TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MAT 27, 1919. ALTERED TREATY IS ASKED BY HARDEN Americans Are Charged With Dodging Responsibility. MENACE DECLARED PAST Writer Alleges Attempt by Agitators to DriTe Huns to Desperation by Enforcing Serfdom. BT MAXIMITJAN HARDEN. Copyright by tha Kew York World. Pub lished by arrangement.) BERLIN, May 26. (Special Cable.) "What's going- on here? We cannot pick up a newspaper without finding at once reams of coarse vituperation. Even coarser was the session of the national assembly, which was devoted to staging a concert of vituperation in the press and a thousand meetings of protest. "We Americans, particularly, whose unselfishness had been unequivocally proved by the conditions of peace, who never demanded any payment for war costs and never will, are reproached with breach of promise, hypocrisy, trickiness and deception, and the rost vulgar abuse is thrown at President Wilson for having deceived Germany, having lured it into a trap and for not having kept a single promise of his 14 points. "Crowds of angry men and women assemble before the hotel where we live, uttering invectives against our country ant?, the entente and singing ".Die Wacht am Rhein' and "Deutsch land uber Alles" for our benefit, and acting as if they would like to storm the hotel. Kew Germany Reflected. "TVe are not here for our pleasure or as enemies, but to pereform duties whose results Germany needs more than we do. Members of the entente commissions did not exert the least in fluence in the formulation of peace terms, which comprehensively seem hard to the. Germans. "Was it necessary, however, to prove the necessity for harshness by out bursts of rage and by relapses into the hateful morals of militarism? How can we with clear consciences speak to our countrymen and government of a new Ciermanv when even the newspapers calling themselves liberal, or even democratic, talk entirely in the tone of old Germany, which forced us into war, and when the alleged pacifists run around with clenched fists and foam ing mouths? "Where we come tn contact with the common people we find them quiet, dig nified and animated by the best will Hut the agitation to provoke hatred is carried on quite systematically. If it continues as it has been doing we must expect that our government will recall is and conditions of absolute hostility will return. "Do they think they can scare us Then one knows us as little as one knows the state of Germany's present fctrength. Iid any sensible person doubt that the loser in this tremendous war would have to pay a high bill? Iid not the German nation, by the fact of revolution, admit that the policy of Imperial Germany was damnable, bad, immoral? "Now it is no longer supposed to be true that treacherous enemies have fallen upon an innocent empire, put the liangman's noose about its neck and wish to strangle it, despite the fact that it has reformed so nicely and changed into a socialistic republic. Agitation Kostercd by Aid. "Germany's ruin. Only children and fools can believe such nonsense. We eee how Berlin is enjoying the spring and, even in the so-called week of mourning, fills all the theaters, the movies, the carbarets. the dance halls, the concerts, the luxury restaurants, to the last place; and day after day we hear the thunder of anger and libels. "Wo are begged for food, to deliver e.s much as Ave possibly can. Yester day the English donated 800,000 rubber nipples to poor mothers for their chil dren. Yet the agitation against us waxes ever wilder. Can you explain vhat is happening here?" I have heard these questions so often recently from foreigners that I must assume they are asked by public opin ion in the enemy countries. I will pub licly answer them 10 the best of my ability and with that sincerity which, in this hour of humanity's history, tseems the holiest duty. Firstly, peace conditions are really hard, in many respects unnecessarily hard, and honest men consider that some of the demands cannot be met. If they become effective our most impor tant food province, Kast Prussia, would be torn almost entirely from the body of Germany, and only a small part would remain to us of a colony of our other agricultural provinces of Posen West Prussia and Silesia. That ought not to be. -If we are to lose the Saar valley coal, we ought not to be required to give up Upper Silesian coal, which we require to pay for our raw materials and for our imports of manufactured goods, costing more than ever in our poverty, with our gold re tiuced to 1,500,000,000 marks and the value of the mark steadily declining. Could we buy this coal of Poland, un less great credits and loans were granted to us? Bolshevik Danger Feared. Reduction of our volunteer army now numbering 500,000 men,, to one- fifth of that number undef compulsion would, in the opinion of military ex perts, no longer enable us to maintain internal order, and it might encourage the bolsheviki to new offensives. Such a calamity could not be to the interest even of France, justly our most bitter nemv. - No military danger Is to be feared from Germany. Even If Germany had 1.000.000 men In uniform, we could not produce materials, guns, arms, am munition and the other equipment necessary to make them effective. while our biggest factories for arms and explosives lie within range of en emy guns, and while Kssen and Dus seldorf ,can be occupied in a few hours by the armies of the allies. Many believe that Haller's Poiisn army could be beaten, but Poland s allies and patrons would ward, off any attempt in that direction. No one doubts today that the road to Berlin and to Koenigsberg lies open to Mar shal Foch. There is therefore no ap parent reason for taking from us the troops essential to the avoidance of civil wars. Cutting off of German commercial connections, confiscation of German private property in foreign countries, requirement for the payment of pen sions to invalids and relatives oi tne allies in Prance and Belgium these and similar burdens would so fright fully oppress and weaken Germany's national and private resources, al ready bound to pay 9.000,000,000 marks in interest on our own war debt, tnat recovery is unthinkable. German Work Power Knds. If the peace conditions remain un changed, Germany passes as a great world industrial power. Its agriculture will suffer gravely and from 20.000.000 to 24,000,000 of our people must find homes abroad or starve at home. I do not believe any one of our en emies can want such results, and therefore I am convinced that a dig nified, businesslike, sensible presenta tion of actual facts and prospects would bring about essential alterations in the treaty terms. For months past such a presentation ought to have been brought pubUcly and privately to the notice of "the heads of the Paris conference. It is a crime that no attempt was made to do so. It was to be expected that mistakes would be made by the conference, which had one-sided information, for instance, over Fast German conditions from the Poles, whose shrewd leader, Roman Omowski, is a fanatic nation alist. That the conference will stub bornly stand by its mistakes against better insight is not to be feared. To reject everything because It may be hard and painful would be for us. in our position, not only dishonorable but stupid. Favorable alterations in the terms may be hoped for only if Germany shall declare its readiness to accept everything in any way bearable. to atone for everything for which atonement can be made, and to pro test only against measures that will be really unbearable and not only harmful to Germany, but of no perma nent or substantial benefit to any worthy interest, and injurious to the general interests of humanity. D. C. SHULL I0W1, NEW BAPTIST LEADER Northern Convention at Denver Nearly Through Work. SECURES ROCKEFELLER AID YES! t 'toft drink" that noothes and sat $sfirV in he sam way tnat the "soft word turr.oth away wrath. makes easy the way to sood living ana the cnueriui Bpini. I NOM -INTOXICATIN 3 fl Coon to be named "Evans Cherofm Berer- erae ' by (rovemment rultnjf. A JOYFUL., SATISFYING, K JOY ABLE 1 Ask Your Deulvr to Get It. Henry Weinhard Plant the ptetributora, ' Portland, j President Wilson's promises, People Now Angry. Right can be invoked only by one who has proved himself Just. The broad masses of the people, having con demned and overturned the old system of government, were prepared for a hard peace. Now the attempt seems to be to lash the people into anger and desperation by telling them they must labor like slaves for foreign countries and capitalists, and that the serfdom will last for decades. Justice is widely ramified, like dynasties and nobility, science and art, papacy and proletar ianism. If before the war the international German- mining king had done just as much business in Fnglish as in Ger man coal, no paper treaties could have checked the rapid progress of interna tionalization in this line. Under the league of nations, unlimited, uncon trolled and antiquated practices will no longer prevail in the individual state. It will no longer be true that political and economical boundaries should be identical. If ore and coal can produce things useful for mankind only when wedded. he barriers of the countries In which these things lie must be opened in order to make their union possible. That is n important fact for labor, regardless nationality, quite as important as for the owners who get dividends from tocks. Populace Lnngi for Peace. The eight-hour day. which all civil- zed countries will adopt, will secure for the worker living wages and the ecessary leisure for health, and will rotect him against wage-depressing ompetition. The German people are quiet and they long for peace. They know that iermany must assume all the burdens can carry and that it cannot keep on its shoulders more than it can carry. The noise, the agitation and the scolding now heard proceed from a hin layer of people who are moved bv motives other than those which actuate the masses. The bourgeoise tremble before the pectre of bolshevism: the communist ears the conditions of the peace will urther increase taxes. Plans are al ready discussed for a tax of 60 per cent on the highest, incomes and for measures that will limit opportunities for profits. Then the champions of the new nationalism declare that the meet- ngs of protest will whirl away every hing uncomfortable and remove the dangers threatened by revolution. social democracy, ruling in the most beautiful agreement with the bour geoisie, has given the lie to all the principles proclaimed for generations. Clericals Fight Terms. So the workers are going in crowds over to the independents, hoping that nationalism may save tnem from com munism, which, in turn, might loosen an avalanche that would overwhelm the supporters of the old, honest markets. The independents aim to create a pop ular impulse which will not much onger tolerate the exercise of power bv the brutal agencies of martial law and machine guns. . Another important factor in the sit uauon is tne centrum catholic party. which in Alsace-Lorraine, Posen, Upper aiiesia ana west Prussia loses it seats In the parliaments of Germanv and of Prussia. Therefore, It does not wish to snare responsibility for the ac ceptance of the peace terms. Accept ance wuuia mean new elections, which are not wanted even bv the lihomi party, wnicn, under its new nam of democratic party, has already discreri uea itself and would probably lose half is seats. The government would not fin ir. day in the national assembly a ma jority tor acceptance. It fears that if the national assembly were dissolved mere wouia De a great increase of con scrvatives and independent socialists in a newly-elected Reichstag. Thus the scneidemann ministry, a socialist demo, cratic government in appearance onlv would no longer be possible. small provincial Journalists, -nettv lawyers, artisans, labor union officials ana party secretaries are now sunning tnemselves in the glamour of the high est state oitices. The idea of disan pearing again into the dark is fright ful to them. The national assemblv which they support is essentially the 01a rcicnstag party. These office-holders do not wish anv popular expression of their entire policy but they wish to appeal to the people to answer o e question, name ly: "nau tne Versailles treaty be ac cepted or rejected? By answering this question the people would relieve the office-holders of all responsibility tor consequences. Having obtained plebiscite, they can say the voice of the nation has spoken and therefore new elections are for the present un necessary. Many "Bmm" Appear. For this reason agitation against the treaty began long before anyone knew the terms of the four hundred and odd articles. The people have been told that the treaty seals Germany's ruin, that it endangers the future of democ racy, that it does not meet a singl mise of the 1 points and that it i sharpest contradiction to all of Outlay of $100,000,000 in Next Years Is Determined, and $6,000,000 Fund Gained. DENVER, May 26. Election of D. C. Shull. Sioux City. la., as president, se lection of Buffalo, N. Y.. as the 1920 convention city, adoption of a $100,000. 000 budget, covering five years, com pletion of the $6,000,000 laymen's fund, and organization of the general board of planning and promotion were the principal features of today's session of the Northern Baptist convention. Aside from the report of the reso lutions committee, little remains for the session on the last day tomorrow, Mr. Shull was unanimously elected after an effort to nominate F. W. Free man, a Denver attorney, as a second candidate failed. nockefeller Gift Assured. Completion of the $6,000,000 victory fund, collection of which was begun last fall, assures the receipt of a con tingent gift of $2,000,000 from John D. Rockefeller, announced last week. Further donations will bring this fund to a total of $9,000,000. it is said. The prominence given to western men and women was a feature of the report of the nominating committee. The principal nominations follow: Officers of the convention First vice-president. Rev. Frederick 13. Tay lor, Indiana; second vice-president, H. G. Stoddard, Massachusetts: corre sponding secretary, Rev. William C. Bitting. Missouri; recording secretary. Rev. Maurice A. Levy. Massachusetts; statistical secretary. Rev. Charles A. Walker, Pennsylvania; treasurer, Frank L. Miner, Iowa. Various Heads Named. Members of the executive committee (term expires 1922) Rev. W. S. Aber nethy, Missouri; Rev. G. A. Briggs, New York; J. A. Earl, Iowa; Robert Earl, Minnesota; W. W. Everett, District of Columbia; Rev. Joseph C. Hazen. Illi nois; Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, Illinois; W. W. Smith, Michigan; E. J. Steinberg, Wisconsin; J. A. Sunderland. Nebraska. President American Baptist Foreign Missions society. Rev. T. J. Villers. Michigan; president American Baptist Home Mission society, Charles R. Brock, Colorado; president American Baptist Publication society, W. G. Brimson, Illi nois; president Women's American Bap tist Foreign Mission society, Mrs. W. A. Montgomery, New York; president Women's American Baptist Home Mis sion society, Mrs. John Nuveen, Illinois. Oregon Woman Named. Other officers chosen Include Gen eral board of planning and promotion (members at large). Term expires 1922, C. S. Shank, Washington state; term expires 1920. Mrs. J. F. Failing. Oregon Mrs. T. C. Johnson, West Virginia. The report of the nominating com. mittee for convention officers was adopted and all nominated automati cally became officials for next year. The adoption of the $100,000,000 nve- ear budget is an increase of. more han $50,000,000 from the recommenda- ion of the general survey committee nd several millions more than the pro- ramme adopted by the Southern Bap tist convention, meeting at Atlanta, Ga Every department of church work, in- luding the various state conventions, Included in the budget. When the newly formed general board of planning and promotion met for or ganization this afternoon Professor rnest D. Burton of the University of Chicago, chairman of the committee which formulated the proposal for such board and temporary chairman of the oard, was elected permanent chairman The board consists of 140 members, presenting every state convention and every one of the co-operating to- leties of the national convention. is BOND GUARANTY NO BURDEN LEITER ASSERTS STATE BACK IX G WILL REDUCE TAXES. FAKEASPIRIN WAS TALCUM I want "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin " with the "Bayer Cross" Genuine! Safe! Irrigation Measure, if Approved Means Expenditure of $20,000, 000 Highway Boosted. That taxes will be lowered instead of increased by the state guaranteeing the interest on irrigation and drainage bonds for five years and solve one of the state's important problems at th same time, was the statement of O. C. Letter, director of the Oregon recon struction committee, who addressed the members' forum of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce at luncheon yester day. "If the measure is carried $20,000,000 ill be spent in Oregon in the nex five years and each dollar will earn other dollars," said Mr. Lelter, new taxable wealth' will be created and marked increase in productive land wil take place, several hundred thousand acres of farms and prosperous citizen will be added and the - livestock in dustry will grow. "To be made effective. the plan should have the co-operation of al citizens, not merely the indorsement o a board of- directors. The measure providing for $5,000,000 bond issue b the state for the purpose of reconstruc tlon is another of vital interest- Th money will be under the state board o control and will be used when neces sary to provide labor for unemployed. especially soldiers recently returned from the battlefields. "The Roosevelt military highway along the coast Is part of a scheme to build a road from British Columbia to Mexico to be used in case of emergency by the army and at other times will be serviceable to farmers living along the coast and rank as .one of the grandest scenic highways in the world. "This proposed highway will be the equivelent to another railroad and will cost the state only $2,500,000 as an equal amount will be provided by the government, which will also pay for its upkeep. This road has the indorse ment of the highest military authori ties and is deemed a necessity." Charles Berg presided as chairman Captain E. J. Eivers spoke in favor of a measure providing money for the education of returned soldiers; stating that not the individual, but the educa tional institution would handle the money, not to exceed $200, for each man during a year. He asserted that Oregon had sent more young men" of high school age to war than any other state. fSlliIli "You can't hand me any substitute for the true, genuine 'Bayer Tablet of Aspirin proved safe by millions"! "Man alive! Haven't you heard? A Brooklyn fraud is in jail for flooding the country with millions of counterfeit tablets. He labeled them 'Aspirin, but they were 'talcum powder. " Be sure your druggist gives you "Bayr Tablets of Aspirin" in a Bayer package not in a pill box. Take them as directed, without fear, for headache, rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, ear ache, toothache, neuritis, colds, grippe, influenzal colds, or almost any pain or ache in face, neck, limbs or body. Proper and safe dosage" in each genuine "Bayer package." Look for the safety "Bayer Cross" both on package and on tablets. Boxes of 1Z tablets bottles of 24 and bottles of 100 Also capsules. rill is the trade mark of Bayr Manufacture sf Monoaceticacidester of SalicyHeacia dairymen. The bank organized a pas ture club, pravided registered bulls. In sured the stock for half Its value, paid all lees and assesments and will re turn tiie cattle to the owners this fall at a luminal charge. CHEHALIS BAND TO TOUR Crack Musical Organization, to In vade Canada Next Month. CHEHALIS, Wash.. May 26. (Spe cial.) Chehalis will welcome the dele gation of Seattle business men making a southwest Washington excursion with proper entertainment Wednesday night. At today's noonday Citizens club luncheon a committee was named to have full charge. G. L. Thicker, band director, an nounced plans for Chehalis" .concert band, already known over the north west as a crack musical organization. to go to Vancouver, B. C. early in June. Local business men are pledged to finance the excursion. G. Bernard Chichester of Seattle, connected' with the war camp com munity service, announced plans for selecting a local committeee to look after the welfare of returned soldiers and sailors. Chehalis is one of the few northwestern cities where today there is a job for every man who wants to work. Pasco Chamber Elects. PASCO. Wash., May 26. (Special.) rom among the trustees elected for the chamber of commerce at a recent meeting, the following officers have been chosen for the year: President, Pasture CInb Organized.'. WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 26. (Special.) More than 60 head of cat tle were taken to the Wenaha national forest lst we"k by C. T.. Jamison of the Farmers' Saving bank. The stoc 13 owned by. a number of farmers and (- ) C. B. Shoemaker; vice-president. Joseph Newman: secretary, A. V. Welie: treas urer, E. W. Land. This will be the seventh consecutive year that Mr. Wehe has held the position of secretary, and much of the success of the work of the chamber is attributable to his energies. mm 1 oftt lA YJ KpiREcnort -Jensen -von h erderq fc sj rpSf 4 fimki The combined sentiS -isffr-f- --S merit of the crowds r';iKv., : '&Ji . - visiting the Liberty 1 lf(tyif;?-TT during; the past two v?'-J P!I UNANIMOUS pi If f f PRAISE . i : v v for the noteworthy i programme being ' i offered ' ;- V "FOR 'lif: - f BETTER f & PlA FOR PM:,- PWuA -worse" mm- s t 1 Acts of Lights and JgP-: - ; ' shades, portraying ' in vivid fashion the I - r . " bittersweet in worn- . ' - . I an's life. " - PP-'PP Pj "THE HELL-HOLE V : "''J F KILEUAE" JThe First of a Series of Prizma Natural Color Pictures to Be pi Shown at the Liberty Exclusively t-; h MINE ASSESSMENTS LEVIED Wallace, Idaho, Concern Makes Call on Stockholders. WALLACE, Idaho. May 26. (Spe cial.) The largest assessment ever levied by any mining company In thia district is that of 12 cents a share just levied on the stock of the Kay-Jefferson Mining company. This assessment is payable in four quarterly install ments of 3 cents a share. The capital stock of the company consists of 2.000, 000 shares, all issued. The company Is controlled bv the Day brothers. A few years ago. when the Days acquired control, they erected a modern 400-ton capacity mill and built a tramway to convey ore from the upper workings. Development of the property was suspended during the war and has not been resumed. No an nouncement has yet been made rela tive to immediate plans. Lcwislon to Organize Club. LEWTSTON. Idaho. May 26. (Spe cial.) Next Tuesday evening the busi ness and professional women of this city will meet in the Commercial club rooms for the organization of a club under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. At this meeting officers will be elected and steps will be taken to provide club rooms where the business women of the city may gather for recreation outside of working hours. Knowledgeof the Eyes and scientific instruments for meas uring the error of refraction, to gether with- my personally per fected methods, make.my examina tion of the eyes reliable. Unless your eyes are diseased, I can ' overcome your eye troubles with a pair of my Perfect Fitting Glasses. DR. WHEAT Eyesight Specialist 207 Morgan Building Washington at Broadway j Real Value from your wages or your income is obtained when you spend only big things, and let the trifles go by. Many families could have a comfortable sum in the bank, if pennies, nickels and dimes were not just thrown away on little things that in the end count for nothing. Make saving a matter for the whole family by prdcuring one of our home banks; remem ber, it takes all sizes of coins, as well as bills. When you have saved several dollars, bring it to Ladd & Til ton Bank that your money may earn more. LADD & TILTON BANK Washington and Third v. NEW -VSH0W wrl C?f v Tomorrow 3 Days Lib 3 A m TAYLOR HOLMES in "A REGULAR FELLOW" LAST TIMES TODAY "Rustling a Bride" 1 GAS Stomach Sour stomach (heartburn). Belching. Swelling and Full feeling, so frequently complained of after meals relieved In Two Mlaatrs. Almost instant relief from Pains in the Stomach caused br undigested food. SENT FREE Send lOe for Postage and War Tax. name and address, and we will send you on approval our stomach prepara tions, Jo-to, for 30 days, at which time you are to pend us uo or retuin the unuel portion if not p-rfe-t!y isfi.ti. AtflrrM-. HrlliaeLaia l-rmli:il Co.. Cel. ..-. .. -alt.