Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 28, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. jLVIH. NO. 18,235
Entered at Portland (Oreron)
Postoffice as Second-Class Matter.
tlC-4 Is Safe at Lisbon!
After Record Flight.
Hieutenant-Commander Read's
Plane Journey Complete
Without Accident.
American Aviator Expects to
Finish Course to England
Within Day or Two.
LISBON, May 27. (By the Asso-
niat&A Prpc WViti t.Vi American
Yiaval seaplane. NC-4, in charge of
fLieutenant - Commander Albert dish
ing Read, circled over the Kiver Tagus
this evening, and glided to the water
n a graceful sweep, achieving the
first trans-Atlantic air flight and es-
1 ablishing a world record, Lisbon went
wild with, enthusiasm, and the tnou-
ands of people lining every vantage
Yninf eripprprl as thpv npvpr chp.prp.rl
L before. Portuguese enthusiasm found
jLa lull VCI1L 111 l.Il3 UUUIllHlg Ml jUUOj
the shrieking of whistles and eirens,
and the echoing shouts of the popu
lace. '
For days the people of Lisbon had
been awaiting the completion of this
momentous voyage over the Atlantic,
and though disappointed from day to
day because of the inability of Com
jnander Read's craft to continue its
flight because of unfavorable weather
(conditions, yet each day they looked
shopefully towards the west for the
coming of the Americans.
City Dons Gay Garb.
Early in the day word was flashed
f hat the NC-4 had started and at in
tervals there were - bulletins of the
'progress made. The whole city was
en fete and during the latter hours
virtually all business was abandoned
by those who crowded everywhere to
Witness the arrival.
Guided by skillfull Yankee hands
the American plane, which had cov
rred the distance between the protect
jng destroyers along the route with
clock-like regularity, swept in over
Lisbon, settled down gracefully near
,'' the cruiser Rochester, her intrepid
flight commander and his crew being
piven a typically American welcome
by the jackies who crowded every
point of vantage on the cruiser's rail
and guns.
WASHINGTON, May 27. Blazing
Ihe way of the first air trail from
the western to the eastern hemisphere;
the United States navy seaplane NC-4
under Lieutenant-Commander Albert
Cushing Read, swept into the harbor
of Lisbon, Fortugal, today, the first
airship of any kind to have crossed
ihe Atlantic ocean under its own
power and through its natural ele
Taking the air at Ponta Delgada
Azores, at 6:18 A. M., Washington
time, on the last leg of the trans
oceanic portion of the voyage from
Rockaway Beach, Long Island, to
Plymouth, England, the NC-4 covered
the 800 miles in 9 hours and 43 min
utes, maintaining an average speed
of better than 80 knots an hour. The
total elapsed flying time from New
foundland to Lisbon was 25 hours and
41 minutes.
Trip to Plymouth Next.
At the first opportunity the big
plane will continue to Plymouth, 775
nautical miles to the north. Possibly
Commander Read may start tomorrow.
To the navy department, however, it
snakes little difference when he com
pletes the journey. The great object
of all the effort lavished on the un- j
dertaking navigation of a seaplane
across the Atlantic through the air
frag been accomplished. Twentieth
century transportation has reached a
jiew pinnacle and the United States
navy has led the way.
Naval officers emphasized .that the
long delay at the Azores was due to
the weather and to no weakness of the
machine or its daring crew, nor to any
failure of the carefully laid plans of
the department to guide the fliers to
their destination.
, No Flaw in Flight.
i The 14 destroyers strung from
$Pxnta Delgada to Lisbon reported with
tnachine-hke precision as the flight
(Concluded on Tags 10, Column l.
Long Stay , in Gay Paris .Suggested
'. by Some," While Others See "
Politics in 'Action."
ington, May 27. One hears a variety of
reports' in Washington' about - why
President Wilson suddenly came out
boldly for-the."Tets" in-recommending
that the war-time"' ban be taken off
wines and beer. ' '
One story Is that his long stay in gay
Paris,' with' its social atmosphere sur
passing that of. any ..other In the
world,' together with ; his' long separa-
lon from the i American people, 'tneir
wants, desires, . aspirations and -convic-
ions, have, made, him a. changed man
It is asserted that he has seen a new
light and feels that perhaps the peo
ple of the United States have dealt too
arshly with-men who crave a little
drink now and then.
Another view suggests , politics. He
realized. It is said by some, that con
gress would never repeal wartime pro-,
hibition which: most folks ' know ' was
never enacted because of the -war but
because the war gave excuse for ac
tion. His plan was. It is declared, to
place himself on the side of the "wets"
and thus ingratiate himself wlth-the
liquor interests in a - way to improve
democratic chances - in the states - of
New York and New Jersey, which are
expected to be the battleground of the
next presidential campaign.
The Weatber.
TESTERDAT'S Maximum temperature. .
degrees; minimum. 55 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; gentle northwesterly, winds.
Germans want place in nation league before
signins t.cety. Page 2.-
Reds aim at control in Canada, says minis
ter. Page 1. .
NC-3 wreck laid -to severe storms. 'Page 1. '-
All London honors Hawkers - and . Grieve.
Page 1. .
Red leaders flee with state funds. Page 2.
Irish request. for passports denled.: Page 6.
Trans-Atlantic Flight. -
NC-4 completes air Journey to Lisbon, break
ing all records, .rage . . .. -
National. .
Senate republicans rout progressive in ight
over .chairmanship. -Page '5. - - -
Maneuvers of great fleet on Pacific coast to
establish record. . Page 3. .
Two fleets urged by Secretary Daniels.
Page 5. - "-
Wilson's espousal . of "wets" variously ex
plained. Page 1.
' Sports. ' ;.
Protest against big light . Is answered.
Page 14.
Pacific Coast results At ' Las Anselcs, Los
Angeles-. 4,- Vernon 1;, nt sa.i )-randsco,
San Francisco 6. Oakland 4; at Salt Lake,
Salt Lake 6, Sacramento a. Page 14.
Stage all set for motorcycle races.. .Page 15.
Commercial sod Marin.-
Grain men and ddck commission discuss ele
vator problems. Page 22.
Record in ship deliveries made by-Portland
builders. -Page 22. . . ;. - ,
.. Portland and - Vicinity.. ' - "
Honor roll for riberty - loan compaigners
promised. -Pago .. ..
Judge plain spokenjn denying decree. Page 4.
Mysterious malady kills 11 babies at Waverly
home; 21 cases zouna. rago l. . -
Portland' park, improvements up ;-to. . city
voters. Page 8. -'
Oregon's'own soldier ; contingent " gets'- lusty
welcome. Page 1. t -
All of Pacific highway to be paved 16 feet
wide. Page 12.
THwenty-six English girls - arrive In - Port
land as war brides won abroad. Page-13.
City Health Officer Parish sets forth need
of general hospital. Page 16.
Commission probe set for Friday, June 6.
Page 16..
Weather report data and forecast. Page 22.
- -- . .
Bft '
; .I
S ! I ' 5
rM I I'
t tl
Battle - Scarred Artillery;
- men Reach Home;
Acting' Mayor Pays-Jribute tc
; Returned Fighters;!
Reception Accorded. Batteries A and
B-Greatest Ever Given -ITnit or, -Returning
' - 1 "
' Memories of long: marches,-days with
nothing: more to eat than a' bit of hard
tack and the 'excitihg ' days of ( action
in the : big engagements . of the ' last
six months ot the.' war faded.' when
the members pf "Oregon's own,"bat
teriesA and B of the . 147th . field ar
tillery,' landed at union station yester
day. .
Mothers, fathers, sisters, sweethearts
and wives and others participated In
the greatest reception ever ' accorded
a unit of returning men. Cheers were
lost in the wild shrieks of delight ut
tered as some mother would spot her
boy In a perfect sea of happy humanity. I
Portland ' turned out in numbers to
welcome her - battle-scarred ' soldiers,
whose service record vies with that
of any organization of -the American
expeditionary-forces. -
Captain Gay Still Commands.'
The men arrived , at union" station
shortly after 9 o'clock yesterday. morn
ing, -in command of Captain James A.
Gay, Jr., .who" left Portland almost two
years ago .as-commander of battery" B
and returned in command, of the same
organization. Several hundred casuals
were- on board .the' troop, train' and
were cared for.during. the day by the
united auxiliaries reception committee.
At Troutdale a large delegation, of
veterans- of battery -A and -representa
tives of the auxiliaries , of batteries A
and B. headed "by Acting Mayor Bige
low, met the train and journeyed Into
the city with - the ..fighting artillery
men. .''' ' '. '.
-By way of -adding- to the spirit- ot
the reception. Old -Sol himself peeped
from behind clouds just as. the troop
train entered the train - sheds at the
depot and smiled down on the crowds
until the men had marched from' the
depot to Liberty Temple.
. Portland' TJielra - for . Day..
At Liberty j Temple .Acting; Mayor
Bigelow- assured,, the men --that's they
owned rortlandfor . the day . arid that
they could take anything they, wanted.
"We , are proud, of the -members of
batteries A and B," said Mr. Bigelow.
When it is remembered that these two
units composed' but a small .'part : of
the regiment it is interesting to know
that the members of batteries A and B
(Concluded on rage 2. Column 1.")
A L,
T"T rw"T w Zi ii iiiiimi'!UJijij.Kiis t - ,
Plane In Whlcli Daring Australian
Attempted to Fly Atlantic ;. Is
. " '. Picked Vp by Vessel.
LONDON'. May 27. (By the Associat
with ' plane in which Harry Hawker
and McKenzie Grieve attempted to fly
across the Atlantic was picked up in
lat'-yie 49.40 north,, longitude 29.08
w .J the American ship Lake Char
1 f. lie, .according to a radio mes
" .-ece.ived .by the Furness liner
i m and relayed here tonight.
r.' JOHNS, N. F., May 27. The Sop
. Press.) Harry G. Hawker and Lieu-jnant-Commander
McKenzie Grieve
vere. given, a. remarkable reception on
their arrival in London tonight from
northern ' Scotland, where they were
landed Monday morning.
. -fc'uch .enthusiasm as was showyi in
the- greeting of the two intrepid air
men probably never has been exceeded,
except in the times of coronation,
v The cro.wds began gathering early
in the afternoon along the route frOm
the railway station to the Aero club,
where Hawker and Grieve were for
mally welcomed on behalf of London.
When' the train pulled into the station
the entire line over which the proces
sion was.. to pass was jammed with
cheering people.
. A foretaste of the great welcome
that the aviators were to receive came
during the afternoon when Mrs. Hawker
went -to "the railroad station to pro
ceed to Grantham to meet her husband.
The 'throng about the station loudly
cheered the plucky little woman who
never gave up confidence that her hus
band ultimately would be rescued.
Arriving - In London, headed by an
Australian band and a body of Aus
tralian ' troops. Hawker and Grieve
passed through the densely packed
streets on the way to the Aero club.
In the procession -were the mayor and
a deputation of the Royal Aero club.
Another delegation in the parade was
composed of workers from the Sop
wlth works, where Hawker's machine
was constructed.-.
The first official welcome was ac
corded the . airmen on the station at
St. ancras by the mayor of. that bor
ough, but still another was given them
Inside the Aero club building.
Like -Mr3. Hawker. Mr., and Mrs.
Grieve -proceeded up the . line and met
their son and bade him welcome and
congratulated him on- his rescue be
fore he reached London.
In every town through - which the
train i carrying the airmen passed
crowds of people ga-thered to cheer
them. Wherever the train stopped of
ficial receptions were extended the
heroes. . .".-'.
. Asked .whether he would - make, an
other attempt to fly across the Atlan
tic, Hawker said tonight:
"I don't know. If depends upon the
Sopwith firm." ' .;'." . - -
Another , Round . t'p of Anarchists Is
Made In Buenos Aires.. '
"BUENOS AIRES, May 26. As a result
of another round-up of anarchistic agi
tators on Saturday, the number await
ing deportation aboard two army trans
ports has increased to 800.
Agitators who are natives of Argen
tina are being sent to the prison on the
island of Terra del Fuego.
It;U II" l 1.IBKUTI IAHK, Vtllli
Dozen More Seriously
.at.Waverley Home.
Children, Suffer : Great Agony
: When Stricken by Disease.
City and State University Scientists
Co-operate in Seeking Means'
to Check Plague.
Eleven babies are dead, 21 have been
afflicted with a mysterious malady, and
last night, according to the statement
of Mrs. D. C. Burns, president of the
Waverly Baby Home, 12 babies were in
a most critical condition at that in
stitution. All of the children are less
than 3 years old.
Mrs. Burns said .that the little suf
ferers are In terrible agony, screaming
with pain, and with blood coming from
their mouths and ears. The cases have
been diagnosed by specialists as dysen
tery of a highly Infectious type. The
home is under strict quarantine, and
the cases have been isolated as soon as
they were discovered.
Specialists Called to Home.
Drs. J. Bildcrbach and W. F. Patrick
have general charge of the cases, and
yesterday they called in all the baby
specialists of the city in consultation.
A call went out for some brandy as a
last' resort, and friends of the officers
of the home managed to unearth i
small amount, less, than & pint, al
though much more should be available,
some of the doctors said. .
In making a statement regarding the
epidemic. Dr. J. Bllderbach, who for
years has directed the feeding and
general health conditions at the horn
said that- the malady started about
two weeks ago. when it wax noticed
that the children showed ir. test in 1.1
dir'urbances. . ,
University Aid Souakt.
The cakes multiplied and thin the
doctors suspected . that something in
fectious had started. . .The : laboratory
experts of. tho University of )regop
were called in, and by - the culture
methods they located the bacillus of
dysentery (flexnor . type), . which is
highly infectious.
Isolation of the cases . was adopted
and quarantine was established.
"The last seven days no now cases
have developed," said Dr. , Bildcrbach.
"We have had 21 cases and 11 deaths.
At present the spread of the t'ninsr is
stopped. ' The infectious nature of tnis
condition is such that we .tlwr.ys ex
pect a high mortality. Dysentery
bacillus in association with strepto
coccus produce ulceration in the in
testinal wall and virulent toxins, which
account for the high mortality.
; "A number of- children's specialists
(Concluded on Page 6, Column 2.)
tl L.MbHl.Mi 1U lit. All M
All Hands, Hungry and Thirsty,
Pump Until Seaplane, Forced to
Land, Is Rescued.
Te Oregonlan presents this ' morning a
strikingly vivid account of the wreck of
the ill-fated NC-3, written by Commander
John II. Towers, under whose guidance.
after having been battered by the wind and
the waves, the ccaplane made the harbor
of Porta Ietgala. Azores, without outside
assistance. A brief outline of the remark
able trip already has been printed. The
following . narrativo was written .- by the
commander-as he was being conveyed from
Ponta Delgada to Lisbon on a destroyer.
He filed it at the cable office as soon as he
reached Lisbon.
Copyright by the New York World, the Pu
litzer Publishing company and tho St
Louis Tost-Dlspatch. Published by ar
rangement. LISBON. May 27. (Special cable.)
I have previously written an account of
the NC-4. Tho purpose of this article
is to recount some of the experiences
of that "fligght which are of a rather
remarkable 'nature.
As is known, the three seaplanes
left Trcpassy Bay late in the afternoon
of May 16. They stayed together un
til early in' the morning of the 17th,
when the flaggship NC-3. which I com
manded, lost sight of the other two.
On account of the failure of the lights
to Illuminate, the instrument board. It
had become necessary to go above the
clouds to get the benefit of the moon
light. Star Sheila Guide N. C. 3.
"It was beautiful up there, like sail
ing over a sea of snow. And through
occasional rifts In the clouds we could
see the NC-1 and NC-4 below us. one on
one side and one on the other. The
star shells from the destroyers ex
ploded above the clouds, so there was
no difficulty about keeping - on or
As dawn began to break, however,
conditions changed. The destroyers
stopped firing star shells and the
clouds ggot thicker and blacker. For
these reasons we decided to go down
through the clouds as soon as possible.
This was when we were about 700 miles
out from Newfoundland.
I telephoned to the pilots and when
a small hole through the clouds ap
peared ahead we plunged down and
through, to try to locate NC-14 de
stroyer. I knew that acording to the
atmospheric laws the winds up high
were more from the north and had
been making an allowance lor mis.
but,- of course, there was no way of
telling how much allowance to make.
Pilots Flakt Uosgedly.
The weather got worse instead of bet
ter., with fog and rain, and occasional
high winds and this continued for five
hours. "The pilots fought doggedly and
any one who has flown in the rain
can imagino what five hours of it, com
bined with the fog, coming on top of
10 hours night flying, must have been.
The most dangerous effect was the
drowsiness. My medical chest con
tained some strychnine tablets which
had been put in for this emergency and
I gave Richardson, who was suffering
most, two doses. At times the squalls
were so bad that we had to turn and
run before them. We made frequent
attempts to get above them, but they
seemed to extend all the way up to
fhe heavens.
At 13:00 G. M. T., which was 11
o'clock in the morning of the 17th.
there was a momentary lull and 1
tC'oncluded on Page 3. Column
Government Control Held
Aim of Radicals.
Sweeping Charge Made by
Minister of Labor.
Object Back of General Strike Krfort
Held Industrial and Pro
vincial Domination.
CALGART. Alberta. May 27. (By the
Canadian Press.) The open charge
was made today by the Hon. Gideon
Robertson, Canadian minister of labor,
in a telegram to Mayor Marshall of Cal
gary, that the present strike situation
in Canada is a movement by radicals to
assume control of government affairs.
' In his telegram, sent from Winnipeg.
Mr. Robertson charged that the "one
big union" movement is the underlying
cause of the whole trouble.
"I have very carefully considered the
cause of the existing general strike."
the message said, "which the strike
committee claimed was called for the
purpose of forcing upon certain employ
ers recognition of the workmen's right
to collective bargaining.
OatKldera Held Responsible.
"The employers affected proved con
clusively that they had no obieetion
to their employes organising them
selves and these employers have ccalt
with committees of their employes.
elected as representatives of the various
craft unions concerned in their Indus
try. The employers have furthermore
expressed perfect willingness to meet
and confer with executive officers ot
the various organisations If desired,
but they refused to deal with a body
known as the metal trades' council,
which is elected by other employes out
side of their own. " "
"Twenty-four hours before the sym
pathetic strike was called, the premier
of Manitoba urged an adjustment of
the matters in dispute by arbitration,
and In a final attempt to avert & gen
eral strike, asked the committee if it
would cancel the strike provided the
employers would agree Vb recognise the
metal trades council. To thos question
a negative reply was given.
General Control Object.
"Subsequently events have proved
conclusively that the motive behind
the general strike effort was the pur
pose of assuming control and direction
of industrial affairs, also of municipal,
provincial and federal activities, so far
as they were beng carried on in thin
city, and with the avowed intention of
extending that control to a wider field.
"I have no hesitation in saying that
the 'one big union movement is the
underlying cause of the whole trouble
and that the Winnipeg general strike
deserves no sympathy or support from
labor organizations outside of Winni
peg." '
Names Are Ordered Stricken From
City Payroll. '
WINNIPEG. May 27. The Winnipeg
city council today formalfy notified all
unionized city employes participating
in the general strike that they are no
longer connected with the municipal
government service and that those who
desire to apply for reinstatement will
be classed as new employes.
All seniority rights and privileges
have been forfeited, the council de
clared. Organisation of new city forces
will begin Thursday.'
Every leading development in the
Winnipeg general atrike situation to
day was related to the governmental
movement to deal directly with the
great body of union workers.
Summary Action Taken.
City officials, including the majority
of the council, took steps for reor
ganizing the personnel of municipal
utilities. Every city employe who
obeyed the command of the union
leaders to strike' was today stricken
from the city payrolls. These persons
were notified that they have the option
of applying for city positions; that
their applications will not be consid
ered unless they agree to return to
work with the understanding that they
will not Join any sympathetic strike
movement in the future.
At the direction of Gideon Robert
son, minister of labor, the postoffice
department today increased Its volun
teer force to reduce mail congestion.
Reports that Robertson had extended
to Wednesday the time limit for strik
ing postal employes to return to work
were denied by the minister.
A conference of city officials to con
sider the advisability of resuming
street car service will take place to
morrow. SASKATOON. Sask., May 27. By a
vote of more than five to one Saska
toon labor unions decided to go on a
sympathetic aetrike :.t noon today.
MOOSEJAW. Sask.. May r7. Moose
Jaw is the latest town to threaten to
join the spreading strike in the cities
of western Canada. The trades and
labor council by a vote of 6 to 2 has
decided to ballot on a - sympathetic
strike to be called on Thursday night
if a settlement Is net reported in Win
nipeg before that time.