Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Published bv The Ores;onlan Publishing Co
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Comparison with local areas of the
land cessions required of Germany dis
close the national, even world, impor
tance of a high state of territorial
- Alsace-Lorraine, which goes back to
France, is about the size of Klamath
The Saar basin, which is to be inter
nationalized and over loss of which
Germany so gTeatly grieves, corre
sponds in area with Yamhill county.
On the east is the greatest perma
nent loss to Germany of territory. The
territory it must there give up to
Poland and which is claimed by Ger
many to be essential to the sustenance
of its people, although Germany is not
denied the right to import food there
from, is equivalent to but little greater
area than that which Oregon has given
up to forest reserves.
Oregon's forest reserves and public
domain open to entry or unsurveyed
and unappropriated contain far more
land than the total of all that Ger
many is required to cede in the west
and east, after adding thereto the ter
ritories to be iritt rnationalized or sub
jected to plebk--ite to determine their
Here are territorial issues so impor
tant that they occupy the attention of
the world. Yet they aggregate less
than one-third the area of Oregon.
Germany would fight, if she could, to
retain these. She would fight not be
cause her people love to gaze upon a
great vista of waste land, but because
the lands involved have been put to
use and have served heretofore vastly
to increase the wealth of the nation.
In the past Oregon has been content
with a mere outlook upon a vast ex
panse of semi-arid lands, over-wet
lands, inaccessible farming lands and
unused timber areas. Undeveloped
Oregon has potentially the richness of
all that is demanded of Germany by
the peace conference. If what Ger
many is about to lose is worth fighting
for, then Oregon is worth developing
even at the cost of a temporary sac
It is to this end that several meas
ures have been submitted to the people.
The guarantee of interest on drainage
and irrigation district bonds is a step
toward reclamation or higher develop
ment of an area twice the size of
Alsace-Lorraine. When the benefits
promised from construction of the
Roosevelt highway, improvement of
market roads, co-operation with the
government in land reclamation and
land settlement are also considered the
prize at stake would cover all of lost
Germany, and it contains possibilities
of wealth and productivity fully as
great. - Unlike Germany, we have the
sinews. Shall we give up or fight?
The great need of the democratic
party in Oregon just now is a manda
tory. The Oregonian, as the only
available Big Brother of the divided
and distracted democratic family, of
fers its distinguished services. If some
thing is not done by someone having
the interests of the democratic party
at heart, and capable of composing all
differences and apportioning impar
tially all blame, and imposing fairly all
needed penalties, we shall have here
in Oregon, not an era of self-determination
for all deserving democrats.
but self-elimination. It is a calamity
by all means to be averted. Self-determination,
under the guardianship of a
competent and trusted mandatory, is
the thing. Let us have self-determina
tion, not self-extetmination.
If we understand correctly the posi
tion of Mr. Hornibrook, late national
committeeman, who lived in Oregon
long enough to annex the job as min
ister to Siam, and who stayed in Siam
long enough to demonstrate conclu
sively what a diplomat ought not to
be, he resigned as national committee
man when he moved on once more
from Oregon to new fields. He sent
his resignation to the state democratic
committee. There was no clamorous
dissent there from any voice as to ac
ceptance; but trouble arose over elec
tion of his successor.
The democrats of Oregon are, un
happily, divided into two factions,
which may be broadly defined as the
Wilson w!ug and the Chamberlain
wing. All good democrats are, of
course, for Wilson and some good
democrats are yet for Chamberlain.
In this painful situation, the state
executive committee divided over the
successor of the new committeeman,
and a deadlock ensued.
One astute member sought to cut
the Gordlan knot or, perhaps, we
should 'say the Siamese knot by call
ing together the full committee, which
promptly elected a good and true
Chamberlain democrat. Dr. J. W. Mor
row. The full committee is said by
the Wilson faction not to have been
a full committee, and its action is
repudiated by the chairman and the
Wilson faction, and they continue to
recognize the late Siamese plenipoten
tiary, now a resident of another state,
aj5 the committeeman, and from his
home elsewhere he appoints Brother
Newton McCoy, a democrat of unim
peachable intrepidity, as his proxy.
Now Dr. Morrow and Brother McCoy
have hied themselves to Chicago to
present themselves each as the sole
representative of the unterrlfied de
mocracy of the state of Oregon.
The credentials of Dr. Morrow are
the action of the state committee,
which the Wilson wing unkindly de
nounces as a rump committee; the
credentials of Brother McCoy are the
proxy of the late committeeman who
once resigned to the state committee,
and ' repented, and now says the 'na
tional committee only may determine
its membership. It sounds like an
afterthought; but we do not presume
to have an opinion on a question ' fo
knotty and delicate. Besides, the na
tional committee will do as it pleases.
It wiir please, of course, to shut out
of its sacred circle any committeeman
who will not swear undying allegiance
to the president whether he is a can
didate for a third term or not. It is
not for mere citizens, even democrats
who hold the exalted positions as
members of the democratic committee,
to know what is In their great captain's
mind about a third term; but what
ever it is they are for it or against it,
just as it happens to be through his
solitar: fiat. The king can do no
Let us be fair with the democratic
public. We would state our policy as
mandatory of the democracy. What
a mandatory must have is a secretariat,
an executive officer to carry out its
decrees and to enforce its just de
cisions. Our first act will be to ap
point for that high service some demo
crat who has the esteem, confidence,
respect, approval and may we not
say it? love of all democrats. We
can think of no democrat who so
nearly fills all requirements as Hon.
Franklin S. Myers. We shall nomi
nate Postmaster Myers. We shall ask
for no second. In the chorus of de
lighted shouts of approbation we fear
that we could not distinguish any in
dividual voice.
A thirsty brother sends to a con
temporary the following luminous
epistle, which we reprint as a repre
sentative opinion of a more or less
limited class of citizens:
In resrard to the-repeallng of wartime pro
hibition. I would say that the opposition of
some of our republican senators to president
Wilsons suggestion to repeal same la not
strange, when they would attack the league
of nations covenant tney would do most any
thing In rotten politics. Our president Is
open and above board, and if we are to have
glass of beer or a drink oi wine, let us
have a legitimate place to go and buy it. and
not have to go after It like thieves -and bank
Why go after it like a thief or a
bank robber? Why go after it at all?
It is not at all the idea of our prohibi
tion friends to make a criminal out of
any free American citizen, but to keep
him sober. If he acts like a thief or
a bank robber, it is because he chooses
toact like a thief and a bank robber
to evade the law and satisfy the de
mands of appetite.
We wonder if President Wilson will
be satisfied to have his. place in his
tory determined by his demand' for
repeal, of war-time prohibition, so far
as it concerns wine and beer? We
wonder if he is pleased to have it
proclaimed that he is thus seeking to
provide places where any. one may go
publicly and buy beer and wine? We
wonder if he is willing to describe as
'rotten politics" the opposition of cer
tain republican senators to his stand
for wine and beer? We wonder if he,
or anyone, thinks that his champion
ship or the brewer and the wine
makerv and of the saloonkeeper who
is to sell wine and beer through his
intercession, will meet the plaudits of
the world? We wonder if he is proud
of the criticism and opposition of the
Presbyterian general assembly, the
Northern Baptist convention, Billy
Sunday and a long line of others like
It is a belated complaint that a cor
respondent makes in The Oregonian
today concerning lack of provision by
the legislature for a negative argument
on the reconstruction bonding bill. It
has been the practice of the legislature
for a number of years to appoint a
committee to prepare an affirmative
argument for any measure it proposes.
The legislature in submitting a bill is
not sponsoring a debate but proposes
and indorses a measure. It stands in
the same light as the person or or
ganization that submits an initiated
measure. Such person or organization
is given the exclusive right by law to
prepare and publish in the official
pamphlet the affirmative argument
The absence of a negative argument
in the pamphlet on this issue is merely
indicative of a lack of Interest by
organizations or persons in defeat of
the bill.
The same writer will find the rea
son for the failure of most other news
papers to publish his letters in oppo
sition to the bonding bill in the length
of his contribution. The country news
paper which admits a letter three-
fourths of a column In length to its
pages permits a disproportionate in
road upon the news service expected
of it by its readers. The correspond
ent's letter as it appears today could
beimproved from his own standpoint
by reduction. To devote effort to ex
pressing base suspicion nd impugn
ing motives cheapens any genuine ar
gument that may follow. -.
But it is well to remind the voters
in response to Mr. McMur try's asser
tions about the ten-million-dollar road
bond issue with its emergency clause,
that that measure imposes no new
burdens upon the farmer unless he
owns an automobile. Interest and
principal have been provided for by
increasing automobile license fees.
The correspondent is also mistaken
in his assertion that "the prudent busi
ness man puts a mortgage on his prop
erty only as a last . resort." Hardlj
any great enterprise grows from smal
beginnings without incurring debt. It
is one thing to borrow money that the
borrower may enlarge his business ant"
another thing to borrow in order to
obtain -money to squander. The rural,
credit systems adopted by both statt
and government are designed to en
courage borrowing by the farmer to
better his condition. He may borrow
only to provide himself with improve
ments; the interest rate is lowered; the
time of payment is lengthened. If onlj
imprudent farmers are resorting to
state and government loans then there
is a vast number of imprudent farmers
in the northwest. The northwest fed
eral district, with its land bank at
Spokane, holds the record among the
twelve districts of the United States
for the total amount of money loaned
to farmers.
The reconstruction bending bill is
offered as an investment in large part
More than one-half of the issue is to
be used to promote land settlement
and land reclamation, if at all. The
remainder of less than one-half Is for
construction of some buildings at pres
ent not vitally needed and of others
that are needed if we are to deal with
fundamental public obligations with
good conscience.
The buildings not Immediately needed
till be constructed only if there is an
unemployment emergency. The road
bonding bill does not, as the corre
spondent asserts, meet that possible
situation. Road work provides em
ployment to pick and shovel men antf
other common laborers almost exclu
sively. Building operations give em
ployment largely to skilled labor od
the construction work itself and tc
other skilled labor In manufacturing
the materials. The mason, the carpen
ter, the riveter, the plasterer, the
painter, the brickmaker, the stone cut
ter, the glazier, the mill worker, the
saw filer, the logger, and kindred
skilled workers must eat as well an
the common laborer.
As to this part of the bill the corre
spondent seemingly proposes an alter
native different only in detail. Hewould
rely on the governor and other duly
elected representatives of the people
to find a financial way out of any un
employment situation. The building
bonds of this issue are put into thr
hands of duly elected state officers In
trust, specifically defined. They are
enjoined to expend it only in certain
circumstances. It is a strange mind
that will not trust officials with money
in hand but would trust them with
money raised through the expensive
process of calling the-legislature into
special session.
There should be no doubt about re
duction of export freight rates to the
Pacific coast if the railroad adminis
tration keeps its promise to equalize
them with export rates to the Atlantic
coast, "If it could be shown that the
differential diverted traffic to eastern
ports," for it has been shown. Rateson
certain commodities from the middle
west to the Atlantic coast are so low
that, combine with the steamship rate
from that coast to the orient, they are
less than the export rates to the Pacific
coast combined with the steamship rate
across the Pacific. ,
This arrangement is not only dis
crimination against Pacific ports; it is
against sound public policy. If rates
should be based on ccst of service, the
rate per mile to the -Pacific coast
should be lower because the terminal
charges are distributed among a larger
number of miles and the cost per mile
for the line haul should be about the
same. But export rates are not de
signed so much to be directly profit
able to the railroads as to develop
other traffic which will yield a direct
profit by stimulating growth of com
mercial centers and development of a
thinly settled country. These Incen
tives exist in the west, not in the east.
Experience in the war proved develop
ment of the east to be out of propor
tion to the capacity of both its ports
and its railroads, and the government
was actually considering a. plan for
dispersion of war industry in the west
when the war ended.
The motive for adopting that policy
still exists, though it is less compelling.
The development of the country is lop
sided, like the galley slaves among
whom Ben Hur worked; they had
enormous muscles in the arm which
worked the oar, none worth mention
ing in the other. The- country has un
used sites and materials for industry
in the west, half used ports on the
Pacific coast, while the east is so
crowded that its railroads and ports
are constantly congested. From the
viewpoint of the general good of the
nation, the government should develop
the muscles of its other arm.
An article entitled ."What About the
Tuberculosis?" in Carry On for May,
confirms, through the experience of
ten Lnited States army hospitals de
voted entirely to consumptive patients,
the observations made by army sur
geons with the American expedition
ary forces in France as to the cura
bility of tuberculosis. The latter are
summarized by Dr. Charles T. Ryder
in the Vocational Summary. Carry
On says that the men still fighting the
invisible enemy within their bodies
make up the largest number of any
one type of cases needing reconstruc
tion, but that the proportion of those
not. only restored but re-educated is
encouragingly large. The Vocational
Summary "writer notes the post mortem
examinations of men killed in action
or dying from wounds have revealed
that a full 2 per cent had the scars
of healed tuberculosis. Many of these
men probably never knew that they
were afflicted. The fact is Important
as showing the high degree of cura
bility of the disease.
There are now about 7000 patients
in the ten United States army hos
pitals mentioned, in addition to several
thousand who have been discharged as
cured. About one-fourth of those now
under treatment have been in the hos
pitals six months or more. The aver
age stay is seven months. Next to
individual treatment, which regards
each patient as a separate case, the
most significant phase of the new
hospital policy is purposeful educa
tion. This Is supplied in the form of
diversion even in cases of patients
not yet released from bed, and is con
ducted progressively with such success
that instances are numerous- in which
the soldier has been actually benefited
in the end by his affliction.
The message. sent from official
sources is a hopeful one. It indicates
that almost as much progress has been
made in treatment of invisible as ot
visible wounds. It is important also
to civilians. -The large proportion of
cures recently reported in military in
stitutions is due. not to recent dis
covery of riPv processes, but to better
organization, to discipline which re
quires the patient to undergo treat
ment until he is fit to be discharged
and to recognition of the psychological
factor by developing ambition as heal
ing progresses and thus banishing
worry, one of the-chief obstacles to
When flight across the Atlantic is
all but accomplished and when Ad
mlral Peary is predicting that the next
war will be fought in the air General
March disapproves award of a distln
guished service medal to General W. L,
Kenly, upbuilder of the air service
who already has been demoted from
major-general, and that service is be
ing reduced to an insignificant and
subordinate position in the army. That
is the way a pacifist secretary of war
and a general staff immersed in army
politics apply the lessons of the war
Nvery day's events support Admiral
Peary's opinion. Probably within
twenty .years Jthe air will be as ful
of planes and airships as the road
are full of automobiles, and a host of
fighting planes dashing among them
will be able to work even worse havoc
than was caused by submarines. Th
only possible coast defense will be
strong air fleets, which will go out
above the ocean to meet and destro;
the enemy's fleet or to repel the at
tacks of Invaders, backed by an ai
coast patrol. It will be necessary to
guard not only the lower levels but
the upper air strata as high as flyln
becomes practicable. If a hostile ai
fleet should break through the coast
patrol after evading the attacking
fleets, it would be able to go far inland
and bomb many cities before it could
be intercepted, unless other fleets 1
the interior were ready to encounte
it. Armies and navies would be at
the mercy of the nation which com
manded the- air, ' for .they could be
bombed and their movements traced
for the information of the enemy and
his artillery. The nation which con
trols the air will win the next war.
The United States is in a position
to be that nation, or, netter still, to
prevent any next war, if it makes its
resources available. It has the best
and the most materials in the shape of
umber, metals, oil and industries with
killed men. It also has the textiles
and other materials, and could make
complete planes without going beyond
its own borders for materials. Its
young men become airmen of the first
rank in. both skill and daring. It could
organize such an air force as could
put a veto on war by sending Its air
planes against the aggressor. This can
be done by establishing an independ
ent air force equal in rani with the
army and navy under'a separate de
partment,- but in such manner as to
insure close co-operation. With such
a force only Britain and Russia could
rival the United States in the air. for
they alone have in their own territory
the principal materials in abundance
Formation of an independent air
force may be opposed by both the war
and navy departments, for It would
deprive, them of much authority and
patronage. It may be opposed by the
officers of army and navy, for it would
close some avenues of promotion and
would be a new arm of defense equal
n rank with them. It will be estab
lished in defiance of them if at all.
The Island of Java, which now comes
into the news again through the ac
tivity of the volcano Kalut, which has
wiped out some thirty villages and
caused upward of 15,000 deaths, is
situated almost in the volcanic center
of the world. Dwellers on the Pacific
coast In the early '80s will not have
forgotten the eruption of the volcano
Krakatoa, situated In the strait of
Sunda, off the Javan coast, the' effect
of which was so profound that it gave
us marvelously high-colored sunsets
for years afterward. Other eruptions
have occurred nearer to civilization,
but none on record has 'been accom
panied by physicaldisturbances so far
reaching. In some prehistoric time Krakatoa
was a great mountain, whose top was
blown off, leaving a series of cones in
circular form in the ocean. Then, on
August 26, 1883. a series of eruptions
began, culminating' two days later in
one of indescribable violence which Is
estimated to have cast rocks to a
height of seventeen miles, and which
buried entire islands in boulders and
dust. The cloud of dust which rose
was diffused over the entire Pacific
ocean in six weeks and changed the
character of our sunsets for many
years afterward. Ultimately it became
noticeable over the old world and was
observed by mariners all the way from
the coast of Scandinavia to -the Cape
of Good Hope.
The ensuing atmospheric wave was
no less remarkable. The sound was
heard at Rodriguez, 2000 miles away.
Sea waves fifty, feet high were set in
motion which were felt on the Pacific
coast of North and South America and
eventually reached the English chan
nel, 11,040 miles away,v although by
that time considerably attenuated.'
Java has forty-nine great volcanic
mountains, . fourteen of which- are
classified as active. They and a few
others, such as Stromboli, In the
Mediterranean, now also reported ac
tive, constitute a kind of safety valve
for the rest of the world. From our
point of vantage in Oregon we are able
to contemplate without fear for our
personal safety outlet of the great
forces, of nature of an extent beyond
estimation. The eruption of Krakatoa
in 1883 is believed to have caused 36,-
000 deaths, chiefly by tidal waves.-' It
was Its far-reaching physical effects,
however, which marked it as the most
memorable upheaval of its kind in
modern times.
Ludendorff admits America won the
war, and so, no doubt, believe othery
not so candid; but Ludendorff and
others did not so believe when they
sank the Lusifania and committed
other crimes against Americans. The
lesson was sure, but costly; too costly
for that class of baby killers.
Refusal of transfers to passengers
to the Oaks is based on a mighty fine
split of a hair. This will not deter
many from going to that place of ex
cellent entertainment, but it leaves a
raw taste in the mouth," like the desk
phone grab, too small to fuss about.
but irritating.
A "revenooer" was killed in Ken
tucky the other day while attempting
to arrest a dozen mountaineers, - but
killing of that kind does not defeat
the law and -its operation. The spirit
of the corps never slacks. '
Winnipeg Is getting down to the
crackers and coffee stage of its gen
eral strike, but other Canadian cities
are breathing hard to follow.
Seattle is to have a hotel that will
cost more than two millions, and while
Seattle has very good hotels, a better
will not hurt. Also Tacoma.
The allies haye been too easy and
the common run of Germans do not
fear. They may change their minds
upon real invasion.
The collapse of bolshevism seems at
hand. The next thing will be to pre
vent a fight among the several vic
torious armies.
Ever been on the Oregon coast line?
Then you're in favor of, the Roosevelt
highway. Tell your neighbor who has
not seen it.
Next time the "Nancies" must start
from Colorado, where the sun shines
864 days, in the year, with weather
to fit.
Portland ranks the state in winning
a captured cannon, which will settle
the matter of location of the trophy.
Does not the news of the reHcOeof
Hawker and Grieve prove things are
going right for the right people?
Portland will be able to care for all
Rose Festival visitors. Portland never
falls down on such affairs.
After all. It may take two jumps to
reach Berlin, the second starting at
the Rhine.
Hello, Beavers! No matter where
you stand, you're our Beavers to the
finish. -
Probably Texas has gone "dry," but
there's a long border.
Tou do not hear much of Foch these
days, but wait.
Three weeks, eh? Lots "can do" In
three weeks, .
Those Who Come and Go.
"Gold digging with dredgers is get
ting results In the Sumpter district."
Bays Frank Mitchell of Baker. "A
company has secured 60U0 acres and is
dredging the gravel and recovering
Kold at the estimated rate of Jl.000,000
a year. The dredges are following an
old river, whoso course in ages gone
by was through the mountains and, it
Is said, can be traced as far as Med
ford. This old river was formerly the
scene o'f placer bperations and a con
siderable amount of gold was taken
out, but the dredges proved that the
men with the pick and pan did not
find all of it."
Next to London, W. M. Sime likes
Portland better than any other place
he has seen. Mr. Sime confided this
to the clerk at the Benson when he
was preparing to leave with E. M. Gtf
kins of Dover, England. The homelike
surroundings and the scenery of Port
land appealed to Mr. Sime and in this
respect he confessed that Portland has
London beaten a mile. The tourist from
Dover also raved over Portland. The
Dover man was busy during the war
watching submarines at the Dover base
and wondering when the next Hun raid
would come off.
"We want to save our baseball park
irom the state highway commission,"
nnounced Dr. J. W. Donnelly of Ar
lington, who is at the Benson. ' "The
survey for the Columbia river high
way runs right through the diamond
and knocks the home plate galley
west. We want the highway, -but we
also want the ball park, and this is
the only place that a ball park can be
constructed. I am in town to beg the
commission to shift the survey 300 feet
and win the everlasting regard of the
fans of Gilliam county."
Mrs. Laura Arrgell of Izee Is at the
Imperial. Izee was put on the map by
the late -Charles Parrlsh. and when a
member of the legislature Mr. Parrish
was responsible for the law which or
ders all doors on public buildings to
swing outward Instead of Inward. Mr.
Parrlsh had a habit of visiting Portland-
and San Francisco to get ideas,
which he would apply on his Izee
ranch. He installed an ice-making ma
chine, rigged up a water power, to de
velop electricity to light the place and
made things as comfortable as pos
sible; which is recommended to other
J. M. Poorman. banker of Wood-
burn, is at the Seward. Mr. Poorman
ditched the banking business in the
Spanish-American war and went to the
Philippines as captain of one of the
companies of the Oregon regiment.
While, over there he used a sliver
mounted .45 revolver presented to him
by Masonic brothers, although the arm
was anything but regulation. How
ever, he potted a couple of "goo-gooes
with the gun.
E. P. Noonan of Astoria, who was
fraternizing in Portland yesterday. Is
n Insurance man and property owner
when at home. A few days ago he
bought another house and advertised It
for rent in the morning paper. Before
10 A. M. he had received 3a applications
from would-be renters, which shows
that houses are as scarce In Astoria
as they are in Portland. Mr. Noonan
was at the Benson.
Mra S. P. Pierce of Port Orford. Or..
Is in town for a few dajs and is-reg-
istered at the Imperial. Port Orford
Is the most westerly point of the United
States, or rather a cape near the town
Is, and the town Itself Is the most west
erly outpost of civilization in this coun
try. During the war every available
man of military age went from the
town Into the service.
A new hoosgow Is needed very much
at Salem, says Frank Paver, former
speaker of the legislature and re
formed newspaper man. Mr. Davey Is
new connected with the penal lnstltu
tion as bookkeeper and he says that
new penitentiary is an imperative
necessity and he hopes that the recon
struction bond measure will pass so
that the new structure will be possible.
"Enterprise. In Wallowa county, has
contracted for 3114.000 worth of paved
streets," says C. P. A. Lonergan. who
lives at Pendleton, but arranged for
the paving contract at Enterprise
There will be about a mile paved this
year and the plants will be set up and
ready to operate within a few weeks."
Enterprise has a population of 1500.
Ira Whitney, who manages the
Wakikl farm near Spokane, had a good
time on the Jersey Cattle elub's tour of
the famous Jersey district. He was in
town for a brief visit and while here
had an admiring crowd around htm
listening to what he had to tell of his
big herd on the aklki.
Enthusiastic over the Columbia river
highway, a party of tourists left for
home last night, voting Portland and
vicinity O. K. The party consisted ot
Miss F. L. McLeod of Winnipeg. Man
Mra E. J. Palmer of Victoria and Miss
Caroline Dockrlll of Vancouver, B. C.
They were registered at the Hotel
u ashington.
E. H. Barton of Chilliwack. B. C
who was one of the fortunate fellows
enjoying the Jersey Cattle club's jaunt.
visited here yesterday. Mr. Barton In
president of the Canadian Jersey Cattle
club and of the British Columbia or
ganlzation. He was looking for a good
buy in famous Oregon Jersey cows.
Frank Seufert. packer of The Dalles.
came to Portland yesterday ror the
purpose of appearing before the state
highway commission today. Mr. Seu
fert wants the commission to select
straight road Instead of a crooked
road leading into The Dalles from the
west. t
Back to the land Is the policy of
W. H. Dougherty, former manager of
the Union stockyards, but now boss of
an alfalfa garden near Stanfleld. Mr
Dougherty was "among those present"
at the Imperial yesterday.
George H. Hyatt, who looks after
the shoe department of a big store at
Ooldendale, Wash., Is at the Seward
He Is here to plant a few orders for
T. B. Handley, who has been spell
binding for the reconstruction, irriga
tion and Roosevelt highway measures
In central Oregon, has returned and Is
at the Seward.
T. A. Choate chaperoned a shipment
of hogs to Portland stockyards from
La Grande yesterday and then hung up
his hat at the Hotel Portland.
Worth la Historical Volume.
BOISE, Idaho. May 25. (To the Ed
itor.) Prof. J. B. Horner's estimation
of the natural features of Oregon Is
written In superlatives; but astonish
ment gives way to gratification, when
he supports his florid statements with
equations. His luminous doctrine of.
Oregon's geological birth Is truth; and
his rendition of it should be a text
book in school.
A lover of Oregon, regretfully non
resident, can see reasons why such
book as his recent history should be
written. His state inspired him as it
will anyone who knows Oregon. No
body now reads a history of "volumes,1
unless on some cyclopedic hunt. The
reason Is found In the cosmic speed of
recent history In newspapers and masr
azlnes. But Professor Horner's book
presents essentials in one volume that
can be carried in hand on an excursion.
And it reads like a fresh magazine.
More Truth Than Poetry.
By James) J. Montague!
(Copyright, 1919, by the Bell Syndicate,
I wasn't fightin' for money; I wasn't
fightin' for fame.
Or to save the world for democrats, as
come o' the statesmen claim;
But I waded Into the boches whenever
I got a chance.
An' kept 'em junipin' backward till
they jumped plumb out o" France.
There wasn't much time for thinkln'
when the shot and shrapnel fell.
But I reckon that I was fightin for a
girl o' the same name o' Nell
(An a girl named Sue an' a girl named
Mame an' a girl named Flo as
I sten what they done to Flanders, an
it kind o" occurred to me
That we didn't want no boches on 'our
own side of the sea.
For they didn't act like humans, an"
they didn't fight like men.
An' the safest way to deal with 'em
was to head 'em home again.
Just what I thought in the thick of It
Is thunderin' hard to tell.
But I reckon that I was thinkln of a
girl o the name o' Nell
(An' a girl named Jane, an' a girl
named Maud, an' a girl named
May as well). N
There's always a little girl at home
that you sort o" wish was there
When a little general comes along an'
nanas you a craw ae gare.
There's always a girl that you hope to
y mi wnen tne troopship hits the
When you've seen the last o the kind
vl o an uiat y Kia wna over
There's always a girl you are home-
elck for when you've been away
a nell
An that's the rirl I was fitrhtin for
(An a girl named Lou, an a girl named
no a girt named ess as
Tumulty Has Been so Lonesome.
"What an old home week there'll be
i Washington when the peace is
Bat Tney Can't Get It.
"What the Germans were trvincr for
apparently was an ersatz peace.
And In Vain.
We believe the time Is
when Trotsky will be annlvfnc- r- hi.
old job as a New Tork street car con-
The Indirect Route.
By Grace E. Hall.
Had you been given tools and clay
And taught to fashion things.
Which live and breathe and go their
(Thousrh nuit. HmM .i .
Could you have patterned to your taste
A woman fair and sweet
Nor single error brought to waste
juur laoor. wnen complete?
If you, endowed with gift sublime,
Had modeled as you chose.
Oh. would that woman's face be mine?
And would she wear my clothes?
If. long ago, our mortal traits
Had lain in vast ni-av
Llke Jewel for the buyer waits.
l pon a gorgeous tray;
COUld VOIl haVfl lrnnn-n V ..
Of each one. and truly read
ine worth that still would linger
When youth's glory-glow had fleds
Ju cnosen tnem ror woman
Kvermorft vnnr IrtvA . .
Tell me truly would she then have
A tiny bit like ME?
How the Hero of the Oregon AVaa
Treated by Xivy Department.
New Tork Sun.
To the Editor of the Sun. Sir: The
pride and pleasure with which I read in
the columns of your paper the editorial
article headed "A Kinder Fate for the
Orego-i- hardly ecrualled my surprise at
mo ituowieage snown by the writer
when he says: "Her steadv sneer! oino-
around the Horn and her remarkable
rciumess ior action In the fight at San
tiago were largely due to the fnet th
Captain Clark, to save the boilers from
scale, would not use them for condens
lng. The Oregon went around the en
emy's ships like a roofer around a bar
rel because her men had gone without
the luxury of fresh water."
I wish to add for the InformiHnn of
those who read that I explained to the
crew what could be done If humanity
was sacrificed for machinery, and every
one enthusiastically approved. In no
instance when the hardships were the
greatest during the two runs through
the tropics was there a complaint or.
Indeed a rueful expression. A happier
crew never sailed the sea.
At the risk of its being said I was too
much flattered by the reference to the
way In which the Oregon was brought
around and carried into battle I am
going to call attention to another fea
ture that throws some light upon the
feeling in the navy about promotion by
selection. When the ship reached Rio
Janeiro the navy department cabled mo
that In an emergency meaning the ap
proach of the enemy's fleet I could re
main there under the plea of Injured
machinery. This was considerate, but
It threw the responsibility upon me for
a further advance. Later the depart
ment, stating that it had ordered Dewey
to proceed to Manila and destroy the
Spanish fleet, recommended or approved
of his promotion to the grade of ad
miral of the navy, but never referring
to Us suggestion to me and opposing
the proposal In congress that I should
be made a vice admiral, and later an
other that I be made a senior rear ad
miral (both mado without my know
ledge). Insisted that six numbers in
grade (four of which were quickly lost)
and later a few additional numbers
suitably rewarded my services.
Rear Admiral. U. S. X.
Navy Yard. Philadelphia, May 10.
Soldier Discerns. Queer Ideas.
MADRAS. Or.. May 26. (To the Edi
tor.) Referring to the old-fashioned
American Kirl who takes exception to
Serjeant Brown's article of May 20. I
would like to put in a word in his de
fense. The old-fashioned American girls
whom we find on returning are a very
peculiar sort I fear, even If they do
come from Portland. I knocked about
soma before taking the big plunge
after war was declared and have since
met a few of the old-fashioned variety.
They Imagine that we went to war for
a good time, even making remarks
about what a nice time we must have
had while in France. Anyone who has
spent a day at Brest or two weeks
crossing the briny deep can appreciate
these remarks, to say nothing of put
ting over a barrage in the Argonne or
St Mihlel sector.
If our old-fashioned friend takes it
for granted that, any self-respecting
man wishes to have a girl pay his way
she must have very queer Ideas. I
should think that the old-fashioned
American girl was sufficient entertain
ment herself without the aid of other
amusements such as present-day condi
tions provide. A. BUCK.
Descendant of Betsy Ross.
Her Dress Found Fanlt With.
Buffalo (N. Y.) Express.
Hokus She spends all her husband's
salary on her back. Pokus (at a fash
ionable function) I always heard that
be didn't earn much. v
In Other Days.
Twenty-five Team Ago.
From The Orek-on:n,n of May IT. 1S34.
Within the next few months Portland
will probably be connected with Bur,
erton by an electric road which -a ill 1
operated in connection with the table
Grand Master 'Workman J. R. Sot-.
ercign of the Knights of Labor of
America, arrived in Portland yestir
flay on his first official visit.
A batch of anarchists and rlucusrlita
attempted to break up a republican
meeting at the tabernacle last night.
The river rose - foot and 1 Inch yes
terday and now lacks about 1"3 feet
of being in Front street.
Fifty Yrnri Asro. '
From The Oreon!.n of May ST. 160.
Cincinnati. Shortly after noon today"
the second largest gasometer In the
city exploded, killing one man.
Chicago. Peter Cartwright. the old
hero of Methodism, has been 65 years
in the Itinerant service and 50 years
a presiding elder.
TTnfavorable weather caused post
ponement of the Washington guard's
picnic and several other picnics have
suffered In the same way.
Writer Argues Against Precautionary
Provision for Bonds.
PHILOMATH. Or.. May IS. (To thJ
Editor.) In the official pamphlets sent
out to voters, which are paid for by
the taxpayers, the negative argument
is not submitted on any of the Ques
tions. As a part of the law entitled
"Five - Million - Dollar Reconstruction
Bonds Amendment," you will find that
two Tepresentatives and one senator
were appointed a committee to prepare
the affirmative argument, but nowhere
do you find a like committee to prepare
the negative argument. In the state
press you will find affirmative argu
ments printed almost dally, and men
are going up and down the land trying
to persuade the voters to vote for these
measures. Why this effort to present
only one side of the evidence to the)
voters, who must act as judges in these.
all-Important matters?
This writer has written letters" Iff
"opposition to bonds" to the following
papers: Oregon Journal. Portland News.
Evening Telegram. Corvallis Gazette-
Times. Benton County Courier and Bon.
ton County Review. Of all these parertl
only one. the Gazette-Times, has pub
lished my letter, and they only pub
lished part of the letter. The Courier
and Review have promised to publish,
but of the larger papers not one has
done so. Voters, why this studied ef
fort to present only .he affirmative side
of these questions? Why this special
election at the busiest reason of the
year? The reasons are obvious. The rural
vote who pay the taxes mostly and will
likely vote no on these bond issues
were not expected, nor wanted, to stop
their work and vote. The voters gen
erally are expected to let a few legis
lators and so-called statesmen think
for them, and we are expected to vote
as they tell us. In their estimation wo
don't amount to much. Only because of
the fact that the legislature went the
constitutional limit increasing expenses
and voting ten million bonds on us, be
ing careful to attach tho emergency
clause which prevents a chance to refer
this ten-mllllon-bond-law to the people.
Only because the legislature had gone
the limit are we allowed a chifhee to
vote on these questions, and they now
ask us to allow them to go beyond the
limit fixed by the state constitution. Of
coursa we are just going to fall for
such tricks as these.
That there Is no necessity at this
time for tho Issuance of this five-mil
lion reconstruction bond issue is plainly
stated by the present governor, but he
says that the necessity may arise when
unemployment overtakes us. That re
minds me of -the story of the 10-year-
old girl who was found weeping by the
side of a river. hen asked what was
the matter she replied: "Well, I was
just thinking that If I should grow
up and be a woman, and get married
and have a baby, and the baby would
come down by this river and fall
in, O my, wouldn't It be awful." Rather
far-sighted these statesmen who want
us to vote bonds so that we may be
prepared for this unemployment emer
gency that may never happen. The in
dications are now that there will be
work for all that want It. Pick up your
daily papers and see the calls for men.
Look around you and see the bright
prospects of a bountiful golden har
vest, and then remember that there Is
that ten - million - dollar bond issue
(don't fornet the attached emergency
clause). These bonds are available for
just such an emergency that looms un
In -the future to affright the faint
hearted bond advocates. Even grant
lng that this bond lssuo of ten million
Is not sufficient for the occasion, surely
we have a governor and legls'.ators that
are resourceful enough to get the legis
lature together and give us any needed
Vote this Ave million bond Isrue, and
if they are not needed Governor Olcott
assures us they will not be Issued. Butt
Governor, much as we admire you. have
you any lease on life? Or is It not pos
sible that someone else may be elected
governor? What, then, becomes of yout
Tho prudent business man pats 4
mortrsse on his property only ss a
last resort. He knows how easy it i
to get in debt and how hard It is to get
out; knows that the bonds or mortgage
comes due at the most inopportune
time; knows "that the unexpected al
ways happens. So I plead with you,
my friends, to turn out on the comlnfC
election day and vote no on these uni
necessary bond Issues.
Insanity Is !Yo Defense If A cense 4
Knows Ilia Act Wa Wrong;.
ASHLAND. Or.. May 26. (To the Ed
itor.) Some years ago I happened to be
In one of the London assize courts when
an English subject In the middle walks
of life was charged with murderig his
wife, and this is w hat occurred in court
Just before the jury retired to consider
its verdict:
A Juror: "My lord. If the prisoner
knew he was doing wrong, bu.t was in
sane at the time, could he be held re
sponHible for his acts?"
Judge Binirham: "I may say, and I
say It without mental reservation of any
sort, that if the prisoner knew he was
doing wrong, it does not matter how
insane he was. He is guilty in the eyes
of the law just the same."
The jury thereupon returned a ver
dict of guilty for the capital offense.
The prisoner was condemned to death,
and sxpiatcd his crime on the gallows
In due process of law.
On tne strength of the Judge's ruling
It will be seen that if tho recent Seattle
tragedy had occurred In London in
stead of the Puget Sound city, there
would have been a very different fate
awaiting Ruth Garrison than that
which confronts her today.
In the London case there was neither
on one side nor the other a single
medical expert to Inject the well-known
sophistries into the plain sailing of a
trial based on justice and a recognition,
of common-sense principles In the de
termination of either guilt or innocence
on the part of the prisoner.
That morbid sentlmentaity which
too frequently In these days asserts Us
unjust claims in determining the ver
dict of a jury hadn't the ghost of a
chance in this London murder case, and
neither should it have the world over.
Law falsely administered is no law
at all and all good citizens should not
be slow In reeoumlzlnsr this fact.