24 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MAT 1G, 1919. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 69 HOMES t-OLD IN MARCH. 71 SOLD IX APRIL. 2S0 SOLD SINCE JAN. 1. 1910. Naturally we need more homes to sell at the right price and terms: 10 expe rienced real estate salesmen to work on the tale of your house. We advertise ex tensively, are in touch with the majority of buyers. We need your listing today. Leal with old-established firm. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Sell Your Home. Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Established 1SH0. Abington bldg. Main 5156. Main 1068. HAVE CUSTOMER FOR STRICTLY MODERN FIVE OR SIX-ROOM i BI NGALOW OR RESIDENCE IN ; 3KVINOTON. LAURKLHL'RST, ALAMEDA OR ROSE CITY. FROM $4500 TO JKttiMi; NO INFLATED VALUES WANTED: CAN PAY HALF CASH. ORKGON BOND & MOltTGA'jfi CO., 0-212 SELLING BLUG. MAIN 1M0. BONDS. LOANS. INSURANCE. "WE WILL sell your home within 2 weeks if the location, price and terms are right; if you have listed with others without re sults, try us; we won't disappoint you. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Main 4." 'i2. 82 4th St., Board of Trade Bid. I HAVE THE CASH AND WILL BUY GOOD EQUITY In a good little, well located home. I will assume your burden if priced right. e my a Kent. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. 10 OR 12 ACRES with good modern build ings and bearing orchard on or near hard surface road within 50 miles of Portland. Actually worth $400 per acre. Would pre fer prune orchard, Vancouver. F 127, Ore gonian. ANTED Bungalow, 5 or 6 rooms, garage- not over $3200 ; can pay auu vasn $45 per month, i MUTUAL REALTY CO.. - -1 2 1 9 N- w- Ba-nk Bldg. Main 1843. WE WANT MODERN HOMES t and bungalows at once. Buyers waiting , tor your early listing. Call and see us. RIELY & GUFTAFSON. 0O5 YKON BLDG. MARSHALL 1456. "WANTED One-half ace, or acre, with fruit and small house; $500 cash and easy terms. MUTUAL REALTY CO., 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. 2j1 ST your city property, acreage or farms with me. Have cash clients waiting. Quick results. C. E. Adams,507 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2575. $1000 CASH FOR LOT. r Must be near Hawthorne car and west of 40th. Call MAIN 3308. 3i ELI ABLE party wants to buy from owner modern 5 or 6-room house, not over $3000, lo rr cent cash and 1 per cent per month. X 029. Oregonian. RELIABLE party wants to buy modern 5-room house with attic; Hawthorne, Sunnyside or Richmond district preferred; no agents. AH 170, Oregonlan. HAVE buyers waiting for vacant lota. List them with us at once. RIELY & GUSTAFSON. 005 YKON BLDG. MARSHALL 1456. WANTED 1-ioom home, close in. Sunny side fr Montavilla car. not over $2800; pay $1000 cash. Main 1643. Mutual Realty Co. ,1 210 N. W. Batik bldg. WANTED Modern home, 5 rooms; must be a bargain lor $3000; cash. MUTUAL REALTY CO., 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. WANTED 5 or-6-room house to $2000; $200 cash; have a client at once. V. A. WRIGHT, 417 Abington Bldg. Res . Sen wood 1355. Office. Main 5:SS. jWISH to buy 5 or 6-room bungalow. Write description, lowest price and best terms to 19 E. 15th st., city. WANTED A ranch in or near Vancouver, furnished cottach with garden, some fruit. 041 E. Madison. East 8317. RANTED 1 5 days to sell your home. MUTUAL R E A LT Y CO. , 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. 6M A LI j cottage with bat h. about 2 rooms; near car line; about $1000, all cash. Ta bor 854. li A V'E cash for clear lot on paved st. in Rose City Park: give lot and block num ber. A E 57. Oregon ian. WANT bungalow to $."000; $300 cash; give full details. AO 231, Oregonlan. BOSK CITY or auto to trade. Groveland Park lot; have AO 226. Oregonlan. WANTED Vacant lot for cash, or Se 1 1 w ood 1 367. Main 5040 Farms Wanted. 100-ACRB farm wanted; must be within 50 miles of Portland with good buildings and good soil: possession in 30 days; mostly in cultivation. AK fOo, Oregoman. VALLEY farm wanted, rent or buy. Apply 162 Boundary ave.. Portland. lOR RENT FARM f. 5 ACRES, 20 acres in crop; near Oregon Cit v ; rfnt personal property and crop, $00. Wilbur F. Jouno, 320 Henry bldg TIMBER LANDS. IN ORDER TO CLOSE UP OUR TIMBER INTERESTS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA OUICKL Y WE ARE OFFERING 10 UNITS OR APPROXIMATELY 220.000.000 FEET AT 00 CENTS" PER THOUSAND FEET. THIS IS CONSIDERED ONE OF THE FINEST LOTS OF STANDING TIM BER IN B. C. REASONABLE TERMS GIVEN. ADDRESS BOX IS, FOREST GROVE. OR. TIMBER land. 320 acres. 12 miles northwest of Goldendaie; yellow pine with sawmill cheap : full information supplied by 1. L. lies, i aKima. wasn. FOR SALE Fine 20M Russell mill; also 9 xlo Seattle donkey, full logging equipment, bargain price and terms. F. E. Bowman Ae Co., 213 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR LEASE. 25,000-miII, on R. R. ; now operating 40.ooo,000 red fir tributary. AO 234, Ore gonian. LOGGING FOREMAN wants small camps. or 2 sides, to run; references, AN 05, Ore coman. FOR SALE 12 million feet saw timber. 30 miles from Portland. 1 miles from R. R, .o atrpnts. Aj i h, Oregoman. PILING wanted; give scale, price and when cut. O. V. uamoie, Louch Ding. TO KXCIIA'GK REAL ESTATE. 160 ACRES good land, near Bremerton; SO acres fair timber: S. W. quarter section 13 township 22 north, range 1 west; clear of incumbrance; very near proposed railroad eurvfy to Port Orchard ana Bremerton would trado for Portland Heights or Irv ington residence. B. M. Lombard, 250a 3d st. BIG beautiful home- fine grounds, hard wood floors, fireplace, fine furnace, lower floor all finished in solid mahogany and oak. dance hall and pool room on third floor. Must be seen to oe appreciated. Price $27,500. Consider good clear prop erty to $15,000. L. K. Moore, 317 Board or Trade. 25-ACRE d;i iry ranch, near Independence, to trade for Portland property; 22 acres in cult.. 17 acres bottom land, ail leve acre bearing orchard, 2 wells. 6-room house, fair barn and outbui idi ngs. fenced with wire, on county ro.id. R. D. Price only $3foo; S100O down, or wi trade. 169-3. Ralph Ackley, 30G Cor be'tt bldg. 312 ACRES, located 5 miles from Philo math. Or.: 3; acres under cultivation an in crop; good buildings; large orchard 80 English walnut trees; price $4500 with stocK and equipment; mcumorance siouo want small place near city of 40OO to 6000. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. tELL or trade for cheap land. 10 acres best soil, all cultivated, buildings, fruit, berries, mail and milk route, school mile, good R. R. town 2 ia miles ; title clear; value $2500; aiso yeung team, cow, tools, etc O. M. Grimm. Gaston, Or. CA LIFORNI A bungalow, 5 rooms, all mod ern, up-to-date; large lots, facing two streets; abundance berries, some fruit; finest marine view of San Francisco bay. city of Oakland, Berkeley and Golden Gate. W 161, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE For Oakland, Cal. resi dence lots, or close-In ranch ; a splendid bearing, commercial apple orchard, near Lyle, Wash., on Columbia river. For full particulars address C. E. Butler. 363 12th at.. Oakland. Cal. W E NAT CHEK, WASH., district. i sec. stock ranch, improved, fenced, buildings, water, 1 imber, range, school, sub-irrigated ; sell $3500, easy terms: trade 4-5-room house, close In. Owner, after 5 P. M. 271 N. 21st. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 lots In Glenwood Park; wl!l trade for acreage near Port land or in . t aaiornia. or what have you? Address John C. Moore. San Fran- cisco. Cal. 160 ACRES, oil miles from the city, will trade for 5-room bungalow or garage; willing to pay some cash. Atlas Busi ness Agency & Realty Co., 716 Board of Trade bldg. Main. 5315. WANTED A lot in Rose City Park and small cash payment on modern 5-room bungalow; t block R-C car. See owner, Blvd. Market. 7 2d and Sandy. TI LLA MOOK dairy ranch, $5000; trade for Portland property.,. T 207. Oregonian. PORTLAND lots and Oregon farm to trade. W. C. Reuter, St. Maries. Idaho. SEVERAL 40-acre improved farms, exchange for city property. Woifstein, 114 1st. ONE acre on Heights, to trade for modern bungalow. Owner. Tabor 475S. FOR SALE or exchange, 80 acres of tim ber. Call Sell. 2067. 600 PROPERTIES to sell and to exchange. Send for my list. Box 25, Salem, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WISH to buy from owner on terms 15 or 20 acres, improved, not over -auu. ah -w, Oregon lan. FOR SALE. Homes, Vehicles, Livestock. BLOCKY team bays. 1150 lbs. each, with good harness worth $50; come and try them for $15. Mrs. Richardson. 302 Knott st., near Russell, -block west of Union ave. FOR SALE 5 big work horses, also 1 1200 lb. horse, with their collars; 1 3 -inch gaar, 1 medium weight double harness ; will give good cash bargain on all or part. 3tfl Grand ave. Ill HIGH-GRADE Hoistfcin cows for sale; all tubercular tested; one splendid herd sire, registered, 3 years oid. Carl Trachsel, Scappoose. Or. BOY, nearly 15 years, wants work in store or officer-has been through 2 years high school at Idaho; applicant needs work. Main 5"4S. SIX head Jersey cowa, fresh, 5 head spring ers. E. H. Myers. 6S0 East Gist North. Tabor S024. 130 BEEP steers on feed at Montague. Cal., also Btock cattle. Welborn Bee a on. Talent, Oregon. GOOD gooseneck wagon and one camelback wagon, at your own price. 1029 East Yam hill street. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippied horses. Phoas Milwaukie 60J for results. SOUND young team at your own price. Gary Transfer Stable, between 34th and 35th, on E. Yamhill. FOR SALE Fresh Swiss Jersey cow, gentle. See her at 691 Clinton. MULES, with harness, for rent in any num ber. Williamson ranch, Lathrop. Cai. PASTURE near city for rent; horses or cat tle. Call Smith, Main 120. m DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. FOR SALE Good, large, fresh dairy cows. Call Tabor 5578. WANTED Good milch goat with doe kid. Tabor 3594. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK. 2 parlor organs, $28 and $45 cash. 1 sauare ola.no. 7 octaves. $35 cash. 2 small upright pianos. $65 and $75. $350 Schubert large upright, cash, $135. $375 Bradford upright piano, cash. $160. $450 new, stored, '18 mod,, upright, $2B5. $475 new, stored, '18 mod. upright. $290. $550 new. stored, 18 mod. player, $305. To first caller. Pianos bought and soid for cash only. Storage 50c weekly. Security Storage Co.. lUtf 4tn st. at vvasningion. PIANO BARGAINS. CHICKER1NG BAILEY KIMBALL CABLE-NELSON STERLING and others from $105 up; each one a good buv: terms given: bonds accepted. SEIB- ERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th sa AN $800 Baby Grand, smallest eize, which actually Bhared in tne nign Honors san Francisco P. P. I. E. ; beautiful tone; case almost like new; guaranteed in every way; will tkA 500 cash or liberty bonds, or ar range reasonable payments. Oregon Eilers Music House. 287 Washington St., below 5th. PEASE PLAYER. MUST SELL BEFORE NOON FRIDAT. Paid $400 four months ago; will sell at half price for cash. See at 245 E. Broadway, Apt. 214. East 0651. TRADE TOUR PIANO nr nrrn for a new Victrola and records. Our proposition is the best. We will fflnrilv tf.M vou about it. SEIBEKLING- LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. Main 850. $5 OR $10 in records purchased Fends to your home any new $20, $32.50, $50, $60, $90, $100 or $115 type phonograpn, Daiance ouc, 75c, $1.0o, $1.25 or $1.50 weekly until fully paid, Schwan Piano Co., Ill 5th st. riddle i real ivory keys i. $187 : Mathus- hek. genuine rosewood. $.o. ; Huntington the latest model), $275. Harold S. Gil bert, 384 Yamhill st. PIANO WANTED. We pay the best cash price for used pianos; get our bid. BBlBEHLlNG-LUCAs MUSIC CO., 125 4th sU Main 8586. xik CASH. monthly sends new $3o uo- rigut piano io yuui nomc iui -oi. uujet to exchange within one year, allowing fuil amount paid, aenwan riano o., in. tn. BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS Latest models. My new sening pian saves you all the worry. Nate Ardrey, Sell. 3155. piano. S165: standard make, good conai- 1 lion: Lei" ib hue". kjuijjmj i . - - wo-u MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Main SoStf. $05 CASH buys $375 used upright piano at Security oioragu j.wj ivu ituu- ington. BRUNSWICK, phonograph with records at a oar gain. rr-ti)i- l.j . 1 - uijao si ooj. CO., 1-5 4th Bt. Main SuSb. EXCHANGE the player rolls you are tired oi at 1UC per roii. xiaroiu uiiueri, Y a mhill st. KIMBALL PIANO at a bargain; fine con dition. SEi5Eiit.i-.J.iNG-J-.U-Aa JVILSIU V-O., 125 4th st. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BANU J.a I KLM in. r 3 r. rt .u LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4TH ST. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck, Tabor 8574. Graduate jxew wig. conservatory. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 3s4 Yamhill st. $15 BUYS disc phonograph at Schwan Piano (jo., in I'ourtu bu FINE tone upright piano, walnut case, cash or terms. 4y n.. oiisan. WANTED Sweet-tone piano. Call early A- M. or after 5 Sr. M. Marsnail u fU'J. lurniture for Sale. IRON BED with spring and mattress, $12.50, or iron bed alone. $h, practically new; re frigerator, a credit to any home, $15; one sanitary couch, good condition, $t; one kitchen table and several other articles. 565 r Washington. Phone Broad way u4W. RUFF ET and china closet, golden oak. cost $.2 ; rocking chair, golden oaK, ic-ar tier seat, cost IHo: coal and wood neater, .Mis sion A. Want ofter; must sell today; go ing south. oOl East 30th st. Woodstock car. 1 FIN E dining set of chairs, 1 buffet, 1 Mnnnrch ranee, irart attachment, cost for $05; 2 fine leather chairs and rocker. 1 fin mahoeanv chiffonier, all at very rea sonable prices. No dealers. 103 N. 2Cd. for RALE 1 vulcan upright gas range. 1 Ruud gas water heater, No. 20; I Forest universal. No. 20, neater, owner, .y tu. 41st st. S. Phone Tabor CS15. Nu scc- ond-hand man need apply. a fix' AP Dun t lev electric vacuum cleaner. good as new. cost $100: $35 buys it; terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 18-100 First St. 1fi5 TAPESTRY DAVENPORT, like new. $100 ; $05 oak library table, nearly new. $37.50; $15 oak rocker, $0. 335 E. 21st st. N. Phone East 1702. GOLDEN oak, high-grade dresser, plate mirror, $20; 6 oak dining chairs, $0; fumed oak chair, $2; meat sate, $l; stepiadder. Main 3301. RELIABLE 6-bumer. 2-oven gas range. good aa new, suitable for restauiant or boarding house; price $u0. Call 4o2 Sal mon street. CHEVAL MIRROR. 22x54 inches, in solid oak frame and standards, very cheap at $3o. MISH KLK.MTLKb UO., 188-100 First st. OFFICE furniture for sale: 1 desk, two chairs, typewriting table, one rug, ttxl2 feet. Call Marshall 1631. HOOSIER cabinet, excellent condition, $35; heater, complete, $io. loso oim St., Lni- verslty Pars:. FIRST-CLASS wood range and heater. ch eap. Tabor 76Q6. 1L1 E. Morrison. SANITARY roll-top desks; giving up offices. 206 stock bxenange bldg. Poultry. WHITE U KG HORNS are the most profit able breed of poultry. If you are In the business for profit you will eventually have them, iany d rollers, early layers. early profits. We sell only White Leg- horn Bany cmcas irora heavy laying Ho- ganized hens. Safe delivery of full count live chicks guaranteed. Price per 10O: April. May and June deliverv. $12.50. The Pioneer Hatchery, 402 Sixth st., Puta- luma, CaJ. MAGUIRES DAY-OLD CHICKS. Brown leghorns. O. A. C. Barred Rocks I and R. I. Reds. per 100; White Leg horns, $20 per 100. Hatches off May 22-20 and June u. Eggs for hatching. J. R. MAGUIRE, 7S7 Oregon. East 1805. QUALITY BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. White Leghorns Black Minorcas. Prices reasonable, safe delivery guar anteed, full Instructions, "Care Baby Chicks free with each, order; May and June delivery. C. N. Need ham, box 412, taiem, or. LUHR POULTRY FARM. we supply your poultry wants: errs. chicks or grown stock; buy or sell in large or small lots; correspondence solicited; visitors welcome. Kendall station, then follow the arrow sign. p. o. Address. R. 3, Box 258, Lents Station. Portland. Or. WAR-TIME prices canceled; Old Trusty ln cubators and brooders selling at prices ef fective prior to war, immediate delivery from factory ; write quick. Material Chasers company, 326 Railway Exchange, Portland, or. Representatives wanted. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. S. C. White Leghorn chicks during April. I May and June. $11 per 100; eggs from' free-range hoganized stock only. Writs for circular and price list. Oak iitll Hatch ery, 33o nowarq Bt., reiaiuma. car. FOR SALE Fine young blooded Barred Rock rooster, imported from McEwen's ranch; sacrifice. $o. Call Woodlawn 10"i FOR SALE R. L . R. baby chicks. P Tabor 1120, FOR SALE. Poultry. BABY CHICKS White Leghorns, full of "pep." "vim" and "vigor. Our chicks mature early, lay heavy, pay big. Free catalogue. Freshlaid Farm, Colfax. Wash. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, Pet Stock. BOSTON terrier. Little Charlie Chaplin II, for service; 13 lbs.; fee $12; reg. A. K. C. three gen. ancestors not over 12 lbs. 141 11th and Alder. Bdwy. 25Q6. TWO Belgian hares for sale $1.25 each. 909 Cleveland ave. Launches and Boats. FISH boats and scows built and repaired, bought and sold. Marine Repair & Con struction Co., yard and ways ft. Alblna ave. Phone East 21ttli. Machinery. SPECIAL. 1 0-ft. band head rig 14-In. saw. 1 No. 342 Berlin 8-in. blades. 1 No. 341 Berlin G-in. saw. 1 Fay Egan 8-in. saw. 1 Fay Egan 7-tn. saw. Also all kinds of rebuilt second-hand ma chinery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO 83 First st.. Portland. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT 7 or 8 by 10 double drum hoisting engine or donkey. AO 237, Oregopian. SECOND-HAND wheel press. 150-ton ca pacity, for logging camp shop. AN lu5, Oregonlan. Typewriters. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now. Im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem ington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., retail dept.. 321 Wash, et REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. REMINGTON typewriter for sale, cheap. Call at 705 Couch bldg., 4th and Wash. WANTED Used Corona typewriter. 2.S2, Oregonlan. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4 5th. Main 366S. Miscellaneous. pOR SALE Good used South Bend mal- leable combination ranee: has 6-hole tOD for wood and coal, 18x2l-inch oven; four burner top for gas with 18x21-inch gas oven and UDDer broiler: all in good con dition; lengih over all 58 V4 inches; will sell for half price; also one mattress. Cail at S3 E. 00th N. SEWING machines, new and second-hand soid for less; no agents employed ; com plete line of parts for all makes: machines repaired and rented. Main 4iti. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. near Taylor Street. APPAREL EXCHANGE. Ladies, call and see smart suits, dresses, beautiml dancing frocks; slightly ased ; secured from prominent social icaaers prices right- Tabor 2b25. REINFORCING steel, gasoline hoist, steam donkeys, boilers, concrete mixers, pumps. general bridge and contractors' equipment for sale or rent. Union Bridge Co., 65 Argyle St.. city. Phone Woodlawn 204. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, nought. sola and exchanged. NORRIS MAFE &. LOCK CO.. 105 Second iSt. Phone Main 2045. FOR SALE Slightly used table linen, very fine damask, one ii yards long and one 4 yards; one dozen napkins for each; no reasonable offer refused. F 130, Orego- nian. for SALE Shelving, good and clean; a bareain: household furnishings also. 1. X. L. Furniture & Stove Exchange, 301 First st. Main 70'j3. ONE electric scrubbing machine and hot wuer rinsing tana, suitable lor ornce bldg. wiui marble lloors. 332 Washington street. TWO Edison dictating machines, used 2 mo. 4 oak roll-top desks, 1 flat-top, 4 chairs and fi-Hug cabinet, 1 B. K. desk. 1 nuahog, roll-top. Bushcng &. Co.. 91 Park st- SAFES DIE BOLD. New and second-hand. Prices right. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., 46 Front st. Broadway 106B. FOR SALE Fruit Jars, stone jars, hose. garden tools, two-burner ga plate, 1-com-partment firelcss cooker. baby corral. child's Mona rc h coaster. East 5861. FOR SALE Beautitui blue velvet evening coat with white lur collar and cuffs, lined with Dresden silk; reasonable price. Phone Tabor 301 3. BAKBKR CHAIR. mirror. Flemish Giant ra.bbtts. young and oid. for uaie or traoe for lurniture or goatM or sheep. 307 Ui St.. near Halsey. HoT WATER tanks, all sizes, in good serv ireable condition, 30-gai., ft; 4U-ga'... $. 201 Adams st east end steel bridge. Phone Eaiit o.16. RELIABLE G-burner, 2-oven gas range. good as new, suitable for restaurant or boarding house; price $5u. Call 452 Sal mon st. PRINTING FOR LESS 500 envel. or bond letter hds . $2. 1 5; potn pt service, best work: try us. mith, printers, 204 Stark st. WALES adding and listing machine and stanu. in pertect condition, latest machine. $175 or trade for piano. Sellwood 1524. FOR SALE: 2 cHsh registers; must be sold; showcases, 2 yds. linoleum, nearly new. 5!6 Wa.ih.. bet. 17th and Ihth. ELECTRIC washer, used few months. $65; 3-burm-r ulcan range, $12. Call Postoff:, MHwauklo. Or. SANITARY rollertop desk and No. 2 Smith Premier typewriter, cheap. 1401 Lat,t Sixth North. APPAREL EXCHANGE. Ladies, cail Tabor iisj.'i regarding slightly use a gar men is. v onun u ; uargains. SODA FOUNTAIN, cash register, , scales. showcases, counters, electric fans and linoleum. 24Vs 2d st. ilam t.42. THE old original home remeny. viavi, pre vents operations. 4J3 2'ittock block. Broadway 501. i. FOR SALE Cash register, eafe, adding ma chine ana snowcass. i 1st St., corner Yamhill. DEUCIOUrf crabs. clams, oysters, fresh daily, la irst St.. bet. Vv ah. and Al der. Western Fish Co. Marshall 51 Si. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, an Kinus mauninery, rails, cars, Kanuay Equipment Co., 235 Stark st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables cases and wall case. fixtures; easy iles, show sv terms. W. J. cjulgiey. 227 First. Main 5309. BEAUTIFUL gowns and suits, slightly worn, obtained trom women who know how to d ress. M ai n 0 567. TAILOR S electric sign for sale. Price rea- sonable. 02 Broadway. CHOICE potatoes, S2.00 sack delivered. Call Broadway 4-i; evenings call Sell. 283tf. SAFE Fire-proof, as good as new. For in formation At 1 , oregoman. VACUUM cleaners for rent or sale. Vacuum Cleaning. Broadway 2640. GAS range and one wood and coal range, in SECOND-HAND bathroom fixtures and gas water heater. E. s 25. 718 E. Morrison. FANCY Burbank potatoes; no junk; $1.0 per cwt.. delivered. I'all Woodlawn 2002. FOR RENT Fine duck shooting reserve on fauvie s lsiana. ah iti. Oregonlan. . MUST sacrifice store fixtures. Call today. :;o Washington st. VAT L'L'JI cleant-rs sold, repaired, rented, ex- cnangeu. uougm. uenticy Co., fciast 7O50. NOW is the time for painting and paper- Hanging, get uu eiiiii&te. laDor 73ti. VIOLIN, an old instrument, beautiful tone. cneap tor casn. au 381. Oregonian. FOR S A LE -Second-hand baby buggy. 317 Morris st. SANITARY roll-top decks; giving up of flues. 2" stock Exchange bldg. FINE BICYCLK FOR SALE OR TRADK. NEUMAN. 128 1ST NEAR WASHINGTON. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES, MITCHELL SIX. We have two of them; one's a 1018, most new; the other is a 1016; both A-l. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. 1018 BRISCOE A new car just well broken in: d-goou tires; f uu. o-iz Alder. Bdwy 1723. 1 OVERLAND CHUMMY BI G All oversized tires and In tip-top condition ; cheap for quick sale. 530 Alder. Broadway 2717. I WANT a late model, light roadster; will pay cash. W. A. Bartlett, 350 Alder. Main 606. FORD touring. 1014, just overhauled; will sell at $30: terms. 405 Flanders st. LATE f fUDEBAKER, 6-cylinder. good shape. Sold by owner. Call Tabor 7271. BUICK 4 First-clays condition; $650. Smith Auto Co., Park and Couch. FORD touring, good shape, terms. 523 Alder. Broadway 2402. Cary, WHO wants 523 Alder. a Ford roadster j Broadway 2402. We have it FOR SALE Classy bug body; Victoria top; fine shape. 523 E. Flanders, near 12th. BUICK 1014 tourlnw: mechanically perfect; good tires. Broadway 2717. 530 Alder. FORD BUG. good condition, classy: going away; cheap; some terms. East 3700. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WHAT'S THE USB OP STICKING AROUND HOME GET TING STALE AND GROUCHY AND SORE ON THE WORLD ? YOU CAN GET AN AUTO AND KNOW THE SUPREME JOY OF ITS POSSESSION AT VERY LITTLE COST. YOU CAN AFFORD A CAR IF TOU BUT FROM US, BECAUSE EACH CAR WE OFFER FOB SALE IS THOROUGHLY INSPECTED BY AN EXPERT MECHANIC. AND WITH ANY KIND OF DECENT CARE IT WILL PROVE TO BE THE LEAST EXPENSIVE OF YOUR RECREATIONS. AND A SOURCE OF HEALTH AND HAPPINESS TO YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. ALSO 'WE GIVE TERMS TO SUIT EVERY POCKET. HERE IS A LIST OF OUR bargains: 1916 Overland touring $405 1916 Overland roadster 650 1816 Light touring 850 1014 Overland touring 375 1017 Ford touring, new 475 AND PLEASE DON'T FORGET WB GIVE A 10-HOUR FREE SERVICE FREff WITH EVERY CAR. AUTO SALES CO.. USED CAR DEPT. 9th AND COUCH. USED CAR BARGAINS. mi 6 HUDSON touring, good tires, good snape. si3,-i!. 1ul6 KISSELCAR sedan, good condi tion, S14O0. 1018 NATIONAL SIX touring, one new extra tire, good condition, good tlre. ilfiuu. DETROIT ELECTRIC COUPE. wire wheels, one extra wheel, good condition. si.iao. 1018 CADILLAC roadster, good condi tion. I27.ri(. 1016 CADILLAC touring, new paint, $1750. 1018 DODGE BROTHERS touring, good condition, :,". 1016 MAXWELL touring. $550. 1015 OLDS MOBILE Big Six, new top, seat covers. 1 1 mm. 1918 STtDEBAKER touring, $1000. OPEN EVENINGS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. SNAPS IN GOOD CARS. 1017 Buick 5-passV, excellent shape. .$loso 3 it II Kmpire roadster, almost new. . 1)50 1018 Ford touring, fine shape 405 1017 Chevrolet touring, demountable rims 45 1015 Overland roadster, small model . .47 Every one of the above cars Is a genuin snap. Small payment down, long easy terms on balance. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 520 Alder St. BRAND NEW ESSEX AT A BIG DISCOUNT, A few practically new Fords at a bar gain. Also a five-passengr Cadillac, electric lights and starter, u com tires. 1010 Overland, five-passenger, cent new. Cheap. 00 per SEE WHITE OR STEVENS. 421 Burnsldc. Broadway 52L 1917 BUICK In splendid condition at a sac rifice. 1018 Oakland 5-pass.. a real buy. Velfe worm drive dump truck, ready for the lob. SEE WHITE OR STEVENS. 10th and Bumside Broadway 521, CARS DIRT CHEAP. 1917 Maxwell. In fine condition, good tires $ 550 1018 Liberty Six, almost new 1300 1016 btudebater, fine shape. WILLIAM L. H UGH SON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Broadway 3! Authorized Ford Dealers. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goody ea cord tires for Fords, $24.55. Authorized Willard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP, 488 Union Ave. N., -cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1303. CHEVROLET BABY GRAND. Almost new; spare tire: excellent con dition: a snap at $050. Terms If desired 12 Grand ave. N. 101 S BUICK. 1018 7-pasxenger Buick, E 40. splend mecnamcai condition, goo a tires. rri 1200, $500 down, balance monthly. E. Hyatt, 350 Alder. LIGHT DELIVERY We have several good delivery cars, in r ords and Chevrole Can be bought on easy payments. Phon Kast lor demonstration. Chevrol agency, 12 Grand ave. CHEVROLET touring, 101S, in fine condl tion; used privately; will sell at $675 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn side. FORD delivery. 101S model. In good condl tion. $435; best buy in Portland. Call East 02 and we will send this car out for your inspection. 12 Grand ave. PORTLAND ELECTRIC SERVICE STATION 3U2 PINE STREET. AUTO ELECTRIC EXPERTS. FORD MAGNETOS RECHARGED. CHALMERS touring. In fine condition; looks like new; a bargain at $1100. terms; con sider smaller car in trade. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnalde. LATE model Overland 85-4. perfect mechan ically; looks and runs like new; good tires, panlasote top. plate-glass rear vision. Price $750. Private owner. East 4020. DODGE touring. 1018; Just like new; will sacrifice and give terms, or consider Chev rolet. 101 8. in trade. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. SCRIPPS-BOOTH CHUM MY". 8-cyl.. best condition, 5 wire wheels; tires fine condition. $05o; some terms. 55 East Morrison. East 731. FORD touring, newly painted, in fine con dition ; will sell at $575 and give some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. MAXWELL touring, 191S model, fine con dition. $700. Robinson-Smith Co., 6th and Madison sts. Main liuu. FORD 5-passenger, good condition, shock sbsorbers. good tires; terms; quick sale, $365. Tabor 6343. 1916 FORD touring car, mechanically per fect, with some extras, very easy terms. Main 1100. call for Armentrout. WILL sell my late model 6-cy Under car $500 cash. Call between 6:30 and 8:30 P. M Bdwy. 1077. room 321. MAXWELL car for sale cheap, terms. Call East 2376, after 5:30 P. M. LATE Ford, lots of extras, fine condition and good tires; $525. Phone Wdm. 3521. FORD car for sale by owner, $400 cash or bonds. 591 Washington stM or 46 K. 20th. MITCHELL, 6-cyl., 5-pass . splendid condi tion. $800. Woodlawn 3344. 14 MODEL OVERLAND, cheap. 500 Will iams avenue. Phone Broadway 1791. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $15 each; vul ca n i z ed. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. COW PUNCHER must sell his automobile before Saturday; $125 cash. 414 Gllsan. 1017 HUDSON, 7-pass., like new: private, had best care; terms. Main 65. T. Sehols. 5-PASS., good tires. Al condition, $275. 361 E. Burnside. MUST raise cash; 1917 Ford cheap. Tabor 4573. FORD, 1015. for sale or trade for lot; Al bert district preferred. Main 6103. FOB SALE ACTOMOBILKSk FORDS. FORDS, FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. For Immediate delivery; Ford Sedans, Ford Couplet, Ford Touring, Ford Road sters and Ford Trucks. TERMS. PHONES: East 303, East 8367, C 1560. RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY, INC.. Authorized FORD Agents. 863 E. Broadway. CITY. FORDS. FORDS- USED FORDS. 4 Ford Roadsters. 5 Ford Tourings. 1 Ford Sedan. 2 Ford Trucks. 2 Ford Deliveries. 1 Ford Bug. TERMS. Ford Parts and Ford Service. RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY, INC, Authorized FORD Agents. 363 E. Broadway, City. Phone East 303, East 8367, C 1560. FORDS FORDS JI Ford Touring. 1018 Ford Roadster. 1017 Ford Touring. 1017 Ford Touring. 3 017 Ford Roadster. 1916 Ford Roadster. 1916 Ford Touring. 1015 Ford Touring. 1915 Ford Roadster. 1015 Ford Delivery. 1917 Ford Touring. FORDS Don't fail to see these cars before you buy. They are like new. Terms i de sired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., K. 8770. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. . USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Overland 85 $ 50 1 Overland 8 850 1 Franklin bug. dandy 5o0 1 Maxwell 450 1 Studebaker 6 575 1 Ford roadster 35 1 Ford touring 400 I Oakland bug 400 1 Studebaker bug 275 1 Maxwell 350 1 White 3-ton truck 1S50 2 Reo 2-ton trucks. $600 and 800 1 2V-ton Ser six 1650 LONG & SILVA. 462 Hawthorne Ave. TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS, ATTENTION! Gerber has Just what you have been I looking for in his "Patent-applied-fo-BED ARRANGEMENT in VOIR BODY: saves you taking along a lot of bedding; can be BUILT in ANY BODY. YoUit INQUIRIES SOLICITED. G. G. GERBER, 65 9th SU N. Broadway 1873. LOTS OF GOOD USED CARS CHEAP. Two 1017 DodgeN, two 101O Chevrolet, one 1019 Oldsmobile 8, one 1013 Hupmo bile, one 1014 Studebaker. one 1013 Chal mers, one 1914 Buick 4, Big Wlnton bug, lots of power. Mill Street Garage, 2d and , ivii ii sts. jviain Mo. PRIVATE CAR. call Main 0hi3 and I will show you tne eiasniest car in city: run only on city pavements; new cord tire. One any- I one can be proud to own. A beauty and a Bargain. 1010 EI-GIN 6. A thoroughbred in performance and ap pearance; the finest car on wheels for the price: your old car taken as first payment. For demonstration phone Main BUICK 4 BARGAIN. 1917 Little Four, condition and appear ance like new; oversize good tires, spot light, bumper ; terms or cash. Tabor J 3 65. Btg USED CARS, Prices Stock. Right. no misrepresentations. COVEY, i . MOTOR CAR. . .CO. S PEE DO LINE removes carbon, given more power, brings i no pnre oi u 10 h uoui i - CIS a ga l ion. Lj. m. jaynei. wu w, .Bank oidg., Port land. Or. Main 2675. $1000 CASH OR TERMS BUYS 1 !1 S OLD- MUHILB !.V rCO A L I rV it. r 1 V r W IKE WHEELS AND FIVE GOOD TIRES: RI Nf AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630. LATE MODEL OLDS MO RILE 8. 7-PASS ENGER; A BARGAIN. TERMS. OR WILL TAKE IN A GOOD LIGHT CAR AS PART PAYMENT. CALL MARSHALL 1050. APT. 42. AFTER 12 O'CLOCK. SELL at your own terms and big reduction. new ;-paMHenger touring car, or win giv as payment on 3 or 6-room modern bunga- low. evenings omy. tu. John st. STUDEBAKER touring. 1017. in fine condi tion: will sacrmce and give tTms. or con- tdder smaller car in trade. 30 Grand ave. r., near Kurnsiue. FOR SALE Menominee truck In good con dition: reasonable terms. Call Covey Mo tor Car -Co., used car dept., Breyman ieatner -o. VELIE Practically new, sell at discount with fac tory guarantee. D. C. Warren Motor Car CO., titt in. jq st. Alain 7bU. CHEVROLET touring. 1018. in fine condi tion; good rubber; will sacrifice at $775 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. X., near Hurn.iae. 1010 OVERLAND touring, brand new top. oony anu lenuers iv. ; tires nearly new; mecnanicany perieci; ana a snap. I CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVROLET OR M A X W h, L.L AS fA. KT PA V 51 KM ON BRAND NEW 101 MAXWELL AUTO- MOBI1-K. tALb TAHUH ti30. 1450 DOWN BUYS 1018 CHALMERS S1Y TOURING IAK, A-l CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LihwE NEW. CALL EAST MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we I wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at halt price. uavtd 11 odes Co jsortn uroiaway ana r lanaers. CHEVROLET. 1017. newly pa nted: oort mechanical condition; will sacrifice at $575 I ana give, some terms. urana ave N., near Burnside. HAVE the original finish put on your For! for $15. Auto enameling works, 75 Union ave. r. wain. 1013 CADILLAC, new one-man top and storage battery. Will take lihertv bonds and maae liberal terms. East 5003. FORD roadster. 1016; good rubber, in fine shape; will sell at $425 and give terms. 30 I umna ave. near rsurnsitie. $300 DOWN BUYS 101S MAXWELL TOUR ING CAKI KcrALi lb U, CONDITION. CALL TABOR WO. $200 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING BE it. CALL EAST 1062. MAXWELL. 1018 touring, just like nw; used privately; will sell at $775 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. X.. near Burnside. $005 PRACTICALLY new 1018 Ford sedan. gooa ruouer ana tots oi extra. s 343, Ore- gontan. ONE light 4 Buick. 5-pass., Delco lights and starter. In good mechanical condition, $525. woooiawn 1017 CHEVROLET, light delivery, electric starter, good tires. Will sacrifice for $450. l i.rana ave. .terms. FORD touring, in good mechanical condition. 3."o; some terms, su orano ave. near Hurnsiue. 1018 FORD runabout; has had best of care: test this one for power and speed; $500 cash. iuw tastftiarK st. 1016 DODGE, 5-pass., $750; first-class shape. almost new tires: will consider Ford in traoe. can wooaiawn BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE MEW. CALL TAB Oil eju. HUDSON SuDer-six. in perfect condition - bargain at $1250. terms. 30 Grand ave. I.. near jurnsiue. 1018 SAXON SIX CHUMMY ROADSTER. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; A BAR- OA ir. L ALL X ADUn B3U. DODGE touring, price right: terms the same. i-ary. u-j Aiaer. aroaqway 24'-2 1010 FORD, brand new, special oversize tires, shock absorbers, foot throttle, Yale lock. " Main oioo. Deiweea iu ana X, & and 6, FOR SALE ArfOMOBILES. BARGAINS HUDSON SUPER SIX We sold 58 new Hudson Super Six Au tomobiles at retail for future delivery and traded in several Hudson Super Six autos that we are offering at bargain prices. 1016 Hudson Super Six, all rone over in our shop; guaranteed by us; $1275. ( 1017 Hudson Super Six automobiles, overhauled in our shop; repainted and guaranteed like a factory guarantee; $13&5 and $14O0. 1018 Hudson Super Six, like new, and guaranteed by us the same as by the Hud son factory; $1750. 1018 Hudson Speedster; all gone over in our shop, then repainted; has wire wheels and guaranteed; $1500. Buy one of these fine you can depend upon. lutomoblles that C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington St.. Portland. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 1018 FORD TOURING. 1 1017 FORI) TOURING. 1 1015 FOR D TOURING. 1 AMERICAN TOURING. 1 1017 4-CYL, BUICK TOURING. 1 1014 4-CYI. BUICK TOURING. 1 118 CADILLAC. 1 101H DODGE TOURING. 1 1513 HUP MO BILE. 1 1018 MAXWELL. 1 1017 MITCHELL. 1 1017 MAXWELL ROADSTER. 1 WILLYS OVERLAND 6. 1 1018 OAKLAND TOURING. 1 1118 OAKLAND SEDAN. 1 MODEL 83 OVERLAND. LEWIS E. OBTE MOTORS CO.. Broadway and Couch. Open Evenings nad Sundays. OVERLAND MODEL S3. New shape; seat $5O0. rs and In the best of CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. 1017 HUDSON SUPETR FIX. 1918 FRANKLIN, fine shape. Either of theM cars csn t had at a big sacrifice If taken this week. Call Kipper at Broadway 3327. COUNTRY CLUB. One of those Overland Cfiubs that you have wanted. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Wsshington St. WE PAY CASH. Bring your auto to me. I will do it quick. Any style. We need some low- priced light cars at once. M AX W ELLS. CHEVROLETS. OVERLANDS. DODGES, TOURING or ROADSTER. Alder mt. A-l AUTO WORKS, 1018 CHEVROLET. Runs like a watch; full of pep; $650. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 527 Washington St. HUDSON 7-PASS.. TOURING CAR. JUST OUT OF PAINT SHOP. LIKE N WW. A CONDITION. TIRES PRACTICALLY NEW. KXTRA ABSOLUTELY NEW; THIS CAR GOES FoR $075. BWDY. 4H, 110 18TH ST. WHY look further for that I01S MaxwelJ touring when you can see it at 23 Al der ? Call Broadway 2402 and uk for Cary. LIGHT BUICK SIX TOURING CAR; JUST OVERHAULED AND IN TIP TOl" CON DITION: FOR QUICK SALE THIS CAR GOES AT $025; YOU WILL HAVJ6 TO HURRY. BWDY. 4S. HO 13TH ST. IF YOIT are In the market for a Light Fix oidnmoblle this in the place you are lok ing for. 523 Alder, Cary. Broadway 21)2 1014 lUF'MuUILK Self-starter; Hrst-cUms rueclianiral condition; csn be made Into beautiful bug. Smith Auto Co., Park atid Couch. HUDSON LITTLE SIX. $675. in fine ruj t- nifig shape; owner go ing away sell today. 3ol Globe bldg. and mast 1016 FORD louring car for saie by owntr. Call at 52 Albina ave. Phone Woodlawn 33. FORI touring car in perfect conditions good tires; $42. , cash or terms. 542 Aldei ft. Bdwy 1723. NEW FORD COUPELET Take Ford tour ing car and cash difference. 420 Belmont. East 1575. 1U16 OVERLAND Electric; lights and Marter; first-class mechanical condition: $55Q. Smith Auto Co.. Park and Couch. WE WILL give you liberal terms on our Cole S. Come to 523 Alder and look het over. Broadway 24'.i2. WE HAVE a litis Brwcoa touring. In firtU- class snapf : liberal terms. Call for Cary at 523 Alder, or Broadway 2412. 101S MAXWELL touring, used very little; extra tires ; must sell ; bargain. W ood-law-n 14 27. 10 15 STUD KB A KER 4 First-class condi Auto Co., Park and tion; $oM. Smith Couch. 1018 FORD touring car for sale cheap. Marshall 3074. 1015 5-PA SSENG E R Lodge. 423 5th St. Automobile Wanted. WANT GOOD USED CARS. Will pay best cash prices obtain able in the city. SEE F. W. KIPPER, at the LEWIS E. OB YE MOTORS CO., Broadway and, Couch. AUTOMOBfLE WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Paltulf station. Tillamook beach, near depot and hotel; adjoins board walk, county road and r.iliroad; faces the Pacific ocean; slse 60 by about 140 feet; suitable for busi ness or for cottage; will pay some dlf ference. Address BP o5. O r e con ian- TRADE. For used 2-ton truck would consider Ford roa ilster, 40 acres logged -off land, running water, some buildings, plenty ex tra lumber, unlimited adjacent stock range. on Columbia highway. Phone Columbia 333. LONG A FTLVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send In the nipti vou need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. WE CAN GET TOU MORE MONET FOR YOU K CAM. sr.ii -a xbrwnri i uu SELL. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. 6. W. COR. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. WE PAY CASH FOR TOUR CAR IK IT IS A LATc. naot'r.L THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY" 1582. AUTOMOBILE wanted; will exchange i sma.il modern house, near Avenion. uroaa w :i y 1761 . FULL-SIZE, clear lot. in Tremont park; nice and level, tor a-passenger auto. Phono Woodlawn 5102. WANTED 6-cyl. car. must be bargain. Write 504 Pittsburg st.. St. jonns; state price. Phone number moaei. CASH for late modil 1018 Dodge from owner; in perfect condition. Phone Tabor 7134. WANTED Light car In good mechanical condition, under ."mki ; state make, price and terms. a t sj. uregonian. WANTED From private partv, 1018-1010 Buick or Dodge rive-passenger car ; will pay cash. Tabor l.43. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION, AUTO SALES CO.. Uld AND COUCH. A C TO MOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. WILL pay cash late model tountfg. P. O. Box 6. Portland. Or. WILL pay cash for late model -ton While. State price. S 537. Oregonian. Motorcycle FOR SALE Twin Indian, equipped, good shape, $45. Call at 31b E. 30ih st., bet. 5 and 7 P M. FOH MOTOKCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2M-206 3D ST. M.iln 6130. FOR SALE Twin Indian. $70; Merki-e, $3S. 6510 C-d st. S. E. WW line. Auto Tires and Accessories. VULCANIZING AND RETREADING. Will take your used tires in trade for new; used tires bought- Mason Tire Shorv 830 Union ave. N., between Ailing od Shaver. Automobiles lor Hire. COMMERCIAL TAXI CO., Main .334. T pas. touring cars for hire at reduced rate Stand Broadway and Morrison, by Baker theater. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVEKLANUS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE, BDWY. 24US. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR H1RK. L, L SULLIVAN. FASHION GAR AG hi. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 123d. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE; HIGHWAY AND CJTY TRIPS. N. W. COR. 6Tli AAl WASHINGTON. MAIN 7060. WANTED Work for 3 -ton dump sund or gravel truck, or lumber hauling, or otner work. A V 3. Oregonian. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garags 96 10th sL Broadway 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND CLISA STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 26211. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, caiiln. thopD.Tig. highway. Broadway 347. NEW CARS for hire without drivers. Mill Street Garage. 2d and Mill. Main 0352. FISHER HIGHWAY SERVICE; highway and oth-r trips; reasonao.e rates. Main FOR 8ALK TRUCKS. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS IN USED CARS AND TRUCKS. One Cole "8": runs like new. 1018 Baby Grand Chevrolet; perfect con dition. 101S Overland; run just 1500 miles. 1018 Maxwell. $675. 1018 Chevrolet "400. $TOO. 10IS Ford; looks like new, $525. 1015 Hudson, $400. TRUCKS 1 2-ton Republic truck; prfect condition, $1000. -ton Republic truck : special body and top; looks like new, $1400. J. H. GRAHAM CO. DISTRIBUTORS CASE SIX AND DEN BY" TRUCKS 101 Tenth St. Bdwy 3231 TRUCKS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. FROM $250 TO $1000. ALL IN GOon MECHANICAL CONDITION. MANI.EV AUTO CO.. 10TH AT BLRNSIDE. BDWY. GRAMM TRUCK. 3-TON WITH BODY. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO., East First at Morr!s-n. Thones: East 7272, B 1216. SEE THESE TRUCKS TODAY". Republic 1-ton $l?-"i0 Republic -con 825 Both overhauled and In first-class con dition. G. M. C $10,0 Kis&el " Maxwell lord worm drie 6-m Mack . . : lOoO ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. Park and Evert 1 1. Broadway 1300. IS -TON TRUCK. Federal, just rerhauled: good terms; tr.ide in your truck on this. McWilliams, 522 Aldvr st. Broadway 2402. PACKARD TRUCK. nuton. in excellent shape: wilPconsidfr llghfer truck in trade. McWuliams. 522 AlJor. Broadway 202 2-TON REO TRUCK for sale. $60O cash. 31 E. 47th st. N. Tabor 5028. LIGHT truck, $123; In good running order. 141 E. Coin N. AUTO RFPAIRING. DIVISION . . . GARAGE. 1373 li vision St. Phone Tabor 501. EXPERT . . AUTO . . REPAIRING. NATIONAL AUTO REPAIR CO. We speciaitx on FORDS and CHEVRO LETS; all work uuu rantt-d ; 15 years" cx-T-i lence. 5o;, Liurii.side. Phone Bdwy. 3650. SERVICE IS OUR MIDDLE NAME. EXPERT REPAIRING AND WASHING. LoWNSDALE GARAGE, cor. 15th A Wash. PHONE BRDY. 24Qa. DAY AND NIGHT. MAXWELL and Ford specialist, sion st. Phone Sellwood 3755. 7 Divl- AUTOS w ashed and poi ished. prices reason able. 405 Flanders. Bdwy. 1O07. W ANTED M ISC KLLA N LOU 3. WE PAY FROM ' TO $17.50 FOn MENS SECOND-HAND SUITS. OVtlK'OATS. WHY SELL TO DEALERS AND TAILORS. WHO RE-SELL Til EM TO US WITH BIG PROFIT? BETTER CALL US DIRECT AND GET THE HIGHEST PRICKS. GIVE US A CHANCh TO SEE YOUR CLOTHES AND YuU WILL ET THE REAL VALUE. WE ALSO BUY GLNS SUITCASES, GRIPS. TRUNKS. SHOES. ETC CALL BROAD TV A Y 3240. OREGON EXCHANGE biltKB. 54 THIRD ST.. CORNER PINE. CASH for old false teeth tbroken or not ; we pay $2 to Pr s t : al-o actual vaiuo fer diamonds, watches, britiuework. crowns, oJd gold, sil v cr and platinum. Send st orie and receive catdi bv return mall. Your goon's returnedv if price is unsatis factory. Maitr Bros.. R-2ot S, Flita au Pbiladelphia. 1'a. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED Good prices paid. Bdwy 2S45. 129 N. 6th st. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all sccond-h jnd clothes, especially ladies' and Kiukmea euits, ure&bes, etc New buyer. ! ry me before you call others, phone Broadway 3032. 245 Burnside, be tween 2d and 3d. OVER THE TOP $7.50 AND UP 1'or second-hand suits ami overcoats. W a.y more than any merchant for second tuiad clothing and shoes. PHONE MAIN 73S. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We pay highest prices for clotning, fur nlture and aii kinus of juait, -Main tit. 2 t lt at. WAJJTED 3O0 heating stoves, also second hand furniture of all kinds; wul call and tnt Jce cash price. Call Last 40t2 for quick set ice Lstey Furniture. oo2 Williams ave. WA-STED TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS. Pay POt cash. Tabor 67iS. Main 4405. WANT'ED TO RENT 7 or 8 by lo doue druti-. hoisting engine or donkey. AO 2o. Oregonian. SAFE I want to buy for cash a small fire proof safe; what have you? Ah 4a3, Oregon ian. MISFIT AND DISCARDED CLOTHES BOUGHT. CASH PAID. ALTERATION EXPU UTS. PHONE MAIN 07oL PAINT1? it!, kalsomining, $3.5o a room up; guarantee good aork. Lat 502. Mr. u" Mara. WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and pump aliotsuns. liochieid, 85 3d. $10 AND tip will pay for men's suits. otr- coats. "-ain 0344. WE BUY' old gold, diamonds, watches and Jewelry. 010 Buchanan bldg. WILL buy 500O Idaho Gold & Ruby mirun stock. 1 v Boi 381. Colfax. Wash. GoOD painter, kalsominer. lawn t;;tot. WOt-4- W ANTE D tiood wardrobe trunk. CiUl Wood. 1 7. between :30 and O p. M. WANTED i-nall steam-pressure canniug machine. Broadway 057. WE will bus your old typewriters and i-ay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 04 5th. JUNK, ra cs. old clothing, im-tais. rubber, tools, caipciit, tfood prices. Lai 517JL FOR SAL