lO TIITC MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1919. Jttflmmjgi return ESTABLISHED BY HE MKT L. rTTOCK. Published by The Oresonian Publishing- Co., 135 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. C. A. MWIEN, B. B. PIPER, Manarsr. - - Editor. The Orej?onian" is a member of the Asso ciated Press. The Associated Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for publica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also the local news published herein. Ail rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Subscription rates Invariably In advance; (By Mail.) Dally. Sunday included, one year. 8.00 Xiailv. Siindav f nc nil erf. Ki v mrmths. .... - 4.2 liaily, Sunday included, three months. ... 2.-5 i J-ally. Sunday included, one month DaUy, without Sunday, one year. ........ 6.00 lany.' without Sunday, six months. .... .'- Ially. without Sunday, one month.. "Weekly, one year - i1" Sunday, one year. ........... -'sri. Sunday and weekly - U.oO (By Carrier.) Pally, Sunday included, one year.. .. iJsily, Sunday Included, one month. . . IDaily. Suit'iay included, t'.'ree months J-aly, without Sunday, one year Daily, without Sunday, three months Daily, without Sunday, one month . .!1.00 " 2 23 . T.SO . 1.1-5 Hew to Itemit Send postofflce money or der, express or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at own er's risk. Give postoffice address in full, in cluding county and state. Postage Kates 12 to 16 pages, 1 cent: 18 to u2 pages. 2 cents; 4 to 48 pages. 3 cents; SO to no pags; 4 cents: B2 to 76 pages. 5 cents; TS to pages, 6 cents. Foreign post age, double rates. Eastern Business Office Verree & Conk lin. Brunswick building. New York; Verree & onk'.ln. Steger building. Chicago; Verree & ' onklin. Free Press building. Detroit. Mich.; San Francisco representative. R. J. Bldwell. REPUBLICAN POLICY. On assuming control of the legisla tive affairs of the country by means of a majority in both branches of con press, the republican party is called on once more to assume the function as x the nation's great constructive political force which it performed from its first accession to power. After reconstruct ing the government upon the close of the civil war. it built the great indus trial structure which has made the United States the leader in all lines, it made all the territories into states, it placed finance on a sound basis, it brought the railroads and trusts under control and it built the framework of a labor code. It is now called upon to perform a similar work of reconstruc tion and new construction after the world war. This is its time of great responsibility and great opportunity for service to the nation. One signal advantage which the re publican party has derived from the war is that the elements into which it was formerly divided and which at one time threatened to wreck it have been drawn together by the bond of a more intense patriotism. The war has given the most conservative a greater breadth of vision; it has given the most venturesome radical a greater sense of responsibility to hold him in check. It lias put a veto on attacks on- any class by proving that patriotism and single minded devotion are not the monopoly of class: that these qualities are found equally among rich and poor, among the college men and boys from the public school, among the American born and the naturalized citizens, and that there are slackers and disloyal in all social strata, ilt has proved that Ave are a united people, and that the rights of one interest must not be ex tended by doing wrong to another. In such a situation no man who is true to the principles and purpose of the republican party should be pro scribed as either a reactionary or a progressive. It should rather bo ac cepted that all are progressives, though favoring various degrees and rates of progress. Such., profound changes are 'in process throughout the world that A. t his country cannot escape if It were to ; try. The occasion calls upon our leg- islators to read correctly the spirit of the times, and to express it in. new laws and governmental activities. It requires that no new project be ac cepted as progressive or imbued with that spirit merely because its author rails it so. -Kvery proposal should be candidly examined with a view of de termining, whether it actually makes for progress and accords with the American idea of government and in- , dividual liberty. This test of Ameri canism should be applied in all cases, in order that all that is new may fit securely into Us place in the old .and veil- tried. The American people, whose institutions have come through the world convulsion unshaken and triumphant in war, are not ready to receive as teachers men from central and eastern Europe who but yesterday escaped from despotism. Against the extravagant claims of bolshevism they set the beneficent success of American .democracy. Jf this rule be followed, laws will be made restoring railroads and wire sys tems to private opecation with such reorganization and upon such public control as will secure to the people the best service at the) lowest cost. Public lands of all kinds will be opened to use on terms which will encourage their development while preventing monop oly or extortion. Waste land will be reclaimed and sold on terms which will add to the number of independent home owners, a stake in the soil held by millions being the strongest bul wark of every free government. Rela tions between employer and workman will be so regulated that justice to both will be assured without strikes. The republican party would err if it should investigate the conduct of the war with the chief aim of exposing the blunders and delinquencies of the democratic administration. These have been many and grievous; they have been largely due to the pacifism which made the administration deaf to the demand for preparedness, and to the partisan spoils system which is fatal to efficiency. The men responsible should not be spared the censure which they have earned. But in large measure our military effort, glorious as it was, fell short because there are serious defects in the organization of the de partments and of the army and navy which have long existed. Investiga tion should have a constructive pur pose to discover failures and defects in order to repair, them. From the experience of the war the republican party should evolve a military policy which will equip the nation for the worst emergency without proving -a serious burden. The constructive work of the repub lican party hitherto as been directed to internal development. Hereafter it will be constantly more applied to ex ternal commercial expansion. This will require revision of the tariff policy in order to open foreign markets, and adaptation of its protective purpose to that end. Laws will need to be modi fied so that trading and investment in foreign countries will be encouraged and protected. No attention should be given to the absurd cry that this policy Is "dollar diplomacy." Shipping laws need drastic revision and shipbuilding needs rescue from the shipping board's control. A fatal mistake would be made if the republicans were to oppose the foreign policy which President Wilson now pursues merely because it is his as head of a democratic administra tion. In its general lines it is the policy of the American people. Self determination may be claimed as orig inally a republican policy, for that party first applied it in Cuba. In the main republicans showed greater-foresight than democrats in regard to the part which'America should play in the war and its after-developments, . and they should display the same quality in their attitude toward the -peace treaty and the league of nations. Truly progressive republicans realize that this nation's interests and its moral obligation demand that jit participate in settling, the disputes of other na tions and in training backward nations in the ways of democracy. The terms of peace and the league covenant are not perfect by any means, for of neces sity they include compromises, but they are a great advance on the ar rangement which produced the war. They express the new internationalism, and those senators who accept them are the real progressives. Those who oppose are the real reactionaries, what ever they call themselves. By its course during this and the next session of congress the repub lican party will be judged as to its fitness to control the affairs of the nation. If it carries the nation for ward, it will be rewarded. If it should be obstructive and factious, it. will for feit public confidence. HAWKER. If Hawker . had successfully nego tiated the 2000-mile flight across the Atlantic it would have been a miracle. Yet of course one wonder after an other lias marked the amazing pro gress of aviation. Hawker sought to achieve the impossible, relying on the fact that it. had been . done before. but in other ways. The journey across the English channel,: for example, was essayed many times before Ble- riot compassed it. It was only a few short years ago that it was done. May is no summer month in the north Atlantic. Newfoundland is not noted for its -quiet skies or balmy breezes. Fogs are common, and so are storms. An airplane is all but helpless in a fog. The seaplane ex ploit was nearly spoiled by the en shrouding mists. The plane loses its course and must speedily land, or hit the water. The earlier stories that Hawker was seen 150 miles off the coast of Ire land, and that his machine had de scended into the water 40 miles off the coast, are probably not true. If true, they show that the daring avia tor had made tho longest continuous flight on record. The best previous score is much less. He set out, to be sure, to do what had not been done before, and some day it will be done; but the chances are decidedly against it in the present development of the science of flying. It would be agreeable to know that the intrepid Australian had gathered for his country the laurels for so long an air journey, even if he failed to arrive at his goal. On the other hand, it is doubly deplorable that he failed, if he failed with success so nearly in sight. Why did Hawker risk everything in so hazardous a venture? He knew the dangers, and he knew that only by the rarest of luck could, he get through. There were no such safe guards as the Americans have with their seaplanes. To hit the water meant not only disaster, but almost certain death. But if he won! If he won the world would be figuratively at his feet. The impulse of adventure is strong in mankind; the desire for glory is even stronger. Except for it Columbus would never have set out with his fraal caravels, nor Peary for the North Pole. FOOLING WITH FIRE. The attitude of Senator Lodge. Sena tor Brandegee, Senator Borah, Senator Poindcxter and other republicans en hances the danger that the Issue over the league of nations will take a politi cal turn. Unquestionably the opposi tion to ratification without amendment THE league or no league has grown in the past month. Undoubtedly, too, defeat of the league covenant by the republicans any republicans will have hurtful consequences to the party It is quite plain to all except the hard boiled and hide-bound senators at Washington. They are either strangely out of touch with national sentiment, or they are determined to take an unpopular course, whatever the con sequences to themselves or their party. No senator should, of course, b coerced into any .action inconsistent with his conscience or his duty. There are worse things than unpopularity. One of them Is to be wrong. To be both -wrong and to bo unpopular is fatal to any politician or statesman. -It was a grievous blunder that the president failed to take the senate into his confidence on the treaty. The senate has sound cause for irritation. But it -will be a deplorable thing if, because of resentment, the senate is led Into defeat of the treaty. The country expects the senate to do its duty by the president, though the pres ident fails to perform his duty to the senate. Possibly the senators think Mr. Wil son is a candidate for a third term. He may be, though it is not likely. He certainly will not be, if the treaty is ratified. Presumably, the president is more anxious about the treaty than he is about his successor. Presumably, too, he will do all he can to secure its adop tion. One good way a certain way is for him to make it clear that he will not again be a candidate for presi dent. It should be no sacrifice for a president whose first candidacy was based on a platform with a resounding singie-terra pianic. HOOVERIZING IX BUSINESS. . The several accomplishments requi site to success of salesmen who go abroad to sell American goods formed the text of an ironic but instructive address by William Pigott of Seattle at the national foreign trade council on the characteristic waste and ex tra vagance of the American people as carried into business, where they swell overhead expenses. To this cause he attributed our inability to compete with the foreigner in some things, a,nd nis aavice is to scaie aown extrava gance, and increase efficiency if we expect to secure affair proportion of foreign trade. He described the ex pense in the shape of automobiles, managers and assistants with which business is loaded and suggested some ways to reduce overhead. He would cut out a third of personal expenses in the way of .luxuries, a third of the go-between3 and middlemen, would make the higher-ups do at least 25 per cent mow work and cut down their office room and expenses oVie third. He would "have the working man increase his efficiency at least a third and would cut out the present unreasonable w"aste of materials." The extravagance which prevails Is ascribed to the flush times of war by Mr. Pigott, but that may be only the latest splurge of the spendthrift. Be- hind it may be the feeling of the spender that he is spending some oth er person's, usually the company's, money. If the need of economy, oc casionally Restrains him, fear of being called a "tightwad" has a contrary ef fect. In former times, when "the old man" ran the business himself after building it up from small beginnings, or when each of two partners took charge of a department, there was a close watch on expenses, there was no superfluity of managers and assist ants, and a clerk who was disposed to growl at late hours was silenced by the fact that "the old man" stayed on the job himself. But in these days the old man has sold out to a corporation, and his name, retained for the sake of the good will it brings, is his sole re maining connection with the business. Prestige requires swell offices, auto mobiles and a corps of managers and assistants who arrive late and leave early. The company is an impersonal thing. owned bv unknown people scat- t j ..... '. " nlant nnri -,,, th.i, r,cwiD h , . . I i i.,' . i x . ' he .,nion(i,,ci . .,-,,, L know, much less of a thousand such men, so the little leaks occur, the easy ways creep in, and the same spirit descends the line to the office boy. Conditions are returning which will compel American business men to avoid waste, to work a full day and to inspire desire for efficiency all along the line by the only sure means--ap-peal to self-interest. Manufacturers are engaging in competition with na tions wherewith it is a case of root. hog, or die. These competitors have learned many of the tricks on which Americans hitherto relied. IXVKST IN MARKET ROADS. An illustration of the benefits that would accrue to local road districts from the proposed millage tax for market roads is given in a communica tion to the Rogue River Courier. The Murphy road district in Jose phine county is cited. It could vote to raise $1000 for road work; the county would then match this $1000 and the total of $2000 would be matched from the state fund, making In all $4000 to be expended on perma nent roads in that district. An advantage of the millage tax pro posal is that it would distribute the cost burden of road-building more gen erally. In the illustration given the cities and towns in Josephine county would contribute to the cost of roads in Murphy district and addition would com to the same fund from Mult nomah county, for Multnomah -would put into the state fund more than it would withdraw. The roads, moreover. instead of being built under the varied methods of the old supervisor system, would be of standard construction. Surveys would be made, grades estab lished and specifications prepared by the state highway department without cost to the district. It 1s a plan for co-operation and assistance that should appeal strongly to the rural districts which would get more than one dollar's worth of roads for every dollar Ihey raised by taxa tion, while it should appeal equally to the towns and cities as a means of extending markets and stabilizing real property values and as an encourage ment to use of idle lands. The market road Is a. profitable in vestment for everybody. ASSIMTLATION OF THE tilPhV. The ethnologist, the sociologist and the economist will find a common in terest in a recent news dispatch about a collision in one of tho southern states between a high-powered auto mobile of a party of gipsies and the less expensive car of an American woman, in which several members of the gipsy band came to grief. It Is not that automobile accidents are un common, but that we have not learned to associate the gipsy with a modern, and especially an expensive means of locomotion. Almost from time im memorial he has been supposed to be a horse-trader, when not a fortune teller or just a thief. Hut two things about him have invested him with the glamor of romance. His aloofness, the jealousy with which ho guarded his tribal secrets and even his lan guage, his racial purity, preserved through centuries, have made him a man of mystery. And his persistent nomadism has helped preserve the illusion. It may be suspectcl that it is tho bit of gipsy in most men, how ever veneered by civilization, that in tensifies interest in the real gipsy in a modern day. But the gipsy driving a high-priced car while millions of Americans spin along the road in flivvers calls at tention to some of the popular errors concerning gipsies in . general. As to the supposed intransigeant character of their racial and social habits, there are a few statistics to refute prevail ing notions. Hungary, of all the coun tries in Europe, had taken the most pains before the war to obtain ac curate data on the subject. These showed that of a total of 274.000 gip sies, no fewer than 24 3,000 were "settred," more than 20,000 were partly settled, and some 9000, or less than one in thirty, still were nomads. The proportion probably holds good in central Europe. Another tradition which goes by the board at the same time is the one that they have suc ceeded In preserving a pure language. The fact is that local Influences have so profoundly changed their dialects that gipsies of widely separated lands can no longer understand one another. The type of gipsy who drives an auto mobile in the United States has little in common with those who in Armenia or Greece still cling to the customs which they may have imported from Asia. It seems that nothing is able to re sist the influence of occidental prog ress. The noble discontent of the west is all-pervading. Efficiency untimately conquers. The modern western gipsy has given up his band of horses be cause of the high price of oats and hay, probably for no other reason. He be comes more and more able to converse with the "outcast" in the latter's own language. He even lives in a modern house. Life in a tent is no longer for him and his family. As he becomes a progressive citizen, we shall lose inter est in him. It is conceivable that in time he will learn to like work, and then the last vestige of romance will be gone.. The supposition that gipsies could trace their ancestry to the Bible was based "on one ot the manuscript hoaxes of the middle ages, which has not sur vived the light of critical investigation In an early version of the book of Genesis appeared this passage: Hagar had a child from whom were bom the Chaltsmide. When Hairar had that child, she named it Ismael. from whom the lfeinuelltes descended who journey through the land. . . . They sell only things with blemishes, and whatever they sell they ask more tor it than Its real value. They cheat tile people to whom tiicy zeil. They have no home, no country, they in satis fied to live In tents, they wander over the country, they cheat, men but rob no one noisily. I The one respect in which the gipsy seems not to have changed materially is in regard to his respect for the rights of property of others. Singular per sistence of this trait probably accounts for excesses of persecution which have marked his treatment in many lands. He has been, upon the whole, no more popular in a new community than a horse thief on a western range. But even this may succumb to the influence of twerrTieth century ways. Possessing, for example, a $5000 car, the former nomad is likely to appreciate, not only the value of locks and bolts, but also the protection of the law. . And the alarming story that great numbers of these "undesirables" have, immigrated to the United States to avoid the obli gations of war abroad probably is greatly exaggerated. We have little to fear from this source since the new immigration restrictions went into ef- u."1 ici. i ne melting pot will have oppor u"lty to complete its perfect work. with absorption of the gipsy will dis appear the last vestige of another race whlcI found it impossible in the midst (f civilization to exist for itself alone. CLAMS: SPRIGHTLY AND OTHKRUISK. The Oregonian is indebted to Mr. E. H. Elagg of Warrenton for the fal lowing letter, because it gives oppor tunity to supply a few words inad vertently omitted from a previous editorial article, and to dispense a little scientific information for the benefit of the unenlightened: In a recent editorial yon speak of catching sand" smelt with a JlgKer as being fullv as exciting as clam dlRcIng," which, permit me to nay, is a slander on one of l'lalop county's game flbh. and demonstrates that you know absolutely nothing about the razor clam, and mtoht have been thinking of the human member of tho famllv, wnlrli. of course, la stupid. nfow and easily caught on a Jigger, or any other contraption. Clams are agile and eluslte. and no one or sedentary habits (editors and such has any business pursuing them. Thev on through the sand on ClatHOp beaches at an astonishing speed, and the onlv wav I on ever get them Is to "dig" for thein after tney nave been dug. The sentence, of course, should have read that catching Puget sound smelt with a jigger is fully as exciting as clam-digging on Puget sound. We are familiar with several varieties of Puget sound clam the butter clam, the cockle clam, tho horse clam and the geodck. None is so sprightly or so hunter-wise as the Clatsop razor. The nearest approach on Puget sound to the Clatsop razor clam in sophisti cation is the geoduck, but bagKing geoducks can hardly be called a com mon beach sport because they can be hunted on those rare occasions when there is a maximum seasonal run-oul or the tide. The geoduck (pronounced go-ee-duck in spite of what the dictionaries may say) is so big and fleshy that he cannot withdraw entirely within his shell. His shells are preposterously small and his neck preposterously long. When the neck is distended he resembles a snake with a bad case of goitre; when the neck is contracted he looks for all the world like dressed duck with a fat breast, minus the legs. The hunter approaches the geoduck feeding grounds with extreme caution. Silence is imperative. His erniinment should include a mahet, a stake and a long-handled shovel. The geoduck spouts two streams instead of the one that discloses the location of the com mon clam. The hunter drives in the stake where the streams have spouted. If he digs straight down the geoduck senses danger and removes elsewhere with all the celerity of a razor clam. The stake is merely for location. The wise hunter attacks the geoduck on tl)e flank. In other words he digs a deep hole a foot or two away. The geoduck sits tight and lauslis to him self thinking the hunter has made a blunder. But the hunter, when he reaches tho required depth, makes a quirk assault on the side of his exca vation and out tumbles the geoduck. Now, anybody who has hunted Clat sop razors knows that that gamey fish is too temperamental to endure quietly any excavations in his vicinity. As our correspondent indicates, speed, skill and knowledge of his habits are re quired of hunters for the razor clam. It would be on interesting study to determine what element or nature it is that makes even the clams of Puget sound lethargic in comparison with their animated cousins of Oregon. But so it is. Clam-digging on the sound is plain hard work. On Clatsop beach it is exciting sport. Yes, Portland is a "bad town." There is gambling, bootlegging and all kinds of vice, for there are here all kinds of people and many. The munici pal court shows a good balance of fines collected and the jailers show fair-sized food bills for those in deten tion, and, on the whole, don't you think it might be worse? Even Moses, thousands of years ago, had his troubles and did his best, just as civic officials are doing now. The general assembly is composed of earnest, sincere men, and if all the world believed with them there would be no Sunday papers and the hardest worked men and women could lie abed until near church time; but, alas, mil lions would be so intoxicated with sleep the next day as to be unfit for work, and the Sunday paper will con tinue, growing in size apace .with the demand. Next Tuesday will be "chuckhole" day in Baker county. The name ex plains the object. There are thirty- five more counties in this state in cluding Multnomah, too that can fol low the progressive eastern Oregon county to advantage. Municipal ownership is the remedy for labor trouble. Seattle carmen, for the asking, get the eight-hour day and time and one-half. Can anything be nicer? The war has shown that a three year course at West Point is as good as using four to graduate a. shavetail. If Ruth Garrison is content to re main in the insane ward she shows a surprising streak of sanity. - Having seen Haywood go to jail to stay, the I. W. W. in convention has no further use for him. What the Klks undertake they finish, and the Salvation army drive is an ussured success. Possibly Woodrow hates to come back to a "dry" Washington after Paris. Recall how a year ago we were con serving sugar? -Do not waste it by using too much on your strawberries. Dr. Morrow ceases to be a war-horse to become "big Injun." See that dotted line, Mr. Hun? Sign there today, f Those Who Come and Go. Every section of Union county is be- ' ing campaigned for the 6 per cent measure on the ballot, reports Bruce Dennis of La Grande. "If this measure carries." says Mr. Dennis. "Union coun ty will hold a road bond election to issue II. 500,000 of bonds. This sum will be matched by the state and with the resultant 3. 000.000 Union county win have a nara-suri'aoed road from Kamela to North Powder and from La Grande to Minam. with a branch to Covo and another branch to Summer ville. This programme cannot be car ried out unless the ti. per cent measure carries, and that is why the campaign is being conducted for 11." It would have been a hard winter for H. R. DeArmond of Vale if Wilson had not been re-elected. Mr. DeArniond bet everything he had and then, to put in the finishing touch, he bet the money he had set aside for fuel. Had Wilson been defeated DeArniond woulu have been compelled to keep his house warm by burning sagebrush. Mr. DeArmond came to Portland to attend the democratic state central commit tee meeting. He is a director of the Warm Springs irrigation project in Malheur county, which Is now niovins toward completion; at leat the con crete is being poured in the dams. Hrrs races, the regular old-fashioned sort, will be held at Condon for four days, beginning June 10. says Prank Smith, merchant k of Condon. There is a good track and plenty of fast animals are available, sind the. racing season promises to loosen up a lot of spare change, and In that sec tion r horse race is never run-' without something being bet on the side. For seven years Mr. Smith has. been at Condon and before that he was for six years at Kossil. and. from the way he talk?, husines must be pretty goon up that way. Mr. Smith is at the Hotel Oregon. "Nothina; is more Important to the country east of the Cascades than tho Irrigation measure on the ballot." says I. J. Gallagher, "anil noihitiK is trfbre important to the cost counties than the Roosevelt highway. Hoth Khoul-I pass and I believe they will." Mr. Gal lanher is one of the authors of the Irri gation measure, which Is generally referred to as the Gallagher irrigation plan. He arrived at the Imperial yes terday for the purpose of devoting the next two weeks to advocating these two measures and the reconstruction measure in the Willamette valley. Vive le Kranee, a contented row that holds the world's championship, is owned by Ovirl Firkard of Marion. Or., who was in Portland yesterday. Mr. Pickard is just about as proud of this bovine as king would be In owning the Kohlnoor. Vive le Kranco has yielded 14.924 pounds of cow sap in a year and, aside from tills milk record, there was a little matter of 131 pounds of butter .fat. R. N. Stanfielrl. who was in the city yesterday, is trying to arrange hid business affairs so that he can take the stump for the reconstruction measure, the irrigation measure and the Roosevelt highway measure, air of which are to be voted on at the special election in Juno. As a member of the reconstruction committee, Mr. Stan field Is particularly interested in the passage of these measures, explaining that they are of vital necessity for the development of the state and for open ing up latent resources. Wool buyers have been called off lately because of the way the prices have dropped. Pan O'Laughlin of Suit Lake, with headquarters at St. Louis and originally from Ireland, registered a the Imperial yesterday. He is a wo-1 i.uyer nut today will browse around among the wool men of Portland. Grant Smith, one of the biggest con tractors operating in this country, ar rived at the Multnomah hotel yester day. He-Is one of the principal stock holders In the hotel and one of the principal owners of the Grant Smith Porter shipyard. He registers as from tt. Paul. C I,. Shaw, president of Albany Creamery association, was at the Alult r.onmh vesterday attending the big dairy meeting. "Vfr making better butter tbau ever down Albany way." declared Mr. Shaw. And Albany got ilie gold medal, first prize award at the Northwestern dairy products .-how in Boise. Jesse Karl, who bail from Tilla mook, the land of heewe. says there v.-as a time when Tillamook light was known ns a warning to keep folks away from that coast. Now the cheese, the good roadH an-1 the great climate beckon folks and they are flocking Til lamook wn id. H. j. Hickerson of Bay City, on tho Oregon coast, is at tho Nortonia for a few dayn. Hay t'ity is Kprucing ui. with lumber operations preparing to get under way and the water on the bar getting deeper at every tide. Mrs. W. F. Ostium, who lias been conducting the Hotel Osburn at Ku gene. Is at the Hotel Portland. She met her relatives, Lieutenant-Oom-mander V. N. Osburn and his wife, at the hotel. s A. H. Chambers, an old-timer of Olympla. Wash., is in town to buy fancy stock, which he has a habit of doing from time to time. He is a( tho Perk Ins. Don LaRoe. who has been at tho Foley hotel at La Grando for a long time, is In the city looking around and is staying at the Perkins. R. I. Bull, who has been sick in a hospital for a week, returned to the Multnomah yesterday, thankful to be out again. He is a I'hiladelphian. James K. RIackwell of Seattle, chief engineer of the United States shipping, board for this district, is among the arrivals at the Perkins. The Plog family of Hood River are at the Perkins. There are Mr. and Mrs. John K. Plog, Olga Plog, Edna Plog, Harry Plog and Louise Plog. Motoring from The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Houghton and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kuck are arrivals at the Nor tonia. Where Audiences Differ. Harper's. The conduct of audiences is. of all the differences between England and ourselves. thet one that smites most squarely in the face. An American au dience sits receptive. It Is like a pitch er: you ran fill it up with what vou will froth. If you like; it signifies but two emotions, enthusiasm and bore dom. Knglish audiences of working people are like an instrument that re sponds to the player; thought ripples up and down- them, and- if in some heart the speaker strikes a dissonance there is a swift answer. Always the voice speaks from the gallery or pit. the terrible voice which detaches Itself in every English crowd, full of coustic wit. full of irony, or, maybe, approval. The voice of the canny, ,skept tc.-u Kng llshman who will joke the prime min ister, an 1 heard him do in Newcastle, or interrupt Bernard Shaw with a per tinent question. So in Kngland a po litical meeting is a living thing. On cannot ever tell how It will turn out. and not one single one Is like another, and each lias timbre and quality, peo ple do not attend them In any passive spirit. They do not merely go to be In formed or . pleased: they 6o to take part and I wish to heaven that that mellifluous oratory which flows un checked over the resistless hytds of our long-suffering American audiences could be confronted witli the ribald skepticism of Tyncslde iiumi or the sapi ent shrewdness of Lancashire. "Chou Farci a la Ru8e," or How the Cabbage Pays the Overhead. Hy James J. MontaKne. 'It was just a cabbage, innocent of overhead, when Tony Iorocci. who brought it into being, plucked It from the clinging earth and laid it tenderly in the tonnesu of a. battered flivver. ' Tony got 3 cents for it from the Inter national Produce company, after coin mission, demurrage charges, cratage and deterioration had been deducted. He was very glad to get the 3 cents, together with other similar amounts from other similar cabbages. That night there was cliiitnti on the table of the Ioroccis. The International Produce company parted with the cabbage the same aft ernoon to Clancy, the uptown green grocer, for 8 cents. Clancy is a close buyer, but nobody ever wheedled the International Produce company into operating an eleemosynary institution. Clancy's customers came and went, for the next ensuing days, picked up the cabbage, dug their lingers Into it. peeled off the outside petals and sought to penetrate its vitals. Rut when they Inquired its price and were told that it was 23 cents, they decided that they could take it or leave it alone, and elected to leave it alone. For by this time the cabbage had begun to gather overhead. It was charged with the shoes Clancy's driver had blown out last week, with the rhiuestone tiara Miss Nora Clancy had worn to the chowder ol the Thomas J. Kinnrgan association, with the light, beat and rent, and with the barrel of bourbon Clancy had laid in against the first of July. Conalde; ir.g these items 2." cents seemed reasonable. Still it withered on the vegetable stand. Twenty-five rents Is 2r. rents, even in these days of 80-eent highba-lls. Nevertheless, it was a cabbage of destiny. Three nights later Nikolas Adrianopaulus. the French chef at Whaley's. needed cabbage for the sim ple evening meal which Mr. Whaley provides for his patron. Came the cabbage then, to Whaley's. And on such a night! Molly Ma lime, who tells tunefully how she kisses the dear fingers so toil worn for her. said she couldn't sing that night tinles she got a new con tract for fifty more a wtek. Five members of the jazz hand on the evening before had become intoxi cated with their own music or some thing else, and failed to show up. Their places had to be euuplled with extras, who demanded 3 each more than the scale. Two helnted patrons in the cold gray dawn of the same morning had dis covered that they were no match for the wniters. hut only after six caraffes and UK wonh of table service lay in triangular fragments on the floor. And to add the last straw, the hat check boy had judiciously given a seedy atranger a thousand dollar fur coat bryongitig to a regular patron. The stranger took the coat avidly and hur ried out into the night to be swal lowed up by the great city. On such a night, as we have related, ranie tlio cabbage to the kitchen at Whaley's. And there, on its Innocent head was visited the consequences of avarice of Mally Malone and the jazzers. the mis guided pugnacity of the belated guests, and the fatal judgment of the hat checK hoy. Whether or no. the cabbage had to" do its share, and it did it nobly. Each item of loss was prorated upon It. Up ami up and up went its value. It came from tho pot a cabbage, true enough, and exhmled an aroma that made Casey the rop. standing his lonelv vigil outside, lick his chops and w ish h chad a neat little wife in a neat tittle gown in a neat little flat in the Lronx. But 10 minutes later! "H-m." mused Mimi Montmorency, the manicure, toying daintily with the bill affair, "I'm e"na have some o' that." j.'hoti farri ala Russe. JI.S3!" read he out-of-town buyer, following Minii's taper fingers to the spot where they had settle. 1. Sounds like sonic kind o' dessert. "Aw" rl, kid, go as far as vou like!" In came the Chou Farci ala Russe, and. from the hands of George the waiter, was slid deftly before Mimi. Her nosirils lifted a little. Her fork raised a fragment of the delicacy to her pearly lips. l.ooks like cabbage," observed the out-or-town buyer. "I'll say It is cahbage." said Mimi. "an-1 a dollar and eighty-five a throw. Ain't that a atrociu?" iim.s oi i.i)ni:rri;n look hit Srrerant Hrovtn Will Revive French Love It Mot Treated Ilrltrr. PORTLAND. May 20. fTo tho IM- I or. i I hi'.ve a little experience of which 1 would like to tell; maybe it will i some good. i nave returned rrom overseas just two mouths ago and know a little of what 1 am tulking about. The American soldier who has served from six niontns to two years in France can vouch truly for what I snv. The American soldier when in France was treated with the utmost. respect by everyone. Kveryone always had a wel come ready tor him. Tim oung women thought whole lot of the American solilier and when associated together were i he very best of friends. The French girl was always very pleasing to the American friend. They would go out together and spend the Uay on some nice boulevard or place of amusemerft, and regardless whether he had a lot of money or not. they held always that open friendship to him. And, of course, tiny socn got married and every day linds a boat coming in with some war brides. Now. the American girl is different. Since I have come back I have gone out with a. lot of girls, and whenever I wouldn't spend my money where they wanted me to, they got all ruffled up and treated me very cool. You won't find that with the French girl. I have talked with several boys. Just come hack, ami they say the same thing as 1, and some are going to send over for their former friend from France. Does one have to he a millionaire nowadays to have a girl friend? I have served 18 months overseas and I can make a good home over there better than over here. The American girls had better give this a good thought ,md be a little n ore careful, or they will find us all k "ng back over again. Now, .et's see if we can't make this country of ours a little more liked by nil overseas men. Wake up and show signs of life! Yours for a French mademoiselle. SOT. ART HUH W. BKoW.V, 102 Infantry, Portland. lnnorts to Holland. roilXKl.ll'S. Or.. May 19. (To the Fditor.) What chance has a man of being allowed to travel to Holland next month? Person in question is a born Hollander, but a naturalized citizen of the I'nited States. It would not be a pleasure tri;. The person is needed there. ! Would he have to have a pass port? t2) If so. where, and of whom should he gut it? (3) How long would it take? RUADlilt. 1 Passports are necessary. Git Apply at Cnited States court, Portland, or county clerk. Hlllsboro. " Application must go to Washing ton and about tlvree weeks is required to obtain passport. In Other Days. Twenty-five Years Ago. From The Oregonian of M .r ?'.. ISO I. Helena. Forty-three Coxeyiics, In cluding the leaders captured at For sythe by the military have appeared before Judge Knowles and been sen tenced to county jail for terms rang'.njj from 20 days to six months. A meeting will be held this evening in Judge liullock's office for the pur pose of arranging an appropriate cele bration of the opening of the Burn-side-street bridge. The Bull Run pipeline would have been connected with the reservoir at .Mount Hood Saturday, but for the heavy rain. By tomorrow night the connection will be made. The first Oregon strawberries of the season made their appearance in the market Saturday.. Fifty Tears Ago. London. The only surviving son of Robert Burns, the poet, is now living at Cheltenham. E. F. Schrader, an old citizen of Portland, died very suddenly yesterday ot an apopletio stroke. At the quarterly conference of the Methodist church of Portland thcuo trustees were elected: W. S. Iidd, Cinclnnatus Bills. A. C. Gibbs, W. il. Walklns. George Abernethy. ,. Stansbury. K. J. Northrup. W. Cornell and A. Walts. A goose belonging to Thomas Moun tain "shuffled off this mortal coii" yesterday at the xp of r years. Boasters. Ily (irarr llnll. Man vaunts his powers and loudly doth proclaim His rare Inventions, yielding wealth and fame; A' hit of wood or steel, well-f ashioncd. may procure T - M 1 1 1 1 r f 1 in',. tk,i V. . t -. ...... secure From want: and thus, his coffers well I dilated. He rolls in satisfaction, eelf-clated. I Man boasts his strengtn of arm. his broadened chest. And strives with .padded fist to beat and wrest From one less husky, co-called victory J tnings. That may accrue beside tho roped-in rin ks ; And. having won by knocks and cuffs and blows. He struts about and mighty ignorance fchows! Man vaunts his prowess of a mental kind; No stone is left unturned where ho may find. lrcneath. a bit of knowledge, new or old A little metal nugget, quarts or jtold And having heaved his mite into the mint. He quickly dons the intellectual squint! Oh. funny little man! How very small Your best achievements measure, alter all! Of all there is to learn, to know, to do. Perhaps a single credits given you. Then on this token you at once descend. And flaunt it in ureu-t triumph to life a end! I'llOI'KIt' Wfli: FOR Olll SMF.LT (orrr-tpoailest Irefer r.ulrhon,'' lllvcr Hreflx. Pacific railroad man wants to rob Columbia river smelt our smelt of its well-known name and give it earK to the Indians. The writer believes that your article is .somewhat misleading and laeTtinc in information. I believe that you will find that about the early part of 191T Doctor David Starr Jordan of Stanford university - look up this matter of name with the U. S. bureau of fish eries, calling their attention to the fact the so-called "Columbia river snie.lt" are not smelt but eulachon spelled ami pronounced by Canadian Indians "oolichan." The eulachon. or Columbia river smelt a we call them, are tar superior to the Sound smelt or tho California smelt; and it was for the. purpose of distinguishing them from the inferior species that it was sug gested to the bureau to establish tho correct name. The bureau of firh- rtou L.w nmH the name of eulachon in PORTLAND. May 20. (To the Kdi- 'I tor.) I refer to the editorial in the I Oregonian headed "Oolachan" in which I you Mate that a prominent Canadian I bulletins and advertising matter for 11 nhout two vears. V And from our local viewpoint: whit we are glad to see tho "Columbia river" brand on any article of merit, the word "smelt" has been a serious handicap in marketing this delectable fish be yond local territory, where the word "smelt" confuses same with Inferior species. Why not call them Columbia, river eulachous? A SL'BSCRIBICK. If the correspondent means to imply that "eulachon" has a scientific basS he is mistaken. The scientific name ot ( the Columbia river smelt is thaleiclithys Paclficus. If he desires encyclopedic authority he will find this first desig- nated in such works as the candle fish. "Kulaehon," alsVi spelled "oolachan," "oolichan'' and "oolakan." is the native name in British Columbia and Alaska for the candle fish, according to the Century dictionary. ( One undeslrability of "eulachon" as a name for the Columbia river smelt Is its local application In San Francisco to the Pacific coal fish, variously known also as the pollack, skilfish and beshow. It may not be generally known in Portland that in British Columbia oil is extracted from the fish we know as Columbia river smelt and has com mercial recognition as eulachon or oolachan oil, a substitute for cod liver oil. Convention Boycott on Chicago. PORTLAND. May 20. (To the Fd jtor.) a recent news report staled that the new organization of sol diers and sailors turned down Chicago as their next meeting place. It seems to me these men should be imitated in this action by every organixation who will meet in convention in the future. This would be a fitting rebuke to the city that re-elected a man who was so openly pro-German during the war. It would hit Chicuso In her pocketbook, seeing she cannot be touched any oth er way. Some will say it would be un fair to the thousands of patriotic citi xetis who live In Chicago. I do not think so. It would be an assistance to these loyal citisens in helping them unload their pro-German mayor. As a Btart I notice the national con vention of display men are to meet there in convention this year. I think it reflects very much on the patriotism of Hie display men of the country to meet in this city as long as Thompson is the mayor. Portland display men should do their part by protesting the meeting in this city. STANLEY CIIARUTTB. Coins; the Whole Knit. Arthur Perry In Medford Mail Tribune. John Mann lias stuck a card up In his window reading, "A new capture of waists and gowns." This is liable to Inspire Sam Richardson to stick out a sign reading: "These pants jus: surrendered alter a hard fight." it M .