Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 22, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Board of Directors Goes on
Record for Short Time.
Greater Individuality of Action Provided-
by Change In Con
tention l'ormation.
Favoring extension and fuller appli
cation of the eight hour day. making
certain changes in tne machinery of
the organization, and listening: to re
ports, gave the board of directors of
the central governing body of the
Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum
bermen two busy sessions yesterday,
both full of constructive work.
A resolution was introduced favor
ing the eight-hour day as it is applied
in the limits of Loyal Legion, for all
industry in the country and met with
the enthusiastic approval of the board.
Included in the resolution was a motion
to inform representatives of the three
Xorthwest states in Congress of the
action taken, and to urge upon these
representatives its full consideration in
framing labor legislation.
Within the lumbering industry
itself, it was resolved to extend the
present basic eight-hour day in force
in the sawmills to the planing mills.
The workday is to be handled in the
name manner in the planing mills as
in the sawmills that is. eight hours
constitutes the basic workday, and
when emergency requires overtime, this
shall be paid for at the rate of time
and a half.
Furthermore, the board went on
record as favoring the eight-hour day
in contract work, such as loading, pil
ing, taking down, and "sticking" and
unloading for the dry kilns. Much of
this work is done by contract with
the workman and, in such cases, the
regulations of the Loyal Legion do not
apply, and cannot be enforced. Never
theless the board brings the weight of
its moral influence to extend the eight-
hour day to such operations.
Workmen whose religious convic
tions will not permit them to sign the
application oath of the Legion will
hereafter be accepted as associate
members, but without the right to vote.
Organization work in the field, it was
resolved, is hereafter to be done entire
ly by the employe members of the
board of directors in each district, thus
doing away with the office of "district
Heretofore the chairman of the con
fcrence committee in each local has
been ex-officio the delegate to the an
mial convention of the organization
held In the summer months of each
year. A change was made in this regu
lation to the effect that after the con
vention of 1919 the delegate to conven
tion shall not be the local chairman
but shall be elected by popular vote in
each local at least 15 days prior to the
time of the convention's assembly. Dues
hereafter will be paid monthly, instead
of quarterly.
Labor Commissioner C. II. Gram of
Salem was present by invitation and
made an interesting address before the
board, in which he gave expression to
the hearty sympathy of the state
bureau of labor with the principles
upon which the Loyal Legion is found
ed. The board also listened to a report
by its own sanitation inspector. Dr.
Thorfinn Tharaldsen, on living condi
tions in the camps. Dr. Tharaldsen also
announced that he was prepared to
submit a report on industrial accident
and sick insurance.
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UNIVERSITY OP OREGON', Eugene, May 21. (Special.) The complete
programme for the ceremony attendant to the unveiling of the Htatue, "The
Pioneer," Thursday afternoon. May 22. was announced today. The statue Is
the gift of Joseph N. Teal of Portland, and Mr. Teal, members of his family
and many Portland people are expected to attend the ceremony.
Mr. Teal will make the presentation address. T. G. Hendricks, member
of the first board of regents of the university, will unveil the statue, as
sisted by his granddaughter. Martha Goodrich. A. C. Dixon, vice-president of
the present board of regents, will make the address of acceptance for the uni
versity, and Herald White, president of the associated students, will make the
acceptance in behalf of the student body.
11. A. Booth will speak on "The Outlook at the End of the Trail," and
Charlotte Banfield of Portland, instructor in public 'speaking, will read a
poem, "The Pioneer," written by Professor Eric W. Allen, dean of the school
of journalism. A. Fhimister Proctor, the sculptor, will be introduced. The
university orchestra will furnish the music
ALAMEDA, Cal., May 21. Dr. Fred
erick W. F. Richl, credited with
having been the first man to swim San
Francisco bay, died here last night at
the age of 76 years.
EUGENE. Or., May 21. (Special.)
Mrs. Rebecca Ann Richardson, pioneer
of 185.".. died at her home three miles
south of Franklin, Lane county. Sunday
at the age of SI years.
Mrs. Richardson was born in John
son county, Missouri, February 2. She
crossed the plains with her parents in
1S53 and was married to John V. Rich
ardson" February 5, 1S37., The five sur
viving children are Mrs. M. E. Potterf,
Silver City, New Mexico: Mrs. M. D.
Lingo, J. V. Richardson, Mrs. J. Y.
Gibson and Emma Richardson, all of
Junction City.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. May 21. (Spe
cial.) Cecil Mobray died yesterday at
his home near Montesano after a brief
illness of brain fever. Young Mobray
was at his home on furlough .from
Camp Lewis when he was taken ilU
Mobray did not see foreign service, but
was sent from Camp Lewis to a New
York camp, where he was when the
armistice was signed. Mobray was
formerly a member of the Aberdeen
fire department and is on the honor
roll of the department. He was 25
years old.
NEW YORK, May 21. Ronald Stew
fl rt, for many years associated with
the late James J. Hill as vice-president
.nd general manager of the Great
Northern Express company at St. Paul,
Minn., died at a private hospital here
today following an operation for in
testinal trouble. He was 53 years old.
Ethelyn Jean Moulton, 16, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Moulton, died
Tuesday at the home of her parents,
609 East Eleventh street north, after
a three weeks' illness. The young
woman was a popular student at Jef
ferson high school and a member of
the Westminster Presbyterian -church.
A sister, Edna, is a sophomore at Ore
gon Agricultural college and her
brother, Arthur, is a senior in the same
The other surviving sister, "Verna,
lives at home. The funeral will be
held at 10 A. M. today from the Finley
chapel, with interment in Riverview
Funeral services for Mrs. Leoto Rose
and her sister, Mrs. Hettie Wyvel, will
be conducted at the Finley chapel at
1 o'clock this afternoon. Both were
daughters of W. S. Raker, 1484 Sher
man street. Mrs. Rose, who was the
wife of Claude Rose, died in Olympia,
Wash., Mty 17, and Mrs. Wyvel, wife of
Phillip Wyvel, died May 20. Both
deaths were caused by influenza. The
funeral services will be conducted by
Dr. J. H. Boyd, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church. Burial will fol
low in Riverview cemetery.
ASTORIA, Or., May 21. (Special.)
Mrs. Elsie Devlin, widow of the late
John A. Devlin, a pioneer salmon packer
on the Columbia river, died here today.
Mrs. Devlin was a native of Germany,
toria during the past 44 years.
79 years of age, and had resided in As-
VANCOUVER. Wash., May 21. (Spe-
Romantic Soul, Who 'Beat Up'
School Official, Sought.
cial.) Mrs. Jennie Awtry, who had been
living with a daughter at Sifton, died
today at the age of 69 years. Funeral
services will be held tomorrow after
noon at Knapp's undertaking parlors.
Interment will be in Park Hill ceme
Funeral services for Mary Lyles, who
died Monday at St. Joseph's hospital
will be held Friday morning at 11
o'clock at the First Congregational
church of WashougaL
DALLAS. Or., May 21. (Special.)
With the passing away at his home in
this city late Sunday afternoon of
Henry D. Staats, Polk county loses one
more of that rapidly diminishing group
of early citizens who by their pluck
and endurance helped to lay the foun
dations of the county.
Henry D. Staats was a. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Staats, who were among
the pioneers of 1845 who came to Ore
gon. Mr. Staats was united in mar
riage on February 20, 1873, to Miss
Mary E. Zumwalt and to this union
two children were born, Tracy Staats,
a prominent business man of this city.
and Emmett Staats of Monmouth. Fu
neral services were held at the old
pioneer cemetery, the Montgomery
burying grounds near Lewisville, Tues
day afternoon, being conducted by Rev.
D. V. Poling of Corvallis.
Fred A. Bishop, Director of Alcazar Musical Stock Company, Declares He
Has Best Ail-Round Organization.
Boulevard Gossip
When fashion promenades, the light,
gracious talk of smart young women,
.strikes the keynote of the latest
styles. And what is today's gossip?
What is this golden glint shampoo,
with its delicious tripping name that
bubbles up so merrily to every maiden's
lips, along the famous boulevards?
r Oh. they've just tried it, you know,
they whisper one to another. And
it's "ravishing, wonderful, quite tor
enchanting!" Not a dye or a stain,
oh, no, an absurdly simple little
thing. . . You just wash in a golden
gleam, a sort of bit-of-sunlight, and
wash it out again, my dear. Fancy,
anything so chic! A bit of liquid
rouge on the hair. The modern
beauty shop is really delectable, isn't
it? But. golden glint shampoo is the
very latest, very smartest, quite the
most original "make-milady-beautiful
" gift of all.
That fashionable Beauty of the
boulevards is bringing her secret to
all exclusive hair-dressing establish
ments, by asking for golden glint
shampoos wherever she goes. Be
sure and get the best, by asking for
Cinderella golden glint-.
HERE has never been a time
when the public demand for
music as actual entertainment
was so positive and so growing all
over America," said Fred A. Bishop,
who has arrived from New York by
way of San Francisco to direct the
Alcazar Musical Stock company.
"Whether the musical shows at the
Liberty theaters at the huts, the can
teens and dugouts of the camps and
battlef ronts, musical shows which, by
way, were more popular with our boys
than even the vaudeville bills and com
edy dramas presented to them, are re- 1
sponsible or not, I do not say, but
music is in the ascendant for popular
show purposes.
"The manager who allows his thea
ter to 'go dark' while a musical stock
or a musical programme of any worth
while sort, is available, is overlooking
one of the most attractive, practicable
and permanent enterprises now offer
ing to theater managers and owners
everywhere In the United States. It is
to Portland's everlasting credit that
the Alcazar management was adroit
enough and resourceful enough to dis
cern all this impulse and assemble a
musical stock company of high dis
tinction and broadly generous plans. I
have been identified with musical pro
ductions, and stock especially, for more
years than it is necessary to set down,
and I am safe in saying that this com
pany is the best all-around organiza
tion of its kind I have ever known. I
have unbounded confidence in a big
Mr. Bishop's stop at San Francisco
was to gather together a chorus and
he says it was no easy matter finding
girls. The merely pretty type will not
do, he said.
"It is an exploded theory that looks
are all that is necessary to put a girl
into a chorus, unless, of course, it's a
Winter Garden show, where the voices
are a negligible quality, if existing at
all. But in stock the merely pretty
chorus maid gets nowhere. We have no
time to develop talent. In the ordi
nary production of a road show the
five or six weeks of rehearsal will de
velop whatever latent talent the girl
may have, and by dint of hard labor
a finished product will be turned out.
In stock there's no time for this. The
girl is dancing one set of steps through
this week and learning a new set for
next week, and next week she is learn
ing a new series ror tne iouowing
"I interviewed a million girls, I'll
wager, before I picked the 16. I wanted
combinations of looks, voices and danc
ing ability. I collected my quota of
chorus men eight of them very eas
ily. We are all busy as the proverbial
bees on our production of 'Mile. Mo
diste,' which opens our season on
June 2."
That little line, "After that I've noth
ing to do," has no place In Mr. Bishop's
vocabulary. He hopes, he says, to see
our beach resorts, and especially the
ones where the great pines grow up
to the sky. He hopes to see the Co
lumbia highway, and some time during
the ten weeks he is to be here to take
some hikes out over our best-beloved
trails. He is essentially a nature
lover crazy over the outdoors, raving
over a bit of blue sky or a mountain
crest, and he lives, breathes, and some
times eats and sleeps within the walls
of the theater. Here is a page from
one of Mr. Bishop s days. Take Tues
day for example, and start at 7 A. 1L
The stage is bare and Mr. Bishop has
read the manuscript for next week s
play and has cast the roles for the
production. "No easy matter," he says,
"where I have so many excellent sing
ers, all competent and worthy of the
big roles."
Then he takes the first act and
makes a plan, a regular drawing of
the stage as it will be for that act, in
dicating doors, pictures, windows,
chairs and everything you can Imagine
goes into any act. He does this with
every act and gives it to the stage
carpenter, who starts work immediately.
Next Mr. Bishop makes a complete
list for the property man's use, a list
of every article used in every scene.
Next he makes out a plot of the light
ings for the electrician. Follows then
a get-together meeting of all the work
ing staff and suggestions, consulta
tion and directions. JJy that time it's
10 o'clock and the merry merry ar
rives to go over its music with the
musical director, John R. Britz, "and.
by the way, he's one of the best in the
business," admiringly adds Mr. Bishop.
At 10:30 the principals arrive, Mabel
Wilber, Oscar Figman, May Wallace,
Eva Olivotti. Charles Sedan, Henry
Coot, Lee Daley, George Nathanson and
Dltmar Poppln and the rest, who are
given their parts and go over the first
reading of the play with Mr. Bishop.
Tuesday afternoon the chorus always
has a holiday while the principals are
learning their roles. Next the princl
pais meet with Mr. Britz and have a
reading of their parts in the music
During this time Mr. Bishop is making
out the costume plot, a complete list
of every blessed article of raiment worn
by every soul from Mabel Wilber down
to the littlest chorus maid. "Hats,
shoes, everything," says air. Bishop,
"and we telegraph the list to Gold
smith in San Francisco, who makes it
up and fires it back immediately."
The remainder of the week every
minute not utilized in actually play
ing is spent in rehearsing. Monday
morning a big dress rehearsal is given
and the new show opens on Monday
night- There you are, and when there's
nothing else to Uo
Discharged Principal I Said
Have Hud Unsavory Record
In Harbor City.
ASTORIA, Or.. May 21. (Special.)
Members of the Astoria school board
brandi as -. terly false the statements
made by Merrill F. Hanville, discharged
principal of the Adair nchool. and they
are awaiting the apprehension of Han
ville by the Portland police to answer
for his attack upon 11. L. Hussong, su
perintendent of the Astoria schools.
"The idea that Hanville was dis
missed for 'proposing like a true Amer
ican to the girl of his heart," as he de
clared in The Oregonian this morning.
is ridiculous." said Mr. Hussong. "He
wrote to MiHH Leta Ashworth without
ever having met her or being encour
aged by her. asking that she name the
day when he could buy her an en
gagement ring. At the time he had a
wife and three children in Tacoma.
Man I leriistent.
"When the board asked him how he
thought he had the right to do such a
thing, he declared that he haa the
right to look after his own affairs as
an American citizen. We allowed him
to go back to his school after he had
promised not to annoy Miss Ashworth
"Within two weeks ho was again
writing her letters and the school board
asked mo to call for his resignation.
He offered it and left town. That is
all there is to it."
Belief is expressed here that Han
ville was demented on one subject at
least. It is declared that he forced his
attentions on many young ladies of the
city, much to their annoyance. At nil
institute he told a woman teacher who
was an utter stranger to him that 1-e
must see her privately 'and alone, it is
said. He bothered stenographers in.
the downtown office, and his career
came to a climax when he addressed
Miss Ashworth after seeing her in the
wicket at the Pacific Light & Power
Girt Never Met Man.
He was never introduced to Miss Ash
worth. never called on her or was al
lowed to talk to her.
"I do not know Mr. Hanville. That
is all I have to say." said Miss Ash
worth at the McEachern shipyard of
fice, where she is employed.
At the time he started annoying Miss
Ashworth she considered it a joke, but
when he sent a second letter she gave
it to her rather.
I wrote Mr. Hanville a gentlemanly
letter asking that he cease his atten
tions to my daughter as they were ob
noxious to her." said M. H. Ashworth,
the girl's father. "I told him that as a
gentleman I would expect to see him
feiop nis annoyance. Then he came to
see me. He was trembling and crying,
and I saw the matter had to be han
dled with gloves, so I took It up with
the school board. There was one more
letter a little later. Then he resigned
and left town. We have never heard
anything of him since."
Hanville Held L'ndeairable.
Alter complaints were made to the
school board Mr. Hussonjr investigated
nanvuie s teaching ability and discov
ered that he was not competent to fill
tne position he held. He paid little at
tcntion to his school work, walked the
streets, let the children play the vic-
iroia at all hours and went to sleen nt
his desk. He would have been dis
charged at any rate without the com
plaints of Miss Ashworth. said C. W.
Halderman of the school board.
Hanville kept under cover as much
as possible when he was in the rltv
Monday, said Superintendent Hussonir.
He was seen in the Weinhard hotel, but
nurried away so as not to be identified.
'Ho was in the hall of my office short
ly before I entered it. but ducked his
head so that 1 did not see who he
was," added Mr. Hussong.
Hanville entered the superintendent's
office and attacked him while he was
sitting down with his back to his as
sailant. Yesterday the Portland police
were requested to hurry the apprehen
sion of the ex-principal, who is said
to live at 600 Hawthorne avenue. After
leaving Astoria he was discharged from
Let Us Send You a
"Swift Dollar 55
For a Pocket Piece
It will interest you.
on y j oil
It shows where the money goes that
Swift & Company takes in.
It shows that out of every dollar
received by Swift & Company from the
sale of meat and by-products in 1918
1 Swift and Company paid for
live animals -
2 Swift & Company paid out
for labor, freight and other
expenses - - - -
3 Swift & Company had left a
profit of only - - -
- 85.00 cents
- 12.96 cents
2.04 cents
Total 100.00 cents
The 2.04 cents remaining as profit equals only
a fraction of a cent per pound. It is too small to
affect materially the price of live stock to the farmer
or the price of meat to the consumer.
A "Swift Dollar" will be mailed you on
request. Address
Swift & Company
U. S. Yards, Chicago
Portland Local Branch, 13th and Glisan
S. C Ogsbury, Manager
the Hillsboro schools and was said to
have' been mixed up in a sensational
case in a school near Portland, when
he whipped an clKhth-Rradc Kirl and
was soundly thrashed by her father.
Former School Tcuclicr's I'rcsent
Address Is Undiscovered.
Merrill F. Hanville. soucht for the
assault upon Superintendent of Schools
HusaonK of Astoria. Iras chanced his
place of residence from the home of
. Capacity
ml wma mm asmimm
Mrs. M. Littlepacc, 600 Hawthorne ave
nue, to an unknown location, according
to information given at that address
last niftht. For some time past Han
ville has roomed at the Hawthorne
street house.
At Mrs. I.ittlepage's residence it was
said that Hanville had not been there
for several days, nor could any in
formation be Riven concerning? his
whereabouts. , Surprise was expressed
at the Astoria esapade. "He doesn't
room hero any more." was the state
ment that terminated the interview.
Tax It ii I ing An noil need.
WASHINGTON. May 21. Non-residents,
Including soldiers, will have yo
days after proclamation of peace for
' filinc tax returns. Internal Revenue
j Commissioner Koper announced today.
Read Tne Oreiroiilan classified nrl?.
r-7! ?n? inr
f :
a. M. M
The questions answered below aro
greneral in character; the symptoms or
diseases are given and the answers
should apply to any case of similar
Those wlshinj? further advice. fre.
may address rr. Lewis Baker, College
liuilding. College - Ell wood streets.
Dayton. O.. enclosing pelf-addressed,
stamped envelope for reply. Kull name
and address must be given, but only
initials or fictitious name A-il! be used
in any answers. The remedies can bo
obtained at any well - stocked drug
store. Any druggist can order of w hole-saler.
'Mason writes: - t or years 1 have
been taking medicine to cure constipa
tion, liver trouble and the usual disease
that comes from that source. Head
aches, sallow skin, kidney trouble, dark
spots before my eyes, dizzy spells and
twinges of rheumatism are getting
Answer: Take three grain Sulpherb
Tablets (not sulphur). They are packed
In sealed tubes with directions and are
convenient, effective and highly cura
tive for such ailments as arise from
chronic constipation. If you are dys
peptic, also take tablets, triopeptine.
'Ed" writes: "Being past middle age
and observing that my nervous system
is in bad shape, I write for a prescrip
tion. I do not gain strength from my
food, am weak, listless, forgetful, sleep
less at times, tired, and unable to act
the part of a strong man of health,
such as I was at one time."
Answer: Get from a well - stocked
pharmacy a sealed tube of Three-Grain
Cadomene Tablets, which are especially
made for those needing a strong, harm
less, rejuvenating tonic. Astonishing
and pleasing results follow and life
and hope are renewed.
"Reader" writes: "What should I do
to relieve a severe case of kidney and
bladder disease? Urine is dark, foul of
odor, and passage is irregular, painful,
etc. Have depression. fever, chills,
pains like rheumatism, and soreness in
region of bladder."
Answer: For such symptoms as you
describe I prescribe my favorite for
mula under the name of Balmwort Tab
lets. This is a splendid efficacious
remedy for such abnormal conditions.
Begin their use as per directions on
each sealed lube.
"Gloria writes: "I would like you
to prescribe a good hair and scalp
treatment. I am bothered with itching
scalp and dandruff. My hair is faded
and falling and none of the remedies I
have tried have done any permanent
Answer: Go to your drugsrist and
obtain a 4-oz. jar of plain yellow Min
yol. Apply as per directions. The dan
druff and itching are conquered with
two or three applications, while it
makes the hair glossy, wavy and full
of intense natural color.
"Myrtle" writes: "Owing to my ex
treme thinness I am frequently em
barrassed by Flighting remarks of
young people. Can you prescribe a safe
remedy to increase my weight'."'
Answer: I have eo many gratifying
reports from the users of three grain
Hypo - Nuclane Tablets, that I have
come to regard these valuable little
tablets as a specific and prescribe them
to all who are aenemic, thin, wasting
nervous and debilitated.
"Sick M. G." writes: "I have been
affected for some months with rheu
matism and have taken much medicine
in vain. Please give prescription that
will cure."
Answer: The most efficient prescrip
tion I have ever given for rheumatism
is: Iodide of potassium, 2 drams; so
dium salicylate. 4 drams; wine of :ol
chlcum, one-half ounce: conip. essenc
Cardiol. 1 ox.: comp. fluid B.ilmwort, 1
ox.; and syrup sarsaparilla comp. 5 oz.
Mix and take a teaspoonful at meal
time and at bedtime.
John R. Mc asks: "Don't you think
It Is wise to take medicine to reduce
my weight? I weight about C5 pounds
too much."
Answer: I do think so: and a very
convenient and effective flesh-reducer
medicine Is sold in sealed tubes with
full directions for home use. It is
called 5-prain Arbolone Tablets and
any well-stocked pharmacy can supply
them. They are esstiitiuily good. Adv.