Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 22, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Elgin Maid Crochet Cotton All Staple Shades Special 35c Box of 12 Balls
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Filled Stomp Books Redeemed in Cash At S. & H. Office on the 3rd Floor
Try Our Delicious Ice Cream Sodas at the Basement Fountain. Light Luncheon Served From 11 to 2 Duxbak Outing Clothing in Men's Store, Main Floor
Fancy Georgette Crepe
Special $2.95 -
Lace Department, First Floor New Printed Georg
ette Crepes special shipment just received. Very
latest patterns and color combinations. (JJO QF
Worth to $3.75 a yard. Thursday at only D0
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Wortman & Kin
$2.25 and $2.50 Crepes
Special $1.98
Lace Department, First Floor Dependable quality
Georgette Crepes in over 30 of the most desirable
colors. These crepes are from our own QQ
regular stock. ?2.25 and $2.50 grades, yard JI70
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Thursday SAVING
All Over the Store
A Page of Unusual Off erings That Will Command the Attention
Sale of WKite Footwear
White Shoes $3.50
Main Floo r Women's White
Shoes famous "John Kelly"
make. Laced or buttoned; medium
pointed toe. White Albo cloth.
Broken sizes. Regular flQ FTfk
$7.50 Shoes; the pair DO.Uy
Shoes, Pumps, Oxfords
-Main Floor Thursday, Friday and Satur
day we shall feature a great sale of Wom
en's White Footwear. See window display.
$6.50 White Oxfords
At $4.98
Main Floor :White Nubuck Ox
fords with light weight, hand
turned soles or the heavier welts.
Stitched tip or narrow plain toe.
Military heels. Full range of
sizes to start with. Our . regu
lar $6.50 Oxfords in CJJ QQ
SDays Sale at, pair D170
White Pumps $3.98
Main Floor White Sea Island
Duck Pumps and Oxfords with
medium round toe; high, medium
or flat heels. 1 or 2 straps also
laced styles. Full range C QO
sizes. Special, a pair DO70
Dining Chairs $3.48
Furniture Dept. 4th Floor
Oak Dining Chairs like this illustration, made
from selected material and good substantial con
struction. Priced for Thursday's selling, $3.48
Dining Tables $17.95
Solid Oak Top Dining
Table, 42-inch top, 72
inch exten- ct ij Qfr
DL 4 mUfJ
sion; only
full size, roll edge. Built
up in lay- O ir
ers; only 0J-.-Lt
$7.50 to $10
At $5
Second Floor About 75 beautiful
Hats are shown in this sale. Models
formerly priced at $7.50 and $10.00.
Small, medium and large effects in
black and leading colors. ?ft fC
Extra special Thursday at oO33
Hat Shapes
At $5.00
Second Floor This includes all Un
trimmed Hats in our regular stock
selling at $7.50, $8.00 and $8.50. A
great assortment to select from in
all the wanted straws and flfr ((
colors. Thursday special Dt).vJl
Women's Suits
At $19.98
Second Floor Extraordinary values in this great
lot of Women's and Misses' High Class Suits. Smart
box coat models with fancy vestees, Russian blouse,
plain tailored and novelty belted effects. Trimmed
with braids, tucks, buttons, etc. Suits of serge, tri
cotine, delhi, poplin and twecd. Neat pin Q. QQ
stripes; also checks and plain colors; at D1.JUJ
Georgette Waists
Special $3.29
Center Circle, First Floor Dainty Waists of white
and flesh color Georgette crepe also many pretty
styles made up in flesh, whit and colored crepe dc
chine, and one model in pongee. Some in collarless
effects, others wijh round or square necks. CO OQ
Triced very special for Thursday's selling DQuiU
of All Thrifty Shoppers
37c lb.
Fourth Floor O W K Imperial
Roast Coffee a slight advance
in price, but quality remains the
same. Delivered only with other
grocery purchases. Priced Q'T,
special, 3 lbs. JjSI.IO; lb. O I C
Tea, 15c Pound
English Breakfast, Ceylon or
Uncolored Japan Tea 4tZg
regular 60c grade; pound !Ov
Pongee Silks
Main Floor Imported Natural
Pongee Silks ideal for women's
ind children's Sport apparel; our
regular lines, at big reductions.
Note Prices
LOT 1 Regular SOe CIClp
Natural Pongees; now "iv
LOT 2 Regular ?l.r,) QO
Natural Pongees at only 'OL
S1.75 Natural Pongees .St. IK
$2.18 Natural Pongees $1.K
One Minute
Special Demonstration
Third Floor
Third Floor More than a half mil
lion of these machines are in use to
day all over America. $2.00 and $2.00
a week puts a One-Minute in your
home and money back if not satis
House Brooms
these are of sur
prisingly good qual
ity at the price.
Made right here in
Oregon. It will pay
you to lay in a good
supply. On sale
Thursday at very
special, only 98
$1.75 Neckwear
Special $1
Main Floor A Neckwear offering that will bring
quick response, for Portland women know this
store as the place to come for newest neckwear.
Organdie Collar, Cuff and Mod
esty Vest Collars
fine sheer quality material and delightful styles.
These sets are excellent $1.75 values. We also
include in the sale beautiful Collars, Sets, Vests
and Guimpes of organdie and crepe material. Many
of these are well worth $1.50 and $1.75. Very
newest styles for the fashionable wo- ff
man. Priced special for Thursday, at U--.vv
Girls' Silk
or two of a kind great variety
of this season's newest styles.
Entire line on 6ale Thursday at
About Half
Second Floor As these are sam
ple Dresses they are made with
great care and are finished even
better than regular stock gar
ments. Made up in fancy plaids
and taffetas in beautiful and be
coming models for girls 6 to 14
years. Grouped into two lots.
Lot 1, Values to $18.50
at $10.98
Lot 2, Values to $23.50
At $14.98
Ivory Soap
Special 'Jr
5 Cakes. A'J
Main Floor 5 cakes to a customer
no deliveries . except with other
purchases made in Drug Depart
Creme Oil Soap on sale OP
Thursday, special 4 cakes J
Scott's Paper Towels, 150 OCn
in package; priced special OfJl
Sponges; nice size for floors,
windows and autos. While 1F
any remain Thursday, only Atlv
Rubber Gloves odd sizes and
makes. Values up. to $1.00. PH
On sale Thursday, the pair tJ"
Toilet Paper
79c Doz.
Main Floor Silhouette Toilet Pa
per of good quality. Put up in
standard size rolls. Priced ryQ
I in great 3 Days' Sale; dozen
L vf , I,, I f
Men's Athletic
Union Suits
Special $1
Main Floor On sale Thursday. Friday and Sat
urday if quantity holds out. Made full-cut ath
letic style with taped neck and closed crotch.
Checked nainsook material. Full assort- Q- f(
ment of sizes. While they last; suit wltlU
Athletic Shirts, Drawers
At 75c Per Suit
Main Floor Men's Athletic Shirts and Drawers
of crepe or mesh materials. Broken lots, there
fore not all sizes. Garments that formerly I7F
sold at $1 each or $2 suit 40 each; suit '
Men's 25c Khaki 'Kerchiefs at 5c
Main Floor Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs at a sacrifice price Thursday,-Friday
and Saturday, if quantity lasts. These are the same
grades selling heretofore at loc and 25c. Buy them now at of1 each.
F 1 II' 1 E
u LA La
k W
Women's Handkerchiefs
Standard 25c Grade Special
Main Floor Women's fine All-Linen Handker
chiefs with neat embroidered colored initial and
s-inch hem. These are full size and are regular
25c values. Don't fail to take advantage of this
offering for Thursday 25c Handkerchiefs, 13
Regular $1
Butter Dishes
Third Floor Glass Butter Ball
Dishes with handle. These are or
namented with neat floral cutting.
Regular selling price $1.00 each.
Priced very special for
Thursday's selling, at
We give S. & H. Green Stamps.
Pillow Slips
Art Needle Dept., Second Floor
These sell in the regular way
at $1.50. Attractive new stamp
ed designs on excellent quality
pillow tubing. Sizes Qt " Q
36x42 and 36x45, at &JLA5
Basement Sale
Special $1
Basement Thursday will be Dollar Day in the Base
ment Underwear Section. Several hundred pieces
Muslin Underwear will go on sale at $1.00 a gar
ment. Night Gowns, Envelope Chemise, Skirts and
Combinations, in many attractive styles, trimmed
with ribbons, laces, embroideries, etc. ff
Priced in Basement Store, one day only w 1UU
"R-W" Corsets
Special $1.39
Basement Discontinued models in famous I
Royal Worcester Corsets not all sizes in each
style. Models for practically all QQ
types of figures. Values to $3.50, at iD-LoO
pi 1
Boys' Norfolk Suits
$16.50 to $20.00 Grades
Main Floor Odd lines boys' high-grade
Suits taken from our regular stock.
Homespuns, tweeds and cassimeres.
Light grays, tans, browns and novelty stripes.
Coats are lined with alpaca, pants are lined
and have taped seams. Bring your boy in and
let us fit him to one of these suits; $16.50, $17.50, $20 grades, $l:J.oO
Mercerized Damask 95c Yd.
18xlS-Inch Napkins $1.75
Main Floor Mercerized Cotton
Napkins, size 18x18 inches. These
are hemmed ready for C?" ryp
Main Floor Mercerized Cotton
Damask in attractive patterns.
Fine for everyday use; 72 QCT
inches wide. Special, yard
use. Priced at, dozen
10c Huck Towels 20x40 Inches Special at 29
Large Size Crochet Bed Spreads for Only $2.25
36-In. Percales
19c Yard
Basement Mill End pieces splen
did quality Percales for house
dresses, aprons, children's dresses,
etc. Also mill ends of Figured
Lawns priced special, yard, J9
Toilet Paper
12 Rolls
Special. - .P -V
Basement Full 1000 sheets to the
roll. Excellent quality tissue. This
paper usually sells at 15c a roll.
Limit 24 rolls to any one customer.
Basement Millinery
Basement Smart little Rough Braid
Turbans, Sailors, drooping Brims and
dozens of other styles trimmed with
flowers, ornaments, ribbons, etc. QO QQ
Priced very special in this sale Oi0
New lot Children's Hats 50 to $'2.75
Drapery Remnants V Price
Bargain Circle First Floor
Several hundred Remnants in
this sale. Good useful pieces for
curtains, pillow tops, bags, etc.
Art Cretonnes in new
patterns; special, the yard
Curtain Corners 390 and 98
Women's Crep e Night Gdwns
Night Gowns of Windsor Crepe the material every woman likes best. Plain
white, plain pink, and pink with bluebell designs. Made slipover style with
low neck and short sleeves. Garments from our own regular stock 6elling
heretofore at $1.98, offered for Thursday's selling, your choice, at only $1.09
Women's Hosiery Sale!
A j. ?rp Women's full fash- , A rrr Women's full fash
xVL UJL ioned Hose: SDliced I Js ionprl I.isl Hnss in
heel, double toe and garter welt.
A.11 sizes. White, black, balbriggan.
Extra good values at O30
black, white and various good col
ors. Very elastic. Sizes range
from SM up to 10. Shop early!
j ' ' 1
Sports, Picnics and Study of Nation
al Movements Await College
rtcpresenta lives.
May 21. Special.) The University of
Oregon will be represented at the an
nual conference of collegres and univer
sities at tSeabeck, Wash., June 14-23,
when the general topic, "Christ the
Way Out," will be discussed in its re
lation to the world problems of the
day. The conference is held under the
Buspices of the Y. M. C. A. Last year
IS students attended the sessions. All
other institutions of higrher education
in the northwest are to be represented
by delegations.
Some of the discussion themes al
ready announced are as follows: "The I
Influence of the War and Social Move
ments on Education"; "The Christian
Spirit, the Only Guarantee of the
League of Nations"; "Special Problems
of a Dry Nation"; "The New Ideals in
Industry"; "The Part of Journalism in
the New Democracy," and "Christ the
Way Out of tb Present Unrest."
Among the speakers already secured
for the conference are Ivan B. Rhodes,
interstate secretary of the T. M. C. A.;
W. H. Lewis of Seattle, president of the
conference; Ralph McAfee, of the Port
land Y. M. C. A.: John R. Voris, secre
tary of the Interchurch World Move
ment: S. C. Lee. Chinese Y. M. C. A.,
San Francisco; L. R. Wheeler of Port
land, E. A. Corbett. Balfour. Canada:
Rev. Roy Campbell, Seattle; Dr. John H.
Boyd, Portland, and E. B. Van Osdel,
Oregon campus secretary of the Y. M.
C. A.
Besides the addresses and conferences
there will be a daily round of sports,
swimming in Hood canal and picnics,
to which three hours in the afternoon
vill be devoted.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Phone Main 7070, A 6095.
Deaconess Alice J. Knight, His Sec
retary, Dies In France of
THE DALLES. Or., May 21. (Spe
cial.) Just back from Iance, where
he saw a year's services with the
Y. M. C. A., Robert L. Paddock, Episco
pal bishop of eastern Oregon, visited
friends in The Dalles this week. Aside
from relating some of his own experi
ences, which included life with the
fighting doughboys at the front. Bishop
Paddock gave details regarding the
death of Deaconess Alice J. Knight, who
acted as his secretary and assistant in
eastern Oregon for about 10 years.
Bishop Paddock, who went to France
early in 1918 with an ambulance unit
bound for Italy, was transferred upon
his arrival overseas to American units
engaged on the western front. A few
weeks later he was promoted to an ex
ecutive position in the Y. M. C. A. ex
ecutive offices in Paris. Working night
and day In an efforfrto meet the emer
gency which confronted the "Y," Bishop
Paddock feared that his health would
break and secured transfer to the field
work, when he again worked with the
fighting forces in the field.
A strange and tragic feature of Miss
Knight's death was that after the news
was cabled to this country it was dis-.
covered that there was another
Y. M. C. A. worker whose name was
Alice G. Knight. News of the death
had been sent to the family of the
wrong woman and for three weeks Miss
Alice G. Knight had been mourned by
her friends and relatives, while the
family of Deaconess Knight knew noth
ing of her death.
Bishop Paddock left -to attend a
church convocation in Spokane. He will
speak at Trinity Episcopal church in
Portland next Sunday.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Phone Main 7070, A 6095.
Litigation Involves About $750,000
and Has Been Before Local
Courts for Several Years.
Decision in the Xarifa Jane Faling
will contest, which oocupicd a large
portion of the time of the county court
during nine months of 191S, is promised
by Judge Tazwell this week.
Judge Tazwell hoped to prevent tho
necessity of an appeal to the circuit
court and supreme court by holding off
his decision until he was advanced to
tho circuit judgship next Thursday, so
that the case could go direct to the
supreme court, but because of possible
legal tangles involving the validity o,
such action, the judge determined yes-
I terday to finish, up the case while
BtiH in the office or county judgo.
The Faling estate comprises around
three-quarters of a million dollars and
was left chiefly to Thomas N. Strong
and C. I- Mead. Contest was brought
by Dr. Tyler Smith, a cousin and Bole
heir-at-law. of the will which gave all
tho property to Strong and Mead. The
contention was that the will was
signed under undue influence and at
time when the ngen woman was not
Eczema Wash
A touch of D. D. D. taanr Kczeina aora
er itching eruption and roatl be able to
rest and sleep ones more. Think jutt
a touchl Is it worth trying? Get a
trial bottlo today, ssc. see and Si oo.
Tour atmey back If the fcrst bottle does
not relieve you.
IML lotion for Skin Disease
Sold by The Owl Drug uo. and bkidmura
jjrus i;o.
physically or mentally capable of mak
ing a will.
Detroit. Miih... Methodists plan erec
tion of a KOO.OuO apartmont house in
which no family without children will
bo allowed to reside.
DrlnU a cup of Nuraya tea every day.
Closaet &i Dcvers. Portland Adv.
, Mr. J. M. Hunter. Loncniont,
Colo, writes: "I have been tak-
itig Dalmwort Kidney Tablets for
my rheumatism and find they
J help me morr than anything I
9 ever took." etc. Some forms of
rheumatism are caused by failure
of the Kidneys to secrete and
throw off the waste and poisons
of the body. If Kidneys and blad-
der are not doing their full duty.
Balmwort Kidney Tablets will
thoroughly revive their activity.
Sold by all druggists. Adv.