Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 13, 1919, Image 1

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    VOL,, LiVIII. NO. 18,207
Entered at Portland (Ore con)
Postoffice as Seeond-CTasa Matter.
JUNE 13, 1919. 28 PAGES. PRICE
Tempered Veterans Ap
pear in Grand Review.
Pageant of Many Battlefields
Cheered by Thousands.
Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Led
by Bands Playing Oallant Airs.
Streets Strewn 'With Koscs.
Defenders of the faith they -were,
those lads in all the uniforms of serv
ice, land and sea, who marched through
Portland's rose-strewn streets yester
day afternoon in the grand military
ajid naval review or the Rose Festival
of 1319. Their bands played the gallant
old airs to which men have tramped
and charged and died on scores of
fields. And the festival crowds, uncov
ered to the colors, sped them on their
'ay with salvos of cheering.
If one could have called the roll of
that pageant, company after .company
of lithe young fighting men, now back
jain to the tasks of peace could have
called it by battlefields the famous
fights of America's troops in France
would have arisen in ringing response.
Soissons, the Argonne. St. Mihiel, Cha
teau-Thierry, night raids and desperate
bombing parties, all would have an
swered. For the many hundreds that
passed in long review came from all
the divisions of the overseas forces
tempered and tried veterans.
Parade la Significant.
The storm lanes of the North tea, the
long convoys across the submarine
haunted Atlantic, the desperate dash
for a diving submarine, the race for a
running raider these would have an
swered for the sailors who trod so
Jauntily along, merry and tanned and
And oihtr fields hRd spoken at the
same call tor mere in me une were
the veterans of the civil war, and of the
Spanish war, whose sacrifice tor the
defense of American traditions and
honor is as imperishably written on the
page of history as that of their eons
And grandsons.
It was the second day of the- festival.
the apex of triumphant realization of
the deeper meaning of the 1919 festival,
rhich bears the prefix "Victory," and
which pays its meed of appreciative
tribute to the boys who entered the
world war in vindication of those
sturdy principles that Americans hold
dear, even to the death.
Daring Air Leaps WitiFued.
Though the parade was distinctly the
feature of the day's schedule, guests
of the festival lacked not for other en
tertainment. They saw the army air
squadron, led by Lieutenant-Colonel
"Watson, outdo its reckless acrobatics
of the first day. thousands of feet
above the neck-stretched city. They
witnessed the rushing leap of the sea
planes from the Willamette, saw them
take the air, with Ensigns McMurray
.-ind Lee as their pilots, to revel above
festival center aerial courtiers to the
smiling, sweet-faced woman who wore
the bronze wreath of victory, on the
dais of her royalty, as goddess of the
American achievement and of the fes
tival itself.
And they laughed, those thousands of
light-hearted visitors, and cheered and
coached vociferously when the boy en
trants of the roller-skating marathon
sped down the asphalt in a contest that
has been for months the most antici
pated event of boydom.
Victory Spirit IVrnonlf led.
They held their breaths in awe as a
great ship, new from the hands of the
workmen, left the ways and entered
her clement, the creamy foam at her
bow and her decks gay with pennants
and colors a ship christened by the
goddess of victory and dedicated to the
service of America and the world on
the high seas.
But the parade, above all else, though
it lucked the colorful quality of other
I'ageants, came close to the heart of the
festival. For it personified, in the
stride of the very lads who made pos
sible the. death of tyranny, the spirit
with which America entered the war
and won her way through to the final
victory. There is something about
marching men, with their colors flung
out to the wind and the sun, with their
bands playing them along and par
ticularly about the brightness of the
I lag that grips one at the heart and
throws the head back, and makes one
glad, indeed, to be an American. What
ever the "reds" may have to offer, it
. cannot be so fine as this a sentiment
sanctified by spilled blood and memo
ries finer than life itself.
Throngs Outpour Affection.
And so they came down the street,
and the festival leaned toward them
with flowers and cheers just as it
should lean in an unprompted out
pouring of loyal affection.
With the way cleared by Sergeant
Frank Ervin and his men of the police
motorcycle squad, followed by a car
bearing Chief of Tolice Johnson, Senior
Captain Moore, Deputy City Attorney
Stadter, driven by Patrolman Frank
Pratt, the parade set forth at 2:45 from
Fourteenth and Columbia streets, with
it-oQiiUdeil tan Fa
Supporters of Move Want Early De
cision So It Will Reach Paris Be
fore Treaty Is Signed.
WASHINGTON, June 12. The resolu
tion tif Senator Knox of Pennsylvania,
a former republican secretary of state,
to have the senate declare definitely
it cannot accept the league of notions
interwoven with the peace treaty, was
put on the calendar of the senate today
for consideration early next week.
In reporting the measure the foreign
relations committee amended it, how
ever, to strike out the section which
would have declared it a policy of the
American government to co-operate in
combating any further menace to the
peace of Europe. The provision was
eliminated by friends of the resolu
tions after it became apparent that
otherwise favorable committee action
on the measure might be endangered.
On the motion to amend, as well as
on the final vote for a favorable re
port, all the democratic members voted
in the negative and in each case they
were joined by Senator McCumber, re
publican of North Dakota, a league
supporter. On final approval the vote
stood eight to seven. Two unsuccess
ful motions to postpone action by the
committee until next week were made
by Senator Pittman, democrat of Ne
vada, and when Senator Knox later
asked unanimous consent to present
the favorable report to the senate, the
request at first was blocked by Sena
tor Robinson, democrat of Arkansas.
Mr. Robinson withdrew his objection,
however, upon an agreement that the
senate should adjourn until Monday so
there would be no debate on the resolu
tion this week.
When the measure comes up the first
of the week its supporters will try to
press it to an early vote so that if
adopted it will reach the Versailles
conference before the signing of the
treaty. The league supporters are ex
pected to make a bitter fight against
any such action. While they disclaim
any intention to conduct a filibuster,
they say they will not permit a vote
until the resolution has been discussed
at length.
Harvey C". Condon of Class of 1879,
Expected to Attend Reunion.
June 12. (Special.) Harvey C Con
don, graduate of the university in the
class of 187?, is expected to attend the
reunion of his class on its fortieth an
niversary, to be held here next Satur
day, notwithstanding the fact that his
name has been listed for more than six
years in university records as the only
deceased member of this class of six.
Mr. Condon is now. living- on a ranch
at Vaughn, Wash., near Tacoma. In
early manhood he was a lawyer and
banker in Gilliam county, and the
county seat, Condon, is named after
him. He is the nephew of the late Dr.
Thomas Condon, pioneer Oregon geol
ogist, who for 30 years headed the de
partment of geology in this university.
The error in the records was no
ticed by Mr. Condon s cousin, Mrs. Kllen
Condon McCornack of Eugene, who is
a member of the class of 1878, the first
ever graduated here.
American Medical Association, in
Meeting, Hears Argument.
ATLANTIC CITY, X. J., June 12.
Beers and wine of low alcoholic con
tont are not "intoxicating."' On the
other hand they are healthful and their
sale under close state and federal su
pervision .should be continued!, declared
Dr. Lambert Ott of Philadelphia, ad
dressing the American Medical associa
tion here today. Ir. Ott spoke on 40
years' observation among beer, wine
and whisKy drinkers.
"It has been my observance that war
beer and wines of low alcoholic per
centage are not harmful, but on the
other hand are a real aid to digestion,"
he said. "The sale should be closely
supervised by the authorities."
Bishop Sumner Awards Trophy to
Xancy Jane Carpenter.
Right Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner,
Episcopal bishop of Oregon, yesterday
presented to little Nancy Jane TZarpen
ter, an eighth grade pupil at Ains
worth school, a silver cup which he had
offered a year ago for the grammar
school pupil who should sell the great
est amount of thrift stamps within a
Little Miss Carpenter piled up the
astounding total of 32,000 in sales of
the stamps, and won the prize by a
long reach. The presentation was
made at assembly in the school, and
the bishop took occasion to compliment
the winner highly on her excellent
work as a salesgirl.
Aid or Allies in Fight Against Bol
shevism Desired.
LONDON, via Montreal. June 12.
An Ukrainian diplomatic mission has
arrived in London and another delega
tion is on its way to Washington. The
members of the mission have submitted
their case to the British government
and are reported to be satisfied with
the reception accorded at the foreign
Co-ordinate military action by the al
lies and the Ukrainians against the bol-
sheviki is desired by the mission. For
this reason they wish the allies for
mally to recognize the Ukrainian repre
sents! iv.
Handling of Commercial
Business to Be Refused.
Telegraphers and Companies
Each Profess Confidence.
Message Delivery In Chicago Put to
Bad YVlicn Messengers Quit; Bur
leson Blamed for Strike.
CHICAGO, June 12. Despite claims
of union officials that 18,000 telegra
phers -were idle today and that the
tieup would be complete by Monday,
commercial telegraph business, partic
ularly between the larger cities, is be
ing handled on practically a normal
basis, according to declarations of the
commercial companies here tonight.
Officers of the Commercial Telegra
phers" Union of America, which called
the strike to enforce demands that the
workers be permitted to organize,
"bargain collectively and obtain ade
quate wages," were elated over an an
nouncement from St. Louis that union
railroad telegraphers were ordered to
discontinue handling commercial busi
ness after 6 A. M., Saturday. The or
der was issued by E. J. Manion. presi
dent of the Order of Railroad Telegra
phers, and affect3 80,000 operators, it
was stated.
Strikers Gain Confidence.
Whether, the railroad operators will
be called out on sympathetic strike
will depend upon developments of tho
next few days, it was stated.
The strike leaders gained further
confidence through adoption by the
American Federation of Labor bf a res
olution pledging moral support to the
strike called for June 16 by the Inter
national Brotherhood, of Electrical
Workers. -The union men claim the
brotherhood has a membership, of more
than 100,000. which includes the bulk of
the union telephone workers through
out the country. Charles Ford, secre
tary of the brotherhood, denied reports
that some of the members already had
walked out in sympathy with the strik
ing telegraphers.
S. J. Konenkamp, president of the
Commercial Telegraphers' Union of
America, who is directing the strike
from headquarters here, after a num
ber of long-distance telephone conver
sations with eastern representatives,
declared assurance had been given that
the broker operators in New York
would join the strike as soon as devel
opments warranted such action.
Meanwhile officials of the Western
Union Telegraph company assert-that
(Concluded on Pk 6. Column 1.)
Isssstaasssisssssss mm .......... . iiii.I
10 A. M. Flying circus of
United States army aviators, ris
ing from field of municipal golf
links, Eastmoreland.
1 P. M. Amusements In Vic
tory Rose Festival Lane o' Laugh
ter, South Park blocks between
Jefferson and Mill streets.
2 P. M. Eleventh annual Rose
Festival floral parade, held to
honor the men of the service.
Frank E. Smith, grand marshal.
Singing from floats by choirs
and choruses and singing by spec
tators, led by song leaders sta
tioned at intervals along the route
of march.
Route of parade Form on
Fourteenth street, proceed cast
on Jefferson to West Park, north
on West Park to Madison, west
on Madison to Tenth, north on
Tenth to Main, west on Main to
Eleventh, north on Eleventh to
Morris - east on Morrison to
Broa north on Broadway to
Fla f ,' cast on Flanders to
S uth on Sixth to Pine, east
.ie to Fourth, south on
j, .h to Alder, west on Alder J
? "ifth, north on Fifth to Oak,
-fcl on Oak to Sixth, south on t
ixth to Morrison, cast on Mor-
rison to Fourth, south on Fourth J
to Madison, cast on Madison to
Grand avenue, north on Grand
avenue and back over Steel bridge
and disband.
4 P. M. Exhibition by United
States navy seaplanes. Band con
cert at Festival Center, South
Park blocks, between Main and
Jefferson streets. Band concert,
Japanese and Chinese oriental
gardens, North Park blocks, be
tween Burnside and Davis streets.
7 r. M. Amusements In Victory
Rose Festival Lane o' Laughter,
South Park blocks, between Jef
ferson and Mill streets.
8 P. M. All-Portland commu
nity sing, with spectacular fea
tures on Multnomah field; Walter
Jenkins, T. M. C. A., song leader.
Preliminary band concert at 7:30
P. M. Band concert at 7:30 P. M.
Band concert. Festival Center,
South Park blocks, between Main
and Jefferson streets. Band con
cert, Japanese and Chinese ori
ental gardens. North Park blocks,
between Burnside and Davis
. 9 P. M. Royal Rosarians' ball.
Cotillion hall. Fourteenth and
Burnside streets. Admission by
invitation. Amusements in Vic
tory Rose Festival Lane o' Laugh
ter, featuring the Greater-Alamo
shows, will'coiitinue through Sat
urday afternoon and evening.
Dozen Men Eseapc From Prison at
Leavenworth Barracks.
LEAVENWORTH. Kan.,- June 12.
Twelve prisoners have escaped ' from
the United States army disciplinary
barracks at Fort Leavenworth, accord
ing to a notification received by Leav
enworth police today.
Three prisoners are said to have es
caped yesterday afternoon, three this
morning and six this afternoon.
Answer May Go to Foe by
Sunday, Paris Hears.
What Germans Will Do When
They Get Terms, Puzzles.
Foch and Weygand Prepare to Ad
vance Into Germany if Bodies
Refuse to Sign Treaty.
PARIS. June 12. (By the Associated
Press.) A complete accord has been
reached in principle on all questions
connected with the reply to the German
counter-proposals. This statement was
made in responsible quarters tonight.
French and American peace confer
ence circles are highly gratified at
this favorable turn after the prolonged
differences of the past fortnight, verg
ing on a deadlock. The accord Includes
the Silesian question, the proposed ad
mission of Germany to the league of
nations and reparations, which were
the chief subjects of difference among
the delegates.
The agreement in principle leaves
only the details and drafting, which, it
Is said, could be accomplished by Fri
day night, though the expectation is
that actual delivery of the document
to the Germans will not take place be
fore Sunday night.
C'lemcnreau Again Wlna Point.
The agreement concerning the ad
mission of Germany is tho same as
drawn by Lord Robert Cecil and E. M.
House, with the omission of the fourth
condition, requiring Germany to aban
don compulsory military service.
M. Clemenceau. president of the con
ference, contested this condition as
likely to precipitate the same question
In France, and the council finally
dropped it. No time has been fixed
for Germany's entrance, but If she con
forms to the conditions it is expected
that she will be represented at the first
meeting of the assembly.
The Silesian settlement is based on
a plebiscite for the disputed Polish
German region.
It. has been decided to incorporate
the reply in the treaty itself rather
than present It as a supplemental doc
ument. It will contain about 25.000
Baron Makino. Japanese delegate,
today joined President Wilson and Pre
miers Lloyd George, Clemenceau and
Orlando, and the council known as the
"big four" will hereafter be styled the
"big five."
The decision adding Baron Makino
to the council is explained by the fact
(Concluded on Page 7. Column 2. )
' VvtvV.
iq uinuiv unMnDrrv
Engineering Orriecr, Later With
Chemical Service, Is Well
Known in Oregon.
ington, June 12. Brigadier-General
Arnos A. Fries, chief of the chemical
warfare service throughout the war
with Germany, and for more than three
years identified with some of the
greatest engineering projects in Ore
gon, has had conferred upon him high
honors by both the French and British
His distinguished services with the
American expeditionary forces caused
the French government to decorate him
with the cross of the commander of
the Legion of Honor, while the British
decoration is the cross of the Com
panion of St. Michaels and St. George.
General Fries, who Is now comman
der at Edgwood arsenal. Maryland, w-as
appointed to West Point military acad
emy front Medford, Or., by Representa
tive Binsrer Hermann in 1S94. and had
charge of some of the earliest con
struction on the Celilo canal In Colum
bia river.
Arizona Labor Organizer Quits for
Sake of Prohibition.
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz.. June 12. Be
cause the American Federation of Labor
convention at Atlantic City favored the
repeal of the national prohibition
amendment. Thomas J. Croaff of Thoe-
nix. president of the Arizona State
Federation of Labor, today telegraphed
his resignation as general organizer of
the American Federation of Labor to
Secretary Frank Morrison at Atlantic
"I cannot continue as a representa
tive of a federation that seeks to over
ride the expressed will of our country
and to perpetuate the beer interests in
America, said the telegram. "1 take
this stand after mature deliberation
and on the dictates of a Christian con
science, confident of the approval of
the workers 'and people of Arizona.'"
Dr. Edward Lindeman Inventor of
Transfusion Method.
NEW YORK, June 12. Dr. Edward E.
Undeman, who drowned today at At
lantic City, was considered an author
ity on the transfusion of blood. He In
vented the method of blood transfusion
by which blood was taken from the arm
of one person into a syringe and then
Injected Into the arm of another.
Dr. Lindeman, a graduate of Johns
Hopkins Medical college, served on the
staffs of a number of hospitals here
and was a frequent contributor to med
ical Journals.
Gold Shipments and Removal of
V. S. Control Responsible.
BUENOS AIRES, June 11. As a re
sult of gold shipments from New York
and the removal of control by the gov
ernment on exchange transactions, ex
change on the American dollar has
fallen 2 ' points in three days, and
the dollar today is nearer par than it
has been for several months.
Trie Weather.
TE?TKRPAT'S Maximum temperature. 72
degrees; minimum, 411 degree.
IpllAY'S Showera; gentle winds, mostly
Marching veterans pride of festival. Page 1.
Floral .parade to be crowning feature of
today's festival programme. Page 13.
Naval plane stunts displease admiral. Pago 1.
Juarez besieged by Mexican rebels. Page 3.
Austria to proclaim communist government.
Page 2.
Allied reply to Germans said to be. complet
ed. Page 1.
Allies apparently recognize Omsk govern
ment. Page 4.
Ood's wrath seen In peare treaty. Page 21.
New world order in old Egypt relt. Page 21.
Shipping board's policy appears nebulous to
senate. Page 2.
Knox resolution to come up early next week
in senate. Page 1.
Army bill delayed by partisan debate. Page S.
Leviathan carries 14.300 over ocean. Page S.
Shriners of Rose City win grea.t 1920 conven
tion. Page 1.
General A. A. Fries, well known In Oregon,
honored by France. Britain. Page i.
Tel-phone strike receives approval of Amer
ican Federation of Labor. Page 5.
Pacific Northwest.
Morton man murdered by brother-in-law.
Page 2S.
Degrees awarded four al Pacific eolleg,.
l'ase 7.
Pacific Coast league results: Seattle .
Sacramento 7; San Francisco 4. Vernon
3: Portland 10. Salt Lake 2; Oakland 7,
Los Angeles 4. Page 16.
Irby Duno break record in Oregonlan mar
athon skate. Page 17.
Twenty-nine of Oregon's trapahooters In
victory tournament. Page 17.
Tuck, star athlete, arrives for northwest
. meet tomorrow. Page 16.
Competition keen in state golf Champa
Page IS.
Commereisl and Marine.
Broad fiomand for corn futures, owing to
unfavorable crop reports. Page 27.
Stock market unsettled by rise in call loan
rates. Page 27.
Oregon wooden vessel to go on long trip.
Page IB.
Portland and Vicinity.
Western Union plans to meet emergency.
Page 6.
Finnish government sends representative
here In searcn oi traae. rage n.
Oregon grand lodge of Masons holds annual
election; E. C. Bruno, master. Page 20.
General Johnston advocates preparedness.
Page 11.
Oregon bankers to open annual convention
today. Page 17.
Barbur paving project starts row in city
council. Page -.
Plane industry to make rapid strides.
Taga 12.
Hieh school hold yearly exercises. Pag, 7.
I ulu
New Orleans Defeated in
Exciting Contest.
Al Kader's Band and- Patrol
Factor in Victory.
As Soon as Result oT Victory Is
Known Many Temples Make
Reservations for Headquarters.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. June 12. (Spe
cial.) After the most vigorous fight
ever known in the history of the Mys
tic Shrine of North A'nerica, the Im
perial council today, by a vote of 359 to
142. decided on hclding the 46th im
perial council session in Portland, Or..
June 8 to 11, 1920.
Portland's famous band and .jiatrol.
assisted by the band and patrol of Nile,
temple. Seattle, and aided by the
Shrine temples of the Pacific coast and
the northwest, was a factor in winning
the convention fight.
Diplomatic Ork tounfa.
New Orleans put up a vigorous op
position and the fight was a real horse
race from the minute the Shrine fes
tivities began last Monday until after
noon today. The fact that Al Kader
temple of Portland sent Harvey Wells,
state insurance commissioner, to In
dianapolis a week in advance had much
to do not only with the success of the
arrangements made for the entertain
ment cf Portland and the northwest,
but with the convention victory.
The plans for the fight were well in
hand by the time the northwest dele
gation reached the city and a liberal
use of display advertising and news
paper publicity spread the propaganda
of Portland throughout the great
crowd, estimated at no less than 50,000
lrtlnnda Victory Celebrated.
Portland's victory was celebrated in
hilarious fashion during the afternoon
and evening at the downtown hotels
and on the streets. The bands of Al
Kader and Nile were joined by the
New Orleans band In mass formation
and worked ov-rtime in tooting for the
Rose City.
Not more than 13 minutes had
elapsed after the news of the victory
had been received at Portland's head
quarters before Hellas temple, of Dal
las. Tex., put in its bid for quarters
for 150 persons during the Portland
convention and before the day was
over many other temples made pre
liminary arrangements for the next
Ttevr Orleans Came Lostcr.
"New Orleans is not sore," declared
one Jerusalem temple noble. "Far from
it. We arc good sports and are al
ready making plans to take as big a
crowd to Portlarid as we have had in
Indianapolis. But wc are going to
ask for th3 1921 convention. We don't
believe in quilting."
Potentate W. J. Hofmann of Al Ka
der temple, who was responsible for
the major portion of the arrangements
for the trip and who planned the ad
vertising campaign which had a great
part in winning the convention, was
overjoyed at the victory won for Port
land. "The Rose City. In -winning this
convention of Shriners, has had a great
honor conferred upon her," he said.
"But at the same time she has incurred
a tremendous obligation. It is' a gi
gantic task to entertain such a gather
ing as has "been held here in Indian
apo'is. Portland is equal to it, I know
well, but it is none too soon to say
that all our facilities will be taxed to
the utmost and our hospitality must b
laid on a foot thick if we are to make
good on our promises to the Shriners
Of North America."
Delegates on Way Home.
The northwest delegations are pre
paring to Cepart this evening for their
horaec and a majority of the Portland
ers will be en route by morning.
election of the place of the next
meeting, the election of Leo V. Young
worth of Al Malakiah temple, Los An
geles, to be imperial outer guard, and
the installation of new members of
the imperial divan this afternoon at
Murat temple brought to a close the
business of the 45th annual session.
The committee on time and place of
the 1920 convention, knowing that it
was divided upon the two cities seek
ing tlie session, made no recommenda
tion. When the vote was announced
the Portland band and chanters poured
into the temple and, swarming upon
the stage, played and sang amid cheers
from Al Kader delegates.
Paycaoloary Factor la Klicbt.
Psychology was a ractor in the se
lection of the convention city. Had the
weather here been chilly or rainy, the
Shriners pointed out, the council un
doubtedly would have chosen New Or
leans. After perspiring under the
Hoosier sun for several days, however,
the council was inclined to the Oregon
city In spite of the fact that New Or
leans nobles had maintained that
Louisiana was the favorite in the race.
Among the newspaper advertisements
boosting Portland was one accompany
ing photographs of Al Kader Nobles
Baker. Stapleton, Hofmann, Hutchison
and Davis, which read:
"Should these men fail to take the
iConcludcd on Page 3, Column 3.)