- ' ' - - I- rnr T VTTT n 1 1JL Entered at Portland (Oregon) vJ I-i. JjVXAX. .LtJ. 1 ! Po-rtofflce Second -CI aa Matter. PORTLAXD, OREGON, TUESDAY, -MAY 27. 1910 PRICE FIVE CENTS. CHIEF JUSTICE AT PEACE -PACT WORRIES RANTZAU EXCEEDINGLY COUNT O'ABLE TO DECIDE IF HE WILL SIGX OR NOT. FIGHT FOR COAST SHIP INDUSTRY ON U.S. FLYERS EXPECT TO LEAVE AZORES TODAY XC4 READY FOR RESCUING FLIGHT TO LISBON. nrirru nr. nmprqc suffrage opponents SENATE ISTORN BY DEBATE ON LEAGUE Arguments Marked by In creased Bitterness. ULttlll Ul UII IULllu delay SENATE ACTION PLANNED BY1.W.W. RESOLUTION" SET ASIDE UNDER RULES UNTIL THURSDAY. OLYMPIA RESIGNS r ( 0 Stephen J. Chadwick Quits Supreme Brench. J. B. BRIDGES IS APPOINTED i Acting Governor's Choice for - Justice Aberdeen Lawyer. ) CHANGE EFFECTIVE JUNE 1 O. R.' Holcomb "Will Be Xew Chief Justice at Oljmpla Retiring Judge Long on Bench. OLYMPIA, Wash., May 26. (Special.) Stephen J. Chadwick. chief Justice of the Washington Bupreme court, today tent his formal resignation to Acting Governor Hart, to become effective June 1. Having been previously apprised of Judge Chadwick's determination to re tire. Governor Hart had selected Jesse B. Bridges of Aberdeen to fill the va cancy, and immediately announced his appointment. Mr. Bridges is one of the most prominent attorneys of the south west, having served as president of the etate bar association and upon the state board o law examiners. H.e will serve out the remainder of Judge Chadwick's term, which expires in 1921. By the supreme court rule of succession Judge Holcomb automati cally becomes chief justice on June 1. Desire to Aid Son Gratified. As one of the best known and most popular jurists of the state. Chief Jus tice Chadwlck.'-o resignation comes as an abrupt surprise to many. He will en ter the pioneer Seattle law firm of Hughes, McMicken, Rupp & Ramsey, with which his eon. Lieutenant Stephen . F. Chadwick, is associated, and his pri mary object in returning to private practice in this connection is believed to be a desire to see his son securely established. Of his retirement from the supreme bench, which he has occupied or a dozen years. Chief Justice Chad wick says: "I am jvery grateful to the people of this state for their many expressions of respect and confidence. My son, Lieutenant Stephen F. Chadwick, was. connected with the firm of Hughes, McMicken, Rupp & Ramsey before he went overseas. In - the meantime E. C. Hughes died. I have been invited to become a mem ber of the firm. I had thought that I would not be a candidate at the next election, and when this opportunity to enter an established business, and with my son. was offered. I felt that It was my duty to accept it. Character of Court Landed. "It is hard to break association with frny fellow judges. They are earnest, fincere and learned men, and if the public only knew them as I do no one would ever asperse the character of this court. It is unfortunate that our system of electing judges calls forth candidates who are willing to traduce others that they may win. The judges ere helpless to meet such methods but the good people of the state should meet them and rebuke them in future campaigns. : Mr. .Bridges, who is suggested as "my successor, is an able man and the etate will lose nothing by the change." In this criticism of judiciary elec tions the. retiring chief justice is un derstood to refer to direct primary ef forts to win the nomination, several f which, particularly the last, de veloped considerable bitterness on the rart of one of the unsuccessful can didates. Justice Native Oregonlan. Chief Justice Chadwick is one of three native Oregonian members of the state supreme court. He was born at Roseburg in May, 1S63, the son of S. S. Chadwick, a pioneer lawyer, who came to Oregon in 1S51; was a democratic presidential elector in 1868, secretary of state in 1S70 and succeeded to the governorship in 1877. - As a student Chief Justice Chadwick attended the Willamette and Oregon uniVL. cities, studied law at Salem and was admitted to the bar there in 1885 passing first in a class of 20. He mar ried a daughter of Dr. O. P. S. Plum mer at Portland in 1887, and moved to coirax, wasn. la. 1000 he was drafted by the Whitman county bar as candidate for superior judge, was re elected without opposition and beca a primary candidate for supreme judge In 1908, winning his election in the primary with a 30,000 lead over his nearest opponent and carrying every county. He was re-elected in 1914, and became chief justice January 1, 1919 un tne supreme Dencn tie has par ticipated in all the construction of progressive legislation of the past 12 years and was the first judge in the United States to hold the railroad com mission law constitutional, passing upon the act after Judge Hanford, in the federal court, had ruled against it. Motto "I Tried to Make Good." . I have tried to make good," is all tie-, says of his judicial service in leav ing it. V looay s resignation opens a new leld or political speculation in the atate.' Chief Justice Chadwick is democrat and has long been under stood to have other public asDiratinn a .... I liian ending his career on the bench I At one time it was thought he would (.Concluded on Faze 2, Column 3.) In Effect, German Envoy Say9 He "Will Be Damned at Home Despite What Course He Takes. BERLIN, via London, May 26. Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau in an inter view with the "Versailles correspondent of Vorwaerts said he went to Ver sailles with the firm intention of de fending what remained for the welfare and happiness of the German people, but that even this remnant had been destroyed by the peace treaty. The count said It was a question, therefore, whether it could not to better saved by refusing to 6ign than by submitting, as was desired by the independent socialists. The chairman of the German delega tion said he certainly would fight to the last in order to try to Improve the lot of the working people by negotiation, but that the delegates would be sin ning against the interests of the work ing people if they signed conditions which signified only "perpetual famine and unemployment." "Should I, under pressure from our own misled countrymen, sign this sen tence of death?" asked Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau. Questioned as to whether he feared that the ' demonstrations of the inde pendent socialists -would be successful, he said they would be unsuccessful in the sense of moving him to abandon his resolve not to sign what he believed would be tantamount to the destruction of the nation. Referring to Herr Haase's statement that peace must be signed and that the coming revolution would make it scrap of paper, he said: "When I came to Versailles I had the firm hope that the time of scraps of paper had finally passed and that a new age would begin in wnich only treaties would be signed which would be re spected by both sides. I have not abandoned the hope of attaining healthy international morality. A mere scrap of paper will never bear my signature." ALASKAN ROAD GETS ,AID $2,000,000 for Railway Work Is In eluded In Deficiency Bill. WASHINGTON, May 26 Decision was reached today by the house appro priations committee to include in the general deficiency bill an appropriation for $2,000,000 for immediate use in con struction of a government railroad in Alaska. Members of the Alaskan en gineering commission said that con struction would be interrupted unless money was provided soon by congress. The commission's request for an in crease of the original $35,000,000 au thorization for building the line, of which $31,000,000 has been spent, will be considered by the committee in framing the new sundry civil appro priation bill. CONGRESS TO THANK YANKS War Heroes, Auxiliaries and Rcla tives of Soldiers Mentioned. WASHINGTON, May 26. A resolution by Representative Mondell, republican eader, extending the thanks of Con gress to those who served in the war against Germany, to the various auxil iary forces and the mothers, wives and relatives who gave their nearest and dearest in the hour of the nation's need," was introduced today and made a special order for Memorial day. There was some discussion as to the phraseology of the resolution, some members desiring to have General Per shing named in it, but it finally was agreed to consider amendments Friday. EXCHANGE TRADING BOOMS New York Market Sees Two-Million- Share Mark Passed. NEW YORK, May. 26. For the first time since February 1, 1917, trading tn the stock exchange today exceeded by a slender margin the 2,000,000-share mark, heavy buying of specialties con tributing largely to the huge total. The market was characterized by a greater degree of enthusiasm land con fidence than any of the many active sessions since the middle of last Feb ruary. United States steel went to the year's maximum at 109 U, but forfeited half its two-point gain, allied issues also easing moderately towards the close. BUSY ANGLER DEFIES PAIN Hook Caught in Lip Does Xot Bar Bend Man From Fishing On. vBEND, Or., May 26. (Special.) So deeply engrossed in his self-appointed task of catching the legal limit of trout. that he was insensible to pain. Deputy Sheriff August Anderson merely bit off the leader and attached a fresh flyy to his line, when his original, hook blown by a stiff breeze, became im beded in his lip today. Mr. Anderson wore the hook for two hours, obtained a record catch, then motored in more than 20 miles to Bend before having the barb removed. LISTER REPORTED BETTER Governor's Condition Apparently Im proved, Says Physician. SEATTLE, Wasn.. May Z6. Governor Lister's condition tonight was reported slightly Improved. His pulse was 92 and respiration If, physician. temperature 98.6 according to ' his Revival of Canceled Con. tracts Demanded. WESTERN DELEGATIONS UNIT Pressure Brought to Bear Upon Shipping Board. LABOR ALSO TO BE HEARD Important Meetings Held at Capital and Interests of Coast Fully Pre sented to Authorities: OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, May 26. Demand will be made on the shipping board as the result of meetings held today between ship builders and the senators and represen tatives of Oregon, Washington and California that contracts for 675,000 deadweight tons of shipping canceled in Pacific coast yards be reinstated. One move followed another in rapid succession today in the campaign of Pacific coast shipbuilders and the con- gressonal delegation to restore these contracts, which affect 18 steel ship yards on the Pacific coast, either op erated privately or by the United States Emergency Fleet corporation, and the employment of 120,000 persons, 100,000 In the shipyards and 20,000 additional in allied or dependent industries. Coast Organization Formed. The shipbuilders appeared first to day before a conference which was at tended by all the house members from Oregon, Washington and California. A permanent Pacific coast organization was affected of which Representative Julius Kahn of California was elected president and Representative McAr thur of Oregon, secretary. A sub-committee composed of Repre sentative McArthur of Oregon, "Ha31ey of Washington and Nolan of California was then appointed to attend another conference in enator Jones'.oXlcelate this afternoon, which included Senators McNary and Chamberlain of Oregon, Jones and Poindexter of Washington and Johnson and Fhelan of California, and the shiubuilders who attended the meeting earlier in the day. Harrison S. Robinson of San Francisco, general counsel for the Pacific Coast shipbuild ers, presented the case of the yards. Labor Also to Be Heard. It was decided to call another meet ing at thesenate office building on Wednesday morning to be attended by all of the senators and representatives from Oregon, Washington and Califor nia and the shipbuilders, before which Edward N. Hurley of the shipping board wil be called. The foremost labor leaders in the United States are ex pected to appear at this meeting to tConoluded on Page 4. Column 2.) One Man Killed and Several nurt When Largest Plane in World la Wrecked in England. PONTA DEL . GAD A, May 26. (By the Associated Press.) The motors of the A' kican seaplane NC-4. were tuner" aj' s afternoon and the plane und maud of Lleutenant-Com-m- .ead probably will start for 7 si x daybreak tomorrow, j? jsweather experts predict favor , leather with westerly winds of een 20 and 30 miles an hour around Azores, diminishing to five miles 4 hour off the coast of Portugal. Cloudy weather may be encountered (midway in the course. (Copyright by the New Tork World." Pub lished by Arrangement.) LISBON, May 26. (Special Cable.) This end of the trans-Atlantic flight is the scene of tense waiting, and Admiral Plunkett is sending and receiving many wireless messages, directing and check ing up the flight. Naval officers here have been con cerned over various wireless messages that have been picked up in the south Atlantic whose origin or purpose is not discoverable. They refer mainly to bad weather conditions, some of them reporting the Impossibility of flying. It is feared that, if such messages should reach the aviators, they might become confused and the success of the -flight might 'be hampered; but everybody Is hopeful that the NC-4 will come through without mishap. Admiral Plunkett has arranged for a reception of the fliers on the flag ship Rochester, which will be attended by the. Portuguese president, the minis ters and the allied military and naval missions. LONDON, May 26. One man was killed and several were hurt when a giant Tarrant triplane, largest in the world, was wrecked this morning while taxying for Its first flight near Farnborough. The machine dug Its nose Into the ground and turned over. It weighed 20 tons and was equipped with six engines. STRIKE HALTED BY COURT Restraining Order Prohibiting Con tinuance ' of Walkout Upheld. SAN FRANCISCO. May 26. Author ity of United State's courts to issue re straining ' orders prohibiting continu ance of a labor strike was affirmed to day in a decision of the United States circuit court of appeals. A restraining order by the district court of Los Angeles compelling the cessation of a strike by employes of the Pacific Electric company, a rail way, was upheld. HUNGARY TO GET RELIEF Blockade to Go When Stable Govern ment Is Established. PARIS, May 26. (Havas.) The su preme economic council announced to day that the allied and associated gov ernments had decided to lift the block ade of Hungary as soon as a stable government Is established there. HARD LUCK! Army Intelligence Service Agents Named in Plot. SERGEANT HEARS CONSPIRACY Witness at Trial in Seattle Springs Sensation. MURDER FUND COLLECTED Attorney Vanderveer Gets Laugh When Federal Man Says Lin coin "Sounds Socialistic." SEATTLE. Wash.. May 26. (Special.) Members of the I. W. W. planned to kill Lieutenant F. W. Becker, navy in telligence officer in Seattle during the war. and other army officers here and in Spokane, according to testimony of fered by T. R. Allison, former sergeant In the intelligence section of the United States army, when he resumed tho stand this morning as a witness for the state against James Bruce, I. W. W. organizer, who is facing a jury in Supe rior Judge Walter M. French's court on a charge of criminal anarchy. "I heard E. I. Chamberlain and sev eral other members of the I. W. W. plan to kill Lieutenant Becker because, they said, "he framed up a fellow work er,' " Allison told the jury on cross-examination by George F. Vanderveer, chief counsel for the defendant. Chamberlain is one of the 25 members of the I. W. W. arrested as criminal anarchists. Hs trial may follow that of Bruce. Sleuth Rears Pl5t. "The plan to get Becker was dis cussed in my presence In Spokane about the first of August of last year." Alli son told the jury, in response to a ques tion by Vanderveer as to whether he ever had heard an I. W. W. advocate killing as a part of their propaganda. The court room rang with laughter during Allison's cross-examination when in response to a question by. Vander veer. the witness said that the follow ing quotation "sounds like a socialist' to him: "Inasmuch as most good things are produced by labor. It follows that all such things belong to those whose labor produced them. To secure to each la borer the full product of his labor Is the worthy object of each government.' s Lincoln "Sounds Socialistic. "Does that sound like I. W. W. propa ganda?" Vandeveer demanded. "Sounds like a socialist to me. Al lison responded. "It just happens to be a quotation from Abraham Lincoln," Vanderveer re marked. Vanderveer then launched question after question in a test of the witnes knowledge of I. W. W. aims. Allison testified that he joined, the (Concluded on Faice 2. Column '2. O -- l Supporters of Amendment Expect to Pass It Thursday, Despite All Efforts, It Is Announced. WASHINGTON, May 26. Opponents of woman suffrage succeeded today in blocking efforts to expedite senate con sideration of the constitutional amend ment resolution adopted last week by the house, but supporters plan to re new the fight Wednesday with the hope of bringing- the measure to a vote on Thursday. Immediately after the senate con vened at noon Senator Watson of In diana, new chairman of tho woman suffrage committee, called up the mo tion of Senator Jones, republican, of Washington to take the resolution from the committee and place it on the senate calendar. Southern demo cratic senators registered opposition, Insisting that the resolution come up In the normal way with ample oppor tunity for debate. The first test of strength between the opposing factions came on a motion to table Senator Jones' motion, which was defeated, 64 to 27. Opponents then resorted to parliamentary tactics to prevent a vote on the Jones mo tion until 2 o'clock, when it was set aside under the rule for renewal of debate of Senator Johnson, republican, of California requesting the state de partment to furnish the senate a copy of the peace treaty. Senator Johnson agreed to have his resolution go over temporarily, but the rules prevented" such action. Opponents freely admitted that there was no doubt of sufficient votes to In sure passage of the suffrage resolution and supporters expect to pass it Thurs day after It has remained on the calen dar for a day as required by the rules. Before the senate met the republican conference called to consider committee selections adopted a resolution pledg ing prompt action. COLUMBIA EDITOR PAROLED Publisher Pleads Guilty to Sending Obscene Matter Through Mails. ST. HELENS. Or., May 26. (Special.) After pleading guilty today to two charges of sending obscene matter through the mails and to one charge of libel. Ham Kautzman, editor of the Columbia Herald here, was sentenced by Circuit Judge Eakin to six months imprisonment on each of the first two charges and three montha on the libel charge. The Judge then paroled Kautz mun pending good behavior. There are 16 other indictments against the editor. Hut there is a ru mor that these may be dropped. VOTE AUGURS DRY TEXAS Amendment to State Constitution Probably Adopted. DALLAS, Tex., May 26. Complete re turns from more than one-half of the state today showed that the voters of Texas Saturday probably had adopted amendments to the state constitution to provide prohibition of the liquor traffic and to extend suffrage to women. TEXAS TO QUELL DISORDER State Pledges Aid to Mexico in Quieting Border Outbreaks. EAGLE PASS, Tex.. May 26. The slate of Texas will co-operate with the Mexican government in stamping out disorders along tho border. This was announced today. INDE.X OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 74 decree: minimum. &6 degrees. TODAY'S Showers. Traaa-Atlantl Flight. Aviator Haker, in first Interview, tells story of flight. Page 4. United States aviators expect to leave Azores today. Page 1. Foreign. Rantzau worried over what to do about peace treaty. Page 1. Peace conference takes up Austro-Hungary problem. Page -- Altered treaty asked by Harden. Page 5. Present German government to sign realy o as to keep In "power. Page 7. Allies to recognize anti-bolshevllc govern ment In Russia. Page -. Winnipeg strikers gain in strength. Page 6. New ambassador to France loyal to Ever green atate. Page 3. Patmoa Is. topaz Isle set in sapphire sea, writes William T. Ellis. rage 5. National. Progressives get chance for open protest on senate assignments. Page 4. Fight for coast shipbuilding industry on at Capital. Page 1. Official casualty list. Page 6. Senate debate on league of nations la bitter. Page 1. PomMtle. Baptists name Iowa man as leader and plan 1100.000,000 campaign. Page G. Pacific Northwest. T. W. W. planned death of army men, witness at Seattle trial. Pago 1. Supreme court unit in Oicott-Hoff says case. Page 10. Justice Chadwick resigns from Washington atate supreme court. Page 1. Sports. Standifer team to meet Beavers today. Page 32. School teams fight for year's pennant Page 3.1. Stanford Is favorite to win Intercollegiate track meet. Pag 12. . Commercial and Marine. Keen local demand for new clip wools. Page IM. Chicago corn strengthens by largo decrease In visible supply. Page 21.' Heaviest day In stock market in over two years. Page 23. Vancouver and Clarke county Join In Port land's plea for rates. Page 0. Wooden vessels to go at private sale. Page 20. Portland and Vicinity. Democratic break charged to Myers. Narrow road through Sisklyous is protested. Page 3ri. County schools to hold exercises at public library. Page 34. Meeting of Judges to pick candidates for domestic court causes stir. Page 11. Wcalbcr report, (UU and forecast. rso 20. MEMBERS CLASH , ANGRILY Senator Reed Says Colored Nations Will Rule World. GREAT DANGER FORESEEN Senator Hitchcock Inibts That Op ponents Have Drawn Tnfair Conclusions as to Pact. WASHINGTON. May 26. The league of nations was debated in the senate again today with an increasing show of bitterness. Senator Reed, democrat, of Mis souri, attacked the proposal in such vigorous terms that he aroused re peated objections from senators sup porting it and a running debate de veloped, colored by dramatic accusj-: tions and heated retorts. The Missouri senator declared the leaarue would place the destinies of the white race in the hands of ignorant' and super stitious nations of black and yellow population, and charged that many democrats were supporting it for par tisan reasons. In frequent interruptions of Sen ator Reed's speech. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, ranking democrat of t!i- foreign relations committee, insisted that the premises for these charge were false and that the Inferences drawn were unfair and dangerous. He drew in turn a reply from Senator Knox. republican, of Pennsylvania, who suggested that supporters of the league covenant should read it be fore they discussed it. Debate Becomes Heated. So heated did the exchanges become at one point that the chair rapped for order and Senator Reed declared that Senator Hitchcock had "lost his tem per." The measure which brought the league Issue before the senate was tha resolution of Senator Johnson of Cali fornia, republican, requesting from the state department the full text of the peace treaty. There was no attempt to reach a vote on the resolution, and the measure went over again as unfinished business to come up when the senate reconvenes Wednesday. Without speaking directly on the Johnson resolution. Senator Reed made a general attack on the covenant itself as a proposal to band over control of the white race and the civilized world to an assembly of nations where a ma jority always could be brought to gether on any race question in opposi tion to white supremacy. He declared support of the plan never could be ex plained at home by senators from the south, with Its negro problem, or from the west, with its Chinese and Japa nese problems. Turning dramatically to his democratic colleague, he con tinued: Jskssos la Dramatic. "If a republican president had brought it here if Roosevelt had brought it here there isn't a democrat that wouldn't have been standinsr bv my side fighting to the last ditch to rescue the country from so monstrous and so cruel a thing." Senator Hitchcock Interjected that Mr. Reed confused the powers of the league membership with those of the council, but this was denied by Mr. Reed. Analyzing racial and other con ditions in Honduras. Panama and other small nations which would hav. league membership. Senator Reed said: "Oh, you men of the south, you "Lily Whites'; you want to give Panama, with its 90 per cent of negroes and mu lattos, a vote equal to the United States. Go tell your people that In the league one negro outside the United States would have a vote equal to 500,00') whites of this republic" The senate adjourned without any at tempt to bring the Johnson resolution to a vote. It went over as unfinished business and will come up again at Wednesday's session. Statistic Are Cite. Senator Reed presented statistics to show that of the total population of the countries composing the league, SU, 425.300 would be of black, yellow, brown and red races with only 289, 4SS.S00 of the white race. In the as sembly which is to be the governing body, he said, white nations would have lit representatives and other nations 17 representatives. "An examination, however, of the membership of this present league will first astonish and then arouse the in dignation of every thoughtful man." he continued. "It will come as a dis tinct shock, first thai this is a colored league of nations. That is to say, tho majority of the nations composing tha league are a conglomerate of the black, yellow, brown and red races, frequent ly so intermixed and comingled as to constitute an unclasslf table mongrel breed. Japaneae Action Pointed T. "In any contest which may hereafter arise involving the equality of race is it not perfectly plain that the dark races will all unite and declare for race equality in every part of the world? It must be remembered that this is a living and burning question; that Japan has expressly reserved It for future Concluded ou Tage 4, Coiujna 4. A n 107.5v