THE MORNING OREGOSIAX, FRIDAY, JUNK 13. 1919. FOR 8A1E-TBPCKS. tSED TRUCK BARGAINS. THREE-TON DENBT, thoroughly ovr nan led. almost new tires, equipped with body, cab, windshield and Presto head light. $1650. :-TON NASH, overhauled and painted, in first-class condition in every respect, eiuiped with cab, shield, Bwch magneto, electric generator, battery, electric lights and pood tires. $1450. i-TON G. M. C. thoroughly overhauled, new tires and tubes on 4 wheels, $975. 1 - TO N MORE LA ND, worm d rive. We are now overhauling this truck. It will bo in fine condition in a few days. Good tires, cab, express body and top, electric litrhts and repainted. This is a bargain, o50. - 4-TON' STUD K BAKER, just over hauled, fitted with a good panel body, windshield, 0 tires, electric starter and lights. Just the truck for a baker or similar business. The best truck buy in Portland, $7Ml. FORD, fitted with panel body for de livery. Just overhauled, $425. M A XW E I ..Li del ivery. panel body, elec tric starter and lights. Car used just three months, $650. If you do not find what you need in the above, see us. We are always in com munication with customers whose truck does not fit their business- We can locate what you want. Open Sunday, 10 A. M. to 2 P. M- WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC.. Truck H ead q u arte rs. Vain 2892- Second St., at Taylor. COMMERCIAL. CARS. rORD, panel body ............ 40 3915 FORD, panel body - 311 3913 ETUDEBAKER. body and top., 850 3917 8TUDEBAKER. panel body.... 50O 3914 OVERLAND delivery 850 3917 OAKLAND, panel body 525 3917 OVERLAND, panel body 550 3 91i DODGE, panel body 650 3.916 DODGE-GRAHAM, 1-ton 1450 REASONABLE TERMS. i( Open Evenings and Sundays. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 2Lst and Washington. Vain -6244. A 2577. EXTRA GOOD 'BTTTS IN USED TRUCKS. 15 very one in fine shape, ready for Work. 1 Peerless, 2-ton attachment S00 1 Cohimbia Knight. 2 -ton 950 1 1918 2-ton Republic truck iftOO 1 2-ton Denby 15O0 1 1-ton Denby 895 1 i-ton Republic truck, special body and top 1400 -T. H. GRAHAM, DISTRIBUTOR FOR Case Six, Denbv Trucks, Scripps-Booth Six. 101 Tenth st., at Stark. Broadway 3231. Broadway 2795. ONE BRAND NEW VELIE 314-4-TON CAPACITY TRUCK. This truck has never been licensed; can be buurcht at a big discount; will con sider trade and give satisfactory terms. ATTERBURY TRUCK SALES CO.. 343 Oak St. Broadway 354. FORDS. Express-body deliveries. Chain and worm- drive. 1 ton trucks with bodies, tops and wind shields. Also a five-passenger touring car, at prices that are right. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. Park and Everett. Bwdy 1369. REBUILT TRUCKS Best buys in used trucks, rebuilt and XTke new; 1 to 5 tons. WTLLTAM L." HUGH SON CO. 0 M. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy 321. FEDERAL TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. FOR SALE BY OWNER 3-TON TRUCK, Al CONDITION. NEW TIRES. BODY, CAB. LIGHTS, ROLLERS FOR HAULING LUMBER. GOES FOR $2000; WILL GIVE TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. AP PLY 36S FRONT ST., MONTGOMERY G A RAG E. A TRUCK BARGAIN. Reo two-ton truck, good tires, fine me chanical condition and equipped with body. Cheap for rash or easy terms. KOEHR1NG MACHINE CO.. 254 Hawthorne ave. East 64S2. SPECIAL TRUCK BUY. 5-ton Reliance, long frame, especially united for logging, lumber or wood haul ing; special price. William L. Hughson Co.. (to N. Broadway, Broadway 321. LOGGING TRAILER. 7-ton Federal tractor and pole trailer. In fine condition; special logging equip ment. WM. L- HUGHSON COMPANY, 60 North Broadway. Broadway 321. REPUBLIC -TON TRUCK, GOOD CON MTION, GOOD ROD Y AND TOP, FULL ELECTRTC EQUIPMENT. $775. TERMS. CALL NICHOLSON. MAR. 867, 613 WASHINGTON ST. OVERLAND delivery car in good running condition with delivery body and good tires, $225. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. Park and Everett. Bwdy 1369. LIGHT delivery car: excellent condition; would consider trade for horse and buggy or cows as part payment; no dealers. Call evenings Saturday or Sunday. 5616 41st ave. S. E., Ml Scott car. Archer place. "kYsSE LK A R D E LIVERY. Excellent condition . . . .. $850. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. Park and Everett. Bwdy 1369. C. M. C. ton express body and top, ex cellent tires with spare, $1050. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. Park and Everett. Bwdy 1369. AUTO REPAIRING. DIVISION . . . GARAGE. 1372 Division St.. Phone Tabor 5918. We call for and deliver. EXPERT . . ALTO . . REPAIRING. tEE US 3 Grand ave. N. Phone East 305. WE CAN handle any make of IGNITION and REPAIR any car. bug, truck or trac tor. WORK GUARANTEED. NATIONAL AUTO REPAIR CO. We specialize on FORDS and CHEVRO LET'S: all work guaranteed: 15 years' ex per tence. 505 Rurnside. Phone Bdwy. 3650. YOU save 1 his : I save you money; expert auto repairing done at your home or pri vately; work guaranteed. Main 752S. Ber- ton. GARAGES. NEW CITY AUTO LAUNDRY. 449 BURN SIDE. NOW OPEN; WASHING. SIMON 1 . I NG. STO RA G E. BDW Y. 3455. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $lu up for men's used suits find overcoats, call us and you will get the right rash price for your goods. 167 1st St., near Morrison. Alain 1 oS. WANTED MISFIT AND DISCARDED CLOTHES OF QUALITY. LIBERAL CASH APPRAISEMENT. ALTERATION DEPT. PHONE MAIN 6701. WANTED Good restaurant fixtures, must be cheap for cash; state particulars. H. C o Neil. 335 S 19th St., Salem, Or. Phone IrtKl W. JUNK WANTED We pay full value for all kinds of junk, tools, rags and clothing. Call Main 1923. 113 Front at. APPENDICITIS and stomach trouble cured without the knife: circular free. Hizs JX 705 Swetland bldg.. Portland. 6ECOND.HAND FURNITURE WANTED. We need furniture of all description and will pay It is worth. Call Main 734. WILL pay cash for air cushion camping bed, also for spirameter for testing lung ca pacity. V 351. Oregonian. WINCHESTER. Remington automatic and pump shotguns. Hochfeld. 85 3d. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 04 5th. WANT tent, oil stove, tooim electric fan. bi cycle Main 4495. Tabor 679S. 1JS First st. JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, too'a. car pet Sj;truisjgoodlricesEfist 5171. WANTED Karat diamond; state color, size and price. Address P 123. Oregonian. W A NTED Diamond. carat or better, for cash, ' R 763, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $10 AND UP $10. for second-hand suits. Meyer, the Tailor, pays highest ptices for clothing, stioei and overcoats. We call day or evening any where in the city. Call Marsh, 1229 or 253 Madison, near 2d. $3.50 UP TO C3. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. WE will pay any price for men's clothes. MADISON CLEANERS A TAILORS, 253 Madison, N. E. cor. 3d. Marshall 1229. $2.50 UP TO $25 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes. - OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS, 117 2d St., N. W. Cor. Wash., Main 0344. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladies and gentlemen's suits, dresses, etc New buyer. Try me before you call 01 her. Phone Broadway 3932. 245 Burnside, be tween 2d and 3d. WANTED SHOT GUN AND PISTOLS One double-barrel shot gun and two au tomatic 45-caIiber pistols; must be in good condition and reasonable price, lor cash. AJ 474. Oregonian. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men s cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. Will Call day or night.' PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Furniture Wanted, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your . used -stoves, furniture, carpets and- all household goods and will pay highest cash prices. Our three large stores enable us to dis pose of these goods at once and therefore we can pay the top market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tooTs tents, bicycles, sporting goods, type writers, adding machines and all office furniture. CALL MAIN 0072. LEVIN 1IDWE. ft FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front tit. FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSE t HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATINO 13 HIGHER THAN THSrOTHER FEL LOW'S. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. Phone. JARSHALL 6981. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 First Street. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE, see us. We are in need of all kinds of used fur utture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; an Kin os oc gas stoves ana ottice lurni ture, and we will pay absolutely the tup prices lor Hani. Call MARSHALL 587 and our buyer will call at once with, the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205 and 207 First st. Between Taylor and Salmon sts. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITX FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUT ER WITH THE MONEY, KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Marshall 2(193. Crown. Z WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H. Calef. dealer. 540 Williams avenue. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Ma in 4627, o r 204 First sC CASH for office desks, chairs, files and safes. Pacific Staty. & Ftg. Co. WE PAY" the highest cash prices for second- hand furniture. Marshall 5321. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. Highest pricer In city. Main 1633. HELP WANTED MALE. MAKE $100 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. WE WANT 15 MORE STREET HUS TLERS. MEN, BOYS AND GIRLS. TO SELL OFFICIAL ROSE FESTIVAL OVERSEAS CAP; OUR PEOPLE MAKING BIG MON EY ALL WEEK. SPECIAL PRICE FOR LAST TWO DAYS OF FESTIVAL WEEK. COME EARLY READY FOR WORK ALL DAY AND EVENING. WE FURNISH SPECIAL LICENSE FREE. ROSE FESTIVAL OFFICIAL OVERSEAS CAP, 205 CONCORD BLDG., 2d AND STARK STS. 2D FLOOR. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN. FOR 30 TO 60 DAYS AT $5, S HOURS WORK; GOOD HOTEL AT REASONABLE RATES; STATE EXPERIENCE, AGE. ADDRESS C. W. MORDEN, CAMAS. WASH. WANTED Toolroom clerk for machine and motor ear repair shop ; wide-awake young man, age 25 to 35 years ; must be quick and accurate, good penman. Answer In own hand wrltin g, state age, experience, married or single; give references; good wages and steady work, if satisfactory. AK 370, Oregonian. TWO carpenters, $5, S hours, four months work, room and board in hotel; no blan kets: also one all-around machinist and lathe man, $5.50, 8 hours. Free fare to both Jobs. This is up the river. Port land Labor Agency, 11 N. 2d. WANTED Motor car repairman; must be familiar with all standard cars; good trouble shooter able to fit and scrape bearings; steady work and good pay. Fred Dundee. Broadway and Flanders. WANTED Married man for steady job on apple ore ha rd ; good house with conven iences ; garden. Write or phone Ralph Root, Route 4. Hood River, Or. EXPERIENCED hat man, who can trim windows; steady position If can deliver the goods: must have good references. N 0:4. Oregonian. MEN tc solicit house to house compafgn. Stubbs Electric Co., Cth and Pine streets. WANTED A boy. 15 to 16. that understands shoe shfninc business. Call at 111 N. Broadway, from 10 to 4. WANTED Shipping clerk, thoroughly flT miliar uith mill and logging supplies. M. Barde & Pons. 240 Front St. MARRIED MAN. competent bookkeeper, ex perienced, to wait on trade; references Tabor 27N9. YOUNG man as helper in wholesale grocery house. Apply this morning, 7 o'clock, 4S1 lavis sit. MOVING PICTURE operator, evenings; Mtate experience, references, salary expected. AK S74. Oregonian. TEN overseas soldiers to make over $20 per day: exceptionally good position. Call at once. 312 Swetland bldg. EXPERT candy and Ire cream worker: steady work if satisfactory. Write or Phone H. M. Hicks. Hood River. Or. FARMER and wife without children for gen eral farm and house work; steady .job. J. A. Wood, Independence, Or. ALL AROUND auto mechanic wanted for rural district, references. East eibfX WANTED Stock clerk familiar with copper wire. M. Barde & Son, 240 Front st. WANTED Young man to drive Ford de livery truck. Apply 149 Front st. CLE A NER wanted. Portland Cleaning Works. 41st and Sandy road. FIRST-CLASS watchmaker, salary $30 week; give references. R 73S. Oregonian. CO A T M A K E RS WANTED Apply Nicoll. the Tailor, 10S Third st. MAN and wife, logging camp cook; $200. 21 N. 2d st. BARBER wanted for Saturday ; $7 guar antee. The Panama, 240 Alder st. WANTED A porter. Apply at once. Burns Motor Car Co.. "JS-" N. Bdwy.. near Couch. CH EF for small restaurant, $35 per week. 114 N. 23d st GOOD shoemaker for shop in Bend. Or. ; best going wages. Phone Main 061. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 120 2d st- A BAKER'S helper wanted. Madison st. PORTER' wanted,' Leighton ' Dairy ' Lunch. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. Ooe of Many.) Office of Secretary Advisory and Employ xuent Department Y. M. C. A- Toons- man, stranger, out of work 520 his total cash assets). If I pay you $5 for membership in the Y. M. C A. I will have only $15 left between me and starvation. Secretary If you take out membership In the association you will have the Y. M. C A. with all its Influence, strength and resources between you and starvation. Result Young man joined the associa tion. In less than a week he had satis factory employment, and a membership card in his pocket, which assures him. along with Y. M. C A. privileges, employ ment insurance for one year. The excuse the Y. ' M. C A, has for ex istence is that it serves young men. and the function of this department is to serve them along a most vital line: the clothes tine, the bread -line, the life-line. Calls for men since Jan. 1, 1919 ......805 Positions filled 479 6hy the kind of men wanted 3B The standing this department has with Portland employers is due to the discrim inating service we have rendered them tor a period of 15 yeais. If you will be guided by our instructions we wi'l guarantee that you will secure em ployment or refund membership fee. Sol diers and sailors given thxe months' cow piimentary membership. MAKE MONEY. Reliable men to handle the famous Indiana Silo in territories in Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Does not re quire an investment. A bona fide money-making proposition. Write for further Information, giving uui as to experience and capabilities. References required. CHAS. K. PPALDTNG COMPANY, - SALEM. OREGON. WANTED BY O. M. STANDIFER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION. Steel Yard, Vancouver. Washington. " 2Q0 bolters-up at - $4.04 per day. 100 general helpers at $4.64 per day. IOO laborers at $4.10 per day. Good accommodations at the new Liberty Hotel, built especially by the corporation for its employes. Rates 57 cents per' day. Meals cafeteria style, average 35 cents. MOULDING, and frame factory machine man, capable grind knives for and set up moulder, t ile saws for cut ol t, rip and dado machines; must " be thoroughly fa miliar with window and door 1 rame and factory work as it pertains to keeping up those machines, including glue jointers, bench saws, etc. Wages $5.75 for 8-huur day. Permanent position. Write, stating experience and references, to Crossett Western Lumber company, Wauna, or. WANTED Teachrr for bgih school.' math ematics and surveying ; salary $1400. One for agriculture and farm mechanics, $20uu. ) One for bookkeeping and penmanship, $1000 or better. One for grade manual training, $1400 or better. VATKi FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY., Broadway Building. WANTED 100 men at once to learn to op erate and repair automobiles. Appiy Hemphill's Traue Schoois, 77 Hawthorne, cor. of E. 2uth. Take M t. Scott or Haw thorne car at 2d and Alder 19 E, 20th. SPINNERS WANTED Night work, 4-hour week, no work Saturday or Sunday nights; liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. EX PERI EN ED salesman for boys' clothing department ; permanent position. Apply employment manager, sixth, floor, Meier & Frank Company. FIRST-CLASS automobile electri'-al start ing, lighting and ignition repairman : good wages and hours; overtime, but must know the line; no other need apply. SUNSET ELECTRIC CU. 4fi North Eighth St. A TT E N T I O N. YOU N G M AN. Is your position In life what it should be? Would you care to better it in any way, or are you satisfied? If you are en ergetic and willing to work hard call at lOl'O Chamber of Commerce bldg. FIRST-CLASS FINISHER, experienced in . finishing and refinlshing all kinds of fur niture; steady work. Apply Gadsby's warenouse, ana wasu. sts.. alter 1 A. M. EXPERIENCED miners at $4.75 and muck ers at $4.25 a day; board $1.25; rooms 10 cents aay; wantea tor Troy, iionu, by Snow Storm Mines, Cons. Tunnel and stope only; bring blankets. Apply Troy or Spokane. WANTED Experienced hard candv man. Steady work. Russell & Gilbert Co., East -ita ana Jionaaay, jtose tJity canine. TWO painters and paperhangers: six months' work, possibly longer. Apply Perkins Ho tel Thursday or Friday evening between t ana if. W ANTED Man from country to care for nogs and garden; steady work year around wages. $5o, room and board. AV 142. Ore goman. HAVE YOU been sick? Would you like to go into the country to recuperate, are you willing to do some chores in return for your board. Write box 37, Sifton, Wash. WANTED. Trimmer and salesman; state experience and where; good salary, steady work. F. w . iioore, Aberdeen, vv ash. WANTED Alan with 1 or 2 teams to haul cord wood, near Portland : eood accommo dations; short haul and long job. Inquire central r uei o., -iv a su WANTED Man to cut wood, cood house. free wood and rent to risht man. close to school, church, and city limits. Phone Tabor oOf,;. WANTED Men to work In wood-working factory; wages $3.75. 8 hours; steady work with chance for advancement. Give phone numDer ana aaaress. vv no. oregonian w a. 1 t.i roreman nnisner tor worn on chairs; must be ablu to hand ie colors. Advise salary expected. Address R. Veal & Son. Albany, or. WANTED Men for sawmill, lath -mill and lumDer yards; good wages, steady work. Write or wire Weed Lumbar Co.. Weed, M I LLM EN Married men preferred; can furnish houses -at reasonable rent. Bull Run water -and wood included. Clark & w iison Lumber Co., blnuton. Or. ALL-ROUND baker wanted: $30 per week; easy place; muse ie gooa bread man last baker with us two years. Nlchol son's Bakery. Pomeroy, Wash. MAN and wife, light janitor work in small apt. house, nice, comfortable position for the right people ; state experience and wages. At 101, oregonian. WANTED Stock man, thoroughly familiar with shell hardware; none other need apply. .VI. Karae Ac Sons, LMO Front. W ANTED Sticker man. sash and door m . chine man. cabinet makers, short order man lor ptaning mill. Salmon st. WANTED Rippers, cutlers- and moulder men, stocK sasn ana door factory. AV 1 in, t regonian. WANTED A first-class dry cleaner, presser and bushelman, A 1 wages for right man. Gem ttate Cleaners, Black foot, Idafio. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; vet erj.n and other papers. Phone Mr.. Clyde, Marshall 2S10. BARBER Steady job; two" Saturday men. Apply Sam H. Howard, sec Master Bar bers' Assn.. 110 Fourth st. WANTED Sash and door machine men and assemblers. Char'.es K. Spaulding Log ging Company McMinnvIIle. Or. WANTED I xom fixer: steady work; 4.S hour week; good wages. Portland Woolen Mills. WANTED Two experienced reliable ice drivers for family route. Apply Ice De livery Co.. lMh and Thurman st. FIRST-CLASS machinist for shop, doing job work and manufacturing ; must be good lathe and floor man. Apply 61 Front st. PHOTOGRAPHER wanted ; retoucher, man or woman, permanent position open now. "Bnshnell studio. Columbia bldg. TWO first-class sash and door machine men wanted at once. Central Door & Lbr. Co.. East 22d and Long ave. TEN overseas soldiers to make over $20 per day; exceptionally good position. Call at once. 312 Swetland bldg. FIRST-CLASS sausagemaker and pork man for cellar. J one.- Market. 4th and Alder. W EA VERS wanted ; Northwest East 6th and Taylor, East 3SM). Rug Co., BARBER wanted: steady Job. Hub Barber shop, Oregon City. Or. WANTED A piano and violin teacher. 74S. Oregonian. WANTED Dentist, registered; good salary; steaay. rst tu-t. regoniary WOOD splitters wanted. For information call at 46 North 1st. WANTED Short order cook. Rosebud res- taurant. 133 10th. DENTIST wanted ; steady position. Y 00:1, Qregtm ian. W A NTED Man with 2 teams, to skid logs. H East 21st. B 162. ADVERTISING man for the Leighton dairy lunch, places. 153 Park sU, A. U Johnston, HELP WANTED MALE. MILLWRIGHTS, construction and machin ery installation. $6,641 per 8 hours, long Job out of town: edgerman, city, $tt & hours; 5 men for box factory at Bend, Or., 5Uc per hour, fare advanced, a fine place to work ; 8 shingle sawyers, 21c and 3lc per M . ; all kinds of mill and yard work. Loggers and all kinds of woods workers wanted, fare advanced to principal camps. FARM HANDS, north and south, $60 to $75 per month and found. Fare advanced to Tillamook, Brighton. Grays Harbor, Bend, etc., etc See us to day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 235 Burnside bu WANTED Male attendant at local hos pital. Tabor 2J. Help Wanted salesmen. SALESMAN WANTED. One of the oldest and largest real es tate concerns on the coast will have an opening on Its sales force June 1. Real estate salesmen are now making big mon ey. Conditions are developing with pleas ing rupidity and we are undoubtly on the eve 01 wonaerrui prosperity in tnis line. Salesmen have always made big money selling real estate In a market such as is now upon us. NOW Is the time to get Into the game and GO WITH THE TIDE. Previous real estate experlnce Is not necessary but ynu must be able to show a successful sales record and have an automobile. If you want some easy mon ey and ran qualify write for interview. A J 42, Oregonian LIVE-WIRE salesmen for every county In the state of Oregon and Washington ror Jnner Tire Armor. Blow-out proof, sold on money-back guarantee, no conrpetltion, exclusive territory, best proposition ever offered on the coast. Motor-Products Co.. 104 W. Park st. A SALESMAN wanted with car. perma nent to represent California M fg. I nc, also as dlst. manager; no schemes. Fac tory road manager in town few days only. Hotel Blackstone. ask for Mr. Robinett. TWO llve-wjre house salesmen wanted; will give excellent proposition to right parties; you should have your own automobiles, but not necessary. John Weill, olO Lewis b!dg. SALESMAN to organize small force hustlers to dispose of small Issue stock for newly organized sheep company: have land, water, feed and range; need sheep; com mission. Address J K.0. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Sales agents end territorial managers for the Wonderful Violet Ray generators. No experience necessary. See June Physical Culture magazine. Call til 6 fiasco bldg. WANTED Lady barber to travel and dem onstrate. or appoint, write AL 0u, Ore gon 1 an. MAN with Ford car for city and counties; nig money. 'ittocK diock. AGENTS st once. Sell 50c per month bos pital tickets L'Oo Corbett bids. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 100 women to work In canning factory; take Sellwood car to Tacoma ave The Wassell Helgrln Co.. 1634 E. 13th. . THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KINO STORE requires the services of experienced waitresses. Apply superintendent's office, U to 10;oU A. M. WANTED Young womnn for night cashier, Leighton s Dairy lunch, 1JJ 1'arK St. WANTED Two girls for waitress work; ex perience not necessary; first month, $0a; second month and after. $65, board in cluded; work six days a week. Apply alter A. M., 3S8 Washington sfr STENOGRAPHER wanted; must be quick and accurate. Address in own nanawrit ing. stating age, experience, address, tele phone number and salary expected, AJ 475. Oregonian. WANTED Pupil nurses at Riverview hospi tal, Raymond, Wash. ; applicants with or without previous training accepted. Ap ply Superintendent of Hospi tal. WANTED Bookkeeper for meat market In The Dalles; salary $&0 month. AP 206, Oregonian. LA DY with some nursing experience for maternity case, some housework required; must be reasonable. Call at 120 E. 2d st. MAN and wife for farm work; will pay $125 per month if both are first-class workers. Apply 228 Alder st. WANTED First-class woman counter cook, 5::0 to 8 P. M., ."0c an hour and dinner; permanent position. t23 Washington. WANTED Two ladies to assist traveling photographer; experience not necessary If willing to learn. BC 123. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady housekeeper for man ami invalid wife; $10 a week. Call Main 4!04. WA NTED First-class woman baker for delicatessen; $20 per week and board; permanent position. 623 Washington st. POWER M ACH 1 NE operators; steady work. Apply Simmons Glove Co.. 100 North 0th st.. cor. F land ers. EXPERIENCED chambermaid, good wages, permanent position; begin work Monday. Cordova hotel. WANTED Young woman experienced as cashier. Leighton Dairy Lunch. &. Cafe, 133 Park. WA NTED Chambermaid for hotel in north Portland; good wages, room and board. W. F. Rogers Hotel Co.. till Panama bldg. OFFICE girl typist and stenographer; salary $."0; give age, experience and phone. AE 107, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced chambermaid ; none others need apply. Clyde hotel, 408 Stark st. W A NTED Experienced and inexperienced. Portland Laundry Co., 0th and ('ouch sts. WANTED Experienced waitress. Mallory Hotel. 1 ( l LQwnBuaic. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may b obtained by calling Main 102. A 2tKi7 CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements: notraveling. Casino theater. WOMEN wanted to work in dining room and kitchen. Appiy o j-nr. bu W ANTED Woman cook on farm, call at y07 Yeon building. WANTED A cook for light lunch room. 139 North 23d sL EXPERIENCED clerk for delicatessen. Bdwy. CHAMBERMAID One that is experienced in first-class notei worn, uonraaine notei. WANTED A piano and violin teacher. AG .; rimirnTiian. EXPERIENCED finisher in dressmaking snop. 41- Broadway bldg. WANTED Chambermaid. Carlton Hotel. Broadway 3435 WANTED Oirls at room 407 Central bldg. Apply after 8:30. w a NTED ART teacher; $1400. Yates Fisher Teacher Agency, Broadway bldg. WANTED Girl for second work in small institution can t- uvenon. TWO good waitresses, $16 a week. White Restaurant, si. . WANTED A chambermaid; 1731 Derby st. Woodlawn 2Hio. WANTED Chambermaid; must be rienced. W 11 lard hoteL expe- WA NTED Girl for confectionery store. 023 Union ave. ,asi 4im. WANTED Waitress: $14 per week. New Eng land Restaurant. 2 3 Burnside st. COMPETENT stenographer; state experience and references. Aaaress wr. U. liox 31. W ANTED Lady attendant at local bon pttal. Tabor 2S02. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. wants first class meat cutter. Apply 22? Alder st. GOOD JAP NURSE GIRL. CALL A. M. T.721 40TH ST. S. E. WAITRESS WANTED. 30 N. 3d L Ta coma Restaurant. WANTED Power machine operators for ladies' neckwear. The McCreery Mfg. Co. WANTED Experienced girl, $15 week. 130 Nortn -renin st. WANTED An experienced short hour waitress; $1 t a week. 114 N. 3d st. GIRT to pack chocolates. Apply Chocolate Products Co., oU3 iast Belmont. WANTED A woman to work nights end mornings Tor room ana boar a. Tabor 4003. WANTED Relief telephone operator. Cauipueu uui uotei. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED WOMEN. For marking' and sorting pickles; Apply Monday morning ready for work, take N.. and S. car 3d st, STERLING FOOD PRODUCTS CO., 1122 Macadam Road. PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN. Due to the approaching eonsolidstton of the manual and automatic telephone systems, permanent positions are open In the operating department. Young women considering employment should call upon -the employment super visor, room Ool, ttth floor. Telephone bldg.. Park and Oak sts. Telephone Broadway 12,000. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH. CO. THE MEIER ft FRANK CO. requires the services of 20 experienced saleswomen for different departments. We also have openings In the wrapping department for girls between 19 and 18. Three experienced saleswomen for wom en's suit department; permanent work ; none but experienced and only those who have catered to a high-class clientele con sidered. All former employes desiring to assist us during Victory Rose Festival please re port st office employment manager, sixth, floor Meier & Frank Co. WANTED Thoroughly experienced cashier for department store : must be accurate and reliable ; references. A H 100. Ore gonian. WANTED Olrls. 16 to "0 years, to sew on power machines, experienced or Inexperi enced ; steady employment; good wages. A mes-Barris-Neviile Bag Co., luth and i THE ' OLDS, WORTMAN & KINO STORE requires the services of experienced sales women In the following departments: Waists, ribbons, lacesv neckwear. Apply superintendent's office, & to 10:U A. M. WILL pay $ru month, board and good room for settled woman, general housework; family 4 adults In west side apartment : no heavy laundry ; nice home for right party. inquire room -17 PittocK diock. YOUNG girl wanted for office work: will lngness and Intelligence more essential than experience; minimum wage, with cnance lor advancement; give phone num. berln answering. AJ 383, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED typist and comptometer op ermor ior position witn large 01 rice; ex cellent opening for right party; give age. experience, salary desired and phone num pt-r in reply, a.n tm. oregonian. WANTED Elderly lady to assist with houi worK ana oe Klna to small children during mothers absence: prefer lady wanting good home more than wages. Call or write immediately, u Ainsworth ave. WOMAN to help with housework for room ana Doara or win pay according to amount of assistance rendered. Call be tween 10 A. M. and a P. M . , Sellwood 1501. WANTED In small hospital, intelligent woman wno wants to learn to make gooa wages at nursing; good home, board and small wages while learning; slate age, Scio General hospital, Scio, or. WAITRESS for logging camp near Port ia no. Jtepiy stating age ana experience and say when you will be ready to report for work. it 231. oregonian. GIRLS, experienced on power machines, can una steady employment at the Browns ville Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison sts., apply ready for work. WANTED Experienced power machine op erators, aiso nem-stttcn operators. East ern Novelty Mfg. Co., 80 Va 5th it, be tween Stark and Oak. WANTED Application from girls to work in wooa-woraing tactory at &t. jonns. Steady work and good wages. J 796, Ore gonian. HIGH scale of wages, 48-hour week, for ex- periencea operators on overalls, snirtSj waterproof clothing. tents, Hirsch-Weis Mfg. Co.. 205 Burnside st. EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer, $100; jaw, sb., 10 ana ij; insurance, 1 w; typist, $50, $60 and $75; dictaphone oper ator. t3. 3U1 N. W. Bank bldg. SEVERAL positions open to women and girls; gooa salary; some positions require no previous experience. Apply 510 Oregos bldg. LADY BARBER to work, or will sell half interest in shop at Aberdeen. Wash. Par. ticulars. Write Ellen Myles. 207 South F si., Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED 20 women to take orders from house to house. If you want to make S3 a day or more call 9 to 12, 301 Oregon bldg. WANTED On farm, lady, where home is desired more than wages: no objection to 1 or 2 small children. Call liiH East 40th, on Belmont, SCHOOL GIRL over 17. during summer va cation, with some knowledge of cooking and housework. Marshall bob. PHOTOG RAPHE R wanted; retoucher, man or woman, permanent position open now. Bushnell studio, Columbia bldg. ANY girl -In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 302 Fast 15th st. N., or phone East 123. WANTED Immediately, first-class makers and trimmers; long season; good salary. A pply Muller fc Raas Co. TEN girls to sell novelties Call at once. 312 Swetland bldg. Guaranteed 45 per day. WANTED Dining room girl. 1751 Derby st. Phone Woodlawn 2915. W m nted Horn est i cs. YOUNG woman for gen. housework; home like place; no heavy washing. Call 30O Cook ave. or phone E. 1793. Williams ave- car. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, must have exper ience to care for child of 1 H years; will have full charge df house and child most of time. E. 2.S03. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking; good wages and small fam ily. Telephone East 23i0 or call East 10th a nd Hassalo. WANTED Woman for general housework and care of elderly lady four or iive hours daily. Apply H54 Powell st.; take Wood stock car to 26th and Powell. WANTED Competent girl for general housework ; good cook : no laundry ; good wages. Phone Tabor 1297. WANTED Housekeeper, for single man. on Daisy farm. Write J, M. Heidt, Rose burg. Wash. Box 6. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and house work to go to the beach. Call mornings. 794 Irving. Main 8235. WANTED Competent maid for general housework ; good wages. Pbone Marshall 2171. RESPONSIBLE girl for general housework; 2 adults; no Sunday dinner; good wages, S03 Marshall. Main 5217. GIRL for general housework. 3 In family. 734 W. Main, near Vista ave., phone Mali. 6!70. YOUNG or middle-aged woman for general housework : 3 in family; $40 a month. AL 350. Oregonian. CAPABLE girl to work private home, small family. Mornings. Bdwy. 1 10, room 554. GIRL for cook and general housework. 2 in family. Main 7928. WANTED Capable girl for general house work; no upstairs work.. Main 63.HA. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework : good wages. Tabor 5024. WANTED Housekeeper. Apply N. 4th at GIRL to assist with light housework; no washing. Apply 330 Morrison at WANTED Maid for upstairs work. 312 12th st. Main R260. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Loganberry pickers; I will be at the St. Charles hotel Saturday. June 14 Carl As pin wail. TTFLP WANTED MA. LIS OR FEMALE, SPINNERS wanted, " steady work. 4--hour week; good wages. Apply Portland Woolen Mills. 1 WAXTBD To bear from parties wanting to pick raspberries; camp on place; three blocks from Bull Run earline. Write Route A. box 27S, C. res ham, Or. PORTLAND government clerk examinations July W ; hundreds needed ; $1UH) year; list positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 37ti R. Rochester. N. Y. WEAVERS WANTED GOOD PAT. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS UKtUU.N CITY. WANTED A milker, man and wife. $UM a month, everything free. ithout board. Phone Wdln. Address 7S K. 20ih N. EDUCATIONAL. J LiiARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS, FIVE DAYS FltEE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto, Tractor, Gas Engine and Auto Electrical Work. BIG 100-Pa.GE CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto A. Tractor school. Dept. K., Union eve, and VV as co St.. Portland. Or. Phone East 7446. BUR SELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. rs ow is tna tune to prepare for a better position. Our successful students prov that our methods are right. Individual instruction, new equipment. Lumbermen bldg.. 6th and Stark. Broadway 34o4. Miss F. Bursell. principal. DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulvanlzing and re treading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. TUB SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. PRACTICAL t-alntng In gas, electrical and steam engineering, tnecnanicai drawing, machine snop practice, oxy-acety leni welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Catalogue on each vubjecu Write tor one you want. Seattle Engineer ing School, Seattle, Wash. positions assured. Every graduate of be hnkb-walker Business College. Portland. Enroll sny time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted.. Call 218 Railway Exchange btdg. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid proivsjon. Fre booklet. Railway Telegraph. Institute. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools. Positions secured. Send for cata logue. 234 Burnside sL Broadway 173L ""DECKER'S BUSINESS "COLLEGE' Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer, all other mod. business courses. Day. night school. Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor. Main 3.'4. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade In 8 weeks; pay while learning; p sit ion gjarantecd. 234 Couch st. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 33 Madison st. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. State Supt., rigr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. COMPLETE course in shorthand, dicta phone, typing, spelling and mimeograph ing. $."o. ;.; N. W. Bank bldg. SHORTHAND, typewriting, short course. Mrs. Hannum's school. East 3b60. iUiO Tillamook st. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckets private school ; Individual Inst ruction. 122 Grand ave. East 427. MISS MATTINGLVS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School; 6 mo. 2tiQ 14th. Slain 3V3. TEACHING position, free registration. Main 4t35. Fisk Teachers' Agency. Journal bldg. YATES- FISHER Tea h e rs Agency Krw registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 111 Broadway. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. LUMBERMAN, long-experienced, wants po sition as buyer for wholesale lumber con cern, or as sales-manager or assistant; is competent, thorough ly reliable and can supply references showing ability and In tegrity. AV 113, Oregonian. A-l CARPENTER, conscientious in every way, wants to help you build or remodel your house or garage; both carpentering and concrete work; reasonable: just your address or phone and convenient time; 1 will call. AL 365. Oregonian. A FARM manager desires position; purs bred hogs, pay big. 25 to 50 per cent; also poultry; 1 know the business, want small salary and share of profits. Address AO 365. Oregonian. HOUSE PAINTING, Paper hanging and tinting; experienced workmen; moderate prices. PHONE MAIN 3353. NIGHT WATCHMAN, elevator operator or moderately light work by man 4o years old. where Intelligence and attention to duty will count. Phone East 4255. MAN and wife camp cooks, 16 years' ex perience, economical ; will take t wo chil dren with us, like large or small camp. AM 36J. Oregonian. WANTED Small cump job by man and v. ife; both first-class people, can deliver the goods: sawmill or logging camp. AM 359. Oregonian. WANTED Position as project engineer, graduate; have been 12 years with govern ment; best of references. AG 265, Orego nian. MARRIKjP man, experienced in ranch work, desires position, wife to cook for four or five men. Address 19 Liberty apartments 372 East Clay st. FI RST-CLASS auto mechanic, over 15 yrs; experience, as all-round repair man on Ig nition, starters. carburetor and motor work. AK 365, Oregonian. MARRIED man wants 5 or 6 hours work after 5 P. M., ciga r store or any kind of light work. R 767. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED shoemaker and first-class repairer wants position. AN 265, Orego nian. NIGHT watchman wishes permanent po sition, ciiy or country ; some experience. AP 253. Oregonian. OVERSEAS sergeant wants light work : ex cellent character, good references. After school hours. Wood lawn 2456. COLLEGE M AN wants position with dairy or creamery concern; licenseu tester. Tabor 5h7. YOUNG man IS years old desires position in saw nil 11, stenographer or timekeeper; ref erences. K 333. Oregonian. SuLDlKR mechanic repairs automobiles: I save you money; work guaranteed. Sell ood 1237. EXPERIENCED gardener wants situation, moderate wages; city references. BF 026. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, all round cook for hotel, etc., city or country. AL 349, Oregonian. WANTED Position by middle-aged man as night watchman. bellwood 01 16. PLUMBING repair expert Stoppages, stove EXPERIENCED chef rook wants work in or out of city. Call E. 322 Williams ave. ACCOUNTANT and office manager with years or experience. Mam ;oi. CARPENTER Jobbing and repairing; kinds; No. 1 workman. East 53!6. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position. Inquire 64 E. Morrison street. YOUNG man desires position with garage or automobile firm. AP 253. Oregonian. ADVE RTISING distributor, want some job by day or contract. BF 52s. Oregouian. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. YOUNG married man of good character and habits, experienced in office work, and evening class student in higher account - Ing and audltiong, desires position: more particular for permanent connection with firm of established standing and right type and opportunity for advancement to responsible executive position than, Im mediate position or salary, although fully capable of taking charge of books of ac count or position or responsible clerk or cashier. References and bond furnished. Interview desired. AN 263, Oregonian. A THOROUGHLY-COMPETENT bookkeeper and accountant with several years experi ence in corporation accounting, familiar with P. S. C, I. C. C. and income tax re ports, desires position with corporation where industry and ability wilt lead to advancement. AV 111. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, can take care of several more small sets of .books during business hours: efficiency assured. W 25S, Ore gonian. EX-SERV ICE. honest young married man. not afraid of work, wants position as book keeper or typist. S 633. Oregonian. Soldiers and Sailors. EX-SOLDIER '-." , and am bitlous. of good character and ability, wishes connection with a good firm; best of references. R 766. Oregonian. RETURNED soldier wants steady employ ment in city of any kind. Address 8S Tenth street, room 1. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED lady go out to work. 8 hours day. waihlng and Ironing: no sweep Ing. Call after 5 P. M. Tabor 5SSn. WE furnish popcorn balls and crispette for parties and socials. 3i Yamhill. Poons Marshall 608.- MTCATION VT ANTED FEMAI-K. Ot'xr, woman wanting to make good ia the business wond. her only assets are, pluck and ambition, college education, s ight knowledge of typewriting and hook keeping, and ck.n meet the general public. If you have a position In your busrness that 1 ran fill and make fcood. address F 2:.;. Oregoniun. A LADY of refinement -will care for children Thursday nad Friday afternoon and Sh urday all day; experienced with the 8"eC understands the needs of sick. Kef. Mar- shall 34a. WANTED A place to take care of children evenings while mother is away; references. Woodlawn 1 H 1. LADY wants house cleaning, other work, hour, day; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood la -t n t;it..". RKLIABL E LADY wants day work. Phoue 4.ltJ. TEACHER, tutor, travel, assist in the home small remuneration. AL 352, Oregonian. POSITIO N AS J AN 1 T RE SS. WOODLAWN tl2rtl. Bookkeepers. Stenograph era. Office. SITUATION wanted as office sreretary or book keeper by competent book keeper with stenogra ph ic ex perienoe ; will 40 out of cny. , 1 1 , oregonian. BOOKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER, cx I rienced in bank, law and commercial work. Main 2M7. DRESSMAKING STVLE GUARANTEED; PRICES REASONABLE SELLWOC 117. CHILDREN between 4 and P years cared for at my home, by week or month. 412 Alle gheny st.; take St. Johns car. For refer ences c;!l Columbia Uti. I'K.U'Tli'AI. nurse wants posli ion caring for children or invalids during day. will consider confinement cases. Call Wdln. 4-J3H. COM PET EXT. congenial nurse, wishes posi tion with Invalid in town or will travel. Miss Steven Mar. 2662. B A. M. EXPBRIENrHu nurse csre Illness, feeble or convalescent. C II Mar. 2S.H- Housekeepers. M I DDL E- AG ED widow wishes position in Vancouver where 16-year-old son. work ing In shipyard, can stay. Capable house keeper, cook, understands sewing, care of children. 1 POSITION n housekeeper by refined, capa ble woman. excellent cook. manager motherless home or few gentleman. Ah rpKon!an. , Domestic. WANTED Girl to do general housework, .r rooms, smalt family; must sleep at home Broad wa v 3336. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. YOUNG COUPLE without children, want to rent permanently, small furnished bunga low, with garage, or one near: husband in responsible position with large local con cern; ctaie rent and number of rooms, K 7to. Oregonian. WANTED 4 or 5-room house by .Tune 25 within 15 blocks of Peifm Car & Foundry Co., or near Montavtlla also place to keep cow. Write to Bennett, 244 B. 5Ux st. N., ror. Multnomah. RESPONSIBLE old couple, without children, want 3 or 4 -room house, prefer north of Alb.-ns st. and with fruit trees. HITTER. LOWE Al CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg 10UNG COUPLE wilh small child want to rent, permanently, small furnished bunga low or flat: would consider lease; state rent and location; references given. AJ 457. Oregonian. M FDICAL officer returning from service July 1 would like to rent a house of 6 room!! or more. Irvington preferred. Muse be in fist-class condition. East 5774. GENTLEMAN wants L'-rnom fiat or a cot tage, completely furnished for housekeep Ing. with place for car. K. 344. orego nian. WANTED To rent, by 2 adults. 4 or 5- room furnished house In or near Portland garage if possible: references. East 114. WANTED Before June IS. email house, 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms, modern; adults; west side preferred. Woodlawn 1336. WANTED Before July 1, six-room modern house, rent or lease. Telephone , Tabor 358. WANTED 5-room. nicely furnished house; close-in on St. Johns carline. Phone Room 406. Washington hotel, mornings. Apartments, WANTED By young couple, no children, modern upper furnished 3 or 4 -room flat with fireplace on west side for July 1. Phone Main 6854, or P. O. box 654, Central station. BY JULY 15. 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms, mod ern in every way, close to Union ave. and Russell st.; will take long lease; refer ences. Phone East 666S. Rooms, SINGLE men want room in private family. Y 332. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED Room and board, close in. for two men; private family. R 7 TO, Ore gonian. TOR RENT. Fnmiwlted Rooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of MerlL HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. , Hotei Cliiford is the principal eat side hotel and id a hotel of dignity and refine ment. Daily rates 91.00 up; two in room, S1.75; weekly rates, 5 and up. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class famiiy hotel; rooms en suite or sinie. with or without board, for families and business men and women. Ws give you all the comforts of a home. Reason able rates. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; downtown location, respectable and stricCy modern, steam heat; rooms large, clean. HoTEL OOKLE Y. Morrison st at Tenth Rtes $1 per day up; weekly. $4 up; run ning water, free phune and bath. THE GEM HOTEL. Transient and housekeeping rooms, 35o a day and up. 665 First st. HOTEL MADRAS. Washington and 12th, a!i conveniences: $4 and $.j wk. ; SI day. SARGENT HOTEL, 271 S Grand ave. h. k. apt. and sleeping rooms. East 291. alNOljE rooms and also 2 -room housekeep ing apartments. 132 Lnion ave. FURNISHED room. $2.50 per week. 326 V North ltth. ON E front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gen tlemen. 49 N. 14th sC Unfurnished Rooms. DESIRABLE transient or permanent ac commodations suitable for 1 or 2. Ten min. walk to bus. center, block to car and parade. A quiet private home, reasonably priced. 415 Broadway, west side. Mar. 349. Vurnished Rooms In Private Family. YOUNG man will share extra-large beauti fully furnished room with board if de sired. In lovely home; walking distance, west side; re is. exchanged. A. J. 37S, Oregonian. FURNISHED front room, sleeping porch, suitable for two, from June 15 to Sept- 1; reasonable. May get own breakfast. Main 3449. LA RGE. well-fumished front room in mod ern private home, suitable for two: down town, one block from library. 215 lltix st.. cor. Salmon. Phone Main 8678. LARGE unfurnished front room with kitch en, large furnished room with hot and cold water and sleeping porch, suitable for two or more. 3l3 West Park. ONE or two very desirable modem rooms, one or two occupants: refined people con aidered; walking distance. Bdwy. 2-66. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room in private home; Nob Hill district : references re q u 1 red. M aln 4711, af ternoona. FURNISHED sleeping room, home privileges, close in, on 2 car lines; gentleman pre ferred. Wdln. 6s5. SEASIDE 2 rooms, private family; home privileges; good location. Box 491, bed side, CLEAN, outside sleeping rooms. 1.50 to $4 per week, modern conveniences; easy walk ing distance. 290y North 21st st. FRONT room, well furnished, near shipyard, with garage. Marshall 3'.u8. LARGE, comfortable room, suitable for two. west side, walking distance. Main 94S3. i6 14TH. NEAR Jefferson, choice rooms, walking- distance. Main 3893. BE A ITT I KUL suite front rooms. Kob Hill. $20 month. Ref. Main 1009. 4 ROOM furnished for IL . $18 per mo 6n-j B. Taylor st. 3 OR 4 rooms furnished for H. K. and gar age. East 4239. Cu.M PLETE housekeeping rooms. 604 East Cay, cor. 10th. BOARD and room, private family; W week. 35 N. 22d st. LARGE room for one or two men. reason able; close in. 37 12th st. ROOM FOR RENT. 455 13th sL Rooms With Board. THE MARTHA. WASHINGTON. 3Si 10th st. For business girls and stu dents: reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. CHKSTERBURY HOTEL, 201 N. 20TK. American plan hotel ; desirable rooms; excellent table; meals served transienta. PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board, excellent table; close in. 66 Maat0Uae ntr West Park.