18 THE MOIt-STXG OKEGOXIAX, . TUESDAY, JUXE 10, 191D. HELP WAMED MALE. INCIDENT. (Oo of lany. Office of Secretary Advisory and Employ ment Department Y. M- C. A. Toun man. stranger, out of work lila total cash assets). If I pay you $5 for membership In the Y. M. C. A. I will have only left between me and starvation, Secretary If you take out membership In. the association you will have the Y. M. C A. with alt its influence, strength and resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined the associa tion. In less than a week he had satis factory employment, and a membership card n his pocket, which assures him. along with Y. M. C. A. privileges, employ ment insurance for one year. The excuse the Y. M. C. A. has for ex istence is that it serves young men, and the function of this department is to eerie them along a most vital line: the clothes line, the bread-line, the life-line. Calls for men since Jan. 1, 865 Positions filled 470 Uny the kind of men wanted 36 The standing this department has with Portland employer is due to the discrim inating service we have rendered tuein for a period of 15 years. If you will be guided by our Instructions we wi.l guarantee that you will secure em ployment or refund membership fee. Sol diers and sailors given three months' com iWimentary membership. MAKE MONET. Reliable men to handle the famous Indiana. Silo in territories in Oregon, "Washington or Idaho, Does noi re quire an investment. A bona fide money-making proposition. Write for further information, giving data a to experience and. ca.pa.bilit.it;. .References required. CHAS. K. SPALDLVC COMPANY, SALEM. OREGON. WANTED BY G. M. STANDI fc'EH CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION. Steel Yard, Vancouver. Washington. 0O boltera-up at 4.64 per day. 10 o general helpers at $4.64 per day. 3u0 laborers at $4.16 per day. Good accommodations at the new Liberty Hotel, built specially by the corporation for its employes. Kates 57 cents per day. Meals cafeteria style, average 35 cents. 7 YOUNG men to learn the manufacturing end of the lumber game with the biggest plant in the northwest. We start you in the box, shingle, veneer and shipping de partment, and bright young men can look for rapid promotion; 45c to 5uc per bout to start: located in a good little town. Get in on this. We will advance your fare if you wish. See Mr. AWiitbeck, r& cific Employment Cj., 255 Burnaide sU -MOULDING and frame factory machln man, capable grind Knives for and set up moulders, file taws for cut off, rip and tiatio machines: must be tnoroucniy ia miliar with window and door frame and factory work as it pertains to keeping up those machines, including glue jointers, bench faw, etc. Wages 45. 5 for 6-hour day. Permanent position. Write, stating experience and references. to Crosswtt Western Lumber company, Wauna, Or. .WANTED 100 men at once to learn to op erate and repair automobiles. Apply Hemphill's Traae Schools, 707 Hawthorne, cor. of E. 2th. Take Mt. Scott or Haw thorne car at 2d and Alder to E. -0th. WANTED Married man for agent in Elgin, Oregon; must be fairly good lineman cap able of taking care of trouble work and meet the public. Salary 5100 per month, Jjouse, lights, fuel and water furnished free, and percentage of profits of mer chandising and wiring operations. Ad dress Eastern Oregon Light & Power Co., Baker. Or. E PINNERS WANTED Night work. 48-hour week, no work Saturday or Sunday mghta; liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. .WAN TED Thoroughly experienced buyer and manager of ranfje, housewares and crockery department; state age, by whom and for how long employed, references and salary expected. Address Tull & iiibbs. Spokane, Wash. ,WANTED Discharged soldiers, sailors and marines. Wonderful opportunity to earn bi money Felling street novelties during Rose Festival week. Guaranteed $5 a day and up. Call 9 to IX OU3-4 Stock Ex change bldg. WANTED Manager and buyer for new piano department to be opened July 15; tate age, by whom and for how lpng employed, references and salary expected. Address Tull & Gibbs, Spokane. Wash. L FIRM that is well established require a salesman; a splendid opportunity tor a man who wants to make a permanent connection. See sales manager. 9 to 11 A. M. 400 Mohawk bldg. FI RST-CLASS FINISHER, experienced In finishing and refinishing all kinds of fur niture; steady work. Apply Gadsby's Warehouse, 1st and Wash. sts.. after 7 A. M. 1 planer feeder, 1 grader behind planer, for mill up columbia river. Tup wages. apply 1117 ykox bldg. WORKING men intending to come to Kla mdth Falls, or., seeking employment, wilt do well t.v writing to tnc secretary Millm.-n and Box Makers' Union, No. 3764. Postoffice Box 375. At the present time il'tre are lots or other men ntre. BX I'KRi KNl'UD miners at 54.75 and muck er.- at ft. -3 a day; board SI. 25; rooras 10 cents day ; wanted for Troy, Mont., by Snow Storm Mines, Cons. Tunnel and stops only; bring blankets. Apply Troy or Spokane. WANTED A young and active man thor oughly familiar wit h osy -acetylene weld ing. Also one thoroughly familiar with e.ectric elding. In answerin j give aee, experience and for whom worked. J 05, Oregonian. MARRIED man anted a chief operator for hydro-electric plant at Rock Creek, near Haynes, Or. Salary $llo per month, lioui.e rent, fuel, lights and water free. Write Eastern Oregon Light & Power Co., Baker. Or. AV ANTED Men to work in wood-working factory; wages 5;.75, S hours; steady work with chance for advancement. Give phone number and address, W LStl. Oregonian. WANTED Foreman finisher for work on chairs ; must be abl to hand le colors. Advise salary expected. Address R. Veal A Son. Albany, or. WANTED Men for sawmill, lath mill and lumber yards: good wages, steady work. Write or wire Weed Lumber Co., Weed, CaT. 3aJ LLM EN Married men preferred; can furnish houses at reasonable rent. Buli Run water and wood included. Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.. Linnton, Or. A J -l .-ROt'N D baker w anted ; $30 per week ; easy place; must be good bread man: last baker with us two years. Nichol son's Bakery. Pomeroy, Wa?h. .REPORTER wanted at once for general news reporting, must be able, energetic writer; can cam as high as tl.'tO per month. Dally Chronicle. The Dalles, Or. WANTED Young man as bill distributor. Must be a good w&lker. Apply in own handwriting, giving age aud telephone number. S 674. Oregonian. MAN and wife, ltght janitor work In small apt. house, nice, comfortable position for the right people; state experience and wages. AE 161, Oregonian. WANTED Expert cabinet maker, experi enced in remodeling store fixtures, mahog any work, man by day or hour. Address F Oregonian. WANTED Sash and door macrnne men and assemblers. Charles K. Spa u! dins Log ping Company. McMinn ille. Or. JANITOR for apartment hou.-e; good sa.ary married man preferred; no objection t roior. Main S7ft7. WANTED Loom fixer; steady work : 4S- hour week; good wages. Portland Woolen Mllit. WANTED Experienced auto sheet-metal workers. Apply Burness . Martin, 15th ana Aiaer. J'JRSl -cLAss machinist for bhop, doing job work and manufacturing: must be good latne ana i loor man. .APPiy ot f ront J' HO ixh iHAri it.n wan tea ; retoucher, man or woman, permanent position open now. Puphncll studio, Columbia bidp. Xl'biti bt.Li presser on coats and vesta will find steady employment at the Brownsville WooK'n Mills. 3d and Morrison. WOOD cutters, oig ttmoer: L7 cord; no underbrush: long job. C. M. Williams, THREE first-class linemen wanted. Sixty cents ner hour Wire Eastern Oregon L.ign v t u cr v. o., u range, collect. WANTED Experienced automobile radiator ana reuaer repair men. Apply Burness 4f .Martin, l.un ana Aiaer. WANTKU faxperienceu miik w.agon driver for retail route; good wages. Address L ' ( .1. urt.oman. WASTED Washer In wet wah dent - comf wages, sieaay worK. jttoaei Laundry, Tho Dalles. Or. i none us i our expense. A HIGH-CI.ASr! trav !J-e.l 'i ;'ied lir-.n imic .iie?nian Tor an WANTED Reliable houv; mat t f v.-rc n cc s r. q u ired. F -UO Orcon!an. PORTER wanted. Leigliton's Dairy Lunch. poRTLR uankd. iiorao. b.d barber eiiop. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Thoroughly experienced and re liable truck driver; must be familiar with all city streets; married man preferred. AJ 3S2, Oregonian. AN eastern Oregon concern needs a book keeper; a man who can come with f irst-ci-afs recommendations and satisfied with reasonable salary with good pros Dec ts of increase. If you think you can fill such position, call room 133 Perkins Hot1. ATTENTION YOV.VG MAN. Is your position In life what it should be? "Would you care 'to better it In any way, or are you satisfied? If ydu are en ergetic and willing to work hard call at "JO$ Chamber of Commerce bltTg. WANTED Discharged soldiers, sailors and marines; wonderful opportunity to earn big money selling street novelties during Itoe Festival week; guaranteed $5 a day and up. Call 9 to 12, 603-4 Stock Ex change bldg. WANTE 1 -Y OCNG MAN WHO CAN7" WEAR SIZE 38 TO DRESS IN OUTING SUIT I' OH WINDOW DISPLAY THIS WEEK. A PFLT AT ONCE. 1! NORTH uTH STREET. WANTED Discharged soldiers and sailors: wonderful opportunity for big money, cell ing Rope Festival novelties: 5U per cent commission. Call 9 to 12, .405 Buchanan building. PRINTER Ad setter or makeup man. want ed by newspaper publishing every a f ter noon except Sunday In live eastern Oregon town; permanent position. Address K ool, Orcgonian. WANTED Advertising man capable of handling all advertising work of Jars mlil and logger supply house; only wide awake man wanted. L. B. Barde, 1140 Front st. WANTED Bright, active young man to as sist in mangle department; pleasant work and steady employment. Yale Laundry, 500 E. Morrison. WANTED- First-class barber for Arlington, Or.; guarantee $35 per week. For partic ulars, apply Lewis-Stenger Barbers Sup ply Co. WANTED Markers; good wages, steady employment. Oregon Laundry Co. WANTED Two stock clerks, thoroughly fa miliar with logging supplies; no others need app. M. Barde &. Sous, 240 Front. ACTIVE man for steady work on waste ma chine; good w ages to right man. North -west Waflc &. Cotton Co.. 174 N. 13th it. WANTED Second baker, experienced In bread and rolls, come ready for work. Cosy Dairy lunch, Gth and Washington sts. BOY over 1 S years of age to operate ele vator evenings from 6 to y :3tt. Apply Public Library, loth and Yamhill. WANTED 3 in en with prospects. high-class ambitious young a hi lit v as salesmen ; excel leni BF 509. Oregonian. MAN wanted to make himself generally useful in factory. Columbia Paper Box Co . E. 25th a-id HoIIaday ave. SINGLE MAN to take care of cigar stand, pool room and soft drinks ; good house Apply at 4 Grand avenue South BOY wanted to run elevator and assemble merchandise ; must be bright and wide awane. Apply Lowengart & Co. WANTED A gardener for a private place wno can mi.K a cow; apply to Mr. Sharp, room 7. at 150 l 3d st. WANTED Capable young man to solicit auto insurance: salary and commission. AH 255, Oregonian. WANTED Second baker, experienced in bread and rolls, come ready for work. Cosy Dairy lunch, tith and Washington sts. WANTED An experienced grocery man : call and brine references. Java, Coffee Co., i!tl Yamhill. Help i anted- I earn en. WANTED 10 more hustling salesmen and boys, sell on street and all stores and places of business, official Rone Festival overseas victory cap: sells 25 cents; every body buying them; get some quick money. We furnish license tree; come prepared for work. Rose Festival Official Cap, tt5 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts., 2d floor. W ANTE D 1 2 live w ire sol left ors, make h,ouse-Lo-hou.e canvass In city, on commis sion proposition. Phone Sell wood 1737 any evening this week. WANTED Man with Ford car to tell Ford starters; big profits. East loti. Mr. Car- ter. 577 Ladd ave. WANTED Experienced ravelfng, live sales- man; give age, experience and salary ex- pected. D 311. Oregonian. WANTED Traveling salesman for sport in goods; give age, experience and salary ex pected. D 310, Oregonian. WA NT ED Experienced hardware salesman for road work ; give ape, experience and salary expected. A F 339, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Sales agents and territorial managers for the Wonderful Violet Ray generators. No experience necessary. See June Physical Culture magazine. Call 016 Gaseo bldg. ACTIVE SALESMEN, double shipyard wage, nice, clean, high-class job; faithful, hon est fellows ran call on Specialty Foundry Works, S. E cor, E. 7th amd Belmont. MAN with Ford car, to demonstrate and sell: good for J00 to S1H per week; no competition; for city and country. 63 Pittock blk. AGENTS Get a live one. Selling seat-on starts soon. Exclusive territory. Write ..nmual j-Noveity Jirg. Co., Tacoma. Wash. AGENTS st once. Sell 50c per month hos- rmal tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Experienced chambermaid, none orners neea apply; don t phone. 40$ Stark st. WANTED Lady to take cash and assist In bookkeeping. Apply L. Mayer &. Co.. 166 Tith st. MIDDLE-AGED lady for general house work, 2 in family; modern home, near city. Call Woodlawn W A N T E D E XPERIKXCKD A LTV" RATI N ALDER AND M a N US. THE FA M O U 5 , PARK. EXPKR1KNCKD alteration hand on cloaks and suits. Appiy the Fa3hion, 34 Waah- HUUSEKEEPRR Man and 3 children. r,nfi r.. -.u. ji. ju. car; laDor oobl, morn ings. WANTED Women, to patch bag, by hand. American Bottle & iag Co., 313 Front, corner Clay. TWO waitresses: S57.50. board room a -. ,i fare; cooks, chambermaids and other help. nansen s. t asnington. DINING-ROOM girL Woodlawn ;315, i 'eroy ST.. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Mandarin oo. .nornson. can alter 111 noon. GIRL or woman for care of children and rion-c-vt vi i auur ovjn DCiore 1 1 A. M CHORUS GIRLS Highest wa.ei, long en- gagemeni.; no traveling. casino theater. v . N i ts u LNpnenced stenographer. Ap- pi."" i," rviim u nib-, r curry iros., inc. w a MKU tiiris ior iioats in parade. 234 Worcester oia;., can a uesaay U A. M. w ai iKNr.a wani'u 10 po to Hood River. .-inR (.nung v., iviti anu .Morrison. WANTED Young lady as waitress. 101 3d st.. corner Flanders. Day shift. EXPERIENCED cashier. Apply Burneido ineater, neiween iu ana n a. .M. GIRLS wanted to make ostrich feathers good pay while learning. 614 Morgan bldg. GIRLS wanted to make ostrich feather- pood pay while learning. 614 Morgan bldg. YOL'NG girl wanted to do light housework. can en. WOMEN wanted to work in dining room and ki tchen. Apply 15J ftrs st. OPERATORS wanted, finishers and plain nana sew ere. oo i ma st. STOCK, girl wanted. Apply Bartholomew's, iith and Yt asnington. GIRLS wanted. Portland Paper Box Co., U- k ront street. WANTED A second girl In Hood River home. s roaaway iuo, iiss Alien. WANTED A cook for light lunch room. -dy isortn -a si. WANTED A piano and violin teacher. 7-ttf. Orvgonian. EXPERIENCED Bdwy. 2343. clerk, for delicatessen. wanted to take care of cigar stand. nurnsiae. OK NTT .EM AN v. ants housekeeper. Or- gntan. GOOD Ftrong Burnside. jirl to tlmonize cars. WANTED Chambermaid. Carlton hole:. J PANTS finiehcr wanted. AppI &b ;a 3d. U HELP WANTED FfMAIC TOCNQ LADIES WANTED FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. BEGINNERS IN TRAINING SCHOOL WITHOUT ANT EXPERIENCE! PAID AT RATE OF 911 PER WEEK; APPROXIMATELY $48 PER MONTH; FREQUENT INCREASES IM PAT AFTER TRANSFERRING TO OPERATING WORK. CALL AT ROOM tOU SIXTH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR -YOUNG WOMEN. Dwe to the approaching consolidation of the manual and automatic telephone systems, permanent positions are open in the operating department. Young women considering employment should call upon the employment upr vior, room 6ul, ttth. floor, Telephone bldg.. Park and Oak sts. Telephone Broadway 12, into. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. 12 EXPERIENCED sales omen for various uepanmenti. 1- girls between 16 and 20 as appren tices in various departments. 3 waitresses for tea room ; short hours. .All former Meier fc Frank employes desiring- to assist us during Victory Rose totn mi pi ease report at onica employ ment manager, sixth fioor. MEIER FRANK CO, WANTED Girls, 18 to 30 years, to sew on "-cr iiiacnine, experienced or inexperi enced; steady employment i cood wages. Ainea-HarriH-NcviU Bag Co.. 13th. and WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL IN OUR SERVICE DEPARTM ENT; MUST UK ABLE TO HANDLE COMPLAINTS. ETC.; ALSO SOME TYPING. ENKB PYB WORKS. EAST THIRD AND ASH. WANTED LADIES TO LEARN BEAUTY PARLOR WORK. Will leach 10 tc do the work in eight weeks ; oldest and best-equipped parlors in the city ; the -eason of tnia chance, every place in the city needs help; we ca.ii use good help at good wages. X 727, Oregonian, WANTED A GOOD PANTS FINISHER; WILLING TO PAY MORE ' THAN ANYBODY. CALL BETWEEN 12 AND 1 AND BETWEEN 5 AND 6, ROOM 211 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG.. THIRD AND YAMHILL. J. W El NSTEJ N. SUCCESSFUL merchandise house, making specialty of infant's wearing apparel, wants capable woman to take charge of store outside of Portland; big opportunity; must have at least $500. D a 13, Ore gonian. WAITRESS for logging camp near Port land. Reply staling ago and experience and: say when you will be ready to report for work. II itol, Oregonian. WANTED Two girls for waitress work; ex perience not nec.ssary ; first month, SiO ; second month and after, (05. board in cluded; work six days a week. Apply nf ter A. M., 3sS Washington st. WANTED Saleslady to take orders from house to house; samples distributed, dishes grlven away; salary and commission; goods guaranteed or money returned. Call 9 to 12, :jol Oregon bids. WANTED at once, one or two girls, not over 3t years of age, to cook and wait on table in logging camp; 5 men, nice place; state wages, reference first letter. AV tiS, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED SHIRTMAKER. JACOBS SHIRT CO.. RALEIGH BLDG.. 6TH AND WASHINGTON STS. WANTED Capable women, experience not necessary: steady positions; good pay and opportunity lor advancement. Palace Laundry Co., East 10th and Everett. CHEF cook wants unincumbered woman, 25 to 35 years of agv, who is good paltry cook, to take position in camp on Su-au baa is. R t4u, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced power machine op erators, also hem-stitch operators. East ern Novelty Mfg. Co.. SCfc 0th st., be- iween j-iara anu ua K. WANTED Girl for light f:ctory work, with experience on power sewing machines. The Columbia Mills, Inc., 344 Morrison st-, 4th floor. YoUNG girl to assist with housework, in Ross City Park; will pay wages according to experience or e:nc(cncy or girl; no !fi until y except, small items. Taror ; 24. WANTED Application troni girls to work in wood- orking factory at St. Johns. Steady work and good wages. J 79u, ore gonian. HIGH scaie of wages. 4S-hour ek, for ex- periencea operators on overalls, shlrt.-t waterproof clothing. tents, Uuach-Weis Aug. Co.. -wj tsurniue bl EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer, ?100 law, anu :u; insurance, $100 typist. S.10. t0 and qs7.': dictaphone oper ator. ?0. 3"1 N. W. Bank bldg. t A NTED Man from country to care for hogs ana garden; sLeady work year around; wages, toJ, room and board. AV 14J, Ore gonian. WllCk and active young lady to work in oi t iinnit esianiisnmeni ; nours v to u give age and tel. number, a 632, Oreco nian. WANTED Elderly woman for light houee w orn , aauiiF, no w awning, treatea as one of the family. Woodlawn GOb'J after f WANTED -Middie-aged woman as house keeper for widower. A pply S: National notei, Dtiwrcn o..;j ana t :::u r. ai. WANTED Experienced power machine operators; waterproot garments. b'J'- N rth st. YOU NG woman for light housework, anul family, at Itonnoviiie; $3' monthly. Main aoi.. .Mcrnnanu, i eon Ding. .Al'huiLM. KL finisher on coats, pants or vpfis will find ptcaJy employment at the nrownsMin! -.ooien aniig. a ana Morrison WANTED A girl to work on neckband press aiso gin to learn, union Laundry riiui iv r ri r waniea; retoucner, man or w oman, permanent position open now. RELIABLE girl wanted, light housework mornings, companion cvemnga girl 13, af tenioon iree. oregonian. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to th naivation Army iteacue Home, 393 East i;m st. ., or pnone .cast ld. WANTKD o:ri for doctor's office; state axe, education, experience, phone number. AL . r.n, urcgonian. WANTED Dining room girls, dishwashers ana cook, io worn ior nusoana s room and board and wages. East 87t2. EXPERIENCED waitress for American plan hotel ; Rood wanes with room and board ; permanent. Alexandra Court. 53 Ella st. WANTED Power machine operators; staedy v ork. good pay. Apply Simmons Glove Co.. 10o 5th st. N.. cor. Flanders STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone operator state experience, age, etc. AF 454, Ore gonian WANTED 11 A. M. n.-on -Experienced waitress. Call after New Republic Uji W 3474 Mor- WANTED Housekeeper by week for man and wife. Phone Main 7564, or call at 251 1st St. WANTED Lady for housekeeper; no ob jection to one child. R tt"!!i. Oregonian. WANTED Girl to help n ofrice posting and billing. K ."GO. Oregonian. TWO experienced waitresses wanted. Olym pia Cafe, 421 Washington st. A - i. c-o experienced door keeper; must ii a -; k-'u" " jv oo.. oregonian. KITCHEN helper wanted; married woman preferred. 511 North 2l5t st. WOMAN for chamberwork. Campbcl hotel J3d and Hoyt. WANTED Maid to do housework and assist In cookirg. family of two. Apply 755 Hoyt. WANTED Experienced Hotel. 171 Lownsdalc. waitress. Mailory WANTKD Experienced Rsiryier hotel, 12S N. 6th chambermaid. EXPERIENCoD -': hone opratoi. ;tm!' "''.j'-i'rpj by Clt.:i)g Al ';.! to- A ." W ANTED A atri to Ieirn in laundry. Union Laundry Co.. 2d and Colurr. iia. W A NT E Waitress for restaurant. 230 L. HFLP WANTED FEMALE. THREE experienced saleswomen for wom en s suit department; permanent mora; none but experienced and only those who have catered to a high-class clientele con sidered. Apply employment manager tith floor, Meier &. Frank Co. SALESLADIES are required mt Llpman, Wolte A: Co. in the following neetion; Art needle work, ladies' hosiery, house d reuses, ladle' neckwear; experienco Is necessary. Also - short-hour waitresses for lunch room. All former employe of this store who wish to holp during the festival wilt call at superintendent's office between 9 and 0:30 Tuesday morning ready to so to work. WANTED. YOUNG WOME N WITH TYPEWRITER EXPERIENCE. BETWEEN IS AND :0 YEA CCS OK AGE. FOR OFKit'K POSITION WITH ADVANCKMKNT. APPLY CHIEF OPEISATOll. WESTERN UNION TEL. CO.. r.TH KlAOR WORCESTER BLDG. WA XTT!P. YOUNG WOMEN BETWEEN 18 AND -o YEARS OP AGE VOR OFFICE POSITION WITH ADVANCEMENT. APPLY RCS WORCESTER PLDG. WANTED. GIRLS OVER IS YEARS OP AGE FOR OFFICE MESSENGER POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. INSIUU WORK. GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY ROOM 523 WORCESTER BLDG. WANTED Girls for mangle room? good wagw, wteady employment. The Oregon Laundry Co. WE CAN ije several girls and young women for factory work: permanent employment, good wages Come prepared for work. Ap ply American Can Co., 14th and Front sts. WANTED Bright young lady, quick at f igurew. and one who writes well ; salary 14 per week to start. Apply 440 Glisan niter v i". w. WANTED First-class fitter, must under stand ladies' suit and coat alteration; per manent position; state reference and sal- ary expected. BP 504, Oregonian. WA NTBD Girls to work on concession v. ill pay good salary to right parties. tali at Columbia Beacn ana ak ior iir. Jaeob.won. WANTED Girls, 17 to 30, to sell novelties for Rose Festival; guaranteed $5 a day ana commission. Call 10 to 12 A. 2a. rttta-4 Stock- .Exchange bldg. WANTED Girl to sew on power machine, experienced or inexperienced, steady em ployment. American Bottle & Bag Co., 31A Front, corner Clay. SEVERAL positions open to women and girls; Rood salary; t-ome positions require no previous experience. Apply 010 Oregoft bldg. WANTED Girl for operating small tele phone exchange and ltght office work ; mu.Ht be accurate in figures. AH -til, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced prefer for fancy garment?; 18 a week. Laurelhurst Clean ertf. Tabor 3105. WANTED An experienced saleslady phonograph department. Apply Henry Jenning A. Sous, dth and Washington sts. OPER ATORS wanted for sewing machine ; good pay. 403 Phoenix bldg., corner 5th and Oak. W A NTEU Young woman experienced as cashier. Leigh ton Dairy Lunch Ac Cafe, J 33 Park. WOMAN for alterations on men's clothing; good wages; steady position. Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED Gfrl for work in canning fac tory. Wassell & Helgren, 1634 E. 13th St., take Sellwood car to Tacoma ave. EXPERIENCED waitress, serve two meals day wi h room and board and good ages, o.-b 3d st WANTED Lady barber; 65e on the dollar. 3J4 Couch. The Vluta Lady barbers must be first-class WANTED One first-class seamstress and 2 experienced hand iron era. U. S. Laundry Co., 1 bd Grand ave. YOUNG lady to demonstrate dresses in store window ; can x uesaay morning. Jo Jst st.. upstairs. W anted Dome-it ici. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework. Phone Main list. DESIRABLE place in small family for a young lady to assist witn nouaewora in the city and alno at the beach: girl from trade or Polytechnic school preferred. Call 8.5 Overton or A 33!4. EXPERIENCED ffirl for plain cooking and general houseworK, going to aeasiae ior bummer, i'hone Woodlawn &ti. WilOWER with two children wishes house- keener: nice home, lie lit work, country wages' fjo month. Call East i::i3 between ti and f P. M. and 8 to 1J A. M. WANTED- Girl for temporary housework in family of sdu.ts; cook and laundrcm Kept; good waves. Mrs. Jonn ituriwra, oiu jhu crest drive. Phone Main -SvQ. WANTED Good girl for general house work, r.op.-icnc not necessary but pre f erred; good wages If proficient. Tat or 2230, or call l'J20 Alameda ave. I10USEKP:EPER Neat, middle-aged woman with or without daughter empioyea; tnree adults: good home. Mrs. Wiley, U40 os ter road. Lents. Or. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking; good wager and small fjin iW. Telephone East ilSUO or call East loth and Hassaio. MIDDLE-AGED woman to cook for two gentlemen; no objection if she has child; state wages wanted. Johnson Bros., Bor ing, or. YOUNG or mlddle-aaed woman for family cook, highest wages and fine home; must tie neat and ante to ao pisin coohin;. ?kb. Bowman. Gl." Knott st Phone East 4:415. oiRi. for -feneral housework: no washing; no heavy sweeping; many electric labor fc.-tvlng devices. laoor sviv. EXPERIENCED cirl for cooking and houje work to go to the beach. Caii mornings. 704 lining. Main 62:;5. GI RL or woman for cooking and general housework. Call Monday, U53 Bryco ave. Broadway car. COMPETENT girl for plain cooking and housework; no washing or ironing; -adults. 2 children: wages 'io. Wdln. 3714. WA NTED A maid in private family of adults. Mrs. ri . W. coroett, xxu uiu ei, next to postof f Ice. rnnr. for -renern.1 housework: Eood home cooH -awt Sundav off at 3 P. M-. Thurs day at 1 P. M. 64 N. 20th St. Main 3124. WANTED Competent girl to do cooking, also second girl; good wages; no washing. 423 Vista ave., cor. Carter Lane. WANTED A woman or girl to do general housework, one who will go homo nights preferred. Tabor 5709. GIRL for general housework, 3 in family. 734 W . Main, near ista ave., pnone Aiam W70. COMPETENT girl to do cooking and house work; 3 adults, gooa wages. 4oa .Mont gomery d rive. GENTLE M A N. with good surroundings, wants middle-aged woman for cook. A V 0, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED second maid. airs. J. H. Page, Vista ave. and Clifton St., Port land Heights WANTED Second maid. Apply to Mrs. Burrell. S28 Hawthorne ave., phone E. 37. GOOD music for 2 children, some second work; good wages. Mrs. Sharp. Wdln. 2t4. WANTED Girl for general housework; fine place; good wages. Bast 4150. WANTED Girl to assist with light house work; no washing. Apply 350 Morrison. GIRL to do general houseworit, 2 in famLy. 755 Hoyt, comer 23d. GIRL to do general housework; Johnson st. Broadway 2600. GIRL for cook and general housework 2 In family. Main 7028. WANTED Capable girl for genera 1 house work; no upstairs work. Main 6330. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework; good wages. Tabor 5024. WA NTED Experienced waitress. Savoy Restaurant, 132 Grand avenue. GIRL or schoolgirl to a.?lst In general housework. Call Main 1912. HIGH school girl for plain cooking ironing: no washing. Main 6054. ,'ANTKU-VnM i'jtn t-i. Main i -r upstairs work. WANTED Waitress. 543 Washington. Restaurant. DISHWASHER wanted, Tha Rosebud, .cuta tu HFI.P WANTED fTM I.E. .Wanted Domnl tc-. COMPETENT girl for general housework ; family of 4 adults; no laundry; wages $50. Phone Main :. Call morning. HELP WANTED M AI.K OR FEMALE. SPINNERS wanted, ptady work. 4-hour week; good wagea. Apply Portiand Woolen MUis. PORTLAND government clerk examinations July 1ft; hundreds needed; SHOO year; It nt positions tree. Franklin Institute, lM.pt. 376 It, Rochepfr. N. Y. WEAVKR3 WANTKD HOOP PAT. OREGON CITY WOOLEN M1LL-5 OREGON CITY. EDICATIOAL LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE PAYS FREE TRIAL PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We tea-h Auto, Tractor. Gas Engine and Auto Electrical Work. BIG lOO-PAGK CATAI.OGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto Jfc Tractor school. Dept. K. Union ave. and Wasco IU, Portland. Or. Phono East T4 4i. BURSKLL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL Now Is the time to prepare tor a oetter position. Our success tifl students prove that our methods are right. Individual Instruction, new equipment. Lumbermena bldg.. 5th and Stark. Broadway 340L Mu-s F. Bursell, principal. DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 4ti2 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors, ignition and atarter work. VulvanUlng and re tread in k Special Mummer rat.a. Day and evening clashes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOU TO BOSS THE JOB. PRACTICAL t-alnlng in gas. electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine snop practice, oxy-acetylene welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Catalogue on each subject Write lor one you want Seattle Engineer ing School, Seattle, Wash. "POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BE HNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LE a'rn" TE LEG RA PH Y Toung men and women wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free bookleL Hallway Telegraph Institute, " MOLER bVpTbeR COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of toots. Positions secured. Send for cata logue. 234 Burnside St. Broadway 173L DECKER'S BUSINESS "COLLEGE. Tvpewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer, all other mod. business courses. Day, night echool. AUsky bldg.. 3d and Mor. Main 3J4- PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade In 8 weeks; pay while learniug; p pition guaranteed. '-.'34 Couch st. mkn". WOMEN, learn barber trade free: wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, i!33 Madison st. EAST Side Commercial School. Miss Bucket a private cchool. Individual instruction. lliaVs Grand ave. East 427. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-afst. State Supt., mgr. js W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. SHORT HAN D, typewriting, short course. Mrs. Hannum's school. East SS60. Ui0 TiUamo ok st. MISS MATTINGLY S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School; $$ mo. 2y 11th. Main aa:3. TEACHING position, free registration. Main 4 r 1SK 'leacntirg- Ag-nvj. journal oiq. YATES-FISHER Tear hers Agency Free regib t ration. aiain i . aro.u ay omg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raine your salary. ai Druiuy. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. HOTEL RESTAURANT, CAFETERIA CLUB CONFECTIONERY. If you need a steward who can save you money by doing your buying, or a head storekeeper who can account for each piece of goods by nystemlzing your store room, or an expert bookkeeper who Is able to figure out at any time what profit v0ur kitchen, pantry, bakery, soda foun tain, etc.. are bringing by keeping up-to-date books drop me a postal and I glad ly will call on you to explain my success tul money-caving system ; honest, reliable, educated hard worker, 30, single, with best of references and bond, oifcrs his services; my salary lies in your www basket; strictly confidential. AL 332. ore gonian. WHOLESALER. LOOK HERE. Young business man tn Astoria. Oregon, who has plenty of spare time, would like to represent a wholesale house grocery line preferred ; have office and alw warehouse space; can furnish the best of references. Address AV 77. oregonian. STEWARD, head waiter, head storekeeper. office manager or similar posmun iu-u in first-ciaus restaurant or confectionery by competent young man with, Al refer ence!. AK oJ4. Oregonian. OFFICE manager. lumber, commissary, time keeping, expediting experience, ih iw sitiun; wiU Uave city. X 147. Oregonian. SALESMAN desires connection with firm where earnestness ana application -re ap preciated. Experienced v. holesale grocery and tobaccos. Also have had office ex-p.ri-nce. AJ 4Cd, Oregonian. GARDENER, experienced In landscape and vegetable gardening. anis work oy uay or month, has A-l references. Address BD ;;4H. Oregonian. GoOD gardener wants position; handy uh nnv kind of toois: unaersianas can: oi Packard or Buick cars. E &07. Or gontan. WANTED Position as project engineer. graduate: have been i years witn govern ment; best of references. AG -63. Orego nian. MARRIED man. experienced in ranch work desires position, wile to cook ior lour or five men. Address 19 Liberty apartments 37! EaJ-t Clay st. BAKER wants situation bread foreman; large shop, up to date; US years practi cal experience. William Page, 504 East Pine, Baat C812. WANTED Position as salesman In de partment store or manager of general mdse. store. 10 years experience in buy ing. Address AV 7S. Oregonian. MECHANICAL engineer wants to locate permanently. What have you? Phone B C161. ask for 351. AF 427. Orcgonian. OVERSEAS sergeant wants light work: ex cellent haracter, good references. After school hours. Woodlawn 215G. A MAN wishes position. 4Q years of age: can read and write; city rderenccs. Cai I W. F. Shatcl. Grant st. YOUNG man IS years old dewlrew position In sawmill, stenographer or timekeeper; ref erences. K Oregonian. boLDlLR mechanic renairs automobiles; I save you money ; work guaranteed. Sell ood 1237. YOl'NG man wants to learn to run tractor; give full information first letter. W 272, Oregonian. MAN, 3, Married, de?ircs work In factory or warehouse. W. J. T., 16b Laura ct. PRINTER Floor or machine, desires coun try situation. Address O 613. Oregonian. CARPENTER jobbing and repairing! aTl kinds; No. 1 workman. Woodlawn 1341. PLUMBING repair expert Stoppages, stove. colls, gas; reasonanie. juccuray, ti. 37U4. EXPERIENCED chef cook wants work In or out or city, i-au c. uau, vv imams ave. ACCOUNTANT and office manager with years of experience. .Main ztsi. CHAUFFEUR MECHANIC desires position. AG 2ju. oregonian. uooa references. YOUNG man. 21. wants about 6 hrs." 5S, Oregonian. dally, ak . CARPENTER contracts wanted for building or s it era nons. -i annj , pen woo a LAWN and garden work, experienced men. G 1 1 ro y. Mroauway POSITION in city by A-l auto mechanic AJ 473. Oregonian. GARDENER. SELLWOOD 2M!. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. IF YOUR BUSINESS DOES NOT REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF A BOOKKEEPER FOR THE FULL MONTH. SEE US. WE WILL GIVE YOU A-l SERVICE WEEK LY OR AS DESI RED. REASON A BLE RATES. TBLEPH ONE B OA D W A Y 3 2 :s . WANTED By young man with 10 years experience, position as bookkeeper, time keeper or log scaler. Al references. P 4o. reron!an. ACCOUNTANT, can take care of several more small sets of books during business hours; efficiency assured, W 25S, Ore gonian. AN experienced accountant has some extra time each day and would like a small set of books to take care of; charges reason able. N 54 4. Ore son Ian. POSITION with a future by bookkeeper of 15 ycarar experience. bat is taction given. Best references. Tabor 4s 14- BY A bookkeeper and accountant with ex tensive experience, local A No. 1 referen ces. Addrew "K, P. O. box 60. city. EXPERT bookkeeper will straighten out your aTOunii; reasonable. Phone, evening. Soldiers and K-tilors. EXPERIENCED auto ar.d truck driver, weil acjusinte,j with city, would like to make connections with reliable firm. E c55, Ore-fioiuaot PixrATioNS wanted male. Soldier and atloiw. Tul"N(J man, 51 ) fin old, ex-er-r-..nt I. S. army, two and one-half years credit man ager large department store Los Angeles, holding degrees bachelor and ma-ur f lana with five years' practice In New S'ork city and Seattle, experienced in book keeping and of f :re management, delrvs pa 1 1 Ion with bank. rel estate, insurance or law office, commercial or manufactur ing concern. Now temporarily employed as assistant ps master in large corpora tion. Willing to leave city. L S49. Ore gonian. ITUATION WAN TED Ex-sold ier desires permanent position with Insurance or l-anking company; stenographer and book keeper, 3 yearn" experlni-e In above busi ness: Mch school araduate. single. 21 years I Oregonian. SITUATION wanted; am discharged soioier, would like position driving or roilecting: have Ford roadster, am married and well acquainted in city. Ca:l Woodlawn Mi HI, DISCHARGED officer. 2. married. cpen . enccd office and ha lei. man. desires post tion where energy and ability will mean good future. R 631. Ornor.lan. WANTKD liy ex-sergi-ant 1 div., a posi tion with chance for advuncemeTit ; (n give reference; honest and reliable. Ad-dre-s box 4?, ri y. RHXURNKD soldier, with little auto. iahes to work and learn the trade in garage; willing to start with smal.e-i wages pos sible; city or country. A -Oregonian. EX PE RI EN'." ED. all around chauffeur wishes position driving private car. ca n;e and driving references. Call Eajt 4itil. between and 7. EX-SERVICE, honest young married man. not alrald of work, wanti position as book keeper or typist. S i.13. Oregonian. SOLDIER mechanic. specialist on Ford tars, with a tuil line of tools; I can save juu money. Sell wood 1-7. JOB WANTED. AUTO MECHANIC. TRUCK DRIVING PREFERRED. IN CITY. S toti. t R F. IONIAN. DISCHARGED soldier desires office position or as stenographer; long experience; g.od penman. R ti'-'H, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG woman wanting to make good in the businea world, her only assets are pluck and ambition, college education, slight knowledge of typewriting and booH keeninc. and can meet tho general public If you have a position in your buidness mat i can nil anu matte soou. u-iw a Oregonian. SHAMPOO, manicure, calp treatment, mas sage and hair dyeing by appointment in your home. Mrs. m evens, laoor w,-.. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day s work el'-aning or washing, or party worn: cai give best references. Woodlawn 7bo. REI.IAni.K woman wishes position as house keeper in refined home; Britif-h preferred. AG tH, oregonian. SITUATION Lady wishes position as nurse to invalid lady, state wages and hours. AH Oregonian. l.Anv wanti home eleanine. other work. hour, day; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood lawn 6JUo. WE furnish popcorn balls and crispette.n for nartles and socials. 3i Yamhill. Phone Marshall 608. EXPERIENCED lady wants washing and ironing. hrs. a day; no sweeping. Tabor EXPERIENCED cook will go out by tlie hour or day. Call East S;: vriT vc tadv. musical ability, wants posi tion with music house. S ti4rt. Oregonian. TWO Kirls wish positions as ushers in theater. Miss Morris, Main 34 1L LADY wants work. 40c hour, carfare. 1 meal. Main !304. room 'J, EXPERIENCED woman does laundry beau tifuliy. Main 9132. TEACHER wants work for summer. Oregonian. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. YOUNG girl in need of a friend wishes to assist with light house, where she will be treated as one oi i ne lamiiy i no vn dren preferred. Marshall 477U. nfinu-EWPFR AND STENOGRAPHER, ex- icrieuced In banic, law ana commercial work. Main 2S17. TEACHER wishes office or clerical ilurtng summer, ft toJ. oregonian. Drevtmsker. ANY kind of sewing: prices reasonable; work guaranteed. Main owa. Nurse. CHILDREN between 4 and 0 ears cared fo t mv n o me r v weeic or mouiu. n. aii gheny St.; take Ft. Johns car. For refer ences call Co.umbla lyu. fin AhiTATK n-teouath and nurse, competen and experienced, would like protracted care of Invalid ; would travel or camp. O C46. Orc'gonlan. pi.-n'Rn lariv vants work cannc for chil rn or invalid muxi oe nome niKins. Is a practical nurse. Call Woodlawn 423d. EXPERIENCED nurse; feeble. Invalid, sick any kind. Call before noon. .Mar, -ssa. YOUNG experienced teacher wishes employ ment aa Boverneys. East 55."2. Houokefifr. Pk-.l.-lVl.'.n nal vnunf widow with llttl Kirl wishes position as housekeeper for couple of refined gentlemen or elderly K--niiinii.il. i. iv..'. pi iitiiW inmerl as housekeeDer or com panlon to elderly person by respectable WldOW. mil, 'jrCgUIMilll. LADY with daughter 6. wishes position as housekeeper. BD 34. Orfijonian. HoiMfti iea.. COLORED WOMAN wants work a jani tress or chambermaid. inone whwooh wavtt:i to rent. Houset . WAN T E D or 6-room. well f urnishe modern house in suburbs or small tow Pm-iifinil with irond car erv x.- . i i v- ith three small children wtl guarantee take good rare furniture and house. Phone Last 41W. w a vxni Ta rent. 3 or 6-roorn modern u n f urn ished bu n -en low In good residen c d' strict ; respons.ble : permanent ; refer ences; best care taken of property. Phone Broadway 34115, room eif WANTED To lease by June 15 or U0, mod ern hour c, 6 rooms, good neighborhood, preferably near St. Johns eariino and kindergarten. References. 402 Fessenden street. WANTED To rent by young couple, no children. 4 or 6-room furnished or unfur nished, modern house: would consider flat also. Call Sellwood 3140 WANTED 4 to 6-room furnished or unfur nished house or apt by Juno 14; ref. given. Mount Tabor district preferred. Tabor 0227. WANTED To lease. 4 or 5-room unfur nished upper flat or cottage vicinity of Ladd school; not over $25. S 654. Orc goninn. WANTED 5 -room furnished house In good locality, will take excellent care ; rent must be reasonable. Call Mrs. Gates, E. H4. WANTED Unfurnished 4 or 5-room hous. not over 25; will take lease, pnone t-asi 4. -.29. WANTED To rent for year or longer, d or 6-room modern nouse. uniurnisueu, uwi over $:i0. Phone Woodlawn 1042. Apartments. BY TWO ladies, room in a furnished apt.. use ot Kitcnen, must d umi-cinsa. icier ences given. Phone Broadway 2162, room 222. E 848, Oregonian. Rooms. YOUNG man In govt, service desires modern room in quiet resiaeniiai amnci; id eation and rate. AG 26. Oregonian. WANTED By young man, furnished room in private family; pi ease state iuny. v 274. Oregonian. Room-. With Botrd. WANTED Board and room in good country home for boy 0 years of age during his vacation; In answering pleas give refer ences. T 373. Oregonian. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. -ROOM, partly furnished, located at 15 N. 5th st.; rent 18. including light and water. You ran rent out 2 rooms and more than make rent. ANSON I A HOTEL. 124 34th. cor. Washing ton ; modern, clean, respectable; transient up; permanent 4 week up. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash, at.; downtown location, respectabie and strictly modern, steam heat: rooms large, clean. HOTEL OCKLE Y. Morrison St., at Tenth Rates 91 per day up: weekly, up; run ning water, free phone and bath. THE GEM HOTEL. Transient and housekeeping rooms, 35c a day and up. tfftS First st, ROOMS furnished for housekeeping to let during Rose Festival. 16ti ISth eu N., bet. IrvinK and Johnson. HOTEL MADRAS, Washington and 12 th, alt conveniences; $4 and 5 wk. ; 1 day. NICELY fur, room to responsible people during Rose Festival. Call Eatt 2604. SARGENT HOTEL, 271 Grand ave. apt. and sleeping rooms. East 201. h. k LALoG front rou.-i. d" InE diManvi. I "none 1 ible bed. b:.t'u, walk ONE large front ("os- in. Er.st ed room upstairs for rent. feLEEIMNG rooms for rent during carnival ck a; its! i'iaaaeJ-a au Xidwi. lUtfi. FOR RENT. Fiir-NhH Room. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of MeriU HOTEL CLIFFORD. Kast M.rnon and East Sixth. Hotet Olnfurd la t.ke principal east side hotel and i a hotel of dignity and refine ment. Dally rat. a $l.t0 up; two in rottzu. 1.70; weekly rates, 3 and up. Ni'KTuN I A HOTEL. Poi t and'a down to wq h l-rh-ciMsa Lmiy hotel ; room a en suite o; mStc. with or without board, for fjniiiWm and bussnoss men and w omen. V. gi e n. ;i ihe coniioni of a home. Ke-u. 3 T 0 PF.R WEEK. Garland hotel, 25 Trinity place, wrnrr Washing too, letw eeq llth and 20th ; simple, xuodcrii. llht outside rooms, lan 1 1 HOTEL NORRTS. 17:h and Wash. .-'.rjji, respect tile roo m. with or it bout priv , bath; rconai' rafs. dav. week or mo. dy. I'M I. Come and see. BE A I Tl Fl L. strict ly modern, completely furnished apt.. J't per mo. The La Roy Apt."., J J K. HuriiMdf. Fa!t 3TST. LLIANA Apt. ; roo m I u r. apt. A d u 1 ta UnfiirnUbed Rooms. TTR ACT I V E largo sunny fron t room, qi-t horn-, suitaole for ger-tlemar: n-ar a5h!ngton. v est s :!. Nor: h 17th t. nmirdied Rooms in private family. KouM In a large private home. w:h a 1 modern conveniences. tnciudtng water, electric 1'rIus. steam heat, telephone; nice Urea porch: beautiful ground-: west side; v a ik In if distance. Call Marshall 401. OSE I'KSflVAL eek, 2 Ier" day Lre ell furnished front room in modern private house, suitable for 2. rtow nto n : one block from library. :13 lltlx St.. cor. falnio'i. Uig" M-n ?67S. WlLoW. ulune. will rent nice room to con genial lady with H. K. prlviirces; tine o cation. li minutes to center of city; seli wood car. 773 V Milwaukle si. SuUwooil ONE suite of living rooms and large sleep ing porch and one single room, botn nice ly furnished aud adjoining bath. Mar shall CLEAN, quiet room : bath, phone, steam beat: no other roomers; walking distance. 1 none East 3174 today or after 6:30 even ings. OR RENT At f3 J E. .Ist st. N. one fur nished room, large, airy, furnace heat, ua furnished room In private home. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room in pm home: Nob Hill district : references quired. Main 471 1. afternoon THREE rooms for rent during Rose Carni val; prices reasonnbie: serve breakia-ita only. East o."i.Vi. Walking distance. BY CALLING Eact S5-I parties can find elegantly furnished room during Rose. Festival. NICELY furnished room with family during Rose Show. Kearney st. lake d car Phone Main .".oO'J. LARC.fi comforla b'.e room, suitable for t west Fi-le. -walking distanc. M . ? ROOM to rent. fcuitat;e for one or I'oard if acsired. Last M it. FItONT room. Io?e In. by day or month; Sht H. K. If desired. ??S loth. SUNNY furnished room In modern honjo-i TWO furnished sleeping room. breakfat and supper if desired. Call yvoodiavrn fr-.M. Rooms for rent at S-S3 E. 2th pL South, Wood stock car. Kenwood S too. !69 1 1TH, N EAR Jefferson, choice rooms, walking distance. Main o803! FURNISHED front room, bath and pnne. walking distance. 0i I ay ior. BE Ai;Tl UUL sul l e front rooms. Nob HiL, JO month. Kef. Jiain tme.i. N ICELY furnished front room. East 797S. thorne. cor. Jth. ONE nicely-furniiihed room, reasonable; board next door. fc. LARGE front room, 2 beds, board optional. garage room. Tabor Jbti. THREE sleeping rooms during Rose car- n i vh i. Ca J l Main o'.m . FRONT room nicely furnished. 1349 ti Cor- bett st. Kulton car. N1CELY furnithed room, cloac In. Thono Tabor 14'J4. NICE bedroom, walking distance. 455 Market. Main 17;.7. SLEEPING room, light, bath, phone; clos in ; reasonable ; men only. l -tn st. ROOM suitable for bachelor: close In; very handy ; reasonable. ;JM7 1-th st. ROOM FOR RENT. 45.1 13th St. Room With Board. CAMPBELL HTLL HOTEL. 741 Washington. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23d and Hoyt Residence Hotel : American Plan. Excellent Din ing-Room tervlc On Carllne. Near Carage. Reasonable Rates. Lay Week Month. ANNOUNCEMENT. CHESTER BURY HOTEL. NORTH -UTH AND KEARNEY PTS. Thoroughly renovated and under tho management of Mrs. J. D. Stryker, as a strirtiy up-to-date American-plan family hotel. "Desirable rooms and excellent tabie, Meals served transients, ROOM a nd board for business glris. all modern convenient w: walking distance; ?l per week. East 47:12. 1 E. "th st. 42 MOR K I SON. cor. 13th ; rooms and noard; modern conveniences; walking dis tance. . THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 10th t. For business gtr'a and stu der. :s ; reasonable rates. Ma rshall 1-toL CHKSTERBURV" HOTEL. 21 N. 20TTI. A mTK.n plan hotel ; desirable roms; excellent table ; mealy served transient s. N 1CEI.Y" furnished room wit h bvrd for young man wanting home privileges will use of plain cll ood U2S. PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board. eTcll.i t table; close in. 0 Montgomery, near West Park. WORK IN OMAN'S HOTEL Family t I meals; rooms $l.f0 per week. ob3 Delay st. Woodiawn 555. AIRY rooms, good board. 2670. 2C1 15ih. Mala Rooms With Board in private Family. WIDOW Will give mother care to children. wishing board ana room. iaoor ROOM and hoard in a private family. 364 Benton, Phone East 70$ 1. FOR RENT Room and board for 2, private family. Phone E. !5. LA H Ka ;E room with board, private t 2U1. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia. Streets. Five minutes' waik to Meier & Franks store: good surround in gs. strictly modern, 2 nd 3-room furnished apts., all ouia-de. with French doors and balcony. VILLA PT. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern furnished apartment oil the Parlfic coast. Roof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. Reference. 3-ROOM downstairs apartment for rent; suitable for business snd living purpoes; 865 Sandy road: rent 20. Call 630 N. Wj Bank bldg. after 12 P. M. r CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th. flv min. bus. center; 2 and 3 rooms, both phones free In apt. New, modern, cleaiu Save carfare. Ref. WANTED 2 women to share 5-room fur nished apartment on Portland Heights. C. S. preferred. Phone Main 1231. PLEASANT. 3 -room corner apt., west side, piano. June 15 to September 1; no chil dren; references. Mar. 44. FURNISHED "-room apart ment for house keeping; steam heat and privats bath; reasonable. :iio Russell st. BRICK bldg.. large light 2-room apt, bath, dressing room, phone, walking distance. 355 Chapman, ror. Mill. FURNISHED 3-room apt.. $35; court apt.. $30. Phone East 2S46. Jackson Apt,, iil'-A XTnion ave. N. FOUR rooms, bath, furnithen; sdults only. Cor. 27th and Nelson, 1 block south of Sandy blvd. SAN MARCO APTS. Cnmp'efly modem S room corner apt., walking distance. Eat 1 l' a NO 2-RO O t f urnii-bed apartments; walking distance. 328 Mill, near Broad way. FOUR rooms, electric light, gas, pnvata bath, rent S12: furniture sacrificed, 225. 335 E. 6th. comer Mill. BAGGAGE Broadway and furniture moving: phono 4"1. Atert Transfer. 4 1 1 1 . Stark. GRAND OAK apt.. 2 and 3 rooms, stricuy modern. Grand ave. E. Oak. East 3;io- PENINSULA APTS, 1135 Albina ave. Con crete bldg.. 2 and 3-room apts. Wdln. i:52. $14 PER month. 2 rooms nicely furni&hed. vaster and eleetrlclty. Call 535 E. Pine tU COZY 2 -room apartment phone. y27.5Q. Broadwa; lth bath 4 r.VL 4-RoOM fully furnished apartment; Hi week. Phone Main 7422. BOZANTA apts. 1 I N. 2?. Kpartun nl.-. :urni-iicU two 3 -room LA M R ROO K apts.. U, room apt. K.-t 4 and Yam hi '.I RCOMS. bath and bietiil poivii. Luc... V