THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, 31 AY 2?, 1910. 21 FRANCE MAY BUY SHIP MACHINERY Foreign Expert Taking Stock ' at Foundation Co.'s Plant. DEMAND FOR GEAR ACTIVE Shortage Caused by "War and Gen eral Ku ii - Down Condition of Foreign Equipment Reported. Henri Doucct, machinery expert for the French high commission, is to in spect equipment at the Foundation company's plant with a view to de termining finally on the wisdom of shipping the property to France, where there is said to be an active demand lor such Rear owing to the shortage caused by the war a'nd the general run down condition of equipment that was in service so long when the war rush was on. Bayly Ilipkins, Pacific coast man ager for the Foundation company, was in the city yesterday and Is expected to leave Seattle for the east tonight on business having to do with future op erations on the Pacific coast. "Wo are to launch our sixth wood Fteamcr for the I'rcnch government at our Victoria, K. C plant tomorrow and the first will be delivered June 10, and that plant represents all of our ship building activity in the west now," said Sir. Hipkins. "Whether we will ex pand again, which means whether we shall finally carry out our original plan of building steel ships, depends on developments, and eo far I have not been informed or any change that would permit the construction of steel ships in the t-'nited States for the l-'rench." It is estimated that fully SI. 000,000 "worth of surplus material and gear has been shipped from the Portland plant to Tacoma, the last 14 carloads Toeing now en route, though there re mains at the Portalnd yard the main equipment used when 20 wood aux iliary schooners were building for the French high commission. If it is final ly determined to send the property to 1'rancc, the wood steamers building at Victoria will carry it, probably loading Jart cargoes and filling out with prod ucts of the west most needed now. The Foundation company's original Efforts were directed solely along the dine of big shore construction con tracts and already it has bid on work !here, so it is felt it is a permanent or ganization on the. coast even should it cease to be active in ship construc tion. BECRUTIXG IS SOW ACTIVE ?rcn. In Great Demand for American Merchant Marine. Pointing to the permanency of the shipping board as a factor in the American merchant marine is the un usual activity manifested by the United States recruiting service. A special campaign for one week was started in Portland Monday at the branch re cruiting office in the Owl Drug com pany store. It is expected that 000 recruits will be sent to the West Seat tle training station. Norman Manuel, chief master-at-arms, is in charge of the work here. Recent assignment of a number of shipping board steamers, to move shortly, will give recruits an opportunity to return here for Portland ships a soon aa their SO days' train ing is over. A report issued by the sea ser"Ice tvureau, covering March, shows that out of a total of 611SD men placed by the bureau on American ships 50 per cent were young Americans who have been trained for the sea on shipping board ships. The report also states 90 per cent of the officers on American ship are Americans. The Portland ranch or tne sea service Dureau is piacm experienced men on steamers here. Men from IS to S3 without experience at sea who wish to enlist are urged to call at the branch recruiting office. trWO STEAMERS FOR HONOLULU Columbia Pacific to Have Glymont and Glyndon in June. ' Two opportunities will be afforded Portland wholesalers and manufac turers to ship direct to Honolulu dur ing June, the 3S00-ton steamers Gly mont and Glyndon being scheduled for delivery, and both are expected to be dispatched from Portland under the management of the Columbia Pacific Shipping company. That corporation dispatched the steamer 'Olorleta for the Island city Tuesday with orders to proceed via Pugct sound to complete her load. The Portland consignments were principally merchandise. "We propose to offer space at once for the two June sailings, one being for the early part of the month and the other for the latter half, and there Is reason to expect more cargo to be moved than has been the case on any single steamer so far," savs Manager Srubbe of the Columbia-Pacific inter ests. "In addition to merchandise there is a demand in the islands for feed and mlllstuff. box shocks, dry goods, ice cream cones and various products." TACOMA PORT SITE IS VIEWED Harbor Engineer From East Makes Tour of World. TACOMA, "Wash., May 21. (Special.) i B. F. Uresson Jr., chief engineer for the New lork and New Jersey port and harbor development commission visited the site of Tacoma's proposed site for piers and warehouses yesterday in the course of a world tour. Mr. Cre3son is on the second year of h study of all ports on earth. This sur vey is preliminary to the spending of a. Lalf billion dollars in development of the port of New York, extending over on the Jersey side. Mr. Cresson was impressed with the plans made for the development of this port by Frank J. Walsh, formerly of Portland, and his associate engineers. STRIKE VIRTUALLY IGNORED Emergency, Fleet Corporation Tak- v ing: So Part in Dissension. PHILADELPHIA, May 21. Officials of the Emergency Fleet corporation are virtually ignoring the strike at the Merchant Shipbuilding company's plan at Harriman, near Bristol, Pa. Abou 4000 ship workers walked out yester day as a protest against delay and un certainty in settling labor disputes. The men also demand a guaranteed scale of wages. J. L. Ackfrson, vice-president of th emergency fleet, disclaimed knowledge of strike negotiations and said he had only heard of the walkout in a casual way. Concrete Ship to Re launched. VAXCOUVKR, Wash., May 21. (Spe - clal.) The AV-4, tho fourth concrete ship to be built by the Great Concrete fctnjjDuuaiiiK company, will oe launched tomorrow. Three other' ships, which have been launched, are nearine; com pletion. The fifth ship Is expected to be launched soon. The water in the Columbia river is rising and now is at such a stage that the ship will not have to elide very far before striking the water. The water craft built by this company take the plunge side wise. FORUM IS XOT ATTRACTIVE Doubt Expressed If Dock Commis sion AVIH Accept Bid. "Whether the commission of public docks officially will recognize a forum arranged for tomorrow noon, at the Chamber of Commerce, the object f which is said to permft critics of the commission to give voice to their ideas concerning the St. Johns elevator situ ation, may be determined at a regular meeting of the commission this morn- ng. It is viewed as probable that no acceptance will be voted of an invita- lon, said to have been sent the dock commission, but which had not been received up to last night. "Work on the elevator is progressing to the satisfaction of the municipal body, it is said. With corrective meas ures assured for permanently checking he subsidence, which has not been ap parent for three weeks, it is felt by the members; that the best results can be obtained by continuing the work. which is under the direction of engi neers, rather than engage in discus- ions. MERIDEX IS LAUNCHED TODAY Mrs. Speier, Wife of Harbormaster, Accepts Sponsor's Place. Mrs. Blanche Speier, wife of Captain Jack Speier, harbormaster of the city f Portland, is to sponsor the 3800-ton teel steamer Meriden at her launch ing at 11:30 o'clock this morning, the Albina lingino & Machine works execu- ives having accorded Mrs. Speier the honor of christening the vessel, which will be the sixteenth floated at tha-t plant. i'vety launching in the Portland dis trict proper has been attended by rep resentatives of the harbor patrol force. t falling to them to be on hand so as to keep a clear space In front of the ards when the deepwater men take the water. Jn every instance the water- ront guardians have been found on deck." Since the first big ship was floated. Mrs. Speier has evinced an in- erest in the fleet, and she was most pleasantly surprised in being asked to ill the sponsor s place when tne Meri den takei her dip. MARSHALL GETS LEAGUE PASS Vice-President Marshall Expresses Thanks to Baseball Head. CHICAGO, May 21. President B. B. Johnson of the American league today exhibited a letter from "Vice-President Thomas R. Marshall acknowledging re ceipt of a season pass to American league games. Mr. Marshall wrote: "My faith In human nature has been very greatly revived this morning by a call from Mr. Miner as a messenger from you, conveying to me a season pass to the American league games. 'Now the sun is shining and wheth er we shall have a league of nations or not, I am quite sure I shall get more pleasure out of the performance of the American league than I will out of the performance of the American sen ate trying to organize a league of na tions. ' GUESTS TO GO OIV TRIAL TRIP City of Eureka, 3 7-Day Steamer, Goes on Trial Today. Government representatives and other guests will be aboard the record steamer City of Eureka when she swings into the stream from the dock of the Columbia River Shipbuilding corporation at 8 o'clock this morning for her builders' trial of six hours. Launched In 27 days and finished ten days latr, th9 timo calculated being the number of days actually worked. the City of Kureka stands as the rec ord ship of United States yards, for 37 days from the time of starting the keel sho is to steam from her berth. Recognition of the feat is general. from Edward N. Hurley, chairman of the shipping board, to rival builders, and it has been entered In the archives of American maritime construction that Portland, Or., ,1s the port where men have fabricated an SSOO-ton steel hull and put aboard its motive power and 11 equipment In the shortest time known. CHILD CHRISTENS BIG SHIP Helen Washburn Swings Dottle With Startling Earnestness. Eight-year-old Helen Washburn did the honors as christener at 4:04 o'clock yesterday afternoon in connection with the launching of the hull of the steamer West Segovia. The tiny miss, arrayed in pink and carrying a bouquet of pink roses half as tall as herself, appeared to appreciate the Importance of her participation. No grown up has deliv ered a more resounding crash against a ship's side with a christening bottle than did she and from every stand point the event was most successful. The sponsor is a. niece of Joseph R. Bowles, president of the Northwest Steel company, where the launching took place. Walter B. Beebe, vice-pres ident, added to the child's Joy In filling such a responsible post in presenting her with a pearl necklace. FOURTH "STONE BOAT" READY Vancouver to Be Scene of Launching This Afternoon. Waterboat No. 4, one of the "stone" ships the Great Northern Concrete Ship building company Is constructing for the war department, is to be launched at the company's Vancouver yard at 2 o clock this afternoon and In about ten days No. 5 will be ready for the water, which will conclude the contract. The first three floated are along side the government dock, at the reser vation, all with engines In place and the cabins are being finished on two. The first vessel should be ready for trial early in June and it Is promised they will fulfill early predictions of being good carriers and easy to handle, wniie neavy-auty engines win give them abundant power. The vessels are intended as water carriers in supply ing large ships and have limited space as well lor general Ireight. WESTERN' KNIGHT SURVEYED Vessel Will Probably Have to Be Un loaded and Docked. SEATTLE, May 21. Survey of. the steamer Western Knight, which sprung uieaK wniie auu miles on Cape Flat tery and was obliged to return to thii port, was made today. Examination of the vessel showed no visible signs of the leaks, and it is thought probable the ship will have to be unloaded and put in drydock before they can be lo- catea. xne western jvnignt was en loute from Seattle to oriental ports, via Manila, when she met with the mis hap. Columbia Itlver Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. May 21. Condition of the bar at r f. it. feea moderate; wind north ,west I U miles. I Phone your want ads to The Orego J man. t'lione Alain U7U, a. 6Uo, HEARS STRIKE 44-Hour Week for Shipyard Workers Also Sought. - REFUSE EMPLOYERS' OFFER Organization of 250,000 Workers Issues Ultimatum Action Gets Unanimous Vole. OAKLAND, Cal.. May 21. Utiless a satisfactory agreement to take the place of the Macy agreement between the shipbuilders oi' the Pacific and the Pacific Coast Metal Trades council has been reached by 10 A. M.. July 21, a general strike will be called through out the entire district affected, accord ing to a rigned statement Issued here today by C. h Grow and A. II. 3arth. President and secretary, respectively, of the Pacific Coast Metal TradeB council, which represents approxi mately 250,000 shipworkers and men employed in allied crafts on this coast. This action was decided upon at the Convention of the council, which e!oe3d in this city last Saturday after being in session since May 6. Many Point Rained. The agreement drafted by the rep resentatives of the workers provides for a basic 44-hour week; 20 cents per hour horizontal increase In wages for all crafts: protection of the tafety cf workers and sanitary conditions; the elimination of all overtime except to protect life and property; classifica tion of the various trades to be stand ardized, and other provisions of minor importance. The proposed agreement also provides for an adjustment board to interpret and enforce the provisions contained in the agreement. "All of which," says the statement, "Is essential to the stabilising of the Industry and necessary to the protec tion of the workers engaged in the shipbuilding Industry." Mooney Strike Favored. - Resolutions passed by the council In dorse the six-hour work day; the Mooney strike proposition: the setting freo of all political prisoners: the movement to bring about" Industrial unionism within the American Federa tion of Labor and especially the metal trades, and a resolution in support of A E. Miller, whose membership was suspended by the engineers' interna tional union, and whose clash on the subject or California unionism with the American Federation of Labor -is now being settled in the courts. The demand for a. new agreement fol lows the referendum vote recently tpken by the unions of the coast, which resulted in the rejection by an over whelming majority of the proposed agreement submitted by the shipbuild ers of the nation to representatives of the employes at the recent Washing ton conference. i.oni Statement Invited. ' Following. In part. Is the statement Issued by Chairman Orow and Secre tary Barth of the Metal Trades council: following tne Washington confer nce of March 15 last between the rep resentatives of the fleet shipbuilders of the Pacific Metal Trades council and he international officers ot the metal rades department of the 1 American Federation of Labor and the officers of the Emergency Fleet corporation. he tentative agreement submitted by he shipbuilders as their maximum con cessions was submitted to a referendum vote of the m?n engaged in the ship building industry of thlH coast. The vote from all points was sub mitted to the convention that met in Oakland May C, the result being that t was rejected by an overwhelming majority showing that the tentative agreement was unsatisfactory to the men engaged in the shipbuilding In dustry of the coast." Conference Men Picked. The statement relates details of an unsuccessful attempt to get a confer ence with the shipbuilders, and then cays: The delegates to the convention went squarely on record as to its po- Ition relative to securing an agree ment covering hours, wages and gen eral working conditions; also the cre ation of a conciliatory board. By an unanimous vote, the convention deter mined: "That a conference commute of five be elected, one to be elected from each of the following sub-districts: Seattle, Tacoma, Portland. San Francisco and Los Angeles. It shall be the duty of this com mittee, in conjunction with the Inter nationa; officers or the metal trades department, to meet and confer with the shipbuilders upon the proposed agreement. 'In the event a conference is refused and a satisfactory agreement Is not reached on or before 10 A. M. of July 21 next, a strike will b called through out the entire district." The statement then covers the points outlined above as to demands. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA. Or.. May 21. (Special.) Tlrinirlni? freiaht for Astoria and Portland the steam schooner Wapama arrived at 10 o'clock last evening Irom tan ITanclsro. land sailed at 3 o'clock this mornlne for Pup sound to load box snooks. Barn laden with fuel oil was due off lh mouth of tho river tonicht In tow of th tank steamer Atlas. The latter Is en rciute to Pusot sound, but the barge will bo brought In by tho tus Wallula and pro ceed to Portland. The steam schooner Tiverton, laden with lumber from Westport. sailed at 3:30 this afternoon for San Pedro. Carrvtng- a full cargo or lumber from tne Hammond mill, tho steam schooner San- tiam will sail this evening for San Pedro. The tank steamer J. A. Chanslor will be duo tomorrow from California with fuel oil for Portland. The machinery of the port dredge N toma that was recently floated from the slip at tho port dock is being overhauled. and the craft will be ready to go Into com m'RSlon in about ten days. The McEachern Ship company expects to launch another Hough typ hull In about ten days and a Ferris type craft that is being converted into a barge will be ready for launching in about two weeks. The whalers Westport and Moran. which came into port yesterday on account of tha rough seas outside, started out today but were forced to come back. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 1- (Special.) L. J. Coughlaii, purser of the steamship President and one ot the most widely known steamship men on the Pacific coast, an nounced today that he will quit the sea after the next voyage oi tne liner. Mr. Coughlan told his friends that he expects to enter the motion picture T.eia. .He ex plained that he has no aspirations to be come a star, but will enter tho buflnefs d partment of one of tho screen concerns in Los Anceles. Survey of the carso of tho steamship "Western Knight of the United States ship pine board, which sprunj a leak while 3o0 miles off Cape flattery bound from Seattle for porta in the far east, waa started at the Hanford street pier of the port commission late this afternoon. The vessel returned to port yesterday And may discharge all her cargo before undergoing repairs. Captain W. C. Wrenny, master of the Western Kniffht, said that the vessel p countered a severe storm May 16 soon after passing ut at Cape Flattery. That the fire aboard the steamship Ma nila Maru which- broke out while the ves sel was 1000 miles off Cape Flattery bound for Belittle with a rargo valued at J2.000.000 and more than 200 passengers, started in a shipment of matting la .Nov 5 bold waa the COAST AGAIN THREAT OF opinion expressed today by marine tinder- writers who surveyed the vessel and ner damaged calgo. TACOMA. "Wash.. May 2L (Special.) The next flour vessel to load here will be the Polybtus. The steamer is due here the latter part of this week or the first of next week. The West Hembrie. now loading may get to sea tonight or early Thursday morn ing. The ves.l has 8MH) tons of flour out from here. The Olorleta is expected to morrow morning at. the Stevens dock to load for the Hawaiian Islands. Frank Walker, representing the French government In Its wood shipbuilding pro gramme In the northwest, has returned from New York. The return of Mr. Walker was awaited with great Interest here aa it was expectej that he would have aome an nouncement in connection with new work at the Foundation shipyards. Mr. Walker de clares the building situation unchanged and the eastern yard owners are aa much in the air as the nnrthtvest builders. The Senator It due this evening from Singapore end the President In the morning from California points. Both are Admiral line vessels. The last ship to leave the ways at the Wright shipyards will slide Into the water Friday at about midnight. The nami of the vennel will be Bndymion. Walter McCray has begun to dredge along the wheat warehouses on the city water way. The channel will have a depth of 35 feet when the work Is completed. That the scenic attractions of the north west, especially Hainier National Park, will come Into their own this- summer la evident In the arrival on the steamer President. Captain N. hi. Cousins, of 50 passenger who carried round trip tickets for a visit in the northwest. SAN FRANCISCO, May 21. (Speclat.) Seventeen wooden steamera have been char tered during the past 48 hours by the chip ping board to transport cargoes of railway ties to the l:nlted Kingdom. In addition, there have been two charters for the copra trado. One, the Bottineau, just completed at Puget sound, will take a. cargo of copra from Seattle to London, the rate being 44.1 a ton. Another will load copra here for Balboa at a $50 rate. The ships to carry ties Include . two for the1 Ocean Lumber company, five to Iant A Russell, five to J. It. Walker, one to Balfour, Outhrie & Co., one from Eureka to J. R. Walker and two will bo handled by A. M. Gillespie A Co. Tho rate will he $45 to England. This Is one of the biggest charters made by the shipping board and Indicates that the Brlt lrh railrondH are badly In need of Pacific coast rat In ay ties. The wooden chips are being gobbled up for numerous purposes and there will soon be lew or none left for char tering purposes. The Pacific Mall steamship San Juan, Captain E. J. Pierce, arrived from Balboa via ports of Mexico and Central America today with 64 passengers and a full gen eral cargo. Tho cargo Included consign ments of silver bullion, besides oof feo and cocoa. The cabin list Included numerous coffee planters and mining men from. Cen tral America and Mexico. Captain E. L. Whitney of Mobile. Ala., has purchased the four-masted schooner William E. Bumham from Walter S. Scam mell. The conni deration was u,000. This In recognized as a fair price when It fs con sidered that the outstanding charters will bring a goodly profit. For the orient via Honolulu, the T. K. K. liner Korea Maru departed today with many passengers, 6000 tons of general freight, $4,000,000 worth of silver bullion and a bis consignment of American automobiles. The engineers of all of the American ships on the Pacific are preparing to de mand an increase in their wages. It was reported today that a vote Is no being taken that will be canvassed In a few days. If an increare of wages of the engineers fs demanded and granted it is expected that the mates and others In the deck depart ment will Immediately take like action and there will be another Increase In the cost of ship operation. Tho Scammell barkentlne Amy Turner ar rived today from Lyttleton, N. Z.. i" ballaft. The liner Nippon Maru of the T. K. K. and the Ecuador of the Pacific Mall should arrive from the orient tonight. Marine Note, The Merchants Exchange was advised yesterday that the wooden steamer AMibum. one of the ships turned out by the Supple Ballln Shipbuilding corporation, reached New Tork Tuesday, completing her voyage from Portland In 30 days. The steamer Tahoma. owned by tho Peo ple's Navigation company, was sold at public auction yesterday to satisfy claims against hor T.aldlaw A Lawrence, attorneys for claimants, hid In tho vessel for 5f0. It 1 said the principal claimant Is the Standard Oil company. Tho Tahoma has operated on ! tho Portland-The Dalles route for several years. Iler placo has been taken by the i steamer Nespelem. John I. Mann, deputy l.'nttcd States marshal, had charge oi mo salo. .... I W. S. G. Iiorwood or yany AuBiraua, connected with Horwood Co., ex porters and Importers, left Portland yes- ; terday for wanningion ana iew iuri i m , Interest of adding more tonnage to auv tralia'a fleet. The company is one or nv principal copra organisations in Ausiriaiia. besides it handles otner lines oi xi .f rr-M mi pomfl ot tne new vesneis duiii here are changing berths, as shown by ad vices reaching tho customs house. Thomas Farrlngton has been signed on tho steamer Western Plains, at Philadelphia, relieving Pavid Campbell, and at San Francisco it. a. nllnr han Niicreedf tl ii. f .. JOnnaon on the Point Adam: Alfred Beech la master ot the Point I-obos, relieving Charles Reiner. and B. Anflndsen Is now master I wic steamer Cadaretta. vice C. A. Watts. Changes of masters on the river fleet in clude Charles Nelson taking tho steamer Nespelem. In place of C. fe. Miller, ana a. N. Smith has been signed on the Italics City, which has been out of service for a 'ear- ... - . At tne no 1 1 am agency kbiuhbh of the McCormfck fleet for California ports include the Willamette, dispatched frrKiay, the Wapama Saturday and tiie Celllo Mon day. The vessels came in with general car go from San Framtsco and on the south hound trip they will proceed aa far as San LUego. The British auxiliary schooner Mai ah at sailed yesterday for Austrialia with a full cargo of lumber. Lumber laden for California ports the steamer Shasta got away yesterday and the F.rnent II.- Meyer will sail today for Han Pedro with a lumber cargo, as well as six Scotch marine hollers, shipped by the Wil lamette Tron and Steel works. R. H. Laverle. chief surveyor In the TTnlted States for the Bureau Veritas, the French marine classif Ication society, is due In Port land next week on an Inspection trip. 31 Is headquarters are at New York. The next meeting of the port of Portland commission will probably be held June 2, when the new personnel, appointed by the legislature, and which Is now in office, must formally be seated under the new law. The former members resigned In .favor of the new appointees soon after trio legislature adjourned. Dant Russell are to provide a full cargo for the Japanese tramp Molchu Maru, owned by Mitsui A Co., which Is due here June T. The vessel Is to work lumber for Shanghai, taking about .1,000,000 feot. The Atagosan Maru. also of the Mitsui fleet, comes later to load under engagement to the Pacific Export Lumber company. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, May 21. Failed at noon Steamer E. L. Drake for San Pedro. Ar rived at 4 A. M. Steamer Celllo, from San Francisco; at 11 A. M. Steamer Wapama, from San Francisco. ASTORIA. May 21. Left up at 3 A. M. Steamer Wapama. from San Francisco. Sailed at S A. M. Steamer Olorleta. for Honolulu via Puget sound. SAN FRANCISCO. Way 21. Sailed at 1 A. M. Steamer Oleum, for Portland. Sailed at lO A. M. Auxiliary Schooner Laasen, for Columbia river. NEW TORK. May 20. Arrived Stermer Ashburn, from Portland via Balboa, SO days. ASTORIA. May 20. Left up at 6:15 P. M, Steamer Celllo, from San Francisco. Ar rived at 6 P. M. Steamer Wapama, from San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. Sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer Santa Barbara, for Colum bla river. Arrived at 9 P. M. Steamer W. F. Herrin, from Portland, towing schooner Monterey. EUREKA, May 20. Balled Steamer Au relia, tor Portland via "Cooa bay, from San Francisco. OAVIOTA. May 20. Sailed at 5 A M. Steamer J. A. Chanslor, for Portland. SEATTLE, Wash., May CI. Arrived Steamers Senator from Singapore; Redwood from San Pearo; Chicaga Maru from Hong kong. TACOMA. Wash. May SI. Arrived Steamers Latouche from Alaska, via Seattle; Quadra (Br.) from Britannia Beach, B. C; Senator from Singapore, via Seattle. Sailed Steamers Chilli wack (Br.) for Van couver, B. C; Fort Riley tor Kverett; La touche tor Alaska, via Seattle. SAM FRANCISCO. May 21. Arrived Steamers Oanfa (Br.) from Balboa; Sierra, trom Cristobal; San Juan from Mazatlan. Hailed Steamers Oleum. l.acn for As toria ; Korea Maru (Jap.) for Hongkong. NEW YORK, May 21. Arrived Point Arena, from Honolulu, via San Francis Why all this Precaution? JUST wherein lies the reason for the use of vegetable preparations for hfaiits and children? Why are any but vegetable preparations unsafe for infants and children? Why are Syrups, Cordials and Drops condemned by all Physicians and most laymen? Why has the Government placed a ban on all preparations containing, ? other poisonous drugSj Opium in its variously prepared forms and pleasing tastes, and under its innumerable names? These are questions that every Mother will do well to inquii e about. Any Physician will recommend the keeping of Fletcher's Castoria in tho house for the common ailments of infants and children. Net Content? 1SF tuidDrachrj lawlRowetstf 11 jTtoI-tra is L neither OplonuMorphlne n J rr ! Mineral, rs ox iww " d it ii mm -rwjsrjj- 'ConftipaticnandDwrrfc. , trWchnpss ana Exact Copy cf Wrapper. LICHTVESSEL IS RETURNED SHIP AGAIX MARKS KXTKANCli TO COLUMBIA. Installation of Wireless riant on Vcel Soon to Take Place t Bremerton. Jjightvcsscl No. 88. which marks tho entrance to tlm Columbia, river, was returned to her station yesterday, after belnf? completely overhauled, but In soon to retur nto her station cmfwynepup to be relieved again to proceed to the Bremerton navy-yard for the Installa tion of a wireless plant. She will be the first of three llchtvessels in the 17th district fitted with the plant. Plans for the Installation of the equipment are now on the way to WanhinKton. Authorization for the work wan given some time ago and Immediately On the plans being- ap proved the Bhlp will be ordered to the Puget sound station to have the plant placed. The ligrhthoune-tenders Heather, Man zanita and Hose are fitted with wire less, that havlnar been provided for Hlnce the United States entered the war against Germany. Shipping interesta lonpr ago petitioned th government to fit the vessels with means of commu nication, particularly tho liphtships. so In the event of accidents in their vicin ity assistance could be Eummoned. It frequently happens during heavy weather that a sailing vessel or steam er without wireless is in need of aid and. as they usually make lightvessels when heading for northwest ports, it was felt that the availability of wire less would save lives and property. Lightvessel No. 82, which was off the Columbia during the period No. Si waa Inside, is to relieve the Swlftsur Bank lightvessel in a few days, the latter being due for a short respite In side. Steamer to Xoad Lumber Here. SEATTLE, May 21. On her maiden voynge. the Japanese stenmer Meichtl S . y LCOHOL-3 PER j 'J AVectabtelVcparatioaBf A3 5 similatinStterood by BcuU-1 i 3 m i t .3 -I- I l.--:2 I i X-V-sr 1 jry SPRING AGGRAVATES YOUR CATARRH Sore and Irritated Membranes Choke Up the Air Passages. Tou cannot realize the full benefit of the balmy spring weather as long as the air passages are stopped up, and the delicate and tender membrantj are kept sore and Irritated by orten slve Catarrh. And in bo many casen, the disease Beems aggravated with tho change of seasons. After using sprays, douches, washes and lotions constantly you should be convinced by now that only temporary relief can come from these local reme dies. Many unfortunate victims of Ca tarrh have used this method of treat ment season after season, and ea.:h year finds them still afflicted with the disease. In fact, as long as you use only such remedies as reach the surface, you will find that the disease continues to grow worse, for while these sprays and in halers and lotions may unstop the air passages for the time being, they have no effort whatever upon the caui of your Catarrh. And unless you treat tho cause of any disease you will never be rid of tho disease Itself. For this reason It Is Important that you realize that Catarrn la not a local Children fc'-.iifc :"--. ;.. -v-- v The False and the True. Advertising by the use cf large space, the expenditure cf huge icmt of money have placed on the market, have put in j our home, perhaps, many articles that today have been discarded, as you will readily admit. Do you recall anything that has more modestly appealed to the public than has Fletcher's Castoria: modest la all its claims, pleading at all times and truthfully for our babies ? The big splurg, the misleading claims may -win for a time, but the honest truth-telling advertiser lis like the old story of the tortoise that beat the hare. Mothers everywhere, and their frankly, glowingly, enthusiastically Speak ot It lovingly as a friend that smiles to their little-one. There are substitutes and imitations as there are for the diamond. for anything of value. One might copied nas no value. So you have Fletcher and a copy of the genuine you that you may guard against the MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Maru Is due to arrive in Seattle from the orient Juno 6 with a full cargo. Tho JJeichii Maru is a 70lt-ton vessel. After discharging rargo here the ship will shift to Portland to load 3,o00,0o feet of lumber for Shanghai. STEAMER 'IT HE INVESTIGATED Damage to Cargo Ei-llinatcd at $U7, 200; to Ship $5000. SEATTLE, May 21. Marine under writers conducting an investigation of the firo aboard the Japanese steamer Manila Maru stated today they be lieved the blaxe started in a cargo of matting in hold No. a. Tho Manila Maru caught fire 10Vn miles off Cape Flattery while en routr to Seattle from oriental ports with cargo valued at IJ.OOO.OOO. The un derwriter estimated the damage to the cargo at $i7,20U. Five thousand dol lars will cover the damage to the ship. 19 Ships to Be Launched In May. SEATTLE. May 21. Nineteen steel steamships, aggregating 1.1K.800 dead weight tons, will be launched at Pacific northwest shipyards during the monttj of May, according to estimates of gov ernment officials today. Of these s-hlps Seattle is expected to launch eight, Portland seven, Tacoma two and Van couver, Wash., two. The previous high record of monthly launchings was in last June, when 14 vessels of 112,100 deadweight tons were delivered. VOCATIONAL BOARD NAMED Body to Administer State Appro priation or $18,813. SALEM. Or.. May 21. Governor Olcott today oppointed four members of the state board of vocational education, who, with the governor, secretary of state and state superintendent of schools, who sit as ex-officiio members, compose a board to administer an ap propriation of 48.S13 .by the recent legislature la co-operation with the government which allows Oregon an equal amount under the Smlth-llughcs act. The four members appointed by the Irritation which stops up the air pas sages and interferes with the breath ing apparatus. True, the effects cf the disease are manifested in these annov ing and often painful symptoms, but you must treat the disease itself end not its symptoms only. Remember that there are millions of catarrh germs, and when these infes the blood, you cannot hope to ba rid of your Catarrh until these germs are absolutely eliminated from tho blood. And this is why S. S. S.. the well-known old blood purifier, is such an excellent remedy for Catarrh. S. S. S. is the most thorough blood remedy known to science. It thoroughly purifies tho blood, and cleanses it of every trace of disease germs. So, if you wish to be relieved of your Catarrh in a rational way. you should begin faking tf. S. S. today, and you will have the same satisfactory ex perience as the thousands of other Ca tarrh victims have had. This remedy will remove from the blood all disease germs, and will so build up the gen eral health, that you will find your system in splendid disease-resisting condition, your appetito will improve, and you will again enjoy the vigor of robust health. 8. S. S. Is sold by druggists every where. You should begin taking It to day, and if you wish any medical advice without cost, write about tour case to Chief Medical Adviser. 82 Swift Labora tory. Atlanta, Ua. Adv. mM'mwrMv.i.f .mw.'iai.'j.' l.i-'i"JtAnniug. ' ..IVt, !maJ Cry For daughters, now mothers, sneak in praise of Fletcher's Castoria. has brought comfort, cheer and almost say that that which is not had the signature of Chas. H. wrapper kept constantly before false and the untrue. Signature of governor are F. R. In gal Is. Kufur, rep resenting agriculture; David M .Dunne. Portland, representing employers; E. J. Stack. Portland, representing labor, and Mrs. Ceorge MeMath, Portland, repre senting hunie Interests. To no your want sds to Th Orrgo- II inn. I'hnne Mm In 7f7ll. A Srt!l5. DELCO -LIGHT Th complete Electric Light and Power Plant Lights the barn. Runs the milking machine. Makes chores easy. Mudi.ii.i Al'l'I.IAM'U CO. Seattle. It. A. Conger. .No. :t .. th St.. t'orllsnd, Or. STEEL flKtCTURAt PIIATES. p I. a r t !. UAIU, RIVETS, BOLTS, trsEi ROUS. 1ABKICATFI) MATERIAL UK1UCF.S. rU'ILDlNGS. 1A.VKS, TOLKS. fcllll'h. .SOUTH WKST ilRIDGE & IRO. COMPAXY I PORTLAND. OR, I P. O. Hox 988. Phone Main 1183. I TitAvrr.Kits' ct'iDc. SERVICE RESUMED S. S. ROSE CITY Sails From Portland to San Francisco Only 3 r. M-, MAY 24, and Every 9 Days San Francisco & Portland S. S. Lines. Tickets at Consolidated Ticket Office. 'Tnird auil WsMbiagtoo. Phones Slain 3530. A 6611. Frelfcbt, Alnawortlt Pock. Broad way iUS, A 1234. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Steamer failing Saturday, 2i30 P. 71. M. nollman. Agent, I -- 3d St. Phone laln -U. STEAMERS The Dalles mnd Way Points. Sailings, Tuesdays, Thursday ul Saturdays, 10 P. U. DALLES COLUMBIA LINE Ash St. Dock. Broadway 3U HONOLULU Suva, New Zealand, Australia CmDIM 1USTRALASIAN RCUL Kill LINE LirjciL, newest. bcst-quippd taaraorm. tor farr ami sailing fl'ly Can. I'ar. RU ot., uniauu, tar urnrrM