Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1919, Image 1

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    VOL. LiVIII. XO. 18.233 Entered at Portland (Oregon) -
' Postofftce as Second-Class Matter.
Airman Given Up for Lost
Picked Up at Sea.
News of Fliers Who Week Ago
Started Across Atlantic
i Electrifies Britain.
London Daily Mail, Which Of
fered $50,000 for Flight, to
, Give Consolation Prize.
LONDON, May 25. Missing for six
days and virtually given up for lost,
Harry G. Hawker and his navigator,
Lieutenant-Commander Mackenzie
Grieve, British airmen, who .essayed a
flight across the Atlantic ocean, with
out protection against disaster, save
what their frail airplane afforded, are
eafe tonight aboard a British warship
off the Orkneys.
Tomorrow they will reach the main
land and proceed to London, where
they will be acclaimed as men returned
to life.
Airplane Engine Fails.
Some 1100 miles out from New
foundland and 800 miles from the
Irish coast, Monday, May 19, the avi
ators, making the best of an engine
which was failing to function properly,-
were forced to alight on the
water. The little Danish steamer Mary,
bound from New Orleans and Norfolk
for Aarhuus, Denmark, . picked the
wayfarers up and continued on her
Lacking a wireless outfit, the cap
tain' of the steamer was obliged to
withhold tidings of the rescue until he
was opposite Butt of Lewis, where the
information was signalled by means
of flags that Hawker and Grieve were
aboard his ship.
Destroyers Are Dispatched.
Immediately word was flashed to
the British admiralty which sent out
destroyers to overtake the Danish ves
sel and obtain confirmation. This was
done and one of the destroyers took
the airmen off and later transferred
them to the flagship Revenge.
From this safe haven Hawker sent
a message that his machine had
stopped owing to the blocking of the
water circulation system.
When the airplane sped away from
her starting point Pilot Hawker let
loose his wheels and under gearing,
thereby lightening the weight of the
machine by a considerable amount, but
making a possible landing in Ireland
a more hazardous venture.
All England Is Stirred.
This probably proved of much ad
vantage when it became necessary to
alight on the water. The airplane re
mained afloat without difficulty dur
ing the hour and a half it took the
Danish steamer to effect a rescue.
All England is stirred by the news
of the safety of the two aviators, but
owing to the difficulties of communi
cation some time must pass before the
full details of the voyage are known.
The one person in England who had
always held hope was Mrs. Hawker.
fane always maintained that provi
dence would protect her man, and,
though she received condolences from
all classes of people, including the
king, she said today that she had
never ceased to believe that sometime
and in some way her husband would
come back.
Hawker and Grieve were in the
water an hour and a half before being
taken aboard the steamer Mary.
The Sopwith airplane was not sal
vaged. Wigwagged Report Welcome.
The first report of the aviators since
their "jump off" last Sunday came
when the Mary, which was bound from
Norfolk to Aarhuus, rounded the Butt
of Lewis today and wigwagged the
fact that she had Hawker and Grieve
"Saved hands of Sopwith airplane,"
was the signal.
"Is it Hawker?" was the question
sent out by the flags from the Butt,
which is the most northwesterly point
of the Hebrides group off Scotland,
' ""Yes," laconically replied the Mary.
The admiralty immediately sent out
a fast torpedo boat destroyer in an en-
Concluded on Page -. Column 5.i
Latest Action or Chief or Starr As
sures Early and Searching
Investigation or Case.
ington, May 25. Another storm broke
around the war department today when
it was learned that General Peyton C
March, chief, of staff, had disapproved
an award of a distinguished service
medal to Colonel William L. Kenly,
former chief of the air service. The
recommendation was made by General
Charles T. Menoher. who succeeded
Kenly at the head of the air service, but
when it reached General March he
wrote across the face "Disapproved."
In this connection it was learned
also that decorations for distinguished
service conferred on Colonel Kenly and
six fellow officers by the French high
command have never been received, al
though they reached the v ar dpart
ment long ago.
General Kenly, who was commended
by Senator Chamberlain of Oregon as
the man who built up the United States
air service, testified frankly at the air
craft investigation, telling the truth
about the war department inefficiency
under a promise from Secretary Baker
that no officer need fear reprisals be
cause of such testimony. The first
move thereafter was to demote Kenly
from major-general to colonel and
transfer him to the field artillery.
The action of General March dis
closed today assures an early and
searching investigation of the war de
partment. Colonel Kenly was stationed at Van
couver barracks, Washington, for sev
eral years.
$3,000,000 Paid for 500 Acres;
Work on Buildings to Start.
(Copyright by the New York World. Pub-
jisnea Dy arrangement.
PARIS, May 25. (Special Cable.)
Before returninsto America after the
work of the peace conference is over,
E. M. House is to visit Geneva, capital
of the league of nations, to lay the final
plans for the erection of the buildings
which will harbor the various offices
of the league. Ground necessary for
the installation of the league already
has been acquired and. it is said, covers
roughly 500 acres and cost $3,000,000,
It is situated near Lake Geneva at a
place called Creux de Genthod.
A huge park will surround the vari
ous mansions, while lower in the valley
lies the lake near which airdromes are
to be built. On the- plateau one of the
most powerful of wireless stations will
be installed. -
Evangelist Opposes Wilson's Request
for Lifting Liquor Ban.
HOOD RIVER, Or, May 25. (Spe
cial.) Digressing from a sermon, main
ly an arraignment of the hypocritical.
"tightwad" type of churchgoer, Billy
Sunday found time today to protest
against President Wilson's request for
lifting the ban on war prohibition.
"I have been with Wilson four-square
and from the heart out," declared Mr.
Sunday, "until his announcement on the
prohibition measure. But with booze
cannot parley or grant any reprieves.
I'm ready to fight the lifting of the
Numerous out-of-town motor parties
were here to hear the sermon at the
Riverside Congregational church.
Discharged Men Who Let Insurance
Lapse May Get Benefits.
WASHINGTON, May 25. Soldiers who
fall to pay their premiums on govern
ment insurance after discharge will
have a nine-months' period in which
the policy may be reinstated, under a
war risk bureau ruling announced yes
terday by Secretary Glass.
Insurance on which premiums are
not paid will be classed as lapsed after
90 days, but at any time during the
six months following the lapse may be
reinstated by the Insured if he fur
nishes a physician's certificate to the
effect that he is in good health and
pays up back premiums.
Mission to Cnited States Is Hope'
ful of Independence.
MANILA, May 24. The Philippine
mission which went to the United
States in the interest of independence
of the islands returned today and was
given an enthusiastic welcome by
crowd of thousands of persons who
greeted the party as it landed.
The members of the mission de
clared themselves hopeful that inde
pendence would be granted.
Returns From 2 83 Towns Also. Indl
cate Suffrage Will Carry.
DALLAS, Texas, May 23. Returns
from 2S3 towns in the state from yes
terday's general election gives:
For prohibition 52,994; against 43,900.
For woman suffrage 51,751; against
Request for Armistice Is Sent to
British Agent.
SIMLA, May 15. (Delayed.) The
Afghan commander in chief has writ
ten the British political agent at
Khjber asking for an armistice.
Minor Concession on Saar
Basin Is Granted.
New Foe Note Admits P vne
for Invading Belgii' s-
Germans Declare All Powers at
Fault for War and for Material
Damage Which Was Done.
COBLENZ, May 25. (By the Associ
ated Press.) Orders issued 10 days ago
relieving the fourth and fifth divisions
from the third army have been sus
pended because of the present uncertain
conditions in the peace situation. The
suspension orders reached Coblenz
Tuesday, but have Just been made
PARIS, May 25. (By the Associated
Press.) With the exception of a minor
concession, all suggestions and counter
proposals by Germany for the disposi
tion or the Saar basin have been re
jected by the reply of the allied and
associated powers.
Count Von Brockdorff-Rantzau's ap
peal for an oral discussion of the points
at issue on this subject was ignored.
The concession agreed to is that Ger
many might create a prior charge upon
her assets or revenues for the payment
of the mines in the Saar region, if the
plebiscite goes against France.
If, however, the sum agreed upon Is
not paid within a year from the date
it is due, the reparation commission
shall effect payment under Instructions
from the league of nations.
Another Note Delivered.
This alteration was made In view
of Germany's declaration that it was
Impossible for her to accumulate a suf
ficient sum of gold with which to pay
for the mines in the 15 years before
the plebiscite is taken since other rep-
rations would constitute a constant
Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau's 13th
note to the allied council was delivered
this morning. It is a rejoinder to the
council's reply to the German note re
garding responsibilities.
Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau In
sists that Germany's only responsibility
is for the violation of Belgian neutral
ity, which it is ready to make repara
tion for, and declares that all the
powers were responsible for the war
(Concluded on Page 4. Column 1.)
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Engineer Suffers Burns; Eliza Ann,
With Propeller Shaft Broken,
Is Towed to Newport.
NEWPORT, Or., May 25. (Special.)
he fishing schooner Eliza Ann,
cilch left here Friday for Coos Bay,
Sroke her propellor shaft when off
Heceta Head and returned under sail.
Upon arriving off Yaquina Bay entrance
yesterday she sent up distress signals,
which were picked up by the govern
ment life-saving crew here.
Captain Hunt immediately ordered
his crew to the rescue of the Eliza
Ann, and the power boat was lowered.
When Henry Bower, the engineer,
opened the englneroom door , to start
the engine, leaking, gasoline caused an
explosion so strong that the clothing
of the members of the crew was set
on fire and they jumped overboard to
quench the flames. Bower's burns on
hands and face were especially severe.
but to prevent the boat from being de
stroyed he returned to the engine room
and shut the door.
Later, when the flames had subsided.
the power boat went out with Assistant
Engineer Charles Harwood and brought
in the Eliza Ann.
Bower was taken by train to Port
land today for treatment at a hospital.
His injuries were mainly burns on
hands and face and were considered
very serious.
Alleged Draft Evaders Battle Men In
Pursuit in Kentucky.
WHITESBURG. Ky., May 25. A. P.
Hurt. United States deputy collector of
internal revenue, was shot and killed
and two members of his posse were
wounded near Pond Gap on the Vlr
glnla-Kentucky border today while at
tempting to arrest 12 mountaineers ac
cused of evading the selective service
A trail of blood left In the wake of
the fleeing mountaineers indicated one
or more of them had been wounded.
on Fiums Are
Resolutely as Ever
(Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub
lished by arrangement.)
PARIS, May 25. (Special Cable.)
Italy's claims on Flume are still be
ing pressed doggedly and comprises
offer little hope at . this time, but the
work is continuing to find .an avenue
that all parties can travel.
President Wilson may visit Belgium
next week, depending upon the German
Governor Lister Better.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 2o. Governor
Ernest Lister's condition was reported
at the Swedish hospita-. where he is
under treatment, to be considerably im
proved today. His personal physician
stated that the governor was in much
better spirits this evening.
Republican Support Seen
in All Quarters.
Important Ohio Papers Come
Out for General.
But as Candidate for Democrats
Secretary Has Handicap; He
Isn't Partisan Enough.
ington, May 25. General Leonard Wood
Is making a sort of non-stop flight for
the presidency, in the opinion of many
republicans here from all parts of the
country for the extra session of
Wherever republicans get together
now the presidential contest or next
year is the topic of conversation and
the strength of General Wood is al
ways apparent. It developed the other
day at a conference of republican lead
ers at Trenton, N. J., that 16 of the 13
present, representing all sections of the
state, were for Wood, two for Senator
Harding and one for former President
Taft. i
In response to popular sentiment in
the rank and file of republicans, influ
ential newspapers of that party are
lining up for Wood. The Harding forc:3
suffered a severe backset recently when
the Toledo Blade and the Cleveland
News, the two strongest republican
papers in Senator Harding's home state,
came out for General Wood.
The action of the Toledo Blade car
ries with it two sister papers, the lie
troit (Mich.) New and the Newark
(N. J.) Star-Eagle.
Some talk has been heard recently
of a democratic candidate which, by
reason of the high type of man men
tioned, could well be taken seriously
The proposed candidate is Franklin K.
I.anB. secretary of the interior, who
might be regarded as excellent timber.
As the one man in Mr. Wilson's cabinet
who has made good consistently from
the start, the secretary of the interior
stands well before the country. His en
tire course since he took office in 1913
has marked him as a constructive ge
nius. He worked all the time and has
done but little talking.
He is the one member of the cabinet
who has remained in his office while
the others were almost constantly on
.Concluded on Page 3, Column 1.)
Purchases Compiled Total $15,700,-
000, With Quota Fixed at
As a trophy of the conquests in which
her sons participated, and of her own
driving annihilation of the victory lib
erty loan quota. In, the fifth and last
campaign. Portland is soon to possess
a captured German cannon one of the
few awarded to cities which led the
loan in the several districts.
Such is the message received from
Robert E. Smith, state executive man
ager of the liberty loan for Oregon,
who is now in San Francisco, head
quarters of the 12th federal reserve
district, checking up the latest ret -.rns
of the tremendous patriotic task in
which CHssgon bore so prominent a part.
"From Incomplete returns." tele
graphed Mr. Smith last night. "Portland
has the largest over-subscription of
ny city In the 12th federal reserve dis
trict having populations over 200.000.
The city will therefore win. in all prob-
bility, the captured German cannon
which is to reward such success.
"Portland's quota was $14,800,000. and
the actual subscription compiled to date
is $15,700,000, or an over-subscription
percentage of 6 and 13-100 per cent.
Seattle, with a quota of $18,300,000 has
subscribed $19,250,000, reaching an over
subscription of 5 and 14-100 per cent."
Spokane has won in the district con
test between cities of 75.000 to 200.000
advises Mr. Smith, in which no Oregon
city figured, owing to limitations of
As Oregon is undoubtedly the first
state to attain its quota, it should be
entitled to a cannon of its own. com
ments Mr. Smith, but the rules of the
contest forbid two awards when the
principal city "cops" a cannon.
"I am unable to obtain definite In
formation concerning the character of
the cannon to be presented." telegraphed
Mr. Smith, "but am assured it will be
of sufficient size fittingly to commem
orate Portland's unequaled partiotic
"While we cannot secure two cannon
for the state, I feel that Oregon's rec
ord of being the first state with its
quota, in addition to having the largest
oversubscription, is sufficient honor.'
Cassandra, Slightly Damaged, Ar
rives at St. Johns, N'fd.
ST. JOHN'S. N. F., May 25. The Don
aldson liner Cassandra, which struck
Iceberg 160 miles off Cape Race,-)
rived here tonight. Her forefoot was
stove in by a low-lying berg. The 400
passengers aboard are well.
ST. JOHNS, N. F., May 25. Wireless
calls for assistance were received to
day from the Donaldson liner Cassan
dra, which reported that she had
struck an iceberg 160 miles off Cape
MONTREAL, May 25. The Donaldson
liner Cassandra, which is reported to
have struck an iceberg 160 miles off
Cape Race, is not seriously damaged
and is putting into St. Johns under her
own power, according to advices re
ceived here by agents of the line from
the Camperdown wireless station.
The advices added that the officers
and crew had been able to make tem
porary repairs at sea The Cassandra
left here for Glasgow last Wednesday
with 210 cabin and 217 steerage pas
sengers. The vessel also carried i
large general cargo.
NEW TORK. May 25. The Cassan
dra sailed from Montreal last Wednes
day for Glasgow. She is a vessel o
8130 gross tons, with a length of 455
feet and was built in Greenock,
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 63
decrees; minimum. 4u decreet.
TODAY'S Rain; southwesterly sales.
Allies reject all German requests but
Pas 1.
Siberian army disintegrates bolshevik
rale. Pace 5.
Ocean flight Begun By Hawker week ago.
Face 2.
NC-4's record bsaten by Trench aviator.
Pass 3.
America won war, declares Marshal Luden
dorff. Pass 4.
Strike movement spreads la Canada. Pag
Bitter United States-British trade war Is
predicted. Pace 4.
Aviators Hawker and Grieve saved. Page
Ill-luck of NC-J laid to weather. Pas 2.
Esthonlan army at sates of Petrosrad.
Pas 1.
Esthonlan reach sates of Petrosrad. Pare
Medal of heroism disapproved by General
March. Pas 1.
Republican Ilne-up for General Wood is
srowins- Pas 1.
Congress plans to speed legislation. Pas 5.
Pacific Northwest. '
State engineer for reclamation bill. Page 6.
Washington strong for nations' league.
Pas 4.
Crew, clothes afire, jumps into water. Page 1.
Frank Troeh bests brother In title shoot.
Pag lo. -
Pacific Coast League results: Portland 1-5.
Fan Francisco u-3: Seattle 2-1. lxs Ann.
les 3-5: Salt Lake 8. Oakland : Vernon
5, Sacramento 1. Pag 10.
President's cup up for final decision. Pag 11.
Grave Harbor loses to Portland. 25 to 13.
Page 11.
New York noses out In national league.
Pag 11.
Portland and Vicinity.
Portland churches pay tribute to soldiers
who fell. Page lli.
Portland mecca ot advertising bodies.
Pag IS.
Archbishop appeals for Jeanns d'Arc home.
Pag IS.
Civle ciean-up or shake-up mayor's ulti
matum to police. Page IS.
Recreant church responsible for war. says
Dr. Reld. Peg 12.
Portland to get captured German cannon.
Page 1.
Chicago bond nous opens office in Port
land. 1'aie 13.
Major KaicU bom from battl field. Pag 6.
Peterhof, 19 Miles West
of Capital, Falls.
enifte Asks to Talk Peace
With Admiral Kolchak.
Enemy Morale Shattered by Power
ful Advances of Siberians;
Moscow Is Objective.
LONDON. May 25. A dispatch to the
Exchange Telegraph from Copenhagen
says it is reported on good authority
that the Eslhonlans have captured
Peterhof. 19 miles west of Petrograd.
A Helsingfors. newspaper prints a
Moscow dispatch saying that Nikolai
Lenine. the bolshevik leader, has of
fered an armistice to Admiral Kolchak.
commanding the anti-bolshevik forces.
in order to consider peace terms.
PARIS, May 25. (By the Associated
Press.) The impression in French cir
cles today was that the council of four
had decided unanimously to recognize
the government of Admiral Kolchak in
At American headquarters, however.
it was said no decision had been
OMSK. May 25. (Russian Tele
graphic Agency.) Reports received by
the general staff of the Siberian army
indicate disintegration of the morale of
the bolsheviki. Mobilized workingmen
and peasants are deserting at the first
opportunity and even the bolshevik
commissaries are reported to be dis
heartened. Siberian newspapers print resolutions
adopted at recent meetings of peasants
in the district of Samara, who decided
to expel all those with bolshevik sym
pathies, to organise special peasant de
tachments to fight the bolsheviki and
to arm all men between IS and 50.
IlelasjevlkJ Admit Suceesaea.
The bolshevik organ Nashput ac
knowledges that it is impossible to stop
the Siberian offensive, saying:
"The army against us is more pow
erful than the army we had to face
last year. In spite of all our efforts
the army moves swiftly toward the
heart of our positions."
The Siberian troops, as they move
toward the front, are greeted enthus
iastically by the population. The rail
road cars bear this inscription: "We
Are Going to Moscow."
zematrM Forces ITalte.
The Moscow Narodny bank, finan
cial center of the Russian co-operative
organizations, has issued new stock to
the amount of 65,000,000 rubles. The
bank, which now has its main office
in Siberia, has opened a series of
branches between the Urals and Vladi
vostok. More than 50 per cent of the
new stock already has been taken.
It is announced the Zemstvos forces
in Siberia have united in one organiza
tion similar to the former Russian
Zemstvos union.
M. Antonev, a representative of the
North Russian government at Arch
angel, has arrived here with a mission
to organize the sending of supplies
from Siberia to Archangel.
TOKIO. May 24. (By the Associated
Press.) It is understood it has been
officially suggested that recognition
by the powers of the Omsk government
be on condition the government satis
fies all treaties and arrangements en
tered into by Russia prior to the
bolshevik revolution.
Pilot of Mail Airplane Drops Co
Death as Hundreds Watch.
CLEVELAND, O., May 23. Hundreds
of persons saw Frank McCusker of
New York, pilot of a mail airplane, leap
200 feet to his 'death, from a burning
machine here today. Fifteen minutes
beforehe had announced that he would
attempt to establish a record on his
flight to Chicago.
The cause of the accident Is not
known. When the machine was at a
height of between 300 and 400 feet Mc
Cusker was seen to climb to the frame.
Then the airplane plunged and the
pilot was seen to leap.
McCusker was alive when picked up.
He died in a police petrol while being
taken to a hospital.
Es-Govcrnor of Ohio Takes Fling at
President's Action.
DENVER. May 25. "Since President
Wilson made his declaration in favor of
beer and light wines, brewery stock
has advanced 40 per cent and the
president's slock has gone down just
that much." declared Frank B. Willis,
ex-governor and ex-representative of
Ohio, in an address at an anti-saloon
league meeting here last night.
The ex-governor also ridiculed the
federal court ruling that 3 per cent
beer is not intoxicating, declaring that
if 6 per cent is intoxicating one can
get the same effect by drinking twioe
as much 3 per cent beer. He also de
nied that the dry amendment "was.
forced on au unwilling people.