-1115 aiORXIXG OREGOMAX9 FRIDAY, 31 AY 23, 1919. HELP WANTED MALE. MAKE MONET. - Reliable men to handle th famous Indiana fcllo In territories in Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Does not re quire an Investment. A boni fide money-makins proposition. Write - for further information giving data a to experience and. capabilities. References required. OUS. K. SPAULDING COMPANY, SALEM. OREGON. WEN wanted for Crown "Willam ette Paper Mills at West Linn. Or, and Camas. Wash. Steady work. No experience necessary. 8ingl men preferred. re transportation from Portland. 42c per hour, 8-hour day. Ap ply 510 Oregon bid. MEN WANTED. Returned soldiers, sailors, home owners nd men of family, can find work at COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. Opportunities for advancement to men who want to worlc were never better; wages $4.6-4 and up per day of 8 hours; men from 21 to 45 years of age preferred. Apply in person at ymrd. employment oi lier, foot of Porter st. WANTED BT G. M. STANDI PER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION. Steel Tard. Vancouver. Washington, 200 bolters-up at 4.64 per day. 300 general helpers at J4.64 per day. , 100 laborers at S4.16 per day. Good accommdations at the new Liberty TTotel. built especially by the corporation or its employes. Rates 57 cents per day. Meals cafeteria style, average 35 cents. I WANTED 1. SO automobile repairmen, i. 2 machinists. , State experience; standard scale -of . wages paid. Address Boise Automobile Trade association, box 807. Boise, Idaho. 10. YOUNG MEN for box and veneer de partment of large lumber concern; 40c to 40c to start ; rapid promotion ; fare ad vanced. Ask for Mr. White beck. 235 Burnside st. MAN and wife wanted on ranch in Mosier district; orchard work and general farm ing; preference given to one who under stands machinery and auton; steady work at good wages. AJ 350, Oregonian. 13 RIGHT young man, 17 to 18. to assist In dining room noons, balance of time in coat room and other services. $45 and two meals to start and If he makes good, will be raised. 275 ttth St. MAN for claim department in large mer cantile establishment; must have general office experience, judgment and ability to write good letters; state salary expected and full particulars. AF 340. Oregonian. WANTED Kitchen helper, salary 80 per month and board; work 6 days per week Apply Chef, the Hazel wood, 3feS Washing ton St. WANTED Foreman finisher for work on chairs: must be able to handle colors. Advise salary expected. Address R Veal fc Son. Albany. Or. WANTED Men for sawmill, lath mill and lumber yards; good wages, steady work. Write or wire Weed Lumber Co., Weed, Cal. YOUNG MAN WANTED TO LEARN BUSI NESS, OVER 18 YEARS. APPLY 'J TO 10 A. M. LOWENGART & CO.. 11 N. BROADWAY. WANTED Coys between 16 and 18 years to learn soda fountain trade; school boys preferred. Appiy Northern Pacific Phar niacy, 3d and Morrison. WANTED Men to work in wood-working factory: wages $3. in. hours: steady work with chance for advancement, Give phone number and address. W ldt, Oregonian. AT ONCE Competent cleaner ana ayer, state experience and wages required. Ap ply Permanent Dye Works (Ltd.), lt41 4th ave. W., Vancouver. B. C. .WANTED Good tailor; mut do own cut ting ; prefer man with family; eastern Oregon; state wages expected. AV 17, Oregonian. WANTED First-class candy and ice cream maker for retail business. vv rite Mc In tosh & O'Neil, The Pheasant, Tacoma, Wash. MOTION PICTURE director wanted, man capable of revising scenarios preferred good proposition to right party; state fully tirst letter, an lis, oregonian. BRIGHT young man to learn tire business, starting on order desk; one living at home preferred ; give age ana salary expected. C 312, Oregonian. JBARBER Steady job; two Saturday men- Apply Sam H. Howard, sec. Master Bar bers' , Asgn.. 110 Fourth st. .WANTED An all-around automobile me chanic, one who is used to general shop worK. av J o. oregonian. WANTED First-class tinner or sheet metal worker for out-of-town work, steady Job, Apply 510 Oregon bldg. SV'AsJTED Saddle makers. Apply J. How ard, superintendent, 212 9th ave. W., Cal- gary, Alta. WANTED First-class machinist. 5.52 f hours. Apply Crown Willamette Paper o.. jamas, vv asn. ?ORTER wanted In Jewelry store; good position for reliable person with refer ences. -none .Main iwso or A 1986. ALL-AROUND machine shop man who can handle all kinds of Job work; steady work. utHAJtijE,u nouse-to-nouse men ; no magazine or newspaper: 6 hours per day ?4 guarantee. 207 W II lard hotel. TOUNG fellow about 16- to assist in coat room ana mane nimseii generally useful. M-iiti w o mrip. .is Din si. "WANTED Experienced traveling salesman to hand le soft drinks. Apply Standard .Manufacturing to., tilisan su WANTED Several machinists or wood worker helpers; also 2 boys, 16 to 18. Cutler Mfg. (.'ft.. K 10th and Mill. WANTED 2 or 3 active young men for light work in factory. Cosst Culvert & Flume Co., Kenton. WANTED Experienced candy salesman, City and country trade. AO 302, Orego nian. IAN to take charge billing department; good future in wholesale grocery. BF ft.0. Oregonian. ELECTRICIAN Experienced man wanted for house wiring, motor wiring, etc. Salem Electric to., Eaiem, or. BOOKKEEPER; a good future for a man . with ability ; state all particulars fully. A EC 126, Oregonian.. W ANTED Trimmer man, grader; also six yard men. Apply Oregon Box Mfg. Co.. 114-f Macau am roaa. BOi. 16. or older, with wheel: J7a De month. Federal Telegraph Company, room 7, Board or Trade bldg. WANTED Practical, experienced gardene: for suburban home. Apply Powers Fumi ture Co. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors: week lies; monthlies, special edition. Phone Mr. Clyde, Marshall 2310. WANTED One sash and door machine man. one glazier, two oencn hands. s. L. Bur roughs, Pendleton, Or. WANTED Window trimmer and card writ er. Simons Store, 2d and Alder sts. See Mr. Gilbert. Al CANNED goods salesman to go to work immediately. AN 117, Oregonian. STICKER hand wanted ; also stock cutter. Kautz Mfg. Co.. 26th and Nicolai. WANTED An Al buttermaker; Al wages. Femdale Creamery Co., Astoria, Or. WANTED Floorwalker for department store. K 284, Oregonian. WANTED Advertising man for department store work. AG 19u. Oregonian. BARBER wanted. Steady Lemon O Shop, Eugene, Or. job. JAP or Filipino boy to clear off tables. 6 to 8 P. M. Campbell HH1 hotel. BARBER wanted, steady job. 413 Main St.. Oregon City. . WANTED Good barber at Portland hotel barber shop. TINNERS wanted, long job. union shop, $6. Brizee Metal Works, Irvin Falls. Idaho. FIRST-CLASS vest maker. Co., 205 Soiling bldg. FIRST-CLASS coat maker. Co.. 206 Selling bldg. K. S. Irvin A Irvin & AN experienced house and repair man at the Washington noiei. WANTED Wood-splitters, $1 per cord; summer's Job. Call 46 N. 1st st. BARBER wanted, advanced apprentice. 493 Glisan. JANITOR for day. .work.. . Apply superin tendent Oregon bldg, 6th and Oak. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPER MILLS. 42 CENTS HOUR. 8-HOUR UAi. SEE MR. H. A. SWAFFORD AT MILL. OFFICE ACROSS RIVER FROM ORE OON CITY. GOOD HOTEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS- 20 CENTS; BEST MEALS 35 CENTS. BOTS wanted to carry Oregonlan routes durr ing summer: vacancies in all parts of city June 1. Apply now. Room 203 Oregonian bldg. CI VIJ ENGINEER One who is also a Draftsman. A Map Draftsman Hurry! Draftsmen and Engineers, register with Ub. Younjr Stenographer-Book keeper, young Assistant Bookkeeper. Young Shipping Typist. Teachers ma-ny vacancies. L S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, Third and Oak. GARMENT FACTORY HELP WANTED. Tailors to baste and shape overcoats. Head operators sewing rn sleeves and tap ing overcoats. Operators on overcoats. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. Oregon City. SPINNERS WANTED Night work, 49-hour week, no work Saturday or Sunday nights, liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. WANTED Man capable of testing 110 to -ouu voic a. kj. meters ior auoui two months work. Will pay monthly salary in accordance with the ability of man. In replying -state experience and salary ex pected. Must be ready to go to work im mediately. Eastern Oregon Light &. Power v,o.. liaKer, or. WINDOW TRIMMER WANTED. Rhodes Brothers. Tacoma's leading le- panment store, has a permanent posi tion open for an experienced window trim mer to act as assistant to the display manager. Address amplication for inter view to superintendent's office, R nodes Brothers. Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Industrious man for car washer. night garage man and handy man with prominent city dealer. Answer only if you are willing to work. Give phone number. Permanent position and opportunity to learn a popular car for man who will apply himself. L "10, Oregonian. YOUNG, active single man. timekeeping and commissary; experienced preferred; must be congenia I. have ability to keep rec ords accurately. Io not apply unless you are wining to worK ana want a perm a nent position, with small wages to start. ap 2iw, oregonian. STEADY, reliable men wanted for work in town; positions permanent; good wages, Apply iiiu uregun biug. ASSISTANT bookkeeper in wholesale hous-e, good position with chance tor advance ment for active, energetic young man; answer in own handwriting, stating an experience and salary expected. T 32. oregonian. ONE f irst-cla.ss finisher, experienced in fin inning ana reiinmning ail kinds oi furni ture. 1 first-class man experienced in setting up furniture ; muht have tools. A pply at iiaasoy s warehouse, 1st ana Washington sis., aiter v a. a. lOtNG man for cashier in wholesale hout-e, some knowledge of bookkeeping neces sary; must have good local references Mate age, previous experience and salary expeciea. l.. 'i oregonian. WANTED First-class all-around black smith, capable of doing plain woodwork must be quick and accurate; steady work. good pay. 1- red Dundee, Broadway 1 Flanders Ft. MUCKERS and trammers at $4 a day: boar fl. Apply t ornuropia Mines Co., Cornu eopia, urecon : or re eon-id a no 1 n vei ment Co., Baker, Oregon. Steady men promoted. EXPERIENCED miners at $4.25 and muck ers at a clay; board $l; wanted for Troy, Montana, by Snow Storm M im-s. Cons. Tunnel and stope only; bring blan kets. Apply Troy or Spokane. LATH MILL men wanted Bolterman, $4.50; jam snover, $4.ou ; latri puller, j4..o ; H hours; fine mill. A. J. Chartier, Wheeler, Oregon. - - FIRST-CLASS barber wanted for Sunny- side, wash.: guarantee $112 per week; will make $30. For particulars apply Lewis Stenger Barbers Supply Co. WANTED Barber, steady job; guaranteed $2n per week and i0 per cent over $35; come at once. Art barber shop. North Bend, Or. EXPERT typist, accurate on figures and re ports; night work only ; steady position at good salary ; highest references required. M 220. Oregonian. WANTED Competent hotel bus driver; reasonable hours; good pay. Inquire man ager. Hotel Oregon, between 11 and 12 A. M. PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS, East ftth and Harrison tts. Two steady, all-year-around men for night crew ; 50c per hour. A BOY between 16 and IS to run 1 -floor water-power elevator. Apply at Levitt's Store. 4 th and Wash., between y and 11 A. M. GIRL wanted to work In ice cream and soft drink stand. 'J01 Madison st Help Wanted Salesmen. 30 SALESMEN wanted Immediately for Oregon, Washington and Montana; $loi) to $2u0 can be made weekly sel ling the fastt st h Ipful merchandise proposition evtr known ; no competition ; every mer chant needs it, and every one a prospect; requires foO to $50O, and the best of ref erences, to handle, for which you are de Jivt red goods. Don't apply unless you mean business, are ready for action, and have sufficient money to handle. Ex planations given witnotit obligation. he Mr. Blake, &03 Spalding building, 0:u0 to 3:00. NOT IN PORTLAND. Towns! te salesmen, work new addition to have plant costing $661 .0th), firm 16 years in business; paid nearly $'J,ouo.ooo to labor past IS months. New equipment; will employ 2000 men. Men with auton preferred. Novel gales plan Insures best co-operation; using screen pictures, thea ters and opera houses; also lecture. Start June 1; good commission. ' D 302, Ore gonian. TRAVELING shoe salesman wanted, nation ally advertised general line men's, women's, children's shoes for Oregon; also salesman for eastern Washington, Idaho nnd Mon tana; established trade and acquaintance desired ; give full particulars first let ter. Replies confidential. Room 547 Oregon hotel. A FIRST-CLASS millinery salesman who knows the northwest to take charge of office representing first-class San Fran cisco house; salary and commission basis; wonderful opportunity for right party ; reply will be treated confidential ; state references and experience. Box K, Orego nian, 742 Market St., San Francisco. WANTED Representative to sell men's furnishing goods line on commission basis In Oregon and Washington : prefer party now covering the territory with other lines that will not conflict. Answer, The Eikus company, San Francisco, Cal. WANTED SALESMAN. Young, bright, aggressive man. $22.50 per week to start with and expenses : future to one who will work ; must have references. Give phone number. R 721, uregonian. ONE state representative, 2 city salesmen. country sa teamen ; exclusive territory soiling the best automobile attachment ever marketed ; start at once; big profit. Primo Gasitier Mfg. Co., 711 Clinton st. WANTED Two fcood live salesmen to sell trucks; a good proposition. See J. H. Gra ham. 10th and Stark. WANTED Experienced salesman. 100 per cent profit ; no competition for city and counties. i.w rinocK diock. 3 RELIABLE coupon salesmen, commission and salaryto hustlers. 214 PIttock blk. MAN TO SELL AUTO ACCESSORY. BIG COMMISSION. is. 31!o. OREGON I AN. WANT salesman to represent factory. Ford necessity. Keardon Al f g Co., Peoria, III WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS too a week; sell Ideal vacuum washer, household necessity; does big washing in 30 minutes; big labor saver; protected county : get particulars quick. R. D. Walker, Bend. Or. ACTIVE SALESMEN, double shipyard wages, nice, clean, high-class Job; faithful, hon est fellows can call on Specialty Foundry Works. S. E. cor. E. 7th and Belmont. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets, 206 Corbett bld. AGENT with Ford car to demonstrate; big money. 637 PIttock block. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FREE board housework. and room for light services. 387 1'Jth st. WOMAN to wash dishes. Main 7584. WANTED Chambermaid. 349 E. Burnside. WOMAN to help with cooking. Main 7034. HELP WANTED FEMALE, THE AMES, HARRIS, NEVILLE BAG CO. FIFTEENTH AND HOYT STS. TAKE NORTH AND SOUTH PORT LAND OR 16TH-ST. CAR. GET OFF AT HOYT ST. WE OFFER STEADT EMPLOYMENT WITH GOOD WAGES TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRL SEWING-MACHINE OPERATORS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 16 AND 30 TEARS. IF YOU ARE NOT EXPERIENCED WE WILL TEACH YOU HOW AND PAY YOU A GOOD WAGE AT THE SAME TIME. OUR EXPERIENCED OPERATORS MAKE BIG MONEY. TOUNO LADIES WANTED FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. BEGINNERS IN TRAINING SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY EXPERIENCE PAID AT RATE OF $11 PER WEEK; APPROXIMATELY $48 PER MONTH; FREQUENT INCREASES IN PAY AFTER TRANSFERRING TO OPERATING WORK. CALL AT ROOM 601, SIXTH " FLOOR, TELEPHONE BUILDING, PARK AND OAK STREETS. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. requires th! services of two experienced, short-nour waitresses for the- tea room. Apply em ployment manager, tith floor. EXPERT cashier, one accustomed to hand ling change rapidly. Permauent position, good salary. Lennon's. FAMILY of 2 adultH want a refined woman to assist in household duties and care of two Infants; want an agreeable, com panionable woman, who iove children, and will appreciate a comfortable home: state wages and. full particulars in lettet to AB 331, Oregonian. ASST. BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER In teliigent woman with 3 to o years' expe rience, tamiiiar with general office uetati work; Mfg.. auto or machinery preferred If you want steady work tit once, answer in your own handwriting, giving full par t iculars. L 202. Oregonian. WANTED Two waitresses. $.0 per month and Doara nrst month ana per montn and board second month and thereafter. Work t days per week and as late us 1 1. M.; good -t-hanrc for promotion to gtrln wno appiy t riemneiveA. Apply liroau way naze! wood, J2i lfroadway. WANTED AT ONCE.- Billing clerk, woman 2.1 to ;i0. familiar with L. C. Smith t ype writer. Neat, eon scnnt tous worker with at least 2 years experience, automobile, hardware or lum ber preferred. Permanent; references. AR ,io. oregonian. WANTED SEVERAL EXPERIENCED CMAK AND SI' IT SALES LAD I E3 PREFERENCE. GIVEN THOSE NOW KM PLOYED I HIGH-CLASS SPECIALTY SHOPS. THE FAMOUS, ALDEK ST. cor. PARK. woman employed during day given room without charge by elderly lady who owns ner nome and lives a one. in return t flight services; prefer Christian woman IU1 to io years; references. AR Zti)'J, Orcgo nian. WAXTKI A first-class cook for email hotel running to ;;." per meal; no other nefi apply. References required. Would like a good woman but could uce .la p anepe or Chinese. Hotel Hcrmistun. Hei miston. Or. YOUNG WOMEN to learn weaving. Pref erence given thOKO living near l'or Hand Woolen Mills. HOUSEKEEPER By widower; no children; by middle-aged man; no objections to one child ; work very light. Writ- A. Jen nings, JH Main m., Vancouver, Wash, I1006 Vane. IMO, bet. 5:15 and G 1'. M. ST E NOG RAPHE Tl, expe'ri r n red o ve r 2Z years, for physieia n's office ; work to in clude reception room: state salary wanted, aiso experience; permanent position. B 414, Oregonian. HIGH scale of wage. 48-nour week, for ex perienced operators on overalls, shirts, waterproof clothing, tents. llirsch-We Is Mfg. Co., 205 Uumside st. W ANTE D V e s t f i nisher and bui lonhol e maker; steady work and good pay. 1 Stock Exchange bldg.. corner d and Yam hill. WANTED Application from girls to work in wood-work ing factory at St. Johns. Steady work and good wages. J 706, Ore gonian. WEAVERS, experienced; steady work, good wages. Portland Woolen Mills. EXPERIENCED lady pressors, plain and f.mcy work; steady work, good pav. Broad way Dye A: Cleaning Works. Grand ave. and Schuyler. EXPERIENCED candy saleslady, must be good special box packer in city where last employed. B 413. Oregonian. GRADUATK nurse for night duty in private hospital; salary $80 per month with room and board. B 416, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced dental office as nisi an i ; give references, age and phone number. B 423, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dictaphone operator; who can write shorthand preferred. 23, Oregonian. WOMAN to make hand buttonholes and embroider monogram on siiirts. Jacobs Shirt Co., 3U7 Washington st. EXPERIENCED alteration woman on coats. suns ana uresses. x- ashlon Cloak t buit Co., 314 Washington su WANTED Marker and sorter, good wages; appiy to crystal laundry Co., Tillamook, Oregon WANTED Chambermaid for hotel ; none answer. Phono but experienced need Main 1 36. WANTED Udy demonstrator to travel Call between 9 and 12 A. M., Imperial hotel, room 728. Ask for C. J. Bernard. LUM BER stenogrs pher. $10O; law stenog rapher, S80: bookkeeper, $100; rapid tiu- S75. 301 N. W. Lank bldg. UiKij or miuuie-aged woman for general nouseworK in a, uoaruing-nouse. Call 65 Sa ndy blvd. REFINED, capable, practical nurse for small sanitarium; light work. AR 610, Orego- W ANTED Two salesmen, male or female. i.mmu.ijiic, a snap ior hustler. J SIS. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced markers, also other cxiencnccu nei p. auonai laundry Co East hth and Clay sts. WALLA WALLA Hospital for night duty; 70 per Graduate nurse month, board. room and laundry. Apply Supt. WANTED Woman cook. $46 per month, no tiMiu&. "in rwiiKiii, wnignt fahoe Co. Morrison St.. near Broadway. xi" ii i i liiuy -uui painon ana to care ior -m iuicm, n iih wiuow id work i n r Apply 137 L. CJd St. N.. corner Hoyt su TYPIST and pin cleric w ho is capable of nanuang ouaiutM over leiepnone. Brdwv -Hi t EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Apply Multnomah Athletic club dining room, m ;liitioii 2l. ANY girl la need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 'J2 Eat ill (1 bi. . fiiwuo cam. i CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages. Inn gagemnts; no traveling. Casino Theater. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be BILLING stenographer, state full particulars. wholesale house; J H2-t, Oregonian, W HITfcl restaurant, resses. $14 a week. -d; two wait FIRST-CLASS waitress, good pay with room ana poaru. cojrt. o. Klla t. WANTED W omen to work in the Leigh- ton uauy ii. ' ' ny ana w ash. GIRL to assist with light housework. Main FIRST-CLASS vest maker. Co., 205 Selling bldg. K. S. Irvin & WANTED Girl for dressmaking shop. Call Wood lawn .ia. ALTERATION hands wanted, skirts and gowns. The Bartholomew. HUh and Wash, GIRL to wait on table, breakfast and lunch. Campbell Hill hoteK GIRL over 18 to assist with housework and help care tor oany. i aoor WANTED Experienced second maid. Mrs. K. Glisan. 163 N. I9th. Broadway 2902. WOMAN housekeeper for man and boy, ranch Willamette valley. B 420, Oregonian tV'ANTED Experienced chambermaid. Sew ard hotel, loth ana Aider. WANTED A dinner girL Norton! Hotel. HKLP WANTEIV-FEMALB. LIBMAN, WOLFE A CO. require the service! of experienced ladies in the following sec tions: Sales ladle for Infants apparel, china ware, household efficiency and art needle work dept. Workers for alteration section. One lady experienced in embroidery and fancy work. Two experienced cashiers. Thoroughly experienced multl graph printing operator. Six experienced girls to do work In au diting department. Apply Superintendent's Office Friday morning. U to 10:30. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR YOUNG COL PLE. APPLY 707 HAWTHORNE AVE., COR. E. 2UTH. WANTED BY THE PACIFIC COAST BIS- l LIT CO. GIRLS FOR BAKING CRACK ERS AND CAKES AND CANDY. YOUNG lady to assist with bookkeeping. cost records, etc.; one familiar with lum ber preferred. Answer in own handwrit ing; state experience and salary expected ak 4, Oregonian. WANTED Young woman attending busi ness college, or school girl, to stay all Hummer to assist with housework. East 17HN. WANTED By bachelur, housekeeper for larm ; middle-aged woman preferred ; no objection to child. Write W. L. Lantls, Rainier Hotel. WANTED Private secretary; must be rapid stenographer and possess neat personality; university graduate preferred ; answer In ong nana, a n no, oregonjan. WANTED Two girls to address envelopes. 71.50 per thousand; must be fast and ac curate, call at Spalding bldg., U A. M. x rtday. BOOKKEEPER Out of towif: good salary and steady to right party witn experience. Call 1317 N. W. BanK bldg., o to u A. M. or 5 to 6 P. M. GIRL WANTED to learn marking and die iriouitng. Appiy at once, fa lace Launary ko.. . lutn ana Everett. GOOD positions, open for both experienced ana inexperienced help. Apply the Troy Launary to., k. luth ana Pine. WA NTED -Clood. experienced feeder and lolder. Troy Laundry Co., E. lUth and Pine. EXPERIENCED manicurist, one willing to learn hair dressing business. Mornings. 4 OS iiorriion sr. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter; pooa wages, steady Job. Model Laundry The Dalles, Or. WANTED I.ady to care yt-ars old. in own home. St Mi, Oregonian. for little, boy Give address. LA D Y wanted for Saturday to tend cash register from 11 A. M. to 8 P. M.; no cx perience n e ded. 120 2d st. NEAT. middle-aged woman - or girl for housework in apt., family 4 adults; bring references. Apply USi Alder st. EX PERIENCED alteration help on ladies' cloaks and suits. Apply Fern's, 144 Broad way. WANTED -Kirnt-cla cook: also secyvid girl; on Iloiwl River fruit ranch. Ask for Mlw Allen. It lnti'. WANTED A woman to do sioreroom work and help with cooking in a hotel: refer-enct-g. "amphel1 Hotel. ":td a id H yf . W A NTED Experienced salesladies : salary snd commission. 2VS KlieuTier bldg., H A. M to 4 P. M . WANTED Hand ironer. girl for Htarrh room nnd ma ngle girls. Yale Laundry. 000 East Morrison. WANTED t; ens. Hood !enient. 7- experienced strawberry pack River; good w a ges. M rii. L. r Brooklyn st. W A NTED Lady to anvasg, $2 to per day salary ; st eady work; experience not necessary. Main 1 J.M , forenoons. CHAM BE R yT1 d'-Oii e that"" Is thoroughly exix rieiu vd in fir-Ht-class hotel work. Port land ref. req. t'onrudine Hotel. WANTED Thoroughly experienced br ma id : wages $ 1 5 pr week, hotel. 416 Washington st. cham Pa lace EX PER I ENCKD packer and candy maker's helper. Scot fin s Chocolate Shop, 314 Wash. SALESLADY to sell boys' clothing and boys furnishing goods; permanent position. A p piy at Levitt's store, cor. 4th and Wash. G1R1.3 over IK to learn Knitting and sew In.'. Apply 31 N. 5th, JanUen Knitting Mills. EXPERIENCED waitress for restaurant. 375 E. BuriiKide. ALL ARO UN D lady helper to Kitchen delicatessen. Main .V3i. WA NTED Experienced grocery clerk. Ply L. Mayor Ac Co., 16 ftth st. Ap- WA NTED Experienced waitress. , Multno- roan cmn uinmg room, ot riaimon. WANTED Experienced waitress. 227 M or rlson st. Atlanta restaurant. WA N TED Dining room girl nnd chamber- maiu. i i .! u roy st. Wd In. "i 1 5. CASH1KK f r dining ruom. ;o0 to 8 1. M Campbell lltll Hotel. WANTED 2 experienced waitresses, $ 1 4 k-eK. ith st. W A N T ED Dishwasher. Chief hunch. 414 Morrison. Main II j;;. CAPABLE masseuse ; nurse preferred. Dr. Ironside. 327-K-H PIttock blk. OFFICE pirt, by wholesale house; $tO; chance lor promotion. C 318. t regonlan. EXPERIENCED waitress. Savoy Restaur ant, 132 Grand ave. WANTED Experienced typist to dT miineo graph work. Call 61 6th st before noon. GIRLS in chocolate department Vogan andy Co., Last 1 1 th and Flanders. HOTJOI. waitress, $50, room and board. . i si. LADV dishwasher wanted. 149 2d et. Wanted Domestic. WANTED Girl for general housework Sundays ana evenings free; good wages Call East J.v.m. W AN 1 ED food. reliabie girl or woman for general housework; small family, no w a s 1 1 1 n g, gooa wa g es -iju i4in st. G1KL for cooking and housework; no wash ing or ironing : wages ;0. M rs. Ale Gonlgle, Cb2 Clifton. Marshall HU5. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down ttairs worK ; going to Deacn later, laln N2"5. 794 Irving st. COM PETE NT help for general housework family of two. Call mornings, bit North 21st st. W ANTED irl for Rcneral housework, me dium home and family; good wages. Cull Tabor Miia, or lluu E. Davis st. GIRL for general housework; good wages experienced girl only need apply. Mrs, Lyon. Tabor ttUOH. GIRL wanted for general housework and as sist with children; no washing; good home, good wages. East ti. WANTED Woman for general housework I f she desires, can sleep at home. East 5341. 499 E. 2.th st. N. WANTED Girl for general housework. small family; some Knowledge or plain cooking. Call .Main mi-'. EXPERIENCED woman to do cooking and general houaework; wages jU. Main GIRL to assist marLings with housework walking distance, 4tn ana Hawthorne preferred. Tabor .U1. EXPERIENCED, competent girl for genera housework; no coosing. irving, near 22d st. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work; small lauiiiy ; gooa wages. .m 4:st. w a v TV I ir or woman for house w ock no upstairs worK; no smaii cnuuren; goou w ages. Fhone mornings. Main ftJl. GIRL for general housework. Phone East r,j:i4. OI RL for general bousxork : I. in family no family washing. Main Ml:;. WANTED Girl for general housework. 16th st.. near Taylor. Main 1'614. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work; no wasning. rai ""J' EXPERIENCED girl to assist with the care of children. aiain. - ' a- GIRL for general nousewor. b.o Halsey su Phnn E:st 2..ll. GIRL 145 for n. : general housework ; no washing, J a St. Aiaiu tn.r. GIRL to assist with light housework. Mai 4050. W VNTKD Second girl. good wages. 1 a u n d ry. AR 440. Oregonian. A GIRL for housework. 920 Crawford St., S Johns. GENERAL housework, good wages, pleasant surrounding, evenings free. 400 E. 17th N. WANTED Young lady for oleasant home; no children. housework ; East 3tlf2. GOOD, reliable girl wanted: no washing; good wages. Phone East 3900. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework. Tabor 5177. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking; 2 in family; good wages. Main 7004. - YOUNG girl, assist cooking and housework; family 3 ; all conveniences. Main G003. EXPERIENCED cook nnd for general Jiouse- work: ns washing. 2o." N. 21nt st. COMPETENT maid for general housework. Best wages, 'Main 47SO.- HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wi a n lent lo m et lea. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking; small family ana goou - Phone East 23io or call 4U2 llassalo su, corner East Tenth. EXPERIENCED child's nurse wltn1i,,Tr"7 ehcea to take charge or J imaiiumu'" best wages. Phone Bdwy. a43 or cau r."4 Davis. - - WANTED On or before June 1, experienced irlrl for houseworK ana cookiiib. " " ing or furnace; 4 adults; best wages. Marshall. Phone Main 344 GIRL who wants a good home witn factory wages; light nouoeworK u ..T-.h with care of two children. oO- L. -utn north. East WOMAN or girl for general nousewor , must be good cook and nave pest oi -ne- adults only: good wages. Call Tabor 43DO. WANTED Experienced cook, also ex Gearhart perienced second gir. ; go Beach for the summer 2367. Call Sellwood WANTED Young lady for light nouseworK and companion to wue; lamity ci - people; one wishing good home more than high wages. Tabor S4k WANTED Youne woman to assist with some wages; Phone Mam housework; home privileges no cooking; no washing. t;34". WANTED A girl for general housework; good cook; family oi . Auurwa Oregonian. - WANTED An experienced second giri. -au morning. Cornell roaa. x uuua shall lh67. MA ID for general housework; no wasning. good wages; appiy mornings. sanmu &66. GIRL to assist in general houseworic; one that will go to neacn nexi muiun . kuuu wages. H7i East 11th N. Broadway car. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Government railway mail clerks. $1100-$ 16O0 year. Write for list positions. Franklin Institute. Dept. 376 P. Rochester. N. Y. ( 10 MEN and women. 18 to 30 years old, for moving picture; must De inaian tjpes. A.p tiv in person at studio to Mr. Hersholt. 33d and Halsey. WAN T E D Weavers; experienced; steady work; good wages. Also young women to learn weaving. Portland Woolen Mills. WANTED Oood. competent kitchen help. Hotel Riverview. Rainier. Or. EDUCATIONAL, 1C0 MEN WANTED To become automobile and tractor gas en gine "trouble nhooters." Learn this profit able business In our big repair shop, where practteal work with technical Instruction Is given. A $-5 discount is given to dis charged soldiers and sailors. H KMPH 1 LL'S TRADE SCH OOLS. 707 Hawthorne Ave. Itranch Office 1-4 North Sixth St.. Near I'nlon Depot. BURSE LL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Now is the time to prepare ior position. Our successful students provs that our methods are right. Individual instruction, new equipment. Lumbermena bldg., 5th and Stark. Broadway 34G4. Miss J?'. Bursell. principal. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE DAYS' FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto, Tractor, Gas Logins and Auto Electrical Work. BIG lOO-PAGlfl CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto 4c Tractor school. Dept. K. Lnioni ave. and Wasco st., Portland, or. Phone East 744. PCSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OK BEHNKE- VVAl.KbK Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, book keep in g. becretana I. Free cats logue. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Buckcl'a private school. Individual Inii niL-tion. 122.-i GRAND AVE. EAST 427. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. res booklet. Bail way Telegraph institute. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer, all oiher mod. business course. Day. night school. Aliaky bldg., 3d and Mor. Main 3-'4 MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning: givea you a set of tools. Positions secured. Send for cata logue. 234 Burnside st. Broadway 1731. men. women learn barber trade free; mine; position guaranteed. wages while 1 Oreg Barber Coili-ge. -33 Madison st. COLLEGE, preparatory subjects, short siory wilting taugni. imme '''. tvKth St., cor. Stark. Moderate terms. TEACHERS wanted for positions now opsa. Yates-Fisher Teachers Ageucy, 11 Broad way bldg. MISS MATTINGLVS Shorthand. Typewrit ing Scnooi, aay, evening. o moutu. 14th. near Jei fersou. Main 3fc93. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY. Frank tv- weiies, ex-atsi. ouiio o u i , r. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. TEACHING pofcitlon secured, free reglstra- lion. mono aiain i.o. Agency, Journal bldg. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in weoKs; pay wnue ieruin, sltion guaranteed. 34 Couch st. THE International c orrespondence Schools can laise your ta ary. ivi urotuwy. SITUATIONS WAMFD MALE. IMPORTERS EXPORTERS. rolIi-Rp Kraduaie desires opportunity to learn import and export business; South American field preferred; references. D Oregon la n. RESTAURANT or hotel manager, now em ployed by a large corporation, mnw change; would like position in Oregon; well experienced in places doing large business. R 711, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT with extensive experience. both public and private, oesires position, familiar with general conht ruction mate rial, alpo lumber experience ; any reason able offer considered. L 'JOO. Oregonian. WANTED Position on ranch by young mar ried man, experienced in an sinns ot iarm work; discharged soldier. Broadway 1278. tt.V.i Thurrrmn st. COLLEOE graduate with several years' ex perience as newspaper reporter ana eauor. deHires position with evangelist as song leader and press agent. B 44. Oregonian. WOULD accept a short -hour position in restaurant from JO a. un - . 74t. Oregonian. S A l.E.s.M A N wants position in the city with a good line ; pest oi reierences. An ia, )regonlan. ACCOUNTANT with some snare time will si raighten out your accounts and keep them straight. Main 6412. PAINTING, house-roof painting, kaisomin ing; neat work, no splashing, bell wood 1110. LOCOMOTIVE engineer: can run any kind of engine; alo can repair engine; main line experience. Main 202. C. 11- Farr. TOUNO man, operating confectionery. de Hires position with responsible firm. Broad way -2'MtH. BuY wants position in automobile garage; has had 4 months' experience. Call Bdwy. 332. a.- a N.-Tfc-.r PoKitton bv exnert egg band and poultry dresser; have had 20 years' experience, rnone rast salesman with auto and mechanical abil itv wants good selling proposition. A. D. , Butler, 3H1 Yamhill. EI DEP.LY M A handy around house a Kurden. wants a job: suburbs, country or beach. Address R Oregonian. WANTED By day or job, carpenter, repair ing or concrete oir. r none jaui oivj Mr. Smith. WNTKD By old, experienced janitor, .T or 4 " hours work, evenings. L 2liit Ore gonian. a-1 auto mechanic, vulcauizer and dry cure retread man wants position. Box His. St. Helens. Or. m A POSITION by a soft drink clerk, experi enced: expect one day on a weeK. North Tenth st. YOl'NO MAN already employed, wishes odd work. to II A. -U. ana part, ui uer(moii. R 7us. Oregonian. CARPENTER jobbing kinds: No. 1 workman md repairing; i Wood lawn 1.141. CHAUFFEUR w ants work driving, prl ate or truck. fc oregonian. KHOKMAKKU bv trade: also fimt-claM shoe repair-r. A. Stefanski. Box 4os8. EXPERIENCED GARDENER. SELLWOOD 04U. I'MNTINO. calsomlnlng. etc., dav or contract. Main a fro 4. reasonable; PLUM BER Repair, toilets. boilers. slop page, coils, gas. 85c hr. McCurdy, B. 37U4. WE want your auto truck hauling; rates by month or day. broaoway ioJ. WANT all kinds carpenter work. Broadway :t1V.. t an io i' PRINTING, tinting, papering; clean work; day or contract, mrton. fast i:ts. Bookkeeper. Htenographer. Office. EXPERIENCED lumber bona keeper. Will make contract two to five years. Coast and inland experience, wholesale retail, mills. Reference. Bond- Take address for fu ture. Bookkeeper. 3 "M" St., Rock Springs, W yo. DICCHARGKD soldter, cook, wants position ns first-cl;sH mok; extra goou on pantry Beat of references, x iv. oregoniao. SITUATIONS WANTED MAI.R Bookkeeper. Mfnogmphfra. Office. EX-SERVICE man would like a clerical po sition or as a stenographer; two years practical experience; good penman, neat. AO 1 :t:t. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted Soldier. Just dis charged, desires position as clerk or ship ping clerk; good worker, best ot reter ences. AR 441. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, competent, extensive expe rience, good penman : would consider po sition out of town or abroad. AR Oreconian! , Soldiers and bailor. MAN wants any kind of collecting or office work: good referenes; must have work. Kindly call Broadway, 1465. W. Weston, MO Flanders st. DISCHARGED overseas soldier wishes work at truck driving or light delivery or private car. AP I'OO. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man, 34 years f age. open for oowition on first-class stock farm; references given. R 719, Oregonian. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. TWO TEACHERS, best preparation and ex perience with children, desire to com municate with parents who wish to have children ages 6 to V2 spend all or part of season on the coast, under ideal conditions. AV 24. Oresonian. UNDERGRADUATE with 2 years' office ex perience wishes position in doctor's or dentist's office; city references. M 32-, Oregonian. . WANTED Young lady wants apprentice work in millinery store; some experience. BJ 41. Oregonian. YOUNG lady experienced, desires position ss nursery governess with refined people; references. J 75. Oregonian. LADY sight reader, 2h years old, wishes position In sheet music department. Main 4370. WELL educated. refined young teacher wishes a permanent position, preferably office work. Phone East 506. LADY want hour, day; lawn 6305. housecleaning. other work, satisfaction guaranteed, Wood- COLORED girl wants to work two hours every evening after 5 for room. and. board. Phone B 127. YOUNG girl with experience wishes posi tion ns chauffeur; can give references. Call Main 375. YOUNG lady wishes a position in physician's office, some experience. Br 4, orego nian. WASHING and Ironing done; rates reason able. 1512 Union ave. North. Mrs. Long. LADY will take charge of small hotel or apt. house. C all mornings. Marshall 4t. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants posi tion without room. Phone Main & I . GOOD laundress wishes 7 hrs. Fri., Sat. Broadwa Y2b 1 2 . 8 A . M. WOMAN wants day work. East 8673. Bookkeepers, stenographer. Office. EX PERIENCED cashier nnd bookkeeper wants position: small salary; not a typit or stenographer but excellent business ex perience. R 700. Ore Ron Ian. STENOGRAPHER ue.Mres position: some ex perience; salary moderate; refs. Wood lawn 2vi. GOOD tpist wants half day work in office. -Marsnan EFFICIENT stenographer and bookkeeper, 5 yearar experience Main -M7. lit'O K K EEPER, years of experience, wants w-frK urternoons. Broadway i,;j. VS A . I r.U I'onlUon by experienced stenog- rap ner: references. AG 1 29. oregonian. GOOD, accurate typi.t would like position copying. t uregonian. WANTED penem-e stenographic position; some ex good references. Broadway 34t. YOUNG woman, experience in general i work. -ashier and accounting. K:st Irrii m ai.era. W A NTED Dressmaking, remodeling ami a: terations: come and see us flrt; very reasonable prices. Phone E. 5." 15, 965 E. t igan. corner of 3-d. Rert Hoyt. TLA I N sewing; rhl Idren specialty ; i eason- a pie prices. t Dor fUll. AN Y kind of sewing work, guaranteed raonable. Call Main 6imim. Nunvea. PRACTICAL nurse, elderly woman. an position to tik car of Invalid or cln urn; willing to go to beach. B 4o.. ore gonian. WIDOW lady winhes position as companion and nurse to invalids. 4H hours wt kiy state wag-s. C 40J. trgonian. EX PE RI ENCKD nurse wish raw, Sfll 'J 41 . conf ininen Excel Vnt city East 74. refa. desires ca 1 1 o ti e k re pe rs . X I DW lady wit h two children w is lies po sition as housekeeper for bachelor or w I dower ; country preferred. C illO. ore ironlan. WANTED Educated iady wants position as housekeeper, companion to elderly couple or lady or gentleman. PJ 3, Oregonian. KNOLISH woman wishes position as house S keeper or companion. hlp in refined home. B 4-1, OreRonian. N E A T. rt ll j; ble lady. employed pa rt of time, would keep house for refined, eld erly gentlemnn. L J1!, f rcginlan. A MUULE-AGE widow wants II. K. fo working man: home in city preferred. A R 4."4, Oregonian. TYANTEU TO RENT. Houses. WESTOVER TERRA -E. I'on'.and lleig hts. or A lamed a Heights, house, rurnlshetl or unfurnished, preferably furnished, eight rooms, two baths, sleeping porch, garage, hardw ood floors; state rental and length of time willing to lease same; best of ref erences. B 41."i. Oregonian. WANTED Homes for service men; fur nished and unfurnished. prefer small bouses. 5 and 6 rooms. Call Liberty Tem ple. Main 313. WANT MODERN HOUSE. Will lease from one to three years. 3. 6 or 7-room modern unfurnished house, good location: responsible party with references; adults only. Phone 'labor !:.'t)7. WANTED To lease by responsible party for year or longer, 5 or O-rooni mooern house, in good d iatrirt ; prefer one with ga rage. Phone Wood lawn ln-U-J. WANTED -To rent. June 1. a modern or tl-room house with garage, good iocat Ion ; responsible party wit h references ; adults only. Phone Tabor 414i WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE, JUNE 1. FOR SUMMER MONTHS H Y MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. I RVINGToN REF ERENCES. EAST 6147. WANTED to rent before J una 1. modern 6 or 7-room unfurnished house, with garage, for year by responsible couple; no chil dren: bent of reterences. Call Main. lz2 or East 6f81. WANTED By responsible business coupie by June 1. comfortable furnished house ; reasonable rent Might buy if satistac tory. Main 4216. W I LL some one donate the rental of a small house or shack to-a worthy elderly lady? i'ould possibly arrange to pay nuin inal rental. Phone East 4375. W A NTED Modern 6-room house, f urn is tied or unfurnished, for the summer; man and w Ife only ; Irvington preferred. Phone Woodlawn 4335. WANTED 1 -room modern f urn i shed cot tage at Seaside for season beginning June 1. Address K. H. W room 40.1 courthouse, or phone Marshall bw'At, bet. 3 and 3 1. M. W A NT to rent, a house on some suburban line not too far out. Call Sel I wood 3321 before 12 o'clock or after 1'. M. MODERN " 6-room unfurnished house. 3 adults ; permanent tenants; best refer ences. Vain 1 . PA RT Y with references wishes to rent a large home or building suiite for con valescent home. B 4Hi. Oregonian. UNFURNISHED hous or flat, 5 or 6 romns. close In; adults. Phone Sunday or after 6 I. M-. Eftft 775. YOUNG married man wislft-s to" rent niod-erate-priced. unfurnished house w iih priv ilege of buying. B 422. Oregonian. WANTED or .'i-mom furnished bungalow or lower flat not too far out; responsible party; adults Tabor 'JH73. FVRN 1SH ED bungalow by young coupie. mi children ; will lease for year or more ; would c o n s 1 der unfurniwh e d. T a bor 1 ; ; j ." . WANTED To rent 6 rooms and sleeping porch, or 7 rooms; fireplace, furnace, ga rage; est Side. Phoue Woodlawn 1 7 i . WANTED To rent, by June 1, 4 or 0-ruom cottage or bungalow. Main iM.Vi. MODERN home, by adults: give best care and board: owner. Sell wood :ti. 11 WANTED To rent a or 6 -room furnifhcd house. Phone Seilwood 127. Apartments. WANTED June 1, furnished or unfurnished flat or apartment; must be modern, close in R 7i4. Oregonian. 4-ROOM R. C c apt. in private home, on f.rst floor; ir line. Call Tabor .7i sfter H: to. EM PLOYED woman . would like room in an "apartment, west side. . L 22.1, Oregonian. Kooru With B4MMd. WANTED Widow's home where 2 bo s. 7 and . would be well ta ken care of ; If possible father would like room t here ; references exchanged. AH 7". Oregonian. LAlY wishes place to room and board her r.-venr-old boy in private family. C ai. Oregonian. WANTED TO RFNT. Hootn- ail l!)Mrl. LKS1 K K HOA RI ant lioltlelikt peopit( a be appreciated : m ing just now an.i r-i uesttd anl tiii time b'fore 1. ' loom wi; li s!e'-im )). ni v mh- tin inn " le any pi.i v f rum !usii.t--. s-rt i.ni ; ou wl.-h. R 714, oregonian. B us 1 ncwa n :ue. WANTED Busi !'..- shop : west itie ; Phono Col um but for -to U:.-it k i. li:. Iloudekcerlnr Rooms. TUHEK unfurnished keeping, gnum ; walk c-f Wasliinirto n.-nt. AG 1 i-f ro.-ms f..r tut tui wiih'ti 1 min ; st. : o ji'iuUs; pt-i fVR KENT. HALL, suiuthlr for lodge or unfo;i meftin-. "Ioe in on cast sm.-c. Kent tlu-up. L Morrison M. E;it I urni.lied Koonis. A ModeraTe-I'rj.-ed IT- t.-i of Mt:u HOTEL CI. I PK 'KO East Morrim and L.ii: S x:h. Hotel CiKlord is I.1!. )ri!ieipal i :r ftd hotel and is a hotel oi d:nit a':d ie xni nt. Daily rates 1.mi t, P ; w 0 ,Il rooIii ? 1 . . ; v.tokly ra:os. g.'t a mi up. NoK i'OMA ilwTtU 1 'or t land's Oowntown hlKh-class family hotel; rooms en ruite or ingle, with or without boara, tor fami.les snu uuaiuedf men una woman. We civ you a. I the comforts of a hume. l;eava abie rate-. NICELY furnished slee-ninc rooms. sn::r fr 2 gentlemrn, free baths, free phon hot water, close in; prices nlit. l'honc ilam llM. 34S M out corner v e-t. ANSON 1 A HOTEL. L-4 14th. cor. Washing ton; c.ean. respectable, modem conven ience ; transient $1 uay up; permanent S4 week up. HOTEL EVERETT. BROADWAY AND EVERETT STREETS. Modern convenience?. t, b.oeks .-'.o-n new pustof lice ; transu ni, $ 1 up; wotk.v, -.'0 up. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.; downtown location, respectabio ana strictly inoae a steam heat ; rooms large, clean. HOTEL OCKLEY. Mor: son s. at Tenth tvatcs i tr cay up; weekly, $4 up; . ua nmg water, frt.e phone mui bat a. Fl'HMSHKD roomy. close N on h w c: ipajds. 1 j Steel and Columbia ri or Corhett t-t. SARGENT HOTEL, 271, Orand ave., hTk! m nrvi'liin rooillf. t,a L ..I I. UuTEL MADRAS Wa: S4 u a lid 1-th,. k : Jl i,av conveniences T nfurnUhrd Rooms. 3 CONNECTING ri rr neat, i.j Bui n-id". phor.e : no cfi ild 1 iirnifhed Kwdim in lri-nte 1 aniily. V l nice . f u i :t h- xi r,ins .u 1 1 : n gentleman. wiOi all noi-t, r i c..ii-tii a b.'autilul h"mc i.-r one who ni-pre naiuic and Im ;hi: iul Mirr'nin!'t:-s. if desireii, inr 'uuing fur-vc. . lir 2: Ha 1st y m. ROOM for gentlemen. 1:1 t:-if!irs' ohm: in Trinity piaee als,; ilii.-i.o ,.i living room: tub and t-Lower Lath; !! .Mar. 1 lM. UrJAtTlFLI. front r. heat, hot and cold t;: Northrup st.. ;.. sh:i II 1 &,"t6. tor rent ; titr.i ; r , suitub!.- (..r ; L-nt I. Crtll .!.(; ATTRACT! VE r- pointed home; eh refer nee? require LA K ! E 1 ron t r-xnn, t-oiij, Im fiiiali I.hoiie Hrondw ay PLEASANT s piiVileeS if P. M : Nit "ELY furm w. t M.l-, T 1 I PLEASANT funi t man ; $.t p 4i04 K Ltirn ni i i-.iin i .ii liM.i "1 KENT t. room In jri' Mdp... din liwin L't'l laoi : I . v i lor; in i .v u LoVKI.Y li nine ; a men. 1 .ii 'ill r -t 4u Ci-y, jSLKEI'INO lire ; 111! men nl .Ma R t M fin Ei m a 1 ki tiz ..tt NICELY fui malted b'.l L. Alike:. rnr 2nth. PLEASANT room in ithnut board ; in priVille f.TllllIv. With OI Irving on. East Jll'. li EA I valkin: 1" 1 i 1 I.I.Y fn' ni ie.l -l T). FURNISHED Mam 7 1 J 7. 4 n li e it. ent 'l Rooitih Mitli lioanl. CAMPBELL HTT.Ti TTOTEL, 741 Washington. CAMPBELL HOTEL. -3d snd llovt. Residence liote: ; American PIsh. Excellent I'ininc- Room erv ice. On Cnrline. Near Oarage. lUaonahlti il? tes. ltt eek Munto, A N N O N C K M E N T CHKSTKKBLT.y HOTEL. NORTH 2 O T H AND KEARNKT ST?. Tlioroughly renovated and under in management of Mrs. J. D. Strvker, as a trtcUy up-to-date. American -plan fniiuiv hot I. Deiirabite rooms and eiceiicut laoie. Mruli ser ed transients. ROt.i.M and board for modern con eniences ; $4 per week. East 47.' busines: girls, a IT watk.ng li.ftanc-s; 2. 12 E. 7ih t. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 5 So lu:h st. For business girls and stu Hn;s: reanona h i e r;t t t. .M .iv.h.i 11 1 -M . PA KK VIEW HOTEL Rooms w ith board, excellent table; cljso in. 30 Muutguiuv.xy. near West 1'a; k. 4.'.2 MORRISON. Cor. 13. choice room a ami boa ru, modem conveniences. Walking u i ti tan it. Koomn Tilth Board in Private lamity. VS ANTED Ho . love, best of c. I'hine A 1-"7I I HAVE a bcautitul wet Mde hoi' like a few hiKh-ela; buariicrs LH3. JRVLNGTi N- f .ist : priva t Willi ir w ith out 1 27tl. CHILDREN pi i- a r :i' m i ed onablc. WANTED len t lenia n to with private lauiiiy. Xl'.t THE DA V T -X i.-' .im porch, janitor. i"". Fi.i ar.d board b.vv i-H'-o Kurnished Apartment. MtIERN furnish d apis. also a o-ron;u M",iii.-.h-.i-fur Hi ture ior va Liu ' 4 North 2. id st- M.. i THE ELM Wo 'D - in. f airy rooms. 2 dit i,iM u-rli f i rpt-c iuss , J iU; auii : it. loth st. ed f.at. r-t- l.;n:iu In inJiit.V fur. .i jit . ; ' 1'e-is. sti . M.ilU l.til".'. IjKNNISuN" APT., cor. modern :;-ro.m ;M't-. w phone. 1'; ice. ? i ' . T .4 h le ki.d i RN ISH ED :;-Ioo;i H eeplllg room. Jur "24d. our! aor. ft; lh.i.u NICELY por i h. and pi iu:-i;i?h. $1" a in I'.le ,t .1 -; : I. it h. i:. la th i-: ORttv i:i; .V'l.in. w a : k a -id i m:.l'M s.'i.r i -Jii'i h. k. apts 11 OiJ-i- -"LlaiJi T"-HOO M fi:r: e I a it - .. .r h uinru rs. S t w-ek up : ' ' "' ;t721 Kirt l.. or. M . 1 1 ; c n t . r C. K KIKl-U. 3 roonu. hloM'i4 ix-rcl wtMd ll-mr. pew-y 1 v r n t in d. 3"! Ing. 1 block west I .ii-mi a. '1 H REE AND u"Tu I : - L i 1 t a na r: men t . ' Jui'd a ;.i r in n . b- : .v l.at.i 1 at. -1 .Ph. Thumiii ; d ol- HP-.HLAND Four-room I urnish shHil ::lL 1 " I ' T N I ELY fin n:rv.i. ! : kitchcneti", prtv.ite ta i oom a v. i. piioui . .n dnn. I '.a s. t 2 "'.. V lUR nicely furnished beat, light. g'. w.iler j on;. .'..V Mar.all : TH R EK-KOUM fiirnislied Ka t herinr, 1 N 2:;d FORTNOMA1I. 4 room. hnr-vo-i i;'--v-alking distance; adults. 'it E. lath. LAC.OA." ai Hroadway 4i jriiiiurs mo. :'ig, ' rt T Tj.nser 111' V 1) one Mai a COMPLETE, apt,. S1U; coacrete blUtf. Waio oP2. JAND OAK apt.. 2 modern, tlrnmi a e. a n. AN"l. 4 -room f-irej.h.d Oi:iid A;."; lt. V". 1 iu''i 2l:h. i tM.-ni ;r, n i . ' - -PENINSULA APTS.. .V 'lnn :e. i trcte bids , 2 and 3-rom apis. Wi.n. l'i-j N j i:i. furnished s r lioliie-, elus 111. Wi M nil 4t I ! i xInTtFoN room. breakta-t. East IT.t. J NiT.-El.Y- Ijm.slTeTl" . I r itic "ii. ; NICELY furniRhevi r.7,," Ulm' W:l'K from I'l-si r UK-XL-loTTS n f ' M.un 71-7. U,:t-.. .1