
sixth state to ratify.
COLUMBUS. O.. June 16. The Ohio
general assembly today ratified the
federal woman suffrage amendment and
passed the bill that will give Ohio
women the right to vote for pre:
dential electors in 1920 should the fed
eral amendment not be in effect at that
Ralph Waller Slater Seeks Service
In U. S. Marines.
RICHMOND. Va.. June 16. (Special)
Ralph Walter Slater ambled over
from his home at Mount Tell. W. Va.,
to Charleston, a distance of 26 miles, to
Join the marine corps. Having sue
cessfully passed the examination he
strolled home another 26 miles, to tell
his folks good-bye. Completing his fare
well, he made his way over the West
Virginia mountains back to the recruit
ing office.
In all. Slater walked 78 miles to be
come a marine.
Will Enforce
Their Demands, Is Order.
MONTREAL; June 16. Orders for a
strike of 40,000 employes of division
No. 4, Railway Shopmen of America, ef
fective Wednesday morning, were Is-
1 " . ... J J
mcreiore, i ecu it necessary to Dcgin m1ttee. The order follows an unsuc-
their reply by a clear statement ofjcessfui attempt of a delegation of the J
the judgment of the world, which has shopmen to negotiate an Increased wage
been forged practically by the whole!"" horter working hours.
of civilized mankind.
"In the view of the allied and asso-'NEW BEER PLAN LAUNCHED
riated powers, the war which began
August 1,1914, was the greatest crime California" Would Have Congress
against humanity and freedom of thej Pa;s Buck to President,
people that any nation calling itself; WASHINGTON. June 16. Under a
civilized has ever consciously commit- I resolution introduced today by Repre-
ted. For many years the rulers of . eentative Nolan, republican of Callfor-
Ccrmany. true to the rruraian tradi- n,lu "S.V ' 0 c "t ,n" rrt""
... iQdni n UEwn may prrmil tne manuiac-
a position of donu- ..... , -..i
tion, strove for
nance in tumpc. iney were not satis- beers." now prohibited under ths war.
''time prohibition act.
iC .'a-i j ltd
I TRAn?-ATImti I' V N
I- . -.. .
, Viy 1 MNom 1
t . iwjnskxxa. jf nutr.-t w-cn n v mrr y- ?t i
V "- - - -4-4-n-4
Alderman Elected by Vote of Six to
Five at Council Meeting.
SALEM, Or., June 16. (Special.)
Otto J. Wilson was elected mayor of
Salem at the council meeting tonight,
defeating alderman a vote of
six to five.- Wilson also is an alderman
and has served in the council for seve
ral years.
Alderman Weist declared the cam
paignihg against him had been charact
erized by the most despicible methods.
He said the opposition had. referred
to him as Salem's most dangerous bol
shevist. After the result had been
announced weist asked that his op
ponent's election be made unanimous.
Three-Year Building Programme Is
Cut From Measure.
WASHINGTON, June 16. With
authorization for a new three-year
building programme eliminated and the
fund for naval aviation reduced to
115,000,000. the 1920 naval appropria
tion bill was passed today by the house
and sent to the senate.
The measure carries approximately
$600,000,000 and was passed in virtually
the form It came from the naval com
The Weather.
TESTER D AT S Maximum temperature. 67
degrees; minimum, 60 degree..
TODAY'S Fair; moderate westerly winds.
Allies' reply to Germany counter-proposals
is nanaea leuion- envoy, i'ase l.
Pharaoh's duel with British peer oven more
interesting man pyramids, rage 6.
simplest ceremony marks transfer of peace
ultimatum to Teutons, rase 4.
Filers' first thoushts la to set across At
lantic, rage z.
Winnipeg; railways feel effects of strike.
tnousn oroinernooas sive aid. rase z.
President to carry letgue . direct to people.
rage xi.
American troops return from chase alter
ilia, bringing; prisoners. Page 1.
Labor forces plan Immediate organization
o steel plant employes, rage 5.
Rotary club open annual convention. Pago 13.
Hopes of keymen rest on Burleson. Page 1.
Two regiments of western soldiers reach New
Tork. Page .
Pacific Northwest.
Red Rupert, escaped convict, believed to be
officer in Mlla s army, raga 1.
Jersey cows bring record sum at sale.
Page L
Bandits hold up Austrian near Scottsburg,
ur., get 2uuu; one snot, rage i.
f Oregon graduates hear Dr. Benjamin 1.
w neeler. rage .
Hunt club card to include 12 events. Page 1
Willard knocks Heinen out in first round.
Page 1--
Women's tourney on at Multnomah. Page 13.
Lager leads field in northwest golf champ.
page 13. -
Tennis tournament open at Multnomah.
Pago IS. .
Beavers loos: good In pennant contest.
Page 1U.
Commercial and Marine.
Oregon apple crop may double last year's in
size. Page 21.
Corn sells at highest prices of season at
Chicago. Page 20.
Stock market continue its reactionary course
Page -'1.
Port offecrs schooner Joseph Pulitzer for
sale. Page 20.
Portland and Vicinity.
Minimum wage of 813.20 per week for
women adopted by -weirare conference.
Page 1.
One hundred and forty-eighth field artillery
will parade in rortiand on way to Camp
Lewis. Pago 10.
! Many rumors heard at elty hall regarding
changes m council, rage 9.
I Lane O'Laughter -disgrace to city, say resi
dents. Page 22.
Good results anticipated of first day of Boy
Scouts' drive. Page 14.
I Spirited tilt looms in school election. Psge 3
VTcaUicr report, "data and fortes t. Page 20.
Tentative adoption of recommenda
tions providing for a minimum wage o
113.20 per week for experienced adult
women, a 48-hour week, with a maxi
mum of a nine-hour day, and one dav's
rest in seven was agreed upon t yes
terday afternoon's session the Tn-
ausinai weirare conference held
the courthouse. While fori
was delayed pending a wrii
to be made by the hotel
city and state, members of Lie con
ference expressed no dissatisfaction
with the recommendations as outlined
by Bishop Sumner, chairman of
A request presented by the Talking
Machine Dealers' association of Port
land protecting against the C o'clock
ruling for Saturday evenings and ask
ing permission to employ men la'er
than that hour was denlei ' This re
quest brought up the quel on of em
ployment of women as i --eet murit
demonstrators during eve . Inn; hnurj.
and the conference annoul . cd Its in
tention of taking up that! fsue later,
holding that there may h, nme dis
crimination, under present) -. arulatiors,
against the talking machine dalcrs.
Laundryznen Favor In. re.isr.
The Portland Laundrymen's asror's.
tion submitted a scale of apprentice
wages which, it was stated, was Sn
increase of 15 or 20 per cen; and wh ch
met the approval of thej im fere n. e.
This communication brou-i up tn
question as to what length r.f time i?
required for a person to cnmpU te ap
prenticeship and also the definition-of
"experienced." The laundr;'s pro-,
posal is as follows:
"We recommend that a weekly mage
rate of 113.20 be adopted; this rate to
be based on a 48-hour week at the
rate of 27'.4 cents per hour for experi
enced female laundry workers.
"We also recommend that the .
hour week may be sub-divided into
daily periods of nine hours each, but
that the total number of hours worked '
shall not be in excess of 48 iiour per
"We further recommend that per
mission be granted to work 10 hours
per day in case of an emergency or
holiday; the total number of hours
worked during this week not to exceed
50 hours, and that time and one-half
be paid for all overtime worked during,
the emergency or holiday week.
New Apprentice Wage.
""We recommend that the following
scale of wages be paid apprcntitces:
First four months. 20 cents per hour,
or J9. 60 per week; second four months,
cents per hour, or $10.80 per week;
third four months, 25 cents per hour,
or 813 per week; and that after a full
year period apprentices be considered
as experienced help and paid the wage
scale of 27 cents per hour."
The hotel men will submit a written
report Thursday, Manager Price of the
Mallory hotel said, and formal action
of the conference Is expected to be
taken at Its meeting next Friday.
Heavy American Purchases In Lon
don Held Significant.
LONDON. June 16. (Special Cable.)
Importation of precious stones into
America in the five months ended May
SI from London alone reached $15,000,
000. For the same period last year
it was 88,000,000, which was then con
sidered a notable figure.
The importations represent 65 per
cent of the uncut diamonds and are'
viewed as ths development on a large
scale of the diamond cutting Industry
in America.
Presence here of representatives of
some American Jewelry Interests Is
thought to indicate an intention to se-
cure some hitherto unobtainable gems
from the old world, especially from
Russia. -
An agent of one American jewelry
concern just left London for Archangel ,
to ascertain the possibilities of obtain
ing diamonds from Russia.
Son of Pioneer Merchant of Coos
Bay Writes Best Industrial Essay.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. June 16. George
Why, a Chinese lad In the seventh
s:rade, won first honors in the prize
essay contest of the state home indus
try committee. Tlie subject was the
flouring and milling industry of
George Why Is the son of Gow h hy,
the pioneer Chinese of the Bay country
who has grown rich by faithfully look
ing after his properties and honestly
conducting his store.
Gow Why has raised a large family
nd he is having them provided with
good educations and reared along strict