Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE JlOiMiUiG OKEGOMAJN, TUESDAY, ' 3IAY 27, 1919.
Present Government Will Do
Anything to Keep in Power.
wamped by
Allies Expected to Soften Economic
Terms of Treaty So Huns May
Claim Gains.
(Copyright hy the New Tork World. Pub
lished by arrangement)
BERLIN, May 26. (Special Cable.)
First impressions after the publication
of the peace terms, that Germany -would
ign before the last hour, seem con
l'irmed by the latest developments.
The nation-wide storm of protest has
died down, except in the East, and the
government has called off the violent
protest propaganda which proved too
much even for the German peace dele
gation. At the same time the official
lid seems to have been clamped down
on President Wilson's 14 points.
Only the nationalistic press continues
to root enthusiastically in favor of rejecting-
the proposed treaty or anything
resembling it, and it continues to harp
on the argument of President Wilson's
14 points.
Marked Change Seen.
Count Ernst Zurevtlow, in the Agra
rian Tagresizeitung, says: "Nothing has
been heard now for some time concern
ing President Wilson's 14 points from
members of the government, who are
usually verbose, or from their press.
If the Germans were now to abandon
the Wilson programme and sign the
treaty they would justly earn the scorn
of the world. Nowhere would they find
present help and they would bury their
future. Such would be the fccheide
mann peace.
"Significantly the government Is
skillfully preparing the public for an
infinitely hard peace. There is no
longer official talk that any kind of
peace -would be absolutely unacceptable."
It really seems as if a radical change
of head and heart had come over the
government. The Erzberger faction.
-which is in favor of signing after the
exhaustion of all chance to obtain con
cession by negotiation, appears to be
top dog in the government.
Chancellor Kcheidemann is apparently
looking for ways and means to eign and
rave hi3 prestige, despite hi3 declara
lions that the treaty is "unacceptable.'
Concenifion Is Expected.
In political circles the belief lias
trained currency that some concessions,
chiefly of an economic and financial
nature, will be granted by the allies,
sufficient to enable the government to
go before the people with a show of
success at Versailles, which in turn
would enable it to sign gracefully and
stay in office.
"To, try and obtain the obtainable'
is the policv of the government a
summed up by the Catholic organ, Ger
mania. German belief that the allies
will make generous, if not radical, con
cessions is based on the assumption
that the allies have a big interest in
making peace with the present coali
tion government of independent social
ists, who would sign anything, with no
intention of keeping the terms, but of
working only for a world revolution.
Accordingly, it is figured that the
allies will make it possible, for the
responsible coalition government to
eign and remain in office to carry out
the peace terms by making conces
sions necessary to that end.
Organization of National Guard Said
to Cloak War Move.
BERLIN, Jfay 26. (French Wireless
Service.) Reactionary and military
groups in Germany are charged with
planning a revival of militarism by a
writer in Die Freiheit, independent so
cialist organ of Berlin. He says that
tinder the pretense of organizing a
rational guavd militia units are being
formed in every district or chief town.
Itifles are being sent to the various
t;nits and the larger ones also receive
heavy and light machine guns. The
organizations, he added, are composed
mostly of discharged soldiers.
"Nothing has been forgotten. When
our military authorities start organ
izing they do it well. But all this i
merely a beginning," the writer con
Oregon Poultry Producers "Will Start
Marketing "cxt Tall.
EUGENE, Or.. May 26. (Special.)
The Oregon Poultry Producers' associa
tion expects to begin the marketing of
ggs next fall, according to Professor
Charles Brewster of the poultry de
partment of the Oregon Agricultural
college who spent several days during
the latter part of last week visiting
eome of the poultry farms of Lane
Professor Brewster says all persons
who expect to market their eggs
through the association will have to
become members. The eggs of the
association, according to Professor
Brewster, will be marketed under a
state brand as a first-class, absolutely
guaranteed egg, and a premium in the
Jrices will be demanded for such eggs.
Oswego Teachers Elected.
iAt a recent
education th
Fleeted for th
A. Lyon, p
Blanche Coh
ILucile Dunca
teacher for
jiartment w;
I rig.
Or., May 26. (Special.)
meeting of the board of
e following teachers were
e next school year: Chester
rincipal; R. D. Rogers,
en, Mary A. Bickner, M.
n and Grace Williams. The
the domestic science de
3 not elected at this meet-
Unless your food is
digested without the after
math of painful acidity, the
joy is taken out of both
'eating and living.
are wonderful in their help
to the stomach troubled
with over-acidity. Pleas
ant to take relief prompt
and definite.
Income Tax Returns
- - - .
Buried under the mountainous mass,
he fights his way out with the
Elliott-Fisher System
hands' and minds could not work fast and accurately
Machine speed, ease and accuracy were needed. The
Revenue Department selected the best there is The
Elliott-Fisher Flat Bed System of Accounting, Bookkeeping, Bill
ing and Recording
Practically every man and woman in the United
States whose income exceeded $1,000, filed a tax
return on March 15th. The colossal labor of posting
and checking the overwhelming mass of. returns was
beyond human capacity. The work absolutely had to
be done by machines. The only question was which
machines to use.
The U. S. Bureau of Efficiency tested several makes
of bookkeeping and accounting machines under the
most exacting conditions. The Elliott-Fisher Flat Bed
System won out on all counts accuracy, flexibility,
speed and endurance -against all comers. One hun
dred Elliott-Fisher Machines were purchased and put
immediately to work.
This was to be expected. For the Flat Writing Sur
face is the supremely convenient and adaptable way to
handle one or many records at a time. And Elliott
Fisher Accounting, Bookkeeping, Billing and Record-,
ing Machines, are the only System which features the
Flat Bed exclusively. v
What is the main business of your bookkeeping
department?! Is it billing or recording? Is it book
keeping with sewed-volume journals and ledgers,, or
with the now quite universal loose-leaf system? Is it
complex accounting or keen sales analysis work?.
No matter what it is. There is an Elliott-Fisher
Machine with a flat bed and attachments, which will
precisely fit your requirements in all work which has
Elliott-Fisher Company
405-406 Henry Building:
Fourth and Oak Streets
to do with the addition, subtraction, posting, checking;
balancing or analysis of figures.
For Elliott-Fisher is not one machine, but a system
which is scientifically installed and made to fit and key
up to the requirements of every kind of modern book
keeping departments, large or small, simple or complex.
The Flat Bed System allows the forms to lie flat in
a natural, spread-out position. It permits them to
remain still, securely clamped in place, and ensures
perfect registration of different shapes arid sizes of
papers up to fourteen carbons. The machine moves
over the work just as the hand does when writing; it
moves easily and locks safely when in place.
There is not today a single office in the United States
where it would not be profitable and economical to
install the Elliott-Fisher System.
Thousands of manufacturers, insurance companies;
banks, railroads, wholesalers and retailers already use
it and would not part with it for anything.
Phone or write today for an expert who will show
you convincingly that the Elliott-Fisher System will
save you time, labor and money.-
Flat Bed System of Accounting, Bookkeeping, Billing, Recording
Five Portland Boys Are in Unit.
Luncheon at Benson Hotel Fea
ture of Day.
One hundred and four soldiers -who
saw service overseas with the 78th
and 28th divisions, arrived in Portland
at 12:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon
in a casual organization commanded
by Lieutenant W. S. Durland. of
Chester, N. Y.. and left at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon for Camp Lewis,
where demobilization will take place
this morning:.
The casuals came direct from Camp
Dix. where they were stationed follow
ing: their arrival from France,
a week ago, and reported a most en
joyable trip across the country, meet
ing warm receptions at all points
"The boys certainly enjoyed the wel
come given by the Portland people,"
said Lieutenant Durland before leaving
yesterday. "We have been given this
indication of hospitality along the line,
and we appreciate it."
On arrival in Portland, the troops
were escorted o the Benson hotel,
where luncheon was served and where
Frank H. Hilton, chairman of the
reception committee, deliveid an ad
dress of welcome. The Victory Jazz
quartet sang several patr'otic numbers,
as did Walter Jenkins, and the casuals
showed their joy at being home by
reciprocating with several of their
war-time melodies.
Following the luncheon, iJie casuals
were given the key to the city, and"l who had accompanied him from this charged with drunkenness. He was
city, was brought here Saturday and found to be in unlawful possession of
placed in the county jail. He Is charged I intoxicating liquor. When arraigned in
by his wile with desertion In a com
plaint filed In justice court here.
The girl was not Held, as there was
no charge against her. She was ac
companied to this city by officers and
was turned over to her mother. Hllllard
said he and the girl started for Seattle
In an automobile, bat were unable to
get through the snowdrifts in Snoqual
mie pass.
their freedom to entertain themselves
as they saw fit. the theaters and other
places of amusement being open to
them. In the detachment were five
Portland boys, these being A. W.
Lodeli, George Weber, John J. Buss,
David Sandstrom and Felix Palumbo.
Evangelist Regrets He Cannot Take
Stump for Reconstruction.
SALEM. Or. May 26. (Special.)
Billy Sunday will be unable to address
a public meeting in Portland next Sun
day on behalf of the reconstruction
measures which go before .the voters of
the state the following Tuesday. Gov
ernor Olcott today received a letter
from the famous evanjrelist to the ef
fect that his health will not permit his
speaking at this time. The governor
sought Mr. Sunday's appearance in
Portland at the request of the Oregon
reconstruction committee.
"My three weeks' campaign for the
liberty loan on top of ny year's work,
and then I am recovering from a se
vere operation, have all combined to
take my strength so I do not feel
equal to the task," he wrote.
"I thank you and feel proud that 1
am an Oregonian at least a few months
each year."
-1 Portland Salesman Fined
ROSEBURG Or., May 26. f Special.)
. . Obbenhause of Portland, rep
resenting -a wholesale grocery house of
that city, was arrested 1 ere today
court this morning, Mr. Obbenhause
pleaded guilty and was fined 1 150.
Rainier Class of Ten Graduates.
RAINIER. Or., May 56. (Special.)
Commencement exercises of the Rai
nier high school were held in the gym
nasium last week before the largest
crowd ever assembled in that building
Professor C. H. Gray of Reed college
delivered the address of the evening,
and vocal solos by Mr. Cramer of SU
Helens and Mr. Eugene Allen of this
city were added features of the enter
tainment. Superintendent of Schools
Gauntt presented the diploma to the
Perfect Health Is Yours
If the Blood Is Kept Pure
Yakima Man in Company With An
other 'Woman Arrested.
YAKIMA, Wash., May 26. (Special.)
Roy Hilliard. who was captured Fri
day by the Kittitas county sheriff at
Keechelus Inn in company with a young
woman giving ber name as JU, Ufilla,
Almost Every Human Ailment
- Is Directly Traceable to Im
purities in the Blood.
Tou cannot overestimate the Impor
tance of keeping the blood free of
Impurities. 'When you realize that the
heart is constantly pumping this vital
fluid to all parts of the body, you can
easily' see that any impurity, in the
blood will cause1 serious complications.
Any slight disorder or impurity that
creeps into the blood is a source of
danger, for every vital organ of the
b-dy depends upon the blood supply to
properly perform its runcttons.
Many painful and dangerous diseases
are the direct result of a bad condition
of the blood. .Among the most seri
ous are rheumatism, with, its tortui ias 1 laali, (ia, Adv.
pains; catarrh, often a forerunner of
dread consumption: scrofula, eczema,
tetter, erysipelas and other disfiguring
skin diseases; malaria, which makes
the strongest men helpless, and many
other diseases are the direct result of
impure blood.
Tou can easily avoid all of these
diseases and rid the system of them
by the use of S. S. S., the wonderful
blood remedy that has been In constant
use for more than fifty years. S. S. S.
cleanses the blood thoroughly and
routs every vestige of impurity. It is
sold by druggists everywhere.
For valuable literature and medical
advice absolutely free, write today to
the Medical Department, Swift Specific
Company. 236 Swift Laboratory. At-
following clas: Leona Baker, Grace ,
Bross, Clyde Davis, Verna Dixon, Car
rle Hanipson, Florence Ingrahani. Au
drey Mallaber. Edith Mclntire. Paula
I'oetsrh and Earl Kusscll.
Many thousand of old and younir keep
their ay a tenia free from the dreadful
ronaequencea of const i p i (on by taking
HtiHM Native Herb Tablets at regular
Intervals. Those who lead an active
outdoor life ta ke on" orcsionally while
othera whoae work ia confining and la
borlmiit ai.ti arc more subject to thai
rendition, retain truir lteaith by ustni?
them more frequently. lhs Herb Tab
lets not only relieve conltpation but
Ktir up the liver and kidney a, cleanmnK
them of all fermentation, ami restore
them to a natural, halthy. active con
dition. They Mho purify the blood, and
have a tfeneral tonic effect on the whole
system. Onetablet at night will make
the next day bright.
HliKJi Native Herb Tablets are put up
J (XI in a box. rnouKb, to Imi the verai;e
family atx. month. Kvery box came
our money back Kunrantre. Take
no Bubtttttutes. Look for trade
mark on every box. Price $l.O0.
Sold by leading druggists everywhere.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip,
enclose with 5c and mail it to Folev &
Co.. 2835 Sheffield ave.. Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address clearly.
You will receive in return a trial pack
age containing Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound, for coughs, colds and croup;
Foley Kidney Pills for pain in sides and
back: rheumatism, backache, kidney
and bladder ailments: and Foley Cath
artic Tablets, a wholesome and thor
oughly cleansing cathartic, for consti
pation, biliousness, headache, and slug
gish bowels. Sold, every w litre. Adv.
Back ache
what a mis
erable time
they can give
you But
there's no need
to stand for
their torture if
youH just in
voke the aid of "The Little
Doctor" Mustard Cerate!
First Aid in Neuralgia, pleu
risy, colds in the chest, sore
throat and what not! Tidy
opal jars
25c and 50c Sizes
"" Willi
At Your Druggist's 3
SEE Or Sent Postpaid by 5