10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1919. BEAL ESTATE. I'or Sale Houws. FOR SALE by ownr. Tel. Main 634 any morning at 9 A. M. : S. W. cor. 10th and Alder; 100x100, one story garage. , fcf.5 Overton; 100x100, 11 rooms and , double garage. 3SS Eugene; 2rixl00, 5 rooms. COO Eugene; 25x100, 5 rooms. r.00 Borihwkk; 5xl0Q, 5 rooms. Clinton; 50x109. 4 rooms. 520 E 10th and Clinton; 50x50, 4 rooms. 52S PI. Pith st. ; 5lx50. 4 rooms. ;;4 ;. :4th; S3 l-3x6, 7 rooms. 5ttS QuJmhy; 3a l-3lu0. 7 rooms. Two houses and four flats, cor. Michigan five and Jessup st. All houses have bath, gas, electricity, etc. ALL IX LAURELHURST. These houses are all modern. In lirst class condition and ready TO MOVE INTO. Laurelhurfct is a high-class, restricted residential section. In choosing your per manent home location and environment should he given thoughtful consideration. LET US SHOW YOU A FEW HOilES. A 6-room house all In white. A 7-rooin bungalow-type house with garage. A I' -room hou?e hardwood floors; garage. A S-room bungalow close to car. A S-room. bungalow near park and others. MR. BROWX. With. Paul G. .Murphy, Sales Agent, 270' Stark street. MAIN 1700 or evening TABOR 5. FOR SALE BUNGALOW. 5-room house, 2-bedrooms, 1 bath, liv- tnrr mnrr rlininff rfinin and kitchen. full cement basement, fireplace and built-in bookcases either fide of . fireplace. Lot Lux 100 feet. East 33d and Gladstone ave. r or sale by owner. Price, -ouu. provements paid. TCift MAT.T1 TTOT'SE. Ail im- 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, bath, living nr.m riinlnc rnnm H rid kitchen, full CC- rcent basement. Lot 62.xl00 feet. 1496 Itodney ave. For sale by owner. Inquire 4o Oresronian bldg., between 1 and 5 P. M. Price $33uo, all improvements paid. ' TOVTT,TnN". A MOST attractive, thoroughly modern and almost new S-room residence; aesir oMv r.na tf nn cholre 100x100 COfnCf this house was NOT built as 'Tor Sale houses, but by owner, and is well con structed in every way ; will make liberal iiscouut from cost price on sale, or might accept well-located vacant or improved Portland property for my equity. AF 333, Oregon! an. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITT HOME. Fine paved ' corner, 75x100, cement re taining wall, cement garage, all paid in full, has all kinds of fruit trees, berries, garden, flowers, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, real iuitch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, very thing for a real home, $5000, 5uu cash, balance $50 per mo., $1000 under value; owner leaving city. Call at 1314 Piindy blvd. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. TTT RDT ATK POSSESSION. A most artistic and well arranged bun- rinw of it rooms : almost new ana u perfect condition; modern in every de gree; hardwood floors, large fireplace, lurnace and basement ; level 30x100 lot: three blocks car; price $ 1500; favorable terms. SAM NORTON, Henry Bldg. Main 2326. VACANT NO N -RESIDENT OWNER. CONDITION ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. A most artistic and well arranged home f six rooms and sleeping porch; hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, full ce-xnr-nt basement, screens; nice f.OxlOO lot; Ss3 E. 3Mh fat. N.; key next door; Rose i uy Park car; price $1250; favorable terms. SAM NORTON, Henry Bldg. Main 2326. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Rose City Pa rk residence, six rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace. laundry tubs, toilet up stairs and down. Full basement, with I'm it. cioset : earace. Large lot, fine lawn. Combination range. lawnmower and carden tools go with place. Reason nbly priced for quick sale; terms. Phone '1 :'.hnr 8-l. EXCELLENT RIVER VIEW. 4-room modern house, all conveniences, one-quarter acre, 15 kinds of fruit, roses and other flowers: accessible to perfect bathing beach; garden planted, good soil K.iitcmus oorches. on rock road, bet elec tric service out of Portland; $2 45U, $250 cash balance easy terms. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Coin.; open even ings ana Sundays. liOaE CITY PARK $500 cash: a beauty 5 line rooms, large attic, well lighted. fireplace, hardwood .floors, Dutch kitchen full cement basement, laundry trays. Pos itively a most splendid bungalow in every tense and in a line district. Go south on i,-2il to Broad wav. No. 144 L corner 03d ; paved street, paid. Price only $3450, $20 month. ti' per cent. Tabor 854 forenoons. HAWTHORN K DISTRICT. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE CORNER LOT, STATIONARY WASH TUBS. BATH AND TOILET, FULL CEMENT BASEMENT, ATTIC FLOORED; LEAVING FOR SAN FRAN C i SCO J UNE 25. FOR SALE REASON A RUE BY OWNER. 2..0 EAST uOTU COR MADISON. NO AGENTS. KEW MODERN IRVING TON RESIDENCE. 12 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, beautiful mahogany and oak finish; sun tar!or. sleepinu porch, full cement base , metit, largo finished attic, 3 toilets, tile bathrooms, sanitary plumbing, 3 artistic ti.e fireplaces, stationary vacuum cieaner, .li modern conveniences; easy terms; tome trade. owner M 318, Oregonian. MT. SCOTT HOME. ' SOxlOO lot; fruit, berries. 5 rooms on lower, with bath and toilet, large attic; ! 1 block off hard-surface street. This is t nice, clean home for one wishing nice girden and good value at 2200. $t0U cash, . balance 1 5 per month. THE LAWRENCE CO. . ' 203 Corbetc bids. Main 0015, A 2MS. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences anvthing; furnish plana and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects. 024 N. W. Bank bid,;. STRICT LY modern 4-room bungalow ; firc placo, bu ill-ins. Dutch kitchn; full ce ment basement: houe in line condition; j S.'.OO cash, balance easy terms. C. E. Adams, 00 Cham, o Commerce. Marshall liAAYTHORNE DISTRICT, immediate pos eFsiin. .Vroom bungalow, newly-painted and decorated inside ana out, basement. j furnace paved street, no assessments; will t;i.kc S 'JO ensh and S"JO per month. tree Atchison, 4Q4 Pla tt bid iKVLNGTON r20 East "4th N,, cor. Brazee; lot OOxiOo; modern S-room house, sleep ing porch, fireplace, furnace, full base ment; garage. For sale by F. E. Bowman a.- Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-IN 7-ROOM I LOME. Just a splendid home on 50x100 lot. East Burnside, near 10th. A great sacrifice at $uu0. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett bids. Main P15 A 2815. A GREAT BARGAIN. Four-roomed house and bath, gas, elec tricity, 10UX 100-foot lot. No commission to pay. A small home for two-thirds its value to clo.e an estate. Phone Main 0943 or call at 215 Alisky bldg today. A BARGAIN My 6-roomcd modern home, with large sleeping porch, on Belmont street. Am leaving the city, so will ell at a bar gain. Phone Main 6143 or call at 215 AJir-ky bid.; today SIX 5 and 6-room modern fiats' in best west :.ention with central neating plant: Jot Rsosed at $11,000; will cell lot and building for $lS.0t0; half cash. Phone Last St00 and afk for E. H. Collis. RUSE CITY PArttC 5-room modern bungalow : hardwood floors throughout, whit-3 kitchen, buffet fi rep 'ace. bookcases, furnace, living room oil foot long; term us. Phone Tabor Ti iWTHOKN E BUNG A LOW 5-room. nn-d cm; fireplace, built-in effects, full cement bjsetnent. atiic; r.ast nin, ut-ar naw thorite. Phone Bert Mordea. Main 7O70. compo-in; room. glX-ROOM bungalow, ha rC wood f ioors. f uil cement basement. hot water heat, all built-ins including Ice box. lot 50x100. 1557 Omaha a e., between Kenton and St. Johns car lines, 5 IOiH. terms. COING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimate. B. T. Ailyn, 243 Stark sU Oitice hours 3 to 5 P M. Phone Main 31. Res. phone. Tabor 10 1. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Fireplace, fu.l lot. one block from ML Tahor car; only $1000. W. H. ROSS, llm N. W. Bank Bldg. liEAUTIFUL Piedmont home. 7 large rooms, poolroom, full basement, storeroom, laun rv. garage. 10ulO corner. 11S5 Rodney a v V. . W 00 U 1 a w n 1309: owner leaving city. Jr'OR SALE by owner, 3-room houe. base ment, electric light, imtent toilet: very chen p. 516 Emerson st. ; Alberta district. jAP A 53h00 home for $2400 on Slst., Mt. S' Ott, e tra larse 5 room house, modern plumbing, built in conveniences, Tbr. 7621. lilVTNGTON East t!U T. STREET REAL ESTATE. I'or Sale -llOUMt. HAWTHORNE. NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOW $3350. LOOK HERE, FOLKS, wake up, don't let an opportunity like this get away from you. Can you conceive it possible to buy a strictly modern bungalow, within 2 blocks of Hawthorne car, with hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, attractive buf fet, Dutch kitchen with canopy over range, cement basement, wash trays, attic, etc., with street improvements in and paid, for $3350? Go to the pnunc now make an appointment and see this. We will stake our time against yours. You will be un der no obligations. Let us emphasize tne importance of immediate action a little delay might mean your loss. You just must hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516, Main 3092. CLOSE-IN BARGAINS. HOMES IN GOuD CONDITION, NOT SHACKS. OWNER SIMPLY TIRED OF RENTING PROPERTY. ONLY TWO MORE LEFT. $1900-$2uihj, one 5-room, one 6-room, plastered, bath, gas, electric lights, full basement, wash trays. St. Imp. all in and pd. ; no mortgage; very easy terms; don't make a mistake and think that there is anything wrong with these on account of the low price, as they are simply priced inw to sell immediately. Better see this at once. Do it now. Call Main 1014 and auto will call for you. X A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry Ex. Bldg. $1325 EAST OF LAURELHLRST. In E. Oak st. is an unusual bargain In i 4 -room nlastered modern bungalow cot tage; has reception hall, largo living room, dining room, kitchen with pantry, larere. lieht. airy bedroom with closet ; electric lights and gas. gas radiator heat; a whim fnumpl nlumbine fixtures in the bathroom, good cement basement. Mt. Ta bor car, close to school; beautiful climbing roses cover the porch and front of house. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 106S. Main 5158. Office open Sundays and evenings. ROSE CITY PARK. 7 ROOMS S4300. Say, folks, here surely is a good buy. Just think of being able to buy a 7-room house with hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, buffet, on a full lot, with all as sessments paid, for $4300. Located 506 E. 42d N. Reasonable initial payment, bal ance H per cent interest. Quick, action ab solutely necessary. A. G. TEEPE CO., G4 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3316, Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and .Sandy. RVINGTON BUNGALOW, 330 EAST 18TH ST. NORTH; CHEAPEST BUNGALOW IN 1RVINGTON TODAY; DRIVE BY AND TAKE A LOOK AT IT. LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM, DUTCH KITCHEN. 3 BEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, GA RAGE. FURNACE. FIREPLACE. BATH. FCLLS1ZL CONCRETE BASEMENT; $55110 : TKRMS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 209-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WHITE FIRE INSURANCE. HAWTHORNE. BUNGALOW PARAGE $3?00. Here is your opportunity to get a real nifty bungalow, with hardwood floors, fire place, mawive buffet, paved street, paid for, garage, etc., fr $3s00, and on terms, inn. Located. 337 E. 47th St.. .lust south of Hawthorne. Now vacant and ready for occupancy. You can' t afford to pass this by. S-e it. Of course, you will bo under no obligations. A. G. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516, Main 3092. CLOSE LAURELHURST PARK. SUNNYSIDE CAR. 1WMKU1ATK POSSESSION. Remember, this is one of best close-In residence sections in city; modorn home. corner lot, paved sts., o rooms ana sleep ine uorch. fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitch en, etc., splendid garage, unexcelled car service, 10 minutes to west side. A REAL HOME BUY. Located S. W. corner 3th and East Washington st. Phone Tabor 7552 or Bdwy. 4 1. ALAMEDA PARK. T -ROOMS SUN PARLOR $G250. Splendidly located in Alameda Park. 2 lots on beautiful corner, ail assts. paid. Thi i a Fcnuinp barcaln and will be sold at once. Hardwood floors, fireplace, and Mil tho real modern conveniences one ex pects to find in a real expensive home, probably never again an opportunity like thts one. i-.et us snow ou. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 04 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3002. Branch or t ice, outn ana ranay. WOODLAWN AND SPECIAL! NEAR INTERSTATE BRIDGE. An R-t-tw mmA with laree rec. hall, llv inrr. din inc. bed room, kit., pantry, bath and large den downstairs, 3 bedrms. up. Fine brass lighting fixtures, soft satin wood finish; part basement, full lot, nice location, 1 block to car; house in f"e, clean shape, worth nearly $4"0. for $2750. Schaefer. Broadway B. Main 1532. FINE BUNGALOW AND 65xl27-. Swell large bungalow, 5 rooms down stairs, large attic, room for 4 more rooms, nice bath, furnace, china closet, laundry travs ; full cement basement, nice barn for" garage; lot K.xl27t; no city liens to assume ; on Rodney ave!, near Portland blvd., adjoining piedmont. Price $4000. 550U cash and $25 per month. Vacant. Photo, at our office. XiRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452 " 7 ROOMS HOT WATER HEATING PLANT. Folks, here is a home that is a gen nine bargain ; 7 rooms and a sleeping porch: expensive hot water heating plant; offered on reasonable terms; owner mov ing to Seattle and must cell at once; price has been reduced for Quick sale; let us show you. Hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3002. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. JENNINGS LODGE ACRE AND BUNGALOW. Nice 6-room bungalow, fireplace, elee tricltv, cctnent basement, bath, buffet, bookcases, cabinet kitchen, laundry trays; land is all cleared; some nice fruit and fruit trees, shades trees and shrubbery, grapes, garden, etc.; on good gravel road; 'U0 feet from paved road and block from river; price $4000, a snap; $1000 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI & BENNETT. SIS Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts every one has been appraised. Ten auto mobiles at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 106S, Main 5156. Office open Sundays and cvnings. HAWTHORNE. An idea! home, 2 blocks to Hawthorne car, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, attic and full moment basement witn launary trays, cement walks and paved street, furnace, 2 fircriaccs. 1 UDstairs and 1 down. This Is worth $7500 : price only SOtiOu; $3000 cash, balance 3 years. pr cent. LUEDDE M ANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg- 6-ROOM bungalow, 2 Mocks to Hawthorne car, modern with. Dutch kitchen, garage, lot 37x112: price $3rfit. Ralph Ackley, 3Ud Corbett bids- 261-R. $250 FIRST PA YM EXT will buy lurnisnpu home, price oniy wile, i-r.... ..un well built and conveniently arranged, lot jiwioo imnroved with fruit, berries. choice roses and shrubbery, convenient to rnT line and in gooa uismti. ODDortunitv to secure a home. See JOHNSON - DODSON 34 N. W. Bank bldg. Main C7ST. HnrsKS'KOF SALE. -mnm house. lot 35x05. on Powll Valley road, price $500; $150 cash. bal. easy $12 per month : also 4-room house, lot 40x100, price $S5h; small payment down, bit. easy. See Worthen. 200 Alisky bldg.. Sunday and week days. NEW BUNGALOW $22GO. $500 down; 5 rooms, full cement base ment, fireplace, garage, lot 60x109, near Knott and 30th. Ask Wales. A. J- DE FOREST Ac CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. MODERN Hawthorne bungalow, $45(0; S Mi-mK. Turn a re. reDiaie. uuiri, uuun. Tnt.-h kitchen fuU cement base- mnt.' all improvements In and paid for. corner lot, on car line. T:ihr 473. By owner, phone MT. TABOR BARGAIN. $50 very sightiv lot OsxliM. 5 rooms, atti" furnace, $1350 down; being sold to close ete HOLMES. 346 E. 1 5th. near Broadway. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Pretty, well-built 5-room bungalow, Jvorv woodwork, gray paper, hardwood floors, level lot, Pt blocks to car. $4000. Terms J500 cash and $50 per month. Mar. 4H27: A 330. m ROSE CITY bargain; 6-room bungalow, full basement. furnace. fireplace. hardwood f'.uors. built-in buffet, corner lot, 1 block to car; nrice $3Snv; $00 cash, $0 per mouth. C;i 11 Sellwood 470. -ROOM house, fine condition and central location, 00 East 12th, near Washington st.; lot 50x100 teet; price $4750; ail as sessments paid. Terms. PARR1SH. W ATK INS & CO.. 106 2d st. BEAUTIFUL lot, with cottage, 427 11th near Hall St.; all improvements In; lot 5lx 10O feet; fine apartment site. Price $5250. Term?- PARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. 106 2d st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful 6-room house with large glassed-in view porch and sleeping porch, unexcelled view, house built to last, easy walking distance. ?T000 Soma terms. Alar. li-T A 33U, REAL EST ATK. For Sale Houses. $4000 REMARKABLE LAURELHURST BARGAIN $500 DOWN. On Pacific, near 34 th. close to the car line and surrounded by nice homes. Is a very substantial 7-room modern home; has reception hall with full beveled mirror, large living room with artistic fireplace with leaded glass bookcases on each side and a beveled glass mirror above; paneled dining room with plate rail and massive 10-foot leaded glass buffet, hardwood floors, den, Dutch kitchen, screened-in back porch wit h extra toilet, full cement basement, laundry trays and fruit room, furnace: the first floor Is finished In fir; on the 2d floor are 3 large, light, airy bed rooms with a sewing room; this floor Is finished in white enamel; white porcelain plumbing fixtures, electric lights and gas, full lot, good garage; this price includes ail street liens; monthly payments like rent at 6 per cent. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068, Main 51 SB. Office open Sundays and evenings- $60O0-IRVTNGTOV SACRIFICE-$6000. TERMS. For a few days only I will offer a fine home of 7 rooms, furnace heat, hardwood floors throughout, all white enamel, 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, pass pantry; lot 50x100. If you are looking for a good, home, don't pass this. For special ap pointment call I. L Lawrence, Main 6869. FIVE-ROOM BTTNGALOW. J2100. We have just found a real bar gain. A splendid S-room bun galow, modern and well located. On account of death of owner's wife property will be sold for 2-3 Ils value. Full-sized lot. Takes $1000 cash to handle, bal ance terms. Act quickly if you want to save money. Ask. Kel logg, with THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th SL Alain 6600. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 ROOMS GARAGE 4.r.OO. Here Is one of those real good looking, smart bungalows In Rose City Park, nicely located in tne very oest cart oc tne an trict; hardwood floors, fireplace, French doors between living and dining rooms, living room finished in old ivory. Street assts. paid; splendid garage. Owner is leaving city and wishes immediate sale. It will be a downright pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2G4 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516, Main 3092. Branch Ofuce, 50th and Sandy. BRAND NEW. MODERN BUNGALOW. A rooms and enclosed sleeping porch large living room, reception hall, dining room, hardwQod floors, convenient kiichen in white enamel, built-in effects, massive fireplace, full cement basement, stationary tubs, attic, aoxltiu lot. asphalt stree paid), location Rose City Park district 1 block off Alameda: just finished and ready to move into. Price only $000 casn win handle. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CC. 270 Stark st. Main SOS 2. J2300 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $2300. On E. 4;th st., close to the Hawthorne ave. car, is a neat 4-room bungalow, large front porch, living room, paneled dining room with plate rail ; hardwood floor ; Dutch kitchen; white enamel plumbing; good basement. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main lOtiH. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK. BUNG A LOW ? 3800. Splendid 5-room bungalow, located 534 E. 50th N., just north of Sandy; hard wood floors, fireplace, builtln buffet. Fox furnace, etc; tt5u cash will handle; let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2C4 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. " PORTLAND HEI G H TS JUST LIKE NEW. 5 rooms, close to car. easy walking dis tance, beautifully finished in ivory enamel and gray paper, large living room, fire place, gas heating system, hardwood floors, bookcases, lovely outlook, nice view porch. Price $3r00. Terms. F. H. DESHON, 015 Cham, of Com. Bldg. $2300 HOME BARGAIN 52300. On an 87x121 foot lot, we have a ii-room very substantial, attractive home, painted white, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, cement basement, abund ance of fruit and garden. Easy terms. See FRAN K7 L. McCiUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main luO. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. $3250 buys u-room bungalow in good condition, just west of Laurelhurst, full cement basement. lurnace, wash trays, street imp. al! in and pd., no mortgage to assume. Full 00x100 lot with lots of fruiL J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Kxch. Bldg. Main 10f4. HERE i a bargain we defy any one to beat it. $2tS50, $20O cash. Eight-room, good house, cement basement. wash trays, furnace. 2 toilets, porcelain bath, sink. electric, gas. Very large lot, garage, 8 fruit trees. $15 month and 7 per cent. See McKcnna and Jones for bargains. E. 39th and Belmont. Tabor t433. Sunny- si je car. A good home on a beautiful lot, with all kinds of fruit, paved street, 1 block to 4 carlines. modern 0 rooms and 2 sleeping porches. 2 baths and den. large living room. 2 fireplaces, good furnace oak floors, SCS25. $2im'i cash, balance to suit. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 034 N. VN BANK BLDG. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. $1300 buys 5-room modern bungalow, onlv 1 blk. from car. on E. .th st. all good-siied rooms, house alone worth more than price asked. Very easy terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bid?. Main 1004. 5-ROOM cottaee. modern except furnace fruit, garage, chicten lot, good neighbor hood ; S1S0O; $425 cash, balance $2, mo. Owner; no agents. S 041, Oregonian. Suburban Homes. BERRIES! BERRIES! BERRIES I 3 acres. located in small town. 12 mile! from center of Portland: highway and electric line by place; electric lights, -ity conveniences; 0-roora house, barn, chicken bouse : sma;l creek. All the land unoei cultivation and In fruit; one acre in ber nes. The fruit croo on mis riae l worth $500 this year. Lot of cherries, Price ?02UO. $1000 cash. This property persona lly inspected by us. John t crgu son. Gerllnger bidg. Open evenings. -ACRE tract with small house, grounds in high state of cultivation, some fruit trees; on macadamised county road, an ideal place for a home, which I am offering at the extremely low figure of $2650. If you would prefer only one acre I can arrange that aiso on easy terms. For particulars te; me at 404 Piatt bldg., or at Multnomah office on Sunday. Ben Rlesland, west side subdivisions, 4u4 Piatt bidg. COUNTRY HOME IN CITY. 2 acres, near Franklin high school, 5 room modern bungalow, full cement base ment, laundry trays, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, large porches, garage, work shop and chicken house, 35 fruit trees, fine garden, lawn and shrubbery; price $0400, 1JU00 down. Ask Wales. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Main 26P0. SUBURBAN. Oregon Electric, 5-room mod ern bungalow, close in, on 5c fare, with basement, laundry trays, fireplace, city water, electric Ught, newly painted, fine condition, $300 casn, balance monthly; befutiful location, fine view of the moun tain s. See Atch ison, 404 Piatt bldg. COU NT R Y horn e" in city limits with trout stream In back yard; 4 lots and 6-room houst-. lights, basement, shrubbery, flow ers etc.; near a city park and car line; $ 75", 1-3 cash, ba'ance terms. Immediate possession. Sell. 101 during office hours. Sell. 205 S e v e n i n gs. FOSTER ROAD. 1 acre, all in cultivation with fair build ings; fruit, etc., paved road; good loca tion; price only $1700. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. $25'X BUYS sightly 1H acres at Multnomah Mt.ttion. wi:h small bungalow and chicken houses. All kinds of small fruits on part of the tract, bi-ance in cultivation; win take $2t!5t and Include cow. pig. chickena and rabbits. See Atchison. 404 Piatt-bldg. 5-F.riOM, modem, up-to-date 'bungalow and nearly 1 acre of land, fruit trees in bear ing. T- hour's ride from Portland, on Oregon" Cltv line; price $3200. terms and mor.thiv payments. nenry oiuk., owner, or call tt-W Oak Grove; no agents. $1400 BUYS nifty 4-room bungalow on Ore ton Electric line. 6c fare, water, gas. electric light. Will take as low as $200 cash and $15 per month. See Atchison, 4'.4 Piatt bidg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1SU0 up. Inquire third house north of Risiey station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." NEAR COUNCIL CREST. Five acres, level; fruit and shade trees, small house, city water, gas. fine view of valley. Ideal for country home. BROOKE, Mar. 4S27. A 3839 ACRE near Oswego Lake, 5-room bungalow: eec.ricjtv, water, phone. Bryant sta., $1050. only $250 cash; other nice homes. Main 3072. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. $l.;oo COSY 3-room cottage, acre. Lake Grove; garden, shade trees; easy terms. Main 3672. McFarland. 6Q2 Yeon bldg. WILL sacrifice my choice suburban home of o acres. Tauor 10 2 i. REAL ESTATK. Subuiban Homes. COUNTRY PLACE ON CITY'S DOORSTEP. oo acres, highly improved, on Multno mah county's finest paved highway; easy access to city; 35 min. from business cen ter, JO min. to Greaham; located where values are rapidly increasing; 9 -room house, full set buildings; larg. fully established orchard, variety fruit; sea son's crop almost ready to harvest ; a beautiful little farm-home: flO.OOO; term. Will consider taking part trade. O. W. Bryan, 50K Chamber of Commerce; Main !?:;; evenings. Marshall fe05. lO ACRES, located 15 miles from Portland; miles from Keedville; 7 acres under cul tivation and in crop; 1 acres of timber; 1 ri pasture, house, barn, chicken house. Good o re h a rd . P ri ce 1 000, ?: t lO cash. This property personally inpoted by us. See Davis, with John Ferguson- Uerlingr bldg. Open evenings, For fa I e Bos in ess Property. $10,000 PER YEAR INCOME. PRICE ONLY 45.0CO. Brick apartment, on a nice corner; three stories and basement; all two-room apart ments and completely furnished with firt clasa furniture; never any vacancies; wait ing list all the time. Why leave your money at interest when you can purchase a property like this in the center or Port' land at about 70 per cent of the cost price ' For full details, see RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 30t Oak St. FOR SALE 143 acres of land containing a valuable factory sue with fully developed water power. numerous ouiiainca in eluding a very good residence. For further Information inquire of J. H. Walker, i3Q Jt'ittock block, t'ortiand. Or. 100x100 FEET. On Union ave. and stark St.; the Ideal location xor a garage at one-halt the normal value; price at present is $20,000, and a party wail free. Henry F. Cover, 4 Union ave. lUOxlOO E. WATER ST., BETWEEN MOR RISON AND HAWT'JORNB BRIDGES. ON TRACKAGE; WILL SACRIFICE AND GIVE EASY TERilR OWNER, M 349, OK.H,UO- 1A.N. -63 x0 T., 7-room house ; Everett, near loth; for sale cheap; in district where new buildings are going up. Broadway 4824. APARTMENT SITE 214 feet front; upper wasmngton sc. wousiein, jii ibi st. For Sale Fruit Lands. $2500 INf-OME GUARANTEED. READ CAREFULLY Income of 25O0 by Dec. 1, $2000 for year 1020. Buy our 66-acrc apole orchard, give it rood care and the above income is guaranteed. It should be much more. Trees W yrs. old. .rrice only per acre. CELLARS -MURTON CO., 725 Gasco bldg. 10-YEAR-OLD walnut crchard, 5-acre tracts. Handy Bros., 60b Railway Exchange. For Kale1 Acreage. NEAR NEW BERG. NINE ACRES PRICE $4000. Nine acres all in cultivation : one mfle from center of New berg; good 6-room house, with fireplace. large barn and other outbuildings: lots of fine fruit and ber Ties; cannery will take all the fruit and berries at good prices; one-half cash, bal ance easy terms. F.ELI ABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3u Oak St. Broadway 4133. $4500, 20 ACRES. WELL IMPROVED. 14 miles from Portland, near Capital highway (hard surface): running water. 2 acres beaver-dam soil, produces large crops, plenty mm; buildings are wortn $3000. M. J. Edwards, GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main 7200. 024 Henry Bldg. G000 ACRES in southwest Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low prices, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bond: accepted at par. write for map showin location. tT-nis. etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COM PAN Y, Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoina, Wash. MULTNOMAH STATION. 1-3 sere tract on the poub-vard, Absolutely the choicest homestead in this platting; unobstructed view of the mounUins, beautiful grove of fir and dogwood: city watr, gp. eb'ctrlc light and telephone available; out-of-town owner instructs us to sell at once. See Atchison, 4U4 Piatt bids. 5 ACRES. ONLY $500. $50 down and $10 per month; located in i tne beautuui 'luaiatin vaney, close to elec tric line, within 10-mile circle of Portland; lies level, open pasture, splendid chicken or berry ranch. Owner, ow Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. LOGGED-OKF LANDS. Tracts 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad: cood soil. no rock, plenty of water, work nearby; buy on your own terms. L1EDDEMANN COMPANY, 113 hamber of Commerce. BERRY LAND on Mt. Hood electric line; good roads; I la rtr and small tracts, cleared. belo market price: easy terms. Umbdenstock & larson, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1 05$. OWN Kit her from California, must sHI IS acres hest garden iana st J isaru. j nis Is a rare bargain; two blocks hard-surface road, near street car. Room 24, Ini perial hotel. 14 ACRES 6 milos from A ancouver and 3 minutes irom street car; ry acres in culti vation: I"ts of fenc. buildings, all nice . land ; $50t0. terms. Phone Last 34no. 7 ACRES, Tualatin valley, under cultivation. cood auto road. Oregon t.ieciric. new earn. bungalow, fireplace; terms to suit. Owner, A r -i.t.i, oregonian FOR SALE 4 lots. 6 miles from Vancouver, Wash., joining street car line; gooa loca tion. Kapt 3 4 no. 10 ACRES of land, good orchard, house, all niitnuildlnes. Hull Kun water; locatea just south of Lents. 6131 02d st. S. E. Thomas Allen. BEN DEM EER Ee.it of Tualatin valley lands: 5 acnes nnd up: 300 to choose from. Handy Bros.. 506 Railway Exchange. CHOICE close-in sightly - acre; month: taxes on cents; water; 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. $! per no gravel. kvai 7 ncrn on Canltol hfchwav: i1 pmvements. Phone owner. Woodlawn 571. tj TO 2-ACRE tracts. 71st car. Owner. East 3860. St., Hawthorne For Sale -Farms. vnu sale bv owner, a splendid 200-acre dairy or stock farm, 150 In cultivation, 5 ' miles from town. electric station on place, especially adopted to a pure bred sheeo or hoar business. Good terms can be arranged. Call evenings Tabor 9443. 6110 ssth at. S. K. . 40 ACRES. STOCK AND CROP. Good house. large barn, all kinds frutt. good young team mares, harness and wagon; 2 good cows, farm implements, snd crop all coes for $31 50; part cash. balance terms. Draper, 526 Chamber of 'om mre bldg. 4( ACRES FOR fSOO DOWN. 6 acres cult. 15 acres timber, good black soil, runnln g water, 3-room house, barn and other bids-; near Mount Angel. Or.: price $lttuO. $soo down. No. 13-3. Ralph Ackley. 30t Corbett bldg. A FARM with city car service, 50 acres, in cultivation, electric station on p!ac. miles from town: would consider suburban home on Oregon City line or sell on easy terms. Call evenings Tabor 944S. Address CllO SSth st. S. E. SSwUIPPED farm, 1W acres, choice land, in eluding- 2-3 or crop, norses. cows, ma chinery and furniture: finest farm home in county; price $16,000. cash; rare bargain. Write owner, C R. Thornton, Rice, wain. 10 ACRES near Grind Ronde (Yamhill Co.) on Tillamook highway; about ao easily cleared, 5 or 6 have been cleared; $10 per acre. Also 1U acres, union Co.. ana lot at Rockaway Beach. James Me I lien. Oregon City, or. FOR SALE Small farm of 16 acres, 10 clear, 4-room house, barn, long chicken house, close to o. Electric, u miles out. Inquire by E. Krattiger, Belieview hotel. i:4S 1 ana nil 1 st. 20 ACRES. 11 cultivated. 5 miles from Port land. mile school, church, carline; price $155 per acre; will take good auto part payment, write sox 5 A, iu i, Clacka mas, Or. FOR SALK 20 acres, adjoining Ashland. Or., about 14 acres in apples, peaches and prunes, all or one-half with fruit, S 100 per acre. Address box &05, Aberdeen, Wash. STUCK or fruit ranch; 240 acres, hilly roun- trv fine water, fruit, stock, machinery. buildings, all fenced ; easy terms; low in terest, .f ront, alter oniy. FOR S A LK 10 acres of clover hay. uncut. 1 miles from Gresham. by Gill's place. Inquire Mary Yonis, 009 Holgate st., after P. M. T:t ACRES. cultivated. about 3 acre! pasture, silo, gasoline engine jand good buildings, near xiiueuuiu. x j. urcgu- nian. 19J4 ACRES. 14 miles from ancouver. on T'nrifie hiL-hwav: 5-room house and out building; ideal chicken farm. Call East S5G3. SMALL farm of 16 acres, 4-room house. barn, large chicken house, close to O. Electric; 10 acres clear. E. Krattiger, B e 1 levue hotel. .'4 t ammu st. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $75 to 2'o per acre, easy terms; best son. rarms ior saie, an sixes. McFarland, G02 Yeon bldg Portland. FARM or 25 acres, highly Improved, 10 miles out ana gooa roaus. xeruia. v oiu, On.'fionian. IF YOU want a wheat or stock ranch, for particulars write At. j? ltzmauncs. con do n. or. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running1 water, good soil; (. tinanie; employment. easy terms. Jesse R. fc-harp, -is .id st. FIRST-CLASS stock land for sale by WuL- REAL KSTATB. For Sale -Farms. FOR SALE, by owner. 106-acre improved. dyked tidel&nd dairy farm; locatea on Co lumbia river, on S. P. & S. It. R. and Co lumbia river highway, at Svensen. Or., 10 miles east of Astoria, Or. All under cul tivat ion, all crops in for this year; new buiidings. 7-room house, furnished, large warehouse, barn, hay house, milk house, hoghouse, roads, fences and necessary ma chinery, 30 cows, six horses and place capable of caring for 50 cows: year's con tract for miik, 30 cents gallon f. o. b. Svensen; present monthly milk check JTl'O. now paying 20 per cent on purchase price: terms to suit buyer. Interested par ties leave address and telephone number. A. V. Allen, care Benson hotel. $5000 RANCH FOR $3000. 40 acres, about 15 cult.; new, wetl-bullt 5-room house, could hardly be duplicated for $1S00; large barn, running creek and springs; located in the celebrated Chelat chie prairie. 1 miles from Amboy. Wash., a little town with 2 creameries. This is a perfectly wonderful little home ranch, it is in a splendid location and is the best thing in farm lands we have ever seen. Half cash, balance ft years. Don't fail to see this photo at office of Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Open evenings and Sundays. T ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION. f-room bungalow, neHy new. barn, 1 chicken house 16x100 feet, 1 chicken house 10x50. complete with runs, city water, paved road, city limits s cross street; bargain price, $070. easv terms. See. Peterson, THE FRED A- JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth Sl. Main tiaCO- f?OR SALE Bv owner. S4S0-acre wheat ranch. 32 miles north of walla waiia. s miles from shtDDinBT Doint. About 2000 acres tn cultivation. 1 100 acrce la fall wheat, one-third of which goes to pur rhHBr! two Mix of new modem build ings; running water, live springs, all fenced and cross -fenced. Prospects for this year's crop splendid; produced better tnan o busneis in ivio. i-rice ior jmme dlate sale $250,000, long time at b per rnt on SloO Goo: no trades. r or fur ther Information address AV W$, Oregonian. vnrt sale 1C0 acres, all fenced and cross fenced: no acres in crop. -u in auana; ii h land in lrvI and tillable, cood soil mull houKe. larce barn, fine shade, good well water; 135 Inches of paid water for irrigation ; o miles irom v aie, on counvy rr,a,i T V D and te'.eDhone. Price with m.t r-mn iso nr Bcff. tpriiir. no trade. John liardwick Realty Co.. Vale. Oregon. 1 1 no r RltKR APPLES Hood River 4X acr ranch, roues irom it. acres in bearing orchard from 7 to 13 years of age. houses and Dam, piows, wagons, horses: trees look fine; will be heavy crop of apples this year; 34 acres are cleared. Now, if you want to get some thing good and a bargain at $11,000. call me at Tabor 2201 bet. 8 and 9 A. M. or 6 and 7 P. M. Terms. BEAVER DAM LAND. 18 acres. 10 under plow, 6 acres of which is the finest beavcrdam soil, bal ance fine grain, clover or potato land, near Kcappoose, 1 Vis miles from Warren; good 5-room house and large bam, fine well and ever-flowing spring; prce $o00, pmall cash payment or would consider small house. THE LAWRENCE CO.. COS Corbett Bldg. Main C915. A 2M5. READ THIS AT). Going1 to Alaska, so will sell all my holdings at half value, including 50-acre farm all into crop, near Woodburn; two houses on large lot on Williams ave., near Broadway; beautiful quarter block corner 55th and Belmont; also large Hup mobile touring car; terms $5000 cash, bal ance mortgage. Ownr, Hugh E. Smith, 171 13th st. Main vtai. . T-n aprrs nt rich alluvial tldetand on low er Columbia river, on gooa roaa, nuiw from town and shipping point; in aiaing district organized to reclaim land; long term of years to pay ior aiKing; ianu ailv rlnred: hirh tround Xor buildings; price .J per acre: irms. vuuiwm iua 329 South Bend. Wash. S14.000 FARM. FULLY EQUIPPED, 12 miles from Portland P. O., close to Tlp-arrl nnri 'Uti i I H 1 IliehWflV 4 hard SUT- face: 55 acres, none better in vicinity of Tigard; 8 cows, 2 horses, poultry, all kinds Of implements. Ai. j. cawaru! GEO. E. ENGLFHART, Main 7200. 024 Henry Bldg. i rur v y.i l.: ::.. T. '. S. K. 1 In Coos Bay county, Oregon, about half is part of Foster lake. land almost level: some good, some kind of sandy ; near school and city. bee it ana ma me .u offer. It Is clear. Mrs. C. J. Christiau- son. San Jose. oai. WANTED REAL ESTATE. MODERN 1 RVINGTON RESIDENCE; FTVE BEDROOM S. Mr- i-irv ri. ma- RAGE: WANT MODERN 6-ROOM BUN GALOW AS rA HI fA I : .uiuiii SIDER EVEN EXCHANGE. O REG ON BOND i MUK P.AU pj u.. U-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 18O0. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. x r-T.TTT-v-r -Port SMALL BUNGALOW iz S? H F.STRICTED DISTRICT: CAN PAY S-W C.AS11, X5A.XA..V-C v x MONTH. OREGON BUND r l J it l ir.i'iij -j.. 200-"I2 SKI-LINO BLDG. MAIN ISOO. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. w x vr ti-ranm bunsaiow-st y le house, no over S7IWO. tiawitiorne a.Binci, uti . --n Itith and 30th, must nave iun oasemem, furnace, hardwood noors. i ire pi ace. uuia i i.frAt ino-rioo Will elve choice acre rircirnn fiiv ear line, value $:t00O, h:ilnn.e cash. See my agent. 203 Stark st ret. Marshall 12. WANT 6-room bungalow in ,rvington. iose City f ark, neumoni or aiuui w - f-r all on one zioor; win pay ait ou , gO to $K'MH). T.r.Y 243 Stark St. TV ANTED t; BLOCK. Couch addition, between Burnside Ohd Davis and 5th and Park sts. no buildings requtrea. Nenan r i v mi i. 21'. Lumbermen's building, 5th and Stark streets. WB HAVE buvers for good house? and bun galows in nearly all districts; low is , the time for you to gel a good price ana nii the cash in hand for emergencies. GOD DA R l & WIEDRICK., 243 Stark St. WANTED 4-room bungalow with at lea.t a full lot ior aDOUt v ant muurrn 6-room bungalow in suburbs wHh acre ground for about $40oO cash. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANT 7-room house in Nob Hill district, up to IlO.omi; customer win pay casn. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. HAVE CLIENTS waitinc. If you want to sell your nouse ust wnn me. v.. . auwi. 507 Cham, of Commerce. Marshall 2575. WILL pay cash for a good S. R. G. home stead relinquishment. A J oregonian. Farms Wanted. I WANT 40 to 80 acres; must be cheap; house, irutt. aootit lit or u acres ciearea; I have about $500 to pay down. AJ 45b, Oregonian. Wanted! to Rent Farms. I WANTED To rent, a good soil farm of 30 to 50 acres, not more than 10 miles from Portland. I. Ho&uike, R. 1, Box 106, Beaverton. or. TIMBER LANDS. WHO will join me in tie mill. 25 to 35 M.. on r. r. and Columbia river: o. and more later. AH 26S, Oregonian. PILING wanted; give scale, price ana when cut. 0. v. uamDie, coucn oiag. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or trade for Waiia Walla prop erty, 5-room bungalow, close to Litnia Park In Ashland. Oregon s best home town. B. W. TalLOtl, 638 S. 3d St., Walla Walla, ash. WILL exchange 1 full acre with clear tiCe, at Mctzger station, for closein lot or light used car m good condition. v eck days, Main 2:S2, 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.; Sunday, Tabor 20u3, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. THOROUGHLY modern Laurelhurst 8 -room house, 2 blocks from car; .400. equity $2501. mortgage lor improved suburhan, Oregon Cily line preferred. R 641, Ore gonian. I ,OL)" -room hotel m Wiilamete valley col le are town ; will consider acreage : by owner. W. R. Ives. 302 W. HUi su. Van couver. Wash. Phone 74 -Y. IT FINISHED rooming house and stores, close In, west side; s&uuu; part casn, or exchange for Improved city property, al 109, Oregonian. FOR EXCHANGE House and fractional lot in Idaho town, rented ior s per montn. Value around $700. What have you to of fer? C. M. i Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. 3 ACRES, level, 1 cleared, grove, near Oswego Lane, ior easi siue resiaence 101. or good auto; $1100. 818 Railway Ex change. 11-ACRE fruit orchard. M osier. Or., to ex change ior nouse in rornana. inquire ir. Small. 638 E. 64th oL Portland, Or., C 2072. ! i0 ACRES In Clarke county, 20 cleared and fenced, running water, an itr? i-cias- ianu, to trade for city home. AJ 46S, oregonian. ESTACADA acreage and town property for sale or trade xor Portland improved. ox 255, G resham. Or. WILL sell or trade with owner 6-room bouse for 5 or u-room uunjaiow; wiu assoaae aLa inortfiage. Woutli-wa 51 UU. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 40 ACRES COLUMBIA CO.. $2500. West of St. Helens, right at P. O.. school and store; running stream. 2 Springs, old bouse and barn; bearing orchard; 'Z acres In cultivation: 5 acres seeded for pasture; 50,000 ft. timber; on good road and matt route, all for $2500; will exchange for house In Portland. Fred W. German Co.. 832 Cham, of Com. ; open evenings and Sundays. MODERN TRVTNGTON RESIDENCE; FIVE BEDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. G X. RAGK; WANT SMALLFR PLACE PART PAYMENT; MIGHT CONSIDER GOOD LOT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20H-212 SELLING BUlMl. MAIN 1 WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. NIFTY 5-room cottag bungalow, 40x100 lot. lights and gas, cnoice young iruit trees, woodshed and garage, cement walks, 1 blocks from good carline ; no debts or lien?; want to trade as first payment on a B-room bungalow, must te on paved street garage, up to $2500. balance $20 a month and interest. AJ 33, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. I have an acre with 4-room house and other buildings in good condition: place is within six-cent fare and on highway; 6o fruit trees and some berries; I have an equity of $10H, which 1 will trade for an automobile, lot or house. See owner, 2U0 Alisky bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 20 acres. 1 cleared: 5-room bouse and outbuildings; living water; rolling land. Sea owner. J Davis, Itavell Apts.. Grand ave. and Belmont. WILL trade Bend orooerty for piece of land near Roseburg, Or. No agents. Owner, box 3;!, Bend, Or. 5-ROOM house and lot to exchange for house and lot at Seaside, Or. Broadway -hj4. TRADES FOR ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY AT 318 RAILWAY E C HA.Mib. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE good piano and lot to trade fdr light car. can v. din. FOB SALE. lIortM-s, Vehicles. Livestock. HORSES. HORSES. Team bay geldings, age 0 and 7. weight 320U, full brothers. Team bay mares, age 7 and 8, weight 2850. Team bay inares, 5 and 6, weight 2 TOO. One bay mare, weight 1300. 3 set of double harness, one 3-inch farm wagon. Wwk's trial allowed. 234 Front st. Stables foot of Main. FR fcOSH cows for sale. Jersey, Jeraey-Guern sey and Holstetn; 3 Vj to 5 gal. per oay also 4-mo. old Billv kid. Call at pastun end of Fulton carline, across Taylor ferrj road. MILCH GOATS. Four rarloada hlch-erade milch gost will arrive toninht. See them at Brooklyn stockyards, or call Dr. Morrow. Main 34. WANTED Freph family cow, Jersey pre ferred, tuberculin tested; Kind ana gentie for lady to handle; four gallons or better. S C35, Oregonian. 2400-POUND TEAM, good hamrsj and wagon, 143. Airs, nucnaroa, inou st., V block east of Union ave., near Rus e!I st. ONE young Jersey Holstetn cow; just fresl ; heavy milker; rich mux; silo; aiso ov-:r IV- tens nye i.nd vetch new hay, $20. C. L. Smith. SOth st. and Tuth ave. S. E. -YEAR-OLD Jersey cow at reasonable price if taken at once, 1&44 Dwight su, St. Johns car. DEAD stock taken quick, and free; we pay the best prices for cripptea nurses, aeou cows, and bones. Tabor 423. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid lor dead cows and crippiea norscs. rngae Milwaukie 0tJ for results. 130 BEEF steers on f-ed at Montague, Cal., also stock cattle, weioorn ceswu, j.aiuv, Oregon. DEAD horses and animals haused away free. Portland itencicring tjo. .au wooman -v. PASTURE at Ladd's Canyon farm. Canyon rond: elo?e In. Knonc MainiMa. TWO cheap horses at your own price. 10-9 E. Yamhill sU Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. noon piano cheap. Must sell my almost new $415 mahogany Wellington piano; in perfect condition; used very little; if you want a good piano it will pay you to see this one. Remem hrr u ennd used piano Is 'better than a cheap new one; private party. Call 310 K. 5oth L, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne avenue. KIMBALL grand, in satin mahogany; has ii:tii vrv lift a up ana is in line con dition: Just the right size for your parlor. Offered at a Dig Dargain. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington St. Broadway 750. Corner 32th Street. KIM BALL niano: cannot be told from new; beautiful manogany cap. very uipm case design. Specially priced, ido; casu or terma REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington St. Broadway 750. tCorner 12th Street. PLAYER ROLLS. Our selection is complete. All the latest hits- Write for our proposition to out-of- town customers. SEI BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. Main S5S6, ROSE CITY. MUST PAVE 3-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR IMMEDIATE PURCHASER. PA $3000 TO $4H0. MAIN 403. G. C. GOLD EN BE RG. Abington bldg. "35 Years in Portland." BEAUTIFUL Vi-note p.ayer-piano. ma- hocany finish : has been used, but is In good condition. pcial $2M. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington St. Broadway 750. (Corner 12th Street. YV l". t"o nprt nhonoeraph repairlns-. ii and nlaver piano tunning and repairing. Al work guaranteed and at moderate rates. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington St. Broadway 750, (Corner 12th Street.) 1 AM preparing to leave and want to sell n.v heautiful mahocanv Plaver-Diano. to- ' cether with a library of late roils and nice bench. Have only had It a shor time. Call st 57 Washington st. LARGE size golden oak phonograph and records have been left nere ny a tnenu who has left the city. We will sell sam at a bargain. Call corner grocery, 555 Washington st. TRADE YOUR PIANO Or organ on a new Victrola and records. Let us ten you or our proposition. SEIBF.RLI.NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. Main 85S $100 DISTIN. silver, gold mounted, highest erad cornet, ail atiacnmems mciuumr hich and low pitch, leather plush lined case. In perfect order for $40. 1024 Will isms ave. THE BEST, the cheapest piano; used I vera ac Pond (plain artistic. .;; usea lstey l former owner ick. o.o. r-o noii 1 Portland like mine. Harold S. Gilbert. 3b4 Yamhill st. $j. $10, $15 TO $9rt buys ured phonographs; a $250 one for $0u. terms 5fc, 75c to $1 week v: new pianos 2M; 4 o one. ,;.t; $15 cash. $ or $lo monthly. Schwan Ptano t'o.. 11 1 4th st. STERLING upright, oak case, like new, al ilmot n ir price. SEIBEKLI Mi-UTAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. kixk nianos. best makes, cheap. $100 up bury. Ballet & Davis, Whitney. No fake: here. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bid WELLINGTON piano, plain mahogany case, good condition, bargain. SKIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. Main r$& CHICKERING upright, smaii. piain caje, fine condition. 1 erms gix-en. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. xoo AEOLIAN player niano. Styck uprirh for quick casn sale. $450. Phone Tabor 1MS0 or call "10H Glenn ave. ORGANS $20 and up. All in good conditio; S EI BKR LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. Main S5S6. VOSE & SONS' cabinet grand, rosewood piano. $Li0. Will trade Tor good H. motorcycle. 4S East sth north. PINK unricht. oak finish piano for sa $225 cash; would consider automobile, pay difference. Home fiione l.entg o ,.. WILiTpaY- CASH'fOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRU M EN TS. S 1 E R E KLIN G LI'CAS MUSIC CO., 125 4TH ST. EXCHANGE the player rolls you are tired of at 30c per roiL, Harold S. Gilbert, 3&1 Yamhill st. $;5 CASH buys $-17" Emerson upright piano at Security Storage Co., 109 4th, su at Washington. PIANO WANTED We pay cash. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. PI A NOS tuned. $0. George T. Peck, Tabor S574. Graduate New Eng. Conger -atory. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill st. PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS WANTED. 128 1st, near Wash. Main 4495. Tabor 679fi. PIANOS for rent. $4 and up. Columbia Grafonola Shop. 429 Wash, at PLAYER piano for sale, cheap, once. 260 Chapman. SQUARE piano, good condition; $50, cash or trade. 947 E. Akier. FINE uprieht piano for rent. $6, to reliable person. John Claire Monteith. SMALL Wcidman piano. $45 cash will han dle. 22S 11th st $loo CASH or more paid for your upright piano at Security Storage Co.. JoO 4th st. GUO banjo for b.e. Coil lai IGisii. FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and Ma Meal Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. closing out Parlor organs for J25 to S4 cash. Square pianos for $35 to $5 cash. Upright pianos, small, t7 to $75 cash. Arlington Co., upright. $375, now $13i casX Vose & Sons upright. $450. pow tC cash. Nw stored uprights. $425, for $2fro csbh. New stored uprights. 4'U. for $2in caslu Stored player piano. $H50, for $3"5 cas'v. Stored player piano, $750. for S45 cashu Pianos stored for 50c month. Pianos bought nnd sod for cash only. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 103 4th St- at Washington t. MR. STRANGER. WE HAVE WONDERFUL BARGAINS. IN USED AND NEW PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. VIOLINS. CORNETS, GUITARS. BANJOS. ETC. SAVE MONEY AND TIME. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. ICS First, bet. Alder and Washington. BEAUTIFUL mahogany Chickering grand. just the right size for your house. Thts piano couldn't be told from new and you can save several hundred dollars on 1U Your oid upnht may be used as a first payment and convenient terms on the balance. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO, 435 Washington St. Broadway 750. tv'orncr 12th Street. GENUINE J. & C. Fisher eboniied case. This is quite an oid piano but has Quality; probably fold for $550. Wo now want $1.'5; cash or terms. REED F RE NCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington St. Broadway 750. i Corner 12th Street.) HAM ILTON upright, mahogany case, good condition: $1S5. SE1BERLIXG-LUCAS MUSIC CO ' 125 Fourth St. Furniture for female. QUICK SALE. Am leaving the city In thre day a will sell at lens than half value; solid mahog any. 4 chairs, divan, dresser, desk: oak, large golden library table and chairs; leather, large arm chair, electric santo cleaner; carpets and other household ar ticles: a 14 by 20 by 24-inch safe. Will ex change for smaller safe. 113i) Cleveland ave. BARGAINS SELLING OUT. Two carved chairs, one Axminater rug:, two iron beds, two springs, Wellington mahogany piano, mission rocker, carpet sweeper, fruit jars, pictures, portieres, brass rod, hou&e plants and other household articles. AH absolutely good as new and In perfect condition ; prices will suit you. Call at 310 E. 5uih st, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. . BEAUTIFUL quarter-rawed oak combina tion buflet and china closet, with large French mirror and leaded plate-glai-s doors; will sell for half price. Call 2503 4Mb. sL S. E-. near Division, or Tabor 4 1 :. ."RNITI'RE bargain: owner Eolnc eatt: complete furniture, rugs, etc., of 5-room bungalow; sell all or. part; no dealer. Call at 1065 Ka 24th &L North. Alberta YPEWR1TER desk, 25; dining table. $12; dresser. $lu; chit Comer. $10; Brussels rug. I'M., f iu; dining chairs, rocker, pictures. etc. Tabor 8215. ILL sacrifice new S135 taoestrv davennort for $J5; mahogany feet. 3-spring cushion seats. Drine back aod cushion arms. Phone East 40S. DIN IN; suite, refrigerator, heater, spring. mattress, sanitary cot. rug. Edison stan dard, SO records. 472 Broadway west. Mar shall 2170. FOR SALE Furniture for a 2S-room hotel; rooms all full, rent $:i0. Close by mills and factories at St- Johns. Or. Fhone Col. 1:: l . FURN1TUR E for 5-room cottage, w ith or without piano, for sale; cottage for rent. Ju Belmont, after 5 P. M. FURNITURE of 5-room bouse for sale; la good condition. 1'none heiiwood 4Jo; res idence 1241 East lth st. 25 OA K dresser and bedstead, like new, $70. Call apt. 310 Tudor Anns, 18th and Couch. OR SALE Combination coal, wood stove; other household furniture. E. 220S. after 9. WOOD and coal rang nvith coil; good .s Broadway 1604. nw. lt".( N. 21st sr. RoLL-TOP desk, office chairs 353 Morgan uiock. DAVENPORT slightly used, cheap. 404 E. a-itn street. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORNS are the most profitable breed of poultry. If you are in the busi ness for profit you will eventually have them. Early broilers, early layers, early profits. We sell only White Leghorn Baby Chlx from heavy-laying Hoganised hens. Safe delivery of full-count live chicks guaranteed. Price per JOu: May and June delivery, $t2.5: July, $14. The Pioneer Hatchery, 402 6th BU, Petal uma, Cal. THE LUHR FARM. 2O0 v. L, yearling laying hens at $1.75 each. An agreement just closed permit us to offer 2 tu0 3 m 03. pu He ts ( W. L. . Aug. 15 10 30, delivery at imc each in Hn lots; $1 in lesser lots. Kendall station. Kstacada line. P. O. address 1U 3. box 258. Lents. Or. WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHU'KS. $15 per lou: $8 lor 5u. Black Minorcas. $ls per 100: $9.50 for -V. Immediate de livery on t hese varieties. Cash w ith or der. C. N. Neednam, P. O. box 412, Sam. Oregon. LARGE English and tankard baby chicks from Hoganizea neavy laying uens. laoor lii'12. LAYING Leghorn bens $1.73 each; Hogan "87 Oregon su ired stock. J. R. Maguire, LA Y 1 N G white and brown Leghorn pullets for sale cheap. Koycroft, 13o t. 8itti -N. BARRET ROCK chicks, efigs, fryers. Ta- hor 4to. Dogs, Rabbi tw. Birds . Trt Stock. TWO St. Andrcasburg singers for sale. launches and Boats. WANTED to buy A speed boat or moder ately fast motor boat. vrtte ut. tu. jasper. W e st po r t. Or. 5-UOOM houseboat. $7o0. Foot of Seymour st. .s car. aii alter 4 weeKoayg. FOR SALE 4-room furnished houseboat. woodshed, float ui, winamette mooring g. PROPELLER tow boat cheap, on suitable terms. A K 5.4. oregonian. Machinery. ENGINE SPECIALS. 1 pair 22x27 Atlas automatic twins. 1 pair lx20 Frost twir.a 1 pair 16xlS Ames, right-hand aids crank. 1 14x18 Ames... 1 I4x2"xis McEwIn tandem compound. 1 15xl'0 Atlas, right-hand, aide crank. 1 14x 12 l orliss. THE J. E. MARTIN CO. S3 First street. Port !and. Oregon. 16 H. P. stationary gas engines. 3 1 h. p. mounted pus engines. 2 4-cyl. 4 -cycle, 50 h. p. launch en gines. G. F. McDougall Co.. 27 2d st. Ttrosdwav 09 S FOR SALE or trade, electric lig.11 plant, complete; 40-horse Fairbanks-Morse en gine. 30 K. W. generator. B 426 Ore- goninn. M Typewriters. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now. im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem ington Typewriter company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, A 1L MAKES, sold on monthly psy tents; send for price list- Tho Wholesale Typo wrl ter Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wash. St. RFNTAL RATES. $4 per month, 3 months $10 special student's rates. I- C Smith it Bros. Typewriter Co., 1Q4 Fifth st. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth st. vrV rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 131 Stark st. Main 1407. ALL make typewriters rented and repaired, orecon Typewriter Co., 94 5th. Main 3668. REMINGTON typewriter, visnue, .o. iu, ai- nioyt new, $00. 602 Medical bldg. " M iscelta neons. BEAUTIFUL gowns and suits. slightly worn; obtained from smartly -Lrt sscd la dies. MMn Q.VjT. - A LARGE Creator steam popcorn and pea nut wagon : In good condit ion ; work ins every day: a bargain. AH 260. Oregonian. FOR SALE Good 100-lb. refrigerator; no :t-g:illon ice cream freezer. Phone East 574. 7S0 E. Ankeny st. KOKEN and Kock barber chairs, mirrors, sacrifice. SO 6th st.. near Stark. A SELLER S contract for sale cheap. BF 54S, Oregoni:! n. 300 SACKS Burbank potatoes for sale; $1.50 a hundred. Hillsboro 7 R. IX. FOR SALE Second-hand lumber, all sizes. Phone East 4325. BEAUTIFUL black georgette dre, reaon ble: private party. Main 7720. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought, Bentley Co., East 705a HUDSON seal cape, ermine trimmed; almost new, reasonable Bdwy. 21S2, room 222. ClTblCE i" potatoes. $2 sack delivered. Call Broa dway 454: evening s call Sell. 2S39. NOW is the time for painting and paper banging; get an estimate. Tabor 6736. VACUUM cleaners for rent or tale. Vacuum Cleaning. "Hoover." Broadway 2649. ALL kinds of cheaply done. roof and building repairs E. 5704. 3S4 E. Wash. FOR SALE 6 sacks barbary bark. F. W. Pean. Doty. Wash. j S A N lT A R Y COUCH and pad . Ta bor . 2 5o. INX au .tarpauiLu. leaker Un.at.cr. AUin