Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 11, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Kipling's New Book, "The Years Between" $1.50 a Copy The Book Shop Main Floor
We Give S.Sf H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Get your Stamps and Reap the Benefit of This Cash Saving' on Your Purchases
Flags for Rose Festival, 4th Floor Model Grocery, Bakery and Delicatessen, 4th Floor Portland Agency for Gossard. Nemo, Bien Jolie Corsets Home Patterns
American Ambassador Francis
Sounds Warning.
Immense Resources and Man Poorer
of Disorganized Xatlon, Utilized
by Germany, to Be Feared.
RTE BEACH. N. H.. June 10. Warn
ing- that If a Btable government la not
established In Russia, Germany -win
utilize Kuasian resources and man
power and again become a great men
ace to the people of Europe was given
today by David R. Francis, American
ambassador to Russia. Mr. Francis is
recuperating here from illness which
compelled him to undergo a surgical
operation In London on his way home
from Archangel. He is awaiting orders
from the state department.
Mr. Krancis was prompted to make
the statement by the recent speeches
of Prank A. Vanderlip, who recently
resigned the presidency of the National
City bank or New York, in which Mr.
Vanderlip gave his views of the indus
trial situation in Europe and told
America that she must be prepared to
extend her credit to put European
business on its feet.
"I have read with great Interest,'
said th ambassador, "Mr. Vanderlip's
note of warning delivered before the
Economic club in New Tork several
days ago. Mr. "Vanderlip had un
equaled facilities for studying condi
tions in Europe during his four or five
months' visit and- his address, coming
as it does from the recently resigned
president of the largest financial Insti
tution in America, imparts most valua
ble information. He is not in the diplo
matic service; if he .were he would
have thought a second time concerning
his utterance about labor conditions in
England. Those conditions are more
or ,les serious in every European
country and merit attention even in
the United States.
Bolshevism Bad for X,abor.
The bolshevik spirit which is now
manifesting itself in the Canadian
strikes, I am glad to see is Irowno
upon by the labor unions in that coun
try as well as in our own. If that
spirit should dominate in the new
world or even if it should permeate
labor circles to the extent it did in
Russia in the beginning of the bol
shevik revolution. It would, as it did
there, attempt to appropriate the lands
and that would be very deplorable for
the labor unions of America.
"Here the public domain, immense as
it, lias practically all been taken up
by settlers who won the soil they till
and Would not listen with any patience
to the bolshevik doctrine of nationaliz
ing: the land.
"Lenine has realized this as. before I
lnft Russia, he said bolshevism had no
-cause to fear the league land owners
or feudal barons as he called them, but
the small holders among the pesantry
were the most powerful enemies of
Russia Coold Feed All Korope.
I did not intend to digress, however,
even to this extent from what I wished
to pay concerning Mr. Vanderlip's ad
dress. "While he visited almost every
accessible country in Europe, bel
ligerant and neutral, he did not go
to Russia nor mention the resources of
that afflicted country in his com
prehensive statement. He did not even
take into account the productive
rapacity In Russia when he stated that
the population of Europe had grown
l'rom 110 million to 440 million and
without increasing its 'productivity
nearly in the same ratio.
"The annual average grain produc
tion of Russia for five years was 3.247,
100,000 bushels as against the United
States, 2.264,446,000 bushels.
"It will be seen from these figures
that Russia, notwithstanding her popu
lation of 180.000,000 people, can furnish
enough surplus to feed all of the re
mainder of Europe. These figures show
only the capacity of Russia for grow
ing those grains which sustain Euro
pean life. Europe has not yet learned
lo eat cornbread.
"I shall not tire your readers on this
occasion to mention other immeasur
able resources of Russia except to say
that that country has boundless forests
of timber, enormous deposits of coal,
ropper and lead, to say nothing of her
'leposits of tho precious ores, gold,
yilvcr and platinum.
(irrrnin Influence In Bosnia Strons:.
"Germany has not only been studying
the immense resources of Russia for a
half century, but during the past sev
eral decades has given careful atten
t ion to tho Russian character going so
lar as to place lierman teachers
i.ussian schools. As I said In my testi
mony before the Overman committee
of the senate and on various other oc
casions, if Germany had deferred the
war a necado or five years even, she
would have had such a strong foothold
in Russia thnt it would have been im
possible to dislodge her. I havn also
expressed the view many times that It
would be difficult, if possible, to es
tablish peace in Europe with chaos
prevailing in Russia or even "with bol
shevik rule dominating Russia.
"It is also my conviction if , stable
povernment is not established In Rus
sia that Germany will utilize the re
sources of that country, organize Its
man-power as Germany knows so well
how to do and become as powerful and
as great a menace to the people of
Europe at the end of one or two do-
cades as she was at the beginning of
tne worm war. i-doyd .eorge said to
one of his colleagues at the Paris con
ference 'any peace which we negotiate
here with Russia left out would be a
travesty, for Russia comprises half of
the dryland of Europe and half of Asia
also' and he mipht have added over
one-seventh of the dry land of the
Spokane Kcpublicuns Favor Army
Name for President.
SPOKANE, "Wash.. June 10. A Major-
General Leonard Wood club was organ
ized at a luncheon here today attended
by a score of republicans. Major Harry
11. Armstead, chairman of a state or
ganization, seeking to effect the nomi
nation of General "Wood for president
on the republican ticket, arranged the
Home Directors to Meet.
SPOKANE. June 10. The ooard of
directors of the women's industrial
home authorized by the last legisla
ture will meet here June 23 to make
plans for the establishment of the in
stitution, it was announced today.
Temporary quarters for the home,
where delinquent women will be treat
ed, will be selected at that time, it was
AFTER PARADE today. Orpheum matinee.
AFTER PARADE today. Orpheum matinee.
AFTER PARADE today. Orpheum matinee.
AFT tit PARADE today, Orpheum matinee.
Best Butter
At $1.15
No deliveries except with other
purchases made in the Grocery
Department. Glenwood O"! - pr
Butter, 2 pounds for 3-LsAJ
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Silk Gloves
75c to $2.00
Portland Maid and Kayser Silk
Gloves in black, white and colorsl
All styles. Supply your needs at
once. Department, First Floor.
Welcome ! Festival Visitors to Portland's Best Store !
Make Use of the Modern Conveniences Here Rest Rooms, Writing Rooms, Public Telephones on Second Floor Parcels Checked Free of Charge at
Accommodation Desk Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement Tea Room on 4th Floor Beauty
Parlors 2d Floor Ask Any Floorman for Information as to Points of Interest in Portland and Vicinity Make This Store Your Headquarters.
Mens' $1.75 Union Suits
Special at $1.29
Main Floor Here, men, is your
opportunity to buy summer un
derwear at a substantial saving.
Union Suits in short sleeve, ankle
length style, in .white and ecru
color. Well known make. Stand
ard $1.75 gTade. Priced (PI OQ
for Festival Sale, only t3JL.l7
odd lines not all sizes. These
are in the famous Chalmers make.
Cool and comfortable for warm
days. Priced very spe- ff
cial for Wednesday, at wlUu
MEN'S KHAKI Handker- r p
chiefs 15c to 25c grades at
Women's Neckwear
"Made in Oregon "
Wednesday the Neckwwir Section will feature
a notable showing of Women's Collars, Collar and
Cuff Sets, Modesty Tuckers, Collar and Cuff Com
bination Sets and Fichus, MADE IN PORTLAND.
Latest New York
And Paris Modes
Neckwear that will compare favorably with the
best productions in the market. All the newest
ideas are ehown and the assortment is excep
tionally well chosen. Beautiful novelties made up
in organdie, satin, Georgette crepe and net ma
terials. See Morrison-Street window, and don't
fail to visit the Neckwear Department, First Floor.
Extra values at $1, $1.25, $2.25 to $0.95
Tailored Hats at $7.50
New Basket Weave Sailors
The Millinery Store directs your attention to a
special showing of the smart new Basket Weave Sail
ors ideal hats for Rose Festival wear. These are
shown in a large assortment of colors and combina
tions mostly in the lighter shades. Effectively
trimmed with ribbon band and bow. Other hats for
street wear at prices ranging $3.95 up to $10.00
Trimmed Hats. Special $10
Tub Skirts
At Popular Prices
I " "-'- " "' " . ,,.."-...:
.inn .1 mur f,-t.Miirii fi -i ll' nmi
Skirts of Gabardine,
Pique, Voile, Etc.
Second Floor The most attractive
display of Tub Skirts in Portland
awaits you at this store. Any number
of smart styles some in sport models
with large pockets and wide belts
others have deep embroidered design
around bottom, and many are trimmed
with buttons. Gabardine, pique, pop
lin, voile and organdie materials.
Prices range from $2.50 up to $10
Middy Blouses
plain white or with colored collars
and cuffs. Splendid showing of the
new styles. Prices range $1.41) to $5
Today, Thursday, Friday
Prize Rose Exhibit
By Our Employes
In years gone by our Rose- Exhibit has attracted widespread attention,
not only from Festival visitors, but from Portlanders as well. This sea
son we have arranged to have another beautiful display and will devote
the display tables in our Center Circle, Main Floor to this purpose.
Cash Prizes Will Be
to our employes for best displays from their own gardens. Competent
judges will be selected to decide on th successful contestants in the
various classes.
Festival Visitors
Delegates and visitors to Advertising Convention Out-of-town Mer
chants and Buyers we extend you a special invitation to view this dis
play of choice roses grown by our employes OLDS, WORTMAN & KING.
Elgin Maid Crochet Cotton
Special 35c Dozen
Bargain Circle, First Jloor Elgin
Maid a Perle Cotton for crochet
ing, tatting .and embroidery work.
White and colors. Priced QCp'
special Wednesday, a dozen OtJU
Spool Silk for hand or ma- '
chine. On sale Wednesday at
Hair Pin Cabinets priced at 7
Defender Safety Pins at only 30
Adamantine Pins, size 4, priced
special Wednesday, 1-lb. box 500
Lingerie Tape in light blue, pink
and white; priced special, a bolt 70
Regent Bias Folds, 7-yd. bolt 70
Cube Pins, Jet only; per cube 70
Dove Toilet Pins; a package 40
Kid Curlers, special, a dozen 120
Children's Hose Supporters in 4
sizes; Jasper only; the pair 100
Bone Hair Pins in shell and am
ber colors, priced special, box 100
Union Silk Taffeta Ribbons-on
sale Wednesday at, the bolt 100
Stickerie Edging, in blue and
pink priced special, the bolt 190
Tolson's Skirt Binding, yard 110
Pearl Buttons, special, card 70
Men's Combs, hard rubber 100
Tooth Brushes, special 150, 180
Hair Brushes, values to 85c, 49
Clothes Brushes, special at ;i)0
$1.60 Khakt Kits, special at 990
Is Your Friend Leav
ing? Is there someone whom you
would like to have feel that you
thought" of them? A good book
makes fair weather of bad days
and leaves the mind full of pleas
ant memories. A few suggestions:
"The City of Comrades," Basil
King $1.75
"Humoresque," Fannie Hurst,
priced $1.50
"The Strange Case of Caven
dish," Randall Parrish. . . .$1.50
"The Wicked Marquis," E.
Phillips Oppenheim $1.50
"Ma Pettingill," Harry Leon
Wilson $1.50
Book Shop-VIain Fir.
i 1
Timely Offerings in Seasonable Apparel and Household Supplies Featured Today in Basement Store
7000 Yards of Muslins
Sale of Capes
At $19.50
Basement Women's and misses' new Capes under
priced for Wednesday in the Basement Store. These
are of fine quality broadcloth in a good range of
colors. Attractive styles. Extraordi- Q Cfl
nary values. Priced very special at DA.tlvl
Serge Capes $6.75
Basement Women's Capes of good quality dark
blue serge. Only 20 garments in this lot. Q?
Very newest models. On sale Wednesday I J
Women's Suits
At $18.95
Basement Just 33 Suits in this remarkable sale.
Models marked heretofore at $22.50 and $25.00.
Made up in splendid quality serge, O QC
Neat tailored styles. Basement sale DxO.J
Women's Tub Dresses
Special $3.45
Basemen t These attractive new
frocks are especially desirable for
street and porch wear. Made up in
excellent quality ginghams in plaids
and stripes with fancy or plain col
lars and cuffs. Also many models in
other materials. Shown in assorted
colorB and combinations. On JJQ A C
sale Wednesday, at only 30.4rt
House Dresses
Basement Of dark blue figured per
cale, neatly trimmed with piping and
pearl buttons. Every woman has need
for just such serviceable dresses, for
wear about the house. Well DO A Q
worth $4.00. Basement sale V&&J
Special 75c Pound
5 TO 15 YARDS TO THE POUND Extra special offering for Wednes
day in the Basement. Over 7000 yards standard quality Muslins, repre
senting a shipment that came to us far below regular prices to go on
sale at a big saving to our customers. Mill end pieces, light and medium
weight unbleached muslins, lengths 1M to 20 yards to the piece.
Wednesday we will put the whole shipment on bargain tables fJTn
and sell it by the pound at the extraordinarily low price of W
Sale of Dress Ginghams
Basement Special, Yard
By taking over 20,000 yards of these ginghams
we secured them at a figure that enables us to
offer them at a 6harp reduction from original
price. 27 and 32 inches wide ginghams of
splendid quality for dresses, children's frocks.
etc. Fancy plaids, stripes, checks and plain
colors. Mill end lengths. This is one of the best bargains we have
yet offered in our Basement Underprice Store. Sale price 290 a yard.
36 Extraordinary Bargains for 50c Day in the Basement
No Telephone, C. O. D. or
MEN'S WASH TIES in a vast
assortment of neat patterns; white
grounds with fancy colored stripes.
Priced special for Wednes- Cfl
day's selling at 4 for only
PILLOW CASES, size 36x36
inches. Full bleached muslin of
good quality. Well made. Priced
special for Wednesday in
the Basement 3 for only OVJVs
MOTOR VEILS of good quality
chiffon. Full sizes with hemstitched
border. Shown in pink, light blue,
black, white, and rose. Spe- Kf
;ially priced Wednesday, at
and roller towels. Cotton huck,
soft finish and very absorbent.
Limit 15 yards to any one
customer. Special, 3 yards Jvfl
eral different styles and assorted
colors. Standard quality elastic
webbing. On sale Wednes- Cflf
day in the Basement, at
heavy grade muslins. Embroidery
trimmed, front fastening style.
Also Pink Bandeau Bras- Cfin
I siArPS. Ftaspmpnt Snip. 1 fnr ""V
HAIR BOWS extra special of
fering for Wednesday. Full, large
size bows, made up in heavy qual
ity Dresden ribbons. On Z(f
sale in the Basement, only UC
straight brims, droops; also Khaki
Colored Caps and White Caps. Fine,
for Rose Festival and vaca
tion wear. Basement sale tlvll
MEN'S BELTS a special lot un
derpriced for Wednesday in the
Basement. Several different styles
and colors to choose from.
Well made. Sale price, each 3vU
BATH TOWELS medium size,
for hotel or home use. These are
of good quality and are f 1
bleached. Limit one dozen p?n
to customer; Special, 3 for J"i
firm quality made with taped
buttons. Shown in sizes 2 to 12
years. On sale Wednesday TZCif,
in Basement Store, 2 for 0"C
summer weight. Sleeveless style
with band and tape trimmed top
and lace knee. Sizes 36 to Pft.
40. Priced very special, at
Mail Orders Accepted For Any
inches wide. Not more than six
yards to a customer and no tele
phone orders accepted. On tZfir
Of The Items Listed Below
MEN'S SOCKS 300 pairs of
them, specially priced for Wednes
day in the Basement Store. Good
quality black cotton. Priced Kflf
in this !( at 3 nnirs for JJs
fine sheer quality material with
dainty embroidered designs in cor
ners. Priced special in the Cfl
Basement JVednesday, 12 for
HUCK TOWELS of good qual
ity with plain hemmed end and
red border. Large size. Limit 24
to any one customer. Base- EZfg
ment sale price, 3 for only''''
GARMENT BAGS, just the thing
for. woolens, furs, etc. Moth-proof
and dust-proof. Choice of two
different sizes. On sale in Cf
Basement Wednesday, 2 for JUC
T ABLE DAMASK, 60 inches
wide. Half bleached and of good
heavy quality for every-day use.
No telephone orders. Limit Cfl
4 yards to customer; a yard
OUTING HATS for misses and
women. Plain coIoes and stripes.
Straight sailors and droop effects.
On sale Wednesday in the Kfjrt
Basement Store at only
sale Wednesday at, a yard
TOILET PAPER good quality
crepe. No telephone, C. O. D. or
mail orders accepted, and only 16
rolls to any one customer. Kflf
Basement Store sale, 8 rolls w"v
in a rousing one-day sale in the
Basement. These are a trifle im
perfect. Black and white. Kflp
Priced special, 2 pairs for JVIU
lines of various kinds. This sea
son's very best styles. Made up
in dainty sheer materials. Cfl
Sets included. Priced special J"V
BOYS WAISTS of standard
quality percales in neat patterns
and colors. Sizes for boys 6 to 10
years of age. On sale in the Fin
Basement Wednesday, 2 for JvJC
fastening styles, trimmed with em
broidery; also Bandeau Brassieres
of pink or white broche. Kflrt
Basement Store sale price JUi
eight different styles. Imitation
Panamas, rough straws, and other
braids. White and colors. Cf)f
On sale in Basement, only tllt
quality checked ginghams and light
or dark colored percales. Made
bib style. On sale Wednes- Kftp
day in Basement at, each
WOMEN'S VESTS in a large as
sortment of styles. Sleeveless and
low neck. Elastic ribbed cotton.
All sizes in the lot 34 to 44. Cfl
On sale in Basement, 2 for JJ
TRIMMED HATS for women
and misses. Black, white and col
ors. Trimmed with flowers, rib
bons and ornaments. On sale PCflf.
Wednesday in Basement at JvU
plain white with neat hem. These
are of excellent quality and are
exceptionally good values. FA
On sale Wednesday, 7 for JUC
MEN'S GLOVES of canvas with
leather palms and leatherette
gauntlets. Just the thing for gar
den use. Limit 4 pairs to
a customer. Special, 2 pairs
HAT BRAIDS large assortment
to go on the bargain table Wednes
day. Various weaves in black and
colors. Priced special in the fT f"J
Basement Store, the bolt
special one-day sale. Attractive
styles made up in plain pink, blue
or light colored percales. CH
On sale in the Basement, at Jvix
dainty styles. Made up in pink
silk trimmed with lace and ribbon.
Very appropriate for gifts. Pft
Priced in Basement eale at
sizes for girls 8, 10 and 12 years
only. Low neck, sleeveless style
with lace trimmed knee. On Kfl
sale in the Basement. 2 for JvU
WOMEN'S HOSE of fiber silk
have the appearance of real 6ilk,
and give excellent service. Black,
white and brown. All sizes. Kr
Priced special at, the pair J"'
MEN'S HATS for garden and
outing wear. Rough straw, with
wide brims. All sizes up to 7.
Buy them in the Basement Cfl
Store Wednesday at 2 for