Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 22, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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Seals Land Hard on Beavers'
Pride, Winning, 9 to 1.
McCredie's Best Pitching Bet Sent
to Benches in Sixth, Losing
First Game for Season.
Pacific Coast League Standings.
W. J,. Pct.l W. I.. Pet.
I.. Anfteles.'JS 15 .H.-,l I Vernon 19 0 .457
Oakland ...:.'3 17 .B.'.l Salt Lake. ..18 ill .4-J
!-:n Kran..2."i 17. .r.tjS Seattle ......13 -'-i -8!5
Acram"nto 21 J9 .OGIPortland ...1- '-"! .UOS
Yesterday's Results.
At San Francisco San FranciscoD, Port
land 1.
At Salt I-ake Oakland 14. Fait Lake 10.
At yacramen to Vernon 3. Sacramento 4.
At Los Angeles Los Anseles 1. Seattle 0.
. SAN FRANCISCO. May II. (Special.)
Walt McCredie trotted out Carroll
Jones, his best pitching bet, today and
the Seals made him look like the wreck
of the Hesperus, batting hira out of
the box in the sixth inning and win
ning the game, 9-1.
Tom Seaton used to pitch for Mc-
'redie and it gave him great pain to
throw the hooks into 'Walter today.
Tom pitched one of his good games and
he kept right on going in the high
until ho had the last man out.
' When Judge McCredie signs the pay
-heck of George Maisel on the first
and 15th of each month, ho nearly has
a fainting spell. But Maisel showed to
Jay why he is worth, the money he
The Beaters got six hits, of which
Maisel picked up half. He stole three
!hases and scored the only run made off
.Seaton. He also played the outfield
as it should be played and in general
Tie conducted himself as he did when
he helped the Seals win a pennant in
The Beavers have only won 12 games
this season, and of that number Pitcher
Jones won five. Today was his first
defeat. In Sacramento last week he
buzzed "em like a Walter Johnson. He
had a lot of stuff today, too, but the
Seal3 got a hitting streak in the eixth
and he simply could not get the ball
"by their bats.
He retired after that bombardment
and McCredie sent in Mitchell and Fal
lentine. a kid battery that lasted only
. few minutes.
Portland I San Francisco
R R H O A R It It O A
Ttlue.l .. 4 0 0 0 niPchlck.m. r 0 I 1 0
Mglin.2 .. 4 0 0 14IKitZKrld.r r. 2 3 4 0
Kader.s .401 1 u'.'aven.v.3. 31212
Maisel. m 4 13 1 nlKoermr.l 4 1 1 JO 2
WalkT.l. 3 O 0 .". 0ICrandall.2 .4 O t 0 3
"Wstrzil.3 4 O I O 4IConnolly.l 5 1110
( ojc.r ... 2 0 1 2 llCorhan.s. 2 2 12 2
.Ttaker.c . 0 0 4 HBaldwin.c 3 1 1 S 3
.lonei.p .2 0 0 0 VilSeaton.p. 31322
Kal'nt'n.c 1 0 0 1 01
aiitch'll.p 0 0 0 0 01 Totals. 54 9 14 27 14
Totals. 31 1 6 24 13!
Portland 0 O 0 1 o 0 0 0 n 1
Kan Francisco 10020 S 10
Urrors. Blue 1. Radcr 2, Baker 1. Innincs
Twitched. Jones 6. Stolen bases, Fitzgerald,
ravenry. Schick, Seaton, Maisel 3. Two
base hits, Maisel. Seaton, Baldwin. Sacrifice
riits. Caveney, Koerner. Seaton. Baf'S on
balls. Jones 3. Seaton 2, Mitchell 1. Struck
out. Seaton 6. Mitchell 1. Hit by pitcher,
t'aveney. Double play. Cox to Baker. Runs
responsible for, Jones 4. Seaton 1. Mitchell 1.
Charge defeat to Jones.
.Tigers Stage Batting Bally in Third,
Winning, 5 to 4.
' SACRAMENTO, May 21. Vernon won
from Sacramento today. 5 to 4. The
Tigers bunched hits off Bromley in the
third inning and scored four runs. They
.added another tally in the fifth.
Vernon 1 Sacramento
Mitchell, a 4121 31 BRHOA
rhadb..m 3 0 0 1 V Pinel!!.".. :t O 1 O 2
Kdine n.l 3 1 O 2 o Mirtd'ton.l 4 O 1 2 0
Meusel.r. 4 12 4 I'KUlred.m. 4 0 O 1 O
Vlsher.2. 3 O 1 r. 4'Wolter.r. 4 2 3 7 0
Borton.l 4 0 Oil nkirixss.d.. 4 0 16 0
"Keck..".... 4 O 0 0 OOrr.s :t 0 O O 1
Tirooks.c. 2 1 O 4 0 McOaf'n.2 3 12 12
Hell. p.. . .". 1 2 O IMurray.c. 3 1 0 10 1
l'r'mme.n 1 0 0 0 r.Bromley.p 1 0 0 0 0
IRodcers. 10 10 0
In. Fh'r" 1 O 0 O 0
Vance. p.. O 00 O 0
1 .
Totals. 31 r 7 27 12! Totals. .31 4 0 27 C
. "Batted for Bromley in, fifth.
Batted for Vance in ninth.
Vernon 0 0 4 0 1 0 o 0 0 -."
Paoramento 1 O 0 2 1 0 0 04
TnTiinirs pitched, by Bromley 5. by Pell
2-3. Stolen bases. Brooks. McGaffipan.
Mitchell. Pinelli. Two-base lilts. Meuscl. M -Caffigan.
Sacrifice bit. Pinelli. Bases on
1alls. off Dell 2. off Fromme 2. off Bromley
4. Struck out. by Hell 1. by Kromme 2. by
irtromley 4, bv Vance 4. Hit by pitcher.
Pinelli. Sacrifice flics. Orr. B. Fisher. Dou
ble play. Mitchell to Fisher to "Rorton. Runs
responsible for, Dell 4. Bromley r. Left on
bases, Vernon 6. Sacramento 8. Credit vic
tory to Dell; charge defeat to Bromley.
Came Played in Rain With Light
ning Crackling Overhead.
LOS ANGELES, May 21. Las An
geles won from Seattle, 1 to 0, in a
game played in a drizzling rain on a
soggy field with the lightning crack
ling overhead. Both pitchers stayed
through and the only errors were
caused by the rain which made the ball
hard to hold. The only run was made
by Cooper, who singled and scored on
a. wild pitch.
Seattle I Los Angeles
Fab'que.3 3 O
3 ti Klllefer.m 4
3 1
0 1'Haney.s.. 3
0 1
2 14
1 2
Harper, r.
Crook. c. ..
Majls.p. .
TU g-bee. .
2 OiFournier.l 3
1 0'Oooper.r.. 4
0 Ken'thy.2 3
31 El 1 is. 1. ... 4
4Niehoff.3. 4
1 i Lanan.n 3
0 llCrandall.p 2
0 Ol
Totals. 20 0 2 24 1BI Totals.. 30 110 27 13
-Katiea tor look in ninth.
Batted for Malls in ninth.
Seattle 0 o 0 O 0 0 0 o 0
"Uos Angeles o 0 O 0 0 0 0 1 1
Errors, Fabrique 1. Mails 1. Sacrifice bits.
fllelchmann. Haney. Kenworthy. Walsh.
IBases on balls. Malls 2. Struck out, 'Mails 3.
'randall 3. Runs responsible for. Malls 1.
t Double play, Fabrique to Olelchman-n.
Salt Lake Stickers Hit Freely in
First Part of Game
SALT LAKE CITY, May 21. Oakland
administered another defeat to the Salt
Lake team today, 14 to 10, although
hits were secured frequently by the
fees in the tlrst part of the game. R.
Arlett came to the rescue of A. Arlett
and won what looked like a lost ga
for Oakland.
Oakland 1 Salt Lake
5 3
3 O.Mag'ert.m 5
8 1 Johnson. 3 4
1 OiMulveyl. r,
2 OiSheely.l.. 3
Krug.2. . . 4
3 IMuHig'n.3 3
1 ,2!Sands.r. .. 2
6 llSpencer.c 4
0 I'Lev'renz.p 1
2 3iDale.p... 2
0 II
1 r.l
3 0
Wilie.r ..4
Miller.!.. ti
Murphy, 3
and I . . 4
Stumpf.g 5
Roche. 1. 2
R. Arl't.p 3
-Mitze.c.. 4
Brent'n.p 1
A. Arlett. P
and 3.. St
Totals. 42 14 19 27 13! Totals. 33 10 11 27 13
Oakland 1 1 0 0 6 O 1 2 3 14
Salt Lake 12 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 10
Errors, Brenton 1, Sheely 1. Two-base
hits. Wilie, Stumpf, Miller, Murphy, Lane,
Magsert. Johnson, Dale. Three-base hits,
Bohne. Miller. Sacrifice hits. Bohne. John
ton. Leverenz, Mltze. Stolen bases. Lane.
Vilie. Murphy, Mulvey. . Itasca on balls of
Bronton 1, A. Arlett 3. R. Arlctt 2. Leverenz
1. Dale 3. Struck out by R. Arlett 1. Dale 3.
Runs responsible for. Brenton 5, A. Arlett 3.
R. Arlett 2, Levenenz 8. Dale 6. Credit vic
tory to R. Arlett. Charge defeat to Dale.
Double play. Bohne to Roche. Johnson to
Krus to Seely; A. Arlett to Murphy to A.
Military Boys Prove Too Handy
With Stick in Slug'est.
Hill Military academy won Its second
game this season when it defeated the
High School of Commerce team yester
day afternoon on Multiomah field. The
score was 10 to 5.
The contest was a slugfest from
start to finish with the cadets getting
12 hits. Hill presented a switched
lineup and the boys seemed to like the
change. In the second inning 'they
scored two runs on two hits. They
added three in the fourth and three in
the sixth.
Commerce scored two runs in the
fourth when the boys bunched their
hits. They made another in the
eighth and two in the ninth.
.Pendleton of Hill led the day in hit
ting with three hits in four trips to the
plate. 'Fat" Nelson and Johnson each
got two hits. Johnson struck out nine
men. Mix Grider of Commerce was
the star for his team. He lined out a
long three-baggr in the ninth. He
also played good in the infield.
It. H. E. It. H. E.
Hill 10 12 3Commerce -.5 6 3
Batteries Johnson and Berger; Fen
son and Keppinger. Umpire, Burton.
Committee Finds That Title-Holder"
Name Was Used to Advertise
Goods Without Authority. '
NEW YORK, May 21. Vincent Rich
ards, holder of six national tennis titles,
has been officially reinstated to good
standing by the amateur rules com
mittee of the TJ. S. National Lawn Tennis
association, following his resignation
from the employ of a local sporting
goods firm.
The committee announced today that
Richards' restoration to amateur stand
ing will become effective on May 24,
when His connection with the firm ends.
The committee issued the following
"Vincent Richards has resigned his
position in the sporting goods business.
It has been proved to the satisfac
tion of the amateur rules committee
that Mr. Richards' name was used to
advertise the sale of tennis goods with
out his authority, and his action in
withdrawing from the sporting goods
business has removed ail other ques
tion as to his amateur standing.
He has accordingly been officially
reinstated, this to take effect upon the
day of his resignation. In the opinion
of the committee Mr. Richards has set
a splendid example to the players of
the country and his action will go far
toward keeping the standards and ideals
of the sport above reproach."
College Baseball.
Princeton 4, Dartmouth 3.
Harvard 5, Amherst 0.
National Leairue btandiDss.
W. L. Pct.l w. T.. Pet.
New Tork.
11 t o t I'Tnira co 11 11
14 8 .3IPhiladelphia 8 9
12 7 ,63'JlSt. Louis 5 1
1110 ..r24lBoston 4 13
American Ieairue Standings,
W. L. Pct.l tv. L. Pet.
Chlraco... 1 .727ITVashlnston 8 10 .444
New Tork. 10 5 .8671 Detroit 7 14 .3.13
Cleveland. 13 8 .HlfllBoston 4 13 .235
Boston 0 9 .5001
How the Series Stand.
At San Francisco 2 games. Portland no
game: at Salt Lake no games, Oakland 2
games; at Sacramento no games, Vernon 2
games; at Los Angeles 2 games, Seattle no
Where the Teams Tla.v This Week.
Portland at San Francisco; Oakland at
Salt Lake; Vernon at Sacramento; Seattle
at Los Angeles.
Where the Teams Play Next Werk.
Portland at Seattle; Vernon at Los An
geles; Oakland at San Francisco; Sacra
mento at Salt Lake.
Besier Batting Averages.
AB. IT. Ave. I A B. If. Ave.
Baker.. 10 3 ..l.tnlWisterzil AH 13 232
Slglin... 1S4 4.. .22ICooper.. . 7 2 .2-2
Cox 13H 40 .2!0IBIue lr4 33 .214
Rader... 40 13 .2H2 Fallentine B 1 .200
Walker. 10r 27 .2B7iPenner. . 21 4 .1!0
Oldham. 35 9 .257iPenningn IB 3 .1KN
Farmer. 142 3 .251 Maisel. . . 3 5 .147
Koehler. 55 13 .23!Jonea. . 18 0 .000
Foresters, Firemen and Corn
foot Tied for First.
St. Johns Lumber Company Team
and Capitol Hill Club Sched
uled for Sunday Contest.
Three teams are tied for first place
in the Commercial baseball league. The
Foresters, Firemen and Cornfoot Tan
nigans have each won two games and
dropped one this season, while the Mc-Dougal-Overmire
aggregation has a
toe-hold on the cellar, having lost
three games.
The schedule for Saturday calls for
the Firemen's union to meet the Catho
lic Order of Foresters on the Columbia
Park grounds, while McDougal-Over-mire
will strive to put one over on the
Cornfoot Yannigans at Sellwood Park.
Both games wilj, start at 3 o'clock.
With the tieup for first place, some
outfit is due to take a drop in the per
centage column Saturday afternoon.
All of the three teams tied seem to be
on an equal footing and a real race
is developing among the clubs. The
McDougal-Overmire team is undergo
ing a strengthening process and ex
pects to give its opponents a tussle
from now on.
Bill Heales will board his Kirpat
rick nine on the rattler for Hood River
Sunday morning where they will meet
the crack All-Stars of that place. The
apply valley ball tossers defeated the
fast Columbia Park team in Hood River
last Sunday and Heales looks for a
tough game.
Camas baseball fans will view the
Piedmont Maroons of Portland in action
against the home town outfit in Camas
Sunday afternoon.
The St. Johns Lumber company base
ball team will play Capitol Hill at the
latter place Sunday afternoon. Capitol
Hill has boasted of a strong ball club
for several seasons and this year 13 no
Manager Chet Ixiwry of the newly
organized Hesse -Martin Iron works
baseball team, is out for a game Sun
day morning. The Hesse-Martin team
indulged in a thorough workout on the
Franklin high school "platter" and
loom as a likely looking team. For
games call East 7900 or B 1884.
The Vaughn street park will be the
setting for the First National-Hibernia
bank game this evening, starting at 6
o'clock. Both teams have a larjre fol
lowing who promise to turn out en
At the Nineteenth Hole.
THERE have been rumors that the
California Golf association would
hold an open state championship at
Del Monte next month, but in the ab
sence in the east of Joseph O. Tobin,
president of the association, definite
arrangements have not yet been made.
There is a movement on foot in Cali
fornia advocating the re-establishment
of open championships for both the
California and Northern California Golf
The engagement by the Los Angeles
Country club of such a well-known au
thority on the game as John Duncan
Dunn, assuring him a very substantial
income, is certain to raise professional
golf on the Pacific coast to a higher
If the amateurs of the Pacific coast
want to improve, their surest way is to
help the professional to improve.
There is nothing so discouraging to
the average professional as to discover
that his game year after year is at a
standstill, and mainly because the in
centive to practice is absent because of
the lack of competition.
John Black, the Clarcmont Country
club's veteran professional, is practic
ing faithfully for his eastern trip and
will leave California for Boston the end
77b 6 ii
of the month to put in two weeks
familiarizing himself with eastern turf
before entering the national open
championship at Braeburn, June 9 to
Recalling the consistently fine form
that Professional Black displayed
throughout the series of matches he
played last year with Mike Brady and
with the knowledge that Brady has
proved himself the peer of the three
best professionals in the country. Jim
Barnes, Walter Hagen and Jock Hutch
ison, one is warranted in predicting
that the Claremont crack will give a
fine account of himself.
m m
Abelard Espinoza, the San Jose, Cal.,
country club's hard-hitter, has not been
able to make arrangements to attend
next month's national event, but ex
pects to enter the western open cham
pionship, which will be held at the
Mayfield Country club, Cleveland. July
24 to 26.
Only 80 more new members are need
ed to fulfill the hopes of the member
ship committee of the Portland Golf
club. If that many are accepted on or
prior to June 30. no more will be taken
in under the attractive arrangements
which have been in vogue during the
spring drive. James A. Beckett, chair
man, announces that 120 have already
BV friendly suggestions and con
structive criticism, the novice
learns to avoid the errors that are fa
tal to good playing. More than any
thing else, by playing with good play
ers he, consciously and unconsciously,
acquires a mental Idea of correct form
of what he is trying to do. Without
such an ideal practice does little good,
but with a clear ideal to work toward
in practice, improvement is certain and
The rivalry of the tournament con
tests among the club members also
gives incentive to more careful play
ing, with the logical result of better
scores and a deeper enjoyment of the
sport. This is not so true of open
tournaments, where the competition is
keener and where one is usually paired
with a stranger who is intent solely
on returning winner and has no per
sonal interest in his opponent's score
except to excel it as much as possible.
Under such playing conditions the
novice obviously will get mighty few
helpful suggestions toward improving
his own game. But in matches with
brother club members the rivalry is
not so Intense and consequently the
spirit of sympathy and helpfulness is
more evident.
Right here the maverick golfer is
likely to advance the argument that ho
plays golf only for the exercise and
cares nothing about his score. He may
be one of those so-called optimists who
tries to argue that the real dub gets as
much pleasure from golf as the expert.
False philosophy, and every golfer
who has acquired even a small degree
of skill knows it is false. Every golfer
cares about his score and the more
proficient he becomes the more he
cares and the more pleasure he derives
from a good score. The veriest dub
thrills with pleasure when he shoots a
long straight drive; his face beams
with delight when his approach shot
drops dead to the pin; his cup of hap
piness bubbles over when a long putt
goes down for par.
Portland Motorcycle Fans to See
Ray Creviston at Speedway.
Ray Creviston, world's champion mo
torcyclist, Ed Berreth and other star
riders are on their way to Portland to
start training for the races at the Rose
City speedway May 30 and June 1 Pro
moter Fred T. Merrill received a tele
gram last night from Creviston. who
is in Fresno. Cal.. that he was on his
way north to "cop all the money."
Creviston and Berreth, who have
been cleaning up in a series of Inter
national races at Fresno. Cal.. loom
as two of the most formidable perform
ers who will compete here.
The Rose City speedway is being put
in great condition and when all work
is complete will be' one of the finest
dirt tracks in the country.
Peninsula Athletes Score Second
With 4 3 Points, Porthnioulh Third.
Track and field athletes of Central
grammar school won the triangular
tryout meet between Portsmouth. Pen
insula and Central yesterday afternoon.
Central scored 50 points. Peninsula
was second with 47 points while Ports
mouth athletes totaled 36 points.
The meet was held to determine the
In the pliable
team of each of the three competing
schools to be entered in the annual
grammar schojl track and field cham
pionship on Mlutnomah field Saturday
Amateur Athletic In ion to Stage
Events at Philadelphia.
NEW TORK, May 21. The Amateur
Athletic union, national track and field,
all-around and relav championship
will be held at Franklin field. Phila
delphia, on September 5, 6 and S if the
national committee votes favorably on
a schedule mailed to members today by
Secretary Frederick W. Rubien,
Athletes from all parts of the coun-
Trim, graceful,
b eautiful y
and. of course,
with all of"
the usual IDE
- perfect fi'ttinff.
- easy to button
ancl unbutton
- ample craVat-spaca
- ifacojfo unbreaAaic
GEO.P. IDE a C0..Mjkr.TR0Y. N.Y
ThlS Test : Rub a 1IttJe Tuxed briskly in
1 1 the palm of your hand to bring
out its full aroma. Then smell it deep
its delicious, pure fragrance will convince
you. Try this test with any other tobacco
and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on
your judgment
"Your Voce Knows"
Finest Burley Tobacco
Mellow-aged till Perfect
plus a Dash of Chocolate
Your NoseKnows"
The Perfect Tobacco for
) . owaranleerl by
a C 43 m O sVkT e o
try will compete at the Karnes, which
will be held under the auspices of the
Middle Atlantic association,
Enthusiasts of Aorthwot May Go to
Cleveland on Own Train.
SICATTIK. May 21. Boxinsr enthusi
asts of Spokane. Tacoma, Portland and
Seattle are reported considering char
tering a special train to carry them to
the Willard-Dempsey championship
bout at Toledo, Ohio. July 4. "Bob"
Evans, northwest boxingr promoter, is
making arrangements for the train.
Letters Awarded to Plaers.
RHERIDAV, Or.. May 21. (Special.)
The finishing- touch of a
well-dressed man is his
hat. From jaunty straws
to the refined derby,
Dobbs Hats stand out dis
tinctly as style leaders.
Exclusive Agents
Corbett BIdg., Fifth and Morrison
Pipe and Cigarette
In the
pocket curved
The following hlfrh school football
and baseball players have been award
ed their letter for playing'the required
number of games in the intervalley
schedule for the basketball, baseball
and football season, t'arl Johnson. Har
old Allen. Will Smith. Richard Short,
Kverett Johnson. I'earl Rlackwell Paul
Blackwell. Lee Graves. Marion ilurford.
Fred Maginni. Lester Davis. Howard
Shedwln. Harry Sines, Gerald Finney.
Harley Myers, Clyde Leonard, Fred
Thorpe Goes to Roston.
NEW YORK. May 21. The Boston
Nationals today purchased Jim Thorpe,
famous Indian outfielder and all-round
athlete from the New Tork National
leajrue club.