THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1919. BEAL ESTATE. lor Sale OWN YOUR OWN" HOME. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IN WALNUT PARK. Portland's First -Class Restricted Resi dence District. Best car service, Jefferson high school, large public library, paved streets, block with alleys, giving .inside lots the con venience of corners. , NO FINER LOCATION FOR A HOME IN THE CITY. "We are offering a limited number of choice lots at prices, everything consid ered, very attractive. Financial assistance if desired. You will make no mistake in building your home In WALNUT PARK. A number of others are building in WAL NUT PARK, why not you? Call today. OFFICE 1149 UNION AVE. NORTH. Woodlawn 3304. W. M. KILLINGS WORTH. Owner. LAURELHURST HOME. Here's an unusually good buy in a 2-story, 6-room house with sleep ing porch and garage, located in Heart of best section in Laurel hurst, close to car; it has Immense rooms throughout, room for grand piano; old ivory finish, beautiful hardwood floors; east front, high elevation and nice neighborhood. Price $6000 for quick, clean sale, R. PL TORREY, Tabor 407. BIG BARGAIN. $300 CASH. Brown bungalow, chicken house, fruit trees and berries; combination living and dining room, Dutch kitchen and bathroom, large bedroom and screened-in Bleeping porch on first floor; two fine bedrooms on second floor partly finished. So. Mu Tabor district. $1600. i OWNER. TABOR 1701. I HAVE a 5-room bungalow, modern except hardwood floors; large lot, garden and fruit. Near car. Will take a good car as part payment, balance $25 per month. Price, $3000, and worth it. Phone evenings. Tabor 322. MQDERN 5-room house with 2 sleeping porches and 2 dressing rooms on second .floor; 1st floor, white enameled Dutch kitchen, dining room and living room, 2 bedrooms and bath, with all built-in effects, beautifully finished, fireplace and furnace; full cement basement. fruit, berries and flowers on lot: make- your own terms. 1051 E. 6th St. North. Woodlawn 337. ROSE CITY PARK, good 6-room, 1 -story bungalow type house, corner lot. sewer and hard-surfaced street, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, built-in buffet and book cases, modern, well-constructed home in best part of Rose City; owner non-resident will sell for $4200. reasonable terms will be given. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. ON EAST 18TH ST. NORTH, JUST NORTH OF ALBERTA. S-room bungalow-type house; 5 rooms downstairs, 3 bedrooms upstairs; modern; full basement; furnace; fireplace; nice lawn with fruit. A BARGAIN. Tabor 3433. Evenings Tabor 69. J3750 5-room bungalow, corner lot. Improve ments are in and paid; nice district, close in, near good car line. Attic, full base ment, furnace and fireplace. A SPLENDID BUY. MR, DELAHUNTY, Main 1700. Sun. and Eves., East 2086. A FINE BUY. East slope of-Mount Tabor, quarter acre, large 7-room house, modern, with base ment; only 2 blocks to Mount Tabor car; a big snap at $2500. I am 80 years old and disposing of all of my property and giving big value; terms no object to re sponsible party. See owner, 404 Piatt bldg. ."WE HAVE orTe hundred new pictures taken in the last three days of modern, up-to-late Portland homes, prices range from $800 to $6000. Some of them the best and cheapest homes in the city. II you are contemplat ing purchasing a home be sure and look over our list. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. ' Modern, 5-room. steam-heated bunga low; hardwood floors, fireplace, bulit-lft buffet and bookcases; Dutch kitchen, large attic, full basement, lot 35xl0u, on paved street. 2 Vi blooks from car; price $3250, $1750 cash, balance stralgnt mo-t-gage. 350 E. 45th at. Phone Tabor G536. MODERN 6-room bungalow, near Sandy blvd., in best part of Hose City Park, Tire place, furnace, hardwood floors, east front, 60 feet lot. hard surfaced street and sewer In and paid, owner going to Alaska, wants to sell this week; price .ji;u. suu casn. balance 5J. per mo. jonnson-jjoason 1.0., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. OWNER sacrifices $500 to make sale, good 6-room, l-story house on East 20th St., bungalow type, lull piumoing. oooKcases, buffet- fireplace, furnace, garage, practi cally new, well built, price only $3000. $500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Johnson-Dod son Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW ON CORNER. One block from car line, on corner; 3 bedrooms; full cement basement; furnace wash trays; floored attic; good neighbor hood; garage. $4500 ON TERMS. Tabor 8433. Evenings Tabor 59. HAWTHORNE district Modern bungalow at 1031 E. Lincoln; 4 rooms and bath, cement basement, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, newly tinted throughout, cherry trees; vacant; $-iju, terms, owner, xa bor 4097. UNFINISHED house and 2 lots 80x125 and l0-f t. alley; street graded and cement walks; 150 feet to a macadam road and close to car; $200 cash, balance same as rent at o per cent; price fiioo. John J Conboy, owner, 4ol2 woodcock ave, LITTLE, furnished 4-room bungalow, neat. clean, in good district, could use either Broadway or Alberta cars; prioe for few days only $1800. $500 cash. Johnson Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. PICK UP. Rose City Park district, modern 8-room house, furnace, built-ins, only 2 blocks to carllne for $2750; terms. Shown by appoint ment. Hitchcock. SO 4th st. Main 113. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME. This Is one of the handsomest small " homes IN THIS CITY Choice location; choice district. A bargain. MR. DELAHUNTY, Main 1700. Sun. and Evea. East 20S6. $2400 WAVERLEIGH UTS. $475 CASH. Will buy a cozy 5-room bungalow, gas, bath, electricity, buffet, nice lawn. Imme diate possession given, can buy furnished if desired. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. - PIEDMONT CORNER. A good home in fine location at low price; $4000: 7 rooms, furnace, 2 fire places, garage, fruit, shade, paved street. 1 29 7 Rodney ave. Woodlawn 2599. COZY bungalow, overlooking, the river, on good carline, gas, bath, electricity, laun dry trays, hard-surfaced street included to price, $2600. terms. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. VINE HOME in Mt. Tabor district, 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built ins, cement basement, all improvements; trees, Bhrubs, roses and fine lawn. Phone Tabor 1350. LAURELHURST. Here you are. dandy fi-roora modern bungalow, furnace, 2 fireplaces, laundry trays, etc., only $4100. terms. Hitchcock, 80 4th St. Main 113. $700 DOWN. $20 PER MONTH. Modern 6-room house. Bearing fruit trees, 2 blocks from car. Price $2200; bargain. Tabor 5196. $1100 TERMS $250 DOWN. 4-room cottage, lot 50x100 feet. Fruit trees $15 per month. 2097 E. Broadway St. Tabor 5196. 6-ROOM modern house, Albina district; lot 40x100: iruit ana nowers; price S2500: $500 down, $25 per month. Graham, 724 Chamber or commerce bldg. IS-ROOM modern cottage, large lot- fruit flowers; price $2000: $500 down balance like rent. Graham, 724 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 4-ROOM modern cottage. Sell w ood district $1500; $100 down balance like rent; will accept Rose City lot as first payment. Graham, 724 Chamber of Commerce b 1 d g. MUST sell 5-room modern bungalow, corner tot, ail improvements; auu in ana paid ; nce ouj ; uo aseuu. ii.a ju. urant, cor. 38th. 6-ROOM house In Alberta district, usual plumbing, Corner lot ooxioo, price $1400, $500 cash. balance easy. Jonnson-Dodso; Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. By owner. 6-room house, complete, at tractive and modern, garage; underpriced at 4ou; terms, xaoor ooui. FURNISHED bungalow. 5 rooms, eood vard S. S. district, near Laurelhurst park, sale or trade; line opportunity, f . Oregonlan, FOR SALE Modern home in Rose City Paric; line view iot; immediate posses sion, .fnone .owner, jaoor o'tu. BY OWNER Strictly modern. 5-room bun galow, with all conveniences; built for a home: no agents. Tabor liOS. WEST SIDE, walking distance, 5-room cot tage; $'J2Uu; see it today. Graham, 7: Chamber of Commerce bldg. FROM owner. 2 furnished houses, west side, NOD Hill. War. 3t13. IRVINGTON, 8 rooms and sleeping porch Hardwood floors up and down. East 1191 12-ROOM bouse for sale. Terms. 3979. Call Main I WILL buy your house or sell or build you one. 3Uf ty. jL.xcnang oiug. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. ROSE CITY PARK. New Bungalow $3750. Just the home you want. Here, truly. Is m nifty bungalow with large living room and all the modern improvements and re finements one expects to find in a real new bungalow. Located in the paved dis trict with sewer connection. 500 cash wili handle. There Is no doubt but that this will te sold today you better hurry. Oh, yes, of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, wash trays, etc. And a large attic, too. Some bungalow for $3750. A. G TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st.. near 3d Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. SPECIAL $3900. ROSE CITY PARK. Do you know the value of a hot-water heating plant? Here is a splendid 7-room semi-bungalow. heated by hot water. There is a radiator in each room. The cost of totalling a heating plant of this kind would be almost $1000. This fine home has 3 rooms and den down and 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch up. It has bath up and extra toilet and lavatory down. It has a fireplace and all built ins. This is positively the best buy we have listed for months. If you are a judge of values you'll buy it. $1000 cash. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. M 4522. 82 4th St.. Bd. of Trade Bldg. HALF ACRE WITH NEW BUNGALOW. $4000. Wouldn't you like to own an absolutely new, modern bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, full plumb ing, cement basement, wash trays, and on half acre of the prettiest ground you ever saw? And then, too, bear in mind this is located just outride city limits and only 3 blocks from tic car. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. LAURELHURST. 5-ROOM AND DEN $4100. Think of it. folks. Here is your oppor tunity to get a modern bungalow with hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, one In liv ing room and one in den; French doors be tween living room and dining room, fur nace, etc. Exceptionally large living room. Street Improvements paid in full. Let ua show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. A BEAUTIFUL HOME, . $500 CASH. It has a living room with handsome fire place and bookcases; a dining room with big buffet, a white Dutch kitchen, one bedroom or den and bath down and 2 bed rooms and lavatory and extra toilet upper floor. It has a full basement, hot air heat. There Is a good garage. The street is paved and paid for. The price is $4400. It is worth more. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. M. 4522. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $3250. Good 6-room house in the best condition with full basement, furnace, good size liv ing room, dining room, den, Dutch kitchen and fine enclosed back porch; three bed rooms and bath on the second floor; lot 50x100. E. Flanders, near 30th. Double garage and cement runway. Fine shade trees. Street improvements all in and paid. Snap. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 819 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 675. - WHY NOT BUY A NEW HOUSE? Let us show you an attractive modern home, soon completed; to be finished in ivory enamel and mahogany trim; 5 rooms; breakfast nook and sleeping porch with room for 1 more sleeping porch; 45x 100 lot. Hawthorne ditrict; only $4000; terms; and the construction good. See for yourself; you be the judge. J. A. WICKMAN CO., Main 1094. 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. NEAT AND COZY. $2600. 4 rooms and beautiful sleeping porch, gas heating system, good cement base ment, wash trays, nice yard, abundance of berries, roses and fruit trees, hard sur- iace sts., in and paid, 2 blocks from Haw thorne car. Terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? A truly wonderful buy; 5 rooms, attic, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays. This is a new, completely modern home, except furnace. Hardwood floors and all conceivable built-ins. such as writing desk, dressers. buffet, Dutch kitchen, linen closet, etc. A pleasure to show you. Don't delay. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 1094. 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. GRANT -ST. HOUSE, $750 CASH. Good 7-room house in first-class repair, cement basement, nice bath, all large rooms, 5 rooms down and two upstairs; city liens all in and paid, walking distance on Grant, near Broadway; price $4100, $750 cash and $25 per mo. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg; Main 7452. CLOSE In on east side. 6-room house, large reception hall, fireplace, electricity and gas. full basement, bath and toilet, house in fair condition; price $3750, $250 down, remainder monthly. 7-room house, Irving ton, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, fur nace. 2 fireplaces, full cejnent basement, gas and electricity, bath and 2 toilets; price $4750, $50O to $looo down, balance rnonthly. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. $500 CASH. Rose City Park. 6-room semi-bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, hot air heat, no pav ing liens to assume. The price of this fine home is $4000. We have 14 other homes In Rose City Park ranging in price from $3150 to $5000, some on payments of $300 down. Our autos will take you out. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. M. 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. $4500. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow with garage o lot 50x100; all street improve ments in and paid; furnace, fireplace, oak floors, electric fixtures, full cement base ment, laundry trays and all modern built in conveniences. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 319 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 675. PIEDMONT PIEDMONT. $5000 One of the most complete, strict ly modern and very attractive bungalows in the heart of this desirable district, 5 rooms, breakfast room, garage, imp. pd.; terms. We have a dozen other good buys in this district from $3700 up. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 1094. 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. , This Is a well-built 6-room house with fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays, full lot, garage, paved sts. in and paid; 1 blocks from Bdy. car. on 9th st.; price $4500, $1000 cash will handle. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, furnace, f irepl ace, buffet, bookcases, din ing room beamed and paneled; cloak closet, mirror door, full cement basement, wash trays, street paved and paid; $500 casn. Dalance 3a mo. including Interest. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. -Main 6752. MISSISSIPPI AVE. SNAP. $100 DOWN. Ground 67 by 100. all paved sts. In and paid, bam, lawn and fruit trees and a good 6-room house, bath. elec. gas. semi basement. This is a real bargain for price we are asking, $3400. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $4150 Beautiful new modem bunra low on 50th street: exceptionally attrac tive and artistically finished. Owner leaving city. Let us show you. Many otners in tnis district irora 3150 up. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 1094. 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. WALNUT PARK ARTISTIC BUNGALOW SlOOO CASH : PRICE ONLY S4000. BOOMS. BREAKFAST ROOM. GARAGE. Living room. 27 ft. ; hardwood floor; 2 bedrooms, furnace, pergola veranda, fine condition: widow must sell quick. CLE VE LAND-BAR R-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. $3800 Beautiful home of 6 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, garage, 50x100, imp. paid. Owner leaving city. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. S rooms and reception hall, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, cement basement, wash trays, 50x100 lot, streets paved and paid; price $3000; $300 cash, balance $27 month. Including interest. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. $300 CASH $300. PENINSULA BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, full semi-cement basement, gas, elect., wash trays, etc. ; clear of all en cumbrance; price $2500. terms like rent, C. A. WARRINER, BITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2600 BEAUTIFUL bungalow, only 1 blk. to car; 5 rooms, bath, gas, electric lights, full basement. furnace. buffet, Dutch kitchen ; let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. WEST SIDE. Home, living, dining, kitchen, bedroom and bath down stairs. 3 bedrooms and bath up stairs. Swell location. $7000. DELAHUNT. East 1347. MODERN 8-room house, full basement: cor ner lots 100x100, fruit; and shrubbery Price 3000; terms. Discount for cash. See this at 241 E. 84th N. or Tabor 2380. Owner LAURELHURST. 116 Laddington Court, good home; owner. 8-room REAL E8TATB. For Sale -Houses. THE EVENINGS ARE LONG. Let us take you out some evening after work and show you some real home bar- sains. we are open every evening. 1 HE McGUIRK SYSTEM makes It easy to find the home you are looking for. Over 0O0 photographs of homes that we are offering for sale are arranged in their respective districts in our display room. I have personally inspected and appraised every house. Every property we oirer is a good value. Come in any evening and we ll drive out and look at a rew or the best buys out of 600 houses. ir t.lrAK. r , i ll J-i tLlsf I uu MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Established 1880. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 0156. FINE HOME SPECIALIST. I specialize in elaborate homes (located In the better residential districts and not known to be on the market), possessing touches of Individuality in design and style that give them character and make them distinctly desirable and different from the ordinary home. if you are looking for a beautiful home tor nave one ior saiej, in eitner tne Heights, Irvington, Laurelhurst. the Ala meda, or ML Tabor. 1 can be of great as sistance to you and can save you lots of time and money. Everything strictly confidential and homes shown by me bv appointment only. R- H. Torrey, with the Fred A. Jacobs o., iu4 otn st. Main 6o69. evenings and Dunuays, j.aoor 4Ut. RARE IRVINGTON BARGAIN. DUTCH COLONIAL $7UO0. Here's a real bargain in an at tractive, well-built, 2-story colonial home located in best section of Irv ington on E. 20th st. N.; unusually large living and dining rooms, ar tistic stair leads to 3 bedrooms and large screened sleeping porch which is surrounded by beautiful fir trees; old ivory finish, ornamental fire place, best furnace, lawn and shrub bery ; it's a real home and never offered for sale before. Call R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. $3150. A FAIR HOUSE AND A VALUABLE LOT. I am offering for sale the house. No. 270 Graham ave. it is 50 ft. west or Williams ave., and is to the business district of Albina. The lot is 50x100 and has great prospective value as business property. The house will accommodate two fami lies, being arranged for housekeeping up stairs and down. This place must be sold to settle an estate, see MR. STRONG. Executor, Hotel Clifford. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS SNAP. I have 2 attractive 6 and 7-room homes in this district that must be sold at once; beautiful views, at tractive grounds (one has garage) and real snaps at $7000; terms if desired. R. H. Torrey, Main 6869, home. Tabor 407. ALL FURNISHED, READY TO MOVE IN. 6-room bungalow, completely furnished and close to good school. This house is just like new inside and out. Nice lawn. fruit and lots of nice roses. Owner leav ing ctty and will sell at the socrlfice price of $2300; part cash and terms. Hawthorne carllne. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 309 Oak St. Broadway 4133. $5000 BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST BUNGALOW, Close to Park and Club grounds; almost new; hardly a scratch on it; 6 rooms, extra large attic; rooms all finished In old ivory. For appointment pnone MR. DELAHUNTY, Main 1700. Sun, and Eves., East 2086. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS, $1350. NEAT 6-ROOM RUSTIC BUNGALOW WITH FIREPLACE. 8 bearing fruit trees, large chicken House and yard, shed suitable for garage. 1 diocks irom hu xaoor canine; total price $1350, $500 cash. $10 and interest monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham- Per or com, open evenings and Sundaya THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. contracting arcal- tects. vz is. w . nann Diog. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, NEAR 61ST AND HAWTHORNE. Dandy 5-room modern bungalow; has I -fireplace, xurnace, line Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, etc.; doubly con structed; nara-surxace street, paid in lull; price 3du; iuuu casn. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak St. Broadway 4133. FOR SALE by owner, corner. 100x100. with well-built house, in good location; 5 rooms on grouna noor, z rooms in attic, lull basement, fruit trees. berries. etc: T block from car; $3000, terms if desired, or I win sea louxioo with no use for $3700. uroaaway o. ROSE CITY PARK. Fine modern bungalow, hardwood floors. fireplace, furnace, buffet Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, all built-in effects; two blocks from car; partially furnished. s-iuu; uniurnisnea, saouv. bee owner at oia is. jtn st. jn. WEST SIDE Close to, only 15 minutes waiK irom the postoffice; large 9-room I house, suitable for two families, in apart ment house district; would rent for $60 per month; home broken up; will sell lor 4:100 on terms. See Atchison, 404 Piatt bldg. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, modern, fireplace. Duui-in enecis, xsuicn ancnen. iuii ce ment basement, wash tray a. etc Lot 40x 1O0. Located at iMjo Division st. and 29th. Price $3000. $750 down, balance like rent. Street Imp. all in and paid for. Inspection by appointment, vacant May 21. Owner, A. A. Hickey, Main 7070, composing room. CITY lot. 56x92. corner 8th st. and Cora ave.; cement mdewaiks. sewer and water are in; a steel enacic witn garage under neath now stands on property. Price $6tfO, small casn payment, balance on time to rlgnt party; might consider trade on late mooei auto. w ooaiawn wot. FOR SALE Bargain; our 7-room Irvington nouse, line locuuon, garage, lawn and roses; mil lot; owner, who is leaving city. will sell furnished or unfurnished; $5500. Call mornings at 680 Schuyler at. Phone MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE. CORNER. LOT 40x50; CLOSE IN ON EAST SJUK; hest car LINE IN CITY; $3500. Modern 7-room residence. Hawthorn car line, East tn, corner East Harrison; all improvements paid; no agent fees: can take you to see this bargain. Phone jj road way a 4yoa. LARGE 7-room house on choice, sightly cor ner Just south of Multnomah station; very desirable home, only one block from the station and on good county road. For particulars can u bldg. SM2r0 5-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100. in first- class condition; fruit trees, concrete base ment, gas. electric, wasn trays. 880 E. Davis st.; $1000 cash. Inquire 99 Hazel- lern place arter 4 r. m. 7-ROOM. 2-story frame residence, furnished ground space 50x72; garage space 22x22; a cnoice view; ciose in, on fortiana tits. foothills; cash $1000, bal. easy; upper 50x72 same terms, uwner, oo jJtn. cor. Jackson. $2750 HOUSE, 6 rooms with lto lots, all Im provements paid; finest location on East Stark st., Mt- Tabor; plenty of fruit and an especially goo a ouy. nan, uiu Cham. of Com.; tel. jviarsnau iDa. ' $ 500OTP I EDMONT. For sale at bargain, 8-room 'modern bungalow, furnace, hardwood floors, fire place; death to family; must sell. Bar gain. Buy of owner; terms. Wdln. 6203. GOING to build or repair? Get my ldes and .estimate. s. 1. Aliyn. Z-IiS Stark at. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 83L Res. pnone. -raoor xv. CORNER lot, streets fully improved, close in. one diock irom car. east std. with modern nouse. o rooms ano sleeping porch. $4UU. jonn xi iii ii. j v t opaiuins oiug. BY OWNER. In Peidmont; am moving to tne iarm ; am oucnug my Bircmy modern seven-room house at a bargain for cash only. Phone yvoodiawn BARGAIN 6-room, lot oSxIOO, some fruit. 2 blocks to car; macaoam street; fur nished, $i2uu; unturnisned. $1000; easy terms, "laoor oou. ROSE CITY PARK SACRIFICE Modern 8-room house, hardwood floors. furnace, fireplace, etc. uwner win sacri fice; terms; no agents. 648 E. 50th st N. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Hawthorne ave.. 8-room modern bunga low. Phone Tanor 487J. IRVINGTON HOME. DELAHUNT, East 1347. 5300 Nice comfortable home. 7 rooms, mod- 1 em; Wasco, near E. 17th, Irvington; nice surroundings. For terms phone East 3899. 7-ROOM bungalow, ail modem, up-to-date; 120 E. 43d, corner of Alder st. Just $3500. Owner at 132 E. 47th st. $2300 6-room, sunny, modern, corner lot, beautiful view, 1 block to Oregon City car; easy terms. betiwooa fi-POOM cottaee on Iarae corner lot. Haw thorne district; bath, etc. Price $1750; $80O cash will candle. Phone Tabor 528a. FOR SALE 6-ROOM BIG BARGAIN. 342 SAN OWNER. HOUSE. $3000: RAFAEL ST. IRVINGTON. 8-room 'house, completely furnished. narawooo. iioor. r-ai IRVINGTON HOMES, East e94 R. T. STREET, IRY AGET REAL ESTATE. For Sale -H oases. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514, 515 to 519 Swetland Bldg. A REAL BARGAIN. 9 We want you to see this splendid house on corner loth and Liberty sts., Columbia heights; has 8 nice, large rooms, doubl constructed from top to bottom ; built-in features, fireplace, sleeping porch, beautiful lot 100x100; IS bearing zrult trees, berries. etc.. 2 blocks from car. Owner built this for his own home. See photo of this at our office; $3090, $1000 down, balance easy. 4-ROOM HOUSE. Nice 4-room house, good basement, elec tric lights and gas, assessments clear, on paved street, 2 lots, corner lot 40 9-10x100. $1900 takes all; $500 cash, balance $23 per month ; will trade for acreage close to Portland and assume. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 5-room bungalow and garage on E. 61st st. N.. 1 block from bandy road, built-in features, full cement base ment and furnace, hardwood floors, fire place, new lineoleum on bath and kitchen floors, renting now for $J2.50 per montn; lot 50x100; this beautiful place can be bought for $3650. $775 cash, balance $110 per month; must be seen to be appre ciated. Call Marshall 3989 or Main 5873 and I will take you out In our machine to see these any evening after work if preferred. LA MONTE (With) PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514 to 519 Swetland Bldg., Corner Fifth and Washington. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. 00 T E R M S $ 2 S O 0. $2800 TERMS $2HO0. 1001 E. 22D ST. NO. Just completed, 5-room bungalow, on 50 xlOO, east front, lot one block to Alberta carline. modern, built-ins. Dutch Ritcnen. paneled dining room, full basement, elec tric fixtures, plumbing complete. Must be seen to be appreciated. Deal direct with owner. There from 11 to 5 dally or phone Main 5 124 for appointment. $1200 100 cash, balance $12 per month, buys a 6-room house, modern, VnndRtnrk diKtrirt. $1800 Easy payments buys a 5-room bun galow, modern ana connccieu wmi Kwer. $1900 $1000 cash buys 5-room bungalow; E. Alder St. $3000 Part cash buys 6-room bungalow. all modern, corner, ouxiuu, in ursi class condition. Phone Tabor 734 or call at 2020 E. Stark St., George F. Barringer. LAURELHURST HOME SNAP. Need $2000 cash quickly; will sell attractive lH-atory, strictly modern 7-room house with garage, to beat section of Laurelhurst, 1 block to car In park section, for $5000, which Is $1500 under market value. If in terested act quickly. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. A DANDY, ONLY $1600. A v-Astma Ha nHv bath Patent toilet. house same as new; 50x100; one block to school; everything. berries ana snrup hrv vaaH eardffn and adjoining 50x100; ail In oiia of the best wardens in the city and this garden goes; snaaes. curiums anrl linnliim WnriHTftrk district. All tnr th a nr ce. and bair may d ienn ii. desired. R. W. Fisher, 415 btock change. Ex- LARGE GROUNDS AND SHACK. $100 CASH. $100. 100x100 around and 4-room shack, abun dance of good fruit trees. 1 block irom hard surface street, now vacant, price $1600. terms to suit, near Vancouver, ave. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C A. WAKKlftblt RITTE R. LO W E & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALB By owner, a $5ioo noma ior $42uu; is strictly mour-i n. sleeping porch; has fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, full cement casement, laundry trays, hot-water neater and all built-in features; lot 50x108; nice lawn etc.; furniture also for sale. Tabor 595 or see F. R. Jesse, Telegram composing room, 8 to 3. m $375 CASH $373. BUILT 6 MONTHS, $3250 5-RM ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. All hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, built-ins. enamel plumDing. 4ux loo (Waverly), 2 blka car, $375 cash. Main 4803. Abington bldg. "35 Years in Portland.' CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH A splendid 6-room home on loOxlOO-rt. lot; has tireplace and is nice and clean and in fine repair; heaps of fruit and rich garden soil; on car line and paved street? all paid. Price $3300, $.00 cash, bal. like rent. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbet t bldg. Main H915. A 2815. CENTER of Irvington, ground iuu xei" large living room, annua iuon, -..v.."-" and den on first floor. 4 large sleeping rooms above, sleeping porch, toilet, hardwood floors below, bath and fireplace. good furnace, wash trays and toilet to S.iOOO cash. bal. mtg. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. On beautiful corner lot. 2 blocks from Rose City carllne; absolutely modern; i niaM nrnRro hard wood floors, built- basement, price io.ouw. in conveniences; excellent condition; streets paved and paid , an exi.-w - $4650. Main 7916. Main 5297. evenings. $200 CASH. Eight large rooms, fine-looking house, rood neighborhood : two blocks north St. Johns car; faces Willis boulevard; price only $2450; $20 month; easily worth $3000; don't fail to see this; 1709 Berkeley stw; owner. Tabor 854, forenoons. ROSE CITY PARK Beautiful live-room modern oungaiow, large ment basement, laundry trayfc, hardwood floors: street paved and Pdfor at this low price of only $3450; $600 cash, bal ance $20 month; 1441 E, Broadway, cor ner 43d. Tabor 2934. $75 $10 MONTHLY $875. 3 -room house, with 3 large lots. East moreland car; 4-room plastered, with bath, lot 75x200. Price, &00 DRAPER A MARSTERS. 201 Wilcox bldg. NEW EW 6-room bungalow, $4500, terms; corner lot. Improvements In and paid; cls to be? ween 2 good car lines: most artistic living rooms; furnace, fireplace; fall base ment, wash trays, garage. Owner and builder. East 1644. $300 CASH buys nice 5-room nouse on wesi rA KMfwalks to and paid; a good buy; price $18O0; 1300 cash bal ance $20 per month; 10 minutes ride on car Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. 7 r.n ON L Y S 1 7 50. BT'VWSIDK BARGAIN. a - hath i e-c trie 1 1 v and gas. cement basement, wash trays, paved street. $400 down will handle. A. H. AKERSON, 410 Henry bldg. M 7248. c.uui pish buvs cosy 5-room bungalow on Sine, uiuvnn w 1 school, good district; price I20O0; balance tvx nr month, inc. Interest; 15 minutes to center of city. Johnson-Dodson Co. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. nnsR CITY PARK. R-room bungalow, extra large attic, dln- livinir room across front or nouse, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement vi..mnt- 4 'QO. F. Vanduyn, 615 Cham ber Commerce. Main 1055. $2500 MODERN cottage, close to car, small locatlon, reasonable payments; 3-room cottage, electric, three lots, chicken house. a ii wn fenced : easy payments. 09 Allskey mag. $300 CASH and $23 per month buys a mod w T.rnnm house near Union ave.; 2 Klnin- Porcnes. lull uaBemciu. n nric for miick sale $3o00. The Brong Co.. 267 H Oak at. Tinviii t r w n monar fine homes, beaut iiu view lot, AU-j naieiK" --. " a AAniB furnace, fireplace, large bath- i-nnm. laundVy etc. For sale by owner. Price $5500. Main 5942. ttw d c 1 1 tr tiv owner. Piedmont, new. beau tiful oungaiow, bia floors, built-lns, large plate glasn windows, nement porch, corner lot, garage, shade trees. $5900. 1218 Mallory ave. UNIVERSITY PARK. ii?aa rr7.v 4-room cottage, good base ment. lot 33x110. Wilbur F. JouDO, 320 Henry bldg. t i r . beautiful new nome on west siae, ilnaA in Htl IPHU 141 lULUllUU. mi. mil CAWU tlnnal sacrifice price, call Main 2411, 210 Stock Exchange bldg.', Schlndler & Ross. FIRST-CLASS built 6-room bungalow, attic. large lot, Mt l aoor aistrici, ;wu vasu. Would also consider taking In good lot. Price $4250. Owner. East 1363. No agents. ANOTHER EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN Modern cottage, well furnished; must sell; $1830. terms. OWNER. MAIN B231. SOUTH PORTLAND 5-room modern bun galow with basement, laundry trays, fire place; price $2500. $300 cash, balanc monthly. See Atcnlson. 404 Piatt bldg. TWO fine lots. 4-room ed building.- fruit, near car: $1100 discount for cash payment. Mrs. Smith. 5630 68th st. S. E. Nashville station. BUY this beautiful home on easy payments. 55 E. 31st. Owner. EASY buy on a small modern home, east side. Main 2411. 4-ROOM Bhack, lot 5Oxl00. $500; terms. 209 Oregon bldg. uroaaway ioos. ! 5-ROOM house and fruit trees at 353 Cook; $3000 on easy terms. A HOUSE and two lots for sale: also vacant lop reasonable. Cail Tabor 772. REAL ESTATE For Sale -Houses. ROSE CITY BUNGAIjOW. The kind It is hard to find; near Ala meda boulevard; aso close to car: non resident owner offers this east-front home at less than value; fireplace, furnace, all the butlt-ins: oak floors; the tree alone is worth $5oO; all improvements in and paid; no mortgage; reasonable payment down, balance easy, 6 per cent; will give deed. 5:t E. 55th st. N. ; inspection by appointment. J. C. COR BIN CO.. 30V6-7 Lewis Bldg. CLOSE IN IRVINGTON DISTRICT. TWO-STORY. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEP ING PORCH. GARAGE, LOT AiixlOU. TWO BLOCKS BROADWAY AND IRVINGTON CARLINES; BARGAIN, $0500; TERMS 1500 CASH. BALANCE $0O PER MONTH. EXILE BURK ITT, 209-212 SELLING BUILDING. MAIN 1800. INSURANCE. MORTGAGE LOANS, $2750 A REAL BUNGALOW $2750. 5 rooms, good cement basement, elec and gas; large living room with fireplace; paneled dining room, white Dutch kitchen, low Rumbly lines; corner lot: Just painted and tinted; only 5 years old; bargain. Harald ave.; easy terms. See FRANK L. McUUlRB To Buy Your Home. 600 Photographs of Homes For Pale. Abington Bldg. Main 100S-5156. OWN TOUR OWN HOME. 69 EAST 21ST ST. SOUTH. 6 ROOMS, BATH. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, GAS. FULL SIZE BASEMENT. II A R DSL R FACE ST.. ON CA KLIN E ; CAN BE BOUGHT AT A BARGAIN ON EASY TERMS. EXILE BURK ITT 209-212 SELLING BUILDING. MAIN 1SOO. INSURANCE. MORTGAGE LOANS. HOUSE AND 100x127. RODNEY AVE. Nice, large 5-room cottage ; large attic, room for 3 more rooms; furnace, china clo.iet. laundry trays; built for a home: good barn for garage; good chicken house and run ; some fine fruit, large garden space; on Rodney ave.. near Portland blvd. Price $4500. easy terms. Vacant. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31S Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. LOVELY GROUNDS; 200x100. with 5-room modern home; abunaance fine fruit, br rtes, grapes; Just a few blocks east of Eastmoreland and Reed college; 1 will sacrifice this property for $2750 and bal ance of city liens; the four lots are worth the price, but the house Is a splendidly constructed one; fine cement basement. 1205 E. 40th st. S. E., Woodstock car. Owner, Tabor 854 forenoons. FINE PIEDMONT HOME. PRICE ONLY $6:00. Fine 9-room house, strictly modern In every way ; on a nice corner. 2 blocks from Killingsworth ave. and 2 blocks to 1 car; hard surface street; best buy in the city; reasonable terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak Street. CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE. $3000 5-rrn. semi-modern, easy walk; $1000 cash; $2250. Good old 8-rm., toilet and bath, lOOxlOO, is bearing fruit trees; 20-minute walk. mhi 100x100 and well built small house. Easy walk. THOMAS-ESTE3, 267 Va Oak. ROSE CITY PARK I am going to leave the city, so am forced to sell my modern 6 room bungalow, w 1th sun room, fireplace, furnace, built-in effects ; rooms finished in white enamel ; cement basement, best of plumbing; 50x100 lot, east front, paved street; $:too0, $1100 cash will handle. Owner, 641 K. 4;nh st. N. HOLLADAY PARK FIRST ADD. Modern 7-room house, double construc tion, built for a home; occupied by owner. All the cnvenlences, including extra large glass-Inclosed sleeping porch; a bargain at $4750. Shown by appointment only. Phone East 70i9. A GOOD BUY. $500 cash, $25 per month, buys a dandy 6-room house on corner of E. 9th and Jarrett sts. Price $2200. See Mr. Christenson. THE BRONG CO.. INC. Main 1743. 26? Oak St. HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION. We can show you attractive homes from $18uo up. If you are going to buy a home see our list of over 500 homes be fore buying. Terms to suit all. J. A. WICKMAN CO., Main 1094. 204 Railway Exch. Bldg. A REAL BARGAIN. $200 cash, $25 per month, buys a 5 -room house near Vancouver car Price $1950. , See Mr. Christenson. THE BRONG CO.. INC. Main 1743. . 267 to Oak new line. St. A COSY BUNGALOW. $400 cash, $25 per month, buys an ex cellent 5-room bungalow near Willamette Diva, and car line. Price $2400. See Mr. Christenson, THE BRONG CO., INC. Main 1743. 267 to Oak St. ST. JOHNS. Cheap for $2500. 5-room new bungalow; built-lns, cement basement; 14 fruit trees, flowers and ber ries; lot 50x100; paved street. Asa Wales. A. J. De FOREST St CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Main 2690. LOOK HERE! I own 2 splendid houses and nat oullding. 21 rooms in all. also garage, N. W. cor. 34th and Yamhill. Buy them for 20 per cunt under appraised value. Get your own rent free and $73 month; wii nanaie. xaoor &j4 (owner) forenoons. GOING east, will sell 4-room furnished mod ern bungalow with good garage, roses and lawn ; street improvements in and paid ; i nis is a snap at i-Trtui; s'.o can. oai an ce like rent. 5HM Lafavette. between 14th and 15th. Sellwood 2m5. DON'T fail to see 84 E. 83d North, Monta- viiia cars: pretty, new homes surroundtnor-. lovely 5-room, modern bungalow, only $275 cash, balance $2lMX. $t month: this Is certainly some snap ; fine condition : va- cant; open. Owner. Tabor 854. forenoons. r IN E 5-room modern bungalow, close to fine car service; lot HO. loo, full lawn and fruit trees; full cement basement. This is a dandy buy, only $JOO0; to cash, balance like rent. Chamber of Commerce. Call between 1 and 4 P. M. BEAUMONT, $24UO. 5-room new bungalow, with 00x109. Ask Wales. A. J. Per OKEST 4k CO.. 320 Henry bllg. Main 2690. OH SALE House and 2 lots, 1208 E. Main st.; 14 large fruit trees, berries, good gar den ground; must sell to close estate. Phone J. b Muller, Tabor 4404. $25K Strictly new 4-room modern bunga low on big corner lot. 1 to blocks from Sunnyslde car. CaK 126 E. 42d. corner Alder. Terms If desired. Suburban Homes. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. MULTNOMAH STATION BUNGALOW. Nifty, new and up to date. I am build ing four of the classiest little bungalows in the Multnomah district on quarter-acre tracts, on automobile road : city water. gas and electric light, modern plumbing ; my 11 rat bungalow just being completed ; will have large combination living and dining room, two bedrooms with closet, bath and toilet, kitchen with built-in con veniences and attractive breakfast room adjoining; large front porch full width of house. This attractive bungalow sets on a wooded quarter-acre tract, surrounded by a beautiful grove of fir, dogwood and other Oregon shrubbery. Will sell on terms of $600 cash and $20 per month strong at Multnomah station or Atchison, and the price is only $2950. See Arm 4(4 Piatt bldg. FORCED TO LEAVE. AN IDEAL HOME. INVESTIGATE. STARTLING SACRIFICE. Modern eight-room house, corner lot, 175x160; garage, workshop, chicken house, cement basement, furnace, ornamental trees, 200 rose bushes : pav ed street, ce ment sidewalk. All improvements paid Eight blocks to car. 4860 Eight-second St. 8. E. Tabor 6356. ONE-HALF of large 12-lot block, lto blocks north or the Multnomah station on uunton street; in high state of cultivation; fine bearing orchard, small clump of second -growth fir trees, good 4-room house. We offer the property at a bargain because we are leaving the city. Call for particu lars on our agent. 404 Piatt bldg., or at Multnomah real estate office. $3500 BUYS a beautiful home with i acre of ground just south of Multnomah sta tion, on the most sightly portion of B rug ger View ; a commanding outlook is here afforded of the Cascade range and the coast mountains, also the entire surround ing district. For particulars call 404 Plait building. MY MODERN 5-room country home, com pletely furnished; half hour's ride from Portland; about one acre land; will sac rifice this for cash, or any reasonable offer not refused; deal with owner; no commissions; you can see me at 313 Henry bldg. No phone calls considered. I WILL sell the bent-built house to Mult nomah on the boulevard on terms of $60$ cash, $25 a month and Interest on the bal ance; house is absolutely new, 7 rooms, with all modern conveniences ; a modem borne In every way. Deal with owner. 404 Piatt bldg. 1 ACRE with 3-room housa. water, gas, lights and telephone, 20 fruit trees, lots of berries, large woodshed and chicken house, all In cultivation; garden In; terms $2500; $1R00 cash, balance easy. Owner. Phone gn wood 398; no agents. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire third house north or Kisley station, on Oregon City car Una, sign "Alder Brook." BRIER WOOD property. 213 feet river road frontage, wooded. Bull Run, gas, electric ity, phone. Phone Monday. Wednesday. Friday from 12 to 3. Marshall 49S5. 403 Central bldg. HALF ACRE. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. $1200. easy terms, west side, 20 minutes out. bearing fruit trees. A. H. Akerson, 410 Henry bid. Main 724S. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOMES. 1.21 acres, 1 miles from station : all cult.; 5-room house, good barn, well, fam ily orchard: near school. Price $120; $2K cash, balance small monthly pay ments. IS acres. 1 mile from station, all cult.: good 4-room house; woodshed, well, good young orchard. Pxice $1000; $500 cash, balance to suit. 24 acres, H mile from station; all cult, and fenced ; Jt-room house, well, the best soil: near school. Price $$00; $300 cash, balance easy payments. 4 acres, IS miles from station on hard road: 2 acres cultivated and in crop and garden, balance about ready for plow ; located high and sightly; very best soil; 5-room house; barn, garage and chicken house, chicken park, good shade trees in park and yard ; imail orchard, berries, etc. Price $l0u; $730 cash, balance monthly payments. 5 acres, 14 miles from station; Vj cult., high and well drained ; good soil, all fenced ; 4-room houfe, good barn, chicken house, good well, 50 bearing fruit trees. Price $2500; $oOO cash, balance to suit. 1 55 acres, all cult, and In crops and garden, good young orchard, all kinds of berries, 5-room plastered house in the best of condition, city water and gas for cooking and lighting, good barn ; 5 min utes' waik to station on good waik. Price $2250; $10oi cash, balance to suit. This Is a very attractive home-like place and will please you. TICKER & SHRECK, 501-502 Spalding Bldg. RIVERA. The most beautiful homesites In the vi cinity of Portland; 1 to 5 acres; 20 minutes south of city, on west side, overlooking river; hard roads, electric cars: all city conveniences; several fine residences for sale. Rivera and adjoining sections a spe cialty, by a resident who thoroughly knows ttie district. Turner, a :r;. or .Main OSWEGO LAKE frontage. bOx270. nice trees. fine view, close to station, lights and water. 5oo Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. For Sale Acreage. DEAL WITH OWNER. 116 acres, all in cultivation, except 10 acres timber; fenced and cross fenced ; good buildings, two wells and spring; 3 li miles of two good towns: in heart of W il ia mettte; fair orchard; abost 75 acres In grain, rest clover; rural route, telephone, K. R. station on place ; stock and Imple ments all go with place, at $12o per acre. Phone Columbia 371 or address 10O9 Stockton st. COUNTRY PLACE ON CITY'S DOORSTEP. 110 ac-es, highly 'mproved. on Multnomah cjunty's finest paved highway; easy access city; nun. irom business center; ten mm, to Gresham: in an area where values are rapidly increasing ; 9-room house and iuii set buildings: 5-acre orcnard. full bearing; season's crop sown and abov ground ; a beautiful suburban home. $ lu. tM0, t( rms; consider some trade. Owner. t.'f uasro bid?. Main 7414. M About 1 0 acres, all in fine crop, no Improvements, but fine soil and peruetua running water, adjoining Sherwood. 15 miles from Portland on S. P. Elec.. 5-mln-utes from depot; also a very sightly tract of over 6 acres to "Sherwood Acres. close to station, no imp., beautiful home site, $15O0; both places are bargains; a liberal discount for all cash. By owner. Phone Tabor 1037. 15 ACRES rich bottom land, all but about 2 acres in cultivation ; to mile from sta tion on goo-i road in Clarke Co.. Wash.; 6 miles from Vancouver. This Is an ex cellent property for market gardening. Had to take place under foreclosure of mortgage and must sell. Price $2250, easy terms. John Bain. 007 Spalding bldg., Portland. Or. 2 ACRES, choice gardening land, with con siderable fruit and berries; good 3-room house; property is served with liuil Run water, gas and electricity; located on tine corner of Improved county roads, south east of Multnomah station. This is the best buy to the district and invites your examination. For particulars cail 404 Piatt bldg. HALF-ACRE (almost) right to the city, per fectly level, near Halsey st. (being paved), 50 ft. south of Broadway on Mh st. Price for quick sale, $275 yes $275. Nothing down if you build ; 6 per ce nt. You can build a shack and raise chickens and wait till Roso City district reaches you. It's on the way. Then sell out at a big profit. XXX. care Oregonlan. 20 ACRES river bottom land. 12 acres to cultivation, 5 acies bearing peach orchard, fronting river; good 3-room house, barn and outbuildings: all fenced: fine soil and well watered; $2700, $500 cash, easy terms on balance. HILL Sc. MENDENH ALL, 201-2 Panama bldg. LOGGED-OKF LANDS. Tracts 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland on railroad ; good soli, no rock; plenty of water; work nearby. Buy on your own terms. LUEDDEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES. $675. 27 miles from Portland, 5to from electric line; some very easily cleared and soma fine timber; creek; close to neighbors and school; A-l soil; $175 cash, bal. 3 years. 6W BUN DY. 411 Henry Bldg. SNAP. 40 acres at $25 per acre, growing grass 12 months in year. Running water, first- class soil, between 2 best Oregon markets work plentiful; $2.50 per acre initial pay ment, 6 per cent on deferred. F. K, Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. 5000 ACRES in Southwest Wasnlngton fr sale to settlers only; easy terms, low prices. $3 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. W rite for map showing location, terms, etc VEYERHAEUSEK TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. $18 PER ACRE 160 acres, 2.0O0.000 feet fir, close to mills; 20 acres practically clear, partly fenced : good road, to -mlie school. to -mile to proposed electric line; Improved farms adjoining: U miis Buxton. Or. Phone East r . i racy, arraoee au, Portland. 10 ACRES NEAR SHERWOOD, $1500. $5h cash ; new 5-room house, barn, spring, well and live stream; part beaver land ; two acres cleared, balance mostly cleared; easy terms. Ask Wales. A. J. DEFOREST &. CO.. 320 Henry bldg. Main 2690. ONE or two cultivated acres, just outside city limits at Krrol station, Estncada line. Price. $1250 per acre, easy terms. Come to Stanley, next station, ask for Miller. Sell. 1714. CHICKEN. BERRY FARMS AT GRESHAM. Suburban homes and acreage close to Portland ; reasonable prices, easy terms. KR1DER & KLKINGTON, GRESHAM. Phone 17X. ACRES V acre, to acre. $10 down. $1 week. Sightly, no gravel. Bull Run water. 2 tracts with houses. Alberta car. Ken nedy school. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. 15 ACRES of good soil. 18 miles from Port land, cleared, on electric line adjoining Cottrell station: $2500, terms. Broadway 158. 209 Oregon bldg. LOOK. LOOK. HOOD RIVER. I have S acres In apples and will sell or rent, to Hood River vally. 529 East 33d st. 10 ACRES of land, good orchard, house, all outbuildings. Bull Run water; located just south of Lents. 6131 92d st. S. E. Thomas Allen. CHOICE river front acreage, also river view acreage and other acreage near Rlsiey Station. 11. G. Starkweather. 602 Broad way Bldg. Main 6199. 6 ACRES cranberry land. Long Beach, . Wash.; good small house, to acre bearing. H. B. Stout. 724 Chamber of Commerce, $50 DOWN, $5 monthly, buys 3 acres fine land, near car. school, postoffice, highway. $375. Draper. 201 Wilcox bldg. to TO 2-acre tracts: Hawthorne car. ?lst st. Owner, East 3860. CHOICE, close-to located. Owner. acreage. Phone good soil, well Broadway 43- For Sale -Fruit Lands. OPPORTUNITY OF THIS KIND KNOCKS ONLY ONCE AT YOUR DOOR. 145 acres, orchard of apples and pears. 5-room house, a new bam, 4ox70. with sheds on both sides, an old barn, granary chicken house, well. etc.. located in one of the best fruit sections In the state, only about 8 miles from Koseburg. on good auto road : a season's ordinary yield out to more than pay Its price which is only 1 16,500. Now Mr. Buyer, la your cnance to make a sane investment and your fu ture secure. Do not pass this offer without thorough investigation. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. '' ACRES of fine unimproved fruit land Mooter district, ssoo casn; tax valuation $200. Call Main 60O5. Homestead. Relinquishments. $161 RELINQUISHMENT, fair house and bam, some fruit and garden, 15 acres cleared, part fenced, excellent soil, fin creek, heavy pasture, some valuable tim ber, on mail and milk route: good neigh bors; if taken quick. $S00 cash. 320 M or gan bldg. For Sale -Farms. FARM lands, all under cultivation in East ern Oregon and Eastern Washington; will consider trade for city property. Call Main 2411, 210 Stock Exchange bldg. AMONGST my stock and wheat ranches for sale, l have a section or raw wneat land, virgin soil. Price. $10 an acre: r.o acres level two or three miles to railroad sta tion, terms. M. Fitzmaurice. Condon. Or. 23 ACRES, "rnile from Woodburn. all cult! vated, hall cropped. Darn. lenced; 78 per acre, can you neat it Aiust raise money terms. Main 0451 50 ACRES, all cultivated. 1 mile from Wood burn; direct irom owner; must raise money. Price. $78 per acre, easy terina. Would sell hail. Main REAL ESTATE. for Bale HIGHLY IMPROVED SMALL FARMS. $2000. f Three acres, in high state of cultivation, good 4-room bungalow, 2 chicken houses. woousnea, storeroom, wen, aooui too iruit trees, variety of berries ; well fenced, and all in cultivation; located 2 miles from T Oregon City; sidewalk all the way to the piace; term. $3500. Well improved 15 acres, good 6-room house, good bam. chicken house, hog house, well, 2 cows, '2 calves, hens, about 5oo young chickens. separator, wagon, buggy, implements and tools: located by 2 good roads, mile from a station on main railway lino between Portland, Ta coma and Seattie, rural delivery and close to good school; terms. $1000 cajih. eaja;u in U j ears at 6 per t ent interest. $4000. 20 acres, all cultivated except one a cm in timber; about 5 acn-s in bearing appics and peach trees, and about 4K) oung prune trees; 5-room house, baru, chicken house, hoghoutte. water piped from' a spring to the ho us, and all well fenoed; located on main road. 2 miles from New -berg; will consider Portland suburban home up to $2000 as part payment. $1700. 3S acres. lOO yards from electric station In Polk county, in well settled communit ; all rich bottom land, one-half cultivated and several more acres almtvt really for ploy; 6-room house, barn, 2 wells, family orchard and berries; team of horses, wagon and harnesses; terms. $5000. Well Improved 16 acres. 5S miles from Portland postoffice. 7-room plantered house, city phone, bam. chicken house, shop, root cellar and other outbuildings; about lOO bearing fruit trees of various kinds. 1 horse, 2 cows, chic kens, w agon, buggy, harness, all kinds of farm imple ment and toois; all in cultivation, except about 3 acres in yard and building sale ; terms. $5500. A dandy Improved 19Ji acres, about 16 miles from Portland; 5-room house, phone. 2 wells, windmill and engine, good barn, large hoghouse, with concrete floor; chick en house, dairy house, tool house, woodshed and tiO-ton silo; several brood sows; 1 cow. wagon, implements and lots of small toois, all in cultivation and fenced ; bearing or chard of different kinds of fruit, including 2 English walnut trees; also variety of berriea and grapes. K. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 9:i. N. W. Bank BMg. HIGHLY IMPROVED 20 ACRES. 20 acres. 18 acres to cultivation and alt to crops. 1 acre of fine strawberries and 1 acre Ior potatoes. Kin soil and lies w iti gentle slope to drain. A good ?ive-rom rustic house, good barn, 40x50 feet, 2 good, wells with pump, lamily orchard of a sorted fruits in full bearing, including 23 English walnut trees, raspberries, black berries, gooseberries and grapes, and lots of beautiful roses. On main county road, close to school and church, and 12 miles from Portland on good auto road. Place fenced with woven-wire, plenty of wood for family use. chicken house and park, root house. Personal property. 1 good horse, cow, harrow, 2 cultivators, plow, harness, and all tools; price for everything com plete, $5000. $3500 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. If you are looking for a nico little home, see this. DRYER & BLAIR. "The Acreage Men. 508-9 Lewis bldg. TUALATIN VALLEY FARM. Do you want a farm with big possibili ties which you can shape in your o n way? We offer for sale a place of 07 acres, 13 miles from Portland by rock road. It is located in a splendid farming section of the Taulatln valley. There Is a 5 room house, largo barn, all fenced. 2 wells. 12 acres under cultivation, 10 acres in orchard, all kinds of fine berries, grapes, etc. There is about 60 acres of fine old growth fir suitable for cordwood, which can be hauled over a rock road to railroad station. This place Is in the English walnut section and a large part of the land would be suitable for that purpose when cleared. It is owned by a non-resident who wants to sell quick. He has put a price on it that will move it within the week. Price $6500; $1000 cash, balance on 10 years time. TUCKER & SHRECK. 5U2 Spalding Building. EXCHANGE. Want large eastern Oregon stock or grain ranch; will assume to $20.0iK if stocked and equipped. This place consists of 120 acies, ail level, sandy loam bot tom land, in the famous Molalla valley, oniy 27 miles from Portland; 70 acres un der plow, some timber; all fenced ; depot and R. R. on place; R. F. D., telephone, store on place; -mile to school, church; neveral never-falling springs, 1 creek; Al fine macadamized road. well, U-rooifc house. lair condition, fair barn, granary, hay shed. etc. Personal property: 1 bind er, mower, rake, fanning mill, 2 plows. 3-section harrow. 14 -disc drill, 14-disc har row, good cow, 4 good horses and harness, 1 reg. boar, 2 leg. sows. Price $25. 000. This farm w ill stand up under investi gation. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade bldg. 25 A. AT SYCAMORE. 25 acres No. 1 soil. 5 acres oats. 6 acres clover. 9 acres ready for garden truck, 6 acres pasture; nice bungalow, good bam. all wire fenced; H'O fruit trees, 2 horses, 2 cows, wagon, plows, mower, cultivator, harrow, farm tool: all for $S2O0; about Vi cash; U mile from paved road. clo to station at Sycamore : 4 S miles from city limits. Photo at our office. A dandy little farm at the right price. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 ONLY SIX MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. We are authorized to sell this fine M acre farm with 40 acres in cultivation, good houxe, new barn, fine water, orchard, all fenced and cross fenced, on good auto road near city carline. for $15,000. JHOOO cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. DRYER & BLAIR. "The Acreage Men.' 50S-9 Lewis bldg. IF YOU have a moderate-priced home and a little cash we can put you on a wen improved farm: crop now In. stock and machinery go with place: nothing lacking; you can go ahead and make money. Total price. $tlOoO. Come. In and let us tell you why people are sacrificing this place. STEWART A BUCK. 313 Northwestern Bank bldg. STOCK. GRAIN. PRUNES AND ORCHARDS We have some 01 1 ne iinest nom mn , grain farms In th stat; river bottom loam soil, beaverdam, red-shot. We als. have prune orchards at Dallas and app: orchards in Hood Uiver. Come In and let us teil you about them. THE LAWKENOE CO.. lOS Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A 21 X. DESCHUTES COUNTY IRRIGATED BARGAIN. 80 aeres. 3 miles from Terrebonne. 5f acres alfalfa; good improvements, place to best of shape; owner has more than he can handle, for 30 days will take $S500, terms: 1M19 crop w ill bring amount ; cut 200 tons lat year, better this year. Have various sized and priced farms. K G. Itlebhoff. Kedtnond. Or. BUY a ranch In Rogue river valley; location. climate, fishing ana nunung ins oesi; no better place for prunes and all kinds of fruits: now to grain, grass, alfalfa and woods: for sale at 60 per cent actual value if sold soon; loo acres $:sr.00. 93 acres. $;i5oo ; 15;; acres. $7500. Address owner, box 143. Riddle. Or. lOO-ACRE FARM. RED-SHOT SOIL. NICK PRUNE ORCHARD, NO ROCK OR GRAVEL. -KUUM IlUUSE.. bARUB. BARN SCHOOL U MILE. LAND ALL SLOPES TO SOUTHEAST; WILL SELL ON TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER; $5 PER ACRE. OWNER. 6S7 E. ASH ST., CITY. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 30 acres wit h fine modern house, lo cated on east side, only 8 miles from busi ness center of town: 17 acres of the land under cultivation: faces fine road; station handy. Price $15,000. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. S20 PER ACRE will buy 160 acres 4 mile t 1 v-iA,i,.t r- Waah mi Vnrlh irom -y ic, v ------- Bank R. R : about 6 acres In cultivation, balance easily cleared; small house and barn ; well settledt neighborhood ; fore closed property, must be sold. This is an excellent place for fruit or grain. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg.. Portland. Or. FIVE CENTS AN ACRE CASH. Texas school lands for sale by the state at $2 per acre; 5c per acre cash and no more for 40 years; but 3 per cent In terest : send 6c for postage for further information. INVESTOR PUB. CO., Dept. . Pan Antonio. Tet. 40 ACRES. 10 acres in cultivation, good house and Dam, ieneea; ramiiy orcnarn. good soil and well watered. on county road. 5 miles from town, $1600 for quick, sale, easy terms. HILL & MENDENH ALL, 201-2 Panama bldg. $50 DOWN, $12.50 MONTHLY. Fine level 20 -acre, tract of unimproved land, SVm miles from Hillsboro, $87.50 per acre, fine soli, running stream, good shack. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Commerce; open evenings and Sundays. HOOD RIVER apple farm. 58 acres; 30 cultivation, balance pasture; 12 acres bearing orchard: 5 miles to Hood River town; $15,000. J. H. Frary, Hood River. Or.. Route 2. box 84. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sixes. McFarland. 62 Yeon b'dg.. Portland. FARM with buildings and tools; 2H miles from good town, creamery and dairy sta tion. Wdl n. 6217. FIRST-CLASS stock land for sale by West era Oreuon Land Co Corvailia, Or.