THE MOIISTXG OREGOXIAX, 3IOXDAT, JUSTS 0, 919. 13 CHAMPIOli ALL BUT ; KNOCKS OUT HEIV1PLE Hundreds of Persons Attend Sunday Workouts. DEMPSEY GOES 4 ROUNDS tTaltcr Monahan Receives Bloody 2iose. While Soldier Stanton Is Handled. Roughly TOLEDO, O., June 8. Hundreds of persona, including women and children, "Who throneed Willard's training camp today, saw the champion upset one of his sparring partners and ail but knock out another. The champion used 14-ounce gloves, eo as to permit him to put more force into his blows. When the work-out was over the champion's partners were fcrulsed and bleeding. Willard was (bleeding from the mouth. Jack Hem pel was punched groggy in three rounds. Willard upset him with a right hook early in the first session. Walter Monahan received a bioody nose in two rounds he faced the champion, and the third victim. Soldier Stanton, lasted only ten seconds. He was knocked off his feet from a right-hand -blow behind the ear. . Stanton, who boxed two days at Jack JDempsey's camp, made two or three passes at Willard, and the champion let fly with a right hander. Stanton stag gered back, stiffened and would have tumbled to the canvas if Willard had iot caught him. Ray Archer, business manager of the champion, returned today from New York. He said he had made ten tative arrangements with two heavy weights for sparring partners for Wil lard, but would not announce their names until they accept terms. Dempsey resumed his training today after a five-day layoff and dis played unusual dash and speed. He boxed four rounds, two each with Ser geant Bill Tate and the Jamaica Kid. iioth connected with Dempsey fre quently. Willard charged 50 cents admission to his camp today. Dempsey con tinued to collect 25 cents. riRST TRIP TO LEWISTOX DUE Steamer Grahamona Will Leaxe Wednesday Xiglit, At 10 o'clock Wednesday night the Fteamer Grahamona leaves the Kast Washington-street terminal on her first 4 rip to Lewiston, S8S miles. Captain A. 2J. Graham, of the Oregon City Trans portation company, owner of the ves sel, has returned from Lewiston and reports that community is co-operating jtn the utmost to assist the new line. At first a weekly service will be pro Aided. Captain Clyde Raabe, for years with the company in the upper Willamette service, and Captain Art Riggs, one of the best-known men -n the upper Columbia and Snake rivers, will take the Grahamona to Lewiston and the experiences on the first journey will have much to do in fixing the perma nent schedule. The Grahamona has been overhauled, additional keelsons being put in and other changes made. She is to burn coal. The steamer will shift to the terminal Monday, undergo her annual Inspection Tuesday and load the last of her freight Wednesday. Freight will be received there from to morrow morning until safling time. tTACOMA FERRY PROFITABLE Boat Tapping Olympic Peninsula Creates Good Business. TACOMA, Wash... June 8. (Special.) Taeoma is profiting by having pur chased the ferry City of Vancouver, which was renamed the City of Ta eoma. and connects Gig Harbor and tlie Olympic peninsula with the city. The ferry can handle the business on weuk days but it is inadequate on Sun days or holidays, the trade and com merce bureau of the Tacoma commer cial club reports after an investiga tion. Farmers and dairymen of the rich country tapped by the ferry are using Jt to get their products to Tacoma and in turn are spending thousands of dollars monthly. The fprry went on the run but a few months ago as it was commandeered by the govern ment soon a fter it was purchased in .Portland. During the war it carried thipyard workers to tidoflat plants. TT, S. BOXERS PROTEST FIGHT .Number of A. E. F. Teams Object to Staging Toledo Battle. PARIS, June 8. Sixteen members of he American expeditionary force box in? and wrestling teams, who are in training for the inter-allied games have written an open letter protesting perainst the proposed Jess Willard-Jack Dempsey fight in Toledo, July 4. The Jetter says: "As we trained for our last trip over the top at a wage of only a few francs e month per man, wo protest against the proposed fight for which each of the principals will receivo thousands of dollars." It adds that Tex Rickard offered ?100O each to soldier boxers to fight in the preliminaries to the Willard-Demp-fcey bout, but that the soldier boxers preferred to remain in France and rep repent their country in the inter-allied frames against the fighting men of the allied armies. Movements of Vessels, PORTLAND, Jtinc 8. Arrived at midnight. pramfr City of Tppefta, from gan Fran ciCT) ia Eureka and Coos Bay. trailed at t A. M.. steamer Johan Voulsen, from West Vr. for San Francisco. ASTORIA. Junfl 8. Sailed at 3 A. M.. .PtPdiner West Ashawa. frr trial trip. Sailed :t A. M., steamer Aurclia. for Coos Hhv, J-:nrt.k and San FrancUco. Ketumed at mid- itiKht ana Katie a ar , :!,- a. M.. stcanifr t i nfrow, icr icpori eB. lor or rs. Sailed at 11 A. M.. steamer Johan Poulssn, for Fan Francisco, tailed at 11:30 A, M.. barkentine f. G. Wilder, for Callao. .Arrived at 1 :SO and left up at 3 P. M.. Meimer iry ci jopena. rrora can Fran cisco. Kureka and Coos Bay. FAX FRANCISCO. Jun S. Palled at mid t. steamer Rose City, for Fort land bailed, steamer Daisy Putnam, for Columbia river. Arrived last merit, steamer 2nnh. from Portland. G IB RA LT A R. June- 3. Arrived Steamer w est iogua, irom fortiana. SEATTLE, Jun s.Arrived Steamer jeirerson, irom aoutneaatern Alaska; Ad miral Schley, from San Dieg-o; Alameda, from Anciierage; XJ. 6. lihtshto Swiftsure. from tan Franciaco. Saiied Steamer Edge wood. .iv" jiuji 4 i hi 1 1 a i rarrasui, XOT t-an Dlejro; Curacao and City of Seattle, for Alack a. Pacific Coast Shipping Xotes. COOP BAY, Or.. June 8. fSDeclal.) Th. !Paly freeman, which called htrre yesterday -w-ni.e en route nortn, sailed, in tne evening; The C. A. Smith, carerlnc lumbr from Bunker H'.ll. sailed for San Franciaco laat night at 8:13. ASTORIA, Or., Juna 8. (Special.) Briar Inr lriht and paaaeng-era for A tori and Portland, the teamer City of Topeka. ar rived at 12:45 today from Ban. Franciaco, via Eureka and Coos Bay. The steamer West Cherow, flour laden from Portland, which sailed on her 12-hour trial run yesterdav. returned at 11 o'clock laat night and a.iled at 7:15 thia morning for Europe via Newport News. Carrying' a cargo of lumber from Knapp ton, tha barkentine S. G. Wilder aaliad at HiUQ today for Peruvian porta. - Laden with freight from Portland and As toria, the steamer Aurella sailed at 6 this morning for San Francisco, via way porta. The steam schooner Johan Poulsen, laden with lumber from Westport, salted at 1 o'clock thia morning for San Francisco. The steel steamer West Aihawt, grain laden from Portland, crossed out at 4 this morning on hr 12-hour trial run. Return ing af 3:40 this afternoon she sailed at 5 o'clock for Europe. The cruiser Minneapolis, from San Fran cisco, sailed for Portland at 4 o'clock this morning. SEATTLE. Wash.. June 8. (Special.) Captain A, Walden and Captain L. Thomp son, master mariners of the Australian mer chant rrfarine, arrived in Seattle yesterday from Sydney to take command of th wood en steamships Babinda and BIrriwa, which are nearing completion at th yards of the Patterson-McDonald Shipbuilding company. They made the voyage from Sydney to San Francisco aboard the steamship Ventura and came up the coast aboard the steamship Admiral Farragut of the Pacific Steamship company. Both are veterans; of the Aus tralian merchant marine. Five big steel carriers of tha. shipping board, laden with capacity cargoes and man aged and operated by the Pacific Steamship company, will steam from Seattle for ports In the far east between now and August 7, according to representatives of the traffic department of tha company. The fleet la composed of the steamships Heffron, West ern Knight, West Hematite, West Isleta and West Hepburn. Famous aa the vessel which attracted In ternational attention In 1916, before Amer ica entered the war, when she waa sus pected of being outfitted aa a German sea raider and detained In San Francisco by United States government authorities, the power schooner Ozmo, formerly known as the schooner Hugh Hogan, is expected in Seat tle tonight or tomorrow to enter the Puget sound-Alaska trade. SAN" FRANCISCO, June 8. (Special.) Windjammers had bad luck In the north wester today along1 the coast. The schooner W. H. Talbot, Captain Knudsen, which sailed Friday for Sydney, put Into Santa Cruz after an accident in which the second mate had his arm fractured. Captain Knud sen took a train for this city to get an other second mate for this trip. The schoon er has a cargo of case oil and lumber. The skipper of the Talbot Is getting; pretty well acquainted at Santa Crua on account of mi shops. On the last voyage fro mthe south Pacific to this port he had to put Into the port down the coast, aa his craft was leak ing. The barkentine Charles F. Crocker waa another sailer to meet with trouble. While the tug Samson was towlnr the barkentine up the coast near Point Reyea the wind tossed the two vessels about with such force the line parted. The anchor chain of the barkentine waa carried away by the tug. Both vessels came back here. The Crocker sailed back under her own safl The barken tine waa on the way to Eureka to take on a cargo of lumber for the south Pacific. The federal shipping board's steamship Kimta, which returned to port June 6 on account of minor machinery trouble, took a trial spin this morning outside the heada Shipping board offlciala were on board. The trial was satisfactory and after th officials left the vessel the Kimta sailed for Falmouth, The steamship has a cargo of barley. The United States hospital steamship Comfort is ready to leave Charleston, 8. C, for this port, according to advices today to the marine department of the San Fran cisco chamber of commerce. The Comfort will be remembered as the Red Cross ves sel that carried wounded on the Atlantic during the war. She may be rushed to Alaska with "flu nurses from here If the situation In the north is still critical when she arrives. Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Low. 11:28 A. M 6 2 feet;5:37 A. M 0.8 foot 11;13 P. M....8.5 feetS:17 P. M 3-0 feet JAPANESE SLAY COREANS Masscare of Villagers Discribed. Officers at Nippon Murdered. TOKIO. Atrocities committed In Corea by Japanese soldier, during the rebellion there are described in the Japan Advertiser. The article also tells of Corean atrocities. The gov-ernor-greneral of Corea, says the article in the newspaper, has promised a dele gation of . missionaries there will be no repetition o fthe outrages. "The missionaries who investigated the outrages visited several villages whicU hab been burned by Japanese gendarmes and soldiers," the article said. "The villagers were driven out of their homes. All they owned was destroyed. The villagers, Infants and old men and women, have been hiding in the hills without shelter, food or covering for their babies at night." There were said to be many cases of blood poisoning among the wounded. In one village, the article added, "gendarmes and soldiers marched Into this village and summoned the men to attend a meeting In the church. where they were told certain orders would be read to them. They gathered in the building, some fifty or more. As soon as the- men were all In the soldiery opened fire on them through the open windows. Volley after volley was poured into the gathering until the floor was covered with moaning heaps of dead and wounded. men. "To complete their work, the sur viving women of the village told the missionaries, the soldiery entered tKe buildings and bayoneted all the men whom the bullets had not killed, while two women who had approached, the building to learn the fate of their hus bands were likewise bayoneted and their bodies thrown among those of the men. Then kerosene was poured upon the dead and the bodies and the church building were consumed by fire." Regarding Corean atrocities In Keiki-Do the newspaper said: "The rioters killed the Japanese police officers, destroyed police sta tions and set fire to the Japanese grammar schools, their actions being unsurpassed anywhere. "At one of the police stations the body of one of the police officers, says the semi-official report, was found with the ears and nose cut off, the body having been subjected to the utroose brutalities." Saturdays to Be Holidays. LOS ANGELES, Cal. One of the largest department stores In Los An geles announced recently that it would give all employes two days off each week during July and August, by clos ing Friday night to remain closed until Monday mornings. Heretofore it has closed at noon on Saturdays of those two months. Fifteen hundred employes will benefit by the new ruling. The managements of several other large stores here were said to be considering similar action. S Advice. Baltimore American. He I've got to call another meeting of the club because last night we could do nothing as we had no quorum. She Then why don't you buy one and keep it in the club where you'd have it handy? Phone your want ads to The Oreg-Q-nlan. Phone Main 7070, A 6095. ENTRY BLANK FOR THE ROLLER MARATHON JUNE 12. 1919. I hereby make application fer entry in The Oregonlan Roller Mara thon to be held in conjunction with the Rose Festival programme on the morning: of June 12. Full name ...... Address............... ..................... Age. .......... Years Year of birth. f. ...... ......... Month............... Day.. 'Weight pounds. I am a pupil of the.......... school. I. the undersigned parent or sruardian of the above boy, give my per mission for him to participate in The Oregonian Roller Skate marathon. (Fill this blank out and mail to The Oregonian Roller Marathon Edi tor. The Oregonlan. at earliest possible date.) Race will start at 11 A. M-, June 12. Entries close 1 o'clock P. M. June 11. Restricted to boys from 9 to 14 years of age weighing 125 pounds or under. Parent's signature .. ..... .. Your.G stars PL1Y FINALS TODAY Corinne Buffington and Ted Steffen Top Singles. GIRLS ARE WELL MATCHED Allen Eofman and Kenneth Pare lius Are Favorites to Prevail In Boys' Doubles. Finals of this year's interscholastlc tennis championships will be played this afternoon on the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club courts, starting at 3 o'clock. Corinne Buffington of Jefferson will play Ted Steffen of Lincoln for the high school boys' singles champion ship. Buffington is one of the best young; tennis players In the city and will make Steffen step. Buffington won the right to play in the finals by beating Durham of . Washington, 6-4, 6-2, and Russell Page of Hill, 6-2. 6-0. Steffen defeated Seachrist of Franklin, 6- 4, 6-1, and Kent of Washington. 6-4, 7- 5. Russell Page, the Hill Military acad emy entry In the boys' singles, played a strong game and fought his way to the semi-finals, only to lose out to Buf fington. Page won front- Wright of Lincoln, 6-2, 6-0, and Knight of Frank lin, 6-0. 6-1, experiencing little diffi culty with either of these opponents. He was figured to give Buffington a tough game, but could not fathom the boy champion's smashes. The girls' singles championship will be contested for this afternoon be tween Miss Adele Jones of Jefferson and Miss Inez Falrchlld of Lincoln. Both of the girls are exceptionally good pTayers and have had plenty of previous tournament experience. The winner is hard to figure, as both have been playing a strong game. Miss Jones entered the finals by defeating Miss Helen Klrschner of Washington, while Miss Fairchild defeated Miss Trances Bethel of Lincoln' in the semi finals, thereby qualifying to play for the title. Allen Hofmanil and Kenneth Parellus of Jefferson are the favorites to win the boys' doubles championship. They will have to battle for it against Har old Clarke and Bruce Wells of Wash ington. The girls doubles lies between Miss Carman and Miss Loy of Jefferson and Miss Kstey and Miss Witt of Lincoln, Washington high school tennis players won the interscholastlc tourna ment last year, taking three of the four events contest. Mies Harriet Johnson won the girls' singles, Phil Neer copped the boys singles and Miss Gloyd and Miss Stone won the grirla' doubles. The boys' doubles went to Kenneth Smith and Harry Westerman of Jefferson. None of those who helped win for Washington last year are competing this year, and unless some dope Is upset it looks as though Jeffer son will take first honors. When Washington won the tournament last year It made the third consecutive time. J. H. Mackle, tennis chairman at Multnomah club, has arranged a sched ule callinsr for six matches to be played In the doubles and one In the singles In the annual spring handicap tennis tournament for the Alma D. Katz trophy at Multnomah club today. xwo matches In the singles and one In the doubles were played off Satur day. Saturday's matches resulted as follows: A. 13. Is'orris defeated H. A. Wilkins, 6-3, 7-9, 6-2. 4-6, 6-4: Harry Gray won from Stacy Hamilton, 6-3, 7-5, while Hall Lusk and D. Monro beat Catlin Wolfard and Rogers Mc- veagn. 6-3, 6-4. Today's matches will be: H. Gary ana m. wood vs. M. c Frohman and T. Steffen. 5 P. M.; B. A. Green and H. (i Green vs. A. L. Roberts and H. A. Wil kins, 5 P. M.; W. A. Goss and A. B McAlpln vs. George Dewey and B. C. condlt. 4:30 P. M. ; W. Kter and W, Daly vs. A- S. Frohman and partner, 5:30 P. M.: winner Goss-McAInln vs. Dewey-Condit to play A. D. Norrls and A. D. Wakemna, 6:30 P. M.: winner Gray-Wood vs. Frohman-Steffen to play winner Green-Green vs. Roberts Wilkins, 5:45 P. M. RELIGION WAR PROBLEM Rabbi Meyer Advocates Creation of -Heal Ioag-ue of Religions. BERKELEY, Cal. Two religious problems are In need of Immediate solu tion, said Rabbi Martin A. Meyer In baccalaureate sermon delivered to the graduating class of the University of California. The democracy of the trenches must be preserved In the forms and In the spirit of religious in stitutlons. he said, and the creation of a real league of religions. Dr. Meyer, who is rabbi of a large church in San Francisco, said In part: "Whether all of this destruction of war can ever be Justified is it for us to say. but this much must be ac cepted as basal, that there must be some gains of so large a nature that the sacrifices shall not have been in vain. "Take it all In all, I feel that there can be no question that the experience of the war, particularly the experiences or the rront, deepened the spiritual faith and qualities of men. There are exceptions, many no doubt, but they no more disprove the general truth of this statements than does the clouded day the lact r the ever-ehlninar sun. "I know there are those who speak of the danger of a reaction in spiritual affairs because of this new hold which religion has and will have upon the souls of men. College men and college women here nave their greatest on portunity for service and leadership, There may be reaction but we know that the returned Bourbons are never the same old Bourbons as before the revolution. ven they learn some thing. "I do not know that formal and or ganized religion will suffice to ex press the new faith that Is in man. If it be wise it will readjust Itself to meet these demands. It may have to sacri fice cherished forms and conventions. Preaching may have to take on new forms and new content. It may cease delving intot the fields of alien things and return to the field of the SDtrit. It may be that new forms must be de vised to express the new spirit. It is I difficult to prognosticate for In the field of spirit all things are possible. "Primarily am I anxious to see the democratic spirit which prevailed in tne army, ana particularly in the trenches preserved In the forms and in the spirit of religious institutions. I take it we shall have to stress certain God Ideas rather than others to accom plish this and even In part. Kins: In a day when kings are held in mors or less contempt had better be substitut ed for by Friend, Father, Co-Partner. Preachers will have to loss much of their caste conventions and prejudices. Heaven must be with men as they walk on earth, and not when they are about to be translated on high. l think, too. that we shall have to restate these spiritual truths in manner conformable to the experiences of our new industrial life. There never yet was a ritual religion which did not to some extent approximate this. I confess I don't know how we are going to do it, to express steam and steel. Iron and coal, factories and rail roads so that they shall express the spirit, which Is in men, which Is in themselves. It may be that the time is not yetsrlpe; that we have not our selves risen t othe heights wherefrom we can see the meaning and the pur pose of these things. But we cannot long tolerate . this dissonance between daily experience and occupation, and the religious life either -in form or spirit. Maybe the genius is yet un born who can do this. It is further reaching than the establishment of churches for the working classes. tven these cannot make their utmost appeal so long as we divect attention to Zlon and Jordan away from Law rence and Pittsburg. May I lay this down as a problem for the genius of some member of a class like this who, knowing the thought of the world and having experienced the pains of the struggle for bread-in factory or mine, shall rise to the possibilities of the new statement of religious truth for the centuries yet unborn, but which we feel must go their way more in cities and towns than beside babbling brooks or in the cooling shade of the un- tracked forests. "And one thing more I should liks to suggest as a task for the religious world directly born, too. out of the re opening of life of the past five years the creation ot a real league of re ligions for the Immediate future. I know that there have been foreshadow tngs of It. There has been created here in America the federation of churches; there has been much talk of an ap proachment between the Greek and the Anglican churches; there has been that splendid commission which has Just waitea upon the pope for a union be tween the Roman and Anglican churches. But I do not feel that any of these have gone far enough to make tne appeal to the imaginations of men which alone can be depended upon to make this dream a reality. "Race, nations and religion have been great divisive factors in the history of men. We are growing to the ideal of co-operating nations despite the oppo sition ol some of our senators. We want peace In the world of politics. We ought want similar peace in a world where peace ought be greatest in the field of the inner lives of men. But It must be the peace of co-operation and recognition of rights and not peace of superior power. The least of religions must find their place in such a league as well as the greatest nu merically and the most powerful. Ab sorption may flatter our religious van ity, but I fear it is neither Just nor fair In the world of conscience to demand acqulescenece to the thought of the majority. There must be mutual rec ognition and if possible mutual co-operation. But there must be an end to feuds which disgrace the. prestige of the religious life." un,tooff-rY a shrdlu shrdlu u u uuuu HUGE TOLL BY FLU TOLD Annual Death Rate of 18.4 Through out TJ. S. From Epidemic. An annual death rate of 18.4 per 1.000 of population In the United States and of 18.9 in Canada during the recent epidemic of so-called Spanish influenza was shown by figures presented by James I). Craig and Dr. Louis I. Dublin at the thirtieth annual meetinir of the Actuarial Society of America, represent lng the principal life Insurance com panles of North and South America. A surprising piece of information was the statement that influenza was not i new disease, nor were epidemics there from of rar occurrence. Prior to 1875 93 similar epidemics had occurred, be ginning with the first authentic one in 1510 in the British Isles. In recent times there have been outbreaks In 1889-1890, 1890-1891, 1891-1892. and 1918-1919, as well as minor outbreaks of so-called grip. Losses to insurance companies be cause of the world-wide nature of the epidemic were shown to be large. In surance companies in South Africa paid out $7,500,000. In the United States the loss probably was near $150,000,000. This sum was over and above what the companies normally would have paid out. The disease made its first appearance on the Atlantic seaboard and especially at Boston in the first week in Septem ber. It sperad from east to west, af fecting the mortality In various cities differently. On the Atlantic seaboard It took violent form and burned itself out quickly. As It moved westward the epedemic seemed less rapid In de velopment, but of longer duration and there were flareups after It had died down in many cities. New England was hit hardest, hav ing an annual death rate of 21.3 per 1000 of population. Then came the middle Atlantic states, 20.6: west south central states, 18.8; east south central states.15.2; east north central states. 13.4; Pacific states, 13.3: west north central states, 12.8, and mountain states, 11.8. METHODISTS HATE LIQUOR Every Pastor trged to Condemn Wilson's Recommendation. CHICAGO. O resolution condemning President Wilson's action. In regard to the ban on beer and wines was adopted at the Methodist centenary luncheon today. "Whereas, President Wilson's best support has come from the moral arn cles of our country," runs the reeolu tlon, which was unanimously -ad-tpted, "we hereby express our regret that he What's the use when you can bave WIFE BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL HOW A. G. Alger Praises Tanla His Own Troubles Are Also Overcome. T Just can't tell you the amount of good that Tanlae has dons for both, my wife and myself, because It certainly has helped us every way and I'm only too glad to recommend It to anyone," said A. G. Alger of 6007 43th Ave. Southwest. Seattle, Wash, while in BarteU's Drug Store recently. Mr. Alger and his wife have lived in eattle for a number of years. He is employed at the Puget Sound Boiler Works. 'For the past year my wife and I have been in poor health." continued Mr. Alger. "My wife waa in a badly rundown condition, didn't seem to have much appetite and what little she did eat didn't digest well, but would Just lie In her stomach and sour and form gas and she suffered a good deal from shortness of breath and seemed so weak she could hardly do any of her housework. She was badly constipat ed all the time, her complexion was sallow and she suffered with terrible headaches and was so nervous sh didn't sleep well and would get up in the mornings feeling alL tired out. 'I was In bad shape, too. because nothing I ate seemed to sgres with me and my kidneys bothered me a lot and I suffered with a pain in my back most of the time. At times this pain was so bad It was as much as I could do to stoop over, and I think I must have had a touch of rheumatism, too. because my arms and legs were stiff and ached me nearly all the time. "I had heard Tanlae recommended so highly that I decided to give it a trial and my wife and I both started taking It together, and my wife certainly looks like a different person now, and we've tsken only three bottles of the medicine. She's bright and cheerful her complexion is Just Ilka that of a healthy girl and she says she feels fine. We've both got fine appetites and eat Just anything we want; Id fact, it looks like we can eat more than Is good for my pocketbook, snd nothing we eat ever gives either of us a bit .of trouble. She s not nervous any more, her headaches are gone and neither of us has any trouble sleeping the whole night through. My kidneys don t bother me now, tha pain In my back is all gone and my arms and legs don't ache a bit. I can work all day long and hardly feel It and go home in the evening feeling good and hungry, My wife has gained about eight pounds In weight and 1 know I've picked up some myself. "Tanlae certainly is a grand raedl cine, because it helped us both to get rid of our troubles and I feel sure it will help others." Tanlae Is sold In Portland by the Owl Drug Co. Adv. has betrayed those same agencies by DuB f- - w iiib vwo uau wu ucci aa I ( U wine, and In this matter we appeal to ina iiicniuerv ui congress vo decline HIS SCIENTISTS AT PASADENA Symposium on Kducatlon In a De mocracy to Bo Discussed. PASEDENA, Cat An Interesting and significant feature ofthe meeting of the Pacific division of the American Asso ciation for Advancement of Science to be held at Pasedena, June 19. 20, 21 and 22, will be a symposium on "Scientific Education in a Democracy." arranged under seven topics, each presented by a speaker of distinction. Dtscussinar the plans for this, a sclen tist arranging the programme, said: "The experience of the war has served to bring science into the fore ground. Seized upon and exploited by a medieval monarchy for the aggrand izement of the few and the destruction of liberty and democracy. It was real ised before long that scvlence is after all common property, and flourished best where greatest freedom exists." It was presently found that our sci entific resources only needed to be excel the vaunted science of Germany, where every effort In research waa under the surveillance of the state and dlrtceed to serve the purposes of military oligarchy. 'The winning of the war was distinctly a triumph of science and a demonstration of dem ocratic efficiency. "Science has ever been fightliM against restraint Tha very essence of scientific progress is freedom; free dom of opportunity, for the individual mind to grow and expend. The great est Influence in this world today that promlsesr to utterly destroy tyranny and autocracy wherever found Is sci ence. Truly the hope nad safety of a democracy lies In the encouragement that Is given to scientific research for from thia every real extension of lib erty must come. "The promotion of research and the dissemination of scientific Information should then be the chief concern of a democratic government for through these means alone will tha people work on their problems and come Into their heritage." The nearly discovered process of making glycerine from sugar will be a great help in saving the fats which were hitherto used so extensively. It Is also profitable in a financial way. as the manufacture of glycerine by the new method costs about 25 per cent less than by the old process. ;l We Want Yon to Get Acquainted with the service at this Bank "ve know you will be pleased with it. The most careful attention is given to your banking' requirements. i HIBERNIA.SAVINGS SAVINGS - COMMERCIAL - TRUST FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS iQPersI SATURDAY :' -'-V' -7 .a-;.:: : 111'- llSl- -5; YouVe been dreaming since be fore the war of a summer in the Canadian Pacific Rockies) '' And you have never so richly deserved real holi-' day. Throughout this glorious vacation land .spacious Canadian Pacific Hotels await you at Banff, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, Glaeier.Sicamous, 1 I Vancouver and Victoria. Gay social life or unmo- leated campfire amid the wild game preserves of the Canadian National Parka just as you prefer. Easy To Reach K. EL. Pean. Oen. Act. fmrnrn'r Dept. Canadian Pacific Railway, 53 Third !t Portland. Orroa. ASK FOB RKSOKT TO L R NO. WIS. mm FVwimfot DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BEPORT. PORTLAND, Jane 8. Maximum tamper stura. u decrees; minimum. 51 decrees. River reading at S A. M., li.a feet; chance In last 24 hours. 0 3 root fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to S P. M. ). none; total rainfall since September 1. 1W1S, 40.19 Inches; normal rainfall since September 1. lllf, 42.H4 Inches; deficlncy of rainfall since September 1. 2.4.', Inches. Punrlne, 4:20 A. M. : sunset. T:5U F. M Total sunshine June s. 11 hours. 2U minutes; poH!b,e sunshine. 15 hours. 3U minutes- Moonrlse. S;ol P. M. ; moonset. 1:27 A. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 0 P. M.. 30.08 Inches. Relative humidity at noon, 42 per cent. THE WEATllER. S ? 5 Wind 3 5 1!!! CTATIONS. - "3 ? -Weataar. I ? : I : 5 i : : 5 5: : it PaHer ooi 6 0 Hcilia Dufton ...... Chicaco ..... Dpnvt r ...... I)es Molnas. . Eureka ..... Galveston ... Helena J uneaut . . . . Kansas City. I,oa Angeles. . Mamhfteld Medford .... llnneapolis . New Orleans. 7 0 R4 0 7 0 TO 0 7fi 0 :.t n R-J 0 t0 . . N iPt. cloudy on to NE iKaln ,oo . . N IC'Iear no 12 S IrioudT no'.. IN ICloudr ,o is NWTIear ,in.l2 SK IPt. cloudy on;. . .NWicioudy .OOi.JW IC'lsar ,00 . ,.S K'l. ar CO 10IKW IClear 00 . .'NVotear on: Nv;pt. cloudy Oo:...sw Pt. cloudy oo'..s Irioudy os AO r. IRain ooi.. iw ipt. cloudy .on 'sk 421 t;s o St M 0 I, J 0 72 0 o TS 0 74 0 S 0 04 0 6 0 SO 0 US 0 40 I.. I New York. North Head . .. NortU Yakima Phoenix Pocatello 4s; 50! .OOI..IW !(lear -00..w IClear 74 0 oil 70 l. Portland .....I on ..'SW Cloudy .00. ..N IClear ,00 10 8 (Clear ,02' . . NE Pt. cloudy .00 II NW'Clear 0O!. .!SW IClear 44 72 n Sacramento .. St. Louts Salt 1-ake San rlesto. . ,3. San Francisco. Seattle Sitka Spokane. ...... Taroma ...... Tatooeh Island Valdeat Walla Walla.. Washington . . Wlnnlpes . . . . Stl 0 S n 72 0 es,o si o CI o. Ml 0 72 0 64 0 00 2 w IClear Bnf 4rti 401 41! 00 12 SW . 001 . . i W oo:. ,:w ,oo. .Iw 001. .ISW ,co:. .:sw nol In Pt. rtoudv Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear IPt. cloudy 4SI B2 0, 481 7 0 OS, 12 W 0 0 loo 10 NWicioudy ICloudy tA. M. today. day. P. M. report of preceding FORECASTS. Portland snd vicinity Ftr; westerly winds. Oreuon Fair: rentle westerly winds. Washlnston Generally cloudy. with showers tjesr coast; gentle southwesterly winds. Idaho Fair. rrWAr:r T ttft.t.s. M-teeroirit. EVENINGS 6 TO B , . Horn KmwmrJimc CammJm GlmJly Fw mUKmJ k TUTEtEBg' GCTDK. OS SAILINGS RATES Orient JAPAN in 10 days CHINA in 14 days MANILA in 18 days Fraaiesl SiiEafi frtn Yiacoarer, B. C EUROPE stte KOHTREAL QUEBEC LIVERPOOL Bi-weekly sailinirs cabin fare$?S up third -class 5&2S and o70 Further Information irom . Pean, General Asant SS Third Str Portland CANADIAN PACIFIC JOCEAH SERVICES. "JUNE HONEYMOON" "Alaska Beautiful Alaska" Let us help plan your wedding trip. Eleven and 20-day tours from Seattle to southeastern and southwestern Alaska. $80 and $145. Live on the steamer tha entire time. SS. "CITY OF TOPEKA" Sails 9 P. U June 10 for Astoria. Coos Bay. Eureka, and gan Francisco, connoctina; with steamers for Los Angelas snd Pan Diego. Bagrgaga checked throush. Ticket Office) toi Tblrd Street. Mats lWi. A 3332. X.eeal Frelitl Offle Kaat 4331. PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. Rose City For San Francisco 13 MCOX JCXE 12 Tickets at Consolidated Ticket Office. Sd snd Washlnston. Phones Main Sa30: A-6611. Freight, Alnsworth dock, Broadway 168; A-1SJ4. San Francisco Portland 8. & lines. STEAMERS The Dalles and Way Points. Sailings, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10 P. M. DALLES COLUMBIA LINE Ash St. Dock.. Broadway 3454 STEAMERS FOR San Francisco. Los Angeles and San Diego alllaa; Meaday. 2:3a P. M. M. Bollaaa. Aseat, 123 3d St. Phoae Mala 38. KRENCH LIN TW YORK FRAVCE WtiULV UEPAKTlRtS. Fttsmxl Bros.. Pc Cst A rents, Cherry bU bMtUe, or maj .Local Agent. AUSTRALIA KKW ZEAUKd and sotth seas Tla Tahiti and Harm ton (a. Mall and paa easaa aaj ilea frosa toava i rsaciaco avary SS daya- L'SilO! ". 9. CO. OF IfEW 7r.AT.VMJ. tM California at.. Ban Fraacixxt. a local atcaunship aaS railraau sajeawiaa.