THE MORNING OliEGONIAN, TUESDAY, MAY 2T, 1919. lO SUPREME CQUR IN DLCOTT-HDFF CASE Status of Governor May Be Made Public Today. OPINION DECLARED READY If Atlorncj-Gcncral's Contention Is Upheld New Secretary May He Appointed This Week. l!!H! fl I fVJ?y5tc- on at rfQ99 go i uisii bin! trm t li !! I ' I ! I ! I I ! I II rBYOEBTRPDE F. SALEM. Or.. May 26. (Special.) If the supreme court tomorrow hands down the expected decision in the Olcott - Hoff mandamus proceedings, brought to determine Governor Olcott's righ tto resign as secretary of state, it is considered likely in statehouse circles that the governor's appointment of a secretary of state may be forth coming before the close of the week, providing, of course, that the decision of the court sustains the ruling of Attorney-General Brown that Mr. Olcott is governor in fact and can resign as secretary of state -without jeopardizing his title to the office of governor.' State officials believe that the de cision will be handed down tomorrow, although unauthoriative information received at the supreme court building was to the effect that the decision might be delayed another week. Opinion Declared Written. It is known that the opinion has been written and it is understood that the court is practically unanimous. It is understood that one supreme court ustice, although concurring in the opin ion which has been written for the court, desires to write a supplementary brief and this may delay the final de cision until a week from tomorrow. In case the supreme court holds that Mr. Olcott serves out the full unexpired term of the late Governor Withycombe, which, it is understood will be the case, it is believed at the capitol that Gov ernor Olcott will make an immediate announcement of his appointment for secretary of state. In seeking a de cision of the question, Governor Olcott called attention to the fact that he was desirous of having three members of the state board of control as quickly as possible, and his friends say he will lose no time in bringing about this change. Sam Kozer la Mentioned. From a list of possible appointees for the office of secretary of state, the one candidate most likely to be selected seems to be Sam A. Kozer, the present deputy secretary of state. Mr. Kozer has had complete charge of the office since Mr. Olcott took over his duties as governor. Those who feel assured that Mr. Kozer will receive the appointment point to the fact that .during his of ficial life in Salem, Governor Olcott has prided himself on the fact that ef ficiency has been paramount to all other considerations. This being true, his political friends say it is practically certain that Mr. Kozer will be his choice for the office. Before the present proceedings were instituted, the governor paid a tribute to his chief lieutenant in the secretary of state's office by declaring he was the best informed man on state busi ness in Oregon, barring none. Other Men Would Accept. If he is still of this same belief, and still desires efficiency rather than po litical prestige, those who feel that they can sense the true condition of af fairs, appear confident that Mr. Kozer soon will ascend to the oifice of secre tary of state. K. E. Brodie of Oregon City, Louis E. Bean of Eugene, Senator I. L. Patterson of Polk County and Senator XV. XV. Banks of Portland were others who have been mentioned as possible suc cessors to the office of secretary of state. It is understood that none of them has written to the governor con cernins the office, although their friends have been more or less active since the governor announced he would resign as secretary" of state if the su preme court should hold he has that right Early Decision Is Certain. If the supreme court makes public its decision tomorrow it is believed that the governor will make his ap pointment to become effective on June 1. If this is done, thrci officials would be represented on the state board of control at its meeting next week. If the decision is delayed tomorrow it is practically certain it will be forth coming a week from today or tomorrow. THE closing concert of the Portland Symphony orchestra will be given tomorrow evening in the Helllg theater, and deviating from all pre vious concerts, this one will be of pop ular music. A most elaborate pro gramme has been prepared, and the final of a most successful season will be a notable event socially and mu sically. This evening the members of the Monday Musical club will entertain their friends and relatives at the bene fit performance at the Baker theater, when the usual stock company's per formance will be suDDlemented by an elaborate musical -programme to be given by various members of the duo. Those who will contribute to the pro gramme are: Soloist, Mrs. Gabriel Pullin; director of chorus, Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed; director of orchestra, Mrs. E. L. Knight; danseuse. Miss Wilberta Bab- bidge; social committee, Mrs. urea A. Kribs. The string -ensemble depart ment of the Monday Musical club un der the direction of Mrs. E. L. Knight will give the following numbers: , Don Juan overture (Mozart): Minuet Pastel (Paradis); Moments Musical (Mozart); "Spring, Beautiful Spring" (Linke). Chorus of 40 members, directed by Rose Coursen-Reed, will sing "Spring" (Gaston Borch); "Into the Woods" (C. Linn Seiner); "Moths" (G. Pallcot); "Pack Up Your Troubles" (Felix Powell). Mrs. Anton Giebisch, re-elep ted pres ident of the Monday Musical club, will make the opening address. Miss Wil berta Babbidge (danseuse) will ap pear in a toe ballet (Peacock Polka) between the second and third acts of the play. Mrs. J. CoulBon Hare and Mrs. Fred A. Krib are head of the social! com mittee. Presiding over the attractive booth to be erected in the foyer for the sale of candies, flowers and ice cream cones will be Mrs. W. I. Swank. Mrs. Phillip Blumauer, Mrs. Ervin G. Leiby, Mrs. H. J. Kelly and Mrs. Charles Billington. The following maids will sell the confections and flowers through the audience: Gloria D. Christ, newly-elected presi dent of the junior club3ertrude Doyle, secretary of the Juniors; Marian Ma chan, Margery Peck, Frances Hare, Lu cile Voght, Willetha Kltter? Evangeline Barde, Lola Clark, Billie Worn am and the Carmen sisters. . IIIIIUlTJilm I 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith (Grace Janis) are receiving congratulations over the. arrival of a son born May lo. He has been named Robert William. MRS. N. W. DURHAM IS DEAD Pioneer Worker for Church and So ciety Passes Away. SPOKANE, Wash., May 26. (Special.) The active career of one of Spokane's pioneer women, a prominent church member, a tireless worker in the in terests of society, came to an end parly this morning when Mrs. Nelson W. Durham passed away quietly at her home here. At the bedside when death came were her husband, a son, Wayne Durham; two daughters, Mrs. W. J. Sanders and Miss Dorothy Durham, and the at tending phyysician8. Her life ended in a quiet slubber from which she had scarcely regained consciousness, and heart trouble was given as a contribut ing cause. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe, at a charming function given at their home in the Laurelhurst section Saturday evening, celebrated the 50th monthly recurrence of their wedding day. The occasion was celebrated, although in months only, as a golden wedding, and the apartments were profusely deco rated in yellow flowers and draperies. The bride cake carried a golden hue. illuminated by bulb lights shaded in like color. The event was accentuated by the presentation to Mrs. Coe by Dr. Coe, of a golden ribboned package, consisting of generous selections from all of the seven series of United States gold bonds iBsued by the government during and since the war. The joys of the occasion were mate rially heightened by the presence of Earl A. Coe, son of Dr. Coe, who had returned home only the day' before from overseas, where for 17 months he served with the 2d "division. He was among the first Americans to enter Germany with the victorious veteran shock troois of his country. The MacDowell club will close its season today at the Little theater with one of the club members, Mrs. Maurice Seitz, presented in a programme of modern music. Sirs. Seitz will con tribute some piano numbers and she will be assisted by Jane Burns, Albert and JOEeph Mulder, who will sing groups of songs composed by Mrs. Seitz. The club is throwing open its doors to all lovers of music. After the programme the annual election will be held and reports of officers will be heard. The programme will begin at. i o clock. Owing to the illness of Colonel John Cabeen Beatty, U. S. A., who is visiting Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison, the regular monthly "at home" held the fourth Tuesday of each month will be post poned until next week. These teas are proving very popu lar with Trinity's congregations and friends, and they are anticipated with considerable pleasure. A charming affair of yesterday aft ernoon was the tea for which Mrs. Ralph H. Staehli was hostess, compl menting Mrs. Jervis Webb of New York who left labt night for her home, and Miss Katharine Laidlaw, who returned recently from Washington. D. C, where she had been for more than a year. About 30 of the close friends of the honor guests were asked to share in the gaieties. The prettily decked and appointed tea table was presided over by Mrs. Irving M. Lupton. and Mrs. Howard Hilton. The drawing"room was aglow with a profusion of California poppies. day last to spend a month at their cot tage in Ocean Park. Wash. Mrs. Munk has been ill for some time. They were accompanied by Mr: and Mrs. W. J. Woodruff. Mrs. Ruth Blair Farley will leave Wednesday for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Earle L Bartholomew, in New York. Major Colbert, who recently returned from overseas, has joined Mrs. Colbert and the J. Edward Murrays of Tacoma at the Palace hotel in San Francisco. They plan to motor through southern California points. Jean Elizabeth Mur ray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed ward Murray, is visiting at the home of her Aunt, Mrs. John P. Drath, in Piedmont. The Banjo Dancing club will give its final party Thursday evening in Cotil lion hall. The committee anticipates a large attendance. Mrs. George Burke gave a luncheon yesterday at her home in Rose City Park. The tables were decorated with roses and covers were placed for: Mrs. Kate Keppler, Mrs. C. Hayden, Mrs. Langhorn, Mrs. E. Wolf, Mrs. J. H. Burk, Mrs. James Hughes Burk, Miss Faith Burk and Miss Marion Burk. i Miss Helene Russell of Rainier, Or., and Miss Jenniebelle Link of Goble, Or., are at the Imperial hotel. They came to the city to take part in the Emil Enna recital at Lincoln high school this evening. Mrs. James Shanard Johns (Pearl McKenna), of Pendleton, Or., Is spend ing a fortnight visiting friends and relatives in the city. She is now the house guest of her sister, Mrs. E. S. Thomas, at her home, 961 East Flan ders street. Many social courtesies have been planned for Mrs. Johns dur ing her visit. Dr. Mae H. Cardwell has returned from a trip to Roseburg. Or., where she attended the annual strawberry fes tival, and was judge at the baby show. There were about 100 baby contestants lor the first prize. The Knights of Columbus will enter tain the enlisted men with a compll mentary dancing party at the Knights of Columbus building. Vancouver Bar racks, Wednesday evening. Women de siring to attend must secure cards of admission which are obtainable at the Knights of Columbus club. Park and Taylor streets. Admission cards must be presented at the door. NEWPORT. Or., May 26. (Special.) A society event o Importance in New port took place last week when Miss Dolores Starr, aged 18 years, of New port, became the wife of Alwln Cool baugh, of Walport. The bridegroom served in the naval reserve forces on the U. S. S. Vicksburg at San Diego during the war. Upon his discharge he hastened to Newport where he met Miss Starr. After a brief courtship they were married, and Mrs. Coolbaugh, who was exceedingly popular in New port, will make Walport her future home. The young people are at Nye beach. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Broughton are being felicitated upon the arrival of a daughter born Tuesday, May 20. Mrs Broughton was Rita Fraley. weeks, after which they will make their home in Portland. Laura I. Long, a well-known modlsta of this city, and Harry C. Whitman, prominent fruit rancher of Lebanon, were married at a simple ceremony yesterday noon at the First Methodist church. Rev. . Joshua Stansfield offi ciating. The couple was unattended and the guests were limited to a few relatives and close friends. Immedi ately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Whitman left for their ranch home in Lebanon. Women's Activities By Edith Kalgbt Holmes. Stylish Clothes At Little Expense Mrs. C. P. Bishop, of Salem, is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, 524 East Twenty-fourth street. She was accompanied by her little grandson, Charles K. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Caswell re cently returned from a visit of two months at their ranch in Montana, near Dillon. They had as their house guest over this week-end Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Gibbons, U. S. A., who is sta tioned at Ft Keogh, and they enter tained him with motor trips and a dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Caswell and daughters, the Misses Xadiae and Suzanne, will leave in a month to spend the summer ob their ranch in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Dundore (Paula Linn) spent the week-end in town, leaving yesterday for the north where they will make their future home. Mr. Dundore recently returned from overseas service. THE War Auxiliaries central commit tee in executive session yesterday received the resolution sent by the Portland Woman's club regarding the soldiers', sailors' and marines' educa tional aid bill. After some discussion the resolution was laid on the table. Mrs. George L.. Williams presided. Mrs. Williams said that the auxili aries' committee should consider the resolution more carefully and take it up at some -future date. Her opinion was indorsed by all present. The Port land womani club, at its last meeting indorsed the bill and at the suggestion of Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull a resolu tion was framed asking that the aux iliaries join with the club in asking that a commission be appointed to supervise the spending of the money and to direct the activities that would grow out of the fund. How can we do that when the bill hasn't passed?" the war mothers ask They felt gratified that the club had Indorsed their bill, but they are not sure that Mrs. Trumbull's resolution is timely, they say. "Mrs. Trumbull understand, says the money might be spent for boys to go to dancing school. said Mrs. Williams. "We are glad the Chamber of Commerce has Indorsed our bill. Many of our boys left school to go to war and we want them to have a chance to complete their schooling. We war mothers gave up our boys gladly. but we want this bill to pass so they may have a chance to get a little more education. The war auxiliaries will meet tomor rqm night at Liberty temple to form an auxiliary to the American Legion. Lieutenant Barge Leonard and Captain E. J. Elvers will speak. m m m The auxiliary to company H, 162d in fantry, will hold a special meeting to day at 2 o'clock at 427 ',4 Stark street. a Of especial interest today will be the luncheon to be given at the Portland hotel by the Oregon Equal Suffrage al liance. The occasion will commemo rate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Julia Ward Howe. The Portland Womans Research club will hold a business meeting tomorrow at 2 o'clock on the mezzanine floor of the Benson hotel. The Yamhill County Federation o Womens clubs will meet in McMlnn ville, June 7. as the guests of the Mc- Minnville Woman's club. The feder ation is composed of 14 clubs, with Mrs. C. H. Knickerbocker, of Sheridan, a president. Mrs. E. H. Ingram's residence. 1181 Harold avenue, will be the scene to morrow evening of the meeting of the State Woman's Press club. Mrs. Alice Weister will speak on psychology Mrs. Carolyn De Witt Joslyn will give readings. Muslca numbers will be con trlbuted by Miss Eva Johnson, Mrs. L. W. Waldorf and Mrs. Chester Geer. Multnomah Circle No. 744, Neighbors of Woodcraft, will meet as usual Friday evening at 894 Taylor street. All Niegh bors are welcome. The meeting of the Catholic Women' league that was planned for today a the home of Mrs. John E. Lelsses, 71 Hancock street, has b'en postponed and will be held the 'ourth Tuesday in June. The annual meeting of the Jewish Women's Benevolent society will be held at the Synagogue Beth-Israel to day at 2 o'clock. m The Mount Scott W. C. T. U. met yes terday at 2 o'o'ock at the home of Mrs. J. E. Hawken, 6640 Eighty - fourth street. The topics of the day were given by Rev. E. A. Smith. Mrs. Llna Jasper sung and a reading was given by Mrs. Mabel Shinn. Tuesday Afternoon club will meet at 8:15 o'clock today in the library. - CHERRY CHAT VERY little cash covers a m n 1 1. i t. 11 fl A of rlnthpc wants at Cherry's. Just a few dollars down and you may take your choice of any suit or outer garment in the house, and enjoy the wear of the clothes while you're pay ing for them. Cherry's department for men carries some of the best makes of clothing in the world the nationally' advertised makes. Get your new suit now. Cherry's, 389-91 Washington street, Pittock Block. . DON'T GET RUN DOWN Weak and miserable. If you have Dull Head Paine, Dizziness, Nervousness, Pains in the Hack, and feel tired all over, pet a package ot Mother Gray's AROMATIC-LEAF, the pleasant Medicinal Tea. We have many tes timonials. As a gentle laxative It has no equal. Ask for Mother Gray's Aromatic Leaf at Druggists or sent by mail for J0 cents. Sample FRE K. Address. Motber Uray Co.. J-e Roy. N. Y. Adv. Mrs. George W. Joseph entertained the members of the Crescendo club at luncheon at her home in Irvington, on Friday. Covers were placed for 16, the table being prettily decked with red and yellow garden flowers. Mrs. C. C. Hall was the honor guest. After luncheon the election of offi cers took place, Mrs. Joseph being re elected for the third time as president; Mrs. Glen Eoulkes, secretary and treas urer. The club sang last night in Vancouver hospital tor tne soldiers, and in Juno will assist Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed at her recital at the Multnomah hotel. Last week Mrs. Ralph Torrey was hostess to the club, at her home In Floral avenue. ' A charming musical programme was given, and the guests numbered 14. TKe house was prettily decked with lavendar toned spring flowers, and a charming luncheon was served. , Complimenting Miss Elizabeth Mene fce. who vill leave shortly for the east. Miss Elizabeth Huber will be a luncheon hostess tomorrow at her home. Covers will bo arranged for eight close friends of the honoree. . Following the Initiation of the Daughters of the Nile, Nydia Temple, at the Multnomah hotel, the new or ganization will entertain with a formal ball for all their members and friends The entire day will be given over to various phases of the organization, i luncheon at noon to etart the festivi ties, and a number of dinner parties to follow in the evening. Wednesday there will be a large banquet at the Portland hotel, with Mrs. A. C. Call an and Mrs. C. E. Runyon in charge. The members of this organization are limited to wives of Shriners. and they will commence with a charter membership of 80. Miss La Zona Melching entertained Friday evening for Miss Marie Lang with a shower. Her guests were: Marie Lang, Merle Young, Hlen Laughin, Mrs. Vernon White. Ester Stump Sherry Brown. Thresa Brown, Lina Brown. Leon Thina Goehring and La Zona Melching. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munk left Wednes- Congratulatory messages are finding their way to Rev. and Mrs. John Rice upon the arrival of a daughter, born the latter part of last week. LEBANON, Or., May 26. (Special.) The wedding of Miss Adella May Neff, of Lebanon, to Donald Kfrkpatrick, of Eugene was solemnized at home of the oride in Hyland on South Fourth street May 20 amid a bower of sweet brief and roses. The wedding services were performed by the father of the bride. The bride Is the youngest daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Neff, the latter for many years a minister at Salem. The bride lived several years in Salem. Mr. Klrkpatrick is a son of Mrs. Emma Klrkpatrick, of Eugene, and re cently returned from overseas service where he spent 10 months at the front in France with the S16 sanitary train of the 91st division. He was awarded spe cial honors by the King of Belgium and General Pershing for bravery under fire After the wedding ceremony an elab orate feast was served by Mrs. C. B. Spencer and Mrs. Elmo Kirkpatrlck. sis ter of the bride, at the home of Mrs. Spencer. The couple left, for a honey moon trip to Bandon for a couple of Whole Meal at One Time Prepared in the "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Double Roaster in oven or over one burner on top of stove a delicious roast, potatoes, macaroni and even a dessert such as baked apples or rice pudding. Clean, bright 66 Wear Ever 59 Aluminum Cooking Utensils give to your kitchen an atmosphere that indicates' more than ordinary interest in good cooking as well as a high standard of furnishings throughout your entire home. Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that " Wear-Ever ' The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., New Kensington, Pa, Look for th "Wear-Ecer" trade mark on the bottom of each utensil. y? fPWMMm r ' - '''' Company G auxiliary. 162d Infantry, will meet tomorrow afternoon In Cen tral library. They will plan some spe cial entertainment for their boys. The Advertising Women's club will meet at 12:15 o'clock today in the rose room of the Benson hotel. Mrs. Anton Giebisch will be hostess for the Portland Shakespeare Study club tomorrow when the annual meet ing will take place. Mrs. Giebisch has been a most capable president and the club is doing good work. The executive board of the women's association of the First Congrega tional church will entertain all the women of the church and congregation at a May fete tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. The church parlors will b'e the scene of the festivity and they will be decorated especially for the occasion. The board will be glad to welcome all guests. Mrs. Riddle will sing and Miss Lucia Adele Becker will play violin solos and Rene L. Baker will preside at the piano. m The women of the First Congrega tlonal church serve a cafeteria supper Thursday nights at 6:15 o'clock. Then they present a short programme. Last Thursday the evening was managed successfully by Mrs. J. Ripley. Mrs. H. M. Morse. Mrs. W. K. Royal and as sistants from the Holladay-Piedmont district. The last of the series of these affairs this week will be directed by Mrs. E. B. McNaughton, as risted by representatives of JScllwood, Mount Tabor, Montavilla, Mount facott and Waverly Heights districts. JAPANESE STUDIES CITY Giro Mashimo isits America to Learn Municipal System. Studying the mechanism of American municipalities. Giro Mashimo. promi nent attorney of Tokio, Japan, and member of the Tokio municipal assem bly, is spending several days in Port land conferring with officials of the Portland administration and the Cham ber of Commerce. Mr. Mashimo is a Tokio city council man, bent upon investigating the man ner in W.iich American cities are operated, and carrying his findings back to Japan with a recommendation that his own home town, metropolis o( cherry bloom land, adopt suh as he deems adaptable. He will remain In Portland several days, later visiting New York and other eastern cities. he toppled over the balustrade. Special Policeman Phil Mc.Mahon found the body. Ttead Th Oreconi.m classified ads. LOOKS FOR ROOM; IS DEAD Man Leans Over Balustrade and Drops Two Stories to Death. SAN FRANCISCO. William J. Nor ton, a machinist, employed at the mu nicipal car barns, fell two stories to his death at the Broadway apartments. 224S Polk street. Norton was 50 years old. According to the police the man was endeavoring to find his room when Some Coffee Drinkers continue to drink, coffee even though it does cause dis comfort. - Of course they re unwise! There is no discom fort in POSTUM. It has a delightful aroma and a rich coffee-like flavor. If coffee disagree, try INSTANT 77ieie& a Reason jtyyr S You save when you buy it You save when you use it W M. IB. Coffee S fMy&f i the richest flavored SVv ffiJfl J ' coffee you can buy Vvjv Jffw J ve Poun can and save more money v &fJ ' REMEMBER OUR GUARANTEE Yj wjisl M. J. E RAND EN STEIN & CO. fr1 i' Ofiicaod Wuthooe. 27-29 N. Ftool St. XVAT m i i 1 1 lif ii til mm "Out of Bed Three Times If the -lctIm of kidney disorders and bladder Irritation Is compelled to arisa even oire in the nisht. there is a con dition which should be promptly cor rected. If arising more than once Im mediate attention is the part of wis are peculiarly fitted to -promptly re lieve soreness and aching In the kidney reclons. They allay inflammation, re store normal secretion and correct the alkalinity of the waste secretions, and thus stop the source of irritation, pain nd annoyance. There are thousands of benefited users of Ralmwort Kidney Tablets and all good, conscientious druggists recommend and sell them, rrice. (1.00 per tube. fORRKCT KIDNEY TROl'BLE Sold by all drugKists. Adv. yj'i'u.' mil ihiaiiiiiiiiiiiMiwuaiuiiiimi) mi m n mn uuiii. MADAME BOURRET GREAT REDUCTION SALE ONE HUNDRED HATS AT TEN DOLLARS 347 MORRISON STREET For Skin Tortures ton"t worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle at $1.00. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a dean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O. t A Blem mars the perfect appearance of her com plexion. Permanent and temporary skin troubles are effectively concealed. Reduces un natural color and corrects greasy skins. Highly antiseptic, used with beneficial results as a curative ggf-nt for 70 yfart. IJUJ She Grows Nervous at Nightfall More dreaded than an alarm of fire by night is the hoarse, orassy cough of croup to the nervous mother who fears this terror of childhood. Why worry. when a few timely doses of Foley a Honey and Tar will ward off croup and clear the throat of choking phlegm. It will give you confidence to fce nightfall without fear of croup. Mrs. Ben MeyerinkCIymer, N. T.. says: "Our little girl would surely have had croup but Foley's Honey and Tar stopped It at once." Sold everywhere. Adv.