if j , THE MORXING OREGOXIAy, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1010. 39 , REAL KgTATE. I - TIrBFB I 4KDS I xr f f s l or frale l arni., j " : - - I FOB SALE. J FOB 6ALE. I FOB S AT.fc ACTOMOBRES. I FOB SAI.B-ArTOMOBn.FI, I TOR 8 A I.K A PTOMOBILES HIGHLY IMPROVED 20 ACRES. -0 acres, 18 acres in cultivation and all In crops. 1 acre or tine strawberries and J acre lor potatoes. Fine toll and lies lth gentle slope to drain. A good 5-rooui rustic house, good barn 40x50 feet, two Kood wells with pump, family orchard of assorted fruit in lull Leafing, including "3 LiiKlish walnut trees, raspberries, black berries, gooseberries and Brapes. and lots or beautilul roses. On main county road closo to school and church and 12 miles from Portland on good auto road, place lenced with woven-wire, plenty of wood lor family use, chicken house and park, root house. Personal propertv, 1 good horse, cow, harrow, 2 cultivators, plow, harness and all tools. Price for every thing complete. $5000. $3500 cash, bal ance to suit at 6 per cent- If you are looking for a nice little home, see this. DHYEH & BLA1K, "The Acreage Men." 508-9 Lewis Bldg. "WE MEAN IT. The biggest bargain around Portland we know of; 28 acres under high state of cultivation, deep, rich soil, elegant spring piped : to all buildings, fine family orchard! JJulch colonial 8-room house with fine Dathroora and complete plumbing, piped lor furnace. Beautifully situated with a wonderful view near Pacific highway close to Portland. This price unheard ot here tofore, but owner wants to leave city at once and offers for one-third of cost to mm lor quick action. Only $1 2,500. terms, co, - KASER & RAINEY. cJ3-g Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3125. FAMED SKOKOMISH VALLEY. Olympic highway, steel bridge, best lo cation, 80 a.. 15 cultivated, ;iO pasture, IV'? easy clearing; house, barn, fenced, $100 acres, 150 a. overlooking Shelton Southside). 0 a. grain, half bearing Spitz; fenced, modern concrete barn, $o5. Will sell Improved part t0 a. fine land. Hamllcha valley, partly improved, $75. lerms on each, bonds at par. G. C ANGLE, Shelton, Wash. WESTERN OREGON LANDS. we are going to dispose of a few tracts Pi tand in Dougias and Lane counties at from $15 to s;io an acre; terms will be ONE-FIFTH CASH nd 8 years' time on the balance at 6: these tracts have from 40 to 400 acres in them; some of them are partlv improved farms with buildings. Write lor descrip tion, price and terms. One of these tracts has 440 acres, 200 cleared, balance in tim ber, running water and buildings, at $30 an acre. CARTER, McDOXALD MILLER, IXC., 2Q8 Columbia su. Seattle. Wash. A SNAP. 160 acres alfalfa land. 00 acres in al- raira, j t acres rfcany to seed, 20 acres fine pasture; 4-room ouse. barn for 20 cows, good well, electric lights in house and barn; on good main road, R. F. D. by the door, only 3 miles from town; paid-up , water right for 142 acres; good feed yard. $150 per acre will buy this place; buy now and get this year's crops. Come and see it. J A MEH M. KYLE. Stanfleld. Or. Mr. Wheat Land buyer, here is your uuji loon julo tnis; mostly ail un der the plow, north slope, about 1300 nvico in summer lauow mat goes With. the place if, sold soon; worth $5.00 per , n niictii, kuuu en. lair buildings, fenced; this will sell to the first party that looks at It. Price $25 per acre If sold soon; adlolning land sold for $40 cash. Owner. H. J. Sceck. riU.- Weidlcr st, Portland. Or. NEAR SANDY ESTACADA CAR. 40 acres. 12 cleared, & more brush, easily cleared, balance timber, good soil; two nmall summer Itousos, nice spring. $5000; will exchange for Port land home same value. See Peterson, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 5th su Main 6860. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acres level land in Idaho, irrigated by 2 private ditches and dams with state right to am ple water. 80 acres cleared. 40 acres under hog fence, 5-room house on place, 3 miles from county ssat. on good gravel road. Title absolotely clear; will take good truck or clear Portland property as part pay ment. Owner, Woodlawn 6320. WANTED HEAL ESTATE. 6'J HOMES SOLD IN MARCH. 71 SOLD IN APRIL. 2S0 SOLD SINCE JAN. 1. 1919. Naturally we need more homes to sell at the right price and terms; 10 expe rienced real estate salesmen to work on the sale of your house. We advertise ex tensively, are In. touch with the majority of buyers. We need your listing today. Deal -with old-established firm, see - : FRANK L. McGUlRE. To Sell Your Home. Successor to II. D. McGulre Co. Established lss.0. . Abington bldg. Main 5156. Main 1088. WANT TRVINGTON LOT between 14th and 24th sts., lying south of Stanton, on classy ii room Dutch colonial house with large sleeping porch, in best sec tion of Irvintuon, on E. Hot h N. ; old ivory lintsh throughout, 2 fireplaces, like new. Must build larger home. R. H. Torrey. Ta bor 407. JIAV15 CUSTOMER FOR STRICTLY MOD ERN IRV1NGTON RESIDENCE: MUST BE WORTH TUB MONEY; NO IN FLATED VALUES WANTED. OFtEtiON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 200-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1RO0 BONDS. LOANS. INSURANCE. HAVE client for a bungalow: must have at least two bedrooms on ground floor, must be strictly classy, not ancient: Irvington district preferred, not west of 15th street, tee Fred T. Newell with Oregon Investment & Mortgage company, 220-221-222 Cham ber of Commerce. 4th and Stark streets. Marshall 2Q5. IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with me. I handle houses only and have cash buyers. All listings given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. W'ARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON EXCHANGE. I own an Irvington home, value $5000: I wish to exchange for a better home un to $10,000 or $12,000. CLE VE LAND-BAR R-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exchange bldg. Main 0752. AND STILL THEY COME. Buyers for farms, acreage and city property; I have more buvers than bar trains; let me have vour lifting. B. F. KELLY. Swetland Bldg. Main 7776. WANTED A six or seven-room bungalow, must be modern nnd at tho right price; prefer Rosa mere. Phone Main 4777, Taboi XIST your city property, acreage or farms with me. Have cash clients waiting Quick results. C. E. Adams. 507 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2575. MODERN house with 4 bedrooms, fireplace and built-ins; have $1000 cash, balance terms; description and location in first letter. BP 259. Oregonian. HAVE cash buyer for snap, 0-room, modern, not over $2500. Spackman. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO- 2S4 Oak st. ZA ACRE. 7-room house, concrete walks and cash; want 15 to 40 acres close In or place here. L 172. Oregonian. "WANTED Small modern bungalow; wiTl buy the furniture: give price and address- most all cash. W 187. Oregonian. WANTED 3 or 4 acres, with 3 or 4-room modern bungalow, near city. L 115, Ore gonian. WANTED Lot in good residence district. OO-foot front preferred; no high terraces -deal with owner only. K 235. Oregonian. 5 ACRES, within tl miles nfPortland, lm proved or unimproved. 200 Alisky bldg 3d and Morrison, Main 2315. " WANTED Residence property; list your house with me. I have cash buyers J w StTley. 306 Fenton bldg. WALNUT park or Piedmont home to $5000 terms. Hurry. B 304. Oregonian. Farms Wanted. 0 YOU want to sell your farm or acreage' List it with me. I have many calls for Well-improved, close to good road and ptocken farms. HTSGARD, Phone Main 0030, P14 Swetland bldg., cth and Washington. Wanted to Rent Farms. " ONE or more acres with five-room house barn: will buy if right kind of property 400-lb. team for sale. $500. V 293 oregonian. FOB BENT FARMS. 16 ACRES, small house and barn, close to Portland on good road. Phone East 3734. TRfBER T.ANPS. IN ORDER TO CLOSE UP OUR TIMBER INTERESTS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA QUICKLY WE ARE OFFERING 10 UNITS OR APPROXIMATELY 220.000 000 FEET AT 00 CENTS PER THOUSAND FEET. THIS IS CONSIDERED ONE OF TUB FINEST LOTS OF STANDING TIM BER IN B. C. REASONABLE TKRMS i-T ADVKESS BOX 18. FOREST , uKUVxi, OK. TIMBER land, 320 acres, 12 miles northwest of Goldendaie; yellow pine with sawmill cheap; full Information supplied by L. L. lies, Yakima, Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, $13,500. CEJ.ERAL MERCHANDISE "WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR $4000 unencumbered improved dry ranch near Boise. Idaho. $4000 unincumbered stock ranch near Vale. Or. $4000 well secured 1st Mtg. at 1. $lo00 equity In good 5-room house and lot at Boise. Idaho. Address F. B. NELSON, owner. Here temporarily, care GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main 7206. . 624 Henry B!dg. 13 ACRES 1 mile from Vancouver. Wash., to trade for home In Portland, prac tically all cultivated, good soil; has 8 acres of very rich black Ieam bottom land, young orchard, ."-room house, good barn and outbidgs.. fenced with wire. 1 horse, 2 cows, 2 hogs. 4 goats. 24 chlck- ?n and farm tools, good road; price $4o00; $1000 down or trade. 185-5. Ralph Ackley. 3Q6 Corbett bldg. 6-ROOM modern bungalow style house, i block from Rose City Park car. to trade a ""burban home close to Portland of 1 to 6 acres; house on large lot 75x100 feet; hardwood floors and fireplace nice lawn and garden: price $4500; $1000 down or trade. Ralph Ackley. 306 Corbett bldg. SELL or trade for cheap land. 10 acres best soil, all cultivated, buildings, fruit, berries. u iihik route, scnooi i mile, good R. R. town 2'i miles; title clear: value $2300; also young team, cow, tools, etc O. M. Grimm, Gaston, Or. TO EXCHANGE For Oakland, Cal. resi dence lots, or close-In ranch: a splendid bearing, commercial apple orchard, near Lyle, Wash., on Columbia river. For full particulars address C. E. Butler, aoa 12lh St., Oakland, Cal. EXCHANGE hoteK furnished, and other business property In good valley town' excellent opening for country hotel and butcher shop: value $000: wan i. proved 10 to 20 acres near Portland AG 178, Oregonian. lOO ACRES, 53 miles from the city, will trade for 5-room hnn.iinw . willing to pay some cash. Atlas Busi ness Agency A Realty Co.. 716 Board of Trade bldg. Main 5315. WILL trnde or exchange 40 acres of land at Sherwood, Or., fine, deep soil: enough cordwood to pay for clearing; for small Hood River valley orchard: give location and address, s 53", Oregonian. $.1000 Yearly income, close In, west side property. $7000. Exchange for modern bun galow or suburban home. See my agent 1219 N. W. bank bldg. 11ERMISTON acreage for 6-room house R C. Laurelhurst or Piedmont. Phone East 2170. afternoons. WANTED Pasture relinquishment in ex change for two 25x100 lots, value $300 A. J. Alton. Condon, Or. WANTED To exchange property in south ern Oregon town for Portland residence or car. Telephone Woodlawn 25 1 0. $2000 COMMERCIAL papi toi trade for beach propecty. Bdwy. 2S73. 600 PROPERTIES to self" and to exchange. Sena for my list. Box 275. Salem. Or. GOOD city property to exchange for farm. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. $400 EQUITY In Seaside lot 75x110, or will trade for light auto. Call Seliwood 106S. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. HAVE SOLD FARM MUST SELL STOCK, therefore, will sell at auction sale, 2 miles west of Woodland, Wash., Thursday, May !. at 11 A. M., 40 milk cows, 30 roan grade shorthorns, 4 full-blood Jerseys (36 have freshened this year), 4 springers (all nig cows), a lot of C and 7-ga'.lon cows, JO 2-year-old roan grade shorthorn heifers, Jersey bull, shorthorn bull; stock tubercu lin tested: certificate with each head; all stock loaded on boat free of charge; one epan small horses, lots of machinery. Philip Jones, owner; CoL W. S. Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. BEAUTIFUL black mare. 5 years old, weight 1350; work anywhere; price $105. Bay horse, 7 years old, weight 1700 pounds; true and gentle; price $135. Black horse. 9 years old, weight 1250; blocky built, sound and true; safe for anvone to drive; price $75. Team of blacks, 0 and 8 years old, weight $2750; work in any harness; price $245. Also 7 sets of heavy double harness, 4 single. 3 spring wagons and 3 farm wagons: also 2 buggies. 662 E. 2Sth st. S. Woodstock car. 7 HEAD of good, young farm horses, weight from 1200 to 1000 pounds; all good workers and gentle; for sale cheap, or exchange for cattle. Call at the old dairy barn. 2Uth and Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. FOR SALE Two young Jersey cows, heavy, ( rich milkers, 1 Durham cow, just fresh; also milch goat cheap. Henry Smith. Phone USX Mllwaukle, Or. 21st and Adams. 1 block south of S. P. depot. FOR SALE. Few good young mares 5 to 7 yeara old, weight i '1300 to 1500 lbs.; well matched; week's trial allowed. 234 Front- Stables foot of Main st. TWO TE.V.MS. weight about 2700 lbs. each, good harness, also bay mare weight lloO lbs., ono black horse weight 1200 lbs. Transfer barn. East l)th and Flanders. FOR SALE Two big work teams, good harness, one cow, soon fresh. Call at store. Grand ave. and Stephens St., or room 105 Heiler bldg.. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. SIX head Jersey cows, fresh, 5 head spring ers, n.. ti. juyers. tsso East olst North Tabor S024. FRESH Jersey cow, giving about 8H gal.. $70; 4 fresh Durham cows, price around $00 each. East Dth and Flanders. 130 BEEF steers on feed at Montague. Cal.. also stock cattle. Weiborn Beeson, Talent. Oregon. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows sod crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 6!U for results. PASTURE near city for rent; horses or cat tle. Call dmltn, Main 120. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. FRES1I Jersey cows. Tabor 924. 689 East 61 at st. N. E. II. Myers. COW for sale. Seliwood 2712. East 02d st and 74th avenue. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. CLOSING OUT THT5 WEEK. " 2 parlor organs, $28 and $45 cash. 1 square piano, 7 octaves, $35 cash. 2 small upright pianos, $05 and $75. $350 Schubert large upright, cash, $13. $375 Bradford upright piano, cash. $160. $450 new, stored, '18 mod. upright, $285. $475 new, storea, 'IS mod. upright, $2!0. $550 new. stored. '18 mod. player, $305. To first caller. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Storage 50c weekly. Security Storage Co., 103 4th st. at Washington. PIANO BARGAINS. CHICKEHING UA1LISY ' KIMBALL CABLE-NELSON STERLING and, others from $165 up; each one a good buy; terms given; bonds accepted. SKIB-ERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ for a new Vlctrola and records. Our proposition is the best. We will gladly tell you about it. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. Main 85M0. BIDDLE (real ivory keys;, $187; Mathus hek, genuine rosewood, $265; Huntington (the latest model), $275. Harold S. UI1 brt. 384 Yamhill st. PIANO WANTED. We pay the best cash price for used pianos; get our bid. SE1BERL1 NG-LUCAa MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. Main 8586. BUSH & LANE piano for sale or trade for good team and wagon: first-class condi tion; used two years. 189 E. McMillan St.. city. $15 CASH, $s monthly sends new $375 up right piano to your home for $281, subject to exchange within one year, allowing full amount paid. Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th. JUST arrived, cabinet phonograph, plays all records; retail price $150; real bargain fol $100 liberty bond. 241 McMillan. BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS Latest models. My new selling plan saves you ail the worry. Nate Ardrfy, Sell. 31B5. PIANO, $105; standard make, g'ood condi tion; ts-tns given. SEIBERLING-LUCA MUSIC C'J., 125 4th St. Main 8586. $95 CASH buys $375 used upright piano at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st, at Wasn- ington. BRUNSWICK phonograph with records at a bargain. SE1BEHLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Main 8580. EXCHANGE the player rolls you are tired of at loo per roll. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill St. $95 REAL BARGAIN, large cabinet phono-graph,- new; plays all records, 1193 East Grant. KIMBALL PIANO at a bargain: fine con dition. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. SIEBERL1NG LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. OLD violin, valued at $1000, for sale or will exchange for lot. BC 91, Oregonian. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck, Tabor 8574. Graduate New Eng. Conservatory. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill st. $15 BUYS disc phonograph at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. FINE tone upright piano, walnut case; cash or terms. 349 E. Gilsan. WANTED Good piano, at oncu; bonds. Call Unln 3864. 0 to 0. cash or I ' "" ainsii-ai iMinimfnu. I Miscellaneous. I I I . $5 OR $10 In records purchased sends to your riorne any new $20. $32.50, $50. $60. $1)0. $100 or $115 type phonograph, balance GOc, ' 5c. $1.00, $1.25 or $1.50 weekly until fully paid. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 6th St.- I WILL trade my old Gypsy violin for or chestra bells and some traps. ARTOR C. SMITH, BOS W. loth St.. Vancouver. Wash. Furniture for Sole. WK DON'T THINK YOU'VE SEEN THE LIKE of THERE MATTRESSES ANYWHERE AT $11.05. 100 of them, weight 40 pounds, of pure cotton felt. built In layers in fine art tick with roll edges; worth $20. special, while they last. $1 1.5. MISH FURNITURE COMPANY. 188-10O First Street. BIG SNAP. Beautiful singing tone Iver & Pond piano, fumed oak dining room set, side board, Morris chair, center table, ru gas range and fuel range, heater, sewing machine, water motor washing machine, two dressers (French plate), two beds, rocking chairs, bed and table linen, kitch en utensils, dishes and everything else that goes with a fully-equipped household. Excellent condition; for a quick sale $50O cash if taken this week; no agents. For sale by owner. For appointment call East 351 1. $-2.i FURNITURE 5 rooms. 6-room modern flat. 3 rented for $0.50 woek; rent $25. near city hall; big store room, basement. K 233. Oregonian. FURNITURE for sale, golden oak dresser, desk, bed. dressing table, 2 rhalrs. spring and mattress, Hrussels rug. Dealers do not answer. Call Bdwy. 000, R. jieekcr. BRASS bed $rt. steel springs $5, round oak table. 5 extensions. $6; leather. over stuffed rocker $10: quarter-sawed hish grarta rocker $0. Main :;oi. RELIABLE O-burner 2 -oven gas range, good am new, sujlable for restaurant or boarding house; price $50. Call 452 Sal mon street. LIBRARY TABLE Beautiful new oak li brary table, cheap, costs $18.50. Woodlaw n 1 024 . OLD-STYLE bookcase, ttecl eouch, window shades. Phono Broadway 2041. TWO Axmlnster rugs. 0x12 ft. and Hx6 ft Used very little. East 2410. NEW, $50 drop-brad sewing machine. El dredge. $:i2.5'l. Main 7o23. DINING table, chairs. Jaeger vacuum sweep, er, rug. cheap. Tabor 40. Poultry. WHITE L KG HORNS are the most profit able breed of poultry. If you are in the business for profit you will eventually have them. Early broilers, eariy layer, early profits. We soil only v hlte Leg horn Eaby Chicks from heavy 1-ylug Ho K a ii lied hens. Safe delivery of full count live chirks guaranteed." Price per 10l: April, May and June delivery. $12 50 The Pioneer Hatchery, 40i tilxth f. 1'ela luma. Cal. QUALITY BAB V CHICKS FOR SALE" White Leghorns Black Minorcas Prices reasonable, saie delivery guar anteed, full instructions, "Care Baby Chicks" free with each order; May and June delivery. C. N. Needham. box 412 Salem, or. LUHR POULTRY FARM We supply your poultry wants: er chicks nr grown, stock; buy or sell In largs or small lots; correspondence solicited; visitors welcome, Kendall station. then follow the arrow sign. P. O. Address. It. 3, Box 258. Lents Station. Portland, or. WAR-TIME prices canceled; Old Trusty in cubators and brooders selling at prices ef lective prior to war, immediate delivery from factory; write quick. Material Chaser's company, 326 Railway Exchange, Portland, Or. Representatives wanted. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. S. C White Leghorn chicks during April. May and June. 11 per JuO; eggs from free-range hoganized stock only. Write for circular and price list. Oak Hill Hatch ery, M51l6Brd st, Petaluma, Cal. WHITE LEGHORN eggs Iretn excellent stock, uanereae ee Hanson; $0 per 100 $1.20 a setting, postpaid. P. Dudley, Alah"j Or. BABY CHICKS White Leghorns, full of "pep." 'vim" and "vigor." Our chicks mature early, lay heavy, pav big. Free catalogue. Freshlald Farm, Colfax, Wash. YEAR-OLD White Leghorn hens. 6348 84th st. S. E. Tabor 04SU. I -Bundle and Boats. FISH boats and scows built and repaired, bought and sold. Marine Repair & Con struction Co., yard and ways it. Alblna ave. Phono East 2102. Dogs, Babbits. Birds. Pet Stock. BOSTON terrier, 3 months old, for sale; male; good markings. Broadway 1201. I HAVE an Alaskan husky for sale; this dog must be seen to be appreciated; 6 mo. old. Call Tabor 0437. BOSTON terrier at service; Mars J. Fee $10: guaranteed. 14516 Ulh st. Broadway Machinery. SPECIAL. 1 0-ft. band head rig 14-in. saw. 1 No. 342 Berlin 8-in. blades. 1 No. 341 Berlin 6-in. saw. 1 Fay Egan K-in. saw. 1 Fay Egan 7-in. saw. Also all kinds of rebuilt second-hand ma chinery, x THE J. E. MARTIN CO. S3 First St.. Portland. Oregon. 12-H. p. heavy duty new gas engine: one or the very best, with friction clutch pulley; wo tan sell this for 200 leas than pre-war prices. 2S1 E. Morrison st. Typewriters. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now, im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem. ington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEE iTTaetory rebu 1 1 1 typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept., 321 Wash. st. WANTED Late model Underwood. A-No. 1 condition, reasonable. D17 E. 7tu N. East 1040. NEW, rebuilt, seoond-hand rentals at cut rates, p. D. Co.. 23,1 Stark st- Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers, E. W. Pease Co., 110 sixth sL REMINGTON typewriter for saiel cheap. Call at 705 Couch bldg.. 4lh and Wasn. WANTED Underwood typewriter; late model preferred. Y 24, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Shelving, good and clean; a bargain; household furnishings also. 1. X. L. Furniture & Stove Exchange. 804 - First St. Main 70:3. ONE electric scrubbing machine and hot water rinsing tank, suitable for office bldg. with marble lloors. 332 Washington street. TWO Edison dictating machines, used -X mo. 4 oak roll-top desks. 1 flat-top. 4 chairs and filing cabinet. 1 B. K. desk. 1 mahog. roll-top. B'jshong A Co.. 91 Park st. SAFES DIEBOLD. " New and second-hand. Prices right. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. 40 Front st. Broadway 1966. HOT WATER tanks, all sizes, in good serv iceable condition, 80-gal., $7; 40-gal., $9. 201 Adams st, east end steel bridge. Phone East S516. RELIABLE 6-burner. tt-oven gas range, good as new, suitable for restaurant or boarding house; price $50. Call 452 Sal mon st. PRINTING FOR LESS 500 envel. or bond letter hds., $2.75; prompt service, best work: try us. Wmith. printers. 204 Stark st. CORDWOOD Strictly f iret,-class. first growth , j.u . uuu, iiiti i . ri on west ElUt, SS.JU. Newlon. Broadway 4050. FOR SALE Russian fitch mul'f and scarf. 14 skins; price reasonable. A 132. ore gonian. WHITE Pearl popcorn, excellent popping quality, 10c In 100 lb. lots, 9c in 1000 lb. lots. S 535, Oregonian. FO SALE Large box, iron-bound, 14x6 Ox 6.0, suitable for garage or shack, or furni ture moving. K 24Q, Oregonian. THE old original home remedy, Viavi, pre vents operations. 423 Pittock block. Broadway 5015. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st st . corner Yamhill. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stark at. SCALES, meat siicer. cheese cutter, account registers, counters at 55 2d su, cor of Pine. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wall cases, fixtures; easy terms W. J. Quisley. 227 First. Main 531)9. CHOICE potatoes. $2.00 sack delivered. Call Broadway 454; evenings call Sell. 2839. BUTCHERS' 15-foot showcase, cheap; Just like new. Tabor 13S2. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent, ex change. bought. Bentley Co.. Main 85S2. SAFE Fire-proof, as good as msTKor In formation AP 185. Oregonian. FOR SALE 50 quarts of assorted fruit leaving city. Bdwy 35rtl. WAITERS, attention: New tuxedo suit, size 4". $30. Call 128 13th st. VACUUM cleaners for rent or sale. Vacuum Cleaning, Broadway 2019, MAILING LIST OF 4000 NAME?. A correct list of the names and ad dresses of 4O00 automobile owners of Whitman county, Washington. The most accurate and complete list of high-class property owners that was ever published. Put up in pamphlet form and forwarded for $5. Send check with order. Address Box U. Colfax. Wash. REMINGTON, No. 10. cost $120. Al condition. Electric lamp and stand, cost $30. American and English law, 11 volumes, cost $75. Ay or all cheap for cash: make offer. MACKLEY. 2T014 FOURTH. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes: machines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. near Taylor Street. APPAREL EXCHANGE. Ladles, call and see smart suits, dresses, beautiful dancing frocks; slightly used; secured from prominent social leaders; Prlcea right. Tabor 2S25; REINFORCING steelT" gasoline hoist, steam donkeys, boilers, concrete mixers, pum pa, general bridge and contractors' equipment for sale or rent. Union Bridge Co., 55 Argyle St.. city. Phone Woodlawn 30C SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORRI3 SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. FOUR-SECTION high-grade Jewelry floor: and wall cases, at a bargain. DAN MARX. 2S3 Washington St, DELICIOUS crabs, clams, oysters, fresh daily. 120 First St.. bet. Wash, and Al der Western Fish Co. Marshall ulsii. WOODS AW for sale: one-ton truck. 732 V Alberta st. Woodlawn 3021. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. We will take your old car as part pay ment and your liberty bonds at face value. Here are a few of our used cars we offer for your spproval: J'Jlrt CHEVROLET. 5-pass., 4-cyI. 11117 MITCHBLL, 5-pass., 6-cyi. 1JI18 MITCHELL, 2-psss.. 6-cyL 1914 FORD. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 1017 NATIONAL,7-pass., 12-cyL 1012 PACKARD. 5-pass., 4-cyl. Model 18. J'.HH CHALMERS, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1915 CHANDLER, T-pats., C-cyl. 1917 MITCH HILL, 7-paa.. 6-cyl. 1914 HAY.N'ES, 6-pau.. 4-cyl. 1914 WHITE. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 191 7 MITCHELL, 3-pass., 6-cyl. 1913 CADILLAC, 6-pass.. 4-cyl. 11112 MITCHELL, 0-pass., 6-cyl. mi.-f MITCHELL. 6-pass.. 6-cyL 11113 HUDSON. 5-pass., 0-cvl. SAMPSON TRUCK. MAKE OFFER. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO., EAST FIRST AND MORRISON STS. PHONES: East 7272. B. 1216. 1018 MODEL DODGE TOURING. Late 1018 Dodge, brand new tires In front, new oversiee rear tires, one spare tire, car looks and runs fine. This is a bargain at $1000; cash only. Fbone East sol SNAP. 1017 Oakland 6 roadster, only pave ment driven by present owner: extra tires, back tires Just new; looks and runs like new. Phone Bdwy. 1130, Montgomery. Price $850, cash or terms. PRACTICALLY new 1910 Nash, driven only 21O0 milcH. 2 extra tires and this year's license included In this price, $1000, cash or terms. Call Montgomery, Bdwy. 1130. Howard Automobile Co., Buick distrib utors. 1017 MITCHELL, 6-cyiinder and 7-passeuger, has had excellent care, good tires and fin ish, upholstery in fine condition, will sell for $950, no trade: this is a real bargain. Call Monday Brdwy. 1130, ask for Mark Worth. GRANT 6, only run 375 miles; must sell for owner today; cash bargain. Ask for Mr. Harris. Talbot c Casey. Grand ave. and East Ankeny. K 2.13, Oregonian. 1919 ELGIN 6. " A thoroughbred In performance and ap pearance; the finest car on wheels for the price: your old car taken as first payment. For demonstration phone Main 7445. WHY look further for that 1919 Maxwell touring when you can see it at 523 Al der? Call Broadway 2492 and ask for Cary. 1010 WILLYS KNIGHT. A brand new car: Just well broken in; owner must sacrifice. C4J Alder at, Broadway 1723. Big USED CARS. Prices Stock. Right. No misrepresentations. COVEf. . .MOTOR. . .CAR.. .CO. REAL OPPORTUNITY. New 1919 Oldsmobile Six. at fi per cent discount, no delay on delivery; this la one chance in a hundred; must be cash. S 532, Oregonian. $1000 CASH OH TERMS BUYS 191S OLDS MOBILE FIX ROADSTER. FIVE WIRE WHEELS AND FIVE GOOD TIRES: HUN. AND LOOk-S LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR u.;o. LATE MODEL OLDSMOB1LE 7-PASS-KNOER; A BARGAIN. TERMS. OR WILL TAKE IN A GOOD LIGHT CAR AS PART PAYMENT. CALL MARSHALL 1950. APT. 42. AFTER 12 O'CLOCK. $1275 CAP H OR TERMS IH'TS MY HUD SON SUPER SIX TOURING CAR. HUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 6122. 1918 MAXWELL touring, in perfect condi tion, only run 3000 miles, will sell at $775. and glvo terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near liurnwide. ' SNAP. I have a 7-passenger Chalmers, lust the thing for a stage line; bargain for cash. East 4154. MY CLASSY 1917 Chalmers light eix. In perfect mechanical condition. for sale cheap. Call 2S1 Front st.. cor. Jefferson, between 9 and 6. BUICK '18. E 40; thoroughly overhauled and looks like new. 5 new oversize tires with extras: snnp st $1600; will demon strate. Call Muln 2110. BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS BIX. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630. ' 1917 FORI i louring, newly painted, lota ex tras, will sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N-, near Hurnside. HAVE the original fiuidh put on your Ford for $15. Auto enameling works, 76 Union ave. N. Wdln. 4397. FORD touring car. lOiO: good tires; excel lent running order, $:50. Terms. 12 N Grand ave. N. 1916 FORD touring, fine condition, extras good rubber, will sell at $38. some terms' 30 Grand ave. N., near RurnKlde. $300 DOWN BUYS HUM MAXWELL TOUR INO CAR: REPAINTED. Al CONDITION. CALL TABOR 630. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, newly painted, a bargain at $075. some terras. 80 Grand ave. N., near Hurnside. 1018 SERIES OAKLAND. First-class condition; price is right. DODGE touring car. In good condition, with good tires, 70O. Will accept part cash. East 0th and Flanders sts. $200 DOWN "BUYS MAXWELL TOURINll CAR. Al CONDITION AND GOOD RUB BER. CALL EAST 1962. 1918 CHEVROLET, in perfect condition: looks like new; a, bargain at $075. 12 GrHnd ave. N. $005 PRACTICALLY new 1918 Ford sedan good rubber and lots of extra. S 643. Ore gonian. CHEVROLET 1017 touring car: (rood shape -a bargain at $500. 12 Grand ave. N. Terms if deBlred. BARGAIN. 1918 Maxwell; 2000 miles; like new. E. 4154. after 6 P. M. 1918 OAKLAND. 5-pass., fine condition, snap. See White or 8tevens. 10th 'a; Hurnside. Bdwy. 521. OVERLAND CHUMMY BUG All oversized tires and in tip-top condition: cheap for quick snl. fi:iO Alder. Broadway 2717. 1918 MAXWELL touring, in fine condition, used privately, will sell at $700 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnnide WE will give you liberal terms on our Cole 8. Come to 52:; Alder and look her over. Broadway 2492. 1919 AERO Cote, cost $3100, fully equipped, 7 passenger, cord tires, practically new. Soil at a bargain. $2250. Call Main 69. FORD touring, 1015, In perfect mechanical condition, a bargain at $375. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. WE have a 1918 Briscoe touring. In first class shape: liberal terms. Call for Cary at 523 Alder, or Rroadway 24U2. 191 S SAXON SIX CHUMMY ROADSTER RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; A BKH G A IN. CALL TABOR 030. CHAl..MhKM. .i-passcnger. new tires, fine running order; a wonucrful buy to makt into n uuk. v w 1 1 moauway m. Jt. Keeker. LATE 1910 Dodge touring car: disc clutch, extra tire, bumper and spot light: $650 ' Main 4254. FOR SALE 1915 5-passeDger Dodge ear. 123 5th BU CLEAN-UP WEEK OF USED CARS. WE NEED THE ROOM. AN OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE CARS AT SNAPPY PRICES. 191T HUPMOBILK TOURING $875.00 1017 FORD TOURINQ $475.00 1916 OVERLAND TOURING. $195.00 1916 OVERLAND ROADSTER $650.00 1910 LOZIER TOURING $450.00 191i OVERLAND TOURING $350.00 1917 BUICK 6. A DANDY $1100.00 ALL THESE CARS ARE EQUIPPED WITH'GOOD TIRES. AND ARE IN GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION. AVE GIVE A, 10-HOUR FREE SERVICE WITH EVERT CAR SOLD. AUTO SALES CO.. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. NINTH AND COUCH. MID-WEEK SPECIALS. 1 1918 NATIONAU 1 191 S HUPMOBILE. 3 191T HUPMOBILES. 1 1916 HUPMOBILE. 1 1915 HUPMOBILE. 1 191S GRANT. 3 1917 GRANTS. 1 1916 GRANT. 1 191S MAXWELL. 1 1914 MAXWELL. 1 1817 OVERLAND. 1 1918 OVERLAND. 1 1913 OVERLAND. SEE THEM DO IT NOW. MANLET AUTO CO.. Burnside at 11th street. Broadway 217 CARS DIRT CHEAP. 1917 Maxwell, In fine condition, good tires . L-.'b!iry ,six- im' new:::::::: iio. 1916 Studebakcr. fine shape. n x.-V?JrLI,AM U HUGHSQN CO., 00 Jn. Broadway at Davis. Bdy 3"1 Authorized Ford Dealer. " 1!1S CHEVROLET. younanywher:r,$G50PPery that lake THE USED CAR EXCHANGE oil Washington St. HT-DSON SIX 1916. 5-pass. Saxon Six 1917, 5-puss. Cheap, cash or terms. DIAMOND T TRUCK CO., 330 Burnside Street. JUST MY LUCK. IIve . new lam Saxon comnlstelv equipped In every detiT . 0.mpI','.',y I WILL sell my 1U1S Maxwell touring car -.i"-" V,r"' mounled, three extra tires' leal condition: am leaving town. $7r0 cash. t..,o terms. Woodlawn 5702 W E ... , irI BUICK-. and "top air good " coniitin: tire. Tlia i.5EU. CAR EXCHANGE. " dniiiEIon st TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE I-,niMl.t:,;""!i u1a S u ttiaj s, Goodyear wm.i "ifor Ko,ra. $--. Author!-.! rrt m .. 'eK Union Avenue Tire nd Mattery shop. 4H Union ave. N., cor Sacramento, East 1393. ' ur' T,. ' FORD ROADSTER, .v.. Car hock abxorhers, demount- fhV,V- "if ""-rier. 4 new ilres7po - 24th "t0d CC.7 after" 4 V..""- 305 N"h iFEKDOLIXI- r movr -j r t-tn n the nrlr. V,f ? "wr. nrlngi L. M. Jv.."ii i- Va-V,J:.V". anon. land f,,' u " PTt car. j gowl tires, bumper, spot light: car has been driven only Muni miles and Is in excellont condition: $1540. cash or terms! Phone P. M. Smith. Broadway 11:10 BtHl V I0"r OWn 'rn and big reduction. new 5-passenger touring car. or will rive ap,wm,!nl on .or "-room modern buuga low. Evenings only. 802 E. John st. 1918 FORD, speedometer, shock absorbers, exhaust whistle, cut-off. foot aci-e'era"?: StromberB carburetor. Swell snap. $475 oodlawn 5546. ' "OAKLAND SIX. A llffht six for only $02." TUB USED CAR EXCHANGE 527 Washington ft. ONE light 4 Bulck. 5-pass., Delco lights and starter, in good mechanical condition Woodlawn 3397. HUDSON 0-40. the little 0. with plenty of E?.Ter """"leal to run. In fine con- ditlon. $o0. terms. GUI. Mar. 34u0. A 245T. 1917 OAKLAND six tourlnar; three nearly n?,.-,-,re,:T,ne.'T ,or" battery, etc.: snap . at i..o D. M. Smith. Broadway 113 BUICK 1111.1-4 This is a dandy. Tire Tj and mechanically first class. SMITH AUTO CO.. Perk and Conch. LEAVING town, must sell Willys-Knight seven-passenger car at sacrifice: mileaue . ' L ood tires. AR 4.14. OregonlTn' 1018 FORD touring, in excellent mechanical condition, good tire, looks new; private owner. $475, Mar. 3074. 1910 DODGE. C-pass.. $750; first-cla.s shapT almost new tires: will consider Ford in trade. Call Woodlawn 33H7. BUICK 1914 touring, mechanical! v perfect- good tires. Broadway 2717. 530 Alder'. FOKD car for sale by owner, $400 cash or bonds. 591 Washington st.. or 46 N. 20th. HAYNBS six; a beauty; come see it PrT vste party. Call Main 5K73. WHO wants a Ford roadster? We have it 023 Alder. Broadwy 2402. REO BUG for sale. Fashion Garage oppo site Public llbrarr. ONE series 9-A Franklin tourint car. Niels Anderson Garage. 40 N. 20th. HERE Is a bargain in a Willys-Knight liberal terms. Cary. 523 Alder. Bdy. 2402! ONE 1U12 4-cylinder Franklin, cheap for cah. Niels Anderson Garage. 46 N. 20th. MITCH FILL, -cyl.. 5-pass. ."splendid 'condi tion. $800. Woodlawn 3344. FORD touring, good shape, terms. Cary 523 Alder. Broadway 2402. 1916 DODGE. $150 under price. SMITH VITO CO.. Park and Coueh. ONE Stevens Duryea. bug- for sale at a bar gain at 414 W. Olisan. Broadway 93. FOR SALE 1913 Hup, cheap, good condf tion. Woodlawn 2065 $325 1917 5-PASS. car. a real bargain; am leaving town. 314 Columbia st. 191 DODGE We are almo.-t giving It away. SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Couch. 1918 MAXWELL, in Al comiYtlnn. $700 terms, proadway 4035. 141 N. tith st. FORD, cost $560 month ago, -sell $450 good condition, extras. Mnrshnll 5355. 14 MODEL OVERLAND, cheap. 50u Wi'l. lama avenue. Phone Broadway 1791, .V"0" ,OD, w'h Plate glass in rear cur 1 i7 l'ydrlv,,n hundred m. MaiS do33 " wm "'"lce. Call MITCHELL LIGHT SIX BRAND NEW. CAN DELIVER MODEL "E" 840 WITH FACTORY GUAR ANTEE AND SERVICE. SEE AL J. MOURTON. THE CASE MAN. AT J. H. GRAHAM MOTOR-CAR CO. 10th and Stark. Bdwy. 3231. Residence Tabor 0252. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. For immediate delivery: Ford Sedans. Ford Couplet. Ford Touring, Ford Road sters and Ford Truck. TERMS. PHONES: East 303, East $37. C 1590. RUSHLIGHT & PENNET. INC., Authorized FORD Agents. 363 E. Broadway. City. FORDS. FORDS. USED FORDS. 4 Forf Roadsters. 3 Ford Touring. 1 Ford Sedan. 2 Ford Trucks. 2 Ford Deliveries. 1 Ford Bug. TERMS. Ford Parts and Ford Service. RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY". INC. Authorized FORD Agents. 363 E. Broadway. City. Phone East 303. East $367. C 130. THE LARGEST FORD SERVICE STA TION ON THE PACIFIC COAST. REBUILT FORD CARS. 1917 TOURING A DANDT. 1917 TOURING NEW TIRES. 1918 COUPE NEW TIRES. 1917 DELIVERY A GOOD ONE. Fords repainted, overhauled and rebuilt. Tops recovered, upholstering repaired. Genuine Ford parts, tiref, accessories. Touring bodies, delivery and truck bodies. ROBINSON-SMITIt COMPANY, SIXTH AND MADISON. MAIN 1100. TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS. ATTENTION! Cerber has Just what you have been looking for In his "Patent-applied-for ' BED ARRANGEMENT in YOUR BODY; saves you taking along a lot of bedding: can be BUILT In AST BODY. YOUR INQUIRIES SOLICITED. G. G. GERUER. B8 9th St. N. Broadway 1S73. V E LIE. VEI.l E. Several to choose from: 191C. 1917 and 1018 models, ail thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed to give you sttfaciory servlce. and make ou a VeMe booster. Remember, we are Velie distributors and our reputation Is at stake on every una we ell. Frit-a right: eav terms. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. Main Tf.O. 5s .V 2::d St. 1917 OVERLAND 1017. 6-cyl., 7-poiss., Continental motor, leath er upholstering, new top with plate glas, rich cherry paint Job. new cord tires: se.l on terms or take small car as part pa nient. T. P. HILLER. HQ Noth I.".d SI. Main 70 NEW FORDS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVKRT. EASY TERMS. ROBINSON-HMITH COMPANY. SIXTH AND MADISON. MAIN 1100. HUDSON SUPER SIX! Like new: driven 80O0 mile: 2 spare tlrea with tire covers, motometer, spot light, plate glass rear and sides: a car of quality and at a bargain price. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main TSQ 58 N. 23d St. LOTS OF GOOD USED CARS CHEAP. Two 1917 Dodges, two 1919 Chevrolet, one 1919 oldsmobile R. one 1913 Hupmo Mle. one 1914 Studebaker. one 1913 Chal mers, one 1914 Buick 4. Big Wlnton bug. lots of power. Mill street Garage, 2d and Mill sts. Main 6352. 191 OVERLAND 191. Model Wi thoroughly overhauled first class throughout. Snap at $725; easy terma. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. IO North 23d St. Main 7Sn. STUDEBAKER aix. first-class mechanical condition: electric lighta and starter: motor runs smoothly and quiet; genuine leather upholstery; 4 new tires. 1 extra; original paint. looks almost like new; fine family car; only $740. Call Tabor 7819. LATH MODBU 7-ras.. 6-cyl., MITCHELL revarmshed; first-class cord tires and spare; looks and runs like new; will sell or trade; terms given: bargain. It C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 68 N. 2Sd St. Main 780. 1917 STUDEBAKER Six. looka like new. In fine mechanical condition, used privately, will sacrifice nnd give terma. 30 Grand ave, N., near Burnside. 1914 5-PASSENGER Buick. first-class con dition, for sale cheap. Can be seen at Wentworth & Irwin, cor. Second and Tay lor. W. E. Meliger, Corbett. Or. WILL sell cheap or trade for stock or a light truck a inm rora in flrst-cluss con dition, 4 new tires, runs like new. 602 K. 2tn St. S. Sell. 717. OLD TIRES We pay the highest price. Phone East 1393: we will can. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP. 4S3 Union Ave. N.. cor. Sacramento. CHAI.M BRS Six touring, looks like new. perfect mechanical condition, a bargain at $1100, terms, will consider smaller car in trade. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. I CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVROLET Oil MAXWELL AH PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL AUTO MOU1I.K. CALL TABOR 63o. FORD roadster, 1917, fine mechanical con dition, good tires, will sacrifice at $450, some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn: side. $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1962. 1914 FORD touring, completely overhauled fine running condition, win sell at $306 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. MOTORS, guars, bearings, wheels, axlea: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodea Co., North Broadway and Flanders. BUICK BUICK BUICK. 1917 model, completely overhauled, fine condition, privately used; cheep for cash no dealers; leaving city. 529 E. 33d 8. FOR SALE 7-pasaenger 1918 Chandler; per fect condition: extra heavy over-size cord tires: will sell for ressonable price. 589 B. Broadway. East 2562. DODGE touring. 1916, repainted, and over hauled, will sacrifice and give terms, JboO 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul canized. 25c: tire repairing. 207 Mad lso a. FOR SALE Ford car In good condition. 611 K. SOth st. N. Phone Tabor 4.102. OVERLAND fi-passenaer in good condition; owner must sell. 5Q0 Williams are. FOR SALE 1918 Briscoe, fully equipped. Phone 706 or 411, Vancouver, Was h. 1918 FORD. ieU cheap by owner. lis Chapman at. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 AMERICAN TOURING. 1 1917 4-CYL. BUICK TdURING 1 1914 4-CYL HI IOK TOURING. 1 1M1S CADILLAC. 1 1918 DODGE TOURING. 1918 lU'PMORH.K. I91S MAXH EI.L. l'JIT MITCHELL. 1917 MAXWELL ROADSTER. WILLYS OVERLAND 0 1918 OAKLAND TOURING. 1918 OAKLAND SEDAN. MODE I, S3 OVERLAND. SAXON CHUMMY ROADSTER. WINTON 6 ROADSTER. LEWIS E. OBTE MOTORS CO. Broidway and- Couch. Open eveninss and Sundays. FORDS 191 S Ford 191S Ford 1917 Ford 1917 Ford 10 17 Kord mm Ford 19 16 Ford RII5 Ford 1915 l ..rd I 1:1 Ford 1917 Ford Touring. Roadster. Tounnc. Tourln?. Roanet.T. Roadster. TonnnK. Tounn k. IToa (ini -r. Delivery. Touring. I'on't fsll to tf lhe.-e cam before ou buy. They arc like tew. Terms if de sired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3TJ0. Last 13th and Hawthorne ave. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Overland S". 1 t 'veriimd 8 1 l'r.inklin bug. dandy I Maxwll 1 Sludobuker C I l'ord niaoetir 1 Kord tourmu 1 Oakland bug 1 SI u-ieo.-i ker bug 1 Maxwell 1 White 3-ton truck 2 lo 2-ton truck. $i00 and 1 2'c-totl St r six LONG A- S1LVA. 42 Hawthorne Ave. $ Si'V SMI 1V..I SO. I 16."m 1917 BUICK. 5-pars.; 5 cord tires. W a good lot of Fords and small ca: choose from. Terms. See WHITE or STEVENS. 10:h and Burnside. Bdwy. 5 have s t 1D17 BUICK TOURING LIGHT SIX. Rert of condition: all good tirs and one extra. This is an exceptional bargam at $1050; tfrmi. A-l Auto Works & Paint ing Co., "25 .:der st. CHEVROLET BABY" GRAND. Almost new: spare tire: excellent con dition: a sjiap at $950. Terms if desired. 12 Grand :oe. N. IF you are in the market for a Light Six Olcamohllo this is the place you are look inn for. 52:1 Alder. Carv. Uroadvvuv 24!2. Here'e a snap MODEL 81 OVERLAND first-rlnss tires; excellent appearance; mechanically O. K. ; price only $450 wilii terms. P. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 88 N. 23d St. Main 7Sf. 1017 CHALMERS, five-passenger, just over hauled, in fine condition: almost new tires; one new extra: car looks good and wiil make fine demonstrator: $750; will take liberty bomi as part payment, call Frank Smith. Hrondwav 1130. CHEVROLET LIGHT DELIVERY. 1917 model: electric starter: a barsain at $450. 12 Grand nve.. near Burnside. GOOD-RUNNLNG auto-In liands oforiginal buyer: old machine but always well cared for. $225; has hud complete overhauling recent ty. T. 11. Edwards, S2-80 5lh st. Main 1927. 1915-4-CYL. stiuleiiaker A dandy. Auto Co.. Park ami couch. Automobiles Wautcd. WANT GOOD USED CARS. Wiil pay be?t cash prices obtain able in tho t-i;y. SEE F. W. KIPPER, at the LEWIS E. OHYE MOTORS CO.. Broadway and Couch. WE PAY CASH. Rring your auto to me. I will do it ouirk. Any s-.vie. We need im ioi prlc. d liKlit cars at once. MAXWELLS, CHEVROLET. o ER LANDS, DoDG Lis TOURING or ROADSTER. 525 Alder St. A-l AUTO WORKS. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. . Will exchange two choico lota at Saltaif atation. Tlllaiuuok beach, near depot anil hotel; adjoins boara w.ilk. county road and railroad; faces the Pacific ocran; sixe 50 by about 110 feet: auitable for busi ness or for cottage; will pay come dlf ference. Adrln aa RI 'go;i. Oregonian. LONO A PTLVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save yeu 60 per cent on parts. Send In tha parts you need and we will dup.lcate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 462 Harlhomt ave. WR CAN OUT TOf MORE MONET FOTt YOUR CAR. SF.S VS BEKORK YOU SELL. CONLEY S USED CAR CENTER. S. W. COR. 10TU AND WASHINGTON. WE PAT CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IT IS A LATE MODEL. THE UfliD CAR EXCHANGE. 527 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE lilWADftAY 1582. WANT used car in good condition: wiil ex change J05 balance due on nailer's con tract drawing 1 per cent Interest, city property, being paid monthly. All 195. Oregonian. WANTED for cash, good late model touring car. Ford or Chevrolet preferred. Do rot nnswer unless priced r;Kht. Room 212 HJarkstone hotel. Hroi.dwrty 2741. 1TL.L.SI1:, clear lot in Trcmoiu park; nie and level. For 5-pascnger auto, l'hono Woodlawn 5102. WANT good small car; will give cash and small beach cottsce. 6S7 E. Ash St. .ET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. WILL pay c.ish late model touring. P. o. Box 0. Portland. Or. WANTED '17 Ford rosdster, must be a bargain for cash. Call Marshall 1915. Motorcycle. FOR SALE 8 11. P. 2 cyl. equipped motor cycle. A-l condition; will sacrifice. Call bet ore 5 P. M., 681 lloyt St., cor. 2 1st. Marshall 5s97. 11AIU.EY-DAV1DSON. 1910. $175 cash; extra good buy. Seliwood 2C95 or Main pii;iii. FOR MOTORCYCLE AND BICYCLES TR1" IS. 2"4-2l"l 3D ST. Main 6l:i. A BICYCLE for sale, good condition. Call East 5145. 1918 INDIAN motorcycle and new sidecar. 48 N. 2uth St. M a r. 170. 1918 HARLEY-PAVIDSON, electric equipped. t'ream tanaeiu. .an r.. s,jit. ALMOST new llariey-Davidson bicycle, $35. Woodlawn li'3. Auto Tire, and Accessories. . VULCANIZING AND RETREADING. Will trike your used tires in trade for new; used tires bought. Mason Tire bhopv s.1 9 Unlou ave. N.. between Falling and Shaver. ATTENTION .",7-3 non-skid Silvertown cord tire, tube and r.m, brand new; bis reduc tion. 2 Slxl'i tires. e"ond hand. Call R. Becker. Rroadway OOu. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reaconabie ratee. City Garage, 86 IQ'.h su Broadway 840. HAVE 2'i-ton .truck, want any kind of work: wrl consider contract for wood hauling. Esst 4SR1. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND G LIS AN K."S. A 2029 BROADWAY '.'629. NEW CARS for hire without drivers. Alii 1 Street Oaraao. 2d ,-ind Mill. Main 6352. FISHER HIGHWAY S iCiTV! ."!; t'l a h wa v n d other trips; reasonable rates. Main 2081.