Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Jttorniucj (Sijxminn:
Published by The Oregonian Publishing Co.,
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The Austrian peace delegation which
has arrived at Versailles represents a
compact population of only about
6,500,000 Germans instead of the great
empire of 50,000,000 over which the
Hapsburgs ruled. There were about
10,000,000 Germans in the dual mon
archy, but the other 3,500,000 are
minorities scattered among Magyars,
Slavs, Roumanians and Italians, and
they simply do not count. Austria
is reduced to the original boundaries
of the archduchy which Charlemagne
established as a defense against the
eastern barbarians, with the addition
of a fevr neighboring provinces. It is
a pitiful remnant of a great empire,
and is a sign of what self-determination
of peoples does with the terri
torial accumulations of autocrats.
Residue Austriawill be a small in
land state, outranked in population
. and wealth by the sta tes .which have
been formed out of or enlarged by
its former dominions. It cannot main
tain its capital, Vienna, as an .imperial
capital ot l', uoo, 000 people. The pre
diction is made that . Vienna, will
shrink to a petty capital of at most
500,000. A large, part of its popula
tion has been Czechs, Jugo-Slavs, Rou
manians, Magyars, who are now flock
ing to their native lands to enjoy their
newly-won independence. In its new,
restricted borders Austria will have
only the two archduchies of Upper and
Lower Austria, Styria, Salzburg, Ca
rinthia and the Tyrol, less Trentino.
It is but the rump of an empire. On
all sides, except perhaps toward Ba
varia, it will be surrounded by peoples
who hate the Germans, for there has
never been any love lost even on the
part of the Magyars of Hungary, who
cut the bond as soon as the crash
The entire Adriatic coast will be
lost by Austria to Italy an Jugo
slavia, including the great ports of
Trieste, Fiunie, Fola and Dalmatia, al
though the allies will doubtless reserve
to Austria an outlet to the sea at one
of these ports. Of navigable rivers, Aus
tria will lose control over the upper
Kibe and its tributary, the Moldau, to
the Czechs, the upper Oder, Vistula
and Dniester to Poland or Ukraine,
but will still have a large section of
the Danube. As it is proposed to place
all navigable rivers which cross fron
tiers under control of international
commissions with rights of navigation
to all bordering states, and as rights at
seaports are to be secured to all inland
states, Austria will have outlets to the
sea, but it will no longer be queen of
the great Danube and will be exposed
to the hostility of its neighbors in ex
ercising these rights.
The greatest loss will be in eco
nomic wealth. Almost all the medi
cinal springs, which have attracted the
wealthy kick ot an iiairope, will De lost
to Bohemia. Rich coal and iron mines
of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will
be lost, but those of Styria and Ca
rinthia will be retained. Other lossea
of mineral wealth will be the gold
.silver, lead and tin of Bohemia, th
zinc of Bohemia and Galicia, the cop
per of Moravia and the quicksilver
mine of Idria in Carniola, the second
richest in Europe. The republic will
til! hold the gold and Silver of Salz
burg and the Tyrol, the lead of Ca
rinthia and the zinc of the Tyrol. The
dense forests of Bukowina will go to
Roumania or Ukraine or will be di
vided between them.
Austria as it was before the revo
lution had been brought under culti
vation to the extent of 9 4 per cent of
its area, but methods of farming were
primitive, the soil was being exhausted
by neglect to use fertilizers and the
output per acre was far below that of
Germany, which had a poorer soil.
Partition will take away three of the
four provinces having the largest pro
portion of arable land, Lower Austria
being the fourth. Fifty per cent of the
population has been industrial, but the
loss of territory will greatly enlarge
this proportion, making the country
less self-supporting as regards food.
Though many of the greatest centers
of the iron and other metals, glass,
textiles, leather, sugar and other In
dustries arc in Bohemia and will
therefore be lost, Austria vies with
that country in all except sugar rc
finintr and leads in working the pre
cious metals and in manufacture of
Kurnical. scientific and musical instru
ments. Methods in these industries
urn far behind the times, much man
tial labor is employed and wages are
The. HaDsburs empire is only less
k-.rt.orri than the Balkan states
nmnrur V.urooean countries. It is de
ficient in capital and its rich families
turn to land and solid, low-inuei eaicu
.murines rather than to new enter
prises involving any degree of risk.
British and French capital .was form
erly invested freely, but the triple al
liont. nnrl svmDtonis of dissolution
caused a sort of financial boycott, and
the country's industries fell into the
hands of German capitalists until be
fr ihn war Austria had become a
commercial annex to Germany. Much
f it niLtural wealth remains untie
veloped. awaiting political stability as
a condition to the entry of foreign cap
ital and enterprise. The settlement
which is now to be made may open the
way to scientific agriculture, to effi
ciency in industry, to production of
untouched riches and to unhoped-for
prosperity. Diminished Austria will
sorond only to Switzerland as a
rnnntrv attractive to tour
lata. It abounds in waterpower. use of
which has barely begun. As a email
country. Austria may be happier and
more prosperous than it ever was as
the heart of a great eimpire.
The Sacramento Bee, an indepen
dent and always interesting newspa
per, has launched a campaign for
Hiram Johnson to be president of the
United States. It' is not altogether
clear, from the Bee's eloquent recital
of Senator Johnson's many achieve
ments, just what party is to be asked
iu inaKB mm its candidate; out it is
a fair presumption that it is to be the
republican party.
The doubt as to the senator's politi
cal status does not arise from any
remembrance of his spectacular diva-!
gations in the past, for he was elected
to the senate as a republican and has
acted consistently there with the re
publicans; but It arises from what the
Bee describes as his proposed plat
form. It is to be "government owner
ship (or drastic control) and strenuous!
Senator Johnson is thoroughly com
mitted to the policy of public owner
ship of railroads and of other public
utilities. The democratic party has
been headed in that direction and ha
been given pause only by the great
Burleson fiasco. The republican party
s not for government ownership and
will not be. As to strenuous Amer
icanism, it Js a doctrine which any
party might adopt. But so far as
Senator Johnson seeks to' apply it to
his outspoken propaganda against the
league of nations, he is likely to fail.
The candidate who goes before the I
republican convention with an out
right proposal for government Owner
ship will assuredly get a chill. The :
candidate who goes before the demo
cratic convention with the same idea
will throw that trepid body of patriots
into a cold chill.
The only alternative for the senator
and California would seem to be to
start a party of their own. They are
equal to it, or to any other political
The 2 00 paroled men who came to
meet Officer Joe Keller had no fine
spun theories as to why men go wrong.
Each of them knows. But they also
now know, all of them, how men who
have gone wrong, may be helped to go
right. It is the better way, as they
will- cheerfully -testify, and the easier
An' interesting' feature of that re
markable assemblage was that they
were proud, each in his way, of honest
achievement. . It is too much to say
that all of them have been perma
nently reclaimed to err is human.
and the flesh is weak but every one
of them knows that if he goes back,
it will be his own fault not society's.
nor the state's, but his own.
The old excuse of the wrong-doer
once in prison, that the police bounded
him so incessantly and' brutally that
he could get no worthy employment
was made by no one at the Keller
experience meeting. Every one knew
that it is a false and cowardly plea.
The police, familiar with crime and
criminals, are suspicious only of the
ex-convict who seeks old haunts, old
and tainted friends, idleness and un
earned luxury. They will not trouble
the man, even the man with the rec
ord, who is at work. It is false that
the public kicks the unfortunate in
dividual who is down.. It gives him a
hand to put him on his feet. Too
often he does not deserve it.
The parole system is a beneficent
and useful institution, when wisely
and humanely applied. It makes good
citizens out of good materials, and
sometimes out of poor materials. It
cannot be done out of bad materials
But happily most men and women
mean to do well, and only a few are
utterly depraved and beyond alt hope
of reclamation.
Some of the 200 may some day be
back in prison; but most of them are
on the ascending road to a better and
safer life. There are stars, too, in
their service flag, some of them gold.
' An example of the different treat
ment accorded to shipbuilders on the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts by the
shipping board is to be found in the
reception accorded to propositions from
the Submarine Boat company of .ew
ark, N. J., and the Northwest -Steel
company of Portland to build addi
tional ships. The Submarine Boat com
pany offered to build eight 12,000-ton
ships of its own design at $149 a ton
deadweight in a yard which is owned
by the government, and received from
Chairman Hurley a reply in wnicn Mr.
Hurley saidr
The receipt of such a bid from ne of our
best yards at that period in the development
of our shipbuilding industry will be most
gratifying to thp country, as it is safe to
assume that, if we can build ships at those
figures now, in a short time the price will
be further substantially reduced. Such
reduction also will give us an opportunity to
firmlv establish our impounding Industry
and will allow us to obtain ships at prices
reasonable enough to compete w-itn foreign
ship operators. I shall take the matter up
at once and advise you.
An offer was made by the Northwest
Steel company to reduce the price to
the peace basis for twelve ships still
under contract if the government would
reinstate the contract for six other
ships which it had canceled, or would
substitute 12,500-ton ships of its new
design. By this arrangement the board
would have saved $3,500,000 and would
have acquired six of the larger size,
offer of which by the Submarine Boat
company caused such gratification, but
Director-General Piez replied:
As vour proposition depends on reinstating
suspended vessels and as no action on this
point can be taken at the present time and
until a definite policy for future construction
is determined, I am unable to act in this
matter and must leave It to my successor.
Mr. Piez at that time could say only
what Mr. Hurley gave him authority
to say, for he did not become free to
say what he "damn pleased," to us
his own expression, until April 30. It
is therefore fitting to notice the differ
ence between the cordiality displayed
to the eastern company and the cold
business answer given to the western
There is no reason to doubt that, if
ships can be builf 'at $143 a ton at
Newark, they can be built at least a
cheaply at Portland, as Pacific coast
yards can operate the year around
while those of the Atlantic coast ar
closed by blizzards for a month or two
of the winter and often by heat for
several consecutive days of the sum
mer. Another advantage of the west
is that it attracts immigrants from
northern Europe who are heavier an
stronger than those of southern Eu
rope, who go mostly to the Atlantic
coast. The Newark yard also is owne
by the government, which therefore
bears the charge for depreciation of
the plant which must be made agains
all ships, while all the Portland yards
are owned by the "shipbuilders, who
hear this charge themselves.
I if Mr. Hurley is as strongly desirous
Of perpetuating the shipbuilding indus
try as appears from his letter to the
ewark company, it is up. to him to
reconsider his decisionon the Portland
proposition. uy that means he can
Insure that the lifting of the embargo
n foreign contracts will .confer real
benefit, for only a continuously going
concern can successfully compete with
ther nations, and government work
alone can keep the yards in operation
ntll they can complete preparations
to start foreign work. To restore a
great industrial organization which has
been dissolved is as difficult and costly
as to put together a watch that has
been taken apart. -
The question of teachers' salaries
for Portland is not local and exclusive.
No important question Is or can be.
ust how the recent action of the tax
payers of Portland in making a flat
increase of $400 in the annual com
pensation of every principal and in
structor affects the entire state is well
lustrated by the following news item
from Eugene:-,, . .
Eugene will either have to raise its school
eachers' salary schedule, go without ln-
ructors in its schools or take noorer ma-
erial, according to -indications. Twelve ot
the best qualified teachers have made known
neir intention to accept positions in Fort-
no. ann otner schools throughout the val-
saiaries are lower In this city than
any other town In the valley. For the
ne months term here salaries are: Grade
earners, 675 to JS2.',:. high school, $800 to
1150. The majority of teachers in the
tter department, are paid under f25. Fort
nd school heads have induced several
teachers to sign contracts and more will
sign if relief is not in sight in Eocene.
teacher wanted in Portland ti v.
terday: ;
"I Want tO StaV In Klir,n, llh nnnlA T
know and In worlc that ft congenial to me
In every way except as to compensation;
hut with living Increased in cost to where it
s now, i can t turn down a $1200 minimum
f fer." . ...
The lowest-paid teacher in. Portland
is thus to be given, under the new
scale, more than, the highest-paid
teacher in the valley city. The mini
mum here is to be $1200 per annum:
the maximum there is $1150.
The New York legislature "has Just
passed a bill for a state-wide scale of
teachers compensation. The measure
was backed by the Federation of
Teachers' organizations, the Teachers'
nion, and a great number of civic or
ganizations. jew , torn city is in
cluded. The minimum salarv is to be
1005 per annum, -with a guaranteed
increase graded to the type of work
the teacher performs.
a ne legislature or . Oregon is re
sponsible for the tenure-of-office act,
passed at the solicitation of Portland
teachers. It is impossible under its
provisions for any teacher to be dis
missed except on proven charges; it is
practically impossible to drop any
teacher for a general reason of in-
fficiency or undesirability. The
teachers run the schools and control
the situation.
There is, most likely, a hint in the
New York plan as to the remedy for
Oregon. The legislature, which has
been anxious to make secure the jobs
f the teachers, might be persuaded to
see its way clear to devise a plan by
which the public would secure ahd be
able to-maintain-a standard of effi
ciency with equalization of coipen
sation throughout the state.
It may be hoped that the committee
f one hundred will not be dis
couraged by the recent election - re
sults. What is wanted is fair play and
fair pay for the teachers. What is
wanted also is fair play for the public.
William James Sidis. 21 years old. -was
sentenced in Roxbury municipal court todav
to six months in the house of correction lor
rioting and onr'year for assault upon t
police omcer in the May day radical detnon
stration in the Roxbury district.
So runs the sad story of the down
fall of a young prodigy. The pages
of the magazines were filled, "about
nine years ago, with stories of the
marvelous achievements of this same
William James Sidis, then a special
student at Harvard at the age of
twelve. He is the son of Dr. Sidis,
an eminent psychologist, and was
named for Professor William James,
of whom Dr. Sidis was a devout ad
mirer. Dr. Sidis had been strongly im
pressed by the theories of Professor
James, especially the latter's concep
tion of the possibilities of the hidden
energies of man.- The young son of
Dr. Sidis was trained from infancy
according to the notion that it is a
sad waste .of time to wait nntil the
child has reached "school age" before
beginning his education.
As the result of this, young Sidis at
three years old could spell and read
and his fond parent declared that he
already had been grounded ' in the
principles of sound reasoning." At
four he -was using a typewriter, the
especial educational value of which
Dr. Sidis had discovered. At Fix he
entered the public schools, passing
through seven grades in"half a year.
Most of his education he received at
home, but he gave three precious
months to high school before entering
Harvard at eleven. In tho university
he was a special student in mathe
matics. He already had become
master of such relatively simple sub
jects as algebra, trigonometry, geom
etry and differential and integral cal
cuius. At Harvard he wrote a thesis
on the hypothetical fourth dimension
In a lecture on this subject he found
himself under the necessity of coining
words to express his thoughts. "Sex
tacosiahedragon," one of these, de
scribed a hypothetical 600-sided
fourth-dimension figure. He was
prodigy in astronomy, too, had in
vented a universal language, and had
studied anatomy, physiology, physics,
geography, history and political set
ence. He spoke six languages pro
Young William James Sidis was
truly an object of interest in the world
of education. Sidis pcre modestly ae
nied that the boy possessed extraordi
narv hereditary endowments, but less
modestlv claimed credit lor tne
method of education by "suggestion
"The only sure way of implantin
ideas which one wishes to make domi
nan," he said, "is by arousing curios
itv and stimulating interest. It seem
that in the beginning the youngster
haH a. distaste for m'athematics. At
three or thereabouts he was discour
ae-incrlv callous to the importance o
cube roots aitd qaudratic equations. So
Dr. Sidis invented games to toster in
terest in the subject, and talked fre
quently with his wife, in the presence
of their son, of the importance or ma
thematics in general. Thus it would
seem that young Sidis, who later at
the age of eleven was to "stand easily
at the head of a class in mathematics
composed of students of twice his age,"
had vindicated a new educational
Perhaps. But if he has done so. a
heavy responsibility now rests upon
the elder Sidis. Peculiar interest now
attaches to an exposition of his theory
made by the professor In 1910. The
latter then pointed out that every child
is "essentially a thinking animal," and
elaborated the thought by. saying:
Left to himself, howevac he is certain to
observe inaccurately and to make many er
roneous inferences. . Unless he is taught how
to think, he is sure to think Incorrectly, and
to acquire wrong habits, causing him to
form bad judgments respecting matters not
only vital to his own welfare, but also Im
portant to the welfare of society. In fact,
in order to get best results his training in
the prtnoiples of correct thinking should be
gin as soon as. or even before, he starts to
talk. There need be no fear of. overtaxing
his mind.
Now the offenses for which this
prodigy has been sentenced to serve
a year and x half in a house of cor
rection include ribting and an assault
on a police officer. It is quite plain
that he has formed bad judgments
"respecting matters not only vital to
himself brut also important to the wel
fare of society." Somewhere there is
a flaw in the system of "education by
suggestion" if it produces only eleven-
ear-olds who know that the "fourth
dimension is an Euclidian space with
one dimension added," but at twenty
one think that the welfare of society
is served by throwing bricks at peace
Ulcers. Without rejecting the prin
ciple of suggestion and all Ihat its
tactful application implies, one will
have grave doubts whether the kind of
education which this young man has
received has much improved- his
chances, of becoming a respected, or
even a useful, citizen. The fourth di
mension, in which he seems to have
pecialized, is especially worthless to
him in the present emergency. For
in the fourth dimension, it .is- ex
plained, a hollow "rubber ball could
be turned wrong side out, and a third-'
lmension jail would be utterly in-:
adequate to imprison a fourth-dtmen-!
sion man. We shall see presently how
much theoretical higher mathematics
is able to do for the young' law
breaker in his emergency.
Ihere is something wrong somewhere.
Let it not be concluded too hastily that
professor Sidis and his theory .of the
alue of "suggestion." or 'Professor
James' doctrine of hidden energies, or
even the happy combination of pre
cept and example which marked the
early education of the child wonder,
are alone to blame.' To the layman it
will seem that a youth with a phe
nomenal memory, and" some other
natural intellectual gifts, has been
forced to his own undoing. He has
been crammed with the calories ot
higher education, arid 'has starved for
want of the enzymes of common sense.
Suffering now from a kind of intel
lectual beriberi, he presents a rather
unpleasing spectacle. It is one likelv
to make parents of ordinary children
more content with their lot.
There have been" a few other child
prodigies who turned out better, but
iney are not very numerous. William
Thomson, afterward Lord Kelvin,
owed much to the early tsaining given
aim by his father, but the latter was
Scotshman, and the Scots are fa
mous for their hard-headed common
sense. John Stuart Mill was another.
There is the story of little Ervin Palda
of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who read at
two years old, but whose mother. In
order not to deprive him -v of the
'sweetest pleasures and memories of
childhood," restrained his precocity.
with the result that he was a very
ordinary high-school boy at eighteen
The contrast between Ervin Palda
and William James Sidis is interest
ing. Even an "ordinary," which is
to say normal, high-school boy .who
comprehends his simple relations to
orderly society is less likely to bring
the parental gray hairs in sorrow to
the grave than the badly balanced
child wonder whose mastery of the
fourth dimension - has made him a
bolshevist at twenty-one.
The estimate of the department of
justice that there were between Z00,-
ooo and -soo.000 draft evaders loses
magnitude when it is considered that
the total number of registrants in the
drafts was 23,456,021. . The 'highest
estimate 'of the number of evaders is
only a little over 1 per cent of . the
whole. It included also a 'large pro
portion of fair-weather citizens wha.
now tiiai tiiey nave ilea tne country,
will not come back to it and who are
no loss. One value of the depart
ment's policy of continuing prosecu
tions will be that it will act as a
restraint. upon their return. Many of
them, are said to have gone to South
America and Meico, where it is im
probabre that they will find oppor
tunities for making a living that are
at all comparable with those they loft
behind. They are likely to discover
when it is too late that they have paid
too. high a price for immunity from
duty as citizens.
The reference by a German paper
to fthe -second Punic .war of the Ro
mans is both a comfort and a warning
to the Germans. It is true that after
the second war Carthage revived, but
there was a third war in which Car
thage was utterly destroyed. If tier
many heeds the lesson.- it will accept
the terms of peace and not offend
again. A
' With Clarence M. Reames perma
nently fixed at Seattle, there is small
danger that the red-flag element will
give further trouble in that city. Mr.
Reames is no longer in the govern
ment service, but no doubt ' he will
always be ready to help when the reds
break out, and they know what to
expect from him.
Come to think of it. isn't the world
indebted to the Hun for so much alco
hol in. its beer. Time was, as plenty
of old fellows will recall, when beer
was a beverage with a body to it, not
intoxicating, until the . seductive lager
drove it out, and the seduction lay in
the exhilarating alcohol.
It is well enough for State Treasurer
Hoff to hide the state's funds for
security against bank-robbers, but it
would be as .well to put some good,
quick marksman on guard over the
state's vaults. Bullets are the best
discouragement" to robbery.
England never will forget Edith
Cavell. She was just a lone English
woman in the midst of the enemy.
but she was shot into the hearts of
the empire.
While Foch is on the Rhine, the
growls pf the Teuton may be expected
to sink to whines and then to silence.
A man of 60 is not old until he
"falls" for something. Then he ages
Perhaps Germany has taken to
steam beer. The blow-off sounds that
The. Beavers are in their old "tic-
tacs" of winning away from home.
"The Huns will not sign"'
and Schinimel! and again!
Treasurer Hoff might
money under- the bed.
hide the
Those Who Come and Go.
Talk about fish! Joe Herman, clerk
at the Hotel Portland, was ona of three
men who caught & 14-foot sturgeon
weighing 500 pounds the other day In
the Columbia river above Vancouver.
For a solid hour Herman and one of the
fishermen hammered the fish on the
head. ' trying to convince It that it
should die and at every blow of ax
and club the sturgeon grunted like a pig.
When the head, tail? buttons and Innards
were removed the dressed fish weighed
296 pounds. In addition there were S7
pounds of roe, which will later appear
on the market as genuine Russian cav
iar." And Just when Herman, and his
friends were gloating, along came an
other fishermen who sneeringly re
marked that he caught a sturgeon in
the same waters last week that was
IS feet long. Sturgeon, which years
ago was viewed with contempt by Port
landers, now commands a higher price
than chlnook salmon. . .
' . -
Smiling Jerry Foley, with three gold
service stripes on his arm, was hand
shaking with friends in Portland yes
terday. Jerry is of the Foley family at
L.& Grande which has the Foley hotel.
and he has been- overseas with the
Rainbow division as part of the hospi
tal corps, the La Grande hospital unit
being one of the first such rganiza
tions in America to be-sent across. So
Jerry and his buddies got into Germany
and he knows the Rhine now as well as
he does Hot Lake and as for parley
vous. he admits that he can spill enough
of it to navigate among the pollus. To
show where he has been, Jerry pro
duces a printed list of names and dates
that resembles the new time card that
Jim Corbctt has been working on.
Clarence I Reames, strafer of radi
cals and enemy agents during, the war,
was In Portland yesterday on his way
to visit his people in southern Oregon.
Mr. Reames resigned his government
lob in Seattle Wednesday and will en
gage there in private practice. Before
being one of the first such orgamza-
was United States district attorney for
Oregon. Mr. Reames handled the de
partment of juetlce cases on the sound
and had a staff under him larger than
in any other district outside of New
York, because of the importance of the
eoun-as a shipping point for munitions
to Siberia.
If the 6 per cent measure on the bal
lot is adopted by the people. Hood River
will hold a special election some time
during the summer to vote $480,000 of
road bonds." declared C. r. Ravlin. or
Hood River, who Is at the Benson. "We
want to hardsurface a road clear
through the valley to connect with the
Mount Hood Loop. If the 8 per cent
measure fails and we are limited to 2
per cent for road indebtedness, as Is
the present law, then we can only raise
$105,000, which would be too little to do
any good on a programme of that sort.
E. H. Howell. of Wedderburn, Is at
the Perkins. Wedderburn has been the
storm center of more legislative trou
bles than any other town in the state.
It is on the Rogue River, a mile from
Gold Beach, and is the home of the
largest salmon cannery in Oregon, out
side of the Columbia river section.
About every session of the legislature
there is a measure offered which af
fects the fishing on the Rogue and this,
in turn,- affects the salmon cannery,
which is the backbone and mainstay of
Wedderburn. -
"Evergreen blackberries grow by the
hundreds of tons In Oregon and we
have started out to do our share toward
saving them for the public by canning
them," says A. C. Chase, of Creswell.
"We started with a small plant last
year and shipped, four carloads. The
evergreens are ideal for pie f lllinr and
the pie makers are anxious to get them.
They are firm and solid in the can and
stand up well. The sugar is added by
the pie makers."
Officials of the Canadian . Pacific
Railroad arrived In Portland yesterday
to study local conditions. . The party
consisted of J. M. R. Faubairn and P.
B. Motley, of Montreal, and E. J3eetham
and F. H. Clendenning. of Vancouver.
B. C. Represented in the grour are the
chief engineer of the system and man
ager of ocean-going freight. They are
at the Multnomah.
To look over the resources of the
territory. Thomas A. Reynolds, vice
president of the Xational City Bank, of
New York, is in Portland and Is at the
Hotel Portland. With him is S. E. Al
beck. assistant vice-president, who is
stationed at San Francisco.
P. M. Beats of Payette, Idaho, is in
the city tor a few days, with his wife.
Payette was once a howling desert of
sagebrush and sand, but. thanks to ir
rlgation. it is now a garden spot where
beans and peas are produced in such
Quantities that great canneries have
been established to preserve the vege
On hotel desks yesterday appeared
a netition addressed to Secretary of
War Baker asking that soldiers, sail
ors and marines be given $300
tional pay on being discharged. No
effort was made to obtain signatures,
the petitions simply being left whee
anyone approaching the desk could see
Neither wet nor dry weather should
interfere with touring the Columbia
river highway between Portland and
Astoria, says IJr. R. J. Pilkington. who
motored to the Imperial with his wife.
With the coming of spring, motor
parties are becoming more numerous
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Philbrlck and Mrs.
and Miss Chicbine arrived via the gas
oline route from Raymond yesterday
and are at the Imperial.
H. W. Collins, grain man of Pendle
ton. Is at the Benson. Mr. Collins Is
the delighted father of a brand new
baby, presented to him a coupl of
days ago by Mrs. Collins, who is also
in the city.
O. M. Kellogg, general manager of
the E. K. Wood Lumber company,
which has plants at Hoquiam and
Aberdeen, is at the Benson, with C; A
Thayer and W. V. G. Richards of
San Francisco.
All the way from Missoula. Mont.
J. G. Ryder, a stockman, brought
shipment of cattle to Portland yester
day and then went over to the Perkins
and signed for a room.
Fred A. Weaver, a Roseburg boy
who is returning from the war. reg
istcred yesterday at the Imperial.
Dr. and Mrs. Horace P. Belknap Jr.
trom ir'rlneville, the largest town on
Crookrd river. Crook county, are a
the Nortonia.
Motoring from Seattle, Mr- and Mrs
J. C. Hagen of that city and J. Sulli
van of Missoula. Mont., are staying
at the isortonia.
F. E. Veness of the Veness Lumber
company at Winlock. Wash., is regis
tered at tho Hotel Oregon.
George Whiteside, banker of Cor
vallis, is at the Imperial. With him
is Mrs. wniteside.
Just married, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Melby of Klamath Falls are among
the arrivals at the Imperial.
When Boy Attains Majority.
PORTLAND, May li,. (To the Ed
Itor.) Will you kindly tell me at what
age a boy Is a major.
A .boy attains his majority at 21.
The Watchman.
By Grace E. Hall.
A queer old man walks bymy side at
early dawn each day,
Whate'er my gait he'll always wait and
near me ever stay;
When evening shades begin to fall, and
homing birds I hear.
By this old elf 1 find myself pursued
ana filled with fear.
This queer old man walks every day,
yet never does he tire
(Though oftentimes I pause and pray
that he may outte exnlre:
He lingered by my cradle bed ere I had
lived one hour.
From my first breath he knew 'til death
he had me in his power.
Oh, queer old man! Would you might
take an everlasting sleep.
Doze on and on 'til years had, gone
ana records fail to keep:
You are & guard none may retard.
Whate'er VOlir fnnlt nr nrim?
You trail us all until we fall relent-
less Father Time!
Cjrna H. Walker Notes Calllas; e-f Fear
In Latt Few Month.
ALBANY. Or.. May 14. (To the Edi
tor.) It was an unusual sadness that
came over me as I read in The Ore
gonian of tho death of Henry Hill at
the Soldiers' Home, Orting. Wash., last
ff-unaay, ana who so long was & mem
ber of The Oregonlan's Drlnting staff.
As Charles H. Hill we knew iiim as
a scfioolmato in "Tualatin Academy"
as It was then called), the winter of I
1S51-52. This was the first term of I
school taught in the then unfinished
building that In 1S53 first very fittine- I
ly took the added name of Facitic unl-
verslty. Rev.- S. H. Marsh :was presi-
dent, and I was among his first stu-
ruia. .
- our teacher.-lSol-o2. was Prof. J. M.
iveeier, who during the civil war was
provost-marshal for Oregon. Henry
Hill and I were also fellow officers in
the First Oregon infantry volunteers,
" iirtt lieutenant, w, v, ana i oi l
t-o. n. A more than ordinary friend-I
ship existed between us, and I always I
made it a point when visiting Portland I
auring tie time ne was in The Ore
gonian orflce, to call ancf see him. In
later years we seldom failed to meet -at
the Oregon Pioneers' reunions. 1
shall miss him next June.
Another comrade, who died March 27
last in Portland, was James Monroe'
Kelty. of Co. B. Most of his service
was as assistant hospital steward.
Another fellow student at Pacific
university died last Saturday. He was
Charles H. Raffety, M D., of East Tenth
and Washington streets, Portland. We
were among the student force the win-I
ters or jusi-as. ana ikss-oS. the last I
most distinctly remembered, for we I
stuaents were taught bv the Rev. Hor- I
ace Lyman, as. President Marsh had
gone east to solicit funds for Pacific
university. We were taught in a small
building some distance from the a cad- I
emy. Dr. Raffety was a son-in-law of j
Captain John Smith of Linn county. U. I
S. Indian agent at Warm Springs
agency for 18 years, during the last
eignt or wnicn I was his trusted clerk.
Only his death, January 18. 1SS4. at
he Raffety hoins, ended what would
doubtless have been a much longer
service. Mrs. Raffety has my slncerest
Another death that saddened me was
that of Ed C. Ross in Portland early
ast month. He was a schoolmate at
Forest Grove during the early '50s.
Last June we re-elected him comman
der of the grand camp, Indian War
Veterans of the North Pacific Coast.
We shall miss him at our reunion in
Portland, June 8 next.
It will be with a feeling of sadness
that I shall ty to fill his position, that
falls to me as the next ranking officer
of the grand camp. Sadder and sadder
will grow the years should I outlive
the very few and still-remembered fel-
ow schoolmates and students and
comrades living, among them WoK-ott
J. Humphrey, for 2o years a typeset
ter in The Oregonian office.
Attempts to Mfarepresrnt Republican
Senators Will Kali.
(From a Bulletin of the National Re
publican Committee.)
WASHINGTON. May 14. Efforts to
make it appear that republican sena
tors are considering the covenant for
the league of nations from a partisan
standpoint will fail. The questions in
volvcd transcend partisanship. Senate
republicans expect to confer and take
counsel of one another's views, but
they say that any notion there will be
any attempt to caucus and bind mem
bers to do this or that is without foun
A part of the democratic side, too.
will rise above partisanship in the con
sideration of the covenant. On the
other hand, certain democratic senators
who were just as enthusiastic for the
league before it was revised as they are
now will think along political l.ncs
only and abjectly do whatever the ad
ministration wants done. They would
have voted for it without protection for
the Monroe doctrine ipst as readily as
they will vote for it now.
Enough senators will study the prop
osition deeply and seriously to make it
certain the country will hear one of the
great debates of this generation when
it is discussed. It will be a debate
characterized by expositions of Amer
icanism which will be worth while.
That the covenant has -been Improved
by the criticisms which were directed
against the original instrument by such
men as Lodge, Root. Cummins. Borah
Knox. Hiram Johnson. Poindexter and
other prominent republicans is not
seriously disputed by any considerable
number of the league supporters in
either house of congress,
Reports that there is anything like a
final alignment of the senate are not
well founded. Comparatively few sen
ators, save those committed to the cov
enant from the start, have said how
they will vote on the final test. Just
what the parliamentary situation will
be Is not yet plain and cannot be until
the text of the peace treaty Is given
out. It Is obvious there will be great
debate and hard controversy over
amendments proposed to the covenant
and probably the hardest right of all
will rage about the provisions that
look to the guarantee of territorial in
tegrity of nationst which means under
writing the booundary lines of the world
as the league maps them out
How Sentiment for Coast Natal De
fense Was I nltrd.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Mai 13. (To the
Editor.) We desire to express our ap
preciation to The Oregonian for its
initiative in cnins attention to the
naval defense aiion on the I'acitic
coast and the recommendations of the
Helm report.
This patriotic service on the part of
The Oregonian, having less immediate
commercial or business Intt-rcst at
stake In its own territory than other
big newspapers on the const, served an
excellent purpose in uniting the senti
ment of the entire coast and paving
the way for the invitation and success
ful visit of the members of the house
naval affairs committee.
Your effort will have enduring value
to the entire coast and the nation. You
have done much to bring about a unity
of sentiment and purpose which prom
ises at tho hands of coming sessions ot
congress a clearer recognition of the
relation of the Pacific coast to the in
terests of the nation as a whole than
ever before. A. J. RHODKS.
Chairman Naval Affairs Entertain
ment Committee.
In Other Days.
Twenty-five Years Afro.
From The Oragonlan of May 16. 1S.
Boston. By the torch of an incen
diary, which started a blaze in the Bos
ton League park, $1,000,000 worth of
property was destroyed and 500 fami
lies made homeless.
Portland's flower lovers turned cut
en masse yesterday to attend the pansy
tete under auspices of the floral society
at the A. O. U. W. hall:
1 ft
Major A. A. Harbach of the 18th
United States infantry was in Portland
yesterday, the gueet of General Otis,
commander of the department ol the
Toung republicans propose to take aa
active part in the campaign, now warm
ing up, ana last night organized a
flambeau club.
Tha city surveyor Is now at work
settinS STade stakes for streets through
the Ladd estate, south of Hawthorne
avenue. .
Willamette Valley Hopes City Will nil
Railroad Rate Case.
Eugene Register.
The city of Portland Is contending -
for a lower railroad rate from the In
land Empire than is charged for lifting
ireignc. over mountain ranges to Seattle
r for hauling it a hundred milp.a far
,ner to Astoria. It bases its claim on
th fact that it Is 100 miles nearer to
the points In question than Astoria, anrf
that it is approximately 50 miles fearer,
on the average, than Seattla ind in ri-
dition is reached by a water grade down
the Columbia whereas freight assigned
to Seattle must be dragged over high
muunnin ranges at great cost.
ithout entering Into a discussion of
tne complex subject of rate structures
and the difficulty of altering them, it
ought to be apparent that the ym-
pathy of the entire Willamette valley
' im r oruana in its contention. Port
'ana is Oregon s only large citv. and It
' the natural large city market for
the products of the Willamette valley
farms. If, within the next decade or eo,
Portland should continue to (crow until
it equals San Francisco In size the Will
amette valley would prosper greatly in
consequence. If. on the other hand.
the Sound cities or Astoria should crow
greatly in sizo at the expense of Port
land, the Willamette valley would suf-
rer. ihese facts are so obvious that
thAy cannot be overlooked.
We may talk all we wish of Increased
production, but what the Willamette
valley farmer wants is a larger market
and if Portland enjoys large growth
it win iurnisn larger markets while
if it declines the markets particularly
tne marKet lor perishable products-
will suffer. The Willamette valley is
already well equipped with railroads
and the time is near when it will be
gridironed with paved roads. When that
time comes, truck lines will operate
from one end of the valley to the other
I and the products of the farm will be
I carried swiftly and cheaply to the city
I marKeis.
In serving as the outlet for these
products, Portland will compete not at
all with the other cities of the vallcv:
t will merely take the surplus that the
other cities' cannot use for naturally,
because of proximity, their require
ments will be filled first. Thus it will
supplement the other cities, instead of
competing with them.
Put San Francisco within a hundred
miles of the upper valley and the result
would be a largely increased market for
the products of the farm and the or
chard and th. berry patch and with
increased production will take care of
itself. Similarly, if Portland should
grow to San Francisco's eize the valley
will be tremendously stimulated.
L nfortunatcly, there is a tendency In
Oregon to be Jealous of Portland, and
this jealousy finds expression in indif
ference to Portland's future. Perhaps
this jealousy is Portland's fault in that
it may have been brought about by
Portland's sins of omission or commis
sion. Perhaps it is wholly the fault of
Oregon outside of Portland. But. what
ever its orinin it is unfortunate and
unwise. It is not true that growth of
Portland will mean death to the other
cities of the Willamette valley. Wit
ness for example, the cities that have
grown up within a hundred miles of
San Francisco, or Kansas City, or Chi
cago, or any other large industrial cen
ter; Marked development for Portland
is far more likely to spell marked de
velopment for every city in the valley.
It may or it may not be possible for
Portland, because of its strategic lo
cation at the foot of a water graile
route, to secure a freight rate that will
give it an advantage over Seattle, but
there ought to be no doubt as to where
the sympathy qf the Willamette valley
lies. t
Too Much Emphasis on Care of Hands
" and Finger Nails by Girls.
PORTLAND. May 15. (To the Ed
itor.! Editors should receive their due
praise. Your two editorials on "Un
rest Its Cause and Cure." and "Do
mestic Service." are excellent and just
what the public needs.
As I am in domestic service. I have
much to say on the subject, but will
leave a good deal unsaid. There arc
faults on both sides, but often the
roots of the evil are the mistresses
themselves. Before a man or woman
In the business world is placed in a
position to ftive orders, he or sho must
know the given work thoroughly, pos
sess executive ability and tact. In th
domestic world, now many women wi-.o
employ fielp possess tneso qualities-
They give orders at random, lack
dignity and have no respect for those
who work for them.
It is by elevating the work to par
with salesmanship, etc.. by giving
shorter hours that Intelligent women
will remain in tho work. I requested
one mistress to address me by my sur
name. Her answer was. "My son
wouldn't remember it." Yet the same
son remembers the name of his kinder-
garten teacher.
The schools could do a great deal to
ward educating in the dignity of work
and by putting into' the grammar school
a housekeeping course. There is an
ait in cooking and making a bed as
much as in anything else.
In America there is entirely too
much of tho worship of the hand and
linger nails among girls, and tho geor
gette crepe waist has taken place of
of the neatly laundered houscdress.
H. G.
T will pitch my tent
Wheie the cedar bends
Low o'er the mountain stream;
And cast my fly
To the pool below.
Where I see a rcdeide gleam.
When I feel the strike
And my line grows taut
And my bamboo takes the strain,
1 shall feel the shade
Of Sir Izak near
And youth will return again.
I will fill my pipe
With hand-cut rlug
Aiul perfume the mountain air;
And will make my couch
From the ferns that grow
In abundance everyhere.
I will sleep and dream
Of the fish I caught
On a pin hook, when a boy;
And will wake to know
That life still holds .
A few more years ot joy.
T. G. K-