I THE MORNING OREGOMAX. THUESDAT. JUNE 12, 1919. SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON. A MOST attractive, thoroughly modern and almost new 8-room reaiuence; desir ably located on choice 100x100 corner; this house mas NOT built an "For Sale" houses, but by owner, and is v-ell con structed in every way: will make liberal discount from coat price on sale, or might accept well-located vacant or improi'ed Portland property for my equity. AF 3iio, Oregonian. . NEW ALBKRTA BUNGALOW. NEW ALBEKTA BU.MJALOW. 11H4 IS. 17th St. North Alberta Car. 11. "4 E. 17th St. NorU) Alberta Car. WHY BUY tOMKBOUl'b OLD HOLSE ''HtN you CAN" BUt THIS BKAND NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AND bLEEP I.CJ POUCH AND iiVEHl'THIXU AiieO-i-UTELV COMPLETE FOR 2ti;0 T E RMS 25.. s-'tSM TERMS S2B00. BT DKAL1NO DIRECT WITH OWXER AND fil-ILDEK YOU SAVJ5 AT LEAST J.10O. SEK THIS TODAV. OWNER ON REMISES 1 TO 5 DAILY. PHONE EAST yiB DAILY OR MAIN 51-'4 EVEMSGa. AEW, 5-ROOM MODER.N BUNGALOW. ' : 1 block north of the Alameda, just fin ished, hardwood floors, fireplace, 2 bed rooms and bath and enclosed sleeping: porch, attic in which additional room can be Installed, asphalt paved street (paid), fine oUxloo lot. sood home environment. full cement baaement, etc. It's just "dandy.'" well built, very attractive little borne: price :joo: SfcOU cash will handle; immediate possession. THE CROSSLY Y-VIGARS CO., I70 ftark St. Main ."052. ROSE CITY PARK. 1' yotj are looking for a modern up-to-date home here is one: 7 large rooms and steeping porch, hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences: good furnace, cement basement, lauudi-y trays. On paved street, improvements paid, near carline. tvill sell on good terms to right party; 47oO. We also have a number of J and 4-roorn modern bungralows. Price from 27.o up to $7000. Come and see us- Our nachlnes are at your service. KOSE CITY REALTY CO. HIS Sandy blvd., cor 52d. fOr, FA 1.15 My 12no Laurelhurst home tor .,if. easy terms; tine view properly. Piiooe Tabor o2o0 or Maia 10u. PORTLAND HEIGHTS -BUNGALOW. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A most artistic and well arranged bun galow of six rooms; almost new and in perfect condition; modern in every de gree: hardwood floors. large fireplace, lurnace and basement; level 50x100 loi; three blocks car; price $45u0; favorable terms. fcAM NORTON", Henry Bids. Main 23-6. VAC A XT NO N-REST DENT OWNER. CONDITION ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. A most artistic and well arranged home of six rooms and sleeping porch: hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, screens: nice 50x100 lot; 312 K. 33th st. N. ; key next door; Rose City Park car; price $42.0; lavorable terms. SAM NORTON, Henry Bldg. Main 2326. ONLY $1400 ON BAST TERMS. Neat it-room cottage od H2d St. S. B., about 150 feet from car. House is plas tered, has patent toilet and electric lights. To responsible parties I will sell at small payment down and monthly payments to suit at 6 per cent. There iu no mortgage to assume or other liens. I also have a 5-room almost modern house on ti'.ith St. S. E- at 17uo. on terms to suit, and no mortgage or liens on the property. These properties will sell. J. J. McCARTH Y, Abington bids. RVINGTON BUNGALOW. 5.S0 EAST 1TH ST. NORTH: CHEAPEST BUNGALOW IN J KVINOTON TODAY: DRIVE BY AND TAKE A LOOK AT IT. LIVING ROOM. DINING UOOM, DUTCH KITCHEN, 3 HEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH. HATH. FULLS1ZE CONCRETE BASEMENT; I550O; TERMS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 109-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WHITE KIKE INSURANCE HAWTHORNE AVE. CAR LINE. A CITY FARM. Corner location with S of an acre, Sx S08. fine soil, with all varieties of beaming lruit trees and berries; splendid garden: nice 5-room bungalow; good barn, 3 blocks school. Price for immediate sale S300O; very favorable terms. Bam Norton. Henry Bldg. Main 2326. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL Here's just what everyone is looking for and can't find. A classy 7-room Dutch colonial on a beautiful site and in an ex cellent neighborhood In Irvlngton: large rooms throughout, lots of French doors, a beautiful sun room, many built-in con veniences and everything complete and like new; price only 97500. No incumbrance. 1 abor 4o7. 2K00 7"ST THINK OF THIS 26U0. 7-roorn house, ItOS East Davis st.. bet. ?fth and 3oth. 4 bedrooms, fine .",0x100 lot. asphalt street (paidj, good neighborhood, S'-'H00; the lot alone worth $L"i0O; a big snap for somebody; terms of Ko0 cash, balance J30 monthly (Including interest!. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 170 Stark St. Main 30.-,;. OR SALE Modern house, 9 rooms and bath finished, 1 unfinished storeroom; full -ement basement: lot 84x100, fine lawn, garden, berries and fruit; faces 2 im proved streets; close in, good neighbor hood; built and occupied by owner, de crease In family reason for selling; lots worth J.tooo, would cost JSOOO to replace bouse. IM000 value, price I4.i00: a snap; terms if desired. Phone East 4122. ROSE CITY. Beautiful, modern, 8-room home, located in best part of Rose City Park district. 2 sleeping porches. 2 toilets, beautiful elec tric fixtures, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors, hard-surfaced street. 50x100 lot; price $o300. You may have reasonable lerms. J ohnson-Dodson Co.. 6G4 N. W. Bank bldg. BUNGALOW BARGAIN GARAGE. 3SOO. Owner going on farm, wishes to make ouick sale of strictly modern 5-room bun galow with sleeping porch and concrete garage in Waverley-Richmond district, near ar and school; price $3i00. J100O cash. This is a coy home at a snap price. Ta bor 407. KVINGTON PORTLAND HEIGHTS, HAVE MANY EXCLUSIVE HOMES IN THESE DISTRICTS, STRICTLY MODERN 7 To 15 ROOMS; 6500 TO 45,000; GLAD TO SHOW YOU. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO 209-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1 bob WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. IRVINGTON. Sf300. attractive modern dwelling. 628 10th st . neax Stanton, fl rooms on lower floor, upper story unfinished, sleeping porch, furnace, large cement basement, asphalt pavement, lull paid- Owner, AOS 1-Utt bldg. ODBRN BROOM HOUSE. FIREPLACE BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOKCASES OAR AG E : CORNER. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE: BEST CARLINE IN CITY: S4250. TERMS. PHONU BAST 3060. E HAVE for sale houses at all prices in Kood districts of good value: also havs first-class architect and builder in our olfice who is reliable and will furnish plans and build to suit; we have an auto at your service, and will be pleased to -how ou houses or submit plans. M Billings. a0 McKay bldg Main 190 $2580. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW :o MINUTES FROM 2ND AND ALDER. u.-vr. BU'l K f rcuil M-S CAR LINE. 3319 4fTH ST. S. B TABOR SS64. OR SALE A rare bargain, beautiful S rooin house, clear of ail incumbrance ga rage to match house, situated at 1;-'N & 2,lh st. N., l-j block south of Alberta" car line, garden, fruit trees and roses. For particular. East 345t. IT s-IHE Good horns in snort dit.i.. I plumbing, lot s.'.xTn. nice fruit trees, slirub Ibery. you may have it for Huoo. ,V-0 cash. .-...-..v., .... ... .,u,.bvii-uuiou v0.. t:!4 W. Bank bids. OR PAI.K House and two iota ore al!ri ore-half blocks from Univereitv of Eugene Oregon: easy terms: II two. Take good aut.i part payment. Address Box 33, Oregon City. Or. OOD 4-room bungalow for $1750. Alberta ui-irici, piumuins, electricity, good arch, itccture. close to car. very easv terms See Johnson. Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. ROOM house, firerlsce. splendid lo.alliv 3 carlines. only J14O0. terms. Owner go ing east. Wriie W. T. McLean. 1928 Ports mouth ave. ODERN 7-room house, lot 75x100. choice nuiv nn snruooery, all Improve meats paid. 11.19 Clinton 6t R PALE- at easy terms. B-room house semi-modern, lot SOxlik); paved at. fi"T Lvth. near Failing. East 19sH. ROOM cottage, all refinished aad ready to move into. $l!,Xt at 1014 Grand av phone owner Tabor 2t77. : V INGTON Fast 'J4. R. T. STREET HOMES IKV. A C, BNT i.'i. rw.,.9 mw m"mmv. ' niun are. cars. tliou. terms- N. W. Bank blvLi. 8CAZ. KSTATB. For Sale Houea. UNPARALLELED LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. Real Bungalow. Comer Lot. T.lens All Paid. Reduced From S70O0, Tqtal Price (5500. 7-room. very modern, typical bun galow, music room, paneled dining room. beautiful elaborate buffet, wonderful Dutch kitchen, every built-in convenience, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, everything you would expect in a $7000 home: 2 extra rooms finished in attic: west of 39th on Gllsan: this is a fores sale; only 2 weeks In which to dis pose of property. Pee FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 10S8. Main 6158. ROPE CITT PARK HOMES. ' We have a number of good buvs in thin district for J3150; we can show yon a bungalow of 5 rooms, oak floors, fireplace, furnace heat: owner will accept $300 down. For S.J350 we have a California bungalow of 5 rooms, fireplace, furnace, corner lot: this Is a very pretty home: owner wants S0O cash. For IR.-.UO we have a 6-room semi-bungalow, ail modern, garage, full lot; you need pay only 500 to get posses sion. Let us show you these and eight ?'5e!;s' ran8'DS in pric from 3400 to 0000. COB A. -MeKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. Main 4522. SISOO $700 cash, 5-room. semi-modern bun galow. $150 $350 cash, 5-room. modem bun galow, snap. S'-'IOO :f50 cash, 6-room "modern" bouse. 2B00 10f)0 cash, 6-room. strictly mod ern bungalow. $3150 00 cash. 6-room. strictly mod ern bungalow. 3S50 $650 cash. 5-room, strictly mod ern house. EDWARD A. BROWN CO 30.' Railway Exchange Bldg. X. ,(,,, REAL KENTON HOME $367.".. .-room very modern substantial attrac-i-i. nome w'th garage, on a paved street; V.- block to Derby street; 1 blocks to school and 3 to bank; has furnace and fireplace; solid paneled dining room: Dutch kitchen: many built-in conveni 1"" Prire $3675; street liens in cluded. Terms. SEE FRANK. L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ahinrrton Building. Main 10KS. Main 5156. Office OpenEveninzii and Sundays. ROSE CITY DISTRICT BUNGALOW v., -J"" J",JU,t about block from Sandv blvd.. below the hill. 5 rooms and full floored attic, built-in bookcases and buffet, fireplace, large living and dining room, fine carpets In each go with place: large basement, full cemented, and furnace sfonn nd Paid: Price $3700. $1000 cash will handle. Just on the mar ket, you can see It first if vou burry C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE CO -01-3-5 Board of Trade Bidg. A LITTLE BEAUTY". This is located among the pines In a beauty spot, close to a good carline. four rooms and large screened porch, built-in bookcases and buffet, fireplace, good ce ment basement, nice garage, cement run- beautiful lawn and shrubberv; this will have to be seen to be sppreclated. Pnre $2.,0o. $1400 cash, balance ! per month at 6 per cent. You can't beat It C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO. -Oi-w-j-T Board of Trade Bldg. MT. SCOTT. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. r4, 1 and Jlh s' E- 20 minutes front down town, one block from car, two blocks from school; beautiful lawn and trees, new cement wall and steps, other Improvements; good neighborhood: now occupied by owner. PRICE 25n EASY TERMS. C. TYI.E. TABOR SS4 AFTER 7P II LAURELHURST SACRIFICE StV 00 HOME FOR $.-,0110. A modern 7-room home, finished in old ivory. large living and dining room, re ception hall, cabinet kitchen and break fast room down, 3 bedrooms up: 50x100 lot:; all street improvements paid, owner leaving city; It requires $1925 cash, but it s a buy. CLE VELA ND-BARR-HENDERSOV CO 212 Ry. Etch. Bldg. Main 752.' COMPI.ETELT FURNISHED .!000 PIANO AND ALL $3000. Listen to this snap, good 8-room house good cement basement, corner lot. paved streets- In and paid, abundance of nice fruit trees and shrubbery, close In on east side, near R. C. car. $500 down, balance like rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTED. LOWE '4 CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg ALAMEDA PARK $0600. One of the finest homes in this beauti ful section. English colonial design 7 rooms, exceptionally large living room hot-water heat. 89x111 corner lot; the lawn and shrubbery are. especially fine' some terms. ". COB A. MeKENNA A CO . Main 4522. S2 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg 5-ROOM. -story house. 1 '4 blocks from Hawthorne carline. hardwood floore. Dutch kitchen. laundry trays, paved street, good neigh borhood; price J2O0U; terms. Ralph Ackley, 306 Corbett bldg. 179-R HAWTHORNE AVE. HOME Inquire 1143 Hawthorne ave. corner eth st. Owner here short time. For ouick sale $.,000, terms. Large lot. 43x137: 6 good-sized rooms, well arranged; must be seen to be appreciated; 2 porches 2 closets, pantry, modern conveniences large basement, fruit trees, berries: improve ments ail In. paid; good business propo sition; would rent for $40 27TH AND IIAI.PET STS. rooms and den, fireplace, furnace heat, built-in buffet, big living room, full lot. fruit and berries: this is a comfortable T!y '"rne ln "n condition; the price la $4000: it is worth more. COE A. MeKENNA 4 CO. Main 4522. 2 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3600. 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, inlaid linoleum in bath and kitchen, room for garage, high and sight ly, oniy blocks to Hawthorne car on paved street. About $1000 cash. Tabor 5273 or 32S East otith street. LOTS-ALL BARGAINS 7nx1nQ, Berkeley. $145 cash. .Mlxli O. St. Johns car. $35(1. $. cash .soxioA, Rose City Park. $673 cnh 50x100. Rose City Park. $700: $100 cash No better buys than these COE A. MeKENNA CO Main 4522. 82 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg NO. 209 SAN RAF FT. T LOT 50x150 6-ROOM HOUSE Tttween Williams and Union, price only 3S50. $9.10 cash. bal. terms. Go see out side, don't bother tenants. See us to see through. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO 212 Ry Exch. Bldg. Main 752 ' W KLI.-BUILT bungalow, with attic and basement. Grounds 100x150; good loca tion, fruit fees, berries. 2 chicken houses Call Sundays or after P. M. weekdavs.' 4404 42d ave. cor. 44th at- S. E.. I block east from W. W. carline. Price $370. MODERN 8-room house, full cement baae ment, furnace, wonderful view of moun tains: streets pavsd and paid for: East tlsl and. Kelly; $4000. terms Hitchcock. 80 4th it. Main 113. $42O0 HAWTHORNE $4200. 8 rooms, furnace, fireplace. 501 00 lot $500 cash. bal. to suit, 1 block from car' v. W. Hots. 272 Stark. 9-K0OM house and small barn on 3, in Wasco. Sherman county. Or.; will ee'l cheap, or trade for Portland property. 735 f-rold ave. BBAi "ITf-T'l. Medmont home. 7 large rooms, . poolroom, lull Ssement. storeroom, laun dry, garage. lOOxlno comer. 115 Rodney ave.. Woodlawn 1309; owner leaving city SIX-ROOM modern house. 60x200 lot. fruit and berries, fine gsrden. sold cheap on account of poor health; block from car line. 713 Allegheny St., St- Johns, Or. WAVERLEY HEIGHTS A modern 8-room house; sleeping porch; lot 100x100: paved streets, fruit, berries and roses. Owner s-llwood 3448. R 773. Oregoman. GOOD - 7-room house, near Richmond car line; hard surfaced street and sewers all paid ln full: fruit tres : 50x100 lot; $2500, terms. Inquire 535 E. 32d st. BARGAIN- Bv owner, for ouick saie. 6-room modern house, fine neighborhood. Improve. ments inland paid; $3500; $1000 cash. Sell, wood 117. S2000 FOR SALE By owner. 3r. bungalow, on car line. Richmond district: Improve ments in and paid. Te Seilwood 2919. B 3234. BUNGALOW of 5 rooma modern to the minute: garage; close to ear: easy terms. Woodlawn 4442 till noon, afternoon Main 7592. . SNAP 3-room bungalow, furnished, bath, garage, corner StixlOO; leaving town. 653 E. 79th st. N. Rose City car. $7oon BUYS 5-room house, 1 block from carline; terms. John Brown, 824 Ry. Ex. bldg.. "d and Stark. COSY cottage, nicely furnished: price $1400, terms 1S00 Siskiyou St.. near 70th. R. C. car. TWO occupied houses on ens lot, large garage, basement, large fruit Ires. 835UU. A 5i5. Orecouian. KB At, ESTATZ. HOUSES ALONG THE ST. JOHNS CAR L1NL. NUMBER 202. Here is a nice 6-room bungslow In a good neighborhood with Improved lot. for (1500. $500 down. "NUMBER 139. Modern G-room bungalow on Colfax St.. near Killingsworth ave., 50x100 foot lot: - this is a good place at the price. $2000, 350 down. NUMBER 206. 5-room colonial bungalow en Jarrett St.. near Piedmont; 2 blocks from car. lot has nice lawn and berries and is a good home. Price $2a00. $750 down. We have 281 homes for sale, many fine bungalows on easy terms and salesmen with autos to show the property. Call at 308 Corbett bldg.. of phone Main 7141. Ralph Ackley Land Co. NOT A SNAP. NOT A SACRIFICE. BUT an unusual OPPORTUNITY to ac quire a most charming residence in LAURELHURST. No detail was overlooked that would add to the grace and comfort of a real home, from the artistic ballroom with its large fireplace to the modern hot water lieattng ayatem. Complete In every detail it is a home to satisfy the most exacting taste. Priced low at $8900. Terms if desired. MacINNES i- PRATT, 413 Board of Trade Bldg. .Main 38tf. 83350 WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW $3350. Very attractive typical bnngalew. paint ed white; reception hail, full mirror and hall scat; living room with fireplace, beamed ceiling; solid paneled dining room with Plata rail and leaded glass buffet; hardwood floors: woodwork In these two rooms finished in white enamel and ivory; ideal Dutcn kitchen; full cement base ment; laundry trays; white enamel plumb ing: 2 light, airy bedrooms with large closets. Terms. SEE FRANK. L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main I06JS. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 84250 ROSE CITY BARGAIN $4250. 6-room very substantial, attractive home, on the Alameda; has reception hall, clothes closet with full mirror; living room with fireplace; solid paneled dining room with plate rail; beamed ceiling; massive buffet; hardwood floors; artistic light fix tures: white enamel Dutch kitchen; white porcelain fixtures; full cement basement: laundry trays; 3 bedrooms on 2d floor with sleeping porch. Terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 5156. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. $4800 HO M El67ix22ft LOT $4 8110. On E. Gliaan and Montavilla - car line, on 100x225 feet of ground is a very sub stantial 8-room house: 4 large, airy bed rooms, electric lights and gas. white enamel plumbing, gas-radiator heat, large bearing orchard, over 30 trees, ell kinds of berries and giapes. sttractlve lawn, flowers and shrubbery. See FRANK 1 McOl'IRB, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 515, Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BIG CASH SACRIFICE, l'i blocks from Rose Cltv csr. on 44th street, modern to the minute. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, full cement basement furnace, all bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished in white enamel, paved streets in and paid; if you know a real snap when MiOO"8 lt- " "now you price C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A- CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 82200 ADJOINING WESTMORELAND $2200 2.10 DOWN, very attractive 'yplcal bungalow, prac tically new; large combination living room and dining room with fireplace: whits enamel Dutch kitchen; 2 bedrooms with large closets; white enamel plumbing: electric lights and gas; Just repainted and tinted. &EE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main IOCS. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundsvs CALIFORNIA FOR PORTLAND Have a beautiful 5-room bungalow, over looking bay, only short ride from center r San Francisco; good car service, a well puilt, fine home, two lots, garage and fruit: will consider good, modern Port land residence, close in. from 5:0.10 to full X? Y"'J.H00- oner. 1 Swetland bldg. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makPB home buying eauy. You can come to thia office and see over Oo photo graph of homes for sale, arranged in 1Im triirts. every one has been apprained: 10 automobiles at your service. SKK FRANK J.. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abinston Bldg. Main 5158, Main loa Office Open Evenings and Sundays QUARTER BLOCK NEAR PRMNST'T A PARK. ST. JOHNS CAR LlXiC. WITH glX-ROOM HOUSE. A TTO SHED. FRUIT fRrAND GARDV: PRICE siriiO. o00 DOWN. BALANCE .- pjR MONTH 6 PER CENT INTEREST call 446 TAYLOR ST. PHONE MAIN 217,1 OR P. O. B. PBS. CENTRALIST ATI ON. CITY. $r,0. ARTISTIC LITTLE BUNGALOW-J-room very neat bungalow, full lot combination living and diiin? room with disappearing bed. Dutch kitchen, elec tricity, gas. E. olst st. E-v terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abinrton bldg. Main 1068. Main 515J Office open Sundays and Evening!, MT. TABOR SWELL HOME. " -Swell B-room house. 4 fjreplaces tur nce. all latest built-in effects; built for aJ?.ml"' hoUB alone cost 9uO0: on tomer HKxlOO. on Morrison st., ML Tabor, beau tiful unobstructed view: a real sacrifice- ""'v' i" euu, uens an palu GRUSSI A BENNETT. .hi noarq or Trade bldg Main 74u2. 3J00 VANCOUVER AT BROADWAY :;2.o. Her la a very substantial 6-room mod ern house on a SOxSO lot; this Is walking distance; can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. ftns-Bulldin- Main 10tW- Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROOMS. $2750. Go and look at this 9-room house. ly '-iiwv-i-Q insiae and out. corner lot 5OxlO0. located 784 E th st corner Rhone, adapted for the use of :; families. 2 toilets. IS hot '-ater tanks fir place and bearing fruf M,0 rash will handle. Fred W. Oerma.i Co., 73 Cham of Com. Open eve. and Sun NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE "" Nice 8-room cotta ge, ba th. electricitr gas. etc.: lot 42x70. Hens all paid: or Halsey. near E. jat; 10 minutes wulk tc mr"t-"'i1- p"ic a snap: $'2500, 3t0 cas. s?. J 0 P?r mnth- Act quirk if you want this bargain. Vacant. Photo at our office GRUSPI A BENNETT OII,c 31S Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. l-'50. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Coay 4-room plastered houe electricitv gas. Dutch kitchen, floored atUc, nice full lot; terms. Tabor 6559. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN BLTNA7XJW HOMF 8X0. 24 a ore; 15 acres under plow, a acres good fir rrove. balance ntump pasture. Hily cleared; black shot soil; all fenced and cross-fenced: new 8-room plastered bungalow, large new bam. 2 wells, gaso line pump family orchard; good team, 1 cow, 1 heifer. 2 plnwa. 2 cultivators. 1 nuggy. 1 wagon. 1 stump puller, etc.. all in first-clase condition; 4s -mile to graded chcol. 1 mile to town of Tualatin, on Oregon EVctrle R. R. ; 40-min. ride from Portland ; $2"oo cash, balance to ault Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Open evenings and Sundays. A DANDY suburban home or chicken ranch 2 4 acres at Multnomah station. 1 block from highway, all in crop, acre in bear ing fruit. 5-room house with bath and toilet, garage, barn and chicken house, gas. electric lights. Bull Run water, 15 minutes from city, 5H-cent fare; will sell all or part. Come let me show you the place. M, Barron, 3 blocks north of Mult nomah station. Owner might consider trade. A Oregonian. jfUHlTRBAN. Oregon Electric, 5-room mod ern bungalow, close in. on 5c fare, with basement, laundry trays, fireplace, oity water, electric ;ight. newly painted, fine conrtiticn. casn. balance monthly; t.eautiful location, fine view of the moun tains. SeAtchion,404 putt bldg. 2500 BUYS sightly 1 acres at Multnomah station, with small bungalow and chicken hoi.ts. AH kinds of small fruits on ptirt of the tract, ba ance in cultivation; wiil take $.'-" and inolu-Ie cow. pig. chickens and rabbits. Sec Atchison. 404, Piatt bldg. NEAR COUNCIL CREST. Five acres, level; fruit and shade trees, small house, city water, cas, fine view of valley. Ideal for country uoiue. BROOKE, Mar. 4827, A 3 S3 9. UUY3 nifty 4-room bungalow on Ore gon Electric line, fic fare, water, gas, electric light. Will take as low as SJOO cash and $15 per month. Sea Atchison. 404 Piatt bidg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $100 up. Inquire third house north of Rli y station, on Greg o a City car Una. s i rn Aid er Brook." NEAT 4-room bungalow, rultivated acre. O. C. car; SHOO. Thomson, Mohawk bldg. WILL sacrifice my choice suburban how. a of acres. Ttor 10$& RIAL UTATK. Suburbasi Homes COL NTRY home ln ci- limits with trout stream in oack yard: 4 lots and 6-room houoe. tighis. basement, shrubberv. low ers, etc.; near a city park and ear line; -'50, 1-3 cash, balance terms. Immediate possession. Sell, loi during ofiice hours, Sell. even ia;s. For gale Frwit Laas. 925UO INCOME GUARANTEED. READ CAREFULLY Income of 82000 by Dec. 1, $2vK0 for year 1920. Buy our 66-acre appie orchard, give It good care and the aocve income is guaranteed. It snould be much more. Trees 9 yrs. old. Price only $250 per acre. CELLARS- URTON" CO.. 725 Gasco bldg. 10-YEAR-OLD walnut crcnard. 5-acre tracts. Handy Bros.. 50tf Railway f.xchange. For feale Acreage, HOOD RIVER. HOOD RIVER THREE GOOD BUYS. 32 arss. SO acres of which are In culti vation, 2 acres timber, 11 acres standard varieties of apples and pears. 2 acres al falfa. balance 17 hay and grain; a $2500 log bungalow with fireplace, bath and toilet; good tenant house and bam : 8t00 boxes of fruit this year; price $13,000. one-half cash. 20 acres aH In cultivation. 11 acres com mercial orchard. 9 acres hay and grain, 8-room plastered house with all modern conveniences, garage, bam and outbuild ings, 5 miles from town of Hood River; three-quarters mile from warehouse, church and school; price $15,000; will con sider part trade for city property. 10 acres on Columbia River highway, ai: lying between the highway and the river; tnis place is highly scenic, commanding a luparb view of the Columbia river gorge; good orchard on this place; an ex ceptional buy at $3500. Come In and let us tell you of straw berries at $4 a crate and apples at $2.25 a box. TUCKER A SHRECK. 5O1-502 Spalding Bldg. BERRIES! BERRIES! BERRIES! 3 acres, located in small town. 12 miles from center of Portland: h.ghway and electric line by place; electrit lights, city conveniences; 6-room house, barn, chicken house; small creek. All the land under cultivation and in fruit; one acre in ber ries. The fruit crop on this place is worth $5oo this year. Lots of cherries. Price $:t2O0. $1000 cash. This property personally inspected by us. John Fergu son. Gerl linger bldg. Open evenings. MULTNOMAH STATION. 1-3 acre tract on the boulevard, nbsolutely the choicest homestead in this platting ; unobstructed view or the mouut-U:is, beautiful grove of fir and dogwood: city water, gas. electric light and telephone available; out-of-town owner Instructs us to sell at once. ttee Atchison, 4Q4 Piatt bldg. COLUMBIA river snaps: only 27 of Bo tracts left, containing 40 acres at $25; out of the frost belt: crop failure unknown; dep soil; green grass all the year, living water, noth ing better for general farm purpose: auto, water and rail transportation. F. K. Stravis, 2u2 Wilcox bldg., oih and Wash ington sts. Main 35. 5 ACRES AT ROCK WOOD $17.0. 5 acres, all in cultivation, large house, near car and school, at Rock wood; to aee thin is to buy lt at $1750; $750 cash, bal ance terms. LU ED DEM ANN COMPANY. 91iJ Chamuer of Commerce. OXK ACRE on Powell Valley road, 4-room house, chicken house, ttO assorted bearing fruit trees. 5 blocks from Hawt home ave. car, 41c fare. Will trade my $10OU equity for car or small houpe una lot; balance straight mortguge. Worthen. 209 Alisky bldg., cor. Third and Morrison. HALF ACRE LENTR JUNCTION. 5-room house, plastered, close to Lents Junction. ls acre, all feneed. lies fine; can't be beat at price of $13oO; $500 cash, balance to bufi. LUEDDE M ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. LOGGED-OFK LANDS. Trarts 6 acres up, locsted within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad: good soil, no rock, plenty of water, work nearby ; buy on your own terms, LL'EDDEM ANN COMPANY. 91.1 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES, located 15 miles from Portland; 3 miles from Keedvllle: 7 acres under cul tivation and in crop; 1 Vj acres of timber; 1 pasture, house, barn, chicken bouse. C,ood orchard. Price $1900. $.H0 cash. This property personally Inspected by us. See Davis, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. Open evenings. 50OO ACRES in southwest Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low prices, $5 per acre and up. Lfbertv bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, torrpM. etc. WEYERHA El'SKR TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. BERRY LAND on M t. Hood electric line ; good roads: larae and small tracts, cleared, below market price : easy terms. L'mbdenstock A Larson, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway lrt5S. 14 ACRES. 10 acres in crop, balance pasture. new no use witn naseincnt, barn, ot her buildings, good well, fruit, all kinds of farm Implements needed; 4 cows. 3 hogs. 1 horse, chickens; good terms. E. K Tee ple. 205 "th St.. Oregon Cit. Or. CLOBE-IN BARGAIN. 20 acres. 2 a ml. east of Clackamas sta.. ail in cultivation; good soil; price $:tooo. " OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 7 ACRES In Canemah, less than cost, finest view, large sprinn, house, barn. 2 acres In orchard ; walking distance, take Oregon Ciry car to end. inquire F. P. Nelson, ad dress Oregon City, Or. 414 ACRES, running water, with buildings. locaieu wmiiii v-,iiiif- '.ircm 01 courtnouse, atl In cultivation, bearing fruit trees, small bouse; terms like rent. Call 500 Concord bid g . . 2d and Stark. 1 ACRE with one 5-room and one 3-room house, all furnished; sell all or separate; located at Welches resort on Mt Hood stage line. Apply to Mr. Anderson, Welches, Oregon. No agents. A REAL HOME AND BARGAIN. Ten acres. mostly cultivated ; house, barn and other buildings, orchard, berries; west side; $2000; easy terms. 604 Spald ing bldg. 7 ACRES. Tualatin valley, under cultivation, good auto road. Oregon Electric, new barn, bungaiow. fireplace; terms to suit. Owner. AF 4."3, Oregonian. 14 ACR ES 6 miles from Vancouver and 3 minutes from street car: a acres In culti vation, lots of fruit, buildings, all new land; $500i, Phone East 340H. ACREAGE for sale, 10 to' 12 milesout"by paved highway and carline, all good land, some improved. Owner, AF 174, Oregon lan. 20 ACRES, fruit, dairy land, in Venerabnrg, V. mi t n i . , - t-wiuo bir.rru, Bear ing orchard. Particulars by owner. AB 538, Oregonian. 10 ACRES of land, good orchard, house, all outbuildings. Bull Run water; located Just south of Leuts. 6131 92d SC S. E. TboiUoj Allen. " BENDEMEER Best of Tualatin valley lands; 5 acres and up; 300 to choose from Handy Bros., St)6 Railway Exchange. CHOICE close-In sightly acre; $10 per month : taxes HO cents ; water; no grave L 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE 4 lots. 6 miles from Vancouver, Wash., joining street car line; good location-East JMOtt H TO 2-ACRE tracts, fist at.. Hawthorn car. Owner. East 5860. For Sole Farms. $500 WILL BUY a widow's equitien In ftO acres, unincumbered. Til In moo k : HO acres Lake county, and 12 acres timber Clack amas county with some incumbrances: alno 40 acres Skamania, county. Wash. Box 2, Oak. Grove. EQUIPPED farm, 160 acres, choice land, In cludtng 2-3 of crop, horses, cowa, ma chinery and furniture : finest farm pome in county: price $16,000. H cash; rare bargain. Write owner. C R. Thorn too. nice, vn. 160 ACRES near Grand Ronde (Yamhill Co.) on Tillamook highway; about 35 easily cleared, 6 or 6 have been cleared; $lo per acre. Also 10 acres. Union Co., and lot at Kockaway Beach. James Mellien. Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE Small farm of 16 acres, 10 clear, 4-room house, barn, long chicken house, close to O. Electric, 12 miles out. Inquire by E. Krattiger, Belleview hotel, 24a Yamhill at. ABOUT 60 barred and Patrldge Rock ehix. 2 weeks to 2 months old. CO cents each. Sell lot or none. Luhr Farm, Kendall sta tion, R. 3. box 25S. Lents station. Fort land. Or. FOR SALE- 30 acres, one mile to town and high school, good buildings, water in house, good soil, partly cleared; must sell, a snap. Phone Marshall 223a, Mrs. L J. Squires. STOCK or fruit ranch; 240 acres, hl.lv coun try, fine water, fruit, stock, machinery, buildings, ail fenced; easy terms; low la te re t1lft9Front:sfjr4nty. 640 ACRES, all level land, in eastern Ore gnn. that Vlll be Irrigated ln the near future; price $10 per acre. Inquire 1606 D i v jaion at,, city. - 19i ACRES. 14 ml!es from Vancouver, on Pacific highway: 5-room house and out building; ideal chicken farm. Call East S5o3. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $75 to 1200 per Acre, easy terms; best soli. Farms for sale, ail sizes. McFarland, 6u3 Teon Jldg Portland IF YOU want a wheat or stock ranch, for particulars write M. FiUmsurics, Condon. Or. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acra up; running -water, good so.i; tillable; ernplo mem, easy terms. Jesse K. Sharp, 3H 3d iL FIKST-CLASS stock land for sal by West ern Oregon Land Ccu. CorvsvlUa. Or, SEAL K0TATE. For SsleFaniM. FOR SALE CATTLE RANCH; STOCK RANCH. ONE MILE FROM ALGOM A. KLAMATH LAKE. AND S. P. RAILKOAl'. IO MILK? FROM KLAMATH FALLS AND ON E MILE FRO M C RA T E R L A K E STATE HIGHWAY. CONTAINING 2920 ACRES, SO0 ACRES SUITABLE FOR CULTIVATION. 3 60 ACRES ALREADY UNDER PLOW AND CROPS. BALANCE PASTURE LAND. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. TWO LARGE BARNS AND OTHERNECES SARY OUTBUILDINGS AND TWO WINDMILLS. IRRIGATION WATER OBTAINABLE ABOUT FIFTEEN FOOT DEPTH. ADDITIONAL GRAZING LAND TRIBUTA RY OPEN FOR LEASE. A GOOD INVESTM ENT AS A CATTLE RANCH OR FARM HANDLED BY EX PERIENCED HELP. WE ARE IN THE LUMBER I-USINERS. ADDRESS AL GOM A LUMBER COMPANY. ALGOM A. OREGON. YAMHILL COUNTY BARGAIN. ISO acres of No. 1 land, all in cultivation, about 65 acres seeded to clover. This is a deep loa m soil, none better; situated ln the Beilevue district, which is the best district in Yamhill county; on good road, .t S miles from railroad ststlon. one mile from school! ten-room house, two barns. 40x70; well water and running water, all kinds of outbuildings; fenced with woven wire. Enough timber for family use. on acre fins young orchard just coming into bearing; this place ia well worth $150 per sere. See this at my expense. Price $115 psr sere, half cash, balance terms at 6 per cent, J. C. GILBERT. T. O. O. T. bldg.. McMinnville. Oregon. $5000 RANCH FOR $3000. 40 acres, aVout 15 cult.; new, well-built 6-room houne, could hardly be duplicated ror 918O0; large barn, running creek and springs: located In the celebrated Chelat chie prairie, I V miles from Amboy. Wash.. a little town with 2 creameries. This is a perfectly wonderful little home ranch, it is in a splendid location and is in. best thing in farm lands we have ever seen. Half cash, balance 6 years. Don't fall to see this photo at office of Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Open evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE 160 acres, all fenced ana cross fenced; 110 acrri m crop. 40 in alfalia; ail tne land is level and tillable, good soil; small house large barn, fine shade, good well water; loo inohea of paid, water for irrigation: i miles from Vale, on county road. R- F. D. and telephone. Price with out crop $fe0 per acre, terms; no trade. John Hardwlck Realty Co.. Vale. Oregon. 4S-ACRE farm near Knappa. Or., nearly all level land. New large barn and out build in en; 8 acres cleared: 3 minutes walk to boat landintr; 2o minutes' walk to railroad detot. Well with finest kind of water; creeks running through the land ; rich black soil : ideal hunting and fishing. Pri. e $joo0 ; $1000 cash, balance euy t.-rnis. This is an exceptional barg.iln. For information write 77 E. Davis st., Portland. Or., or phone East 8769. 531 ACRES on Columbia highway (now be ing hard surfaced . right at the town of Deer Island, school, P. O.. depot, every convenience; about 25 acres rich swale land all in crop, the rest is level, no wsste, no timber, nearly all under cultivation; 150 fruit trees, chiefly appies; t ire grove at the house, good barn and other out buildings; will gi terms. See B. J Keelan, owner, on the place. HBLLO! HELLO! WHAT IS THIS? I'm offering for s.le my small but compact stock ranch of 144 acres. 6 miles ouiliw.n of Shonikl. Or. Everything In first-clasa order. 60 acres In crop. Ford, IiorscK, implements, household effects, etc. A fine and pretty little home. Come and se what it produces. Only $10 per acre. E. S. F. Newcome. Box 7. Shaniko. Or. BEAUTIFUL scenic country home and farm of nearly 200 acres, front In on the Wil lamette river; electric lighted buildings, walnut orchard In bearing, fruit, brriee. etc., some onion land and fine timber and more than 10O acres finest farming land; adjoining town on electric line and hard surface road. Owners. BF 53 S. Orego nian. A MODERN COUNTRY HOME A beautiful 60 acres, with fine new buildings and all accommodations up to the minute; 18 miles Portland; fine or chard. ''0 acres fine timber. baL diversi fied, fine soil and dandy water system; no waste land. For details and net price deal with owner; some trade. A V 150, Oregonian. 129 ACRES of rich alluvial tldeland on low er Columbia river, on good road, 4 miles from town and shipping point; in diking dtKtrict organized to reclaim land; long term of years to pay for diking: land easily Healed; high ground for buildings; price $30 per acre : terms. Address Box 32 South Bend, Wash. YAMHILL COUNTY. 2O0 ACRES AT $15 PER ACRE. ml. W. of Carlton in sec. 'JH and 29. A S.. 5 W. ; Panther creek runs through, with fall of 10t feet; 80 a. good timber; 40 a. pole timber; AO a. slashed years ago. Act quirk if you want it. GODDARU A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 40 ACRES, STOCK AND CROP. Good house, large barn, all kind fruit, good young team mares, harness and wagon; 2 good cow, farm implements, and crop all goes for $3150; part rash, balance terms. Draper, 526 Chamber of Commerce bldg. S ACRES near Clackamas Station. $650 down. All good cultivation, land seeded to wheat, lies level, near Clackamas river, about 9 miles from Portland; price $20Gi; $50 down. No. 2:t-3. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 306 Corbett bldg. SMALL farm of 16 acres. 4-room house, barn, large chicken house, dope to O. Electric; 10 acrs clear. E. K rat tiger, Bellevue hotel. 248 Yamhill st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. MODERN IRVINGTON RRSIPFNTF ; FIVE BEDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH, GA RAGE: WANT MODERN 6-ROOM BUN GALOW AS PART PAY: MIGHT CON SIDER EVEN EXCHANGE. ORB-JON BOND MORTGAGE CO. 209-212 SHLL1 NO Bl.DU. MAIN lHUO. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. HAVE CLIENT FOR SMALL BUNGALOW; MUST HAVE BATH. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. GAS, RESTRICTED DISTRICT; CAN PAY $200 CASH, BALANCE $30 PER MONTH. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 209-212 SKLLINO BLDG. MAIN 18O0. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. WANT CITY INSCOME. Want the best buy obtainable In good Income or semi-Income property In the city; have many clients waiting with all caa and a great many with exchange and cash. Don't fail to see mo today. JOHN WEIST. 51 0 Lew i s Bui 1 d 1 n g. WANTED Dairy ranch; will buy stock and equipment and lease land; wish to put 1 n highly improved 27 acres, modern build ings, stocked and equipped, at $10.5un as part payment. J. B. Atkinson.- 112 West 6th st .. Vancouver. Wash. MODERN home. $5000 to $70uO. In good dis trict; 3 bedrooms required; will give 9-rm. house with acre ground, value $25H). clear and rented, located ln Sheridan, bal ance all cash. F. E. Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce, Main 867. IF YOU have a small bungalow for sale, list at once with us for immediate atten tion, as we have clients waiting. Worthen, 209 Alisky bldg. BUNGALOW wsnted in Sunny aide or Haw thorne districts. What have you? I have some cash for first payment. E 728. Ore gonian. HAVE CLIENT8 waiting. XT you want to sell your house list with me. C K. Adams. A07 Cham, of Commerce. Marshall 2575. WE HAVE clients waiting for houses, about $1200. on small amount down, small month ly payment. Worthen. 209 Alisky bldg. MUST have C Hfornla-atyle bungalow: will pey up to $!ooo cash. Bring photo to 304 Oak st., this week. WILL pay cash for a good 8. R. G. home stead relinquishment- A J 464. Oregonian. HOUSES of merit, sell quickly; list with Edw. A. Brown. 803 Ry. Exchange. Farmo Wanted. WB HAVE two FARM Inquiries for from 50 to 100-acre farms, partially developed, with good Improvements, located near R R. and school and town not over 30 to 40 miles from Portland and not to coat over from $40oo to $500. FRED W. NEWELL. OREGON INVESTMENT A MTG. CO.. 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. HAVE any number of cl ients wishing to exchange good city properties for well improved farms close to Portland: some have money to put ln with their ex changes, bee me m-i thout delay. JOHN WEIST. 510 Lewis Bldg. I WANT 40 to 80 acres; must be cheap: house, fruit, about 15 or 20 acres cleared: I have about $800 to pay down. AJ 458. Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED To rent, a good soil farm of 30 to 50 acres, not more than 10 miles from Portland. I. Hoeuikt, B X, Box 106, Beaverton, Or. TIMBER LANDS. 22 MILLION feet of large timber about 40 miles from Portland, about 1 mile to Lewis river; price $10,500. E. Schiller, 3 1 4 Stark St., city. WHO will join me in tie mill. 25 to 35 M . on r. r. and Columbia river: 20 M. and mPr -ater. A H 26 8. Oregonian. riR COROWOOD HTl'MPAOH About 700 cords. $1 per cord, near Tut-latin. E. J. Geiaer, 417 Chamber of Commerce. FILING wanted; give scale, price and whoa cut, Ow V, Gamble, Couch bids. FO BENT FARM. NEAR HILLS BORO, good Improvement. 123 acres cultivated, 75 pasture. P 172, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 40 ACRES COLUMBIA CO.. $2500. b West of St Helens, rlRht at P- O.. school and store; running stream. 2 springs, old houso and barn; bearing orchard; 12 acres In cultivation; $ acres seeded for pasture: 260.000 it. timber: on good road and mail route, all ror $2500: mill exchange for houso In Portland. Fred W. German Co.. 832 Cham, of Com.; open evenings and Sundays. MODERN IRVINGTON RESIDENCE; FIVE BEDROOM.. SLEEPING PORCH. GA RAGE: WANT SMALLER PLACE PART PA YMBNT; MIGHT CONSIDER GOOD LOT. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 209-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. WB WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. INCOME. 2-storr brick building, close In. west aide; shows excellent income; will ex change for vacant or partiafly improved cily properties or might take good t rm close in. price $35. Oik), mtg. $1 2.500. see me at once; this is a great opourtun.ty. JOHN WEIST. MO lewts Buiidmg. N 1 FT Y 6-room cottage bungalow, 40x100 lot, lights and gas, 9 choice young fruit tree, woodshed and garage, cement walks. 1 blocks from good carline; no debts or liens; want to trade sua first payment on a 6-room bungalow, must be on paved street, garage, up to $2500. balance $20 a month and interest. AJ 363. ortfionian. ri.KAR FARM. niO acre. 175 in cultivation: fine bids., stock and first-class machinery; very clone to Port. and: will j.clinuK for city in come and assume if it is exceptionally good; price s.VYooo. JOHN' WEIST. 5 IO Lewis Building. 105 ACRES all In cultivation: all nice, level land, on hard-surfaced road: cloe to Har risburg. Or.; family orchard; complete st of buildings: aeil on terms, or trade (or city, or c 1 one -1 n improved acreage. Tall madge Realty Co.. 619 Henry bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 6 loliTwayn wlsod addition, corner Sinklyou and 30th at., for houne in lxm Angles or Dan Ilgo: alo Imperial Valley, lal., 80-acre ranch for tlmbr. Ore gon or Portland residence: value $12.5uO 3Ht6 4thsu, San Diego, Cal. CA LI FOR N I A BUNG A LOW. beautiful su"b urban home, near city of Hood River, iu. acres bearing pear, a ppie and diversified fruits; no incumbrance : to exchange for well improved small farm mar a good hiirh school preferred. Ira E. Williams, ownr. Monroe. Or. FO R EXCH A NGe! small tracts of land. from 1 acre to 60. CkPHr of n r-11 m r-i-a nr for vacant lots or houses, wiil assume. KAM1J T S V ESTM ENT CO M P A N Y . Marshall 240. 1 J 1 2 Gasco Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. "ft srr-.w 1 i.sa fa A W I outbuildings; II vine water: rolling land. See oner. .1. Davis, Rowell apt.. Grand ave.. and Belmont 6-ROOM houe, newly decorated throughout: large grounds: good Ea.t Side location: for rent, sale or traHr lor improved acrc aite. Tailmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. THOROUGHLY modern I-aurel htiV-t 8 -room house, 2 blocks from car; S.trxtO. equity $25oO. mortgage for Improved suburban Oregon City line preferred. R 641. Ore gon la n. GOOD 22-room hotei in Wiiiamet te val lev col lege town; will consider acreage. Ry oner, W. R. Ives. Uo2 W. 11m sL. Van couver. Wash. Phone 747-Y. WANT a. room modern house : hav e smaller bungalow, bearing nut orchard. good building lots, all clear, to trade for same. E 726. Oregonian. FURNISHED rooming houe and at ore", close in. west side; $OO0; part cash, or exchange for Improved city property. AE 109. Oregonian. MODERN 10 rooms, walking distance: 614 E. Main, could be ued tor apartments -corner lot garage; 12. UOO, want farm or acreage. $5uu0 to $7oJu. Call or phone E 4X31. 80 ACRES in Clarke countv, 20 cleared and fanr.l mnnin s n- rm.w m. l'l " . . , . to trade for city home. AJ 4W, Oregonian ESTACA DA acreage and town property for sale or trade for Portland improved. Box 255, Gresham. Or. TO trad a. a 3-room house and two lots near car line and stores. What have voii 1 v uia-r . vwnai, o 1 n,. v union s WILL sell or trade with owner 6-room house for 5 or H.riUim hiiniralnit - u I : I smaM mortgage. Wood lawn 5132. ACRES on heights, went side, for sale rnp, ierms or wouin trace lor bunga low. Owner, Main 83s. WILL trade Bend property for piece of land near Rom burg Or. No ageuts. Owner, box 399. Bend. Or. 5-ROOM houe and lot to ex chance for houfe and lot at Seaside. Or. Broadway 4S24. TRADES FOR ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY AT 318 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. 5 ACRES for cash or trade for bungalow; no agents. Main 4:tH4. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. GENTLE mare, weight about IOOO lh. and milk goat, value about $75 for both. To trade for furniture, cord wood or anything of same value. Phone Tabor 7875. 6-FT. bed davenport, oak finish, almost new; cost $60. sail for $3u. Seilwood FOB SALE. Horace. Vehicle. Livestock. 8 HEAD of fresh cows, 3 heavy springers; price around $75 each: 3 Hoi.-terns, 1 Guernsey, 2 Durham, 3 Jerseys ; thece cows are all recently . tested. G. K. llowitt. Uniou Stock ax d barn. North Port land. MILCH GOATS. Four carloads hig h-gra.de milch goa ts will arrive tonight. See them at Brookivn stockyards, or call Dr. Marrow. Alain 4. WANTED Fi eh family cow, Jersey pre ferred, tuberculin letted; kind and gentle for lady to handle; lour gallons or better. S 635. Oregonian. ONE young Jersey Holstein cow; Just fresh; heavy milker; rich milk; $115; also over tons rie and vetch new hay. $20. C. L. Smith. 84Hh sL and 70th ave. S. E. FOR, SALE Nea'ny sow wagons, used but a short time. Baker Kinney. dl2a Maia su. Vancouver. Wash. DEAD stock taken quick, end free; we pay the heat prices for crippled horses, dead cowa. and bones. Tabor 4203. DEAD stock removed quikly. Csth paid (or dead cows and crippled borates. Phone Miiwaukie 6VJ for ieulli. HORSE, weight 1150 lbs., harness and 2 wagons; good delivery or farm horse. Woodlawn 6u2. 130 BEEF steers on feed at Montague. Cul.. also stock cattle. Weiborn Beeaon. Taient, Ot euoii. N ICE Jersey cow, very gentle ; 4 u gallon cow when fresh ; giving now S u gallons. Price reajonaule. Seilwood 304b. 1400-LB. HORSE for sale or trade for cattle. 1'52 E. 60th N.. M. U. car, call evenings. DEAD horses and animals hauled away tree. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood.a'wn -0. ONE team of horses, wagon, haruesb; weight 2100. Call at Russell, upstairs. FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf. Tabor 6K34. 5624 84th st. Mt. Scott car. PASTURE at Ladd's Canyon farm, Cauon road : clone in. Phon a Main 4M9 THREE big work horses to be sold at once cheap. Apply 430 Hawthorne. Pianos. Organs and Musical Tnatrumcnis. STERLING upright, oak case, like new. a almost half price. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO- " 125 Fourth Su WELLINGTON piano, plain mahogany case, good condition, bargain. SEIBERLING-LL'CAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth fit. Main S5S6. CHICKERING upright, imili, plain case, fine condition. Terms siven. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO l-5 Fourth St. GRA FONOLA with nice assortment of rec ords; In perfect condlt ion ; also walnut piano organ for sale cheap. 45u E. 11th st. ORGANS $20 and up. AM ln good onnditioo, KEIHERL1NG-J-.UCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. Main 85S6. FOR SALE 8XO Haiubiet ave.. one piano, two Axniinster rugs 10x12. one new White sewing machine, one bedroom sei. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAN D INST RUM ENTS. SIEBLRUNli LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4TH ST. EACH ANGE t he Dla er rolis you are tired of at 10c per ro.L Harold S. Gilbert, .o4 Yamhill st. $15 CASH buys $-176 Emerson uprirht piano at Security Storage Co.. 109 4m st. ai Wash ins ton. PIANO WANTED We pay cseh. 6EIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. PIANOS tuned, $3, George T. Peck, Tabor 8574. Graduate New Eng. Conservatory. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANTjS. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill at. PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS WANTETX 128 1st, pear Wash. Main 4415. Tabor 679S. PIANOS for rent. $4 and up. Columbia Grafonola Shop. 429 Wash, st. $100 CASH or more paid for your upright planoat Security Storage Co.. loO 4th st. f,l.i FT NK a uJomatlc player piano. Phone Woodlawn 6861. GOOD banjo for a. Csul Kaat 4b&2. - TOR AXK. I'iaoo. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAt.? CO.. closing r-nor or rarvi tor as, to 4S cnew Square piat or $J& to $5 exu Uprrght pia.o amai. 5 to $75 --. Arlington Co., u,r1gnt, V175, now SlW;iti. Vose A Sons cpij:ht, k 0. now $1H rash. New stored uprlpts. tQ5, for $265 eia. New aiored uj. rivals. $:.ii. for $-,W casa. Stored player piano, $."., for $So can. Stored piaer p.ano, $750, f-r $43 cash. Pianos stored for 50c. roonio. Pianos bourhl and sod for cash 011. y. SHCURITY STORAGE CO, 109 4th IL, at Vv aahington st. GOOD PIANO CHEAP. Must sell my almost new 415 mahoganv Wellington piano: m perrect condition; Used very little; it you want a good plana it will pay you to e this one. Remun er, a good ued piano is beUer than a cheap new one; private party. Call 310 E. 50th at.. 2 blocks south of Haws.borne avenue. PLATLR ROLLS. Our selection is complete. All the latest nits. rite for our proposition to oh -alto n customers. E1 B ER LING-LUCAS MUSK CO. 125 Fourth St Vsln R56. TRADE TOUR PIANO Or organ on a new Vjctro.a and reoords. Let us tell you of our proposition SEIBKRLiNG-LLCAS MUSIC CO. 125 FourthSt. Main S5S6. THE BEST, the cheapest piano; used I vera at Pond (plain artuuo, $7; used Etey tiornier owner sick), $35u. No ahop in r.rtlnda. ,ik mluo- Harold a. Uubext. 384 Yamhill st. HAMILTON uprl ght, mahogany cue. good condition ; !.", SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fo unh Si, $J. $10. $15 TO $1rt buys ued phonu raph a one for f.Ht. terms 5e 75e to $1 weekly; new pianos $-si ; $a:., onf. g33; . $15 cash. or $lu month. y. Scbwan P.ano 1 1 1 4?h at. Furniture for Sale. BA RG A 1 NJ SELLI NO OUT" Two carved chair, one Axniin-ter rue two iroa D-d-, two epring. Weiiinirton vtahogany piano, mission rocker, carpet sweeper, fruit jars, pictures, portiere-, bra-., 1 U ..V11 ,ld olhr household article. All absolutely good as new and in perfect condition; prices will suit you Ci.11 inurningM only at flu E. 50th at. bloiks souLh of Hawthorne ave. " " FIVE oak dining room chairs, genuine Span ish leather aeats. white enameled br,-k-tast tat,e. 2 chairs to match. 2-burner P.t P.ate. fireplace screen, brand new -aii If JLth?-r' ?nrr whinc machine. n-V pl' ,rvi,ln ants.. 13th and Thompson. Phone East 5:.7. ,Sm',ViTE 4EArTY Hosier "ki7cl,en cah nt. the very latt rno.irl and every bit term."0 l"ke c MISH FURNITURE CO - TS-ISo First St. B non Ttr q,,rt r-sawe-d ""oak combina tion buffet and china clo. with lare Jrench mirror .,ld leaded PIa?o-Kla 4 liil near lisislon. or Tabor TYPEWRITER de,k. $jr; d.ning table $1--T-'' nIUH "-'""onier. BruLeU rig. JrlrdS Caira' rOCkCr' future-, momi1 1;nfKMrnUurer a -s-om nctel": rooms all full, rent :,(. Close by mili, d tactories at St. John-. Or. Phons CoL M U T old this week: at a sacrifice a ?r:,h0l,W.,ul1 of nw 'urVturil CL;67 La s t . ,8 th a US o u 1 h. Ta b o r8 4 2 1. WILL sn my furniture cheTppart v Ca"n ll"10""- r?" -ft M.; lK? Woo tj st. frt. John car. Fr.Rrf,f"K& r,"."-. " room hou.e tor Webstj? Mississippi car. till East "SVS f-rnilur. for sale ehap. EI.I. furniture 4-room hons. 1T.". pia00 cheap: rent slO . f?mn " "' N- -'' t. Broartwav l04 ' ' wl y"4;," J.D E o-k bed.l.sd. Phons Broad: ' Poultry. UJ? Kt-.HORXsV thr most profitahT, breed of poultry. U you are In the Lus .h ,orl.pro' wi" eventually . them. fcarly broilers, earlv lavers earl. I," delivery of full-count live clicks auaranteerl. Price per 100: Slav and June delivery. so: Juy. tli t". PUjneer Hatchery. 40J tith stV Pe'ilum.! MAf.LlrtKS PAT-OLl) OIIK-KS nL' d'.,'-"'"l, 'fds. O. A. O. Karred xfhhl- -5,.-r'l"': Bron Ushorn. and ISS '-0 "r HATJHtS OKI-" Jl'NK 12. 17 "0 "-, -: J L'l.V 3. ' ' " " , :,:':S KOR HATCHING. ig- si Au L I RE. 7S7 Oregon su Ca.t lnr.. ..ao u. THE 'i'HFARsTT -no w u yearlins; lsylne hens at 1 7.". r.l1? K-""'"t Jut closed r.erniiis us to offer -.Kin 3 moa pullets W. U) auk. I., to .,o, delivery at uc escii In 10 lots: Jl In lesser lots. Kendall station. Ktacada line. p. o. address K. box - i. LK-nts. Or. LAVINii Ljthorn hens fl.75 each: Hopan- . ... ..lajjuire. i, Oregon eu l.AYINv; Ugliorn hens 1.7r each: Hoean ized stock. J. R. Magujre. 7S7 Oregon Ft. lou. Kabbita. Birds. Pet Slock. ONB S-nionthr-old Kgyptisn show dog ,an r.4u:ht ""Xlilng. a bargain, fce.l.ood ror.Vi canary, good singer, nice while case 1-aving the city. 73Mtnorr.ah st. WANTRO-A bird doc: giveprTT. and dc5cripirtm. Address l'ui3 43d st. FINK bred fox hound pupplca for aa 1 e! fto7 Spalding bldg.. .Main 3w. UOINi; AWAY, must sell pedigreed Per sian kitten. Tabor 7021. R'J ,n' T"'?118 nd -'i months old puileis. Tabor 1120. Uimrhra and Boats. A SXAI'PT HOl'SBBOAT S rooms completely furnished In oak and m-lcker. rooms are finished in Ivor.- bed rooms have beautiful tapestrv walls' with panels of ivory, curtains and rugs har monizing, long French doors in front with porch all around: .lust as complete as anv home can be: SISOO. Call Tabor i;-6 or 1204 Hawthorne. WANTED to buy A speed boat or moder ately fast motor boat. Write Dr. B Jasper Westport. Or. ' KOR SAI.B l-room furni.hed houseboat. Woodshed, float No. 24. Willameli. moor ings. PROPEI.LBR tow boat cheap, on sultabl. terms. AR R54. Oregonian. Machinery. M51V SCOTCH MARINE BOILERS. 2 72xlfl Tubular Boilers. Butt Strap. i 'i"v i auDuiar toiler. Butt Water Leg. Strap 1 72xm Tubular Boiler. Butt Strap ) Oj.I4 Tubular Poiler. 1 Hoxlll Tubular Boiler. 1 54xl Tubular Boiler. C 3xI0 Tubular Boilers 1 2.-.0 H. P. Fire Box Boiler. 2 .'.O H. P. Fir. Bos Rollers. 1 '0 H. P. Fir. Box Boiler, Economie Type. 1 8 H. P. Vpright Boiler. I 8 H. P. L'pnght Engine. 1 xl2 Brie btigine. W-ton I-Ream and Angles, rood as nw. Many Other Kngines and Pumps. O. R. MACHINERT CO. Sliauerhnger bldg.. Main S'fI. E.ViIINK SPKCIAI-S. 1 pair 22x27 Atlas automatic twins. 1 pair Tvx20 h'rost (wins 1 pair 16xlS Ames, nght-hand side crank. 1 14xlS Ames. 1 14x27xis McKwIn tandem compnond. 1 10x20 Atlus. risht-hand. side crank. 1 1442 I'oriiaa. THE J. K. MARTI V CO.. M First street. Port:and. Oregon. EI.KCTRIC MOTOR FOR SALE. horse power, do cj-ele. 110 volt. Fort Wayne motor, practically new, ,42. Call Woodlawn 43S4 between 6:30 and 6.30 2 18 H. F. stationary gaa engines. 3 16 h. p. luouutcti gas enginen. 2 4-cyl.. 4-cycie. r,n h. p. launch en gines. i. F. McOougall Co.. 27 2d sr Broad.ay tKtS. T.i pewrite KENT a Remington: special rates to stu dents. Buy jour new Remington now. im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem '"Kii'n I jiw.nirr company. GCARANTEKD factory rebuilt typewriters. A LI. MAKES, sold on monthly payments; aeml tor once li.vf. T h m WK.I.-, t. writer Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wash, st- RENTAL RATES. 44 per month. 3 montha S10: special etudeut's rates. L. c Smith a- Bros. Typewriter Co.. 104 Fifth St. REBUILT typewriters and supplier Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth st- N E tv. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. 1. Co.. 231 Stark st- Main 1407. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typawriter Co., 4 5th. Main 36os. KEMINUTON typewriter, visible. No. 10. al moat pew, lao. b02 Medical bldg. Miscellaneous. EDISON phonograph and 16 records; also gas range: want tent and oil stove. Sell a ood 2 1 2S loo RABBITS tor sale. Main 61U. 887 Thurroan st. FOR SALE s; 1 2. stands of bees. Pbone Tabor TENT and tarpau!in. Baker theater. Main 2. TEXT and tarpaulin. Baker taeaterZMain7 2. V