Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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Teachers' Petition Is Filed
Without Action.
Hundred Instructors for Term ol
il 9-1 92 0 Are Approved TTpon,
Advice of Superintendent.
Pallette. S55 East Alder silent. Portland:
Pearl M. Phillips. Dallas. Or.; Margaret K.
Power, Sande Fuca, Wash.: Marlon Rich
mond, 145 East Thirty-third street, Port
land; Helen X. Roberson, Olympla. Wash.;
Hexs Shepherd. The bailee. Or.; Anna T.
Smith. tilad-utooe. Or.: Olive M. Smith,
KprliiKfleld. Or.: Ida M. Stauffer, Oak Grove.
Or.: Amy Jane Steinberge, Monmouth. Or.;
AUKUHta Stockton. 4!7 East Thirty-sixth
street, Portland; Kathleen Stuart. Coburg.
Or.; Grace F. Sweeney, 4S Eaut Seven
teenth street North, Portland; Mathilda
Velt, 1(H5 Minnesota avenue, Portland;
Edith E. Watt, May (lily. Or.; Ger
trude A. Weed. Varnonia. Or.: Edith
Wilson, La Grande, Or.; Ethel Wilson. La
Grande, Or.; Delia Zimmerman, 710 Pent
land street. The Dalles, Or.; A. H. Prince,
La Grande, Or.
'Election subject to complexion of normal
course by September, 1919.
heeondary Schools.
Benson Polytechnic Charles S. Hadley,
foundry. 746 Water street, Portland; Charles
L. Blakeley. macblzse shop. 540 Montgomery
street, Portland; Clifford Lucas, machine
shop,- lOtio East Thirteenth street North,
Portland; W. r. Alllngham. mechanical
drawing. 607 Killlngsworth avenue. Port
land; Leo W. Kraus, mechanical drawing,
Waterville, Kan.; F. R. Bennett, physics.
Philomath, Or.: Elizabeth Xrummond, Eng
lish, Eugene, Or.; Florlan Linklater, Eng-
School directors deadlocked over the
petition presented at the regular meet
ing ot the board yesterday afternoon
by the executive committee of the cen
tral teachers' salary committee, re
questing that the remaining $48 of the
bonus granted by the board this term
be paid at the close of the school year
instead of during the four months of
the autumn term of school. The peti
tion was placed on file.
"This is the third time teachers have
made this same request and twice be-
fore 'the board carefully considered the
matter and refused them," said O. JI.-l
Plummer, as he asked that the petition
be filed.
"I second the motion." declared. Dr.
K. A. Sommer. "It is poor taste for the
teachers repeatedly to ask for a icon
cession previously considered ana re
fused. I am convinced the remainder
of the bonus should be held over until
next fall so that the new teachers will
share equally in its distribution."
Teachers Need Money, Plea.
Directors Orton and Thomas upheld
the teachers' petition. "The public is
convinced our teachers deserve more
money or last Saturday's election would
not have carried with such a large
vote." said Mr. Orton. "Teachers need
the money now. In the fall the money
derived from the special election will
be waiting them."
Efforts were made by Director Thom
as to have the matter referred to the
educational committee of which Mr.
Orton is chairman. An affirmative vote
from the chairman. J. Francis Drake,
carried the motion to place the petition
on" file. School authorities say that it
was the first time in the history of the
present school board that in time of
controversy, Directors Drake, Sommer
and Plummer voted together.
New Teachers Elected.
The election of 100 teachers, includ
Ing 11 who have returned from leave
of absence, for the ; school term of
1M9-20 was approved upon recommend
ation of Superintendent Grout.
rrhe establishment of a portable
school to solve overcrowded conditions
was authorized at each of the follow
ing schools :
Albina Homestead, Arleta, Clinton
Kelly. Laurelhurst, Montavilla. Mount
Tabor. Ockley Green, Rose City Park,
Shaver, Sunnyside. Thompson, Vernon
and James John high.
Upon recommendation of School
Clerk Thomas, the county commission
ers will be asked to declare the new
law providing that the county treas
urer shall be ex-officio treasurer of
all school district funds not applica
ble to this district. Under provision
ot tne taw. me district wouia oe de
prived of the interest on its bank de
posits, which for the last few years
have netted between $12,000 and $14,-
Election Vote Canvassed.
Votes of the election held last Satur
day which authorized $531,000 to be
used to increase teachers' salaries
were canvassed.
High school graduation exercises
May be held on Thursday, June 12. Fri
day. June 13. is the big night in the
Rose Festival, and it was thought many
students would prefer to have that
evening unengaged. It is probable that
Lincoln. Jefferson and Washington
high schools will hold their graduating
exercises on Friday, while Franklin
high and the High School of Commerce
will hold exercises on Thursday. The
Benson Polytechnic school will hold its
exercises either before or after the
other schools.
The following were the teacher
Bertha M. Abel, Eugene. Or.; Mary Aitken.
Roaeburg. Or.; Elinor M. Anderson,. 3t4
Graham avenue, Portland: Rena Anderson,
Hood River, Or.; Dorothy Lee Baker. 575
Kast Thirteenth street North; Portland;
lelle .Baldwin, Corvallis, Or.; Martha K
Baldwin, The Dalles, Or.: Fay Barnes. 5li
Mast Forty-first street North. Portland;
Frances L. Bartlett, Springfield, Or.;
Gladys Beutgen, 7!5 Commercial street,
Portland; Florence Terry Boire, 1060 East
Thirty-ninth street, Portland; Gudrun
Brandt, 189 East Thirty-seventh street,
Portland; Lenna Reid Brock, 50 East Twenty-fourth
street North. Portland; Cora
Brown, 80 West Church street, Portland;
Agnes Dinsen Carney, 206 Nineteenth street
North. Portland; Myrtle V. Copenhaver.
Warrenton. Or.; Lois A. Cowgill. 725 East
Forty-fourth street North. Portland; Bessie
Cox, Spokane, Wash. ; Susie E. Crapson, 000
Kast Twelfth street North, Portland; Olive
B. Davis, Myrtle Creek, Or.; Lucire Dela
hunt, 395 East Sixteenth street North, Port
land; Alice E. Driscoll, 025 East Pine street,
Portland; Bessie M. Dunham, Ashland, Or.;
Elfreda Eppling, 8B3 East Glisan street.
Portland; Frances Evans. Hood River. Or.;
Olga Everett, 3G1 Killingsworth avenue,
Portland; Doris Fatland. Multnomah. Or.;
Myrtle Cause, Washougal, Wash. : Bessie
Graham, Monmouth. Or.; Weina Granberg,
Astoria. Or.: Helen E. Greenman. 409 Rex
Arms apartments, Portland; Myrtle Hager
man, 6304 Woodstock avenue, Portland;
Grace 1. Hall, 316 North Second avenue,
Vakima, Wash. : Lela M. Haskins, 120 East
Twenty-seventh street North, Portland;
Verona Vale Hiltibrand, Independence, Or.;
Mabel Hursh, 338 South Fourteenth street,
Corvallis, Or.; Opal Jarvls, Coburg,. Or.:
Dagmar Jeppeson, 891 Albina avenue. Port
land: Christabel Jewett, 1206 North Six
teenth street, Salem, Or.; Mary Klrkwood,
OS East Eighty-third street North. Portland;
Ksther Krupke, 544 East Thirty-third street.
Portland; Thelma B. Leffel, 800 Main street,
l.a Grande, Or.; 'Maybelle Lloyd. 890 East
Nineteenth street North, Portland? Nellie
Loughran, 1421 Vancouver avenue. Portland:
Margaret J. McCulloch, Oregon City. Or.;
Sallie Mcllvaine, 1408 East Forty-second
street. Seattle, Wash.; Eva Jenkins Mc
pherson, 393 Aspen street. Portland; Edna
May Messenger, 556 East Twenty-ninth
street. Portland; Maude B. Michel, Gresham.
Or.; Olah E. Mickey, Milwaukie, Or.; Mar
guerite Nielson. The Dalles. Or.; Virginia
Nottingham, MeMlnnville. Or.: Anna Grace
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President Refers to Present
Terms as Impossible.
Dr. Robert A. AYIlson.
Dr. Robert A. Wilson, Portland
druggist for 36 years, died
Wednesday at his home, 431 East
Taylor street, following a stroke
of paralysis. He is survived by
his widow, Mrs. Savilla A. Wilson,
a daughter, two sisters and a
brother. Ir. Wilson had been
prominent in the business and
political affairs of the city since
1883. He was indorsed for post
master under Postmaster-General
Vilas during Grover Cleveland's
administration. He was born at
Stonington, Conn., 62 years ago
and was a graduate of Harvard
university. His father, the late
R. J. Wilson, D. D.. was an Epis
copalian clergyman and achieved
a reputation as an author and lecturer.
lish, 344 Larrabee street, Portland; O. T.
Storli. mathematics. North Bend, Or.
High school of Commerce E. Blaine Stan
ley, commercial arithmetic, Corvallis. Or.;
J. E. Sawyer, penmanship and typewriting,
SO East Eleventh street North, Portland;
Sabra Conner, English, 421 West Park
street, Portland (promote from Shattuck) ;
C. H. Rude, bookkeeping, Spokane, Wash.
Franklin Edna Louise Sterling. English,
774 Cottage street, Salem, Or.; Helen Duns,
English. Portland: Lucile Allen Davis. Eng
lish, 208 Sixteenth street. Portland: Frances
Young, mathematics. 509 Kast Ninth street,
Eugene; Elsie M. Claire, science, 445 East
Twenty-eighth street North, Portland;
Myrtle M. Groshong, Latin, Creswell, Or.;
Katherine H. Ogilbe. Latin and science,
Oswego, Or.
Girls' "polytechnic Pauline Manciet. mil
linery. 265 North Twentieth street, Portland.
James John high Clinton Bay, English
and algebra, general delivery. Portland;
Grace M. Brewer, chemistry and biology,
669 Alberta street, Portland (promote from
domestic science).
Jefferson high Maud L. Ferguson, Eng
lish, 1192 East Davis street. Portland; Gene
vieve Shaver. commercial, 939 Alameda
drive. Portland; Helen Sedgwick. English,
uuo Evereet street, i'ortland.
Lincoln high Prentiss Brown, history.
53t9 Twenty-sixth avenue Southeast, Port-
landr W. E. Millikin, physics, 432 Hotel
Osburn. Eugene, Or.
Washington high Esther Campbell, biol
ogy. Jennings Lodge. or.; Matthew M.
Linnehan, public speaking and English.
Multnomah hotel, Portland (former teacher
elect at maximum salary).
Total. 30 high-school teachers.
Note to Allied Council Protests
Bartering in Territory Popu
lated by Germans.
BERLIN via London. May 14. Fried
rich Ebert, the German president, in a
statement made in the newspaper Vor-
waerts, has reiterated hia opposition to
the peace terms submitted by the en
tente, declaring them unreconcilable
with conscience and, reason and insist
ing that they must be drastically and
fundamentally corrected.
Above all, practical negotiations were
necessary, he declared, and these would
quickly result in the attainment of a
worthy peace, if a return were made
to the 14 points.
"As long as one remnant of hope re
mains that reason will triumph," con
tinued President Ebert, "we will not
speak our last word, but should it
prove that this mailed fist peace is to
be imposed upon us, we shall have to
make our decisions.
Territorial Changes Protested.
"Today I still hone'that the attempt
will not be made to extort from the
German nation an assent which would
be nothing but a lie born of desperation,
We must keep faith with our country
men who are threatened with eepara
tion by foreign violence, and be ready
to carry out the hardest resolve.
A note o'f considerable length pre
sented to the peace council by the
German plenipotentiaries deals with all
the proposed territorial changes. The
note does not deny that the principle
of self-determination can be asserted
for several of the changes, such as
concerns Poland and Schleswig, but
does not concede that the territories
populated by Germans "can be bartered
like pawns as security for the finan
cial or economic demands of Germany's
Germany l liable to Comply.
In this connection, the note pro
tests strongly regarding the Saar val
ley and declares It is vain to object
that the proposed occupation will be
temporary because, it la declared, if
Germany is not in a position to re
purchase the mines with gold at the
end of 15 years, the region is destined
finally to go to France, even if the
population "pronounces unanimously in
favor" of Germany."
Count Von Brockdorf f-Rantzau. the
head of the German peace delegation
in communicating to the other me
bers of the delegation the text of the
three notes he sent to Premier Clemen
ceau, pointed out that the peace treaty
in. its present form could not be ac
cepted and could not be signed because
it was impossible to fulfill its -terms,
Treaty Improvement Aim.
Dispatches from Versailles reporting
the count's action add that he told the
German delegation that it would sign
nothing it was not intended to fulfill.
The delegation, he continued, would
endeavor to improve the treaty and
make its signing possible.
LONDON", May 13. Fhilipp Scheide
mann. the German premier, has sent
through the Berlin correspondent of
the Daily Herald, the labor newspaper,
an appeal to the British people to real
ize the "appalling position Germany is
placed in by the peace conditions."
Herr Scheidemann, in his appeal
"We cannot believe that fellow hu
man beings, however much under the
influence of a wicked war, can really
intend to reduce a kindred civilized
people to slavery, for that is what these
conditions mean.
"We 'Germans call upon you English
not to force us to sign away our birth
right and peace of Europe in our hour
I of weakness."
American Soldiers All Bolshevists , Is Statement in Japanese Advertiser,
Says Lieutenant Edward Hall, Home From Vladivostok Front.
Three Times a Week
For Three Weeks
After the long winter months, too
much rich food and too little exercise,
practically everyone feels the necessity
for a good Spring tonic and Blood Puri
fier. The very best spring medicine you
can take is the king of tonic laxatives
Three times a week for three weeks,
brew a cup of thi: purely vegetable
laxative tea and drink it just before
retiring. Gently, yet effectively, it will
drive out all impurities and not only
make xou feel better, but look better,
right away, giving you a sweet breath,
'clear skin and a healthy appetite.
a MERICANT soldiers are all bolshe
Li vists, allied with everything in-
imical to the best interests of
Russia, according to newspaper propa
ganda which is persistently carried to
the people of Siberia. Such is the re
port brought to Portland by Lieutenant
Edward Hall, first .returning soldier of
the American expeditionary forces in
Lieutenant Hall, dental surgeon with
the 27th infantry, and for nine months
with his command at Khagarovsk, Si
beria, 600 miles from Vladivostok, is
one of 125 officers permitted to-come
home through voluntary replacement.
"Newspapers of that region,, and par
ticularly the Japanese Advertiser,
which I believe is published in Japan,
with evidently an English edition for
the American soldiers, have been open
ly attacking the Yanks for months,"
assorts Lieutenant Hall., "Some force
is at work trying to undermine the
United States over there, and we at
tributed this newspaper propaganda to
German money and German sympa
thizers. We were openly called bol
shevists, and charged with being in
sympathy with them, and as Jews seem
to be unpopular in that country, the
charge is frequently made that the
American soldiers are all Jews."
Americans and Japanese Not Cordial.
While Lieutenant Hall, for obvious
reasons, is loath to speak of the under
current of opinion among the members
of the American expeditionary forces,
he admits that there is no real cor
diality between American and Japanese
soldiers, and that friendly relationship
is largely maintained by the strictest
discipline. Clashes between individuals
of the two forces are not Infrequent,
while attacks on Americans by a news
paper bearing such a name as the Jap
anese Advertiser naturally tends to
cause the Tank to wonder what his
Nipponese ally is up to.
That the relieved Cossack general.
Kalmakoff, is a powerful factor in the
anti-American agitation is the belief
of Lieutenant Hall. When Kalmakoff s
Cossacks mutinied, no pay and poor
food being responsible, and many of
them went over to the Americans, turn
ing over their arms ana norses to the
Yanks, they were placed in the old
Russian prison camp at Krashnia
Retchka, about 15 miles from Khaba
rovsk. Kalmakoff demanded that the
mutineers he turned over to him, a de
mand that was refused. The Cossacks,
distrustful of the Japanese, did not
yield themselves to that unit, while the
body that yielded to the Chinese were
given up to Ttalmakoff and quickly
found burial spots beneath the ice of
the Armo river.
"American fists and American care
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Lieutenant Ednard Hall. 4
........ ............ ..4
We Have One Aim To Sell You Good Merchandise at a Lower Price Than You Can Buy It For Elsewhere!
.1 . ' - -.1.1 si 11 - . 1 i. 11. 1.1 i. -
Some. Grocery Specials
SPICES One-pound cans leading brands
of fine Spices; while they last; spe- AC.
cial, only
Del Monte. Catsup, bottle.
Split Peas, 3 lbs. for
Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for.
I i
max. second jlmd " ntI! sts.
Good Galvanized Ware
Lower Prices
Six-quart Sprinkling Cans $1.00
Ten-quart Sprinkling Cans Sl.tiO
Ten-quart Pails only .".") C
TUBS No. 1 for $ 1.(55; No. 2 for
J?1.75; No. 3 for $1.85
Make Friday Your Busy Shopping Day
At Portland's Greatest Downtown Store
Every Member of the Family Will Be Interested in These
Wonderful Footwear Values
We pride ourselves on saving you money on your shoes, ordinarily
one of the mbst expensive of your needs. We have thousands of
pairs at prices below normal.
Men's Oxfords
In black calf; Goodyear welt
soles ; English last. An extreme
ly low price.
Men's Shoes
Cocoa brown lace shoes in
English last; Goodyear welt
soles. An exceptional value.
Women's White Canvas Pumps $2.29
Very light and dressy, for summer wear; light soles, Cuban heels.
Women's White Canvas
Oxfords $2.49
A good shoe; medium soles; 8'2
inch tops. The high shoe for summer.
Women's White Canvas
t Lace Shoes $2.98
Neat and comfortable to wear; the
new "Bobby heels, medium soles.
iitu:i tiA T . , Tr.M
Willie mai oanc
Children's Pumps
Brown Barefoot
Children's Sandals
Sizes 8'2tol2for $1.09
Sizes 12 y2 to 2 for $1.89
Finished with white ribbon
bows; soles and heels finished
Sizes 5 to 8, for 98f
Sizes 8', j to 11, for. ..... .$1.15
The original comfort play shoe
for summer; just the thing for
the little folk to wear.
Suits, Coafs, Dresses, Waists and Skirts at
Choose your apparel here and save money. We show the
newest for women garments personally "selected in New
York and shipped to us by express. Come down town to
this store and see how much you can save and see what
lovely garments we have!
Oriental Laces and
Trimmings in a
Tremendous Sale!
Values to 85c the Yard.
Only 10c
Not a single yard of this worth
less than three times the price we
ask! Many worth much more!
Don't fail to get your share of this
most unusual offer of laces!
Mosquito Net 12y2c
In white only: offered at less
than wholesale cost at the present
time! Get your summer supply
Scout Percales 19c
Best quality of 36-inch percales
at a sensationally low price for
Friday shoppers! La r fee selection
of light, medium and dark colors.
Lovely French
Voile and Novelty
$2.50 Values, Only
The daintiest of waists at a
wonderful reduction from normal
prices. French voiles and novel
ties; some hand-embroidered in
colors: others hand-embroidered
in plain white silk; still others
trimmed with lovely Oriental
laces. Every one crisp and new!
Shown for the first time! All
sizes !
Friday Only $1.39
25c Sleeveless
Vests 15c
Women low-nrck nleevln:
vrMtMt r Inn tie ribs siseit 71-4. SH
nivd :tS only; pood 25c values at
only 15C-
Tobaccos for Less!
U. S. Marines, 14-oz. lunch rJFtf
box, priced OK,
Pedro, 16-oz. lunch box 90
Gold Shore, 14-oz $1.00
Dixie Queen, 14-oz 90
Men's Union Suits
Regular $2 all-season tf PQ
Union Suits Pl OJ
Athletic Union Suits, espe- or
cially priced 0JC
DRESS SHIRTS Val- f -f " f
ues to $2, for only J 1 1 O
We were fortunate in securing a
fine lot of new
Hart Schaf f ner
& Marx
Suits for Men
which we offer at prices below
present wholesale cost. Come and
select your suit from these cele
brated clothes at a price approxi
mately 50 per cent below what you
would have to pay elsewhere for
equal quality and 'style. Splendid
new garments priced
$22-M to $35
STONE JARS For putting down eggs 5-gallon, 9S; 6-gallon, $1.09; 8-gallon, $1.69; 10-gallon, $1.95
Lieutenant GaTeison. a line officer, is
back at his Salem home."
Lieutenant Hall received his commis
sion as first lieutenant at Vancouver
barracks in August. 1U17. He was as
signed to the 8th division at Camp
Fremont, and on August 14. 1918. left
fr Siberia. He spent several weeks at 1
Vladivostok, and then went with his
rcg-iment to Khabarovsk, wnere mere
are about 3500 Americans in a mixed
army of nearly 200. U00 men. including
Cossacks, Japanese. Chinese and mem
bers of the old Russian army, lieuten
ant Hall will resume the practice of
dentistry in the Selling building-
Hardware Men's Session Ended.
SEATTLE. May 15. Members of the
Pacific Northwest Hardware & Imple
ment Dealers' association, concluding
a two days' session here of a get-acquainted
nature, adopted a resolution
requesting the board of governors to
change, the association's bylaws to per
mit of meetings of the board in Seattle
as well as in Spokane, present head
quarters. The association comprises
dealers in Washington, Idaho and Montana-
Fifty members were in attend
ance here.
Rus.sellites' Conviction Revoked.
NEW YORK. May 15. Reversal of
the conviction of Joseph F. Rutherford
and seven other members of the Inter
national Bible Students' association
and allied organizations. who were
found guilty of violation of the espion
age act. was ordered today in an opin
ion of the United States circuit court
of appeals here. The opinion states
that the defendants did not have a fair
six gallons of wine and a quantity of
corn mash. Edwards said he was
making it for his own use.
Idaho Heroes Released.
HniSR. Idnhn. Mav 15 t Spfcla 1. 1-
No record In the military archives of
the state shovv quicker action than
w.ns obtained by Governor Davis in se
curing the release from military duty
at Camp Mills. Long Island, of 1169
Trlnho Hr'i Montana men helnnsrinir In
the 77th division, who have been held
for replacements. Assistant Adjutant
Ciener;il Kerr telegraphed the governor
today to the effect that this number
of men have left for Fort Kussell, Wyo,
for rleninb W izr t ton.
of soldiers proved two big surprises to
the Russians," says Lieutenant Hall.
"The Cossacks couldn't understand the
Yank method of fighting with fists,
when perfectly good pistols were in
holsters. .Our men would go down into
town for.a little recreation, and at the
first sign of trouble the Cossacks
woud draw out their big sabers. It
was up to the Yank to run for it or
take the saber away from the Cossack,
and then' beat him up with the good
old-fashioned fists. Many a saber, thus
taken from the Russians, will be
brought home to America as souvenirs,
while those returned to their owners
were always broken in two.
"Our boys- are well taken care of. the
ordinary clothing being replaced by
winter stuff, consisting of fur caps and
sheep-lined and buffalo coare. with
plenty of shoes and socks. Of course,
everyone' wants to come home, but men
are only relieved by voluntary replace
ment. The officers were lucky, but no
enlisted men have been permitted to
leave, and probably won't until volun
teers have been recruited to take their
"There are many Oregon men over
there. Lieutenant William Harrison,
veterinary corps, is a Portland man.
who expects to be sent on toOmsk
aoon. Lieutenant Jack Powell, former
Portland dentist, came home with me.
and at present is in Los Angeles, while
Moonshiner Is Fined 50.
SPOKANE. May 15. George M. Ed
wards, who admitted the ownership of
a distillery raided last night by the
police Just outside the city, was fined
$250 in Justice court here today. In
Edwards' cabin were found more than
Pa tells ma.
-to 5,et a.
for me
tlxert eats
most all of 'em .
Vl?TY-CtlT d I
' we might term those in charge of modern
JmmK. banking institutions. And it is to the special-.
StfT - 'sts n any 'ne tla tle k's business men look t-!
T. I vl for assistance.
LL I VVi ! Tne off icers of Ladd & Tilton Bank have S1
T 'jX-:JX " - wide experience in financial matters, since be- s$J
rrli ' INtv 1 t" hind them is the stored knowledge of sixty years jzgj
V of banking experience in the Pacific Northwest. fsH
tSsiJ !r 7 " This bank solicits commercial accounts on
. jaf "p? i st V" the grounds of ability and service alone.
''Bair ! 1 ; . I