Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 12, 1919, Image 1

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    VOL. IVIII. XO. 18,26G
Entered at Portland (Oregon)
Pc.stofftce as Second-Claris Matter.
Sun Gives Benison
k Happy Thousands.
Regal Ceremony Takes Place
l and 3-Day Frolic Begins.
floats Depicting Various Enterprises
rass Admiring Throngs and
Airplanes Cavort Overhead,
Summer smiled divinely upon Tort
land, city ot queenly roses, -when yes
terday brought once more the far
famed pageant of the annual Rose Fes
tival. Into the lap of the happy town,
laughing- with sunshine, the season cast
its trove of beautiful flowers. The last
cloud of the earlier morning blew out
to sea. Planes breezed like birds at
play above the downtown streets. The
throngs thickened and quickened, roses
blossomed from every coat lapel and
every bodice. The festival was on.
"When the goddess of victory, ruler
of the fiesta, entered the city, in mid
forenoon, she brought with her the
longed-for sunshine that augurs cer
tain success at the revel. EMCorted by
Rear-Admiral Fullam and his staff of
the flagship Minneapolis, while the
flight of army airplanes zoomed over
head and showered her presence with
petals, the goddess deigned to step
ashore from her launch on the Willam
ette, with a guard of sailors swinging
lithely along as her personal retainers.
With the goddess were her maids of
honor daughters of Portland. And it
is no Becret that the goddess herself is
Mrs. Guy Robert Porter.
Enjoyment Begins Early.
At noon, preceded by a special escort
of Royal Rosarians and officials of the
Victory Rose Festival, the goddess
reached festival center, in the south
park blocks, and in resa' . ceremony
assumed the reign of the festival, for
mally opening the three-day frolic of
flowers fraught with the significance
of idealistic beauty to Oregon, her
sister states, and the world at large.
Now. at other festivals there have
been times when the initial day of the
pageant lacked for that spirit that
launches an episode with eclat, and
calls for the second and third day ere
the temperament of the town and its
visitors rises to the pinnacle of "a
good time." Not so with the festival
of 1919 for it unfolded in spontaneity
and with a rush that wrought enjoy
ment from the first moment.
Industrial Parade Attracts.
The army planes looped and dove
above the city. . At Eastmoreland field
they flew with civilian passengers. At
4 o'clock tho two great seaplanes, with
their ensign pilots at the gear, winged
up from the Willamette to sport some
thousands of feet above the multitude
of eager gazers, glimpsing their first
sight of the bird boats, such as laughed
at the Atlantic and drove a new trail
across the ocean.
That commercialism, as represented
by factories and grimy smokestacks,
ran resolve itself to art to beauty
with a lesson of service was never
driven so delightfully home as on the
afternoon of the first festival day,
when Portland's streets were dark for
miles with people gathered to view the
victory industrial and animated trade
marks parade.
, There is a floral parade to come, on
Friday, the consummate realization of
the festival itself, always first
beauty and in prodigality of flowers
and foliage, with the rose as the domi
nant theme. Whatever the plans for
the floral parade may be. it is certain
that the industrial parade, born in
hundred shopsand factories, has set
for its fairer sister a record that should
inspire emulation and that will be diffi
cult to eclipse.
Flowtri Carpet Streets.
For Portland streets, as the pageant
passed, became long lanes of flowers,
tossed roses and greenery, while the
floats that symbolize tho industry of
the city, state and great northwest,
went by in wonderful review. Well to
the fore rode the goddess of victory,
smiling at her subjects, with her maids
of honor about her. Beneath a kindly
sun. and such a summer breeze as in
spires bards and birds to twitter, the
Victory Rose Festival became the love
liest of dreams come true.
The parade was in charge of Lieutenant-Colonel
L. P. Campbell and his
aides, with couriers of the motorcycle
squad from police headquarters, led by
Sergeant Frank Ervin, dashing ahead
o clear the streets. Owing to the
tnanifold entries, the start was delayed
half an hour, but the pageant moved
from Eleventh and Hall streets at 3
o'clock, reaching the downtown district
shortly after. For every foot of 'the
way the streets were thronged with
applauding watchers.
v Rosarians in Lead.
First marched the Rosarians. spotless
In their creamy uniforms, followed by
cars bearing President Ira L. Riggs
and his fellow directors of the festival
association; Governor and Mrs. Ben W.
Olcott; Rear-Admiral Fullam of the
flagship Minneapolis; Lieutenant-Colonel
Henry L. Watson, commander of
the festival squadron of army planes,
with William McMurray, officers of the
Aiosuaued oa X'ase JO, Column l.J.
California Grape Growers Associa
tion Pays $351, Expense of
Circulating Papers.
OLTMPIA, Wash., June 11. (Spe
cial.) Washington's legislative ratifi
cation of the national prohibition
amendment was suspended this after
noon, when referendum petitions repre
sented to carry 26,000 names of legal
voters were filed with the secretary of
state. The number required to invoke
the referendum is 22.656. - John F.
Murphy of Seattle, as attorney for the
California Grape Growers' association.
filed the. petition's half an hour be
fore the state department closed for
the day. No estimates of the petition
totals were furnished, but at least half
the signatures are supposed to come
from Seattle and the remainder are
largely divided between Spokane and
According to the required expense ac
count filed, circulation of the petitions
cost $554, which was paid by the Grape
Growers" association. The secretary of
state will complete his official check of
the petitions in about two weeks.
Two other proposed referendums, one
on the bill restoring capital punishment
and another on increase of salaries for
supreme judges from $6000 to $7000 a
year and of superior Judges from $3000
to $4500, failed to draw sufficient pe
titioners and were not offered for
Former Tashington Football Star
"Wins Coveted War Honor.
SEATTLE, June 11.; Captain W. J.
("Wee") Coyle, former University of
Washington football star, has been
awarded the distinguished service cross.
according to word received here today.
Captain Coyle- is a deputy in the office
of the auditor of King county.
The award was made "for extraordi
nary heroism near Cheppy, France, on
September 26, 1918, when, on duty as
liaison officer. Captain Coyle observed
a strongly fortified enemy trench which
was a menace to further advance. Or
ganizing a group of 14 men, and in the
face of heavy machine gun and sniper
fire, he led them in a successful attack
on the trench."
Accidents for Month Reported to In
dustrial Commission.
SALEM, Or., June 11. (Special.) A
total of 18 fatal accidents was re
ported to the industrial accident com
mission for the month of May In a
statement issued yesterday. Final set
tlements in accident cases totaled 890
for the month, while 26 cases were re
jected for cause. The commission now
has 731 cases before it in process of
The financial statement shows that
$16,384 was naid in nensions durine th
month, leaving a balance of $1,780,403 in
the segregated accident fund? The ad
ministrative expenses for May amounted
to $10,644.
Pilot and Passenger Forced Down
Near Vancouver, B. C.
VANCOUVER, B. C, June 11. The
"Pathfinder," an airplane belonging to
the Victoria branch of the Aerial
League of Canada, was wrecked today
shortly after it left here on a return
flight to Victoria. Lieutenant Ridout
and a passenger, who were occupants
of the machine, were bruised.
The plane's lire extinguisher fell out
of its holder and jammed the rudder
control, forcing the lieutenant, who was
piloting the plane, to descend. In mak
ing a landing the plane was wrecked.
Message Ttcccivcd by Secretary Dan
iels Says Plague Halted.
WASHINGTON, June 11. The in
fluenza epidemic in Alaska now is well
in hand, a dispatch received by Secre
tary Daniels today said. No new cases
have developed for several days at
L'nalaska or Dutch Harbor, and the
plague has been confined to the Bristol
Bay region.
Some members of the crew of the
coast guard cutter Unalga, which, with
navy medical men aboard, was sent to
Alaska when influenza first became
prevalent, have contracted the disease
Senators Object to Plan of Britisb
WASHINGTON, June 11. Proposed
sale by the International Mercantile
Marine company of its ships to a Brit
ish syndicate was opposed in the senate
today by Senators Fletcher of Florida
and Ransdell of Louisiana. -
Both declared it would be a "na
tional calamity" and "suicidal" to
American shipping interests.
House Refuses to Appropriate Money
for Expenses.
WASHINGTON. June. 11. By a vote
of 216 to 2 the house today refused to
instruct its conferees on the urgen
deficiency bill to accept the $272,000
item added by the senate for con
tinuing the federal employement serv
ice until July J. .
Coast Association Meets
in Closed Session.
Abraham, Moses, Chris a .d
World's Greatest SaVn.
Portland Newspapers Give Compli
mentary Luncheon at Noon In
dustrial Plants Inspected.
Stockton, Cal., will be the next con
vention city of the Pacific Coast Adver
tising; Men's association, from Indica
tions at the session last night- A 1
thongh the decision had not been made
at a late hoar. It was evident among
the deit-gatea that the sentiment fa
vored Stockton and that Io Angeles
won Id withdraw Its candidacy. The
choice of Stockton means the election
of Dave S. Matthews of that city as
president of the association.
The 16th annual convention of the
Pacific Coast Advertising Mens' as
sociation was holding its session closed
last night, following what were pro
nounced to be the most interesting and
productive meetings in the history of
the arganlzation. At a late hour it
was not known whether the next con
vention would be held in Los Angeles
or in Stockton, Cal. The election of
officers for the next year, hinging
somewhat upon the selection of the
convention city had not been com
pleted. The delegates adjourned at noon
yesterday in order that all might view
the Animated Trade Mark review and
the Industrial parade held under the
auspices of the Portland Ad club and
the Rose Festival association yester
day afternoon.
Women in the party were enter
tained yesterday morning by a water
trip down the river, with various
maritime organizations acting as the
host. Delegates to the convention were
guests at a complimentary luncheon
given by the four Portland newspapers
at the Multnomah hotel at noon yester
day. The Portland Ad club held its
regular meeting at this luncheon. It
proving to be a characteristic Ad club
session with 'all the usual satire of
funmaking that could be devised by
the members of the Portland organiza
tion. Co-operative Marketing; Topic.
Co-operative marketing, as conduct
ed in the state of California, was de
tailed in an interesting address made
by Colonel Horris Weinstock, state
market director of California, at the
morning session of the Pacific Coast
Advertising Men's association con
vention yesterday.
Mr. Weinstock used figures to show
how the producers and farmers in
Concluded on race 3. Column 2.)
1 1
t i
1 1
I . p-
VtVNE. Or"
10 A. M. Flying circus of
United States army aviators, ris
ing from field of municipal golf
links, Eastmoreland; Victory Rose
Festival fly-casting contest. Sell
wood park; Victory Rose Festival
shoot, Portland Gun club grounds,
Jenne station, on Gresham line,
Portland Railway, Light & Power
company; Victory Rose Festival
rose show at municipal audito
rium. 11 A. M. Victory Rose Festival
roller skating marathon, Orcgo
nian building.
11:30 A. M. Goddess of victory
and victory attendants will at
tend launching at the Alblna En
gine & Machine works shipyard
on river, foot of Lewis andLorlng
1 P. M Amusements in Vic
tory Rose Festival Lane o' Laugh
ter. South Park blocks, between
Jefferson and Mill streets.
2:30 P. M. Grand military and
naval parade; presentation of
medals by city of Portland to
returned soldiers, sailors and ma
rines who march in parade.
Route of military parade The
parade will form on Fourteenth
street, proceed to Morrison street,
east on Morrison to Tenth street,
north on Tenth to Alder street,
east on Alder to Broadway, north
on Broadway to Pine, cast on
Pine to Fourth, south on Fourth
to Alder, west on Alder to Fifth,
north on Fifth to Oak. west on
oak to Sixth, south on Sixth to
Morrison, east on Morrison to
Fourth, south on Fourth to Jef
ferson, east on Jefferson to Fifth,
north on Fifth to Tamhill. west
on Tamhill to Broadway, south on
Broadway to Madison, west on
Madison to West Park, south on
West Park to Jefferson, west on
Jefferson to Tenth, south on
Tenth to Market and disband.
4 P. M- United States navy sea
plane exhibitions; orchestra con
cert. Victory Rose Festival rose
show at the municipal audito
rium; band concert. Festival Cen
ter, South Park blocks between
Main and Jefferson streets; band
concert, Japanese' and Chinese
oriental gardens. North Park
blocks between Burnside and Da
vis streets.
7 P. M. Amusements in Vic
tory Rose Festival Lane o' Laugh
ter. 8 P. M. Victory and peace song
festival at the auditorium in
honor of men of the service;
chorus of 600 voices, com
prised o f- members o f various
choral societies andchoirs of Port
land, accompanied by orchestraand
organ, under direction of William
H. Boyer; band concert. Festival
Center, South Park blocks be
tween Main and Jefferson streets;
band concert, Chinese and Japa
nese oriental gardens. North Park
blocks between Burnside and Da
vis streets.
9 P. M. "Devil Dogs' " ball,
Multnomah hotel; war camp com
munity service dance, B'nai B'rlth
Cross Awarded Caldwell Officer,
WASHINGTON, June 11. Award of
the distinguished service cross to First
Lieutenant Samuel Adams (deceased),
Caldwell, Idaho, was announced in a
report today from General Pershing.
t P P V
V-e rvr K v2,fSGf
vnwnviu -
n i 1
Shipyards Say Reimburse
ment Unsatisfactory.
Senate Committee Told Indus
try Must Be Kept Going.
Federal Official Makes Very Poor
AYItness and Senators Pour In
quiries at Him as to Policy.
ington, June 11. No plan of reimburse
ment of Pacific coast shipyards for
losses in cancelling contracts can be
considered as satisfactory, Harrison S.
Robinson, attorney for the Facific
coast shipbuilders, told the senate com
mittee on commerce today.
The Pacific coast shipbuilder Is in
the same position, said Mr. Robinson,
'as the owner of a large manufactur
ing plant to whom you might go and
say, I am going to burn your plant
tonight, but I will pay you your fire
insurance on all buildings, machinery
and material destroyed."
Mr. Robinson impressed upon the sen
ators and the officers of the shipping
board that the Pacific coast has some
thing else to consider besides mere re
imbursement on losses through cancel
lation, because the fate of more than
100,000 workers and their dependents
rests upon what develops in connection
with the shipbuilding industry in the
next few weeks.
Hurley Poor Witness.
Chairman Hurley of the board made
a very poor witness, his testimony be
ing at variance with that given by
Director-General Ackerson of the
emergency fleet corporation. Senator
Jones could not secure an admission
from Chairman Hurley that the con
tracts either canceled or suspended
early In the year were held up with
any intention of substituting new de
signs. He said there had been no such
intention at any time, while Mr. Acker
son testifying later raid the contracts
were originally suspended or canceled
with the intention of substituting new
contracts that would permit the build
ers to go ahead.
Many explanations were asked of
Chairman Hurley. Senator Jones was
especially anxious to know why the
board did not accept the offer of Skin
ner & Eddy of Seattle to take over at
$200 a ton, their exact cost, four 8800
ton ships now under construction in
that company's yards. Mr. Hurley re
plied that it was because the board
had just sold some steel ships for $210
a ton and the desire was to hold the
price at that figure.
Senators Evince Impatience.
Senators Jones, Chamberlain and
Lenroot showed some impatience wltb
this position. They pointed out that
.Concluded on Page
Column I.)
otve cm - lws
O-To TK15
VN' vvatch the.
Adds That Properties Will Be Re
turned to Companies "With
Operating Stairs Intact."
WASHINGTON. June 11. Declaring
the strike of wire employes which be
gan today was "wholly without justifi
cation," Postmaster-General Burleson
said in a statement "that no amount
of pressure will avail to make the wire
control board extend or go beyond"
rules .and regulations affecting em
ployes laid down during the war by the
national war labor board.
Mr. Burleson said his information
was that telegraphic traffic had not
and would not be delayed. Government
business, which makes up the bulk of
that handled by the telegraph com
panies here, was reported moving as
usual today, and at the Mate depart
ment, it was said, there had been no
interruption of cable communication
with Europe.
"The present strike Is wholly with
out Justification." said the postmaster-
general. "It started at Atlanta. Ga I
because, is was claimed, employes of
the Southern Bell Telephone company
had been dismissed solely because of
affiliation with the labor organiza
tion. The complaint was promptly re
ferred to postoffice inspectors for in
vestigation. "Whiio the Investigation was in
progress and before the investigators
had time to ascertain the facts, a sym
pathetic strike against tho Western
Union was called in the southeastern
states. An insignificant percentage- of
the operatives respected this order to
strike. Messages were not delayed
and business was handled as usual.
"In the meantime it was ascertained
that only r-even employes of the South
ern Bell Telephone company had been
dismissed during the month of May,
as compared with an average of five
for two months preceding, and the in
vestigation of these cases so far com
pleted shows that no discrimination
whatever has been practiced against
employes of that company because of
union affiliations.
"Our information is that the tele
graphic traffic has not been delayed
and the information received indicates
that it will not be delayed. During
the period of government control the
rules and regulations of the war labor
board were strictly observed and will
continue to be observed during the con
tinuance of government control, but no
amount of pressure will avail to make
the wire control board extend or go
beyond those regulations.
"When the period of government
control ends the wire systems can be
and will be returned to their various
owners intact, with their operating or
ganizations intact, without the values
of those properties having been in the
slightest Impaired."
$125,000 Project Planned for Bend
on Tumalo Creek.
BEND, Or.. June 11. (Special.) En
gineering work preliminary to the con
struction of an 1800-horse power plant
at a cost of $125,000 on Tumalo creek,
seven miles from Bend, by the Bend
Water, Light & Power company, was
begun today. The main construction.
It is estimated, will take from ten
months to a year.
Power development on the Tumalo
was made necessary when plans for
building a S000-horsc power plant were
canceled by the tying up of all Dcs
chute water rights for irrigation.
Tbe Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 66
degrees: minimum. 41 decrees.
TODAY'S) Fair: moderate westerly winds.
Rom Festival,
Hose Festival opens. Pace 1.
Rose show opens at auditorium with rare
display of flowers. Page 10.
Civilians arc given thrills In airships. Pace 11.
Airplane and auto emit Arab power.
Page 10.
Allied reply to Huns may be ready Friday.
Pace 3.
French criticise American willingness to meet
tierman objections. Pace VJ.
Coast shipbuilders Insist yards must be kept
going- Page 1.
Members, of Morgan banking bouse have
treaty, senate is told. Fas 5.
Official casualty list. Page -6.
Pershing to send S73.0UO men home this
month. Pace 4.
Labor opposes wartime prohibition. Pace 3.
Railroad brotherhood indorses leacue of na
tions covenant. Pace 2.
More Oregon troops arrive. Pace 16.
Portlsnd and New Orleans yet In battle for
1920 Shrtno convention. Pace 6.
Postmaster-General Burleson says wire strike
not justified. Pace 7.
Telegraphers' strike not generally felt
throughout the country. Page 1.
Pacific Northwest.
Washington "dry" law ratification suspended.
Page 1.
Yakima murderer attempts Jail breast,
page 26.
Pacific Coast League results: Seattle 4. Sac
ramento 2: San Francisco 6. Vernon 5:
Oakland 5. Los Angeles 1: Portland 4,
Salt Lake 2. Page 14.
Eight qualify for second-round play.
Page 15.
River sports thrill festival throngs. Pace 14.
Entries roll In for northwest championship
meet. Page 14.
Youngsters to decide roller marathon title
today. Page 10.
Wlllard sets fast pace for trainers. Pace 15.
Commercial and Marine.
Future trend of coffee prices is uncertain.
Pace 20.
Chicago corn market strenctbened by wet
weather report. Pace -0.
With late rslly early losses in atock market
are recovered. Page -0.
Three standlfer contracts may be reinstated.
Face 20.
rartland and Vicinity.
Closed session held by advertising men.
Pace 1.
Willamette hands out degrees to 2I. Page 16.
Fostal Telegrsph company hard hit in lociil
phase of wire strike. Page 7.
Portlsnd high schools to hold graduation
ccrcica loniga;. Fage lb.
Commercial Business Go
ing On as Usual.
Western Union Claims but 121
Operators Leave Posts.
President Koncnkamp of Telegra
phers Declares Tie-Up Will Be
Complete in Three Dajs.
Portland Postal operators all
out with exception of w're chiefs.
Postal messengers Quit. Western
Union not affected.
Seattle Forty Tostal operators
out. Western Union men stick.
Tacoma and Spokane Unaf
fected. Denver All Postal men out.
Jerome, Ariz. Isolated. All op
erators out.
Tucson and southwest service
In general strike not seriously
felt as yet.
CHICAGO, July 11. Union leaders
declared tonight that the first day's
response to the call for a nation-wide
strike of commercial telegraph opera
tors pave promise that me tie-up will
be complete in three days, despite
claims of company officials that tho
strike has failed.
Reports received by the Associated
Press from many towns in various sec
tions of the country indicate commer
cial telegraph business was not seri
ously interrupted in most districts.
A statement by President Carlton,
of the Western Union Telegraph com
pany, that only 166 persons, 121 of them
operators, answered the strike call,
brought from S. J. Konenkamp, inter
national president of the Commercial
Telegraphers' Union of A .erica, a re
mark that more than that number of
Western Union employes in Chicago
alone had joined the strike by noon
Kesrsksns la Confident.
"Reports up to late today point to a
90 per cent response in the Postal Tele
graph company service and a 70 per
cent response from Western Union em
ployes." said Konenkamp in a state
ment to the Associated Press tonight.
"The east has shown up surprisingly
well and in the southeast alone the
number of strikers now exceeds 3000.
"Telephone workers have added to
the strikers numbers in Philadelphia.
New Orleans. Columbia. S. C and
Brunswick, Ga. When the electrical
workers go on a nation-wide strike
Monday, additional telephone workers
also will go out.
"Railroad telegraphers in all parts
of the country are refusing commercial
business and troublo anew is impend
ing in Canada because of refusal of
Canadian telegraphers to handle Amer
ican business.'
Western talon Holds Many.
In a statement declaring only a few
Western Union operators had quit, Ed
ward F. Wach, deputy vice-president
of the Association of Western Union
employes, said the 30,000 members of
that organisation were not concerned
with the Commercial Telegraphers
Union of America demands. Sixty-five
per cent of all Western Union em
ployes arc represented in the associa
tion, he said.
TLie association has an agreement
with the Western Union whereby it Is
recognized and is permitted to bargain
collectively for wages and hours.
"We obtained a & and 10 per cent in
crease under Postmaster-General Burle
son and are promised adjustment of
certain parts of a scheduled entered
into with the company which was not
fulfilled by the postmaster-general.
"Reports from locals in all sections
of the country show Western Union
employes on the job, with a few ex
ceptions which are negligible."
Report Fran Detroit Odd.
To substantiate his claims, Mr. Wach
displayed telegrams from . association
officials in various districts saying
conditions were normal.
"Our Detroit office advises that the
Postal men went out and1 at noon were
seeking lunch money from Western
Union employes," he said.
He said that not a single operator in
the Western Union Chicago office
struck and explained that empty chairs
were merely for use wben emergency
relay sets were in operation.
To this Konenkamp asserted that
"the vacant chairs were occupied yes
terday." 12. W. Collins, general superintendent
of the Postal Telegraph company in
Chicago, admitted that a large num
ber of their 300 operators bad quit, but
insisted that if the agitators about the
building were driven away many em
ployes would come to work.
Police Protection Asked.
Police protection was asked by the
Western Union hera after numerous
street clashes of a minor character.
Delivery service was hampered late in
the day. when all Western Union mes
(Ccatiuvled pa rait , Column it