THE MORNING OR EGO NT AN, WEDNESDAY, J CNE 1 1 , 19ID. 19 FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Mimical Instruments. tKCUKITY STORAGE CO.. closing out Parlor orrans for $"-!." to 4S cash. Square pianos for to- to $5 cash. Upright piinos. small, $' to tT. cash. Arlington Co., upright, .f.175, now $133 cash. Vose & Sons upright. $4.V. row ?163 cash. New stored uprights, for $1163 cash. New stored upngltis, $40. for tU'JO cah. .Stored player piano, ?ti0, for $35 cah. Stored player piano, J730, for $435 cash. Pianos Btored for 5t)c month. Pianos boueht and soW for cash only. fciKCURlTY STOKAGK CO.. 209 4th St.. at Washington st. BEAUTIFUL mahogany Chickerlng grand, juet the right size for your house. This piano couiun't be told from new and you can save several hundred dollars on it. "Your old upright may be used as a first payment and convenient terms on the balance. REED FRENCH PIAXO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington St. Broadway 730. (Corner 12th Street.) GOOD PIANO CHEAP. ' Must sell my almost new $413 mahogany Wellington piano; iu perfect condition; used very little; if you want a pood piano it will pay you to see this one. Remem ber, a good used piano is better than a eheap new one; private party. Call 810 K. Ooth st., - blocks south, of Hawthorne venue. PIANO WANTED We pay cash. tiEI.BK.RXJ XG-LL'C.ii MUSIC CO.. 123 Fourth St. PIANOS tuneM. $3. George T. Peck, Tabor t574. Graduate New Eng. Conservatory. f urniture for bale. BARGAINS SELLING OUT. Two carved chairs, one Axminster rug. two iron beds, two spring, Wellington mahogany piano, mission rocker, carpet sweeper, fruit jars, pictures, portieres, brass rod, house plants and other household articles. All absolutely rood as new and in perfect condition; prices will suit you. Call mornings only at Slo B. 50th. St., 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. QUICK SALE" " Am leaving the city in three days, will sell at lees than half value; solid mahog any, 4 chairs, divan, dresser, desk ; oak, large golden library table and chairs: leather, large arm chair, electric santo cleaner: carpets and other household ar ticles; a. 14 by 20 by 24-inch safe. Will ex change for smaller safe. 1139 Cleveland ave. BEDS, springs, mattress, cot. dresser, com mode. S-ft. extension dining table, English breakfast table, cane seated diners, rock ers, kitchen chairs, mirrors. Springer Iron ing board, large heater, email range, lamps, gal. tub. copper boiler, velvet rug 8.3x10.6, velvet hall runner, rag carpet. lawn mower, (rarden tools. Open from 2 to 8 P. M 31 K w 2tith st. South. No dealers. GOOD FTJRNrrLRE IN 5 -ROOM COTTAGE: RENT ONLY S10; CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE. PRICE $330 IF SOLD QUICK. OALL 44J TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 2175. . $So WHITE BEAUTY Hoosier kitchen cab inet, the very latest model and every bit like new, will take 5y.50 for it: easy terms. MI SIT FURNITURE CO., 3S8-VJ0 Flrgt St. BEAUTIFUL quarter-sawed oak combina tion buffet and china jloset, with large French mirror and leaded plate-glaps doors; will sell for half price. Call 2503 48th st. 8. L, near Division, or Tabor 4130. XA RGB solid oak sideboard, dining table, four rliairs. sanitary cot. Hotblast heat er. Edison standard phonograph, HO stand ee rd records. 472 Broadway. Telephone Afar3hall 2 1 70. TYPEWRITER drsk, $23; dining table. JI2: dresser. 1 0 h i ffnn 1r- tm- iir., Ixl2, $!); dining chairs, rocker, pictures etc. Tabor 8215. X OR SALE Furniture for a -M-room hotel rooms all full, rent $;0. Close by mills and factories at St. Johns. Or. Phone CoL IL-ST be sold thin week at a sacrifice, a complete house full of new furniture. 307 Eaat 3Sth st. South.Tabor '8421. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale cheap. als S doz. qt. Economy jars at 70c doz. 225 T4 Russell. $125 OAK dresser and bedstead, like new $.0. Call apt. 310 Tudor Arms, ISth and Couch. FURNITURB of 5-room house for sale, in rood condition. Phono Sell wood 43S, res. 1241 E. 10th st. S. VILI soil my furniture cheap; party can rent house. Call after 6 P. M.. 1805 Wool- j .ioqti car. "WOOD and coal rang- wtth coil; good as GOOD furniture for sale. Main 7023. 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. DAVENPORT slightly used, cheap. 454 E. S4th street. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORNS arc the most profitable breed of poultry. If you are in the busi ness for profit you will eventually have them. Early broilers, early la vera, early profits. We sell only White Leghorn Ha hy Chix from heavy -laving Hopanized hens Safe delivery of full-count live chicks guaranteed. Price per 1O0: May snd June delivery, $12.50; Julv. $14. The Pioneer Hatchery, 402 6th st.. Pctaluma, al. MAGUIRSS DAY-OLD CHICKS. Rhode Island Reds. O. A. C. Barred Rocks, $25 per 100; Brown Leghorns and vhite Teghorns, $20 per 100; high quality HATCHES OFF JUNE 12. 17, 20, 22, 26 2S: J ULT 3. KGGS FOR HATCHING. J. R. M. tUIRK. 7S7 Oregon ft. Kaft 1 OR THK LI.'HR FARM. 2no W. L. yearling laying hens at $1.75 each. An agreement just closed permit us to offer 2000 3 mos. pullets W. L., Aug. 35 to 30. delivery at l0c each in 100 Jots; $1 in lesser lota. Kendall station, Kstarada line. p. O. address R. 3, box I.ents. Or. LAYING Leghorn hens $1.75 each; Hogan ized nto-k. -T. R, Maguire. 77 Orrron st. LAYING Leghorn hens $1.75 i7:ed stork. .1. R. Maguirc. each : Hosan 7s7 c iregon st. S Rabbits, Birds, lvt Stock. ONE '.-months-old Egyptian show dog; can be taught anything; a bargain. ell wood 2729. "YOUNG canary, good Finger, nice white cage, leaving the city. 703 Multnomah St. "WANTED A bird dog; give price and description. Address 2600 East 43d st. FINE bred fox bound puppies for , Spalding bldg.. Main 30 S. ale. 607 GOING AWAY, mu;t fell sian kitten. Tabor 7028. pedigreed Per- R. I. R, FRIERS and 2!4 months old pulletij. Tabor 1120. Ijaunchew and Boats. A SNAPPY HOUSEBOAT. 5 rooms completely furnished in oak and wicker, rooms are finished in ivory, bed rooms have beautiful tapestry walls with panels ot Ivory, curtains and rues har monizing, long French doors in front with porch all around: just as complete an any home can he; $1mo. Call Tabor 1226, or 1254 1-: Hawthorn1. "WANTED to buy A speed boat or moder ately fast motor boat. Write Dr. E. Jasper, Westport. Or. FOR SALE 4-room furnished houseboat. Woodshed, float No. 24, Willamette moor ings. 9 PROPELLER tow boat cheap, on suitable terms. AR 554, Oregonian. Machinery. ENGINE SPECIALS. 1 pair 22x27 Atlas automatic twins. 1 pair ISxl'O Frost twins. 1 pAir 10x13 Ames, right-hand side crank. x i -ixi o Ames. 1 14x7xlS McEwin tandem compound 1 15x20 Atlas, right-hand, side crank. 1 14x42 Corliss. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. P3 First street. Portland. Oregon. . 16 H. P. stationary gas engines. 3 16 h. p. mounted gas engines. 2 4-cjU 4-cyclf, 50 h. p. launch en irmes. u. f. McDougall Co., 27 2d st. Broadway Ty pe w ri t ers . KENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now. im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem ington Typewriter company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Tvpe writer Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wash, st. RENTAL RATES. 4 per month. 3 months $10: special student's rates. I.. C. Smith A Bros. Typewriter Co.. Iu4 Fifth st. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E, W. Pease Co., HO Sixth st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th. Main 366S. REMINGTON typewriter, visible. No. 10, al most new, $00. 602 Medical bldg. M i seel lan eons. ALL kinds of cheaply done. roof and building repairs K. a.t. to. w asn. MAN'S genuine seal walrus handbag, J20; size IS; cost $45. Y 356. Oregonian. BABY'S wicker cart, almost new. Pho East 562 or call fiOO East Couch. FOR SALE Set of new American Cyclopedia, 16 volumes, to. Mam S-'.'4. GOOD second-hand gas range for sale, ph&ne Marshall 230S. TWO National cash registers, $99.99, $225 $20.95. $175. 2:10 Stark st. OFFICE chairs, typewriter and desk for sale. 3o3 Morgan bldg. FORD curtains for sale; good as new. Last 46S2, FOR SALE. M ifcceliaixeoua. IF YOU had a chance to buy $10 bills for $5. would you buy them T "We have a prop osition on this basis to offer you, and we solicit the closest investigation. It Is surely worth the time to investigate. From $100 to $30,000 can be Invested on a basis of loO per rent profit in a year. We can prove it. Monarch Carburetor Lock Co., 35 North Broadway. FOR SALE OR TRADE, AUTOMATIC CARD PRESS. TYPE CASES. TYPE, CABINET, DRAPERIES. DISPLAY FIONS. AND ALL INCIDENTALS: POS ITIVELY MUST BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. SUNDAYS OR AFTER 6 P. M.. 95. X. l.tTH. ROOM 4. BDWY. 3038. S. F. CO BURN. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. If we have your size tn a raincoat, mo torcoat or leather coat you can save 40 per cent by buying one of our salesman a samples at wholesale. UNITED RUBBER CO., 720 Morgan Bldg. SACRIFICE SALE; Worklngmens wives, here's your chance. Buy good second hand clothes foj almost nothing. I am leaving the city and must sell out in 10 .days; come and see me. tii is. iutn si, between Everett and Davis. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, void for less: no a cents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired ana rented. .Main 4..i. SEWINU MACHINE EMPORIUM 110 3d., near Taylor St. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and eecond-hanfl. at right prices, Dougm, sold and exchanged. NORRJS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second fc it. Phone Main 2045. LADIES Original Apparel Exchange in Laure burst naa tor sale beautiful suit. gowns, dancing frocks; slightly used, late I models, ootaineu ironi weaitny laaies. Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Tabor 2823. ONE electric scrubbing machine and hot water rinsing tatiK, suitaoie tor omce bldg. with marble floors. 332 Washington street. TWO Edii-on dictating machines, used 2 mo.; 4 oak roll-top desks, 1 flat-top, 4 chairs and. riling cabinet, 1 B. K.. desk. 1 manog. : roli-top. jjuahong & Co., yi Park st. SAFES DIEBOLD. New and second-hand. Prices right. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. 46 Front St. Broadway 1966. DAYTON scales, 30, chart, recently inspect ed. $35; will trade for showcase. F. D. A mn.gnno 'lit ana T. - - V n n n va- Waah. HOT WATER tanks, all sizes, in good serv- lceaDie condition. 3U-gal.. $7 ; 40-gal.. x'J. 201 Adams st., ea&t end . steel bridge. rnone n.ast ooio. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. ttauway equipment Co., 235 S tarkst. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wall capes, fixtures; easy terms. w. J. Qulgley, 227 First. -Alain 53119. PRINTING FOR LESS 500 envel. or bond ! letter hds., $2.75; prompt service, best worK; iry us. amitn. printers. u- staric st. DRESSMAKER moving to Chicago Saturday! win sell dress xorm and binger sewing ma- c h 1 nc cheap. Phone -Marshall 472. Al SHAPE refrigerator, white porcelain lined, 5x2x6 ft.; $60 takes it. F. D. Am- manni, Mu and L sts.. Vancouver. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma- ctaino and showcase. 174 1st st., corner x am n in. DELICIOUS crabs, clams, oysters, fresh daily. 126 First st. bet. Wa:h. and Alder, i western r isn jo.. jviarsnau o l y. SODA fountain, showcases, safe, cash regis ter, scales, cheese cutter, electric fans,! ana on tatiK. 4S',, st. jviain 3-. MAJESTIC range. 6-hole. with reservoir: new $110. an good as nw $45, all com- I oieie. i&.iu tutu ave. . n. $195 AUTOMATIC player piano, nickel-in- slot, line for pool or eoft drink parlor.. rnone w oodiawn &ti. 1 H. P. Universal emery or drill. 1 Hauck I torch, 1 8-ton Yale and Towne torplex J t'liam diock. in landers st. WILTON RUGS 6x9. all-over design, good looking, good wearing, sacrifice price $19. Broadway 1. 728 Plttock blk. BEAUTIFUL gowns and suits. elig-jtly wiTiiu-.-i irora sniarxiy-ari ssea Ja dies. Main 9567. TII E old original home remedy, Viavi. pre vents operations. 423 Pittock block. uroaaway huid. FL'RS for tale; private party has several pieces of furs will sell at a sacrifice. 244 o. uroauway. VAi UT7M cleaners sold, repaired, rented. o I cnangfo, Dougnt. entiey t'o.. East 7o.!in. HUDSON seal cape, ermine trimmed; almost I ii.-w , i foe'j ii ri m i c jrsoTV y. j room 2; UKJU.h potatoes, 52 sack delivered. aj i ji vn.i a v , rvBin up rai i nei l. ;'J. NOW Is the time for painting and paper hanging; get an climate. Tabor 673 (i. w ACL15M cleaners for rent or sale. Vacuum t. leaning. iioover. broaaway 269. TENT and tarpaulin. Baker theater. Main FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. STUDEBATCETt LIGHT SIX. Latest Model. Never Usod. 225 Plttork Block. WE HAVE jiwt received a shipment of Ford Speedster bodies from California. They " 1 " uipia at imn t. between Aashlngton aTid Alder. If you want a bus ' THE SPEEDSTER 8HOP. 1917 MAXWELL See this for onlv $550 at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington Su iiA.uhLL Late 1 9 1 h touring, run r.Ano j miles, perfect condition: -new oversize tires; must sell; 7iH: terms. S4 South .-mil bi., .-.m j... lamnm sr. WANTED To trade 1919 Buick roadster for Buick 1919 touring- car. Call Broadway! '- BTia. ask iot iiewttr, between, u and 1917 REO, G-pass.; a rood, sturdy conntrv vn Hiuuci, m ime snape mechani cally; price $200 under value; price $650. nun; o.. ntn ana xavis. FOR SALE Paigs speedster; color. Rolls- lioyce blue; like new; mechanically per-f feet; terms to responsible people. Phone 117 DORT fClover Leaf), perfectly ood running order; good tires; Inexpensive lit- I tie car for small family or physician. 409 I xiawinorne ave. CH RE VOLET Roadster 1918, just repainted. in fine condition, a bargain at $675, some Terms. ou urana avenue North, n Bumside. FOR SALE: Hup bug: $250 if taken imme- diately, leaving town. Call at 1001 Cor bett st., between 6 and S Wednesday eve- I CLASSY Haynes roadster, in first-class me chanical condition, newly painted : good tires; electrically equipped: will sacrifice for quick sale. K. S52S. Call after 6 P. M. OAKLAND SIX. 5-passenger. perfect con dition, good tires; will accept .Ford part LATE model Ford touring, like new; leaving town; must sen. to t f. X. Wednesday, 417 Union ave. north. FORD TOURING 1914 in good condition. a bargain at $325. some forms. 30 Grand avenue, .ortn. near surname. DANDY 1915 Ford tourinr. new tires und top; fine shape; a bargain. 473 Woodward ave. ijrooKiyn car. 1013 FORD delivery; this car must be seen to be appreciated, only 3o0. 49; Flanders. uroaaway io.. BRISCOE Touring 1918. used very little. must sell, a bargain at $70O, terms. 30 I oranq avenue, isortn. near isurnside. 1W1S FORD sedan, in A-l condition, six! gooa tires, speedometer ana other extras; I UU. XL.HBZ ir.n. HUDSON 6-40 Owner leaving; city and will take ;m today; jn iirst-class running or der. rast j-it. FORD DELIVERY panel body, in fine con- onion, win eacriiice at terms. 30 Grand avenue. North, near Burnside. A 1919 IKDGE. reasonable price; 500 miles Call Broadway 2994, Hewitt, between snd 10 A. M. LIGHT Buick six. model D-45. six cord tires; car Ilka new; U2o; tirms, Main I ll.7. lSj Cftapman St. PRACTICALLY new Chalmers. 5-passenger I at sacrifice. non iri- 28U, Mr. Rldg- w ay. 1918 NATIONAL side car, $S5; 1915 Excelsior motorcycle, good snape. 9 o. W124 J: oster I road. CHEVROLET Roadster 1918. had the best of care, will sell at S.ou and give terma 30 Grand avenue. Nortn, near .Bumside. CHEVROLET r-pajnger. 1917. burgain fori cash. Kruy. Jibi days. Aiatn 4iUi evenings. 1918 OAKLAND light six sedan, cheap for quick sale. japor o.a. SUPER-SIX HUDSON for sale. Phone Broad way 11W. nenry .Miner, union uepot. 1919 FORD delivery car. excellent condition; must have cash. 474 Hancock. East 2o23. 1917 FORD, fine condition; $425: some x- . t t nivlalnn Tuhni- 191 S DODGE touring, fine condition, $925 1 cash. Sel'.wood i.n. MY 1914 FORD has just been overhauled till almost new, usa r,. tarK st. FOR SALE Late mode! Ford touring car. Call between t ana . -iv- eorastLa. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. VICTORY AUTO SALE. You will certainly score a victory if you PURCHASE one of these HIGH-GRADE CARS for the ex tremely LOW PRICES we are offer Ins; them, during Hose Show week. TCever before and probably never again will you ever see such a Eigantic stock of LATE MODEL HIGH-GRADE slightly used auto mobiles thrown on the market at such ridiculously LOW PRICES, and right at the time of war when we all sort o feel that we'll never be able to look MOTHER, SISTER, WIFE or SWEETHEART square in the eye again UNTIL WE DO PURCHASE some kind of a $ras wagon. We take your LIBERTY BONDS at FACE VALUE and our conven ient monthly payment plan makes it possible for every wage earner to ride in his OWN CAR. We have the LARGEST and BEST stock of USED CARS in the north west, and one VISIT to our sales room on the corner of BROADWAY and COUCH street will convince yoa of this one thing: "THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE IN PORTLAND TO BUY A GOOD USED CAR." READ THIS ENTIRE LIST OF CARS, THEN COME IN AND WE'LL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT THEM. 1919 Cole 8, aero type, model 70, 4-pass., cord tires. 1919 Studebaker big six, 7-pass., cord tires. 1917 Cole 8, 7-pass., cord tires. 1918 Jordan, 7-pass., wire wheels, cord tires. 1918 Jordan Sport Marine; wire wheels, cord tires. 1918 Chandler, 7-passenger, excellent condition. 1918 Buick 6 roadster. 1917 Buick 6 roadster. 1917 Buick 6, 5-passenger. 3 916 Buick 6, 7-passenger. 1918 Mitchell light 6, 5-passenger. 1918 Oakland 6, 5-passenger. 1917 Oakland 6, 5-passenger. 1917 Oakland 6 sedan. 3918 Hupmobile. 5-passenger. 3917 Hupmobile, 5-passenger. 1917 Oldsmobile, 8-cyU, 7-pass. 3917 Oldsmobile, 8-cyl.t chummy, 1918 Studebaker, 6-cyl.. 7-pass. 3918 Chevrolet, 5-passenger. 1917 Studebaker, 4-cyl., 7-pass. 3917 Mitchell 6, 7-pass. 3916 Mitchell H. 5-passenger. 3916 Slutz speedHfer. 3918 Maxwell, 5-pass. 3 917 Saxon i, 5-paspenger. 3916 Saxon 0. roadster. 3917 Willys-Knight, 6-cyI-i 7-pass. JOlS.Ford delivery. 3917 Ford touring. 1917 Hudson super 6. 7-pass. 3917 Paige light 6, 5-pass. 39IT Dodge. 5-passenger. 3 916 Case, 5-pansenger. 3914 'ai. 7-passenger. 3914 Cadillac, 7-pays., 2-specd rear axle. 1915 Cadillac. 8-r-vt.. 7-pass. 1915 Chalmers, 6-cyl. 3914 Buick touring. 3 914 Buick deHverv. 3917 Dodge delivery. 3917 Forfl 1-ton truck. 1913 Maxwell ppeclnl 5-passenger. Model S3 Overland touring. Model 79 Overland touring. Model 75 Overland touring. Ro light delivery. White light delivery. Reo bug. Model 25 Studebaker 5-pass. Reo truck, 2-ton. Maxwell truck. 2-ton. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO., Broadway and Couch St. Open Evenings and Sundays. WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. LIGHT SIN. S105A buys this light six Overland. Good I ires ; just been pa In ted ; runs like a new car. Spotlight and bumper. Jtnno. OVERLAND, f even-passenger, runs fine: Juht the car for a stage. Six cylinder; good Urea. Terms. nrn. Buys this SAXON ROADSTER, pood condition in every way. Tires are new. WILLYS KNIGHT. Five-passenger, newly paint!, new top and curtain; good tires; $1050. V1S CHEVROLET, $600 tire. A snap. extra $300 MODEL 90. l new car. Can't tetl It from MAXWLU $50. This car has five rood tires: de mountable wheels; Just been refin ished and In good mechanical con-, ditlon. Terms. LIGHT DELIVERY. Just been overhauled; good panel body, good tires; if you are look ing for a bargain don't wait. $450, terms. WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway st Davis. Broadway 3535. BRAND NEW MITCHELL VICTORY . MODEL E-40. DIRECT FROM FACTORY. $100 Off Portland List Price. FACTORY GUARANTEE. Our Service Goes With Car. See MORTON at J. H. GRAHAM. I Distributor for Case Six and Denby Trucks. 101 Tenth St. Broadway 323L Broadway 2795. BUG. BUG. BUO. KlsselKar. 4-passenger. good for 75 miles per hour. Four speed over drive. Price no ooject. v e need room. E. D. Van Dersal. GARFORD DISTRIBUTOR. 350-54 Burnside St. Broadway 80. 1915 FORD touring: shock absorbers, cjitout just Deen overnauiea; wnn terms, so. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th snd Alder. CHUMMY ROADSTER. -This is an Oids a. In splendid shape. Cary, 02 J Aider st. nawy, -tyj. ini7 CHEVROLET TOURING CAR. Just been overhauled, good tires, $500. 14th and Alder. HUPMOBILE, big 4, In perfect condition, all new cord tires: $1100; I need a Ford tour ing In my business, will take cash, terms or bonus lor oaiaucc wmn vjio. FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. IP TOU WISH TO BE SATISFIED In the PURCHASE of a USED CAR, Come and See Us. We Refer You to Any of Our CUS TOMERS, and THEY ARE MANY. The following Is a list of a few GOOD BUYS. MAXWELLS. 1916. CHEVROLET, 191 and 1917. WILLYS OVERLAND 1916 Roadster. 1918 STUDEBAKER 6 cylinder; Just like a new car. 191 STUDEBAKER in first-class-shape. 1918 OLDSMOBILE, new paint job. Ln first-class mechanical shape all around. 1916 BIG HUP. Model N. This car is in fine condition $S75 FORD. Model IS, most reasonable In town $523 BUICK TOURING, some car and a snap at $425. CADILLAC BUG. TRUCKS. BUICK -ton truck $ 850 WHITE 3-ton truck 1250 FORD delivery, an excellent buy. OVERLAND light delivery. This is a snap, in A-l mechanical con dition with self-starter, etc. There are no regrets in dealing with us. SEE THE BIG SIGN. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. TODAY'S BARGAINS. Studebaker automobile $ 275 Maxwell psnel delivery 475 Denby truck 000 1917 Maxwell touring car. rood running condition, good tires, and repainted 575 1918 Maxwell, like new 725 . 3915 Hudson light six. In fine condition S53 191 8 Chalmers automobile, all gone over, fine condition, also repainted , 1100 1918 Chalmers. 7-paa.. auto mobile, splendid condition... 1200 Hudson sedan, a good one. 1225 1918 Hudson super six. the one you are looking for, guar anteed for 00 days by us, the same as a factory guar antee 1750 ' L. BOSS AUTOMOBILK CO.. 613-61 7 Washington st., Portland. USED AUTOMOBILES. Terms Given. We Take Your Liberty Bonds at Face Value. 3917 1918 3914 191S 3917 391H 1917 191 1914 1!12 3 9 1 5 1917 Oldsmohl , 7-pasenger. 8-cyHnder. 4-cylinder. -cyllnder. fi-cy ItnrtT. 6-cylinder. -cylinder. 8-cylinder. ti-cyltnder. 4-cyItndr. H-ey Under, a-cyltnder. 1 -cylinder. 8tudb ke; r, 7-pasf enuer, M itchell. o-passenger, 7-pasBenjfor, 5-pasetiger fi-pasieiiger, 5-pasrenger, 5-passenger. 5 -passen ger, 7-PHSfngr. C-paseciiger, 7 -passenger. Paige. Paig Saxon. Chandler, White, Mitchell. Mitchell, National, PRICES $450 TO $1400. We will trade your old car In as part payment on some or tne above cars. 191 Haynes. 5-pass.. -l-ryl. 2r 191 3 Hudson, fi-pasH., 6-cyl o 3912 Mitchell, a-pass.. 6-cyl 17 ivp truck, with body; 2-ton 4." Gramm truck, with body; 2-ton.,.. 0."i USED CAR DEPARTMENT. MITCHELL, LEW-IS ST AVER CO.. K-t Firat at Morrison bU East 7272. Phones . B 1218. USED CARS. Voile Demonstrator at reduction. 3919 Velle at reduction. 19W VV-lic; also guaranteed. 1917 snd 3916 Velies; O. K. 1918 Ford Sedan; cord tires and other extras ; snap. Ford touring; demountable rims; excel lent buy. 1918 Overland: cylinder, 5 passenger. Series 5 Franklin; Just out of shop. Saxon Six; special top; Al throughout. 1910 Cadillac, with delivery body; $50 down and $25 per month. We sell on an easy payment plan. Open evenings and Sundays. Our motto: "Every purchaser a booster." D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 23d St. Main 780. WE have four Buicka, In fine shape and refinished. One 1917 touring. One 1917 roadster. One 3916 touring. One 191u roadster. These cars are reasonably priced and we make liberal terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. GOOTV USED CARS DRIVE ONE AWE Y. 1918 Maxwell, gooa tires x,r,u 1917 . Elgin, overhauled, repainted... r 1914 1 Studebaker 450 1913 Buick "4." fine for bug : 3018 llarroun roadster 700 1917 Oakland 5-pass.. good 700 Cash or Terms With Payment Down. ELGIN AGENCY. 629 Burnside. Phone Broadway 2393. Open Sundays. HAULING CONTRACT. Good wood contract. 4-mlle haul, dry wood, good money; also lum ber contract. This is good for bet ter than $40 per day. See Jones. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVE R CO. East First and Morrison. East 7272 Phones B 121 FORDS NEW AND USED. FORD PARTS FORD SERVICE. WILLIAM L. HUGH SON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Bwdy S2L AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. REAL BARGAIN IN A HUDSON SUPER SIX: RUN AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED. SEE THIS FINE CAR FIRST. CALL TABOR 630. ' 1917 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Fully equipped with electric starter, sights, etc.; our opening sale price, $525. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. 1918 CHREVOLET Touring in the best of condition, good tires, will sell at $775 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue. North, near Burnslde. FORD ROADSTER. $100 down, balance monthly; take bonds; car runs good; looks better. 525 Alder st, Al AUTO WORKS. FORD TOURING 1918 in boat of con nit in looks like new. a snaD at $573. with terms. 30 Grand avenue. North, near Burnside, REO SIX. This Is a 1917 model, good as new, with new tires, cary. oj Aiaer su ray. FORD ROADSTER 1917. lot of extras, dera rims, good tires, a bargain at $450, some terms. 30 Grand aveou .North, near Burnside, FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS Here's your chance while they last: finest condition and lots of extra equip me n t. Te mil If desired. 1!1S 1918 1917 3917 1917 1917 "1918 1917 1910 1916 1915 1915 1918 1917 1916 1914 1918 Ford roadster. Ford touring. Ford touring. Ford touring. Ford roadster. Ford touring. Ford touring. Ford touring. Ford touring. Ford touring. Ford touring. Ford roadster. Ford delivery, panel body. Ford delivery, express body. Ford delivery, express. Ford delivery, express. Ford sedan. FRANCIS MOTOR PAR CO.. Autorlzed Ford Dealer. East H770. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. USED CARS BARGAINS. Maxwell ... Maxwell ... Studebaker Studebaker studebaker Corbtn . . . . . Oakland 4. . Oakland 4. . Buick Overland 65. . . .$"0 .$500 . 323 . 25 . 200 . 1J . j 75 . 175 . 3 00 . 350 . 125 . 600 Dodge 50 Oakland 8. . . Overland OT. Overland 83. Ford "fine" . Ford Ford R SAO 350 325 Ford R. 300 Indian motorcycle. Buick 1-ton truck, fine condition, one 3-ton Standard truck. One 2-ton Reo truck. One 2V3 Gcraix truck. LONG & FILVA. 402 Hawthorne. X WILL sacrifice for quick sale my ftne big Mitchell touring car; t-cynnoer, u-norse-poer, 1914. In fine shape; has -only run 3O.400 miles and- is reaoy for l0.noo more right now ; btst equipment throughout: S251KI: will take 4ini cash this week h nd transfer license. See G. S. Khl, 614 Swetland bidg., after 7 1. M. Phone Main 6930. 191S BUICK SNAP. Strictly firet-class 191S 7-passenger Buick, fine mechanical condition, four dandy tires, one extra brand new non-skid Firestone, spot light, etc. ; car just re finished; prico only $1375; $500 down, balance monthly. E. P. Hyatt. 350 Aldcr. PRACTICALLY brand-new 1919 Chevrolet touring: bumper, spotngnt. uasnugnt, new spare tire and tube, tire cover and lock, lock for wheel; your chance to get an im mediate delivery on a new car, all for $50. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords. $24.55. Authorized W illard sales station. UNION AV E. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP. 4SS Union Ave. N . cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1391. MR. MOTOR MAN. Are you using Speedoliue. Would you go out of your way to buy gas at 12 Vi eta T Speedollne does this. More power and no carbon. Sample free. J. i. Jaynes. 902 N. AV. Bank Bldg., Portland. Or. APPERSOX LEE SIX. Here Is one of the wonderful Apperson cars. They speak for themselves. Spe cial speedster. 4-pasenger, take light car in trade. Terms or bonds. 523 Alder st. A-l AC TO CO. WILLYS 6. 1918 MODEL. Jut lik new car. tires. line shape. Cary, 323 Alder t. 24!'2. Cord Bdy. TWO REAL BARGAINS. 91S FORD. $C.O; etifout and speedometer. 1917 BI'ICK. repainted. $695. HO l.TDI ST. BROADWAY 4. Big Stock USED CARS. Prices Bight. No m Isre presentation -J . . MOTOR . . . CAR . . . CO. COVEY SOME BUY. Hudson super SIX. with cord tires Call Broadway 2492 and a&k for Cary, or see it st .2 I Aider m. lOItt i-HKVfiOI.F.T TOURING CAR. 2 brand-new rear tires, demountable rims. 1-man top. e!"tric starter, speed ometer, etc.: a nargain t ).-". FIELDS MOTOR CAR, CO., 14th and Alder. CHALMERS 39l5 Touring in perfect con Hit ion. ncwlv fainted. good tires. 1 barium at $1450, trin: consider smaller car In trad. balance terms. 30 Grand avenue. North, near Burnside. 191K BAB Grand touring car; all good tires wit n a good, ciiarc mecnanicauy in a a shape, $9o. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and A ldr. 1917 BABY GRAND Chevrolet. In first-class condition: tires hII good, two brand new; bumper and spotlight. This n a ral bar gain. $560 cash. Phono Main 21 43. HUDSON fupcr-nlx, looks and runs like new, 1917 model, will sell at $13r. and give torms, or consider tra'le, balance terms. 30 Grand avenue. North, near Burnside1. BARGAIN IN OLDSMOBILE EIGHT: RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW: CAN USE SMALL CAR AS PA RT PAYMENT. CALL M A It. 105O, APT. 42. $450 DOWN BUYS. 1918 CHALMERS FIX TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL E3T 1 962. CHEVROLET!. A t preserrf v have TWO bargains In CHEVROLET TOURINGS. Cary, 523 Al dr st. Bdwy. 2492. BY OWNER 191 R Ford nfdan, electric tartr and lights. otnr extras, good condition. If on are looking for a real snap call Tabor 3459, term?. LATE 1018 Oakland A touring. splondTfl con- d it Ion, goon 1 ires. new; nw oatiery ; spot light; 90u. Wood law n 5 139. 10S5 E. lth st. N. CHEVROLET Touring 191, In bet of con dition, gooa tirett, iiiUtft fen. a nttrgain at $725, somo terms. 30 Grand avenue. North, nHr Burnsi1. CALL MAIN 2"6 F .it A itKA L SNAP IN A 1918 OAKLAND SEDAN WITH LOTS OF KJCTRAS. ASK. FOR El'PLE. NO. 5 NORTH 20TII ST.. WKMT SIDl- MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck ail makes of earn and sell their Vnlf nriro Iavlti IIodM I "e. North Broadway and Flanders. CH EVROLKT Touring 191 , newly painted In best of mechanical condition, a snap : T 1 I H tirm Till Crand v.nitit North, near Burnside. 1917 CHEVROLET roadater for sale, run 8800 miles: good tires: engine A-l : top and body o, K. After 5 P. M. 1083 East Grant, or Tabor 220. FOR SALE, BY OWNER. 1917 Maxwell in A-l condition: price $475. Call mornings. 274 Va Holladay ave., apt. No. 9. MAXWELL Roadster 1918, In perfect con dition, good tires, a bargain at $72 some terms. 30 Grand avenue. North, near Burnside. SIX-CYLINDER OLDSMOBILE In excel lent condition, at a sacrifice; excellent car for stage route. 432 Alder st. Broadway S3QQ. foil SALE-sj-1000 grease cups that ore out of date; they have been replaced by the Alemite lubricating system, 432 Alder St. Broadway 3 5 OO. 1918 MAXWELL Touring In fine condition, looks like new, a bargain at $775. some term. 30 Grand - avenue. North, near Burnaidj P1ERCE-ARROW 1011. 38 model, new one inan top. good paint, cord tires, good con ditio n. M r. Lyons. Ea st 550. C 1434. FOR SALE 1910 Maxwell in good mechan ical condition; $275 takes it. Call between 0 A. M. and S P. M., 634 E- Emerson st. FOR SALE Bargain. 5-passenger Rambler car; new tires; owner leaving city. Phone Marshall 1239. after 5 P. M. 1918 OLDSMOBILE, perfect condition; only used six months; good tires ail around. Call East 4210. 2O0 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURI N G CAR. Al CONDITION AND GOOD RUB BER. CALL EAST 1902. FORDS. Two Ford tourinjrs at the right price. Cary, 523 Alder st. Bdwy. 2492. STOP THAT SQUEAK! Put an A lemite lubricating system ea your car. 432 Alder st, Broadway 850a OVERLASDH. I have two model 83 Overland tourings. Cary. 523 Alder st. Bdwy. 2492. idiN empire SIX. mechanically perfect Vontinental Red Seal motor; car good as new; at ?G0O discount. Call Bdwy. 1199. - PIERCE ARROW. 7 passenger, 48 H. P., good condition. low price, rnonc m'j1 01. . ncr. . BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630. . I HAVE a real Ford bug that must be sac rificed: am leaving city; S400. Call East 4084 after 5 P. M. PAIGE touring car cheap for cash: lt15 model; good mechanical condition. X 730. Oregonian. FORD. 101G model, ahock absorbers, prest-o-lite and other extraa. cheap, or exchange for horses. Woodyard. 327 Front at. CHANDLER SIX. T.-passenger car. good tires, ear fine shape. too. Fee It st 141 1st St. FORD auto, model lliltj. splendid condition: many accessories. S3.o. See car. 1U1 Grand ave. North. Hdwy. 4.11. 4-PASS., condition good, snap at .75; would make pood delivery car. Peilwood flill . 1018 MAXWELL. As good as new. f750. cash or terms. Bdwy. 1723, 642 Alder at. REPUBLIC 1-lon truck, 1918. special motor, good condition; $18uo. Phone 3J1 Oresham. SLIGHTLY used tlrea. fo to $1." e:ich : vul canised. 20c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR ROSE FESTIVAL VISITORS Make Your Visit to Portland Profit able and Pleasant. VISIT USED CAR HEADQUARTERS We have collected together an Im mense assortment of high-grade used cars of all makes and sise. and for this week we offer the fol lowing at very low prices: STUDEBAKER SIX An exceptional car for the price. VELIE TOURING Practically new. OAKLAND PIXE3 In splendid condition. GRANT SIX TOURING A car you are sure to like. CHEVROLET The most popular, car in Portland today. AND DOZENS OF OTHERS No need to ha small down payment and the rest down pa: -you ride. wnile TME PORTLAND USED CAR STORE The Biggest and Busiest Corner on Broadway at Burnside. Phone Broadway 610. We have an assortment of which some may interest you. We think they represent real values, that Is why we took them in on new ones. Our shop force has pust put them in good condition. Our salesmen are ready to show Just what they reaily are. 1918 5-PASS. HUP.. 5 good tires, spotlight, humper. motormeter; our price, $1250; terms can be arranged. 1917 HUP. This Is the car thst stands up under any kind of a driver over any kind of roads. 1915. 7-PASS. STUDEBAKER, tn fine mechanical shape, good tires, panel and top. .at $-rtOO. 1917 DODGE. 1918 FORD touring. 1918 FORD, elec. starter, Kelsey body. M AN LEY AUTO CO., 31th at Burnside. Bdwy. 217. HERE ARE SOME REAL BARGAINS. 1917 BUICK TOURING. G-ryllnder. good cord tires all around: mechanically perfect. An excellent car. cheap. SAXON SIX. A good light car in Al shape mechani cally. OVERLAND TOURING. Model S3. In A-1 condition all around. First reasonable offer takes It. OVERLAND TOURING. 7-passenger model g.. tt--ylnder. newly painted and in good mevbanical condition. A bargain. THE C. H. B. CO.. G5 North 25d st. Marshall 142S. OLDSMOBILE. 1019 OLDSMOBILE. four-passenger, sport model, special finish, vic toria top with neat covers to match Interior of top lining: nickeled steel spring bumper, cutout, motormeter, tires practically new. with brand new extra with cover: body finish In excellent condition; excellent me chanical condition. Open Evenings and Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington st. at 21st, Main 6244. 1917 HUPMOBILE. 5-FASS.. BIG 4. Cord tires, very fine mechanically. Owner has purchased new Hup mobile and left this car for sale at a bargafh. Terms on part. See it at Manley Auto Co.. lit and Burnside. Phone Broadway 217 for demonstration. WE MAKE KO KXTRAVAOAKT CLAIMS ABOUT OUR ICED CARS. JtT T-PAS. JOBDAN. It ia pr.cUc.lly new: ha. 5 wfr. wheelB, conl tires, spot light, bumper and lot of ex tras; cheap. Call East 7338. HUDSON SUPER SIX. 1017. In the best of condition, $1450. 1'JIS, just overhauled, I17J0. CONLFT9 USED CAR CENTER, S. W. Corner 13th and Washington. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Twin six Packard; private car; In first class condition. Ford touring car; extra equipment; rr-nl harirain. Two lull Cadillac, In -rood shape. I you want a- reliable car. ,ee these. WHITE OR STEVENS. 421 Burnside st. Broadway B21. BUICK LIGHT SIX. Late 5-passenjrer. fine condition: terms on part. See at Manley Auto Co.. llth and Burnside. Broadway 21T. Owner, Wood lawn 3414. 191S BUICK ROADSTER. LIGHT SIX. RUN ONLY SHORT DIS TANCE. FINISH LIKE NEW AND PER FECT MECHANICALLY: TIRES FINE AND MANY EXTRAS: JUST LIKE NEW AT A SAVING OF .1O0. MAIN 2H67. 191" CHEVROLET This Is In the best of condition. Don't pass this up. THK USED CAR EXCHANGE, S27 Washington SL MUST sell my 1917 light 6-passenger tour ing car, Just put in A-l shapa for my own use. had 2 new tires put on: need money at once; sacrifice for S-00 for quick sale. 1180 E. Taylor. Tabor B409. CHALMERS, model K 1911, A-l condition. Bosh magneto, storage battery, good tires; your own terms, s.tiai, DO interest, t iu. 22d North. East T154. DODGE touring car. 5-passenger. 5 good tires, extra rim. new top, good looker, Just overhauled: lots of toois. Wilcox, 414 Plttock block. 1917 HVP, Just overhauled and painted: oversize cord tires with 2 extras: bent value on the market at $1150; terms. Olll. Marshall 34)0. FRANKLIN 1918. GOOD CONDITION PRICE 1.130. Administratrix. Main 112. 725 Gasco Bldg. FRANKLIN fIX. 8 cylinder King speedster and late Hudson speedster, cash or terms. Broadway 364. SO Third St. A LIGHT 5-pass touring car. A-l condition, very reasonable: party leaving city. C'ali evening. 1034 Mallory ave 1U14 FORD touring car: this car is In good shape, a bargain at 9325, terms. 425 Flanders. Broadway loo 1I7 GRANT SIX All new tires .and ex- . ' . .1 ..-n.. ea.V W" nAiU.u-n i'i lit FOR SALE Classiest little red bug la town; lully equipped. Bdwy. 23ti4. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. ROSE SHOW SPECIALS DON'T PASS THESE UP. 1917 MAXWELL TOUR I NO SPECIAL AT $550. 1018 CHEVROLET TOURING A-l CONDITION $023. GRANT READY STX ALWAYS TO GO $625 SAXON SIX HERE'S A CAR THAT WILL PLEASE TOU $750 STUDEBAKER FOUR THIS CAR WILL PLEASE XOC $730. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR GOOD BUYS. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington St. FRANKLIN. Painted and Overhauled, in Fine Running Condition. SEE E. W. II ILL. 224 Plttock Block. IF YOU had a chance to buy $10 bills for $5 would you buy them? We have a propo sition on this basis to offer you. aud wo solicit the closest investigation. It is Mire ly worth the time to investigate. From $10 to $30.tM0 can be Invested on a basis of 10O per cent profit In a year. We can prove It. Monarch Carburetor Lock Co., North Broadway. DODGE TOURING. LEFT WITH US TO SELL. Late 1917 Dodge touring car. In fine ahape. looks and runs like new; cord, tires equipment, new pantasote top with plate glass rear lights; a snap; don't phone, come and see it. HOWARD AUTO CO.. Ask for Mr. Montgomery. 14th and Davis. HUPMOBILE bug for sale $225; half down takes It away. See Wallace, Covey Motof Car Co. Automobile Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Wilt exchange two choice lots at Saltsir station. Til la mook beach, near depot and hotel; adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; faces the Pacific ocean; aiso 50 by about 340 feet; suitable for busi ness or for cottage ; will pay some dif ference. Add ress BP 205.NOregonlan. " ' LONG & SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate thetn. A ui os brugh t regardless of condition. Phone East ttS40. 462 Hawthorne ave. CARS WANTED. I WILL pay cash for any light touring car: must be in good running order. Bring vour car to 525 Alder ft. A-l AUTO WORKS A- PA I NTING CO. WE CAN GET YOU MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CAR. SEE US BEFORE H'L SELL. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. S. W. COlt 15TH AND WASHINGTON. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IX IS . LATE MODEL THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 5 27 WASHINGTON ST. r H ON E B ROADWA Y 1 382 CORNER Int !''."'?.." ft., near )rla-nu. H.I c!ar; -vll! trade for liclit auto. rnonn Main 3716. or write H. Wolfslcln. 114 Vlr-t -r. Al'TOMOPII.KS wauled. 7... any make at SIontironiTy Barap- at 3 i rnl t-i-. to be -aa&hcd or frimonlst'd; satisfaction guar anteed. ; Wlf.I, Eiu drd t nl'-o bunpalow liom for t lievrolet or late r orn ; paiance ni tiuuv can run five ran. Call Tabor 1701. OAKLAND JIX. .".-passnsr. i.erfeot i-o dition. too'i tires: will ai-oept rora pa pajinrnt; $7ST. Tabor DOLLAR for dollar In cxi-bance : paintins. all or part, on good used uuto. JJcnnis. Marshall :insw. . POT run for It'lS or I'M: Ch.vrol',t from, private owner; no junk. -".; llth al. WILL pay rasli for late model Kord touring; rmlflt be a Uaraain. , ire-coni-iii. ly!4 KORH loiirin--: ear. Eabl !.. hven- WILL pwy --h. trood Kord touring. ruff. K. Ltth and tlawtnorne. Motorcycle!. 1314 TWIN Excelftolr. Al condition, new tires, lanoem, eie. i nil j"i.t. r.. 1 1 in. .... or Woodlawn 4410, after 6 P. M. 101." TWIN Hurley. Rood condition, prlra Jloo. Ask Tor tatiery man. i.ons n frarase. 4fiJ lli.lhoma ave. 1I1'. LX'"KLS!OK and sideear. full euuipped. lota of extras, ftne conuition; ?j.jip casn, owner. S Oregonian. t FOR QI'ICK SALB. lf1. llar'ey liavil- ron. tine connition; .ioi'. can i ih-it ,. FOR llOTOR'TCLKS AND BU'i'CUj TllV i j ja I--J06 3D ST. ljln S13:i. i 7HOKi-: Indian, fully equipped, lino auape; a bnr:aln. :n'- fine st. Auto Tires and Accessories. TWO new 0Jx't,5 p.ain tread fin $!.-. ea.-h. 114 l5t nt.. or T:il- -idrb-h tl 2 LMRKrtT tire.. :;tt4 run lono mile-.; half prne. Maialiwll Ml'.", before 10 A. M. lOtrt FORD roadetcr lioflv. wind alileld and i radiator, elteaii. ai; .o. reKoiuun. Automobile, for Hire. K AST SIDE Al'TO CO. New autns without drivers. Columbia fTlchwav Oaratre. 4-'d and Belmont. Tabor 7274 CVIl. Main .Til- i I? j rnR PPVT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND G LI SAN STS. A tijll. nuninwiv 2R": OVEKLANDS HLDaO.Na. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BRDWT. ISTH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HJRB. 1,1 SULLIVAN. FASHION OARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL A IZ.y'i. HIGHWAY AfTO SERVICE: H'OHWAT AND CITY TRIPS. N. W. COR. 0TH AND WASHINGTON. Main 70S0. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage. S6 10th St.. Broadway 84". ' NEW auto, without driver, at MM! fit. Ga- mee. -a aim .u.i FORD, .competent driver, go anywtvre and get back. A. II. Winter. Tabor luS. 5-PASS. Dodgo for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway Broadway 35-i7. FOR R.4XK TRUCKS. REBUILT TRUCKS Best buys In used trucks, rebuilt and like new; 1 to. 5 tons. . WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Rdw-y 3-1. FEDERAL TRUCK DESTRIB LTORS. FOR "SAT ,E BY OWNER S-TON TRUCK. Al CONDITION. NEW T1P.EJ BOD1 CAB. LIGHTS. ROLLERS I FOR HAULING LI MBER. GOES FOR J20OO; WILL GIVfc. TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. AP PLY SH FRONT ST.. MONTGOMERY GARAGE. 191 FORD delivery car with panel sides: looks and runs like a new car; the body alone would cost 150; our price cum- P'ete FlliLDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14lh and Alder. LOGGING TRAILER. 7-ton Federal tractor and pole trailer, in fine condition: special logging equip ment. W.M. L. HUGHSON COM PAN 1. OO North Broadway. Broadway 321. REPUBLIC S-TON TRUCK, GOOD CON DITION GOOD BODY AND TOP. FULL ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT. J775. TBBJ ; CALL NICHOLSON, MAR. 80., tol WASHINGTON ST. S-TON REPUBLIC TRUCK. Just overhauled; with a tine bed. csn vas sides and top; specially priced for our opening sale, $475. P FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. OVERLAND delivery car in good running condition with delivery body and good tlrCS" ROBERTS MOTOR. CAR CO. Park and Everett. Bwdy 133. WHITE DELIVERY S-ton good covered body, pneumatic urea. iiipiii.iin..i v ' lect. f'.'SU. Haynes at Wlnton Dist.. 16th. and Wash. Broadway It14. Call McCray. v." . .Wo: ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. T. . I . . . l.tttQ. 6TOP fusaing with grease cups: put a lubri cating system on your car that docs the bua.ness. Alemlte Lubricator Co.. 43-1 Alder St. Broadway 83Q0. " KISSELKAR DELIVERY. " Excellent condition . I S50. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. Park and EverelL Bwdy 1369.