Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 12, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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ion of Covenant Favored
National Brotherhood.
- by
tquipment Superintendent Tells Em
ployes Fewer Accidents Oc-
V curred Under U. S. Control.
DENVER, June 11. Resolutions en
dorseing the league of nations and in
structing the president of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Firemen and En
glnemen "to advise President Wilson
and the premier of Canada by wire
that this organization favors adop
tion of the league of nations covenant"
were adopted at today's session of the
triennial convention of the brother
hood here.
An address by "Walker D. Hines, di
rector of railroads, and resolutions ask
ing the release from prison of Eugene
V. rebs and Thomas J. Mooney were
the other outstanding features of the
day's session.
A caution against adopting radical
legislation was given to the conven
tion this afternon by President W. S
Carter Just before he left for Wash
ington to resume his duties as directof
of labor of the railroad administration.
Mr. Carter called attention to the in
dustrial unrest now prevalent over the
world, and urged the convention to
consider carefully and act wisely on all
matters coming before the organization.-
That more trains were run, greater
freight tonnage handled and ir.ore pas
sengers carried by the railroads during
1918, with fewer accidents than In any
year under private management, was
the statement to the convention today
by G. N. Deguire, general superintend
ent of equipment of the m -chanical de
partment, division of labor, of tne fed
eral railroad administration. He told
the delegates this was because of
greater co-operation betwen the rail
road employes and the administration,
making for efficiency.
Mr. Deguire credited the railroad
firemen with sincere co-operation with
the government in making a success of
railroad operation during the national
Debs for years was a member of thfc
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Enginemen, leaving the brother,
hood in 1S94 to become affiliated wit
the American Railway union.
The Mooney resolution refers to
Thomas J. Mooney as "one of the most
eminent leaders of organized labor,'
and declares his conviction was accom
plished by perjured evidence.
(Continued From First Pase
the board had canceled a large number
of contracts and are asking the yards
to build under reinstatements for less
than J160 a ton, while declining to ac
cept $200 a ton for ships of the same
type as some that were canceled.
Senator Chamberlain tried to em
phasize the poor logic of refusing to
sell at $200 a ton when the money
so realized could be put into - new
ships at the much lower cost of $165
a ton in yards where the ways are
about to become vacant.
Mr. Hurley admitted that Pacific
-coast builders had agreed to build
ships at $165 a ton, which is under
stood to have been the offer of th
Northwest Steel company of Portland,
General Reinstatement Opposed.
In the matter of reinstatements
Chairman Hurley and Director-General
Ackerson were firm in their stand
that no general reinstatements would
be made of contracts on the Pacific
coast. Only individual yards, thef
said, would be taken care of, the most
worthy one of these being the new
steel yard of the G. M. Standifer Ship
building corporation at Vancouver,
Assurance was given by Mr. Acker
eon that two or three contracts for the
Standifer yard will be reinstated in
order to correct Injustices and fill up
ways about to become vacant in July.
The Standifer yard had suffered more
than any other yard in the country, it
was admitted, more than a dozen con
tracts being cnaceled in the last few
months, although Mr. Standifer had
compiled religiously with all of his
obligations and had met every re
quirement of the shipping board.
No member of the board appeared to
be very clear on a question of Sena
tors McNary and Lenroot as to whether
the government and the yards would
not have fared better to have com
pleted the ship programme without sus
pension of cancellations and trusted to
the sale of the completed ships to get
back the government's money.
Ships Said to Be In Demand.
Chairman Hurley expressed the belief
that there is a good demand for ships
now for spot delivery and that there
will be a very strong demand for them
the moment that the armistice is signed
but seemed puzzled as to how to
answer the question.
Questioned about the demand for
ships brought out the information from
Mr. Hurley that France alone will be
in the market for 500.000 tons of ship
ping the moment the armistice is
signed. As to the question of the
ability of American yards to compete
with the British yards. Director-General
Ackerson said that the costs in
British yards have grown so rapidly
recently that they are almost as high
as in the United States.
Senators Chamberlain, Jones and Mc
Nary kept pressing on a tender spot
in their questions to Chairman Hurley
and to John H. Rosseter. director of
operations of the shipping board, by
trying to show up the unfairness of
the board in canceling contracts at
loss of $50 or more on the ton and then
asking the yards to build for less than
$160. This latter figure might have
been somewhat unreasonable and that
there had been no offer received that
justified such expectations.
No Stoppage Is "Wanted.
Harrison Robinson said that all that
6 Bellans
Hot water .
Sure Relief
IML lotion ibr Skin Disease
We ha witnessed each remarkable
results with this boo thins waafc of oils
that we offer you a bottle on the marao
tee that unless it does the acxnca for you,
M casts tm not s cent, sac eo aad $1 M.
Cold by The Owl Drug Co. and Skidmor
. i-irug co. . . .
Pacific coast yards are askin? Is bus!-
sufficient to keep the industry
until the government business
going until the go
can be made to dovetail into the pri
vate business that will come within six
or seven months. He said that the
board and congress should understand
that it is approximately six months
from the time a new contract is re
ceived until the keel can be laid, and
that, therefore, there must be business
enough to keep the organizations of
the yards from being dislocated with
consequent heavy lows to labor and the
communities in which they are located.
Some effort was made to place the
Pacific coast at a disadvantage in the
argument by showing that the forces
employed in- its yards had increased
since the armistice was signed from
76, (.00 to 100,000 employes. This was
intended to show that the Pacific coast
yards were trying to build up instead
of tapering a war industry. Mr. Robin-
eon said some men had been added.
but that 10,000 of these are discharged
soldiers, who had been given places as
patriotic duty, the policies of tb
yards being to give employment tti
every soldier that could be used.
Oregron Mines Xeed Men.
Chairman Hurley, in defense of can
cellations of contracts, asked if it was
not a fact that the interior section.
mentioning Montana and Arizona, was
suffering for help in railroad shops
and in the mines on account of the in
tensive manner in which the Pacific
coast Is carrying on the shipbuilding
industry. He said that the Milwaukee
and Great Northern railroads were
sending their engines from the west to
Chicago for repairs, as they could not
obtain mechanics for their shops, and
that yesterday the Miners' association
of Arizona telegraphed the shipping
board to learn when the- shipbuilding
would ease off on the coast In order
that Arizona might have men for its
Mr. Robinson replied that the me
chanics needed by the railroads would
not aggregate 300 and that the Arizona
mines would not use any large number
of men. '
The senate committee approved Chair-
man Hurley's letter to the shipbuilders
removing the embargo on foreign con- :
All of the Portland shipbuilders who I
left here last week for New York, with
the exception of G. M. Standifer. it is
understood have left for home.
Portland Well Represented- on List
of Winners in Publicity
Sydney B. Vincent, publicity secre
tary of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, was tne recipient of the distinc
tion of first place in the award for
community advertising in the gigantic
advertising exhibit prepared for the
Pacific Coast Advertising Men's asso
ciation. Los Angeles was second in the
community advertising showing, and
Stockton .won third place. The beauti
ful exhibit by the Northwest Tourist
association, which has attracted much
favorable comment and widespread in
terest, was not entered in the competi
tion. Morris M. Rathbun, who is identified
with the publicity department of the
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, did
not participate in the decision under
which these awards were made.
The judges of the advertising ex
hibits were:
Morris M. Rathbun, publicity department
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; R. M.
Standish, business editor Oregon Voter, Port
land; Uamiey Op-penheim, Ramsey Oppen
helro company. San Kranclseo; V. H. Chat
ten. Hicks-Chatten Engraving- company,
Portland; Kenneth C. Kerr, editor Railway
and Marine News, Seattle.
Awards in the other classifications of
the exhibits were as follows;
Motion Picture Advertising Majestic the
ater, Portland, first; Liberty theater, Port
land, second; Rialto theater, Butte, Mont.,
Financial Advertisers Central National
and Savings banks, Oakland, first; North
western National bank, Portland, second;
Berkeley Bank and Savings Trust Co.,
Berkeley, third.
Better Business Bureau Spokane, first;
San FranciHco, second; Los Angeles, third.
tl'ortlana exniDlt not In competition).
Manufacturers Advertising California
Packing company, San Francisco, first; Cal
ifornia Fruit Growers exchange. Los Angeles,
second; The Bhex company, Salem, third.
ttetall Advertising Bullocks, Los Angeles,
first; Portland Seed company, Portland, sec
ond; Fahey & Brockman, Portland, third.
Special Awards Best Retail Advertlslne
Display, Bullocks, Los Angeles. Best Port- (
land Advertising Exhihit, Portland Seed Co
Best Specialty Store Exhibit, Fahey & Brock
man, Portland.
W. F.
Xew Organization AVill Attempt to
Prevent Strikes and Other
Labor Troubles.
W. K. Woodward was elected yester
day the third member of the board of
conciliation authorized by the last leg
islature to investigate and, if possible,
avoid strikes and other labor troubles.
J. K. Flynn, a building contractor,
representing the employers, and Otto
Hartwig, president of the State Fed
eration of Labor, representing the em
ployes, were recently appointed by Gov
ernor Olcott to the board, from names
submitted to the governor by the em
ployers and the labor unions.
After considering a number of names,
Mr. Hartwig and Mr. Flynn certified
the appointment of Mr. Woodward to
the governor.
No time is selected for the board to
meet, except that it is required by law
to organize and to await calls to adju
dicate disputes at the request of either
party to a labor controversy.
Each member of the board is to re
ceive to a day and actual traveling
expenses for each day involved in the
hearing of or settlement of a dispute.
Broad powers are given t the board,
which has all the authority of a judge
of the circuit court in summoning and
subpenaing witnesses.
If either of the . parties to a labor
dispute refuses to accept the award of
th state board, then either party may
apply to the state board for a board of
arbitration, but must sign an agree
ment to abide by the arbitrators'
awards. Each party to the dispute may
select one arbitrator, and the two must
select a third, and if unable to do so,
the state board of conciliation is to
make such appointment.
International Situation.
(By the Associated Press.)
HOPB Is again expressed in Paris
that the reply of the allied and
associated governments to the German
counter-proposals to the demands made
in the peace treaty will soon be ready
for presentation to the Germans. Fri
day is again mentioned as the probable
The commissions to which were in
trusted the study of various problems
brought up by the German rejoinders
all have about completed their work
and the council of four has settled by
discussion more of the Important pro
visions of the treaty over which there
had been divergence of opinion inside
A Winning
A hit -producing, free
scoring, first division
team, which has in its
line-up Sampeck, Amer
ica's foremost makers
men's and young men's
clothes, ready-to-wear
and Politz Brothers,
leaders in the world of
clothes selling. A pennant-winning
which has produced
more "Hits" this season
than ever before in its
Exclusive Agents for
"Sampeck" Clothes for
Young Men, and Their
Fathers, Too
Washington at Sixth
the council. These questions Include
the reparations Germany shall make
and a refusal to give Germany the man
date over her former colonies.
Premier Clemenceati of France, who
has contended strongly against any less
ening in the severity of the terms of
the treaty, apparently has won his
point, for advices from Paris say that
the document is to remain virtually
unchanged as to text and that the main
changes are explanations rather than
Settlement of the Silesian question
has been reached. The question of Germany's-admission
to the league of na
tions is still under discussion, but it is
reported with a tendency to accord.
On the other hand, little progress is
being made in drafting the missing
clauses of the Austrian treaty, and
meanwhile the Austrian chancellor, as
head of the Austrian peace delegation.
is protesting against the hard condi
tions of the treaty and declaring his
country is overwhelmed with despair
because of them. Particular stress is
being laid In the pleas of the chan
cellor against the dismemberment of
President Wilson is to do what he
can unofficially to bring the Irish
question to the attention of the peace
commissioners, according to a state
ment said to have been made by the
president to representatives of Irish
societies in the United States.
tThe Russian bolsheviki are reported
to have captured the town of Ufa, capi
tal of the province of Orenburg, from
the forces of Admiral Kolchak.
Stockholders Say Xampa Paper Not
Affected by Bine Sky Law.
BOISE. Idaho, June 11. (Special.)
The Free Press Publishing company
which is backing as a state organ the
Non-Partisan daily newspaper pub
lished at Nam pa, states that it is not
amenable to the "blue-sky" law of
Idaho in that it was not organized for
profit, but for propaganda purposes. A
minority of the stockholders said that
the publishing company had not com
plied with this state law in the sale of
its stock and, therefore, was not entl
tied to a charter to continue business.
It is said that when the company
was being organized to back the paper
it was claimed by W. G. Scholta, its
manager, that he solicited support on
the argument that the paper would not
be issued for propaganda purposes.
It is being freely charged that the
Free Press is highly socialistic in its
character because it recently published
an editorial condoning the treasonable
course of Eugene V. Debs, now serving
a term in the federal penitentiary for
treasonable acts.
Henry Murtagh Arrested for Violat
ing Peddling Ordinance.
Henry MurtaW organist at the Lib
erty theater, was arrested early last
night at the theater by Officer Van
Valkenberg on a warrant sworn to by
Sergeant R. L. Crane. He is charged
with addling handbills without a
llcensj. He was later released on his
own recognizance for his appearance in
municipal court this morning.
The specific charge preferred against
Mr. Siurtagh is that he pasted up copies
of. a song on windows of business
houses in the downtown district.
Tne organist disclaimed any knowl
edge of violating tr. city ordinance.
8. St I. green stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co, Main SSS. A
Blockwood. short elabwood. Rock
Springs and Utah coal: sawdust Adv.
&. Devers, Portland. Adv. ,
"Victor Jhinds
- the perfect reproducing point
for playing Victor Records
Important Notice. Victor Records and Victor Machines are scientific
ally coordinated and synchronized in the processes of manufacture, and their
use. one with the other, is absolutely essential to a perfect reproduction.
"Vidrola." is the Knlmd
Authorities Assert Convicts- Working
in Shipyards Are Menace
to Law and Order.
Police are convinced that the man
who robbed the Beaverton bank of
$3800 and made his escape Tuesday
was a Portland resident, and that the
automobile he used in making: his es
cape was one which Fred Murphy, 222
East Seventh street, had reported
stolen from the Columbia river ship
yards. Police say that 200 ex-convicts are
working: in the shipyards, and they
are convinced that the holdup was
the work of one of these. Officials
say the law makes It Impossible for
detectives to disturb the alleged crim
inals until they have definite evidence
that the men have committed new
The theory connecting the holdup
with the shipyards is based on the assumption-
that the robber took Mr.
Murphy's car, which answers the de
scription of the one used In the rob-
Sman Pill
Small Dose
Small Price ,
have stood the teat of time.
Purely vegetable. Wonderfully
quick to banish biliousness,
headache, indigestion and to
clear up a bad complexion.
QenvlBe beais t f '
THE Victor Tungs-tone Stylus has several .
important advantages over all other repro
ducing points.
It not only provides the perfect point which
is essential to the proper playing of every Victor Record, but it
has besides the convenience of being semi-permanent plays
from 100 to 300 records without changing.
The tungsten point being cylindrical in shape always pre
sents the same perfect point for every part of every record for
the last record as well as for the first. And the ductile tungsten
being softer than the record wears slowly away and protects the
record from the injury that a hard needle would inflict.
The Victor Tungs-tone Stylus is made in both full tone and
half tone. It is changeable at will, thus retaining all the advan
tages of the Victor system of changeable needles, and enables
you to get the utmost enjoyment from every record.
Packages of four, 10c
Manufactured exclusively by the
Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J-
r Victor Records denonstxatwl at all dealers osdu 1st of each month.
Trademark of the Victor Talklns
tba produces o( this Compsny onl
bery, knowing; that Mr. Murphy would
not use the machine until nig-ht- De
tectives say that this insured the rob
ber several hours' use of the car be
fore its loss would be discovered.
The authorities had made no prog
ress in the case at a late hour. Depu
ty sheriffs also are working on the
Accident Victim Unconscious.
MONTESANO. Wash.. June 11.
(Special.) Charles Clark, who was
mysteriously injured when an automo
The up-to-date merchant recognizes the fact that his ad
vertising will brine results only in the proportion in which
it is believed.
The work now being done for Truth in advertising by the
Better Business Bureau of the Portland Ad Club has the in
dorsement and support of the reputable advertisers of this
They realize that if all advertising is made truthful their
own advertising will bring better results because of the in
creased confidence in advertising.
In the interest of good advertising this bureau will protect
the public against unscrupulous advertisers. If you have
been victimized by an advertiser report the facts to this
bureau and a thorough investigation will be made.
of the Portland Ad Club
- tone
mmsmniitf Fit
I afttH'A Miirs Vo'C.. "to-i
bile he was driving turned turtle last.
Sunday afternoon, pinning him beneath
the car, was still unconscious tonight.
Physicians say there is but slight
chance for his recovery.
Women to Celebrate.
Announcement is made by Mrs.-Alexander
Thompson, democratic national
committee woman for Oregon, that a
victory luncheon, commemorating the
passage of the federai amendment en
franchising women will be given in
honor of Mrs. George Bass, chairman
woman's bureau, democratic national
committee, at the Benson hotel Monday.
June 30, at 12 o'clock. This luncheon
will be non-political in character.
Women are cordially Invited to at
tend. Adivces are that prominent club
women and suffrage leaders will bo
present, A programme will' be an
nounced later.
A vacuum brush which cleans drafts
men's drawings and removes the dust
has been patented.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nisn. Phone Main 7070. A 6095.
9 T A TTrP"C
w i w
K K 1 A RK A n 1.1'
LADIES $2.00
Come dance with our
many expert lady and
gent lemen Instructors.
Cotillion Hall
!4b St. at
Washing-ton. - Bdwv. 3380.
Don't Miss the
On Our Musical Floor
The Seventh
Our New Baby Grand
Special $595 Terms
cl-Mord-ndis- , O Menl On!