s THE 3IORNTXO ORECOXIAX, TUESDAY; MAY 27, 1919. HUSTR0-HUHGA1F1 PROBLEM TAKEN UP New States' Envoys Heard at Peace Conference. HUGE WAR DEBTS PENDING Disposition of Enormous Burden Is Proving Difficult Task Some Exemptions Probable. the council of four at Paris has reached a full understanding by which the United States will retain the 700.000 tons of German shipping seized in ! American ports when this country en tered the war. Great Britain had proposed that this tonnage as well as German ships seized in other countries be placed In a com mon pool and allotted on the basis of tonnage lost through action of enemy submarines. The United States has steadfastly refused to accede to this plan. ANTI-RED ELEMENT TO BE RECOGNIZED BERRIES WILL BE SCARCE Russians Fighting Bolsheviki to Accept Covenant. So PARIS, May 26. (By the Associated Fress.) Representatives of the new Etates carved out of- the former HapB burg monarchy were given a hearing today before the reparations committee to present their objections to the pro posed solution of the Austro-Hungarlan financial problem under which they would be held responsible for their share of the pre-war debt, the war debt, the war issue of currency and reparations and would be required to compensate Austria and. Hungary as they will be constituted in the future for the value of the public buildings and property inside their limits. The protests against this great bur den were met sympathetically by the council of four, which sent the ques tion to the reparations sub-commission for a rehearing. This submission will be supplemented by Franco-British rep resentatives, who are understood to be opposed to any change. The belief is held here that a new re port will be made, exempting the new etates from any payments on account of reparation for public property taken over. The prime factor in the negotiations heretofore has been the fact that about 3.000,000,000 francs of the Austrian pre war debt is held in France and the French government has promised . to secure repayment to its nationals. Hence it has been anxious to distribute the financial burden, in order to pre vent the bankruptcy of the new Austria and Hungary. PARIS, May 26. (By the Associated Press.) Premier Clemenceau, as presi dent of the peace conference, today Teceived a communication from Karl Renner, head of the Austrian delegation, complaining that the Austrian gov ernment is in financal straits and that the heavy expense of maintaining the delegation at St. Germain-en-Laye is creating a "regretabie strain." BASLE, May 26. Dr. Karl Renner, Austrian chancellor, has made an ap peal to Premier Clemenceau for ex pediting of peace negotiations with Austria, according to a Vienna dis patch today. The chancellor expressed fear that internal disorders might re sult from continued delay. PARIS, May 26. The French govern ment has received from the German peace delegation the assurance that it will ask no further extension of time for consideration of the peace terms. The extension granted last week ex pires Thursday. PARIS, May 26. (French Wireless Service.) Appointment of a. new com mission on reparations was announced today by the peace conference. The members of the new commission are: Norman Davis, Thomas W. Lamont, Vance McCormick and A. W. Dulles ol the United States. Lord Cunliffe, General Jan Chris tian Smuts, John M. Keynes and Mr. Bmutter of Great Britain. Finance Minister Klotz, Captain Andre Tardieu. Louis Loucheur and M Jouseset of France. Signor Crispi and Signor Damaglio cr Italy. PARIS, May 26. The German peace tieiegation today sent three new notes to the secretariat of the. peace confer ence. The notes deal respectively with reparation and responsibility; with Oerman property in allied countries' and German religious missions abroad. BERLIN, May 25. (By the" Asso ciated Press.) Information has been received irom an unimpeachable source that the counter-proposals to be made by Germany to the peace conference will declare in favor of military dis armament, saying that Germany is ready to reduce her forces to 350,000 within two months after the conclu sion of peace, and by the expiration of another year to cut the size of the - army down to 200,000 men. It will be declared that in spite of Internal disorders and the necessity for defending her frontiers, Germany thus agrees to disarm ahead of all other powers. PARIS, May 26. (By the Associated Press.) The president of China has notified the Chinese delegation by cable that a meeting of the Chinese cabinet and the speakers of both houses au thorized the delegation to sign th peace treaty with reservations regard ing tonantung. WASHINGTON, May 26. Presiden Wilson has informed officials here that POSLAM BRINGS JOY OF CLEAR HEALTHY SKIN To skin that once was eruptional and unsightly Poslam brings again the glow ot health tor many. And what relief when blemishes long tolerated are at last disposed of. A highly concen trated healing power qualifies Poslam for this work. Like a pacifying balm to burning, irritated surfaces. You should not suffer should not allow any skin disorder to remain in evl ience one day longer without finding uui jiim w j i li. L xuiam can ao tor 1 . Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St.. New York City. Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam brightens, beautifies complexions. Adv. Offers of Washington Canners High Market Is Cleared. TACOMA, Wash.. May 26. (Special.) Washington canneries are offering high prices for strawberries, and be cause of the demand from this direc tion dealers and growers in the Puyal- lup valley do not believe that prices will drop very low this season. Can ners stand ready to take all the ber ries offered at $2 a crate. At 10 cents a pound the grower stands to make as much as shipping to the commission houses, where berries must bring about $3 a crate retail. Production throughout the state has been cut down somewhat, as many fields have been plowed under to get rid of the root maggot. Growers eay it costs $1.22 to produce berries, which would make the canners' quotation equal to that of the open market. ASSEMBLY IS TO BE CALLED Policy Adopted Will Enable Allies Co-operate in Struggle Against Soviet Rule. to PARIS, May 26. The council of four of the peace conference has decided conditionally to recognize the anti-bolshevik governments of Admiral Kol chak and General Denekine, according to Reuter"s Agency here. The conditions for the recognition are that, regarding the future of Russia, these eovernmenta asree to convoke SLIT SKIRT' IS APPROVED and accePt verdict of a genuine leasriiA nf nalinti") covenant and its con- California Officials Refuse to Bar sequences as affecting the boundaries democratic senatorial , nomination in IO 920 for the nomination against Wesley L. Jones, a campaign in which it is be lieved Mayor Ole Hanson of Seattle will contest the nomination with Jonef the republican ticket and possibly cause a noticeable split In the repub lican ranks. In this event It Is believed Judge Chadwick would find an opportunity for possibly successful exercise of his faculty for getting votes even in a re publican state. There is little expectation now that Governor Lister will figure as a sena torial candidate in 1920 on the demo cratic ticket, as he was expected to do before his health failed. ABERDEEN. Wash.. May 26. (Spe cial.) J. B. Bridges, who has been offfered Justice Chadwick's place on the state supreme bench, is senior member of the firm of Bridges & Bruener. Mr. Bridges was in Olympia today to confer with Governor Hart, and at his offices it was said that nothing was known of his intentions. It is expected, however, that he will accept the appointment. Justice Chad wick's term will expire in 1920. Mr. Bridges, who has lived here many years, is one of the most widely known lawyers of southwest Washington. He has been repeatedly honored by mem bers of his profession. He has not sought public office, however, and was in no sense a candidate for the supreme court post, the offer" of which comes to him entirely unsolicited. Girl, in Spite of Protest. SACRAMENTO, May 26. Although Will C. Wood, state superintendent of public instruction, in response to a re quest from a teacher in the Yreka high school, ruled that the slit skirt was immodest and should not be worn in the schoolroom," this type of apparel may still be worn in the Yreka school by the girl pupils. Wood said the trustees of the school could enact regulations and exclude pupil until she applied for admission properly clad, but the trustees declined to expel the girl whose apparel was the subject of the decision, according to in formation received today by Wood. 'Their decision is final so far as this office is concerned," Wood said. WAGE INCREASE PROTESTED Inland Empire Bond Holders Oppose Grant to Employes. SPOKANE, May 26. Attorneys rep resenting bondholders of the Spokane & Inland Empire railway today made objection before a master in chancery. tn federal court here, to granting to employes of the road, which is in the hands of a receiver, of wage advances ordered by the federal railroad admin istration. Attorneys for employes of the road offered testimony to show that offi cials of the company had made agree ments to grant increased wages. MASSACRES OF JEWS TOLD to Conditions in Europe Presented State Department. WASHINGTON, May 26. Information regarding numerous Jewish massacres in central and eastern Europe during last March -and April, forwarded by special representatives of the Jewish relief organization, was presented to the state department today by Repre eentative Siegel -of New York. Names of 54 Jewt who were massacred were given In the reports, which said many hundreds more about whom no definite information could be obtained were killed. Conditions in Poland were described as being worse than in any other sec' tion. NEW SHIPPING RECORD SET Consignment of Silk Carried From Japan to Sew York in 18 Days. SEATTLE, May 26. From the shores of Japan to the central freight station in New York in 18 days is the record just eet in the trans-shipment of $5,000,000 cargo of silk. The Nippon Kaisha steamer Katori Maru brought the silk, consisting of 4725 bales of raw material and S14 cases of silk goods. The liner left Yokohama May 4. A special train took the precious cargo from here to New York, arriving there May 22. of the former empire are accepted. The constituent assembly is to deter mine the future form of government for Russia- Aid la Made Possible. The policy adopted. It is added, will enable the allies to recognize and sist any force in Russia co-operating in the struggle against soviet rule because such recognition will be in force only until such time as the censtituent as sembly decides upon the permanent form of government. The regional gov ernments will then expire automatic ally. The allies will not furnish Admiral Kolchak and General Denekine with troops but will supply them with arms, munitions, money 'and food on a larger scale than hitherto. It is stipulated that there will be no interference with the races of non-Russian states recently erected from old Russian territory. BASEL, May Z6. iFrencn wireless Service.) Polish troops are ' reported from Warsaw to have made further progress against the Ukrainians in eastern Galicia, taking Kamionkahole, 40 kilometers from Lemberg. Vkrainlan Army Broken. The Warsaw message adds that the Ukrainian army has become completely disorganized. PARIS, May 26. (French Wireless Service.) The Polish diet, according to a report from Warsaw, on the initiative of Deputy Sharbek, has unanimously adopted the principle of autonomy for eastern Galicia, a province whose popu lation is half Polish and half Ruthen ian. The decision, says the message. reached after the complete victory won in Galicia by the Polish forces, has been enthusiastically received by the powers concerned, "as a proof of the liberal feelings which animate the new Polish republic LONDdN, May 25. While there is no confirmation that Nikolai Lenine, bol shevik premier, has proposed an armis tice to Admiral Kolchak. head of the all-Russian government at Omsk, ther are indications that the bolsheviki are anxious over the fate of Fetrograd and Moscow. - Women Volunteer Sontkt A wireless dispatch states that the defense committee of Moscow is appeal ing for women volunteers for military service, and admits that non-bolshevik troops are fighting in the outskirts of Riga. According to a dispatch from th Reuter correspondent, there is no doubt that Petrograd can be taken but he says its capture would be useless, owing to the allies inability to feed the population. LONDON, May 26. Esthonian troops have captured the important -railway junction of Pskov, between Riga an Petrograd, according to reports from Helsingfors received in Copenhagen an transmitted by the Exchange Telegraph company. WASHINGTON, May 25. v ithd. iwa of the American forces from Archangel is actually under way, according to cable advices to the war department today, which stated that all members of the 339th infantry were awaiting evacuation. 30E30C IOC IOC GEMS' FINDER REWARDED DAUGHTER OF 'LtCKT' BALDWIN LIBERAL TO ESTATE MANAGER. "THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH" A Wonderfu lly A ttractive Lot of WOMEN'S SAMPLE SKIRTS AT ONE-FOURTH OFF Style Favorites In Summer Skirts For Sport and Separate Wear. No Two Are Alike, so Come Early for First Choice. These beautiful skirts are simply irresistible in their attractiveness of style and low pricinp;. They represent the very latest models for sport and street wear. The materials are fine Tricolette, Fantase, Satins, Crepes de Chine, White Wool Serge, White Cotton Gabar dines, etc More than a hundred different models, colors and pat terns to select from; no two alike. They come in fashionable lengths and with 26 or 28-inch waists. It goes without saying that every woman's wardrobe should include one or more of these beautiful skirts. Prices Range From $4 Up to $30. At This Sale You Pay One-Quarter Less Than These Figures. c- n j J " n o D o 0 o Asked if $200 a Month Would Not I Have Been Enough, Woman Says It Wouldn't Pay for Cigarettes. LOS ANGELES. May 26. Mrs. Clara Baldwin Stocker rewarded her estate manager, Walter T. McGinley, with $50,000 for recovering diamonds alleged to have been stolen from her, accord ing to her testimony in the supreme court in the proceedings brought by her son, Albert E. Snyder of San Fran- c'sco. Mr. Snyder asks to have hia mother declared incompetent to handle the 110.000.000 estate left her by her father, the late E. J. ("Lucky") Bald win, California turfman, and a trustee appointed for her properties. "Wasn't that rather liberal?" Attor ney Leroy Edwards of Snyder's counsel asked Mrs. Stocker. "I don't think so," ehe replied. "My diamonds were worth $200,000." Mrs. Stocker testified that before giving Mr. McGinley the $50,000 she had been considering presenting him with Los Angeles property for his serv ices in the diamond recovery. The in come irom mis property was -00 a month, she said. "Wouldn't $200 a month have been enough of a reward?" Mrs. Stocker was asked. "Certainly not," she answered, "that wouldn't buy Walter's cigarettes." The plaintiffs counsel brought out this testimony, they said, in an effort to prove that Mrs. Stocker had evi denced her incompetency by giving Mr. McGinley more than $1,000,000 in money ana property. A telegram Mrs. Stocker sent from her Arcadia home near here last August to Mr. McGinley in New Tork also was touched on. This read: I was told today you are married and have been for five years, and took your wife east with you. Is this so?" "Why did you send that telegram?" Mrs. stocker was asked. "Because I wanted to know." "Why did you want to know?" "Oh. I Just wanted to know. I didn't care if . he had 40 wives." I OFFICERS' DEATH PLANNED Continued From First Page.) I. W. W. at Spokane in June of 1918, with no intention of respecting the pledge he signed as a member. Officers to Be Killed. "I Just went in on orders to investi gate them," the witness told the Jury. "I was present one day when some of the I. W. W. asked me to donate to collection, the proceeds of which were to be used to hire some one to kill army intelligence officers who were hot on their traiL," Allison did not reBent Vanderveer's accusation that he was a "stool pigeon. but contented himself with cautiously telling the jury what he termed a part of the I. W. W. killing programme. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price CARTERS r?ITTLE IVER PILLS For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Drain Schools End Year. DRAIN, Or, May 26. (Special.) The Drain public schools will close June 6. There are four in the graduation class, all girls. They are Bertha Rush. Ella Stocker. Lela Morningstar and Herma Carter. On May 31, at 8:30 P. M.. at the I. O. O. F. hall, the seniors will give their play, "The Witch of Fairy Dell." On Sunday, June 1, the baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Mr. Downs at the Meth odist Episcopal church. On June 6 the commencement exercises take place at the high school assembly ball. 2 ESCAPE PENDLETON JAIL Bars of Window Are Sawed While Sheriff Is Away. PENDLETON. Or., -May 26. (Spe cial.) Taking advantage of a brief absence from the building of all the force of the sheriff's office, two pris oners confined in the county Jail yes terday broke Jail by sawing their way through the bars of a back window. Their absence waa discovered when the daughter of the Jailer living near by recognized one of the men on the street. The men were Manuel iierrera. held on a -charge of robbery of the postoffice at Palmer Junction, and Charles Conners, alias Charles Buoke, held on a charge of passing bad checks. Herrera was captured a mile east of town. Conners is: still at liberty. WILSON'S ACTION OPPOSED Mount Tabor Methodist Church Would Keep Ban on Liquor. A strong protest against President Wilson's action in regard to lifting the ban on the national liquor question was voiced in a resolution sent to the Ore gon delegation at Washington yester day by the Mount Tabor Methodist church. Rev. E. Olin Eld ridge, pastor, said: 'President Wilson has made the mis- take of his life, as bad as when he tried to force us to have a democratic congress. The moral forces of this nation will rise against him. Our plea that our representatives and senators let him know our attitude is similar to that being sent by leading churches all over the country." Tempting Low Pnaz Laces and Em bro ideries A showing that far surpasses any previous season Styles and patterns to suit all tastes and purposes and all most moderately priced Your immediate inspection is invited. Zion Laces at 5c to lOca Yard An unlimited assortment of these popular Wash Laces both sets and edges in round thread, French and filet patterns. Imit. Crochet Laces 12V2C to 25c Yard Both Bands and Edges in a splendid assortment of patterns in widths from 1 to 5 inches most excep tional values. Imitation Cluny Laces at 5c -to 25c a Yard An extensive showing in White and Ecru Edges and Bands in 1 to 5-inch widths. . All new goods. Imit. Filet Laces, SO to 95c Yard. Patterns and widths especially desirable for neck wear and dress trimmings both dainty and elab orate patterns. Special Sale of 10,000 Yards of Colored Wash Goods At 25c Yard Ginghams In All Styles and Colors. Stripes, Checks, Plaids and Plain Colors. Percales Light and Dark Colored Patterns 36-Inch Width. Jap Crepes In Stripe Styles Batistes and Voiles In Checks, Stripes, Flowers and Figures. Choice From the Entire As sortment this sale At 25C Yard D O II o D o D o n o n o D o D o D o Store Opens at 8:30 A.M. Saturday at 9 A.M. The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5 :30 P.M. Saturday at 6 P.M. n o Republicans Lead in Hood River. HOOD RIVER, Or.. May 26. (Spe cial.) Registration for the special election of June 3 has reached a total of 2502, according to Deputy County Clerk Shoemaker. The respective party segregations of men and women regis trants are as follows: Republicans, 1027 and 609: democrats, 359 and 253; proh1 bltion. 27 ana 4ti; socialist, 61 and 27 miscellaneous, 60 and 3D. Pendleton to Issne Call. PENDLETON, Or., May 26. (Spe cial.) A call will be made immediate ly for water bonds of the city of Pen dleton for 1899. In July the city water commission will retire $45,000 of these bonds, on which the minimum time limit will then have expired. They are 40-year bonds, optional at 20 years. Plans have been completed for finish ing the Chaplish springs extension of the city system before the dry season. Irive Opens Saturday. - BEND. Or.. May 26. (Special. 1 Th Salvation Army drive in central Ore gon will officially open in Bend Satur day. May 31. when Dr. Charles T. Wheeler, Just returned from active service in the battle' area in France, will speak here, it was announced this afternoon. The combined quota of Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson coun ties is $3000. JUSTICE CHADWICK 'TO QUIT (Continued From Flmt Pge.) States senator and now it is believed certain that he will make the race. By his own written decision in tne Black case, which gave the gubernato rial nomination to Krnest leister in 1912. Chief Justice Chadwick is In eligible tor governor at the next elec tion, as the supreme court term to which he was elected does not end until 1921, the date a new governor takes office, and the Black decision rules out a Judge as candidate ror any other office where the campaign falls within the judicial term to wmcn ne was elected. Webster Action Recalled. Under a more recent supreme court decision by which Judge J. Stanley Webster left the bench to become representative in the present session from the 5th district, there Is no such constitutional bar to a Judge becoming a candidate for federal office, which. it is believed, leaves the way clear for Chief Justice Chadwick to file for the Sheridan Depot Robbed. SHERIDAN. Or., May 26. (Spe cial.) The Southern Pacific depot in this city was entered and robbed some time last evening, only a small amount. however, being taken, as the currency Is deposited at closing time each even- In?. The thieves made their way through a window which they broke with a rock, and broke open the till in the ticket office, also breaking open several express packages in the bag- srage room. The safe was unlocked and the robber.- finding nothing valua ble, left. Tax Regulation Explained. WALLACE. Idaho, May 26. (Spe cial.) In the tax statements filed with the county assesso- mining companies are not permited, in arriving at their 'net profits for the past year, to de duct as a part of their expense of op eration the sums paid to the federal government as income, excess profits and war profits taxes, according County Attorney II. J. Hull. to While a husband and wife of Mount Sterling, Pa., were attending revival services two men entered the home and carried off a 100-pound safe w hich con tained $125 In cash. $100 in liberty bonds and other securities. The neigh bors eaw them go boldly into the house and bring out the safe, but sup posed it was all right. Rood River youth May Recover. HOOD RIVER, Or.; May 26. (Spe cial.) Fred Ward, 18-year-old youth whose skull was fractured when he was run over by his runaway team, following an operation at the Cottage hospital last night, has regained con sciousness and it is believed that he will recover. One of the horses planted a foot squarely in the young man's forehead, causing a bad fracture. There's something about them you'll like- J&JhT Twenty to ( evt 55 rs s3 f& M An B ' (Trademark KesUiw J?l d W: THE SIGN OF PERFECT f) (f (Jye carefully examined y) fand properly tit tea ivun vi glasses without the use of a drugs by skilled specialists, g. V Complete lens grinding VI factory on the premises. The Best Prescription TT "The Jrink that fits" It's the thirst quencher, the snappy appetizer -beverage with the .ngf and taste. Your favorite fourjftain, or cafe, has. it. In Bottles On Draught the Portland Brewing Co. SAVE YOUR EYES OPTICAL INSTITUTE ( c 9 Portland's Laixeiit, Mont Modern. Best equipped. Exclusive upueat Kstabllfthment. 'S0O-2I0-U CORBKTT BLDG 2 bince lfH8. nJ3i 5$ -.5-ij WOMEN SHOULD PROMOTE A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION 6 Bell-ans' Hot water , Sure Relief ELL-AN S FOR INDIGESTION Your Hair Should Never Become Gray! You Can Prevent It! AN att fl assured to women who use Santi septlc Lotion. No matter how much you expose your face to sun or wind no matter how often you motor or go on week-end outings or hiking trips Santiseptic will keep your skin as clear and as free from blemish as if you had not ventured outdoors. It will afford absolute protection from tan, freckles, sunburn and vt-indburn. A delightful feature of Santiseptic is that it is nei ther eticky norjgreaay. Santiseptic also gives instant atd permanent relief from the bites and atins of insects, as well as from Infection and irritation caused by poison oak or poison ivy. Women, and men, too, always should keep a bot tle of Santiseptic on their dressing ta bles: it should be included in the ne cessities taken on outing or motoring trips. Santiseptic is prepared either plain or perfumed, as preferred, in tints of white, flesh, brunette and cream. Santiseptic may be procured at most drug and department stores. If your druggist cannot supply it. send SO cents, with his name, to the Bsbencolt Labo ratories, Fortland, Or., for a fuU-aize bottle, postpaid. Adv. A prominent hair and scalp specialist of Chicago has discovered the secret. . The result, sought through 40 long years of scientific study and labora- I tory research, is certain. Co-Lo Hair Restorer will restore the I natural color to your hair, no matter how gray it has oecome. Harmless to hair and scalp, it con tains neither lead nor sulphur. Will not wash or rub off has no eediment and is as clear as water. A pleasing and simple remedy to apply. A6 For black and all dark ehades of brown. A7 Extra strong, for Jet black hair only. A8 For all medium brown shades. A9 For all very light brown, drab and auburn shades. Co-Lo Hair Restorer is on sale at all stores ot The Owl Drue Co. Phone your want ads to The Orefo-1 nian. Phone Main 7070. A 609a. J 0