Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 21, 1919, Image 1

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VOL.. 1YVIII. SO. x 18,249. p5rtlM-l'V?nJ
this iunc
Record-Making Plane Sole
Hope of Naval Fliers.
Admiral Jackson Sends Word
That Everything Is 0. K.
for Final Effort.
fiC-3, Battered by Waves, Will
Be Dismantled and Sent
1 Back to United States.
' WASHINGTON. May 20. Tugging
Rt anchor in the harbor of Ponta Del-
f j?ada, Azores, the eeaplane NC-4, the
lone surviving entry of the American
navy for first trans-Atlantic flight
honors, awaits only morning and fa
vorable weather to start the 800-mile
slash to Iisbon, Portugal.
Lieutenant-Commander A. C. Head,
ierlkipper, hopes to "hop off" on the
third leg of the journey at 6 o'clock
in ie morning, anl believes he will
reach Lisbon before dark.
!Only Brief Stop Plan.
If all is well with the flight, an
ernight stop will be made at Lisbon
id the NC-4 will proceed on the last
ap of the trans-Atlantic journey for
lymouth, weather permitting.
The NC-4 was overhauled here to-
ila'y and took on a full supply of fuel.
Everything about the giant seaplane,
which has, so far broken all previous
distance records, is ready for the next
phase of her daring journey.
Everything in Readiness. (
After three days at Horta, where
She landed upon completion of the
record-making flight from Newfound
land, Lieutenant - Commander Albert
C. Read's big ship flew to Ponta Del
gada today, covering the 150 miles in
one hour and 44 minutes. This was at
the rate of approximately 86 miles an
Rear-Admiral Jackson, in reporting
the arrival of the NC-4 at Ponta Del
gada, said the plane was "O. K." and
Plight Commander John H. Towers to
night reported the plane to be in "ex
cellent condition."
Day Trip Planned.
'Naval officials here expect the NC-4
to get away tomorrow unless weather
tonditions are very bad. The flight
to Lisbon should not require more than
10 hours. After replenishing fuel sup
plies and being overhauled in Portu-
gal, the NC-4 will undertake the last
leg of the voyage to Plymouth, Eng
land. The NC-4 was definitely made the
Bole reliance of the American navy in
an attempt at this time to cross the
Atlantic through the air through a re
port received tonight from Comman
der Towers at Ponta Delgada, who in
formed the navy department of the
pinking at sea of the NC-1 and the
commencement of the dismantling of
the NC-3 preparatory to shipping the
plane back to the United States.
NC-1 Is Total Loss.
The NC-1, which was in command
of Lieutenant - Commander Bellinger,
sank off Corvo this afternoon, after
the United States destroyer Fairfax
was unable to salvage her. The heavy
Eeas made towing impossible and the
destroyer stood by waiting for the
weather to moderate. But the body of
the machine filled with water and the
wftigs were broken off. This, com
Wbined with the weight of the engine,
caused the plane to settle many
fathoms deep.
Previous reports had said the NC-1
was outside the port of Horta in bad
condition, and it was presumed by
navy officials here that her bow was
torn out by destroyers attempting to
tow her into port. r
NC-3 Badly Strained.
It had been thought the NC-3, de
spite the damage wroughtr during
nearly 60 hours spent on a high-running
sea, might be put into shape to
resume the flight. Commander Towers
evidently after examining his flagship
decided to leave the field to the NC-4
alone. ,
This information was received to
night at the navy department in
cablegram from Commander Towers
at Ponta Delgada, giving a general
.(Concluded on i'agii 2, Column
Resolution Adopted Urging Congress
to Sustain All Features of War
Time Prohibition Act.
ST. LOUIS, May 20. President Wil
son was criticised today by commis
sioners to the 131st general assembly
of the Presbyterian church. United
States of America, for requesting con
gress to repeal or amend the war-time
prohibition act and a resolution was
adopted urging congress to sustain the
law. President Wilson is an elder in
the church.
A copy of the resolution will be
cabled to the president. It follows:
"This assembly learns with pain that
the president of the United States has
recommended to congress that it repeal
a part of war-time prohibition and in
view of this fact we most earnestly pe
tition congress that it not only retain
the measure but that the measure be
enforced to the fullest extent, to the
end that the needs of the world for food
may be met and that the efficiency and
morale of our own people be pre
served." When the resolution was read, the
commissioners applauded for several
The Rev. Dr. W. M. Hindman of Co
lumbus, O., declared "such a- stand is
very unbecoming for an elder in the
Presbyterian church and. for a man
holding so high an office as that of the
president of the United States."
. B. E. Prugh of Harrisburg, Pa., state
chairman of the prohibition organiza
tion of Pennsylvania, asserted "this is
the second time President Wilson has
stepped in to befriend the liquor inter
ests and means the undoing of all that
has been done."
Enforcement of war-time prohibition
was emphasized further in the report
of the temperance committee, which re
quested congress to "oppose all efforts
to rescind any part of war-time prohi
bition to become effective July 1." The
report advocated world prohibition.
The committee deplored the use of
cigarettes, especially by women, and
urged upon Presbyterians the non-use
of them.
AH San Francisco Joins in Tribute
to Naval Battlers.
SAN FRAN CISCO, May 20. While the
old battleship Oregon, the cruiser Mar-
blehead and a fleet of smaller naval
vessels swung at anchor in the bay,
San Francisco put on a big display in
honor of the navy, marines and coast
guard hero today. In the pageant
through the heart of the city naval,
units were represented.
Floats depicted the scenes through
which the marines passed at Belleau
Wood and Chateau Thierry. After brier
addresses at the city auditorium the
paraders sat down to long tables ar
ranged picnic style in the civic center.
The programme was to continue until
late tonight.
Wireless Plant on Coos Bar Can
Also Rear France and Guam.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. May 20. (Spe
cial.) The naval radio station at En-
glewood which recently picked up mes
sages being transmitted from Lyon?,
France, has conversed with the station
at Hawaii and received messages des
patched from Guam, due to recent
equipment, particularly receivers, in
stalled at a cost of $10,000.
Chief Radio Operator Charles A.
Stumpf declares the station hears at
first hand practically everything that
is going on at sea along the Pacific
coast of the United States. Additional
operators have lately been posted here,
and there are now eight experts em
ployed during the 24 hours of each day
Ruth St. Denis Insures0 Fingers and
Tootsies for $1,000,000.
Ruth St. Denis, a
appearing here in
C. May 20. Miss
California dancer
vaudeville, today
placed with Lloyds,
the British insur
ance house, a million-dollar accident
policy covering her fingers and toes
during the next two weeks, C. Gardiner
Johnson, local representative of Lloyds,
announced today.
Mr. Johnson said Miss St. Denis holds
an American policy, but found it would
not be valid while she was playing in
Canada. The amount of premium was
not announced.
Water Storage Held Responsible for
San Salvador Shake-Up.
WASHINGTON, May 20 Scientists
employed by the San Salvador gov
eminent have reported that the re
cent earthquake which killed 50 people,
injured many more and caused between
$5,000,000 and $10,000,000 damage to
property in the city of San Salvador,
was caused by the enormous storage
of water in Lake Ilopango, according
to dispatches received today by the
Salvador legation
The lake's level, which had been
raised by the storage of water in It for
irrigation and power, will be lowered.
2 2 Quarts of Whisky Bring Owner
22-Day Jail Term.
SEATTLE, Wash.. May 20. One day
in jail for every quart was the sen
tence passed upon Luko Nicholich. a
miner, arrested recently" in Tacoma
with 22 quarts of whisky in his pos
session. He pleaded guilty.
He will serve his-time in the Pierce
county, jail." " "' ."-
Second Leg of Trip Ends at
Trepassey Bay. .?
Ships Send Up S' .e Clouds
to Catch Aviailr's Eye.-
Commander of Naval Airplane NC-1
". Writes Narrative Just Before
Start lor Azores Islands.
The Oregontan presents herewith Lieutenant-Commander
Bellinger's personal nar
rative of the flight from Kocltaway Beach to
Trepassey bay, Newfoundland. This article
was written Just before the NC-1, in com
pany with the NC-3 and NC-4, started on
the great flight for the Azores. It Is now
definitely known the NC-1 is officially "out
of it," having become practically a wreck
in the heavy seas off the Azores. Lieutenant-Commander
Bellinger and his men
were rescued, however, and are now at
Horta. The following article was tele
graphed from Trepassey bay Just before
j.uicnant-uommander Bellinger "hopped
(Copyright by the New York World and
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. All rights re
served. No part of this dispatch may be
used without permission.)
TKtPASSET BAY, IN. F.. May 20.
(Special.) On the memorable day of
May 3, 1919. the NC-seaplane division
uuuoiaung qi is-i, ana NC-4, was
placed in regular commission at the
naval air station at Rockaway, N. Y.
The personnel of these seaDlanes was
placed in the same status as if the of
ficers were attached to seagoing vessels
of the navy. The personnel assigned to
NC-1 was commanding officer and nav
igator, Lieutenant-Commander P. N. L.
Bellinger; first pilot. Lieutenant' L. T.
Barin; second pilot. Lieutenant-Com
mander N. A. Nitscher; operator. Lieu
tenant H. G. Sadenvaler, U. S. N. R. F.;
pilot engineer. Warrant Machinist A. R.
Christensen: engineer, Chief Machinist's
Mate A, C. L Kesler.
Men Have Not Too Much Sleep.
The day of the first leg of the trans
Atlantic iiignt was set and everyone
was standing by, but there Was no in
activity because it only was by rushing
work in day and night shifts that we
could make everything ready in antici
pation of the start, and the crews that
stepped aboard for the first leg were
by no means an overslept lot. " The
order waa given by Commander Towers
to stand by, and soon the motors on
all planes were turning over slowly,
being warmed up and made ready for
the getaway.
Wo left Rockaway at 10:09 A. M., May
8, bound for Halifax. NC-3 plane got
into the air first, next NC-4 and finally
NC-1. The formation was in accord-
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.)
-----.-.o,p.A-!-. - AO.WAA,.A ....--. Sj. -' .''.. ilA.m.MJAJ. Jt JUJ-..sss Jt -o
Belief Is Expressed That Trouble
Between Two Wings or Party
Has Been Adjusted.
WASHINGTON. May 20. Possibility
that the progressive group of repub
lican senators might take no part in the
selection of senate committees was re
moved today by the appointment by re
publican leader Lodge of Senators Mc
Nary, of Oregon, and Gronna, of North
Dakota, both allied with the progres
sive wing, to places on the party com
mittee on committees, and acceptance of
the former.
Although no reply had been received
from the North Dakota senator tonight,
it was believed that the differences,
which resulted first in Senators Borah,
of Idaho, and Johnson, of California,
and later in Senators Kenyan, of Iowa,
and Jones, of Washington, declining
appointments on the committee, had
been adjusted.
The committee on committees, which
makes all republican committee assign
ments in the senate, at a meeting to
day was understood to have agreed on
concessions to the democrats In the
membership of the appropriations com
mittee, which under previous plani
would consist in the new senate of 12
republicans and 8 democrats. The com
mittee, however, declined to entertain
any suggestions as to giving the mi
nority a larger representation on the
foreign relations, interstate commerce
and finance committees.
Five senators belonging to the pro
gresslve republican group. Senators Bo
rah, Johnson, Jones, Kenyon, of Iowa,
and Norrls, of Nebraska, met today to
discuss the organization. Senator Bo
rah announced after the meeting that
no final plans had been reached.
Norwegian Bark Superior Reported
Lost Arrives at New York.
NEW YORK, May 20. Three months
after the 50-year-old Norwegian bark
Superior became a "mystery of the
sea." by "disappearing" off the Island
of Ball in the Malay archipelago on a
voyage from Manila to New York, the
vessel arrived here today with her cap
tain unaware that his ship had been
given up as lost.
The crew was recruited in San Fran
Cisco before the ship sailed from that
port for the Philippines la December,
Captain Hansen explained that after
he and the crew, believing the Superior
was going on the rocks, put out in two
lifeboats toward shore, the wind
veered and his own boat returned to
the ship. Meanwhile the mate and
six of the crew went ashore, and be
lievlng the vessel nan been lost, so
Corcan and Chinese Who Served In
Army Held Eligible.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 20. Asiatics
who served with American military
forces during the world war are eligible
to American citizenship under the nat
uralization law enacted by congress in
May. 1918, Federal District Judge F. H.
Rudkln ruled yesterday. He granted
Citizenship to Chong Cha, a native of
Corea. and Lui Hoy Hong, Chinese.
Searching Planes Called
in Because of Gale.
Latest Belief Is That Accident
Sent Flier Down.
Raynbam, Oloott and Brown Ready
to Make Effortlat Non-Stop
Flight Record.
LONDON. May 20, 11 P. M. (By the
Associated Press.) Up to this hour
there is no word of Harry Hawker and
his navigator, Lieutenant-Commander
Grieve, who left St. Johns Sunday to
attempt a non-stop flight to Ireland,
Not a single report has been received
from any of the numerous airplanes,
destroyers, minesweepers and light
craft of all descriptions which have
swept the seas off Ireland.
Their task has been hampered by
fog and rain.
In an official communique just is
sued justifying- the attitude of the gov
eminent in relation to the cross-Atlan
tic flight which has ended in disaster,
the admiralty warns the public that in
view of the vast areas Involved the
chance of finding Hawker and Grieve
are very remote.
Government lt(ti Cnntlon.
The communique, referring to recent
criticisms, says that the attitude of the
air ministry has been to enjoin caution,
rather than to urge' such attempts, and
while anxious to do the utmost to save
such gallant and Intrepid airmen as
Hawker and Grieve, the government
feels bound to warn those who may in
the future attempt to fly the Atlantic
that its resources make it utterly im
possible that the immense task of
patrolling 2000 miles of ocean can be
All communication centers in London
are silent as to news from Hawker and
Lieutenant-Commander Grieve. - Even
the rumors which prevailed yesterday
and last night have died out. I'he. opin
ion held in admiralty circles ia that
Hawker came to grief soon after he
Sadden Fall. Theory.
It is pointed out that the aviator al
most certainly would have sent a fare
well message before getting out of
radio range, had an accident not be
fallen him suddenly.
ST. JOHNS. N. F.. May 20. Frederick
P. Raynham, the British aviator whose
intention to attempt the ocean flight
simultaneously with Harry G. Hawker,
believed to have been lost at sea, came
to grief when his Martinsyde plane was
wrecked while running to the "take
off," announced today that he was in
(Concluded on Pace 3. Column '1. )
Malady Described as Symptoms ol
Brlghts Disease, Aggravated by
Internal Complications.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. May 20. (Special. )
With little or no apparent prospect
of ever regaining his former health and
vigor. Governor Lister was taken from
Olympia today In an ambulance for the
second time this year. He went to con
sult specialists at Seattle as the result
of a relapse he suffered several weeks
ago after he had so far recovered
strength as to be able to ride down
town and visit the executive offices.
Speedy development of stomach trouble
ensued beyond which the governor has
made no progress since
The most optimistic of the governor's
friends now concede hopelessness of his
ever becoming a well man. It is not
thought likely that he will make any
attempt to reassume the governor's
office for the remaining 18 months ol
his term.
Although obviously seriously stricken
when the legislature assembled in Jan
uary, Governor Lister remained at his
office for several days, and when taken
home continued for some time to direct
executive affairs through Attorney
General W. V. Tanner and Dr. Henry
Suzzalo, serving in advisory capacity.
In a short time he was taken In what
many feared to be a dying condition to
the Western Washington hospital to be
under direct care of Dr. W. N. Keller,
superintendent of that institution.
Inference from this that the gover
nor's mind was affected annoyed hira
so that he returned to Olympia on
March 14 and has remained here until
today. His malady is described as
symptoms of Brlght's disease, aggra
vated with internal complications af
fecting other vital organs.
Governor Lister is 49 years old.
Car and Clothes Are Found Near
River, Owner Missing.
CORVALLIS, Or., May 20. (Special.)
J. Cronenberger, pastor of the First
Christian church of this city, is sup
posed to have been drowned in the
Willamette river this afternoon. He
left home shortly before lunch with his
bathing suit, saving he was going
swimming. He had been In several
times this ear and was an expert
swimmer. He had not returned at 3
o'clock this afternoon.
Sidney Trask. a neighbor, went down
the river in search of the clergyman.
His car was found and his clothes were
lying nesrby on the river bank. The
fire company was immediately notified
and together with a largy body of
citizens dragged the river, but without
Rev. Mr. Cronenberger came to this
city last fall from Colorado. He is
survived by a widow and several chil
dren, one being in the army.
Business Section of Town of Helper
Damaged to Extent of $100,0 00.
HELPER. Utah, May 20. Fire, said
to have been of mysterious origin,
which began in the rear of a bakery
in the business section of Helper early
today, caused damage estimated at
(14)0,000, and was not placed under con
trol until the fire department from
Price, several miles away, and. that of
the Denver & Rio Grande railroad here
came to the assistance of the local de
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 77
degrees; minimum. 51 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; gentle northerly winds.
Rope for rescue of Harry Hawker fades as
storm increases. Page 1.
Trans-Atlantic Flight.
Kaval plane NC-4 ready to start alone for
Lisbon; others out ot race, i'ace 1.
Commander of NC-1 writes story of air
Journey to Trepassey Bay. Page 1.
Holes In ranks of 91st division filled before
entraining for Belgium. Pace 4.
Beds reported to be evacuating Siberian
towns. Paso 3.
Allies prepare to block kaisi-s possible re
turn to German throne. Page 3.
End of general strike in Winnipeg believed
not far away. Page 6.
President's message evokes some caustic
comment. Page 6.
Differences between republican factions set
tled; McNary named. Page 1.
Huge legislative programme outlined by
congress. Page 1.
Presbyterian general assembly pained at
Wilson's stand on war-time prohibition.
Page 1.
Pacific Northwest.
Governor Lister In serious condition. Page 1.
Marriage forced by threat to kill her, tes
tifies Mrs. Cole. Page 8.
Local tennis stars to enter Seattle meet.
Page 14.
Testerday's results: At Ssn Francisco. San
Francisco 3. Portland 1; at Salt Lake.
Oakland 10. Salt Lake 4: at Loi Angeles,
Los Angeles 7, Seattle 3; at Sacramento,
Vernon 4, Sacramento 2. Page 14.
Commercial and Marine.
Repeal of war-time prohibition law will af
fect hop market favorably. Page 2o.
Chicago corn sharply higher on covering by
shorts. Page 23.
Stock buying stimulated by president's mes
sage. Page 2:1. .
Nine ships to be delivered to division of op
eration during May. 1'age ...
Portland and Vicinity.
Soldiers, far behind schedule, are greeted at
union depot. Page 1.
Series of Inns along Pacific highway planned
b California Hotel association. Page 1H.
M. F. Hanville, local artist, tells why he
picked fight In Astoria. Page t.
Jersey Cattle club takes highway; Jubilee
openea. rag 2f.
Women of Episcopal diocese of Oregon hold
annual meeting. I'age .
Jury probes r a lute of death of Eugene Tuck
In city Jail. Page 7.
Divorce defendant unwilling witness. Pago, 4.
Juage ivavanaugn noiaa "Darrea door" or
dinance unconstitutional. Page fi.
Loyal legion 1n1ors-s I'rosMent Wi'son's
efforts tor league ol nations. Page 4.
President's Message Read
in Both Houses.
House to Take Up Suffrage
Resolution Today.
Wilson Recommendations in Many
Cases Anticipated by Leadens on
Republican. Side.
.WASHINGTON. May 20. President
Wilson's cabled message outlining leg
islation for the extra session of the
new congress was read separately in
the senate and house today by clerks,
and arrangements were made by con
gressional leaders for immediate .con
sideration of the vast legislative pro
gramme, with the equal suffrage reso
lution to come up tomorrow in the
M:jor recommendations of the pres
ident were for the early return to pri
vate ownership of railroads, telegraphs .
and telephones, for repeal of war-time
prohibition insofar as applying to beer
and win;, for woman suffrage, retalia
tory tariffs, protection of the dyestuff
industry and labor and employment
measures. The president announced his
intention to turn back the railroads al.
the end of the calendar year.
Wilson's Plans Anticipated.
Republican leaders met the pres
ident's proposals for early return of
public utilities by statements that such
legislation already was planned. A
to the prohibition recommendation both
republican and democratic "dry" lead
ers Joined in vigorous statements dis
senting from the president's sugges
tions and predicting that no beer and
wine repeal would be passed. Opinion
in both senate and house as ascertained
by leaders was general that the ban
on beer and wine would not be lifted.
Presentation of the president's mes-
Bae the first ever transmitted to this
country by cable was the principal
business of today's session. Neither
the senate nor house was in session
much more than an hour, tho former
adjourning until next Friday and the
house until tomorrow. Before the
president's message was read, the
hou.;e arranged to "ake up tomorrow
the woman suffrage resolution. Its
adoption before adjournment is
planned. Senate leaders have promised
prompt action in th upper body prob
ably early next month.
Flood or Hills) Reported.
The flood of bills and resolutions
opened in the senate today, while scores
were thrown into the house hopper
which yesterday received about 1200.
The principal measures in the senate
asked for copies of the peace treaty,
for definition of the American policy
in Russia, adoption of woman suffrage,
establishment of a federal budget sys
tem and repeal of the luxury taxes and
the daylight saving law. All were re
ferred to committees, democratic sena
tors objecting to all requests for Im
mediate consideration.
Republican plans for many Investi
gations were launched in a resolution
by Chairman Green of the house mer
chant marine committee, proposing in
quiry into operations of the shipping
board and emergency fleet corporation.
Representative Welly of Ohio, asked
for an investigation by a "non-partisan
commission of irregular and unlawful
Organization Pushed Forward.
Organization of senate and house
was pushed forward today at a contr
mittce conference of house republicans,
a meeting of the republican steering
committee with Speaker Gillett and an
Initial meeting of the republican sen
ators' committee on committees. The
democratic senate steering committee
will meet tomorrow to consider minor
ity changes.
Of tho recommendations In the pres
ident's message, those for return to
private ownership of railroads and
wires and repeal of wartime prohibi
tion against beer and wines drew most
comment from congressional leaders.
It was agreed that legislation dealing
with the public utilities virtually ia as
sured at the present session. Leaders
also were Interested In the president's
statement that If he was familiar with
administrative questions affecting tel
egraph and telephone systems he could
"name the exact date for their return
Prohibition FeellnK Strong.
In proposing the beer and wine meas
ure, the president said that "demo
bilization of the military forces ...
has proceeded to such a point that it
seems to me entirely safe now to re
move the ban upon manufacture and
sale of wines and beers." Legislation
!s necessary to remove the prohibition
provision, the president said he had
been informed by his legal advisers.
Senator Sheppard of Texas, democrat,
and Representative Randall of Califor
nia, prohibitionist champions of the war
time "dry" law. and other prohibition
advocates. Issued statements announc
ing determined opposition to repeal Iok
islalion. They Mccliire a large majority
of congress favors prohibition and pre
dicted the repeal nie:isnre would ni
be eiiMdeJ. Some republican lc;tii.
H-'oncludwtl -on i'jcn ;i.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 22.