14 TIIE 3IORXIXG ORECONLA", MONDAY, MAY 13, 1919. BEWARE DF BURGLAH DETECTIVE'S ADVICE Don't Try to Shoot Him, He'll See You First. CILVIX LOCK IS ADVOCATED Minneapolis' Police Ask Co-operation of Citizens in Putting Stop to Crime Wave. MTXN-EAPOLTS. Citizens must co operate with the police department if Ietty thievery and burglary are to be diminished, according to Al G. Ray, former chief of the detective service of the Great Northern railroad in the twin cities. Many persons. Mr. Kay declared In a statement, unwittingly leave telltale evidence to burglars that their homes sire temporarily unoccupied. Safety measures to foil burglars are urged by JVIr. Ray. whose statement follows: "Liberty bonds held by nearly every Minneapolis family, and as a rule kept In their homes, along with jewelry and money, and the carelessness and ig norance of the householder in matters pertaining to the protection of prop erty against theft, have increased in incentive to theft in a tremendous de gree. Porch CSlimbera Dansrerons. "There will be an awakening of the potential rogues who are eager to get that which belongs to others. Day and night the thief is scheming, locating money and valuables and devising means of obtaining possession of such valuables. The crook can think, and to purpose, when the matter of self interest is the object. Crime is not con fined to the s hrewd professional type that knows where danger lurks and how to avoid it. The ulentitude of valuable collateral appeals to the cu-! ludity of the morally weak, and this calls for a special amount of protection from the police and householder. " 'The second-story burglar, the "porch climber," the 'dinner worker,' mean one and the same line of crime. They enter a home while the family is having its evening meal. They gain entrance to the some by scaling the front or back porch, by ladder through a. second-story window or by front door. Such robberies are carefully 1'lanned in advance, and through 'watchful waiting' the habits of the family are learned, enabling the thieves to figure to the minute the gathering of the family at the table, and one peep through the dining-room window tells them whether the jewels they covet are upstairs and whether the fruit is ready to be plucked or not. Don't Atfark Buri;Iar Advice. "Should you awake and find a bur prlar in your house, do not attempt to attack him. Many persons have com mitted suicide by making such at tempts. The burglar is wide-awake and always armed, cool and collected, nnd has every advantage, and will flgrht or kill if danger of capture con fronts him. On discovery of a burglar in your house, start talking to 'John' jr 'George,' and ask if someone is not the house. Keep talking, and after a little time given for the burglar to step out of the house, get up and turn on the light. Tou will find the burglar gone. Once a burglar finds that mem bers of tho household are awake he will depart at once. In such cases use al lhaste in telephoning the police sta tion, whose number should be kept In n convenient place for quick action. When phoning give yourn ame and ad dress. "Don't fail to stop your newspaper during your absence from home. An accumulation of newspapers on the front porch is assurance to the burglar that no one is at home. '"Don't fail to have your walks shov eled in the winter season if you are absent. The untracked walk covered with snow is also a telltale sign. "Don't fail to examine your doors End windows before leaving home. Be sure all are securely fastened. "Don't fail to. keep your shades pulled oown and the lights burning when you go out for the evening. Burglars do not take chances on entering lighted houses. "Don't fail to keep your back doors and windows if you are sitting on the front porch. Also, the front of the house should be securely locked when the family is in the back. "Don't leave notices on doors advis ing callers or delivery men you will be jibsent for a certain time. Burglars ften find such notes ajid help them selves to the contents of the home. Make Agents Show Uadges. "Don't pull down your window shades if you are leaving the city. It adver tises your absence to tho burglar. "Don't place your jewelry on a wash tand when washing your hands. "Don't hire servants without thor oughly investigating their references. "Don't inform strangers that there is no one at home. "Don't fail to insist on all plumbers, jras or water metermen and telephone repair men showing their badges or "ther proper credentials. Many bur glars impersonate such persons as a camouflage to get into homes. Porch Climbers angerons. Don't fail to change locks downstairs Sr in apartments when taking a new j.lacc. The Yale type of lock is the only lock that will not yield to the bur glar s picks, but such a lock should be installed in such a way that the latch cannot be reached with a thin case Knife from the outside. "Don t aifl to keep all windows which lead to the fire escapes securely locked. "Don't hide "money under carpets, in vases, drawers or beds, for such are the first places a burglar looks for val na Mes. "Don't pay charges on packages of merchandise marked C. O. D. until you t'ave established the fact that "the package really belongs to you. There is a class of criminals who watch the newspapers for notices of deaths of the heads of families and then send a corn federate with a C. O. D. package in the name of the deceased. The family thinking it is something that was or dered before death, willingly pays the C. O. D. charges, only to find that they have been shamefully swindled. Chain Lock Advocated. "The chain lock, which permits the floor to open a few inches, allowing the housewife to get a view of the vis itor while interviewing him in safety, Js a mighty good thing to have an oil front and back doors for use day or night. "It is a mistake to give newspapers items respecting your departure from ..the city. Criminals keep posted on Jiuch notes and are likely to make your JioiVie a call during your absence. "Sllwuld you be attacked, if possible Tie sure tt get a good look at your as Kailant's face for future identification "When you contemplate a trip of any length or time, pack up your silver ware, nricK-a-nrac ana valuable rugs, and place tnem in storage, and yny will bo sure 01 Having the men your return. Bonds Should lie Protected. "Safety deposit boxes should be used for liberty bonds, war savings stamps und all jewelry, not in d&ily use. Do not tempt the maid by lettlner such ar ticles lie around carelessly, also in easy reach of the unexpected, burglar. Xat year about J25.000.000 was piven to fradulent charity solicitors. Such frauds can be eliminated by the chief of police in every city by issuing- in structions to all citizens not to donate any money to charity solicitaors with out a letter or card signed by the chief of police personally. Before issuing such letter or card, the chief of police should make a complete investigation of each applicant to se that his cause is justified and honest. Every reliable charity should be willing to give its hearty co-operation in protecting the public against such fraud. "Prudence gives a definite answer to the problem of protecting your prop erty; carelessness is the criminal's best friend." PORT IS TO BE IMPROVED Divers Employed to Blast Oat Dan gerous Rocks. WARSHFIELD, Or., May 11. (Spe cial.) W. M. Mast and "William Binga man, professional divers, will make some improvements in the harbor at Port Orford, for the Kyfe-Wilson Lum ber company, which does considerable shipping from that port, while its ves sels also bring freight at times. New gearing for loading is necessary and the divers must bore a number of rocks with holes to which cables will be fastened. They will also remove by blasting, several dangerous rocks which hazard the safety of vessels near the loading area, when the harbor is disturbed by wind. The Kyfe-Wilson company contem plate the usual amount of shipping from Port Orford during 1919. SHIP TO TAKE CARGO OF TIES 1,500,000 Feet to Leave Vancouver, for United Kingdom. VANCOUVER, Wash., May 11. (Spe cial.) A vessel will moor at the DuBoia Lumber company dock in this city just above the steel railroad bridge soon to load 1,500,000 feet of ties, which are to be taken directly to the United King dom for reconstruction purposes. The DuBois Lumber company cut about 1,000,000 feet of these ties and Blaker & Lindsey 500,000 feet. The DuBois Lumber company Is to spend $5000 in enlarging: the dock. The work is to begin soon after the June hierh water. Two more ships will load ties here- one in June and one in July. Each ship s to take about half a cargo here of 600,000 feet each. The tics are fir and are 5x10 inches by 8Vi feet in size. Pacific Coast Shipping STotcs. A STORI A , Or., 3.1 ay 11. ( S peclal. ) Laden with lumber from St. Helens, the steam schooner Daisy Bailed at 10 o'clock last evening for San Francisco. The steam schooner Wapama. witn mmoer from Portland, called at 1:30 thia morning for San Pedro, via San Francisco. The Port of Portland tus Oneonta re turned at 0 o'clock last night from Bremer ton and proceeded to Portland. The steam, schooner Haico is cue irom San Pedro to load lumber at the Hammond mill. SEATTLE, Wash.', May 11. (Special.) Two vessels of the United States chipping board, tho steamship Edgemont ana west Helix, both of which have been assigned to the shipping firm of fcfct rut hers & Dixon for Deration, are expected to Hteam from this port next week. The Kdpemont is load ing a cargo or approximately iu.uwu tons of flour at the West Seattle rain elevator for the Atlantic. The west ileiix is loaa ing at the Smith Cove terminal of the port commission for Siberia. Captain A. Dixon, ot the iinm or airuxncrs &. Dixon, arrived in Seattle from San Fran- isco a few days ago on business connected with the vessels his firm is Handling for the shipping board. Regular monthly sailings Detween seattie and ports of the far eaat with vessels ot the United States shipping board will be established by the Pacific Steamship com pany next "Wednesday with the sailing ot the steamship Western Knight from this port for Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Manila, Hong Kong and Singapore. Assknment of the new wooden steamship Bonneterre, built by the Pacific American Fisheries of Bellingham, for a voyage from the sound to Philadelphia, with a full cargo of railroad ties, was announced yesterday afternoon by the Seattle headquarters of he United States shipping boards operating department. SAN FRANCISCO, May 11. (Special.) A spick and span ship towed along the waterfront today by the tug earless was recognized by few as the former dingy old barge Celtic Monarch. The ship has a cargo of barley for the United Kingdom and is called the James Rolph now. Thirty or 40 years ago the Celtic Monarch, flying the British flag, made many voyages to all parts of the world. ( When the craft seemed to have outlived her usefulness she was thans- formed into a barge. In the war times bottoms became scarce and quite a number of barges on the Pa cific coast were brought back into deep warte service. The James Rolph Is among those to be given the chance to go overseas once more. hhe made a line appearance as she sailed away. Arriving today from oriental ports the federal shipping board s steamship Cadaretta completed her first round-trip from the Pa cific coast. The freighter la operated by the Robert Dollar company for the ship ping board. Steaming up from Astoria a few months ago to Puget Sound she loaded cargo for the orient. The voyage from Hongkong was made in SO days. The steamship Providencia, Captain Soren- sen, arrived today irom bant a Rosalia after voyage of seven days. The skipper re ported good wether In the run up the coast The Bteamcr brought 100 tons of copper matte. The Providencia is one of the vessels operated out of this port by the Compagnie He Bono. On account of the stiff northwester oat ide today, the skippers of the fishing launches i-tpumanity and Protector post poned sailing for San Pedro. The boats arrived last week from Puget Sound on the way to the southern California port. It i: expected they will get away tomorrow. The whaler Hercule came in today from the Monterey banks. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, May 11. Arrived at 8:30 A. M. Tug oneonta, from Bremerton. Sailed at 9 P. M. Barge No. 03, for San Fran cisco. T A COM A . May 1 1 . A rrived Steamers Quadra British , from Britannia Beach, B. C. ; Admiral Schley, from San Francisco. Sailed Steam schooner . S. Loop, for Port Ludlow. ASTORIA. May 11. Sailed at 10:30 last night isteamer uaisy. tor can Francisco. banco at a a. m. steamer W apama. for tsan Tancisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Mar 11. Arrived Steamer Colonel K. L- Drake, from Portland. T7. S. Xaval Kadio Reports. (AU positions reported at 8 P. M. yesterday ames oinrrwise mairatea.) FRANK H. BUCK, 305 miles couth of Everett. Tides at Astoria Monday. Hi eh. Low. 0:23 A. M 8 7 feet;6:51 A. M....03 foot 0:42 F. M....7.0 feetj6:43 P. M....2.5 feet Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, May 11. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. : Sea, smooth; wind, south west, 1 mnes. DAILY CITY STATISTICS VanconTeT Mania,. IJenses. BATTAMS-HOWARD Frank Battams legal, ot Portland, and Nina Howard, legal, ol Portland. CISSMAN-FRIEDMAX Stanley Clssman 34. of Portland, and Martha Friedman, 27, of Portland. McCALL-GORD J. J. McCall, 33. of Port land, and K. J. Gord. 1. of Portland. BRANDENBURC-SCHUI.TZ L,e Roy Brandenburg, :.", of Portland, and Bertha Schultz. If, of Portland. OOKTZ-ROSE Frank Ooetr. 4". of Port land, and Matilda Rose. 4.1. of Portland. WASHBURN-SCH AEKK.R Charley Wuh burn. 30. of Portland, and Misa II. Schaefer, 25. of Portland. WATT-DCNN Alex Watt, lecal. of Port land, and Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn, legal, of Portland. K A Al HOHT-PORTER Herbert Kum!iout CO. of Portland, and Maud Torter. 80, of Port'and. GROSHONG-TODER Emerald Orohonr. 23. of Bcotta Miil. Or., and Clara Yoder, 18, of Aurora. Or. jLKpX.-BURKHARDT Cbarles KnaJ. SI. of Portland, ind Ella Burkhardt. 32. of Port land. ATK1XSOX-HTDE Ralph Atkinson. 23. of Portland, and Flora Hyde. IS. of Port land. WOOD-WILT.Si TVillian 'Wood. 27. of Timb'-r. Or., and Edith Wells, 17, of Tim ber. Or. Ml'NRO-COCHRAXE John Munro, 54. of Portland, and Margaret Cochrane, SC. of Portland. C;itAV'EL.-MIT.I.ER Richard Gravel. 34. of Portland, and K-sme Sillier. 17. of Portland. BARCH-ELLIOX Jnlin Barch. no. of Vancouver, Wash., and iJlsls Elliot, llj. of Portland. FALER-HUDSON Wllford Faler. 27. of Camas. Wash., and Kate Hudson. 1!4, of Camas. Wash. DAILT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT, PORTLAND. May 11. Maximum temper ature, 62 degrees; minimum. 47 drurees. River reading at X A. M., 10.7 fet; change In last 24 hours. 0.2 foot fall. oTlai rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M. . 0.16 Inch: total rainfall since September 1. 1!HS. SS.47 inches: normal rainfall since September 1, 191S, 40.S0 inches: definiency of rainfall since September 1. 1U18. 2..": Inches. Sunrise. 4:43 A. M. ; sunset, 7::M P. M. Total sunshine May 11. 8 hours 36 minutes: possible sunehfne. 14 hours 43 minutes. Moonrloc. 4:38 P. M. : moonset. 2:57 A. If. Karometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 30.0.1 Inches, ltelative humidity at noon, 69 per cent. THE WEATHER. 5 jj 3 Wind - 2. o 0 I 3 5 i ? 3 5 a " " I I f! ? -1 3 8 : 5 : : S3 : : : MM; STATIOXa Weather. Baker Boise ' . Boston Calgary Chicago Denver titi O.Oi, li.W tr.ain "o;o.iioi . . lis Icioudy 7lHO.(Mf . . IE ICloudy a.o.oi. .!w ;pt. cloudy 5 .00;. -IN Iciear t0 0.00; . JNE IClear r.U:0.O0:14!SE ICloudy 5S O.04 lOINWIPt. cloudy 78I0.U4: . . IE IRaln Des Moi nee. . . Kureka Galveston .... Helena Juneaut ..... 34 OG 0.0Oil0;W Cloudy 3S 5H 0.001. .IN ICloudy Kansas City. . GS'0. 00 14:13 ICloudy 74!0.0H:10 SW IClear os Angeles. . Marshfleld . . . Mod ford Minneapolis . . New Orleans.. New York. . . . North Head . . 441 Kftin.SK'l'JjxWIPt. cloudy 4il 0-' o.oilio N- Cloudy TOto.oOilE Pt. cloudy 78 O.OOi. . 'SK Cloudy S0 0.0414iN Cloudy 481 C2i0.3l)!l4:SW IPt. cloudy North Yakimal 4.2! tM'O.Oo; . . NW Cloudy Phoenix O'J O.OOI. .INWICIear . OOI12!S ICloudy Pocatello Portland 4S 62 0.1:l2iW IPt. cloudy Roseburg G0 60:0.18'. -ISW IPt. cloudy Sacramento SO K2lo.no . . S Clear St. Louis. . Salt Lake. . 0i O.Odl . .iE IClear .... 7010. ool . . iSB ICloudy San Dieeo. r. n.oo 12' w clear so.oo;20iW clear San Francisco.1. Seattle 1 401 0010. 221. .ISW IPt. cloudy Sitka 42! . . . 0.00 . .!. W ICloudy Spokane I 8KI o o.jij ii s (Rain Taooma 4 50.241S;W IClear Tatoosh Islandl 441 r.2 0.00122 SW ;Pt. cloudy loear jm-r.y o.oo' . .. ..'Clear Walla Walla. .1 4UI 50 0. IS 10 S ICloudy Washington. ..I. ..I (iO0o'..!N 'ft- cloudy Winnipeg 1 ... I 70:0.011 S S IRaln A. M. today. P. il. report of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Probably rain: southwesterly- winds. Oregon and Vashinerton Probably rain! moderate southwesterly winds. iaano r-ronaoiy rain. KDWARD L.. WKl-LP. Mtom1nrfet. Phone your -want ads to The Orcpo- nian. Phone ila.in 7070, A 6035 A;:rsEMENTS. PANT A GEO MAT. DAILY 2:30 Broadway'. Latest Terpsichorean Success COI.IN'I'S VARIETY DANCES Introducing: an Amazini 1 ton tine. 6 OTHER BIG ACTS 6. Three Performance Daily. Night Curtain at i and V. DANCING TONIGHT AT COUNCIL CREST PARK I0-Tiece Orchestra and Monte Austin PJT) fT T7 Fourth at Vil 1V ilvTv Washington Leant Timp Today Cecil li. DeMUle's Special, "THE WlllSI'KRrVG CHOKUS. With a rrat All-Star Cast- Also Alack Bennett Comedy, "Xcvur Too Old " and Mutt and Jeff Cartoon. Open, from 0 o'clock (n the mornlnp until o piock xrif nMiowinu morning. DANCEat Cotillion The Hall Beautiful Ball-bearing; spring floor. Finest Ballroom in West. Informals Erery Evening- 14th at Washington II r THIS WEEk i J i f ? Y j I "PEPPY POLLY" I I 3 I Ml'GHTF.R. -" 1 111' I FLOODED PLAY OF I L i 1 1 iff, D K L I i H T AN I) ;J I IniiBDiinBOi f THIS AVKCK. j?. ill BRYANT : l . WASHBURN l "OMETHING TO WW A Plotnrc an .Toy- j FtvltijE na the Liquid I " Notea ot a Black- 1 ' i Sl4. t 1 j - u AJirSEMENTS. I TICKKT OFFiril SALE j OPENS TODAY UPTT TC Broadway a Taylor. IILilLylVJ Main 1 and A 11SS. JSPRCMF, PRICK MAT. S T. MESSRS. LEE A.NO J. J. SIILBERT PRESEXT GREATEST MUSICAL PLAY MAYTIME WITH JOHN CHARLES THOMAS CAROLYN THOMSON, JOH T. MIRK AY. - Splendid - Beauttfnl I Supporting; I I Simlir I taut. I Churns I ICnrhantlnir Mrlodira Superb Iro duetion Augmented Orchestra. EVE'S Floor, $2; Bal.. $2. J1.50. $1; Gal.. 73c. 50c. SAT. MAT. Floor, tl.50; Bal., J1.50, Jl; Oallery, 75c, 60c iid. Mod, Afternoon TIIIXIE FRIGANZA Mike Bernard: Chace A Latoart BIAUD EARL & CO. Wilson Aubrey Trio: Billy Klokaidt Orpbeons Travel Weekly Klaofframm. . MURIEL WORTH Mat., 10c to 75e: VlaliU 10c to ft. r I TONIGHT BARGAIN MGHT Famous Stock Company In FAIR AND WARMER Greatest comedy In ten years. A sen sational Stoclc release. Never before at Baker prices, 25c and SOc. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, 25c. JiEXT "The Straight Road." LYRIC UUSICAL COM.KDX JIATrXKK DAILY 10c OXLT. DILLON" & FRANKS. Greatest Comedy Team In the "West, and the Rosebud Choruu, in THE ISLE OF KOKO. A Big Musical Extravaganza 30 Feeple. Gorgeous Scenic Effects. Country Store (Extra Tufflav Nlrht. AUCTION SAE.CS TODAY. At WlUon'i Auction Bona. UAH, Furniture. 1B9-171 Second at. MEETINO NOTICES. WILLAMETTE TRIBE N'O. 6, IMP'U O. It. M. Meet tonight (Monday), at Audi torium hall. 2081,4 Third street. Visitor, welcome. r. i Mcdonald, sachem. E. M. WELLS. C. of R. SUNNYSIDE LODGE NO. 163. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication Monday evening at 7:30. Work In E. A. and F. B. degrees. Visiting members wel come. By order of W. M. JOHN RINKER, Acting Secretary. HARMONY LODGE 0. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday) even ing at 7:30 o'clock. AVork. in the K. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. N. DcLlN. Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO n A j.-. AND A. M. Special communication this Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock- Work in E. A. degree. V si t ors el come. W. S. Wfc.EKS. . Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 14, O. K. 3. Stated meeting this (MondayX evenlne, East Eighth and Burn ride. Degrees. Visitors welcome. Order of AV. M. BELl.rJ KH.H.'l-"t EVEI.EM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new designs. Jaeger Bros.. w nicrf ivm-R's for lodge emblems. class pl'na and medals. 310 Washington st. FtSEBAt NOTICES. COONAN-At residence ,"4 East roucn years.' mother of Mrs. Robert M. Kinney , tni. city, Mrs Margaret Knvonue N J-. Patrick J.. John and Sc.n of Philadelphia "neral iervlrea will be held from MeEntee ec EUers? parlors. Sixteenth and Everett flrcels. tomorrow (Tuesday), May 13 at 5-30 A. M., thence to St. Francis church. Krfst Twelfth and Oak otrects at 9 A. M.. where requiem mass w.ll l; "FJ Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary street, may ii( ... ,; :.. BROWN In this city, at 1024 East Couch lT'lrT5 2nVhaV: MovcJ to land of Abble C. Brown, father of l)r John Brown of Seattle Aash.. J-dward W. Brown of Alaska, Mrs. ln.i facet t of -f. Kiin-1 Chamberlain. Agnes i. ..,.' 'v.llln il. Graves, all of this cltv. Funeral services at the AV. H. lUm r.. I Chanel. East Seven ly-n Inth and Gltsan streets, tomorrow tTuesday), May 13. at 2 1'. M. HAMILTON At residence, 331 W e d 1 e r aged 5 years 10 month-, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Hamilton anil si-strr nt Ernestine A. J nomas "I T k.V! Hamilton. Funeral services will be held il... ' i.itMm A Eilcrs' parlors. Sixteenth .. . wrort streets, today t: Monday, at r m. Frli-nds invited. Interment ML Calvary cemetery. Mexico. Mo., Lloyd Addis ot wonrnj Funeral services will be held today (Moj--vf i- .1 10:30 A. M.. from the rorii.nu. ...... . . . .. chaoel of Miller & Tracey. Jntermcnt Multnomah l'ark cemetery HARDEN At tne naval hospital, Brooklyn. 17 years, son of Lewis S. Harden of H3S u.ou -.t The funeral services will be held today (Monday, at 1:30 o'clock F. M., at Flnley s, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Hose City Park cemetery. rt-vT.iri in at the Carlotta apart ments, 5S3 Everett street, Slnry B. Munt ze. aged 43 years. The tuneral eorvlce will be conducted today (Monday), May 1" at 2 P. M-. In the Portland crema nAnin. Sen-Ices private. Remains are at the Dunning A MrEntee funeral parlors, Broadway and Ankeny street. QUACKENBOSS The funeral service of the late Walter Quackenboss, aged 61 years, will be conducted today (Monday). May 12, at 10:30 A. M.. In the Dunning & McEntee chapel, Broadway and Ankeny street. In terment Multnomah cemetery. CAMERON The funeral service of the late John Cameron, aged 74 years, will be con ducted tomorrow (Tuesday), May 13. at 8-30 A. M., In the Dunning & McEntee chapel. Broadway and Ankeny street. In terment Multnomah cemetery. JOHNSON In this city. May 7, Lois John son, aged 80 years. The funeral will be conducted today (Monday), at 3 P. M., in the Dunning & McEntee chapel, Broad way and Ankeny street. Incineration ML Scott Park crematorium. ENGLISH The funeral services of the late Richard English will be held today (Mon day), at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. MILLICAN At Troutdale, May' 10, John Millican, aged 73 years. Funeral services will be held tomorrow tTuesday), May 12, at 11 A. M., at the chapel of Miller & Traery. DAVIDSON At Helena, Mont., Harold Dav idson, aged 21 year. The funeral will take place from the Dunning & McEntee chapel today (Monday), May 12. at 8 I A. Ha lnlci menv iaCfview. come lory,. ADDIS At thf. residence 415 .ast ThlrHeth street. May I'. William M. Addis aped S4 years, beloved husband of Marie Addis, father of Marie and Margaret Addis of . . , i . v. nf tlrn. E. I Casa ot IPiMiililjMB A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, oi other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. AfTOItniOX I'KK'ATIMi, 11K.MST1TCHIN WK PI.KAT ekirts. any Bljle. 1: licmstitcli InK 10u per yard; buttons covered, liaplprn .Novelty Mfg. .. SjL, 5th St. Hilwy. X. AGATE(TTTERS AND MFC. JEWttEBS. JEWET.RT aund watch rep.TlrlnB. Mlller-. " Wash., st. Majestic Th'Htrr bldp. ALFALFA MKI,. ROf- 1'EEO. HAY. WALTER SCOTT. Board or Trade. M. S.7. Al.f.MIMM. ALCMIXUM UTENSILS ItEPAIRED. 4II I'nlon Avu. N. East 017'! ART. 1IRS. J. EITE.NSTEIX, 44 Wastiinston. Is now ofenns a remarkable selection of the Tinest goods nt pin.m.iv low prices. ASSAYKKS ANf ANALYSTS. MiiN,jA,A ASSAV OFFICE, 14J Second Oold. silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. GOLr.TKIN-. practice itT courta. ,s2 Northwestern Bank bids. ,,Ty.!T.!wr"in"- bookkeepinu. comptometer, ail other mod. btiKiiit-ss courses. Day, niKht school. Allsky Hide.. 3d and Mor. Main :1J4. JJARBKRS' SIPPL1E8. . BAR HERS. ATTENTION. rich, h"1 hon win sive your razor the blr Lf2g, J1-"" 'ach- Jacob Miller. Bar oer buppiy Co., iyi yj ,t BCSIXKss FOLLKtiKS. Ktf T In,E COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Instruction'' Private school, individual '--' "K-AXP -AVE. EAST 41'7. JC.XCKR TREATMENT. I-- -VI. JONES. i. 1 ' 4 tol- t r - , . 312 Morgan bl.lg. Marshall 'il43. . t'AKI'ET W EAVI.N'G. RUGS The klnl that wear the5est are rT. .ma,Je from your wornout carpets by 1-i iCr to- tfonner address. r-'ir.r,on, av"f-- 1!-K r"gs woven all slzea xi i? cleaning, refitting and resizing. PHONE EAST ::..so. B 1J.S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS HUEJ. All Sizes Mall Orders Prumr.r. ,,, end for Booklet. 0x12 Rugs steam or Dry Cleaned. 11 00. .. , r'LL FF CO.. . f.4-,.9 ( nion Ave. N.. East ii:.m. B 147." 4 KI.H l,OII Bl'TTUNS. ,.?"! Rttre-HODSOX COMPANY. 31,7 ' aslilngton. Broadway 434. A 1-.T.4. CHIKOl'KACTOIt. 3Thrli,,'OW Me.Mahon. Hmk, chiropractor I'erman-?nt. CHIRP11ST ARCH tfEI'l A l.lvr" iL.LiAM. Estelle and Florelle I)e Venv ,. on.y scientific chiropodists and arch spe cialists In (ho city. Parlors :ii)2 Ucrlinger f'" S"1 corner Second and Alder. 1 hone Main i:tol. CIRCFLA1 LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO. I.iin.ll.io i . building. Marshall 522. Multigrapnihg. mimeograph and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. S Worcester bldg. Main 1 7:l. collection, no charges. Established I'.'uo. daxcimT ' KATHKRINK M. ROWN Quarnntees to teach all latest hiti-i 51MJ4. AIiJ?KY tnffng Academy. 3d and Morrison Prlvat Instructor day and evening, cia hn ll 1 1 1 v. Saturday evenings. MRS. BATH'S DAXCINO A h tt, Z h ,TZ Ti Iiekum bldg. Best instructors Pegtuncrs class Tues. eve., class party Fr! eve. sons days and eve. by appt. Mam l.i4V mm. ACADEMY, 109 'J1 st. Ball- .muiii ana stage dancing; clhss Tues.. Fri eve. ; children specialty. Main 21 0o DA.CE orchestra. "Union." Violins r.-rir-a 1. King. e44H. Wnsh . Proadwav 47s IOG AM CAT HOSPITAL. HOSPITAI -Or. Ci. If. .tifhmun . i- ian. 415 Kart7th st. Fast isi7. H inii: VHOLESALERS AND A1.TO TOIS. DUBBRUILLE TOP CO.. I'th and Oak Its. IKY" liOOItS NOT IONS. I nik!krCI CDICI P0 Stockroom and office 1 47 North Fifth Btreet. 1.RAIN MKKdIANTj PACIFIC GRAIN CO, Board of Trade bldg. Til ANHOCSBlt HAT CO .Vt-."5 Front it. M1IKM, WOOL. I'ASCAKA BAKK. KAI1N BhuS., 10o Front ptreer. W IIOI.KHAI.KKH AMI MAM 1ACTI KKKS. V. P. FCLI.l'.R CO.. Front and Morrlwn. Dir;n. KING In thl city. May 10, 191. Herbert 1'. Kins, aced oo years. He is urled bv a HiMcr, Mr. Alice Whitney of Sprlnc fioUl. 111., ami a sicpilaiiiilner, Mrs-. Laura Obertz of this -lty. Remains at the par lors of Sk.'wes I'nii'Tlaklns company. Third and Clay. Kunoral notice later. rKTKRSON In this city May 11. Teter '! vearn bi-lod huhand 1'oLert.on. airn of Kram-es l'eler!on and father of Cora llornaday of l'orlland. Kuneral notice later. HrmaliiK are at tho residential par lors of Alilb-r 4- Traety. SHATTI.ER Tn this city. 11, Noah Shattler, BKed t& v.ars. The rfnialna are at Kinley'w, Montnomery at llitli. Notice of funeral liercikfter. FLORI8TS. JAFAN KUjHlaT, 190 4TH ET.. JCEA1I TAYLOR. All kinda of pot flowers and bcdtilns ptanta. loc and up. Border plant. Joe dozen and op. licautlful pansica. ooc per doxea. Vegetable plant. - doen 2jc and up. IXUUJiKK. FIARIST. 2"S MorrUoD. tU, l-ortland hotel. JIar. 7S3. iia Morrison, bet. Bdy. and -ark. War. aal. A-ortlanda leadinc flower Shopa. liARTIN FOI'.BES CO.. FlorUta. JJi WaahlnrtoD. Main - A 120u. Flowara for all ocealopa artlatlcally aranited. CLARKE BROS.. Iiorlata. 1ST Morrison at. Main or A 105. Fine flowers sad floral draigna. Ka branch atorea. PEOPLE'S FLORAL BHOP. 245 Alder. Flo rs and designs very reasonable. Mar. bMli. 1HV1.VGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. Yamhill. Funeral designer; lowes th and t prlcea. MAX M. EMITU. Main 7215. A Slil. balling bulldmc. Bth and Aider xm. TONSETH FLORAL CO. 1ST Waahtnrtaa st bet. 4th and 6th. Main &102. A 118L MOSmENT". PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS :a 4th at. Opp. City Hall. Neal Brea, rrfb BLAESING GRANITE CO. I Sr THIHPAT MADISON STFgET FDXER.1L DIRKCTOB5. HOLMAN UNDERTAIONG CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Alain to 7. A 151L Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Bervlces for Lsss. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash at., bet. 2Uth and 21st. Veat Plda. Main 2li8L Lady Assistant- A 7 8 Si wir.pov r.ops. Keai'l'-ntlal l-'iineriil Home. Hast 7th and Multnomah tits. 1RVIXOTON DISTRICT. LAU1' ASSliiTAl'. r """ V- . ,!,irKuy. private lessons; 1 n rn cvory Thurs. eve.. 7::i0 r0c- 6ua Kiler bldg.. bet. 4th M- o wawn. st. Main ft KVK. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. K F. Cusscday. specialist: glasses fitted. 700 E. Hurnslde. tor. 20th. B l:i!)S, K. 47:'.l. FI.KCTK1CAI. REPAIR MIOI. U. M. II. ELECTRIC CO. 31 North 1st St.. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdny. 1U4.". A lOtd. CORDWOOD. COUNTRY SLAIHVOOD. Multnomah Fuel Co., Main &:40, A 2116. IIARimtHII) FLOORIXi. GET estimate for new or old house. Port land Hardwuod Floor Co., l-7 W. Park st. HEMSTLTflHXti. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion inde pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 2ia Pitlock blok. Itroadway H!o. MIMC. EM IL. TH1ELHORX, violin, viola ttuichor; pupil aJgvcik. -JJ7 Kllodner bldu.. I30y. OITOMKTR1STS AM) OITICUNS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I foltcit your patronaue on the baftit of capable service. Thou feantlK of KHtiisfled t)n t ronM. -. trial will convince. Charks V. Goo.lmari, C'ptonigtrijit. L'oy Momuon. Main PAINTINGS AN!) TINTING. PAINTING and timing neatly done by dis charged soidicr: ril:rentei f urnis ht-I : ail work guaranteed. Ji. ti. Clark, Li. or I4. B. Giisan. PATENT ATTOKNtVS. It. C. W RIGHT '2 years' experience U. S. and forjnjo patents. Qui 1.ckuiii bldg. COLDBEKG. 62ijVorceater bldg.. Main rHYSlClAMs LK. R. A. PHILLIPS. 00. Hroadway bldR. Kheuniatisni. f emule disorder??, skin trouble.-, uluinarh, liver, kidneys, bowels. throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. Lr. It. li. WATTEK S30 T! wetland bids. QfOe increased efficiency druglejs treat OU O me nt. eoitre, paralysis, headache, appendicitis, liver, kidney. PLV.M BINU SVPPLIK PJaL'MBlNO SUPPLIKS at wholesale price. tark-Iavis Co., Third. Main 717. ruiMiM.. KKYSTONE PKESS. J. K. G.ntcnbein. Men PrintlnK and linotyping. lno's Front au, corner Stark. Main or A HIS. PBIWTIWP K- w- BALTCS & COMPANY. I fl III I liU 1st and t'ak ats. Main lGo. A 1 U'o "SKC'ON D-IIAN D STORKS LKV1N 11ARDWARB &z ITItMTL'UE CU.. -'Jl Front Street. We buy and sell everything In the hnrd ware and furuilure line. Phone Mjin '.Kt-Q. A 7174. MIOW C A KD SAN I) fJ I D i;s. Washington Hllrte Meszantne floor. Co.. 3r.la Washington. Alajestic bldg. Mar.. . STOVK REPAIRIXi, WHO said your stove couldn't be fixed ? tend it to us and nee any old stove. We spe cialize on duplicates. weMiti?. renlekelm c of stoe partf. buy and t. 11 ; loves and. pa v highest prices; colls put in; all uork guar anteed. North Portland Stove Uepa'r AVorks S5 Pavier Street Phone lidwy. paied. TRAN.NFKR AD STORAGE, WILLAMETTE YALLEY TRANSFER CO. General Transfer and Forwarding; Apents. TRAt'KAOB. STOKAGI3 AND TKANSFKR ASH ST. BROADWAY 04. ORKflON TRANSFER CO.. 474 OIian st., corner of lMth. Telephone Itroadway lliSl or 1160. We own and operate two large flaw "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. I west insurance rates in the citv. F.TEPR00FST0RAGE C. M. OLSBN TRANSFER CO.. i4S PIXE. MADISON-ST. DOCK i; WAKEHOLSE UK flc. 1S'. Madison 8t. Gtn-rjl niPr-hanrtipo and forwarding agents. Phone Main 1V1. " PAC K I Nl MOVIXlJ STOP. I Nfi! SF3ciTRiry storage; & traxskkr co. 105 Park st. Main il'Jo. A 10S1. (.'LAV S MORfE. Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 44S-4.4 Glifall Pt. WATCH Kfct'AlKING. lilGHtiST prices paid old watfhes and Jtv elry. Condition no objei-t. Rt-pairs a spe cialty. ICaiiufr Jewelry Co., 44'.V-j Wali at. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS, Oil. AM) tiLAfS. KASMU.-SliX & CO.. -d and Taylor. fH-K. I'IPK KITTING AND VAI.tS. M. U K1.1NE. (4-i Front street. I'tl .MBIXti AM) MTKA.M SI I'PI.IKS. M. L.. KL1.N E. S4-6 Front tr-.-t. niiinm; ommi-ion mkw hants. KVEHHIXH KARHKLL, 140 Front street. KOI'K AMI HIMIKK TWIN'll. l'mtiand Cordage Co.. 14th and Norlhrup. (AMI. ilOtlKS AMI (.I.AM. v. P. FULLER CO.. Ulh and Davis street!. WALL I'APKR. MORGAN WALL PAPKII CO. .:) -Ji ftr.cu lTNKUAL lHRFirTOIW. J.P.FINLEY&SON FRCfOREsiSIVK KfNKRAL L it K "TO lie?. Mntn i. MnntKOmcry nt 5th. A I .'.:. McENTEE & ElLEIlS Funeral par!ort. with all Th tirtvacv nf a ' home, lttih ami Kverptt sta. I'hono .road- wav V' Home. :i:::i. k. s. ii;xninc. inv.. 411 K. Alder. I'lwno Kal ."2. Perfect rcrvice. persnnai direction, free upc of floral chapel and ault equipment. lt"NMN; At MoKSTKE. funeral lirfi-tor. Broadway and I'ine alreet. 1'tiune Broadway 4."'. A 45..". I.arty att-n.l.inl. MIL ANlJ n-ral jf-rl- Mils V. H. HAMILTON. Ku 1:7S K. :iif.tn. Tubor 4::i.".. P. L. LEKCII Last 1 1 1 ll and Ka.-t 7M. I'Uv .-, Tl i-::. ERICSON TwvelfiTi ami Morn.'n strcUl. Hromlw hv j ; ; 4 . A. 11. ZELLEU CO. .'W? A. H. KK.NWuKTHV BREEZE & SNOOK r:?XT" SKK WES I'XIiKUTAKIMi I'OVIIMXV. M and Clay. Main 4l."il'. A SSSl. I..kIv ax-iHlant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OffJc-a. Boom 1S3 rarthouM. 611b 6k Phone from S to 6. AlaXo S78. Horn fhn A t&JA. ISisbt cttU mitmr 9itkcm laourm. W a Report afl en sea of cruelty to th Hvoti address. Electric lethal chamber tor ima.l Dlmai. Horse ambulance for elck and dia abicd animals at a moment's notice. An j ene desirin a dog or othr pec communi cate with ua. Call for ail lost or stray4 stock, aa we look after tbe Impounding. Tbaro Is no trore clur pound. -Ju4t Urea Humane Soviet KKTV TODAY. High Class Irvington Residence Modern twelve-room heme, hardwood floors throughout, selected mahogany ' and oak finish, walls artistically deco rated, sun parlor, sleeping porch, full cement basement, large finished attic, expensive sanitary plumbinp. three artistic tile fireplaces, tile bathrooms, three toilets, spacious grounds. All materials in buildinfj guaranteed first class. Worth :t.-,MM. Will SACRIFICE for quick sale at J--..VK). DWM.II, A ft AO, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOVNS ON BVSINRtA AND RESIDE.NCtt PROPERTY. HOBlU12Q KWIiG, NEW TODAY. 1 A Great Opportunity t'n'ler fArmcr man-Rcmfnt this rius Tiri! t!i reputation of beintr one of the Iwt duai mer ltesort buiirding houses in the t-Uhle. It t locntJ near th renter of Newport on N v crck. In ;i sunny nook, easily &c ccible to the beach. The house ts furnished for W guet. lias hot and cold water, electric light, telephone. The dininjr room and lobby are heatejj with two large fireplaces. The dining room will teat 1-0 people. The kitchen is ftirnlt-hed with a 12-foo-t, four-oven French ranee. There are VO feet of "unporch, laree Iaw plant. d with llowers and shrubs. Ther are two and one-half acres In tb (Trounds, - nearly all under cultivation, making- an ideal opportunity for a small dairy. chickn ranch and home garden that eould. be conducted in connection with the house. There Is a beautiful trout stream, mll stocked iin trout, that passes through thu property. There is plenty of iwom f-r additional coc tases and tents and. parkins for auto. This property is well worth 10.000 mndl will ensily net 15 per cent on that valuation. I wish to sell at once and will take $5000. If you are interested cut out this ad for further reference, if not, send it to to mo friend who may be. G. S. IBVIX, Newport, Or. GARAGES $38.00 $49.50 $59.50 AND UP 11L-ADY CIT ANn rORTABLU noi st:s. MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO. J801 CMOS AVU. X. WDLX, 3-113 SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old nuc and Woolen Clotkln. Vt Biakc Heve ralblc. Hind . Uavtl FLUFF RUGS Tbrr Wear Like Iroa. Stall Ortlrra. bend for Booklet, ltae ltsa AVotcb. All SUn, Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rups, Steamed Cleaned. 51.50 WliSTtn.N I'Ll'FF RIO CO. 54 I'tiloo Ave. N. Kaat asia. B 147S MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property, lnatallmrnt repayment privilege If preferred i prompt, reliable aervlce. A. H. lilRREJLL CO. S17-21U Northireaterta Bank Bulldlnc Marshall 4114, A 411M. FLUiF RUGS -.v.o iLuir nuug ism From eld carpets. Carpet cleaning ut rafltMrjK'. Raar rua woven, all aia. Mali orders eollcited. KORIIIWCilT FLIFK Ulili CO, Former address lit Cnioa Ave. EAST 3580 B 1280 JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE !.OA.S. Insurance, Surety Bonds 303 WILCOX BLDG. Malm TOS, A 3702 FOR SAI-E BT OWNER. The Italic. Cr.. a brick warehouw. rat aura nt ami vuloanlzliiif chop. cornf .MvTJO It., all rental. Price. Ho.oOfl; alM 7-room dwelling far $".". lot axl'-: mist 4 jc:int lot. Juquire of CT7 . lTtU U X.. 1-1 1 . GARAGES rortable aud PermiDeat NODF.RX COXSTRIC'TIOS CO. I'.ial 5114. .115 K. 1llt. Mortgage Loans Sxz EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO. rxin:i states nr. ruldig. KFH, F.STATK. For fn leTiemrti Property. t?ALTAJR. TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lots. .'.uxloO. at Saltatr sta tio:i. Tillamook Henrh ; near devot ntf hoicl: jidjo.r.s bori nai, county road it-t rmlrxatl: fnern Pacific ocean; hU't ililo fr huii.ea or residrnoe: v.lue $000; will ronsiir trade for auto, property or iuti hantliv. AJsire.-n Hl -07, Orecontan. liiO.Vli co(ias! a.t I .on sg liarn, Wanh., on trfcy t'Tins, tr exenanco for au:ouioli'e; pny c if it different . fmiutrc E. Ash. tor -I.ota. WHY buy lots 4 or 5 mH out? Sichtly n'-r, acre. acre; down, l week: Vatr. no Krrl; 2 tracts w.th fninii h uis-' : ,'bert. car. Kennedy ecbuuL Curj', l'M. N. W. bank bldf?. VI N fci lot r.vx too. located In choice t part, of lrvinKton; cast ' ronl ; all etrert lm rr jv cine-it:. in and paid. Wi l eucrit.ce to.- I.UTS VOIl bAt.K. 2 choice i-uildinic lots, lrimron dt?tr!ct, map at .i!"M. lhonc 'l abor ."..'.. UKArTH TIi hofsmrrr lot fr fr7." cash. I wnm to e i'jrtiand edacday. AH 4 ' : . Or- ' nJ OI.M.TKAD. N- V- "or. Hryce and j.'ft. tbout ;m.o .iq. ft.. Jt'H clear. K. A. Curtla. ir,Mit l:irk. lllino!?. JJKST bv in bircet lrnpri ajwiier, 1 .b LVjuincni, lot block veni' tits pall to date, i'botie XWt) irtt!. anroii er, Van.; una vie, on car Hue. -,;t J mid J tts. ; cheap for cash. 1'hoiic Woodl'vn 1 14 li;VINJTON lot?. ltb Bt. and 19ih ci.;v co ni in ,. ion : t uy from ownT. Mjln 46..S. LuT .'.;d mi'l Uroad a 'i v. for aic. caal. or ! nd Y..it For ISMe -Bueineea Property. FOH FAl-V" r 1 a?. V ili buiid for tenant, -iihcr TAxlou or SOxlO or l."slU0, K. cor. 4 th r.d K.3nders. A pply t ownT. U. A. Kedman. Phone Eatt 5Coi or Kirt 2V.V BAKGAIN i'janr biok near bu&ine cen trr, Ownr will ranf:ce. Inquire J. J. John op. 314 Spa-dtpy b'Jg. COST I0.A,. price today 3J,;'"o ; monthly income ?S,(0. f'.Uood 140. Hy owner. I: or Sale House. fink homf; specialist. I rpccialize in elaborate htmes Clorateel In the better residential districts and not known to be on the market), pofpewinfr touches of individuality in design and ty that jtve them character and make them distinctly desirable and different from the ordinary home. If you are looking for a beautiful home for hae one for sale), in either the HeiEhts. Irvington. Laurelhuret, tlia Aa meda. or Mount Tabor. I can be of ifr t Resistance to you and .can save you lota of time and money. Everything strictly confidential and homes shown by me by appointment only. K. H. Torrey. with the Fred A. Jacob.i Co.. 104 oth st. Main 6S&). EveninR and. bundayg. Tabur 4 0 7; FOR TWO SMALL. FAMILIK5. X.-ur Elation and Oregon City carline, 7 1 -i t fre; fine cir service; modern conveniences, el ec trio Jiphts, pas. HulI Run water. t;ood neiphhorhood. on rnnfn high way ; most baut if nl view of W C la mrttrt river and surround in ps ; 2 gas ranges. II IiRtinx ftovfB and iot of nearly-new in la id linoleum jroes ith It : very com fortable ccxy little horn's where one can rn f se chicken's, have fine pardfn, etc. : n:e r.'uviii !.. tiuffk potfsion : prlco in ly JI j. . tor mi csh. ba.anca llk rent. THE CROPSLEY-VIGAttS CO.. 70 lark u Maux iUJZg J