THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1919. 23 GOOD PRICES PAID AT WOOL AUCTION SALE Over 3,000,000 Pounds Government Stock Sold. of COMPETITION IS SPIRITED Practically o "Withdrawals of Aorthwestcrn Offerings; Califor nia Clip Also Disposed Of. The third and probably last auction sale of government-owned wool to be held in this city took: place at the Columbia Basin wool warehouse yesterday. The sale was in charge of Charles H. Green, government wool ad- ; mlnlstrator, who acted as auctioneer. The sale was a'hlghly successful one, from - a government standpoint, as the prices realized were better than those at tbe two previous sales and were even higher, on a scoured wool basis, than the prices paid at the latest Boston auction. The range of prices on northwestern ter ritory wools was from 40 to 45 cents for good average grades with choice bringing 47 to 52 cents, while the best three-eighths clothing wools brought 63 to 54 cents. Cal ifornia sold for the most part at 30 to 50 cents. For choice eight-months wool 53 cents was paid said two lots of three-eighths blood clothing realized 56 cents. About 2,500,000 pounds of all grades of territory wool were offered by Administrator Green, and of this large total only a single lot of 1212 pounds had to be withdrawn be cause of low bids. The California offerings amounted to 600,000 pounds, of which 63.1U2 lunds, or about 12 per cent, were with draw n. Among the large lots sold, with the Quan tity, the name of the purchaser and the j'i ice were the following: J3.245 av era pre clothing, half and three eighths, E. J. Burke, 40 cents. 10,814 average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 44 cents. 54,551 average to choice fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 45 cents. 31,38:: average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 44 cents. t3.491 average fine and fine medium, American woolen millp, 32 cents. 25,593 average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 41 cents. 14,750 average to choice fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 42 cents. J5.U61 choice fine and fine medium, Julius Dufur. 47 cents. 1 2.K38 average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 45 cents. 23,478 inferior fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 32 cents. 20,224 inferior fine and fine medium. It. M. Stanfleld, 31 cents. 13,788 average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 37 cents. 25,887 Inferior fine and fine medium, ratles scouring mills, 29 cents. 32,774 average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 49 cents. 26.787 inferior to average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 43 cents. 36,230 average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 48 cents. 11.074 choice 8 months California, R. M. Si:an field. 47 cents. 11,167 very inferior fine and fine medium. .. B. Crowe, 24 cents. 13.038 average fine and fine medium, R. M. Stanfield, 43 cents. 32,751 Inferior to average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 41 cents. 16,809 inferior to average fine and fine medium. F. A- Clark, 83 cents. 22.801 average to choice fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 43 cents. . 10,713 inferior to average fine and fine medium, T. S. Dickens, 37 cents. 15,53!) average fine and fine medium thort. F. A. Clark, 40 cent?. 24,596 half blood and fine and fine me dium, American woolen mills 46 cents. 18.103 choice hall clothing. June 12. 1916.... 44.2ns.0OO 250,000 f Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows Wheat. Bar. Fir. Oats. Hay. Portland, Tuesday.. ... 1 2 ... 1 Year ago 2 6 Ppawn to data 7517 1109 2S26 775 3106 Year ago 3804 402 1360 1542 lifiinj 'j'acoma.. Monday... 3 ... .... Year ago 1 ... Season to-date 5-r.3 4I ... 2fto 1232 Year ago .....5564 107, ... 301 1672 Seattle, Monday.... 6 ... 18 Year ago 7 f 4 1 3 Reason to date ..... MOO 100 1727 618 2567 rear ago 4S65 PRINT 344 1725 1119 3105 BUTTER TTP AGAIN" TODAY. City Creameries Announce Two Cent Ad vanceCubes Firm. There will be another two cent advance In print butter prices this morning to the 56-cent box basis for plain wrapped. The butter fat buying price will also be raised to 56fj37 cents at stations. The cube market was fairly active yester day and prices were firm with 52 cents paid for 92 score. Buyers and sellers showed more of a disposition to get together. Stor age holdings were increased 28,891 pounds. Street stocks were lighter at 2734 cubes and 281 boxes. Receipts on Monday were: Pound 14,124 ...... 2.237 Idaho Oregon ...,.. ......... Washington , Total 16,731 Cheeflp receipts were 20.015 pounds from Oregon, 2610 from Washington and 440 from California. Good Trade In Berry Market Strawberries were steady with a gqod de mand at 13.25 for the large receipts. Can taloupes were also steady, jobbers making standards at 58 and flats at $2.50. New potatoes were easier at 66?i cents. Old stock was steady Xrocal Egg Market firm. The egg market was firm with the general buying price 40 cents. Receipts were 810 cases from Oregon, 46 from Washington and 10 from Idaho. half clothing. American woolen mills. 52 cents. ;44,B31 average three-eighths clothing, R. 2tl. Stanfleld, 35 cents. 24.573 choice three-eighths clothing. Jack Wilbur. 50 cents. 11,580 choice three-eighths clothing, E. J. Burke. 41 cents. 13,039 average three-eighths clothing. 23. J. Burke, 40 cents. 17,450 average three-eighths clothing, E. J. Burke, 47 cents. 12,899 inferior three-eighths clothing. Dalles scouring mill, 34 cents. 1 5,020 inferior quarter clothing, F. E. tlreen. 30 cents. 16,237 choicn common and braid, Oregon worsted mill, 3j cents. 33,102 braid, K. J. Burke, 41 cents. 42,834 average fine and fine medium. American woolen mills, 42 cents. 12.825 average fine and fine medium. .American woolen mills, cents. 12.188 average fine and fine medium. American woolen mills, 42 cents. 13.134 average fine and fine medium. American wooien muis, 44 cents. 42,579 Inferior to average fine and fine medium, Portland woolen mills, 34 cents. 13,307 average fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 44 cents. 34,195 choice fine and fine medium. Amer ican woolen rail is, 45 cents. 1 8,504 average fine and fine medium. American wooien mius, 4U cents. 17,157 choice fine and fine medium, Amer ican woolen mills, 47 cents. 34,080 choice fine and fine medium, Amer ican woolen mills, 46 cents. 34,534 average to choice fine and fine medium, American woolen mills, 46 cents. 20.623 inferior fine and fine medium. American wooien mi us, 31 cents. 27,464 average fine and fine medium. American wooien. mil in, 4U cents. 12,936 choice fine and fine medium, Amer ican wooien miup, 4 cents. 25,140 inferior fine and fine medium, Julius yoiur, hl cents. 17.281 average to choice fine and fine memum, American woolen mills. 46 cents. 29. 60S average to inferior fine and fine nifdium, American woolen milts, 39 cents. 26,336 avera ge fine and fine medium, American woolen mills. 47 cents. 15.063 average three-eighths clothing, Ore gon uity .Manufacturing Co.. 40 cents. 16,645 average fine and fine medium, Isi dore Kosniand, 33 cents. 11.42 average three-eighths clothing, R, AI. staniield. 4u cents. 42,500 average three-eighths clothmg, Isi dore rvosmanu, 03 cents. 19,242 choice quarter clothing, T. Kay woolen mills, 42 cents. 23,848 Inferior fine and fine medium cloth- itiT. v . i- Crowe, 3 cents. 65.000 fine and fine medium California, w . . iToire. at cents. 15,549 half blood California, E. H. Tryon, -0 CtllUI. 19.856 halt blood California. E. II. Tryon, 21.553 half blood California, W. B. Crowe, 00 cents. 12,534 half blood California, E. J. Burke, j ccnip. 14,043 half blood California, Jack Wilbur, cents. 13,000 half blood California, E. J. Burke, 01 crn 10,370 three-eighths clothing California, -l j i ub:iu wwucu nuns, uo cents. -i.uvif nair eomting California, E. H. x r 011, cen lb, 27,713 common and braid California, Ore gon worscea muis, 41 cents. GBAIX TRADE TTTLX. ON" tOCAt BOARD Barley Bids Are 50 Cents Lower Other Offers Unchanged. The grain market was dull at the noon session or the hoard. Feed barley bids were advanced 50 cents, but otherwise offers were littls changed from Monday. Weather conditions in the middle west, as wired from Chicago: Minneapolis, cloudy, 63; Illinois, clear, warm; Iowa and Missouri, clear, fine. 68 to 70; Topeka. clear, fine; Omaha, cloudy, cool, heavy rain last night; Ohio valley, clear, hot. "Forecast, grain belt resettled; probbaly howsra tonight and tomorrow; not much change In temperatures." The Canadian spring wheat crop In three northwest provinces is estimated at 3OO.00O, 000 bushels versus 163,000,000 bushels har vested last year. The eats crop Is estimated at S5O.000.0OO versus 232,000,000 bushels last year. The Americas visible wheat snpply com pared as follows: Rush el. Decrease. Jane 0, 101ft , , ,l5,8a.oon 7, June 10, . , , K21.000 325,OftO June 11, 1917 ...33,855,000 6,041.000 CATTLE DRAG AT YARD S BUYERS SLOW TO TAKE HOLD AT REDUCED PRICES. Lambs Are Weak and Quoted Dollar Low ECogs Are Steady and Unchanged. Except for hogs, the livestock market was weak yesterday. Receipts were not large but buyers were slow to take hold of cattle at th. reduced quotations.' The sheep market also a ragged and 13 cents was quoted as the top on Iambs. Hogs were steady at former prices. . Receipts were 55 cattie, S78 hogs and 710 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: . Wi Price.! WL Price. ii steers.. 1235 11. 0ii20 ewes. . . 106 1 5.00 - steers.. 1100 10.25113 wethers 111 7.50 itu -3J.uu 'i lambs.. 136 12.75;18 lambs. . 8.50i87 lambs. . t.00;i2 vearl'cs 0.751110 w'th'rs 2 calves. 3 calves. 2 cows. . 6 steers. 1030 4stee-i.. 1130 2 cows. .. l cow . , 1 cow .... 14 ewes. .. 1 ewe.. 68 ewes. .. ewes. .. 80S 20 970 141 1 35 10. 12 6.00 8.25 5.00 5.50 6.2.", 6. IT. 6.23 7 wethers 18 wethers 4 hogs . . . 5 hogs. . . 8 hogs 3 hogs 56 11.00 HO 13.00 53 11.00 112 7. 75 8 7.75 118 7.50 3 35 7.50 445 16.75 2:t0 3 8. S3 1!6 19 25 237 10.25 Prices at the yards were as follows Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Portland S4.H53.M1 I S88.S43 Seattle 6,45U.iS6 1.4trt,26 Taioma SSO.245 ltw.2(iS Spokane 1,630,313 606,733 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATION'S Grain, Flour, feed. Etc Merchants' exchange, noon session: June July Hid. Rid Oats No. 2 white feed 55::. oo Sf'-.oO Barley Standard feed 51.50 52. 5 Barley Standard "A" 52.50 63.50 Eastern Oats and. Corn, bullc Oats No. 3 white 49.00 49.00 38-lb. clipped white. .......... 50. OO 5o.oo orn -n o. 4 yeuow 7.5o f mi Corn No. 3 mixed.... 06.50 65.50 WHEAT Government basis, $2.20 per bushel. FLOUR Patents, til. 45 delivered, ill .10 at mill: bakers', 911.1511.30; whole wheat. iw.-'j't iu.; granam, iu. iu.::u. MILLFEED Mill run f. o. b. mill, carlots. I37&38 per ton, mixed cars, $37.6038.50; ton lots or over, $3Sf40: less than ton, $40 t-4i; rouea oariey, ?uu'0t:;; rolled oats, S61; ground barley, $UU. COB.N Whole, ton, s,o: cracked. $77 per ton. HAT Buying prices f. o. b. Portland: Eastern Oregon timothy, $3637 per ton; alialfa, $28; valley grain hay, $26 ft 26; clover, $2628. lairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes. I2-score, 52c: 91 -score. 51 lie; 00-score, 51 .c ; prints, parchment wrappers, box lots, ..; r&rtons, 67c; half boxes 1-4 c more; tes than naif boxes, lc more: butterfat. No. 1. 5ti257c Der cound. station. EUGS Oregon ranch, case count. 43c: candled, 45c; selects, 46c. CH&SSE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 54c; Young Americas. 35c; Coos and Jurry, I. o. D. Myrtle Point, triplets, 33Vsc; Young Americas, 34c; longhorns, 34c. rUtLTKY Hens, 28c; broilers. 25 'a 32c: geese, ducks and turkeys, nominal. VEAU rancy, ale per pound. FORK Fancy, 26c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, S5.75i&6.50: lemons. $6.257.50 per box; bananas. 9-OU.c per lb. apples, $6.00 per box ; grapefruit, $6.50 strawberries, $3.2t; cherries, 15 20c per pound; cantaloupes, jj.dw'b 7.50 per crate; apricots, l2.t5'ffS per box. VEGETABLES Cabbage, S4.503 per 100 pounds ; lettuce, $2.2u 2.50 per crate: pep pers, 30c per pound ; artichokes, 75c; cauil flower, S3.2.; beets, $2.50 per sack; - car rots, Z4 per sack; turnips, $3.50 per sack ; cucumbers. 11.25 2 per dozen ; to matoes, $1.85 U 2.50 box; spinach, 8c per pound ; peas, 1 1 Z 13c per pound ; rhubarb. TVsrSc per pound; asparagus, $1.252 per crate. POTATOES Oregon Burbanks. best. i.7(tf.o; new caurornia, u6c per pound. ONIONS California, red, oc per pound. Ktuple Groceries. Tvocal jobbing quotations: SL'GAR Sack basis. Fruit or berrv. $0.63; beet. $9.65; Honolulu cane, $9.60; ex tra C, $9.15; powdered in barrels. S10.25: cubes in barrels. SI 0.45. NUTS walnuts. 27tf35c: Brazl nuts. 33c: filberts, 2bc; almonds, 24 vf30c; peanuts, 11 W 15c. SALT Half-ground. 100s. 1 16 ner ton: dus, per ton: dairy, per ton. KIGE japan style. u-?4c; blue rose. 10c head. 12c per pound. Hb;A a Huvinsc price., larere wmte. & a o c pr pounn; rea. c per pouna. lui1 f itoasieu, in arums, av(fc. Hons, Mohair, Etc. HOPS Oregon. 191! crop, 4547c; 1017 crop, 30c; I'Jlo crop, ISc per pound; three- year contracts. 30c. 28c. 2oc. w oul eastern uregon ana wasmngton. 40 ai j7c per pound; valley. 40 it 5oc per pound. .MUMAin iv 19 cup, ooc per pound. TALLOW No. 1, 8c per pound: No. 2. 6c per pound; grease No. 1, 6&c; No. 2, 72 c per pounu. cacuaka iJAKtv. i ew, iuc per pound. GRAIN BAGS In carlots. 13c. Pro visions. Local iobblnr Quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice, 41 42c: stand ard, 41c; skinned, 3536c; picnic, 20c ; cot roll. 3 be. LARD Tierce baslB, 33c; compound, 26 He per pounu. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 2934c plates, iioiasc exports, iiic. BACON Fancy, 5335c; standard. 469 GOOd tO ChAlm Ktnr. Medium to choice steers Fair j.o good steers Common to fair steers........ d to choice cows, heifers. Medium to good cows, heifcs. I'air to medium cows, heifers. anners Bulls Calves -."I!IltiriII storkers and feeders Hogs rime mixed edium mixed . ......... ou rr h hpavip . Pigs i t-heep Prime spring Jambs air to medium lambs . earlincs Wethers Ewes Louis A. Nash Mexi Petroleum 30.S00 Miami Copper . 5,700 Midvale Steel . O.Ouo Missouri Pacifie 12.0OO Montana Power 2,600 Nevada Copper. 2. M00 New York Cen. 6.7UU N Y, N M & H. 1,800 Nor e Western 70O Northern Pacif . 1,700 Pacific Mail Pac Tel A Tel. 400 Pan-Am Petro.. 16.2V0 Pennsylvania .. 1.600 Pitts &. W Va. . 13,600 Pittsburg Coal. 5.700 Ray Cons Cop.. 13.000 Reading 15,400 Kep iron dc St. ii.nnn 100 20 52 S 33 S fr4 20 32 S 100", 30 V4 101 U 47 434 6S 25 91 Is 91 15i 66 V 1114 314 112 275 io.5oeii.oo 10.01410.50 a. 75 9.75 7.75 S.75 9.50 a 10 00 0.50 ii 7.50 4.504V 5.50 3.00(ru 4.00 5.00'fl) 8.50 e.oor,ri:i.oo 7.00 10.00 lfl.25O19.50 19.O0 f& 19.25 18.00 (hlS. 75 17.25& 17.50 11.5O13.0O o. on io. oo tt.50f S.50 7.'Af 8.50 Q.mi'fp 7.30 Chicago Uvestock Market. CHICAGO. June, 10 TT. K Ttnreti f Markets. ) Hogs Receipts 35.000. market ctive, 10c to 15c above yesterday's average. op, s.'u.z.t; bulk. Sl.90fti2Q15: heavy weight, $19.950 20.15; medium weight, $19.85 -tw.a: ngniweizuL xi.75ii:o.20: lieht ght. 18 019 85: heavv narklnz sows. mooth. $19.504r 19.90: packing sows, rough. iKiu.bu; ptgs, S17.25ni8. Cattle Receipts 13.00O. Beef steers slow. some early sales steady. Butcher stock, 15c to z..c higher. Calves. 25c to 50c huther. eeders. strong: -beef steers, medium and eavy weight, cholcs and prime. 115.25 6.30; medium and good, $12.2515.25; corn- on. itrntweisnt. cood and hoice, $ 12. 6r 1 5; common and medium, lOtff 12.75; butcher cattlo, heifers. $7.75 fit :.:i5; cows, $7.50'ii113; can n era and cutters. q. .00; veal calves. light and handy- eight, $15.25 016.75: feeder steers. 9.75 O 13.25; stocker steers, $7.7512.40. Sheep Receipts 17.000. desirable killing grades strong to 25c higher. Best heavy lambs strengthening most. Lambs. 84 ounds down, $12.75 15.85; 85 pounds up. 015.R5; rails and common. 9 & 12.25: prings. 16010; yeariine wethers. 10.25 ix 13; ewes, medium, good and choice, $7.50 9; culls and common, $307.25. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. June 10. Hors Receipts 10.500. market 10c to 25c higher. Bulk, $ 19.05 vs u.m; top, 20.20; heavyweight, $20.05 4r 0.20; medium weight. 20 Si 20.20; light weight. 19.8520.05; light lights, $19.25t 19.b.; heavy packing sows, smooth. 19.85'a 0.10; packing sows, roueh. 19.50(3 19. h5: pigs, medium, $17.750118.75. Receipts 4500. market beef and butcher cattle, 15c to 25c higher. Stockers nu ieeders steady. Beef steers, choice and rime, ii'a lo.L'.i; medium and rood. 12.7.1 (5C15; common, 1 0.75 & i:t ; lightweight, good nu cnoice, si j. a i&.2u; common and me mm, KlQ!ftl4: butcher cattle, heifers. $8 ww; cows, $7.75 (l 12. 1 5; canners and cut cows and heifers, $3.75 w 7.7': veal calves, light and heavy weight, 12014; feeder steers. 1 0.25 g 13.2C ; stocker steers. .508.20; stocker calves, $7.50 11.50. Sheet) Receipts 6500. market steady to 5c higher. Sheep steady; lambs, 84 pounds own. 514. 15. .0; lambs, 8j pounds up. 13. 75ff? 14.75; lambs, culls and common. $10 i3.o; spring lambs. medium. $17.50 8.i5; yearling wethers, $1213; ewes, $9 l'j.ov; ewes, cuns ana common, suvrv. Seattle livestock Market. SBATTLEJ. June 10. Hogs: Receipts 289. Steady and dull. Prime $19.85 $20; ma lum to cnoice iw.ts : rouch heavies I i . UU M) SlO, PIES 1 i.WQC 1M.UO Cattle Receipts to2. Steadv. Best steem $11.5012.75: medium to choice $10.5011 common to good $7 Sr 10: best cows and heif ers $311; common to good $5 7.50; bulls caives svs. Shat Ariz Cop. 4.000 Sin Oil & Ref.. 34.700 Southern Paclf. 70,500 Southern Rail. . 7,100 Studebaker Cor. 65.100 Tex Co. ex div. 4.400 Tobacco S'rod . 20.000 lOfl Un ion Pacific . 6. 200 134 4 w ; stores 17, iuo n: U S Ind Alcohol 9,800 160i U S Steel 251,900 ll0Tfc IT S Steel pfd.. 500 116T Utah Copper . . 14.100 89 Western Union. 400 89 Westing Klec . 50 4 Wlllvs-Overland 2l.-4"0 384 Royal Dutch . . 66.0OO 1174 1144 HO1, BONDS. U. S. Lib. 34s . 99.40 U. 8. 4s coupon .1064 do 1st 4s 95.30!Am. T. & T. cv. fislO do 2d 4s 94.-J8I Atchen. gen. 4s.. 824 do 1st 4 . . 95.70!n. A R. g. ref. 5s 574 do 2d 44s... 94.40 N. Y. C. deb. 6s.lOO do 3d 48... D.V40' Northern Pac 4a 824 do 4th 4s... 94.50 Northern Pac 3s.594 Victory 34s. . .100.02 P. T. A T. fs...91S Victorv 4is 99.04, Penn. con. 44s.. 95 IT. S. ref. 2s, reg. 1914 So. Pac. cv. 5s 110 1". S. ref. 2h, cou. 99 4 So. Railway 6s.. 94 TT. a. eon. 3s rer. ! 17. S. Steel 5s IOO TJ. S. con. 3s cou. Anglo-Frch. 5s.97 9-16 U. s. con. as cou..iuo 1S4 2S4 504 79 19 4 804 314 1S4 98 304 P8e 46 40 4 60 4 244 89 88 154 G34 108 i 30 4 106 270 101S 1.12 4 139 157 107H 1164 85 4 89 56 36 4 114 4 119 187 T 284 M4 32 4 79 39 4 81 314 108 4 9S4 404 30 4 99 4 464 414 62 4 24 4 00 88 S 154 644 100 4 304 10S4 274 4 103 4 3 33 141 4 159 4 1084 116 4 R74 89 58 Hides ad Felt. HIDES No. 1 salt-cured hides. SO lbs. and up. 20c; No. 1 part-cured hides. 80 lbs. and up, 184c: rso. 1 green hides, 30 Ib.. and up. 17c: No. 1 salt-cured bull hides. CO lbs. and up, 14c; No. 1 part-cured bull hides. 50 lbs. and up, 1 lc The price on No. 2 hides will be lo per pound less than on No, 1. No. 1 calf skins, up to 15 lbs., 45c; No. 2 calf skins, up to 15 lbs., 43c; ISo. 1 kip skins, 15 to 25 lbs., 23c; No. 2 kip skins, 15 to lbs., 23c; dry flint hides, 7 lbs. and up. 30c drv flint calf hides, under 7 lbs.. 4Uc: drv salt hides. 7 lbs. and up, 24c; dry salt calf hides, under 7 lbs., 34c; dry flint stag or bull hides, yc; ary sail duu niaes, 14c; dry bull hides and skins, half price; dry horse hides, according to size and quality, each, $1.5U&3; salt horse hides, skinned to hoof and head on, $3C6; horse hides with heads off, 50c less. PELTS Dry long-wool sheep pelts, per lb., zuv.ioc; ary medium woo; stieep pelts, per lb., 20Jf30e; dry shearling sheep pelts, each, &0ifv75c; salted long wool sheep pelts. each. $2&5; salted medium wool sheep pelts each, SI Q 2; salted shearling sheep pelt. eacn, our oc. BAN FRANCISCO PRODI CE MARKET Prices Current on Egg, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAM FRANCISCO, June 10. Butter. B7c Eggs Fresh extras, 63 4 e ; extra pullets. Cheese Young Americas, 3Jc. Poultry Hens, 36 4f 37c ; roost era yung, 4350c: old. 2024c; broilers 2931c small, large, 32fe-33c; fryers, 3386oj geese. nominal. Squabs, . jj3.&0 dozen. Vegetables Asparagus. graded. 10ft 1 pound ; egg plant. 15 V 20a pound ; peppers. bell, L'Otf juc pouna large, loo lor small Chile. 20& 2rc: summer squash. 6if Juo crat or box; tomatoes, 3.fi0r 4 crate or box potatoes, new Delta, $3va.50; garnets, $4. 03: earlr rose. $3.754 cental; onions, n red, $4 34.25; yellow, $3.233.50 crate; green, $1.75 (t? 2 box ; green pees, bay No. 1, 64r 60 pound ; do No. 2, 3 & 4c : do Half Moon, 8c cucumbers, natural, $1.73 if 2: spinach, 75c $1.25 crate; string beans, Kentucky Wonders, 10pl2c pound; wax, 127 13c; pole, I2rl3c limas. 20c; green corn. 3 Ota 40c. Fruit Lemons. $4.5Odf6.50 box! Valenci oranges, $4.250 3.50; grapefruit, fancy, $4tfi spples, Newton Pippins, 13. &4 currants, S12&18 chest: Innuats, 6so poundf peaches. $1421.25 crate; figs. $1.50icrl.T5 box! Mission, do: white. Sll.201 strawberries, 11101a, ac cording to grade; raspberries, u.:33 crate, according to district; loganberries, red, $14 16 chest; blackberries, S22.50 crate; cher ries, black, bvt"o pound; wmte, otibc Royal Annes, 10 11c; apricots, $1.54) 1. crate; gooseberries. 6& he pound; canta loupes, standard crate. $4 0 4.50. Receipts Flour, 1935 quaroers; barley, 2226 centals: banst 2770 sacks; potatoes. 993 sacks; onions, nil sacks; hay, w tons; hides, 1346; wtne, izou gallons. -Closing quotations: Mohawk 68 4 North Butte.... 34 4 Old Dominion... 43 Osceola 58 Qulncv 72 Superior . Sup. & Boa 11 in. wnannon 9 4 BOSTON, June 10. Alloues ........ 41 Arix. Com. 14 Cal. & Axis. 69 Cal. & Mecla... .420 Centennial 17 Cop. R. Con. Co. 52 4 K. utto Cp. Jde. Franklin 4. Isle Roy. (Cop.) 37 4 1 Wolverine . iaKe copper.... o Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK. June 10. Mercantile naoer. d4fo per cent. sterling, OO-day bills. S4.604: commercial so-day bins, on banks, S4.G0: commercial M day hills, $4.59; demand, $4.4G2; cables. 4.3. Franco, demand. G.42; cables. 6.40. Guilders, demand, 39 9-16; cables, 39 3-16. Lire, demand, 7.85; cables, 7.82. Bar silver. 1 . 1 0 4 Mexican dollars, 84c. Government bonds, easy ; railroad bonds. easy. Ttime loans, strong, all dates 54 0 per cent. Call money, firm; high, low and ruling rate, u per cent; closing bid. oi. per cent offered at 6 per cent; lost loan, 6 per cent. LONDON, June 10. Bar silver, 63 Sd per ounce. Money, 2 . per cent; discount rates, short bills, 34 per cent; three-months' bills, 34 per cent. Eastern Dairy Prod nee. CHICAGO, June 10. Butter lower. Cream ery 45&504C. Kkkh lower. Receipts 56.779 cases: firsts 394W404c; ordinady firsts 38639c: mark, cases Included, 382$40c; storage packed firsts 414w42c; extras 42 4 O 42 4c rounry, a live, uncnangea. NETV YORK, June 10. Butter weak creamery higher than extras &3&53 4 c ; creamery extras S2&524: firsts 504 51 -.. rjgga irreguisr: iresn ratnerea extras 4K 1424cc; firsts 43(fii44c: storage packed ex tra firsts 46 4 47 4c; firsts 44 4 46. i;neese weaa, state wnoie milk riatn cur rent mark, specials 314&314c; average run 304 031; state, whole milk twins, current mark, specials 31 & 31 4; average run 29 4 to 31c. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. June 10. Copper, stronc: electrolytic, spot and June, 17-4 174c; July and August, 17 4 c Iron, unchanged. Lead, firm.' Spot, 5.105:30c; July. 5.20 5.40C. Spelter, firm; spot. 6.25 6.45c; July, 6.35 0 6.60c New Tork Hugar Market. NEW YORK, June 10. Raw sugar, steady. Centrifugal, 7.28c; fine granulated, 9c. Dulnth, Linseed Market. DT7LTJTH. June 10. Linseed. $4.724.70. CORN DOWN WITH SELLING STEPS TAKEN TO CHECK XTXDCE SPECTJIiATIOX. Weakness Is Pronounced in Last Hoar and Tone at Close Is Heaxy; Qats Also Weak. CHICAGO, June 10. Efforts which the federal reserve banking ayatem was said to be putting forth to check unaue speculation ted to much selling of corn today. Tbe mar ket closed heavy, 14 4? 24c net lower, with July $L67Htel.6T4 and September $1 &4 C-1-594- Oats finished 4o down ana provisions vary hag from 25c decline to a rise ot 10c Weakness In the corn market become pro nounced in the last hour. It wss at this 1 juncture reports were circulated that letters from the federal reserve board to the va- 1 rious reserve banks bad been sent express- rng serious concern in regard to signs of over-speculation. Simultaneous downturns in stocks and cotton hid a further bearish ef fect on corn. Previously the corn market during the greater part of tbe day had shown strength on account of wet weather STid a prospect of more. Bearish sentiment, due to the government crop report, was no ticeable at the opening, tout the bears did not again rule values to any Important de gree until competition of sellers widened out after midday and found support later. Oats were governed mainly by the changes In corn. Higher quotations on hogs made provisions average higher. On the bulge, however, packers sold. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. .TuTv 1.S $1674 S1.Ti Sept 1.60 1.61 4 1 594 1.594 OATS. .Tulv 67 .67 S .664 .664 Eept 64-4 .65 4 .64 4 -64 S MESS FORK, jniv no fin 50 no Sept. 47.00 47 40 47.00 47.15 LARD. Julv 34 OA ::4.2 34 OA S4 10 Sept. 33.05 33.25 33.02 33.05 snORT RIBS. JuTv 27.45 27. nr. 27.4S 27 6 Sept 27.10 27.30 27.10 "27.20 Cash prices were : Corn No. 3 yellow. $1731.734: N. 4 yellow, nominal: No. 5 yellow, nominal. Oats No. 3 white, 674fr6S4c; standard, fWtfi Wc. Rve No. 2. $1.434 11.474. , Rarlev $1.13 4M 21. Timothy $0-sr 12. Clover Nomina I. Pork Nominal. Lard 4.10. Ribs $272R. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 10. Barley. $1.0 tTi.11. Flax, $4.7394.75. Grata at Saa TVaneiseo. SAN FRANCISCO, June 10. Flour. $12.90, "f. o. b. warehouse. Grain Wheat. $2.20; oats, red feed. $2 20 02.40; corn. California yellow. $3. 1593.40; barley. No. 1 feed, 1018 crop. $2.0t2.V Hay Whoat or wheat and oats. $1601; tame oat. $1710: barley, silfl4; alfalfa. $15'J10 barley straw. SOffSOc bale. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. June 10. Turpentine firm $1.04; sales 324; receipts 878; shipments 188; Stock 11.4SM. Rosin firm; sales 57B; receipts 1219; ship ments 600; stock ro.07. Ouote: Tl S12&50: D $12.40-375: Ti tl2.80s 90; K $12.85j IS: G $12.9013: H $18; I $13.20925; K $13.50 70; M $13.7S?14.20 N $14.43; WG $14.85; WW $15. Tried I ruit at New York. I NEW YORK, June 10. Evaporated ap pies, strong, western. 184 021c; state, 20 $T 23C Prunes, quiet. Coffee Futures Irregular. NEW TORK, June IO. A future advance of 4 to 11 points established new high rec ords In the coffee market during today's early tra clinic, but met a gooa deal ol real I aing and scattered selling, w hich ca used These Municipal Bonds Comprise a partial list of the many issues of Municipal Bonds owmd and offered by us. Tou will lind them unusuaUv desirable and attractive for investment purposes. Thev represent communities and OLetricts in. Oregon. Washington and IdaJio. and the province of the Dominion of Canada, Amonj th.-m you will find just the kind of bonds you most desire, their beinjj wide ranee or localitv. maturlty and yield. $18,000 tBaker Co, Ore, S. D. Maturity. No. 16 1922-31 STOCK TRADING CHECKED WARNING AGAINST SPECXXA- TION UNSETTLES PKICES.. Declines of From One to Eighteen Points Arc Registered Bonds Reflect Weakness of Shares. NEW TORK, June 10. Renewed expres sion of concern on the part of federal reserve hank officials In Washington regarding excessive speculation was considered the dominating factor in a depression of from to 18 points in prices in the stock ex change today. The turnover In shares ap proached the 2,000,000 mark. The rate on call money for mixed loans did not ad vance beyond Its customary 6 per cent and this conformed to the understanding; that the federal reserve regarded as Impracti cable any such method of checking specu lation, owin g to the fact that there is so much government financing in progress which must not be subjected to Interfer ence. The rate on industrial loans ruled at 9 per cent late In the afternoon. The market closed heavy and its tone was decidedly uncertain. Short covering also was a factor in the late moderate recoveries. Virtually only the tobacco rrtniD ex hibltetl sustained strength. Aside from the federal reserve bank's de termination to stabilise the speculative situation, several different Influences served to depress certain atocks. General Motors, after a sharp break of 18 points, recovered some of its loss, but closed H. points under iiuDuars close. southern Pacifiers loss of 8 3-8 nolnts w&a accounted for by Its poor April earnings. losses generally ranged from 2 to 18 points In motors.1 to S in shippings, 1 to 7 in oils, 1 to 3 in rails and 1 to 6 in eouin. mentit. Vnited Gtates Steel suffered under tno effect of the general weakness and de clined 2 5-S. After the market's close there was an Im mense norrowinr demand for stocks in th loan market, confirming other evidences of a largely expanded short account. Sales for me uay amounted to shares. .Konas reflected in a moderate wav th weakness of stocks, with the liberty issues also shading. Total sales, par value, ag gregated S13.300.000. It was renortrt the Japanese government had Invested 130.- wu,uv in tne certificates oc indebtedness of me united btates treasury. Old United State bonds were nnrhanrnd on calL CLOSING STOCK QUOTATTONB. Closing Am Beet Sugar 4.200 sa American Can. . 11.000 f Am Car A Tdy. 300 307V Am ii ft ii or.i . a.uoQ l Am Looomotlva U,60 64 Am Hmlt At KfS 21.20U Mti Am Hug RPg... 4.:tno l.lflt Am Bum Too.. linsi Am Tel St Tel.. 3..100 306 Am Z L A H... h.Hno 5 A Anaconda Cop. S4.iK)0 T.I Atchison ...... 11,400 30J A O A W I S H 14,7('0 38J llsldwln Toco., SO, 800 101 Halt A Ohio.,. 2H) 63 H Beth Hteel "B dT.600 fi0 HAH Copper, ft, fk0 31 California Pet.. T.100 M Canadian Pac, 2.fiK) 3 Central Leather 40.300 3.1 Ches A Ohio... a.niM A7U C. M. sb 8t Paul K.OuO 40 Chi fit North... U00 lu7S Chi, n I a Pac, T.H00 20 H Chino Copper - 10.300 48 S Col FUel st Iron 2.8oo ftO Corn Products., o.hoo Crucible tit eel . ffO.TDO The Canadian Bank of Commerce COLLECTION BUSINESS Our numerous branches and widespread connec tions enable this Bank to render unusually efficient service in making collections. Portland Branch Fourth and Stark Streets u m Cuba Can. Has S..100 Pin Beo Corp.., A.000 Erl. , X600 Umvll Klactrio :0( General Motor.. B.6OO tit. Korth pfd.. 2.000 O N Ore Ctf.... 0,200 Illlnoi. Central. 200 Inspiration Cop SS.S0O Int. Mer M prd. 1U.C0O Intwm KIckeL.. 18.900 Intm "Paper .. 6.100 Kan City Sonth TOO Kannecott Cop.. 19,900 15 lrt S30 0Sl J01C lL'l . H 60 40 i. B7 105 62 3 3S 106 T3H 100 1T24 S7 .17 101 101W as -igv 3 ti H5 7 18 'a 104 220 87 1O0 H Bni. lia 2S BS 22 H Hid. 67 10B 124 63 .3 5i 1 as 14 iir 1061. - 7.1 100 it 171-V, (Hi '4 BT14 lfll 102. fitlii 4.1 10 m 40 7 1R4 ' 23754 1)7 4S 100S no-, 2 09 'i 55, iiJI-iiiiraJ ' spark proof can be laid over practically any 'old roof 'M) H frootf?cr tJicrtcrdds the virtues of asphalt to the virtues of state SLATE it not nffn tnl by expo sure Asphalt is loog wearing and watrr-prooC, In Carey Laa tlle Roofing we combine time two materials and thus aoduce aheet having the utmost durability and water-proof quaEtiea. The upper aide of LastOe Koofing is aompooed of a layer of natural red or green crushed slate. This not only mnkra a vet j btautad roof bat it takes the wear. Underneath this layer of crushed slate is a layer of asphalt gam. The slate is embedded in this asphalt permanently. Under neath this layer of asphalt is a heavy aheet of the best grada of wool frit, thoroughly salm ated and water proofed with asphalt. This sheet alone provides far more resistance than most roofs even without the extra layer of, asphalt and the crushed slate. Carey Lastflo Roofing wears year after year, presents a most attractive appearance, requires do paint at any tune and is so spark-proof that It m endorsed by the Underwriters. Tbe first cost is but littio more than that of ordinary roofings and it costs no more to apply. It is adapted Cor use col residences factories, barns, garagas and is fre- brtoniM quently used aa a aiding in addition to being used as a r - . a s.rwnc ana sea it or wnw n m wnw. H reoti ares no potfrtinc or rcpoirs cl m 3 a c Asphalt BoDt-Up Roofs vettex Aspnait resia Manco Aspbalc Damp -Proofing Cornpscnda Fibre Coatiivg for Roof Koonoa Paints Elaatlte Kxpanalosi Jetet Carey Building Materials KtJ Asbeatoa Dnilt-Up Roofa FlDerocK yvsocsTos iua Asfalralate Shin&Ies Insolatinft Paper Roll Roofings WaUboard Asbeatoa Materials 85 Magneala Ftpe and BoUar urvartxiaa Carey Fleadbla Cement Roofing PACIFIC ASBESTOS & SUPPLY COMPANY 1 N. Second Street Portland, Oregon. 300 Beaverton, Ore, Water ; 37,000tClackamaa Co, Ore, U. IT. S. D. No. 3. 40,000 'Crook Co, Ore, Highway 31.000 Klamath Co, Ore, S. D. No.1... 2,500 fSeaside, City of. Ore, Funding 15,000 tSherman Co, Ore, S. D. No. 23 6,000 "King Co, Wash, Harbor Imp 200 Othello, City of, Wash. Water 3,300 " - - " 1.000 Seattle, W ash, S. D. No. 1 . . '. 1,000 'Seattle, Wash, S. D. No. 1 Ser. 8 5,000 'Seattle, W ash, S. I. No. 1 14,500 tBonner Co, Ida, ft. D. No. 4 10,000 'Owyhee County. Ida, Hgwy. Dis 23,000 'St. Anthonj-, aty of. Ida, Genls. 91,500 t " Spec 1,500 fAlberta, Province of 70,000 'British Columbia, Province of 6,900 " " " 16,000 'Calgary, City of, Alta, School!......!! 6,000 " " - , 23,750 " ' 8,000 " " " " 38,000 'EdMonton, City of. Gold Notes!!!!!!!! 941 Edmonton, City of 29,000 'Greater Winnipeg Water Dis. 500 f ' 2,000 -Montreal, City of, Pro. of Que 99,000 Newfoundland, Government of 2,000 'Victoria, City of. Province B. C 32,000 " " " " 4,000 ' " " " 1932 1928- 34 1939 1929- 39 1939 1924-38 1931 1929 .1929-36 1928 1928 1926 1920-39 1930- 39 1929-39 1920-29 1939 1926 1939 1922 1924 1926 1928 1924 1927 1922 1923 1923 1939 1925 1925 1940 Yield. 5.00 5.50Co 4.80'o 4.90Co 5.00 5.25 5'o 5.00r'o 4.70ro 5.4 0;'o 5.40ro 4.70ri 4.70To 4.70To S.OOT'o 5.40r'o 5.25 'To 5.50ro SJOCo 50 To 6.00o 6.00 Co 6.0 or 6.oor 6.oor 6.oor 6.000 6.00T0 5.75r 50C. 6.oor 6.00 5.75 To I IFiotes frartlnns! bonic. rpnotr $50 denomination, tenot9 $100 V1-- nomintvtion. t rnnt?s bonds of 3l0 lpnominatlon. rnotr bonds t $1000 deraoni nation. -Denotes bonds ot $100, $rin and $1000 denominaUona. Liberty and Victory Bonds If ou mnnt fHI jronr 1 ibrrtr or Victory bonda. all to nu. If )ua caai bay morr I.ibrrty or Victory bondn. bny from a. On Tufsda . Juiie 10. the r:oBtnjc New York market pruos Wfr aa elTn blw. They are the Roveininc pricea for Liberty and Victory bonds all over th orld and th turhot. Ve advert thew prices daily in order that you may a!vtas know the New York market and the exact value ot your Liberty ani Victorv bonds. Jut lt d 8.1 4th Vletory Victory Ka 4s 4s 4,i 4UM 41 3l 4s. Market price 40 $ir .".0 9.1S $ltt.7 $;4.4t $0o.4 $4.;.0 $100.12 $ Accrued tnt. 1.71 J 1G .-ii 2. OS .M 1.02 .ttt .34 .28 Total ..$101.11 $97.26 $4.57 T7.7 $4.7t $f6.42 ?V7 100.34 $100 ZT1 When buying we deduct r.7c on a $:0 bond and $.0o ca a $1000 bond. W ae:t at th Nw Tork market price phis the accrued Interest. ......Burclar and l-'iieproof af ltcponit Uoiet for Rent, mmm MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Th Premier Montcipal Bond IIoD(4. l-.Hlabtinhed Over S. mrrt. :.C9-311 Stark St.. IW. Mil aud C(h. Uroun d floor i Telephone l.rond wr S151. rather sharp reactions. Tha early adanre .the rlowe. whs a few points up from tha low- wai promoiea oy reports oi sxronw rra n i- : est m a nec aeenne or j to u points. Julv lian markfu and talk of small visible nnp- i tl'.t.TO; September $lfi.4JI; October 11.2!": plies i nthia country with September selllns; 1 e cumber $1K.I0: January $!S.h0; Alarch at $ie.6fl and December nt $11 02 on or I y lis. ;.,; My yi-8 4. shortly after the call. I-ater September told ! Spot coffee dull; Rio 7s 20i Santos 4i O T T TO sinn I 'TBm r"T- ' n i "it, OM I r , T n w. r1 ri DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENTS We owa and offer, subject to prior sale, the following; dependant secnpritlcas Mr?aciPAt.s Yield Amount. Rate Maturity I'er Cent S8S.OOO PORT OK BAXDOJT, OREGON. . 6s Jane 30,1820-1936 SJOO 19.000 COI.rMBIA JUMCIPAL 1IIRI. DIST. "evr Iaane) Ca Jan. 1, 103S-13 .Of lOOO COWI.IT7. CO, WV, I). r. Xo. K H April 1.103O-182a .0O 21lSO 8TOCKTOX, CIL, IMP Oi July 2,1920-11129 SJ.tto5.7r: 1SKM MADERA, CAU IMP 7m July 2,1020-1929 SJStOfl.OO 24.0O0 "VICTORIA, B. CGES.OBI.IGA. 4H July 21,1024 G.OOO VAXCOCVER, B. - 4m Sept. 0,1022 80,000 Bl'RXABY, B. CGEV.OBLlr.A. t 32,000 PROV. OP AI.nKRTA (Gnaran a Dee. 31,102.1 teed TJnlveralty of Alberta... 4$m Jan. 1,1024 B.OO O.rtO !.M CORPORATIONS VO.-t.noO PACIFIC POWER a LinHT TO. Un Ann. 18.O0 X. V, CHICAGO & ST. LOCIS .... May 17,000 BALDWIN fiHKF.P C(Mlle. h Jnn. 30,000 CANADIAN NORTIIRRX nW'. CO.. mil'IPMEST TRIST la Xot. W bay and sell LIB3RTY BOTTDS 1. m:tn 1. io:ii 1, 10ls 1.102O-ID27 . ill laauca LUMEERMENS TRUST COMPANY LUMBER MENS UILOIN9 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $600,000 FIFTH AMD STARK Government and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold j Qevepeaux 5y(ompany 87 Sixth Street . Municipal Bonds Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building 33 CLARK, KENDALL X CO. Gtnannli Mnnlelpal and Corpaaatloa Bands. Ctnet Fiftk and Bark tntta OBERTY BONDS Ws rseomaxBd ths P"Qr cossa of Ubarty Bonds and ars prspared to fill orders ta any amount. If you haTS Liberty Bonds to sail, ' arm buy them from you at highest prices, depending- on New Turk market quotation recerred by wire dsily. miiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiir. IIEADQTARTERB for I LIBERTY BONDS 1 W BUT AND SEIX, any amount. Vew Terlc quota- tlons by wire, every mom- Inc. Testrdays quo- tations, interest included: F-IRRT SECOND FIRST SECOND THIRD HOVRTH 4s., 97.24 4s. im. Vs,. 94.58 SO. 40 1 85.15 viCTonr 4Vs, .loo.u S If nsceseary to sell your bonds. S brinff them to us, Ws pay hipheet local prices. 1 ROBERTSON &EWING I B07-8 K. W. Bank Blda;. Frank; Rabertaoa H. C Kwlns Tiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiuiimitiirif? J, B. Steinbach & Go. STOCKS. BOlvnS, COTTOJf, CRAW, 01-2-3 Railway Exchansa Butldlns E. F. Ilatton Co.'a Coast - ta - Coast Leased Wire. Accounts Carried on Conaervatlaa Maralna. Tela. Mala SS3 - 284. ,