20 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, ' TUESDAY, MAY , 1919. FOR SAIK TBl'CKS. COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH OTHERS. Thre--fourtlis ton Bulck express 300 Ktudebaker panel delivery 330 One-ton Republic, express body and new tires 1375 Svi-lon O. M. C, with power hoist and dump body; pood tires and fine mechanical shape... '. 1700 Hi-ton O. M. C used less than 90 davs -. 2150 lVi-- ton White, rebuilt 1750 THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Couch Sts. USED TRUCK BARGAINS. 2-ton Republic, overhauled Oversized 2-ton truck, like new.... Kuick, 1-ton. express body vi. M. C. -ton. cord tires Kord truck, body and top IvJsscI delivery, nearly new , .19n0 . . ll'OO . . 750 . . lO.'.O . . 450 . . 8.10 1000 ROBERTS MOTOR OAR CO.. Park and Everett Sts. INC.. 1917 FEDERAL 2-ton truck. In good con dition, all new tires, equipped with two yard dump box and power hoist, designed to permit change to any body style In few minutes, suitable for crave!, fuel, gar bage or any business where load Is dumped. C. Maxwell. Long Beach, Wash. 1011? T-TON MAXWELL TRUCK. LIKE NEW 775 "NOTE" YOU 5IUST ACT QUICK. TO GET THIS ONE. AUTO SALES, HTH AND COUCH. -TON truck with transfer body and top at sacrifice. Phone Woodiawn 411 Sutu- TWO-TON REO with good flat body. In pood shape, cheap, cash or terms. 271 East Water St. LIGHT 3-ton truck. Smith Auto Co., Park and Couch. . FOR PALE A good ,-ton delivery truck In firet-class condition. Call Col. 141. OARAGES. t; A RAGE for rent. Call Woodiawn 4506. Al'TO REPAIRING. DIVISION . . . GARAGE. 1372 Division Ft. Phone Tabor 5918. EXPERT . . AUTO REPAIRING. WAMEP-MISCfLLAKTOCB. WE PAT FROM 9 TO $17.50 ., TOR MENS SECOND-HAND SUITS. OVERCOATS. WHY SELL TO DEALERS AND TAILORS. WHO RE-SELL THEM TO US WITH BIG PROFITS? BETTER CALL US D1RSCT AND OBT THfc HIGHEST PRICES. GIVE US A CHANCB TO SEE YOUR CLOTHES AND lOU WILL GET THE REAL VALUE. W L ALSO BUY GUNS. SUITCASES, GRIPS, TRUNKS. SHOES, ETC. CALL BROAD WAY 3249. OREGON EXCHANGE STOUE. 64 THIRD ST.. CORNER PINE. J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS From 8 to 15 Dollars for second-hand suits; also overcoats, shoes, etc. Why sell to dealers who have the ciothes repaired, cleaned and pressed by us? Therefore, we can pay more than any other merchant. Our buyers call day or evening. Call .Marshall ii. Madison, near 3d. or -oJ HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, rpeclallT ladies' and gentlemen's suits, dresses, etc New buyer. Try me betore you call others. Phone Broadway 3932. 24! Burnslde. be tween 2d and 3d. OUR SPECIALTY, is buying men's cast-off clothing. Highest cat- price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SBCOND-1IAND STORE, Marshall 3225 or I'OK Madison St. "" OVER THE TOP -$7.50 AND UP tor second-hnnd suits and overcoats. We pay more than any merchant for second hand clothing and shoes. PHONE MAIN 73S. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We pay highest prices for doming, fur niture and ail kiiius of junk. Main 47.4 24o 1st st. WANTED 300 heating stoves, also second hand furniture of all kinds; will call and make cash price. Call Kant 49H2 for quick service. Estey Furniture, 562 Williams ave. "WANTED A second-hand. 1-mau stump puller; give price and condition. AP lto, ireironhm. USl'lT AND DISCARDED CLOTHES BOUGHT. CASH PAID. ALTISRAHO-N EXPERTS. PHONE MAIN 8701. WANTED Strawberry plants. Everbearing , or Standard varieties. Mltcheii Nursery Taeoma. PAINTING, kalsominins $3.50 a guarantee good work. Last room .02. up; Mr. O'Mara. WANTED View camera 6x8;. Anas.dK mat lena preferred. Address 009 Borth' v.-ick hu v,im'HSTEK. Remington automatic a DumD ehotauns wanted. Hochfeid. 83 3d. $10 AND up will pay lor men's uuUs. over coats. Main 344. WE BUY old gold, diamonds, watches and jewelry. Oi'l jsucnanan otag. JUNK, rags, old clothing, tools, metals, bot- WILL buy 50OO Idaho Gold ; Ruby mining stwk. 10c. Box 381. coirax. wash. WANTED Dark fox or wolf fur. Sunday, weekdays after 0, Marshall 3295. Furniture Wanted. FURNITURE FURNITURE. Call Main 3052. We want Tour furniture, tools and household goods and wilt pay tha highest cash prices. We specialize tn this line and are; able to pay ail your goods are worth. We call immediately with the cash. Tou will benefit by calling ua before you sell. A phone call brings ds to your door. CALL MAIN 3052. PORTLAND SALVAGE CO. (Levin Br on. Office S Railway Exchange Bids. Salesroom, 232 Front St. FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL, BUT FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL LIKING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOW'S. THEliE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE .WE SELL TODAY WtfAf WE ilOu'GUT YESTERDAl. Phone MARSHALL. 5031 Phone GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 1S5 First ttrceu READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city. There is hardly an item w do not buy and sell. We specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone. MAIN 9072, A 7174. 1.EVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO, 221-3-5 Front St.. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE I.N THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING TUB BITT ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. X WANT used furniture; cash will be paid or -uoves anu I " ft ' " " ,u milua vi. household goods. Call us ror one article or a houseful and a ompetent. courteous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. xeriY ell vour furniture and household goods"? TRY the MICHIGAN FURNI TURE CO. We are paying the beat prices possible. Marshal! 1882. WE NEED" fiECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First su IWANT used furniture; will pay aa much as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H Calef. dealer. 540 Williams avenue. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL. PAY CA8H. MAIN 3332. GOOD houeehold furniture wanted; no deal ers. East 8B5. CASH for office desks, cnarrs. files and safes. Pacific Staty- Prtg. Co. HELP WANTED MALE. "EXPERIENCED furniture packer; state ex perience and salary wanted. Apply BD 0. Ore gonlan. WANTED An experienced architectural draftsman. Apply Tourtelotte &. Hummel, 407 McKay bldg., city. "BARBER wanted for Gaston. Orecuii. Guar antee $5 per week. Inquire Iewis-Stenger Ba rberw Supply lo. lX PERI ENCED garage man ; must be wil I- ing to wash cars; :lve experience and rsT sutoiccs. Air -b, Oresouiuii, II EXP WANTED HALE. lNi-IDfcNT. (One of Many.) Office of Secretary Advisory and Employ, ment Department Y. M. C. A. Toting man, stranger, out of work ($20 his total cash assets). If 1 pay you $5 for membership in the Y. M. C. A. I will have only $15 left between me and starvation. Secretary If you take out membership in the association you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its influence, strength and resources between you and starvation. - Result Young man Joined the associa tion. In less than a week he had satis factory employment, and a membership card in his pocket, which assures him. along with Y. M. C A. privileges, employ, ment Insurance for one year. The excuse the Y. M. C. A. haa for ex istence Is that it serves young men. and the function of this department la to serve them along a most vital line; the clothes line, the bread-line, the life-line. Calls for men since Jan. 1. 1819 88 Positions filled 47$ Shy the kind of men wanted 38 The standing this department has with Portland employers is due to the discrim inating service we have rendered them for a period of 15 years. If you will be guided by our instructions we will guarantee that you will secure em ployment or refund membership fee. Sol diers and sailors given three months' com plimentary membership. LIMITED NUMBER OV MACHTNK MEN. HaLfKRS AND LUMBER HANDLERS WANTED FOR DOOR FACTORY; STEADY EMPLOYMENT; LOW RENT. HENRY McCLEARY TIMBER COMPANY, McCLEARY. WASH. MEN wanted for Crown Willam ette Paper Mills at West Linn. Or., and Camas. Wash. Steady work. No experience necessary. Single men pieferred. Free transportation from Portland. 42c per hour. 6 hour-day. Ap ply 010 Oregon bldg. MILL MEN WANTED BT WIND RIVER LBR. CO. 1 TALLYMAN. 1 GRADER. 5 CAR LOADERS. 4 LUMBER HANDLERS. 1 TIER. APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. WANTED BY G. M. STANDI FER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, Steel Tard. Vancouver. Washington. 200 Bolters up. at 14.04 per day. lOO General helpers at $4.64 per day. 100 Laborers, at S4.1D ter dav. Good accommodations at the new Lib erty hotel, built especially by the cor poration for its employes. Rates 57 cents er day. Meals cafeteria style, average en) cents. MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPER .MILLS, 42 CENTS HOUR. H-HOUR DAY. SEE MR. II. A. SW AFFORD AT MILL. OFFICE ACROSS RIVER FROM ORE GON CITY. GOOD HOTEL PROVIDES CLBAN BEDS 20 CENTS: BEST MEALS OUR picture department requires the serv lues or two experienced saleswomen Ann v to employment maniig, oth floor, Meier oc i- rank v. o. WANTED Experienced janitor and wife, or iavis-street apartments: must - kuou reierences and thoroughly un derstand oil-burner, elevator, minor re pairing and painting; wages $125 and 3 J.00'11 apartment. s L. H. Hoffman at fll'J Flandera St., Monday evening, or at "J nauway r.xcnange bldg.. Tuesday. BPINNER8 WANTED Night work. 4-honr .... . wora Saturday or Sunday nights, liberal pay. Oregon City Woolea .Ills. Oreson City. LOGGERS' CAMP UP COL11MUIA RIVER. 2 WHISTLE BOYS. 1 CHASER. 1 CHOKER SETTER. 5 LABORERS. APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING CO FOR JOB AS GRADER. CAR LOADER. LUMBER PILER. WANTED Druggist, capable of taking full charge, either registered or assistant, good pay: permanent position to right party. Address Frultland Drug Co., Frultlastd. Idaho. MILL men for lumber work can find work at Cascade Locks or Bridal Veil: a few ' houses for family men. For Information apply at company's Portland office. 1117 "i eon bldg. WANTED An experienced vulcanlzer. man who is experienced on sectional and dry cure retread work; state experience and previous employers. Address Simpson Tire Service Co.. Pendleton, Or. SHEET metal mechanics: 2 or 3 experienced mechanics, mostly heavy sheet iron; prefer men familiar with blow pipe work; state experience and age. Address H. J. Burns. P. O. box 1842, Spokane. WANTED Men to work In wood-working factory: wages $3.75. 8 hours: steady work with chance for advancement. Give phone number and address. W 130. Oregonian. FIVE discharged soldiers or sailors. $4 pel day guarantee: hours from K:H0 to 12, from 1 to 3:110. Call after :i:30. room 207, Will ard hotel. WANT experienced liability and fire insur. ance solicitor: state beginning arrange, rnents requested; give references. BD 24, Oregonian. EOTS wanted. Apply at factory, 34 1st BU N. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. $100; stenographer and dictaphone operator. $100: law stenographer. $85 to $100. 301 N. w. Bank Dldg. WEAVERS, experienced; steady worn, good wages. roruana woolen Aims. BRIGHT young man as collector for large concern; must be able to furnish good references; state salary expected; also give pnone. x no, uregoman. WANTED Men for sawmill, lath mill and lumber yards; good wages, steady work. Write or wire Waed Lumber Co.. Weed. cai. WANTED First-class all-around baker good wages, permanent Job for the right man. ttoyai uaaery, Gooqing. Idaho. EXPERIENCED tailors wanted at the Brownsville Woolen Mill, 8d and Morrl son ; steady work and good wages. BOY with motorcycle ; permanent position ; can earn from $4 to St per day. Apply 1L-7 11th at. WANTED Japanese boy to work In candy store as buss boy and Janitor. Rogers anny siore. uroaaway ana lamhlll sts. EXPERIENCED ad solicitors; weeklies. monthlies, special editions. Phone Mr. Clyde, Marshall 2310. WANTED Man, good worker on grounds and tennis courts. Apply l-aurel hurst club, aft ernoons. . WANTED---A man who understands care of vegetables and who has had grocery ex perience. Apply L. Mayer & Co., 100 5th st. MEN wanted to work on river steamboat. $70 per mo. and board. Apply Washington strvet dock. STEAM-ENGINE operator familiar with starting electric motors. Crown-Willamette Paper Co.. Camas. Wash. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for manufac turing concern, 20 miles from Portland; references required. T 241, Oregonian. WANTED Good, strong by, about 18 years of age. to work In bag factory. Apply Ames-Harris-Nevllle Co.. 15th and Hoyt. WANTED Marker and sorter; good wages; Write or wire Modern Laundry. La Grande, Oregon. WANTED Cabinet makers or good bench carpenters for factory work. Troy Lumber & Mfg. Co.. Qarkston. Wash. DRAFTSMAN wanted. Apply Crown-Willamette Papr Co., West Linn. Or. WANTED A good all-around baker, ply BJ 46Q. Oreyonim. Ap- BAKBER wanted, must know his b twines; ftteady Job. , 31u Flandera iU HELP WASTED MALE, CO TOU WANT TO GO TO SUNNY CALIFORNIA T We want an experienced mattress maker. If you are the right man, you have an opportunity of making sunny Cali fornia your home for good, steady work. Send particulars concerning first letter. Address AV 871, Oregonlaa. yourself. HERE 13 TOUR OSLY CHANCE IN THE CITY TO BECOME A PRACTICAL OXY ACETTLENE OPERATOR. UNIVERSAL WELDING WORKS, INC., COR. 2D AND FLANDERS STS. HERE IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE IN THE CITT TO BECOME A PRACTICAL OXY ACETYLENE OPERATOR. UNIVERSAL WELDING WORKS. INC., COR. 2D AND FLANDERS STS. WANTED Tool room clerk, machine and motor car repair shop; wide-awake young man between the ages of 25 and 35: must oe quick and accurate, good penman; answer In own handwriting, state age, ex perience, married or single: give refer ences: good wages if satisfactory. AE 61, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced commercial poul try ant esrg man; one capable or taking full charge of department. If you have the technical knowledge and business abil ity we have a good position for you; other wise don't waste our time. BF 403, Ore gonlan. TWO energetic, neat, single men by well- known firm as salesmen In crew working Oregon and Washington, travel with sales manager, experience unnecessary, refer ence, advancement; salary or commission. See F. S. Huffman, Hotel Oregon, 9-12 A. M. WANTED AT ONCE Strictly open-shop. all-around blacksmith; one experienced open-shop blacksmith helper; one flrst- ciass steam hammer man and two laborers for work In this city; good wages, steady work In one of the best plants In the city. -u Oregon uidg.. ath and oak ste. WANTEO BY city firm, man handy with tools to do crating, cut linoleum, etc I fome knowledge gas engines helpful. Po sition permanent for right man. State salary desired and give phone number. W1M), Oregonian. WANTED Experienced hardware salesman: must De sdio to sell all kinds of tools and make self useful around hardware and cable piacc; must be good, all-around man: re.erences required. Apply J. Leve, 159 Front, between Yamhill and Taylor. WANTED Two neat, energetic single men by Chicago Portrait Co. to travel In ad vertising with salesmanager; experience unnecessary; reference: salary or commis sion. See W. A. Gray, Hotel Oregon, 8-12 TltLLk delivery. also donkey engineer wanted as partner In sawmill outfit; pay $5 day; must Invest some money which wl.I be secured. Call 011 Railway Ex- uuiijise. waa rbu Good, strong boy. over 1$. who lives with parents, to assist In shipping dept.; one who wants to learn the furni ture Dusiness preferred. Apply morning. vi u r 1 1. rumnure ' o . i f irst. WANTED AT ONCE Two first-cias open- snop, al, -around lathe machinists. for work in city; good wages, steady work to competent men. 520 Oregon bids.. 5th and ACCOUNTANT One familiar with modern tneory and practice; a good position for tne rignt man: answer, giving age. refer ences and salary expected. D 29. Ore- son mn. WANTED Night watchman must do about 2 or 3 hours Janitor's work. Must have references. Costal Laundry, E. 21t and anay. rtose city car. WANTED Good strong active man to work in big factory; steady imploymeiit, good wages. Appiy Ames-jiarrls-Nea llle Co. 15th and Hoyt st. service nor. 18 years old or over; must ne ante to drive a car and mupt be re liable; references required; inquire Mi Perry. R2 Alder. A BOOKKEEPER, experienced; opportunity lor man with ability In established whole sale line; answer fully. BF 460, Orego nian. WANTED Young man. over 18 years of age. to learn hardware business, oppor tunities for advancement. Marshall Wells Co.. 15th and lovejoy sts. AMBITIOUS young man wanted between the ages of 15 and 20 to start as shipping cieric: goon opportunity lor advancement. H. H.. 204 Stork st. WANTED A-l Invoice clerk and assistant bookkeeper, with lumber experience; an swer in own handwriting, stating salary expected. r-i,. oregonian. W A NTK D First -clans Jan or China cook and helper; no other need apply: prefer man ana wire: references required. Hotel Mermlston, llermiBton, or. HAl BU two stock-saddle makers. one i lower stamper, one enapp maue-. aste to run Campbell machine. Miles City -Sad-dlery Co. Allies City. Mont. SALESMEN for clothing, shoes or men's fur nishing goods to assist us with out trade- bulldlng sales. Must be experienced. Ap ply Levitts, cor. -tin and vasn. sts. WANTED AT ONCE First-class open-shop grey iron rounary moment in city; good wages, steady work to competent men. 520 Oregon bldg.. r.th and Oak sts. MOTHER'S helper, out. $40; family cook. $60: chambermaid, $40; counter girl. $14; uisnwasner, out. m, noara ana room. Hansen s, J2i Washington st. WANTED A man to figure on grading roads and clearing lands. Apply after 11 A. M. Clark Park Co. 1132 Chamber of t ommerce. WANTED Young boys for soda fountain work, between the ages of 16 and 18: school poys preterrea. Apply .Northern Pacific, WANTED Resawyer for 10-ln. horizontal iiiacnine; reeuer. stetson Rors ready slzcr: chain men and laborers. Call 327 liUnmermfn s oiug., otn and stark. LIV E salesman Big advertinlng sp-cialtv, to cover Portland; big money. Marshall ABSTRACTOR with experience, preferably in vteet coast city. ?Mate experience and give references. A K 4H3, Oregonian. WANTED Party for plumbing. wirinr plastering, brick work on residence. Phone vv oooiawn & i tu. WANTED Camp foreman for small logging operations: must be experienced and make an Investment with ua. B 382. Oregonian. WANTED Box factory man of n.ripnrp must make an investment with us. H 383, urefionian, v am Hi 1 1 i-irst-ciass iinisher and repair man ior retail lurnuure store. Cant .Bros. 1 s-.u Din, WANTEL- Experienced store man for re pair dept. Apply mornings, Uevurtz Fur niture Co., 1S. First. tnj i ior soda fountain, nighti s. 6 to 12; no experience necessary. Brink s Pharmacy. l.iin ana wain. COMPOSITOR wanted, cither journeyman or apprentice, by city plant. II. &. Id., 204 t-tarK st. BOY wanted, to learn the lithographic trade; pood pay while learning. Bus hong v o., vi fa r k ii. WANTED Alan to heip dj janitor work lor l week, at once. Apply after 11A.M. Rialto Billiard farlors. Park and Alder. S T fc n M inAf H r-.K.s utctatlne mac 1 nc OO- era torn furntthed good positions: see us. Tne rifiipnone. utie Trust Dldg. WANTED Immediately, management coast resort by competent man and wife. Call room : l Motel r'erKins. Kererences. WANTED Boy about 10. to learn fur trade. Can Hi Hroaoway. j-noson Bay Fur Co. WANT good, experienced fry cook, afternoon ana evening snm. xs 3u. Oregonian. W ANTED First-claps real estate salesman with auto. Bm McKay dug. WANTED A-l automobile washer. 100 Eleventh st. City Auto Laundry. WANTED A buselman and presser. 423 Jefferson. WANTED First - class painter. Smith Co., 550 Williams ave. W. M. WANTED Night elevator man. hotel. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker. Co., 207V Selling bldg. S.- Ervin fc YOLTNGO man with ref. to work in hardware store. Br 4m. Mregonian. CARWASHER, Apply Alder. to Mr. Baiy, iJ-I BOY over 16, chance ror auvancemenL. Clarke Bron.. !a7 Morrison st. WANTKD Good prlnetr. 251 First. BARBER wanted; steady job. 152 4th et. SOY wanted. Linotype Crf.ica. 60 5ti at, BFXP WANTED MALE. FARE ADVANCED. Toung men to learn the lumber business, start with the biggest manufacturing plant of its kind In the lumber region of Washington. Planing mills, box depart ment, tank and veneer factory, shipping sheds, tallying and checking, etc., etc.; good wages to start; rapid promotion: Right In a good little town. NO FEES CHARGED; FARE ADVANCED. SEE US TODAY. Man with team to yard out poles. $A.OO fier H hours, or will give good contract; oggers and mill men. all kinds, highway workers, wood handlers, hotel and restau rant help, farm and dairy lobs of all kinds listed here and more coming in. SEE US TOD AT. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 235 Burnslde St. FIVE hustling solicitors wanted by The Country Gentleman (published by owners of Saturday Evening Post) for permanent work in Portland and surrounding coun try. Also representatives In counties out side: entire or spare time. Workere earn $5 to $15 per day. References required. Special consideration given to discharged soldiers. Call or write iutck for territory. H. E. Gale, Field Manager. 806 Northwestern Bank bldg., Portland. Or. N IGHTW ATCHM AN and fireman; one who has had some experience firing stationary boiler: stoady employment: apply at once. Oregon Chair Co. 1190 Macadam BL South Portland car. RELIABLE truck driver wanted; must be willing to work In warehouse. Married man preferred. Apply 2K Front st. Help s te 8 law SUCCESSFUL subdivision company oper ating in southern Idaho needs a few high-class subdivision salesmen who can show good past records. Write North western investment company, Pocalello, Idaho. ' AN OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED TO AN EXPERIENCED COFFEE SALESMAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF A TERRITORY DO ING A LARGE VOLUME OF BUSINESS. ALL REPLIES WILL BE TREATED A3 CONFIDENTIAL. AP 1. OREGONIAN: PORTRAIT MEN. ATTENTION. Wanted Two high-grade portrait solic itors can make $H( weekly. Apply 10 A. M. 13 and 14 Buchanan bldg. WANTED Salesman for vacuum cleaner and electrical household appliance line, liberal commission. Stubba Electrical Co. 6th and Tine eta. SALESMAN wanted, to call on retail trade. at once. 610 Buchanan Diag. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS 100 per cent profit lor a fast- selling optical; new In Oregon. Also man with Ford to sell and demonstrate the Jackson throttle control: guaranteed; 30 days' trial. Q37 Plttock block. AGENTS at once. Se'l 50c per month hos pital ticket 2041 Corbett bldg. HELP WANT 101) FEMALE. SALESLADIES for all departments to assist us with our trade-building sales; we wanl only those who have experience in general store work- Apply Levitt's, cor. 4th and Wash. st. w . icrtr. t ino,fir1nf vouni lady work In candy store afternoons and night shift. Don't phone. ROGERS CANDY STORE. Broadway and Yamhill St- WANTED Experienced sewing machine op erators. Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. YOUNG WOMEN To learn weaving. Pref- ence given those living near rruo Woolea Alius. WEAVERS, experienced: taiiy work, seed tgea. Portland woolen nuia. COMPETENT second girl: private family Mrs. Voorhles. teiepnone bouwoixl -iwj. A BOOKKEEPER, experienceu; opporiuiu.j for one with ability in establlsneq wnoie- salo line; answer fully. Br 40t, orego nian. WANTED Experienced shirt press girl am . ..w...- i-n ntner evnerienceo nf u wain ed. National Laundry, Co., tarn em anu Clay Hta. EXPERIENCED pants nnlsner can lino steady employment at tne iw .e m Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison. Apply ready for work. Good wages. REFINED woman, not over 50. to take care of home and care tor z gris. j unu --' old; own boss; treated as one of family; every Sunday off. B 381. Oregonian. WANTED Operators on two needle union special macnines on x.-niw i,..... Apply Hirscla-WeU Manufacturing Co.. 2uj Burnide SU SEVERAL athletic young ladies ror jazz Canvon anvw. - uaitorium. i -,o . , physical training school. 414 Columbia bldg. ' . YOUNG lady as dancing partner Wltn waiian dancer. r.xpei ium j V"'-.."-'1",', , ' Call between 8:30 anil 11 A. M. Main 7420. A NUMBER of clerkn with office experience can find temporary empioj "i -'-, ' Ing at room 801 Pacific Telephone bldg., oak and Park Ms. W ,'O.MAN for mangle department; experience not necessary If quick and llnork"'. eteady employment. Yale Laundrj , oU0 Fat MorriHonrt- . WANTED Competent stenograpner ; muii al;o be riulcK anu ai--ui: salary Oi. Apply 220 United Stales Nu- tlonul Hank bldg. m CAN use good beginner woo ..,,. business: 12.iu per v-rn ... -'"'", .."' Motor Produce ("-. t east end of Haw thorne bridge. 216 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Lady to work: ,or sc.. a...i , band a ooaru anu r.5.-. JK have a few positions open: no experi ence necessary. Ask for Mr Forkett. Permanent work. OregonLaundry Co. WANTED Capable woman for houseworK. one wining to asawk ... Tabor 5177. WANTED Lady for office attendant. 4j.l Washington st. v-mi A. M. WOMAN villi some knowledge of X-ray laborao w-ork for physician's of fir- Call betwen 8 and 10 A. M. tl Joninal bldg. WANTED Pantry woman . om, ex :pr rlenced i .. i rr u nua. a v k , . . . . son street WANTFD Experienced chambermaid, wages I . .. . v. ..... 1 I I . I W a li 1 n, $14 per week, i-a.ace um. - ton street. WOMAN willing to take """''" han mn H 11(1 wuiimu v?ninfc. after 6. WANTKD Kxper.nc- flro Insuranrt ln- oe'rapher; atate beKlnnln salary, give ret- ii in nswwi nf a. friend apolv to th Ua v-lliil a Till y rcr. -a - J 5th at. N. or phone EMt 123. EXPERIENCED .rl for general housework, wajre $45. Phone Kast or call 493 Ilansalo, corner Kant Tenth. WOMAN" or ijirl for housework and care of one child; inoiner morni n ga. . STRONO woman for morninc nd evening janitor work. AddIv Oregon bids.. &tn and uaK. WANTED Girl for dining-room work. Nor ton. a, ntn ano -trn tT i-v-k-kv loaKinK camp. Vu a montn. -i Jd st. pmsT-fLASS helper on coats, iv. a. rvin & Co., i-OO eili"S uiu,. c iinnT tiour waitress wan tea. jviees Sweet Hhop. 291 Morrison. LICENSED LADY BARBER wanted at .1 err ergon i " - i-unBT- dl KLS Hiahest waxes. Ion m en cBEements. no irrnn. . WANTED Waitress and pantry girl, 204 C otumma S-, .m per mmiui, ! EXPERIENCED telephone operators may bo obtained py ciiimn m m-. a -ooi. WAITRESti wanted. North d st. Good wagei. WANTED Experienced chambermaid, t ampoeu note., .u anu inyi. WOMEN and girls wanted. Apply at once. 10 Buchanan oiag. WANTEI Young womiti store. 1st and for Aldo stork sts. Simon i WANTED Lady pressor. Queen City Dye Works. yELP for plain. ul-k sewing ttOOITl " nwvl Anur. NL'RSE who was nursing; there is posi lion for you. c uregonian. WANTED Girl to work at soda fountain at ao Third st. WANTED Two lady palmists. See Mrs, O'Neill. 1M Park st. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN for chamber work. dayton Hu rtu i i rni ana rayior. WANTED Lady dish washer. fciavoy restaurant. i: uranu avej W A NT E 7 G irl to work on shirt press. Portland Hotel Laundry. FlUST-CLASS vestmaker. Ervin & Co.. 205 Selling tldg. WA NTED V chainbermal'l, and to a-lsL 1751 Lerby. Wdln. I'Ol.". UI H.L for housework; good homo Ior rih puny, -ippiy oa- woauun au HKIT WATCTFTD FFMALK. WE WILL PAT A GOOD SALARY TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRLS BE TWEEN THE AGES OF 1 AND 80 TEARS WHILE WE TEACH TOU TO OPERATE A POWER MA CHINE; 8TEADT EMPLOTMENT AND GOOD WAGES PAID TO OUR OPERAT ORS. APPLY AMES-IIARRIS-NEVILLK BAG CO., 15TH AND liOIT STREETS. lOl'NO LADIES WANTED FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. BEGINNERS IN TR A I NINO SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY EX PERIENCE PAID AT RATE OF ll PER WEEK. APPROXIMATELY $" PER MONTH. FREQUENT INCREASES IN PAY AFTER TRANSFERRING TO OP ERATING Wfir.K. CALL AT ROOM 0L, SIXTH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILD ING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. PTI:i1flRjlPHKR wanted: desirable post lion (permanent) In office of specialty store for canable and experienced ste nographer and to assist on the hooks: ac curacy and speed required and must know momethlni- or bnokkeeoinr. RCblr In own handwriting, stating experience and wages required. AE 95. oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wanted: desirable posi tion (permanent) In office or specialty store for capable and experienced ste nographer and to assist on the books, ac curacy and speed required and must know something of bookkeeping. Reply In own handwriting, stating expertencoand wages required. AE 95. Oregonian. WE have several positions open for good stenographers, especially in law: ana ii kinds of typewriters used. We MAKE NO CHARGE FOR POSITIONS. Register quickly. Miss A. G. Crossley, employment mgr.. Noiseless Typewriter Distributing Co.. 61 Fourth St. Kt'H finishers, experienced on fine fur: good salary. N. M. VXGAR. Cor. Broadway and Alder. WANTED Young lady stenographer: one who can use Royal or Remington m-enme. salary $12 a week; type application, giving experience and phone number. B 378, Ore gonian. Wanted Domestic. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly woman. German Catholic prefrred. for house work on modern form: two In family; ' easy and steady employment. G 124, Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: no washing, good home, good wages. Marshall 5039. 060 Elizabeth st Portland Heights WANTED Woman for general housework and cooking: small nouse anu lanni; , good wages; references desired. Tabor 6303, or call 1105 K. Davis st.. Laurelhurst- GOOD reflable girl for housework; no wash ing; highest wages. 091 Thompson. Phone East oU0. GIRL for cooking and housework; no wash ing or ironing, wages $50. 682 Clifton su Marshall M5. WANTED A waitress: must be experienced, good wages, room and board. Mallory ho tel. 171 Lowngdale. WOMAN wented for light housework and care of 2-year-old child. 703 Hoyt Marshall 3920 COM i'ETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work; no washing, good wages. Main 2920. WANTED Experienced second maid; good wages: references required. Portland Heights. Marshall 213. GIRL for general housework: must be good cook: 2 in family. Call Main 2957. 531 Jackson St.. Portland Heights. EXPERIENCED girl for general hou&ework 'no upstalra work; 2 in family; no wash ing: good wages. Main 53n. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. 1307 Belmont, phone Tabor 1222 WANTED Good eooli In small family, good wages, no washing. Main 32. 69 North rnp yt. r.l HI. wanted for housework: no cooking no washing; good wages. Call Broadway 2'o.V GIRL wanted to take care children and help with housework: 21 minuiej on reis.ii City line: good wages. Call Sellwood EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking: one not npposcu to aim mmmer. Phone Mrs. Foulsen. East 51- GOOD wages for competent cook who wjll a-ist with general nousewora. .Mam .t.'oo. 24.1 Cornell road, head of Marshall st WANTED An experienced girl ror a ram- llv of adults; no wanning, i-aii mornings. Main 652. uivTKll Good cook in small family, good wages, no washing. Main o.iu. iov r. o rt n - run rt. EXPETtlENCED girl for general housework no washine; good wage!; eve-y conven ience. i:iio V:. 2d st. Sell. 2.,ff. WANTED Capable woman f'r general housework on In rm ; gooq wages. -un Mar. 3221 between 4 and 7. WANTED Girl or woman to care for smail baby and little light nouseaora, in apu ; o d w a grs. M n. I n gi'fi. WANTED Woman to care for children: $20 per mo., room anu uoara. ?t. East 3-4. o4(i Hancock WANTEI at girl for general noueworK. 877 Ravens view urive, roni-uu "nbius. Main 47r.l. t ;IUI. wanted to assist with general nouse- work: good wages. Appiy -Ol aiorri.ion rtreet. GIRL wanted for general nousework. i.u Everett. WANTED Housekeeper. Or. Wages Address box 072. Rainier, WANTED Woman to Keep house for young couple. A rV r 'O- "awuigni- " - COMPETENT ulrl for general housework. Call tr-ast i"gr j-i. WANTED An experienced second rnd; good wages. 4 -in st. rnv;. i. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Hi 14. ruing to beacn later, r- WANTED Girl for general housework. Mra Seeley. 74U Katton roan. ii im .mi. WANT experienced girl for cooking and downstairs work, gooa wages. r,at WANTED ilrl to Biist in housework, per month. Phone East :'..Vd. wages EXPERIENCE! maid for second work. Mrs. F. It. I age, jacKson. EXP. girl for general housework. :4th ft. IIET.P WANTED MACE OR FEMALE. .V UESPONSIBLE firm has an opening for .a (talesman : must be one who can and will call on industrial workers: salary and commission: state your age. experience nnd salary accustomed to earning; re plies treated confidential. AP 1?4, Ore contnn. WE NEED few more types for our first com edy, come one. come an; you may oe me right person; bring photo. Apply Wednes day only, t P. M-. IS4 10th. Send all com munications to Cloverlo Film Co.. Lents P. O.. city WANTED Man or man and wife to raie stock on shares; gooa place ror riicm man. C. L. Cox. cure Rosu City hotel. St. Johns, WOMAN Wanted for light housework in small rami i y. country iown. vu raunin, Main 5411. apt. 3, Sheffield apts. EXPERIENCED assistant at kodak finish ing. H rtt 1. oregonian. EDUCATION AL mithwKI.L PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Now la tne time lu prepare, ior m oeuer position. Our successful students prove that our metnoas ra nauu niuivmu.. instruction, new equipment. Lumbermens bldg. oth and stark. Broadway 34u4 Mis Bursell. principal. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 21S Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Tel e g ra ph lusu t ute. ' MOLE R BAR BE K COLLEGE pays you while learning: givey you a set of tools. Positions secured. Send for cata logue 23 4 BurnsMe st. Broadway 1 7:ii. WANTED Good moving picture operators. I am pre pa rtra 10 g. e u iimmnc. tlcal Instruct Ion : reasonable terms. Bar- tung, lHo East Main st. iEACilING position t ecu red, iree regiMtrw tion. Phone Main iS-i. Flak Tea.hera Agency. Journal bldg. MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, da y. evening. $6 month. J6 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3S3. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches traf-s in 8 eti, pay whi'.e learning; po sition guat unteea. u toucn sl ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex -asst. State Supt.. mgr. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly MEN WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, Madison st. TEACHERS wanted for positions now open. Yates-Fisher Teachers Agency, fU Broad way bldg. PRIVATE tutoring; children under 12 a spe cial tyOWreitonlan. THE International Correspondence St:i.of run at"e vour mlary 111 Rrondwtv TAYLOR-FAITH BUSINESS COLLEGE. Sieveua bids , Wut Park aud Waaklugiua. EDUCATIONAL. NOTICE TO MEN INTERESTED I IJfz A RNING THE AUTUMUblLl. jj--i-NESS. We are graduating large classes and will soon have room for ! more students. Make spplicatlon now so you can get start ed. Wo have Just remodeled our Portland school and It Is a credit to the northwest. We are giving -' reduction to discharged soldiers and asllors. Call or write lltMI'HIl.l.. TRADE SCHOOL. 7t7 Hawthorne Ave. Corner E. 20tn st. Take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car at 2d and Aldvr. AUTOMOBILES. TRUCKS. TRACTOR. Learn to be a FI ItST-CLASS MECHAN IC AND GAS ENGINEER, reoulld. operate and repair automobiles, trucks and trac tors. This is not an engineering school teaching THEORY ONLY: neither is It a GARAGE. but a REAL PRACTICAL SCHOOL, where ou learn the business; ACTUAL WORK ON REAL MACHINES. We have more and better equipment than all other schools in Oregon COMBINED. SPECIAL TRADES Machinist, acetylene welding and vulcanizing; SPECIAL SUM MER RATES, day and evening classes. HAWTHORNE Al'TO SCHOOL. 42 Haw thorne ave. WRITE FOR CATALOHI K. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE DAYS FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto. Tractor. Gas Engine and Auto Electrics! Work. BIG lOO-PAGB CATAI.OGUB FREE. Address Adcox Auto A Tractor school. Dept. K. Union ave. and Waaco at Portland, or. Phone East 7445. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OiT BEHNKE-WALKER Business Collet, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. SITUATIONS WATED MALE. . WANTED POSITION WITH RELIABLE A L TOM OR I LE FIRM, E ITU r rl At SALESMAN OR OFFICE MAN AND F 1 A U R S A LES MAN; WISH TO M A K E THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS MY FU TURE OCCUPATION; MY REFERENCES ARE THE BEST AS TO .BUSINESS ABILITY. AP !, Oregonian. HAVE had several years experience on re pairing locomotive nolle rs on rauroau, would prefer a position with some large sawmill that has logging locomotive, boilers and donkey boilers to repair; if you are in need of a good man of this kind write me; good references if desired. G ll.". Oregonian. YOUNG MAN seeks opportunity to go to Honolulu or South America, newspaper experience and inagaxine writer. Speaks Spanish. Qualified as private secretary or business representative, but will consider anv respectable work offered. References as'to ability and integrity furnished. Ad tlrrM A K 4!4. Oregonian. WANTED Position salesman, hardware Im plements, building supp.lea. general ma-., anything offering opportunity ; outs.de city or country; whoiesaie prrferred ; no canvassing. Tabor ttoC 271 E. 34th st. Mannel. I HAVE called on the grocery ana oru trade for whole state want Minmn position, can furnish best references and bond if necessary, own my own car. E 7"h. Oregonian. Wo It K wanted immediately for a ton truck contract bast preterrea. in or out of city. Let me figure with you. See Webb at 0OO Powell st. or phone Bdwy. 40. MARRIED man. 15 years' store experience. ttteady. reliable, position as receiving, -.moping or stock clerk or assistant, view ad vancement. AK -!75, Oregonian. WANTED Work to do with Ford truck. expreas and tranner none, quick uemrrj. Addreaa 5404 41it ave. S- E., near Anabel station. Jedy Taylor. GOOD, experienced Japanese wants position in kitchen ior snort noun iv M. and 10 P. M. at any time. Address fr irnhHtn ave.. city. vni:s:i: mn uaniji 1ob drlvlna: private car, fine driver anu gooa mcciiauu. Woodlawn 454 L riiriiiM(; oaintlna and house root tinlntlnr. rifftn neat WOTK. -ll DCl- 2S. TWO young men and lady wan. nou- cleaning. 4oc nour. one Main-i'itM. room No. 2. LOG or lumber hauling contract wanied. . rri trailer. Call or write. 6-7 Last 15tn st. city. a v nniFD man. - children, want positions on a fruit ranch. Hood river preferred. J W. Johnson. fc71 Belmont St. i i.'VTl T wishes position; f irst-cla5 op erator: eight years' experience. B 40-, ttregonlan. , GRANITE AND MARBLE CLEANED I.IKE NEW. 4KS FLANDERS. . MON l"MKNTS Jl. walker, PI OWING garden lots solicited. Phone Bdwy. 301u. A 1711, or call 4u$ Flanders pVi:mreR Repair, toilets, boilers, stop page, coils, gas. Sbc lir: V-cCurdy, E. 3.04. r LOWING and all kind of teaming. East 73. u'ivTr:n Carnets and rugs to clean; will call at house to do work. Last 4044 PLOWING AND HARROWING. CALL FORENOONS. WOODLAWN 112-L MAN and wife, good cook, camp or hotel. Koom L'Sit New r-rott note,. ROOMS tinted. 2.r.0; quick ser iro and mi 1st action; Nickels. Bdwy. :..:.. rARPFATKK contracts taken for building or repair work. Manny. Set! wood -4-i irrnrVTA.VT and office manager with years of experience. Main 17. HAVE 1-ton truck, will 11 Main 1&" do any kind o hauling, i FOR PLOWING CAI W OO PL A W N 1 6 1 VAill'M cieaninp. "Hoover." Bookkeepers. S4enHgrapbers. Qffie. AN experienced office man. bookkeeper an accountant wun an enni i--..- In various lines is open for an engagement. A No. 1 local references. Address "J. V. o Box fWR. city. EX PERI EN 'ED office man can do book 'keeolnz and use typewriter: moderate sal wry; referrncea. t 12S. Or-gonlan. Hldiers aad bailor. nicpHAnr.KD SOLDIER who desires posi t inn with some cod. reliable firm; have cood education and not afraid of work -..t,-i.r. an and can fuminh A-l rr f .r-- aim) have about or i years' bui neas exp-rience; give full particulars in letter. AP IP". Oregonian. DISCHARGED soldier, well educated, with experience with groceries, hardware an imniomnniii wanu place with chance t advance; no traveling; let me have your offer. AV l4W, Oregonian. t.i vi ill TtLY disc ha reed soldier, who is experienced traveling saicman. would like t o secure a pw.i .on wun - j poratlon. W l i't. regonian. rvwiiill.'.Xi'KI) t ruck tractor and aut driver wishes position with reliable firm married man. just discharged from L. army; know city. Cai I Tabor IftsQ. RETURN ED SOLDIER want work e nin (mn rt ti IO- office experlcn tvi.ii Phone .Mare ha. I 442 after 4.U' P. M. fcOLDlER mechanic with a fu.l line of too will repair your car at your own gsr.-ig A II work guaranteed. Ca'l Sell wood nicfHARC.KD armv offb-er wants position vesrs' experience as a salesman. AC r." Oregonian. snrrATioNf wanted ffmalb. JAPANESE girl who cam a from Japan 3 months ago wants a position as a house rtri in iuod small family to learn Eng lish and American. Mauncr. P. O. box r. m. c i t y YOUNG lady, going to buainess college, de aires room and board and small compensa tion for services; very illing. AK. iisti, Oregonian. LADY wants houseeleaning. other work; hour, day; satisi. cuarautced. Woodlawii 035. YoUNG woman with child wiehes a place to work for her board and will pay for the chlln'a; close in. B H ". Oregon Ian. REFINED lady must maae money at some kind of work after tt evenings. R OTT. 1 Tegonian. GIKL with fllinc and switchboard experi ence desires office work ; w ould consider half day. Broadway 7 .-, 2. SOHOOlAlIKU experience! with children, desires place in Koe City l urk. i'hone T-tbor .t;i'.Q. W M A N wii take care child ren evenings. Main olHtf. Call evenings after fl. EX PERI ENrED woman wants work by tbu hour. Phone East e-.'W.. COMPETENT laundress wants work Wed. and Thurs. : references. Woodiawn BUI. RELIABLE. experienced ouug woman wants iay work. Main H-'Wrt. CLEANING or work; Wed.. Ironing ; Tbura, no wash Inc; good Bdwy. i:3l7. Book Wee pen. Sleoocrapbers, Office. WANTED A situation as typist: understand bookkeeping and have had months' x nerlence tn studio. F 7't. Orggonlan. YoUNG lady wishes poaltlon as filing ci'-rk, switchboard operator, or both. Call East EXPERIENCED, competent operator de sires poaition : have had three years' rail road experience. Woodiawn 4143. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist de sires position. E:ist 473-. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and easier and lyp int. Main 2S17. BOOKKEEPER wants day work, is study ing shorthand mornln.s. Main 1'Sl 7. TA- A VTVIT) Position bv hitrli school rmdit. .te sua ol:icc ataau 7d0, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED rEXA-E. Hookkreners. Mr nographer. Office. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, cashier and stenographer. experienced commercial lines, banking and legal work, capililf of office mansKcment. would ac c pt position any ao.,ve lines; first-class reference s. AJ :!. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, years of experience, thorough- competent to take full charge of fice, wishes half-day work. Broadway LADY experienced in ranroad office work, auditing personal records, etc. Will als consider bookkeeping or any sultsble of fice position: references. Tabor 4741. STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone operator want position, phone 6 M. Mllwaukle. EXPERIENCED stenographer; reference. Phere ERflt 7"t7. Ummnskfta HAVING resigned selling with department s:ore. be glad to meet my old customers at mv home. M Rorthwlrk; also new ones. Suits, dresses, capes and alteration. Mrs Ida Ott. Woodiawn 6204. PLAIN sewing, knitting, and crocheting. Wrtln. x3.-.n. 1524 Vrlarrt ave. Nat A MEDICATED STEAM BATH. Scientific Swedish masseur, electricity and vibration for rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, constipation, etr. ; for lsdles and gentleman; l every treatment. This week onlv: graduate nurw in attendance. Washlncton Mdg., cor. 4th and Washing ton. Main (31. GOOD nurs wants invalid to care for. ottj housework, re-taonab.e; give phone. F 173, Orejroni.in. AROLINA convalescent home; room and, board old people and nursing. 4. rei wood b!vd.. Cor. E. fth St. Sell wood ?14. RESPONSIBLE and experienced with the) f-l ck : con va ! escen t preferred ; reierencea Marshall 349. Dom hectic. CURTAINS iaundrled to please. Call WANT-D TO RENT. Mouses. WANTED By permanent, responsible cou- p.-. furnished 3-4-room house, wt: n cir. dfn sp-tce: rent must bo reasonable. Ca i boore A. m. or after P. M; ref- erenrm Marshall RESPNSIBLE party with references will lease from one to three years six or seven room modern unfurnished house In gcxnl location; sleeping porch desired: four adults In family. Phone Tabor 2T. WANTKD To rent 3-room house. p.r;Ir furnislied; must be within six. blocks of car tine. Responsible family of text A P Oregonian. WANTED to lrae. by responsible party. modern unfurnt-hed house, 6 rooms or more in good residence district. Phone Tabor 7'.74- WA NT an unfurnished 4 or iV-room bouae or flat before May .V W. A. Bartlett. care H vatt Talking Machine Co.. iJOO Al- jflff. Main (titS: OR 6-ROOM nimiern house or bungalow w ith garage, west side preferred ; wl'l pay tip to '-0 per month. Call Main 5-6 s nd lea e house location. WANTED To rent A -room furnished house; went side preferred ; 3 adults; reasonable rent. Main 7."O.V BANK cicrk wants to rent furnished house. or bungalow ; no children; win taice nest of care of property. Phone Tabor fM65. FURNISHED cottage at S-.sie, 6 to 8 rooms. May to October; modern conveni ences. Eust r;2o. WANTED By oung couple, no children. 4- room furnlKhed bungalow; rent reaaonauic. Phon Mln 4,tSl. WANTEI House or apartment: modern. good locality; wiil buy furniture ir rea sonable. Main 76-H. - COTTAGE, 4 or 3 rooms, with gas, electric- it v. bath. etc. J. S. L.. K. oM4. SM M.L houses for returned soldiera Call Main 31.1. liberty Temple. Apartment. WANTED -room unfurnished f.at, iOc. Call Main r7-7. rn. went i W A NTED Unfurnished apt. or flat for 3 ridul!. BF Oreronian. Rooms. WA NTED Furnished room and entire or part use or another, on iirst rioor. ior giv ing lesion-; eaa side. S. family pre ferred. A I 1 Oregonian. EX PERI ENCKD nurs-e w 111 take confine- nen t ra e. j-ei I. - l . Rooms WHh Bsard. YOl'N'i couple, employed. deMre room and board or housekeeping apartment in m oo ern. well furnished private home; Pied mont or Kenton district preferred. D 37, Ort-Ronlan. LA D Y w lilies to correspond wit h ooupi who would like to t-oaro. a gir. o years or ace. Phone Broadway BP- 4Z, Ore cnnlnn. yi!"N7 man desires board and room, chris tian Science lamry. r.nst i. Boaeekoeptns Rooit-a. WANTED By adults, before 10th. ! or large housekeeping roonn in private nome or apartment, where heat id furnished. Marshall WM beforo 1-1:30 A. M.. alter . ;. v. m. SM ALL apartment or t wo housekeeping roomd by two young men: must be reason able; west side; give full particulars. D regrtnlH n. THE GIOVKU . mlnuteV walk from N. W. and oi um oia snipyartis; .--room m. jv. fur. apt?. ll drover st. Main It.. rOK RENT. 1 urninhed Koom. A Modern-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Kant Morrison and East Sixth. TTotel Clifford Is the principal east s!n hotel and is a hotel of dignity and refine ment. lail rates Jl.OO up; two in room. $1.7..; weekly rates. $Z and up. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRKBT3 IUGHT IN CENTER OF PORTLAND'S ACTIVITIES. 7. FT TS SHOW YOU OCR ACCOMMODA TIONS. KATES I PER WEEK AND I P. .VfKTuMA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class f-tmlty hotel; rooms en suite or emxlc, witli or without boarJ. for ramlilea and b vis in ca men and women. We give you all the com'orta tf a homo. Reason able ratea " ELEGANTLY furnlsheo, large front sleeping riM.m. two closets ; hot and cold w at-r in rofuu: steam heat; in first-class apart ment house. Main 431$. ANSONI.V HOTEI-, 124 14th. cor. Washing ton; ciean. respectable, modern conven iences: transient $1 day up; permanent wrek up. HOTEL OCKLEY. Mttrrison at., at Tenth Rat ea 1 per day up; weekly, 4.'0 up: njMnittK water: f--- phone and bath. PA LACE HOT El. 44 Wash. St.; downtown loc tion. ' respects ble and strictly modern, steam beat; rooms large, ciean. 1H VsEK EEPINii "and tloeping rooms, o North Tnird t., $ 1 -0 ard Up. I nfumished Rooms. Fol'Il unfurnished lighr. -rtKl E. ;ld. rooma, gas range a nd 7 UNFURNISHED rooms for rent, good lo cation; cheap rcnt-I5 Sutherland bldg. Furnished Rooms In Friva to Family. FoR 1 or 2 business men; large cheerful room in beautiful home, all modern con veniences; west elde. close In. Main 4574. NICE, clean sleeping room. Ughtf, phone, hot and cold water, bath. King and Wash, sts. Morton Apts. Mar. 13H.V FOK RENT Dandy parlor suite, with piano, i or - or 3 employed ladles; also 1 single rooms. -Ol loth, corner Taylor. PLEASANT front room, suitable for gentle man; walking distance, block from Broad way bridge. 34 Benton St.; East 71. FURNISH ED room and garage on paved street. lM3 E. 13th N. ; Wdln 34. ONE largo front room, $12; 3 for (2u. &07 Clay st. LARGE front bedroom, walking distance. I'J.73 per week. 4a nth ft. FURNISHED- housekeeping rooms. 70S Ev erett st., cor. ITUd. I LEA SA NT room, heat, phone .-se in. 440 E. Cta , cor. 7th. ind bath. East 355. FURNISHED front room, bath and hot wa-t--T handy, walking distance. East 3 SE BRIGHT, artractive room, close Multnomah, club ; gonueman. Ma.rshall o.". ONE KOOM fo lady, laundry and cm: pi lvlien ;U7 Montgomery st. 1 ITH Choice rooms, walaing distance. Main :;i:t. NKE iront bedroom for two. Main 1737. 4.t- Market. NICELY furnished room. Call at lii N. 224 m. or phone Main. lrt-BK $7..o ATTIC room for gentlemen; ref. Mar. 313 7l'i finnan. SUNNY nmni, west side tgentiemeni al conveniences. Marshall liOlH. ON E large Irtnt sleeping room ; housekeep Inc room. 4 ;itsan. Phone Mar. ls7. COM FoRTA RLE room. $2 week; close in; modern. 17' 17th. near Morrison. LA RG E front room, nicely furnished, in I rvlncton home. E;ist -7 15. 6. Weld Tar. NICELY furn'sbed room at 4o4 Clay; 4 min utes' walk from postoffice. 1TK.NISH ED room and hath. heat, light, hot and cold waiter. Main 1'T!. SLEEPING porch and sitting room for ga tuvmau; j-rivaic lioaic. ari-hali ;4