Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 23, 1919, Image 1

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VOTj "LiVIII- 0 1S"1 Entered at Portland (Ortrtut
Even Hundred Hurt When
Explosion Wrecks Plant.
Douglas Starch Works, Cedar
.Rapids, Is Obliterated.
PROPERTY LOSS $3,000,000
Or 100 Men and Boys on Night Shift,
Only 1 1 Escape as Walls
Crash to Earth.
CEDAR EAPIDS, la.. May 22. A
Score of persons were killed and 100
injured by an explosion at the Douglas
etarch works tonight. Of the 100 men
and boys who had just gone to work In
the night shift only 14 escaped injury
or death.
The entire plant was burned by re
sultant fire, which was confined to the
Douglas property. The loss is J3.000,
000. The cause of the explosion is un
known. Fifteen bodies were removed
from the building within half an hour.
Many employes were in the works at
the time of the explosion. Scores were
buried beneath the wreckage and are
being removed to hospitals.
Persons on the streets and about the
works were injured by flying wreck
age and broken glass. Windows in the
business district were blown in and
many people in the buildings were cut
by flying glass.
The shock was felt all over Cedar
Rapids and for miles around. Kire
followed the blast and consumed the
chattered plant, though the entire de
partment was called out.
' Firemen Kescne Victim..
Firemen extricated dead and wound
d from the debris hastily to avoid in
cineration. The injured were rushed
to hospitals and homes as rapidly as
volunteers with, automobiles could be
So severe was the explosion that per
eons a .mile away were thrown from
chairs. The cause of the accident is
thought to have been due to either a
defective boiler or spontaneous com
bustion. Many of the hundreds of emnlnvo.
were In or near the factory building
when the blast covered the crounrt f I
blocks with wreckage. Some were bur-I
led tn the shattered buildings while
others were hit ' bv flvinn- r.mno...
Flaraea Block Rescue,
With the fire raging, cries were heard
coming from the dryingroom of the
plant, but firemen were unable to cut
their way in, and it was believed that
the death toll would grow. Sevral dis
charged overseas soldiers aided in the
1 rescue work.
Additional explosions from the oil-
rooms scattered the burning wreckage
an dflremen .were hard pressed to pre
vent me spreading or-the flames to
Tiearby industries.
Men covered with starch were taken
1ro mthe ruins by their comrades, and
many thrilling rescues were made;
Some of the victims were stark mad
nd did not know what had happened,
Blast Breaks Mains.
Water mains were cut by the force of
the explosion, making the work of the
firemen harder because of the lack of
An engineer who was blown out of
the building said he believed his boiler
had exploded. General Manager Lend
ers would advance no theory as as to
the cause.
Every window In the central part of
the city was broken. Chimneys caved
in on families at the supper table and
guests in the dining-rooms of hotels
were thrown from their chairs. The
front of the city hall and the T. M. C.
A. building were shattered. Ticket sell
ers In moving-picture theaters were in
jured by falling glass.
Red Cron Olvea Aid.
The Red Cross established first-aid
stations near the wrecked plant for the
injured as they were brought from it.
J. D. Boorman of Chicago was .blown
through the window of a hotel and suf
fered cuts and bruises.
Frank Sodoman was taken out of the
plant alive. His legs were blown off.
He begged th ecrowd to kill him.
C. C. Craft, member of "the fire de
partment, was seriously injured.
Bend Citizens Start Move to Recall
Carl A. Johnson.
BEND, Or., May 22. (Special.) As
the result of the failure of The Bend
echool board to re-elect a number of
the present teachers for next year, a
petition was circulated here today
seeking the recall of Carl A. Johnson,
school director and prominent Bend
lumberman. A. B. Hick3 is mentioned
as recall candidate.
Allegations of incompetency, ineffi
ciency, allowing outside influences to
dominate his' actions as a member of
the board, and unwillingness to re
spond to the wishes of school patrons,
are the chief charges set forth in the
Mr. Johnson in a statement issued
today branded the entire list of charges
as.false and declared that he would
make a vigorous fight against the re-
Dominion Authorities Will Take a
Hand in Situation, Is TTUi
matum Sent Leaders.
"WINNIPEG, Man., May 22. The ques
tion of permanent industrial peace in
Winnipeg, evolving from the present
general strike of local labor unions,
rested tonight on the future status of
radical enemy aliens.
Leading citizens of Winnipeg, ln
i i i . if.v.. ph.,u, tv firav and
members of the common council, today
joined with provincial and federal au
thorities in informing union labor
workers that either the alien extrem
ists in the union ranks must be ousted
or every force of law and order will
be concentrated to rid the dominion of
this element.
Tomorrow morning, in the council
chamber of the city hall, representa
tives of every phase of dominion, pro
vincial and municipal activity affected
by the general strike will discuss the
situation. The chief purpose of the
meeting. Mayor Gray said, is to clear
the air of the menace of radical prop
aganda and possible misunderstandings
which with Winnipeg as their strategic
breeding grounds were threatening to
involve the whole dominion.
Morning and evening editions were
issued by the Winnipeg Free Press, the
first newspaper In the city to publlsn 1
since the general strike got under way.
Various officials who today partici
pated in the movement to restore in
dustrial tranquility, said they were
hopeful that the meeting tomorrow
would result in suspension of the gen
eral strike.
Since yesterday, when aggressive op-
position to the isolation programme of
the strike leaders was begun, constant
improvement has been reported in
various branches of commercial and
public service. Nearly all the stores
In the business district were open to-
day and many made deliveries, tele
phone service was partly restored by
volunteer operators, restaurants and
other places of business displayed
placards announcing they would open
tomorrow, and leading employers re
ported clerks who had been on strike
had applied for reinstatement.
Word has been received here that
30.000 workers at Calgary, Alt a., are
voting on a general sympathy strike;
but should the Winnipeg trouble be ad
justed, no strike order would be issued
even should the vote favor it.
Oat Grove Orchardlst Utilizes Bossy
to Save Sheep . Crop.
HOOD "RIVER, Or., May 22. (Spe
cial.) Herman Pregge and W. R. Hoo
ver, Oak Grove orchardists, find sheep-
raising a profitable sideline. The for
m". with ten ewes, has 16 fine lambs.
Mr. Pregge has 23 ewes, and his lambs
for the season number 30.
"1 am going to save all of my ewe
lambs, about half of my increase or tne
season," says Mr. Pregge, "and increase
my herd. Last year I sold my dressed
lambs for an average of $18 each
One of the mothers of twin lambs in
Mr. Pregge's flock was unable to nurse
them. The owner, however, had a fresh
cow at the time, and he taught the lit-
tie sheep to take nourishment from the
cow. The lambs are now regular
boarders at the cow lot, and the foster-
mother seems as fond of them as
though they were her own offspring.
Marriace Takes Flace After Ac
qnaintance of Four Days.
TACOMA, Wash., May 22. (Special.)
-Robert E. McLin, age 31, and Vada
Poole, age 15, were married yesterday
in Seattle, after evading the girl's
parents in Tacoma. The couple have
known each other but four days. They
became acquainted when McLin came
to the girl's home to repair electrical
When the girl left home she wrote
a note to her motner. i. am going on
my honeymoon trip," she said, and
signed it "Mrs. R. E. McLin." She gave
her age as 19 at the marriage license
bureau and her appearance bore out
ner statement.
Underwriters Report Largcnt Pay
ments Since San Francisco Fire
NEW YORK. May 22. Fire losses
aggregating $290io00,000, the greatest
in any year except 1908, when the San
Francisco earthquake and conflagra
tion occurred, were reported for 1018
to the national board of fire under
writers here today.
The year also showed progress In
bringing to bar persons responsible for
Incendiary fires, according to a com
mittee report which announced 441
convictions had been obtained In 4
I states. Of these cases, it was stated
172 were attempts to defraud the in
surer, while 156 were attributed to
pyromania or other forms of insanity.
"Lucky" Baldwin's
Her Competency
Girl Defend;
In Court.
, May 22. De
tails of horscracing days In southern
California, in which her father, the late
E. J. ("Lucky") Baldwin, was a central
figure, were related today in the
superior court here by Mrs. Clara Bald
win Stocker, first witness in the trial
of the suit of her son, Albert E.
Snyder of San Francisco, to have her
declared incompetent to care for her
$10,000,000 estate.
Mr. Snyder asks that his mother's
properties be placed in the hands of a
trust company.
Commissions, Until That
Is Given, ..Impossible.
prisoners Of War tO Get NO
Special Consideration.
I uillJ mm 'I'll jwwiiv -
Assurance Given That Teutons Will
Be Treated Fairly and All Prop
erty Rights Respected.
PARIS, May 22. The following cor
respondence between the allied peace anri th German TIP ACQ del-
atM ,s made public today:
-prisoners of war. Letters from
Brockdorf f -Rantzau to M.
German Peace Delegation, Versailles,
May 10, 1919. Sir: The German dele
gation has noted with satisfaction that
the draft treaty handed to it recog
nizes the principle that the repatria
tion of German prisoners of war and j
German interned civilians is to be ef
fected with the greatest possible
Special Commission TTrajed.
It is in accordance with the opinion
of the German peace delegation that
the task of settling the details of the
execution of that repatriation should
bo entrusted to a special commission.
Direct conversations between the com
missioners of nearly all of the bellig
erent states in regard to prisoners
have been shown to be the best mcana
of solving Vhe difficulties, and it ought
to be all the easier at the present mo
ment to clear up by early discussion
in a commission any divergencies of
view or doubts in regard to certain
The German peace delegation, bear
ing in mind the difference of Jurlsdlc-
various countries concerned.
13 Ol-tne opinion, lor insiKnte, iuai v
is indispensable for prisoners of war
and interned civilians who have been
detained for offenses other than those
against discipline to be repatriated un
conditionally. Germany recognized this
same principle aa regarding prisoners
of war and interned civilians of the
i allied and associated powers detained
in Germany.
"Certain Alleviations" Sought.
"In the view of the German peace
delegation certain alleviations should
as a matter of course and for reasons
of equity, be agreed to in favor of pris
oners of war and interned civilians for
the period which will elapse until their
final departure.
"The German peace delegation has.
however, been compelled to note that
the arrangements contemplatd are fa
vorable only to the allied and associ-
(Concluded on Past
, .
t 7 " 1 y ' t
&mz&-"w2 Wrl know how-to WM I I WM t
Reasonable Discussion of Matters
Really Essential Will Be Per
mitted Through) Experts.
(Copyright by the New York World. Pub
lished by arrangement.)
PARIS, May 22. (Special Cable.)
Oral interchanges are to be permitted
between the Germans and the allies. I
am a to make this statement upon
indif ble authority. It must not be
tak , mean that the gates are to be
th' wide open for the formal debate
of i, ry possible point by full delega
t but there will be reasonable dis-
.on of matters really essential,
ne plan which has been definitely
O proved by. President Wilson and has
-en tacitly accepted by his associates
,. bilr four to .rrange for i
series of meetings,, ostensibly of ex
perts of the various commissions, who
will exchange ideas on certain phases
of the treaty. From this beginning
there will be an expansion of subjects,
until all the essential matters In dis
pute will be reviewed.
This may not seem to be much of a
variation from the announced pro
gramme, but It really constitutes a
radical departure, for up to this time
there have been no meetings to discuss
the actual treaty, the conferences that
have been held having related to mat
ters that arose 'before the treaty was
submitted, such as the German pay
ment for food, relaxation of the block
ade, financial measures, the armistice.
and kindred matters.
The new plan will bring together
members of the allied and enemy dele
gations, at what will be termed meet
lngs of experts, at which efforts will
be made to change the real or fancied
German belief that the treaty was de
signed for the economic or political de
structlon of Germany.
In the beginning the meetings will be
attended only by persons assigned from
the American, French and British ex
perts. As the subjects develop and are
extended, a plenipotentiary or so will
be presented in person or by capable
I am informed that the first sugges
tion for meetings came from the
French, who do not relish the thought
that Germany may refuse to sign the
treaty. The Americans thought well of
it, and they put it up to the president
who favored it as being a natural
means of aiding the speeding-up pro
cess in bringing peace back to the
world. He has all along favored any
plan from. w.hwh benefit might be
expected, even though the no oral dis
cussion programme might thereby be
There was agreement on the plan for
no oral discussions, in order to keep
up the appearance of a dlstated peace
The peace will still be dictated, for it
is etremely unlikxely there will be any
changes of moment in the text of th
terms. By the new plan, however, there
will be clearer understanding of th
situation and all doubts will be re
moved which otherwise . the German
might utilize as an excuse for a course
that might better be avoided.
The extension of time which has
been granted for tresh notes will en
able the Germans to tabulate and re
due to final form their requirements i
raw supplies and their suggestions a
to -the means ot paying for them.
subject of Importance to America and
(Concluded on Page 3, Column 1
s f f s ' s- -" v . a
Operation of Ships to Be
Decided Upon.
Maintenance of U. S. Ocean
Mail Service One Essential.
Government Versus Private Owner
ship Principal Topic at Con
ference in Washington.
WASHINGTON, May 22. Operation
of the government-built merchant ma-I
dustrlal organizations called into con
ference by the shipping board.
We have different points of view,'
Chairman Hurley told the gathering.
"The shipper wants reasonable freight
rates. The carrier wants reasonable
earnings. These two objectives are
not inconsistent. Efficient operation
can achieve them both
Arrangements must be made where
by each section of the country will
have every opportunity to establish
through steamship lines in connection
ith its railroads so that every com
munity may receive first-class serv
National Needs Outlined.
Three great national needs of the
merchant fleet were outlined by Mr.
Hurley as follows:
1. Maintenance of an American
ocean mail service capable of covering
sltate changing the law to permit com-
pensatlng ocean carriers on a business
basis, "bringing it down from the realm
of impracticability and making It apply
to the sea-going units which we actual
ly possess."
2. Establishment of centrally con
trolled wireless telegraph service for
promoting safety of life and property
at sea and for giving American snip
ping and shipping Interests the ad
vantage of constant commercial Infor
mation. Mr. Hurley said this service
would be under control of the navy.
3. Adequate provision for training
officers so that American ships always
would go to aea in charge of American
Labor Yet t-'adeclde-d'.
James O'Connell. . representing
American Federation of Labor, declared
the laboring man wanted to know
which would give him the best working
conditions, government or private own
ership of merchant marine. He said
the federation had not directly in
dorsed government ownership of ocean
transoortatlon lines, but that "some
Concluded on Page 3. Column I.)
&i I
e in peace was discussed from many a.peace "y understanding on the basis
gles today by representatives of fj e German counter proposals. While
the German i,,.ti.a -, i- tn
ional labor, agricultural and in- I , " , cl
I working: for this iinri,t,nim.
La r ire Crowds Stace Protests anil
persons ficc From city;
licriin impresses Regret,
MAKXHEIM, May 22 (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Alarmed bv the belief
that Germany will not sign the peace
treaty and that th allies will occupy
Mannheim, citizens became panic
stricken today and stormed the munic
ipal savings bank. Many persons have
fled from Mannheim.
Large crowds later held protest
meetings and other demonstrations,
which added to the general confusion
In the town.
An official expression of regret has
Deen issued In Berlin that the
of Mannheim "appear to have
isctvLi.N, May 21. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The majority socialists
held a demonstration of nrotest acralnst
tlfe peace terms in the Wilhelmsplatz
today. The crowd, in contrast with
earliest meetings, received the speeches
or leaders in frigid silence.
Chancellor Scheidemann said he hoped
,n lne interest of humanity to attain
added, it was the task of the govern-
ment to raise its voice on behalf of the
conciliation, not the alienation, of peo
ples. A peace of conciliation only was
possible if Germany is included as an
equal In the league of nations.
The league, he declared, was a
sity. but the government was against
the spirit of its present form which
made the Germans the slaves of other
nations. He concluded by calling for
cneers for the league.
Herr Mueller, for the independent
socialists, said the socialists of all coun
tries must regard peace as Impossible
under the present treaty.
Frau Juchacs said that if the allied
peace terms were carried out they
would perpetuate a war of hunger.
The Independent socialists also held
a demonstration.
Army Vehicles Alloted to State for
Road Construction.
PALEM Dr., May 2!. (Special.)
otlce was received by the state high
way commission today from the United
I states department of agriculture that
88 army trucks, used during the war,
will be allotted to Oregon for use in
road work, the only stipulation being
that they be used in building state-
aided roads, including forest and post
The trucks have a total value of
about 220.O00. They are now in Chl-
cago awaiting delivery to Oregon.
Minnesota Seltlers In Xo Immediate
Danger Rain Expected.
ELT Min-., May 22. Forest fires are
burning in remote sections, some 30
miles from here, mostly to the south.
but immediate danger to settlera Is not
feared. The forest ranger forces are
continually fighting the fires and seem
to have the situation fairly well in
hand. The fires in the section 30 miles
distant have been exhausted.
Rain was expected soon to extinguish
fires and help farmers.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 66
degrees; minimum, ftO degrees.
TODAYS Probably rain; gentle westerly
Foreign radical element holds key to Win
nipeg strike situation. Page j.
Mannheim in panic, invasion by allies feared.
I'aga 1.
Allies put bMhevikl to flight In northern
Kusma. Tagn U.
Corv-misatona impossible until Huns sign, say
shim. fag 1.
President declines to ask for safe conduct
for Irish delegates. Page 1.
Oral interchange between Hun sand allies
to be presented. Page 1.
Northwestern men in Mst division died
while fighting bravely. Page 5.
President's work at peace conference of high
value. Page z.
Germans continue obdurate regarding peace
treaty, l age 2.
Regulations nrged in wire operation. Page 1.
Merchant marine plana discussed at con
ference called by chipping board. Page 1
Big. urgent appropriation bill speedily put
through house, i'age o. .
Senator McNarr secures important chair
manship. Page 6.
Republicans discuss plana for presidential
campaign. rare a.
Baptists denounce low salaries paid: presl
dent rntlclset about athollca. rise 4
Score, dead. 100 Injured, in explosion at
Cedar Raplda factory. Page 1.
Pacific Northweat.
Brigade post rumors are beard agaia at
Vancouver barracks. Page 11.
Jarsey breeders visit Polk, county stock
farms. Page s.
Episcopalians tavor addition to Good Samari
tan Hospital, page 2.
Staiue, "The Pioneer," unveiled at Eugene.
I'age 10.
Cemmerrial and Marine.
Lamo Increase, in northwest is above aver
age. Page Zi.
Com strong at Chicago on reports of back
wardness of crop, page Zi.
Bond market la active and stronger.
Pago 27.
Dock -commission, to build big oil tanks.
Page 1.
Engineer reports grain annex safe for fin
ishing work. Page l,
Sport a.
Pacific Coast results At Fan Prsnclsco.
Portland 0. !-an Francisco 0; at Fa'.t
Ike. Salt Lake 11. Oakland 8: at Sacra
mento. Sacrament, 4. Vernon 2: at Los
Angeles. Los Angeles Q. Seattle 3.
Page Ki.
Cchool teams eager for annual classic.
Page 17.
Entries In grammar school meet exceed
1500. Page r7.
Commercial and Marine.
Portlaod's record for pure mUk high.
Page 11.
'Weather report, 6 a la and forecaiu Fast 27
Report From London Says
No Request to Be Made.
Behavior of Debates While in
Erin Given as Cause.
Letter from Walsh. Dunne and
Ryan Sent to Wilson Takes Issue
With Word of Colonel House.
Staff Corresronder t The World.
(Copyright by -,hi Ne York "-'orld. Pub-
ed ry .trranitement
PARIS. Vny 22. Spc;! Cabc .1
There in ro- r.o lo-thf r doubt ihit th.
president has decl.ned to ask for rafs
conduct for the, S!n-i 1 ein leader? to
Ihe peace c ;..ereri-f. owing to 'h
manner in 't.:-h :re Irish-. me-it r.
delegates ac -d m '..fluid.
Colonel Hoi. t,- issue with the
acceunt given by Irish-American
delegates of their dealings with him.
He savs the president turned them over
to him; that he never had any inter
view with the president- respecting
their mission.'1 but he simply took their
word that the president had asked
them to see him.
Did Not Ask, Saya House.
The only request he made to the
British delegation through the liaison
officer. Sir 'William Wiseman, he says.
was for an amendment of their pass
ports to enable them to go to Ireland.
He says he never asked Premier Lloyd
George to see them, but the premier
expressed a wish to do so.
The text of the letter sent to Presi
dent Wilson yesterday by the Irish-
American delegation follows:
Dear Mr. President Following the
Interview courteously acocrded by you
to the chairman of our delegation on
the 17th ult.. Colonel House made the
following request of Lloyd George: That
safe conduct be given by the govern
ment of Great Britain from Dublin to
Paris and return for Edmond de Valera,
Arthur Griffith and Count Plunkett. the
representatives selected by the people
of Ireland, to present its case to the
peace conferenc. (
Printer's Name Vaed.
"Vpon the day following Colonel
House conveyed the information that
Lloyd George was willing to comply
with such request, but desired an in
terview with the American delegates
before doing so, and It was the desire
of Lloyd George that arrangements for
meeting him be made through Philip
Kerr, his private secretary.
After two tentative dates had been
set by Kerr for meeting him and not
yet having met him. we were advised
by Colonel House to repeat our original
request in writing to Secretary Lansing,
which we did on the 17th inst. At this
moment we have been informed by the
private secretary to Secretary '.ansinfT
that our request has been referred to
Appeal to Mlaon Made.
"May we not therefore respectfully
ask of you that the undersigned, our
full delegation, be given an opportun
ity to present to you In person, in as
brief manner as is consistent with the
importance of the case, suggestions
which Messrs. De Valera, Griffith and
Plunkett have a.sked us to convey to
you, together with certain facts of
grave importance now in our posses
'May we also take the liberty of sug
gesting, in view of existing conditions
in Ireland, which are rank and will
not bo denied, but to foreclose its case
by refusing a hearing to its represen
tatives at this time would be disconson
ant with the declared purpose for
which the war was prosecuted, and out
of harmony with the common princi
ples of demcoracy?
"We would greatly appreciate a re -
sponce at your convenience, and with
assurance of our continued high re
gard, sincerely.
Mother and Grandmother Said to
Have Confessed.
SALEM. Or.. May 22. (Special.)
Identification of the 2-year-old baby
girl found on the porch of the B. C.
Miles residence nearly three weeks ago
as the daughter of a 20-year-old girl of
Jefferson, Or., has been made by Sher
iff Ncedham and Chief of Police Var-
The girl. June Armstrong, and her
mother, Mrs. J. w. Armstrong, have
both confessed they abandoned the
child. They said they did so in the
hope that the baby would find at good
The baby is In the custody ot the
juvenile court, while the girl and her
mother are held under bonds for cir
cuit court action.
1lii;hct Price Paid Since Iff 10
When SO 1.000 Recorded.
NEW TORK. May 22. Two New
Tork stock exchange seats were sold
for JS5,000 each, the highest price since
1910, wheo a seat brought $94,000.