Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 06, 1919, Image 1

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    VOL. L.VIII. NO. 18,237.
Entered at Portland (Orern"
Pontoffire as f econd-CTa M attar.
COUNCIL fidgety W ITH I. w. w.
Navy Machines to Leave
Rcckaway, L. v Early.
Clarke Timber and Brush
Combed for Fugitives.
Pact Is to Be Given to Ger
mans at 3:15 P. M.
Orlando and Sonnino Decide to
Attend Peace Meeting.
Crovra Council at Brussels Gives
J Consent to Signing of Treaty.
Clemeneeau Is Satisfied.
IODO!f, May 5. According to
dispatch to the Kirhingc Telegraph
from Paris the question regarding
Plqme has been settled in fall agree
ment with the Italian Rovrrnmrnt on
the basis that Flame shall remain an
aotonomons port for i vro years, nkei
It Trill be assigned to Italy.
PARIS, May 5. The time for hand
ing over the peace treaty to the Ger
mans was set today for 3:15 o'clock
"Wednesday afternoon.
The announcement that Premier Or
lando and Foreign Minister Sonnino,
leading Italian delegates to the peace
conference, had left Rome for Paris,
and the further news that the Belgian
crown council had given its assent to
the signing of- the peace treaty have
resulted in relieving the embarrass
ments of the peace conferees.
Clemeneeau Is Pleased.
These developments had the effect
of producing a call for a plenary ses
sion of the conference to be held to
morrow for the purpose of laying the
peace treaty before all the participat
ing nations.
"I have done my best. I think It Is a
rood peace."
This declaration was made to the edi
tor of the Figaro last night by Pre
mier Clemeneeau. The editor adds that
from the details he has been able to
learn, he Is convinced that all France
is weighing well the immense advan
tages she will gain from collaboration
with Great Britain and the United
If it is a good peace, the editor con
tinued, it is also a better one because
It is an alliance with the two most
powerful nations of the world.
Anstrlans Get Ready.
The Austrian delegates who will
come to Paris to negotiate the treaty
between their country and the allies
met at Vienna Saturday.
VERSAILLES, May 5. (By the As
sociated Press.) President Wilson and
Premiers Clemeneeau and Lloyd George
visited the Trianon this afternoon to In
spect the arrangements for the cere
mony of handing over the peace treaty
to the Germans. They expressed them
selves as satisfied.
PARIS, May 6. (By the Associated
Press.) The visit of President Wilson
to Versailles this afternoon was in
spired, it is understood, by his desire
to admit the newspaper correspondents
to the ceremony. This desir e had met
with opposition, one of the grounds
being lack of room. The council of
three therefore decided to look over
the situation.
Clemeneeau to Preside.
Premier Clemeneeau will preside
over the ceremonies Wednesday, and
it is expected that the members of the
press will be admited. There will be
68 delegates from the allied countries
and six Germans.
PARIS, May 5. (French wireless
service.) The credentials of the Ger
man delegates to the peace conference
are written on parchment and bear the
signature of Franz Ebert, president of
the German state, and that of Philipp
Scheldemann, the chancellor, together
with the seal of the president, says an
article in the Temps. The credentials
arc bound in red eatin and the docu
ment is enclosed in a case of watered
silk with a golden band.
BERLIN", May 5. (By the Associated
Press.) Newspapermen with- the Ger
man peace delegation at Versailles are
sending generally conservative ac
counts, but Schuermann, the corres
pondent of the German Gazette, does
not disguise his disgust at treatment
given the Germans by the French.
French Methods Scored.
He tells of a stenographer who
sought to purchase toothpowder at a
drugstore and "nearly caused a dip
lomatic Dreacn. une writer says
American correspondents were sharply
denied the privilege of interviewing a
member of the German delegation.
Schuermann complains of high prices
and closes by saying:
"Frenchmen are neither too petty nor
proud to do cheap business with enemy
Count von Brockdorf f-Rantzau, chair
imn of the German peace delegation, in
an interview with the Versailles cor
respondent of the Tageblatt, denies
that he hoped to cause differences be
tween the allies. The count is quoted
as saying:
"I consider such speculation bad pol
icy because it is both foolish and die
honorable. It is economic more than
political questions that hold our oppo
nents so firmly together and it i
hardly conceivable that they can be
Mire Fence Offends.
A dispatch to the Vorwaerts from
(Concluded on Tag 2, Column 2.)
Mayor and Police Chief Notified
Radicals Are Aot Welcome, Xct
Convention Goes On.
CHICAGO, May 5. The city council
indirectly told Mayor Thompson and
Chief of Police Garrity by unanimous
resolution today that it did not want
the I. W. W. national convention,
which opened today, to proceed.
While not directing the police spe
cifically to stop the meeting, the reso
lution read that "it is the sense of the
city council of Chicago that no conven
tion or meeting should be held in the
city of Chicago under the auspices of
the Industrial Workers of the World."
The preamble to the resolution cited
the fact that most of the delegates to
the convention were on tho "honor
roll" of the organization by reason of
prison sentences for disloyalty to the
United States in time of war.
The I. W. W. convention, the first na
tional meeting since 1016, was planned
to be the biggest of its kind in the
world, but scarcely 70 delegates were
pres -.t.
The meetings passed without Incident
and there was no police interference,
although deputy sheriffs were in the
A resolution which It Is believed In
dicates a possible split In the ranks
of the I. W. W. was introduced at the
convention today and will be voted
upon tomorrow. It provides that no
member may hold office in the or
ganization for more than two. years.
If It is adopted "Big Bill" Haywood
and other I. W. W. leaders will find
themselves without office If they are
released from the Leavenworth peni
tentiary on bond. Haywod has held the
position of secretary-treasurer for five
Juggernaut Falls Over Backward
Killing Rene Cropp.
FOREST GROVE, Or., May 5. Rene
Cropp, a renter on the . J. F. Forbis
ranch near this city, was Killed this
afternoon when a tractor that he was
driving turned over backward crush
ing him beneath the machine. Mr. Cropp
was about 30 years of age and is sur
vived by a widow and three small chil
dren. The tractor was pulling a disc
up a steep incline In the orchard when
the machine became over-balanced and
fell backward.
When Mr. Cropp failed to return at
noon the men. on the farm went in
search of him and found him beneath
the tractor.
Aviators' Machine Plunges Into Big
Hydogen Gas Tank.
NEW YORK, May 5. Ensign Hugh
J. Adams of Pittsburg, and Chief Ma
chinist's Mate Harold Corey of Scran-
ton, Pa., were instantly killed at the
Rockaway Beach naval station today
when the machine in which they were
flying dived into a big hydrogen gas
The two men were crushed to death
beneath the engine of the plane, which
crashed through the cockpit in which
they were sitting.
War Profits Deported in Different
Banks in Switzerland.
ZURICH, Sunday, May B. (French
Wireless Service.) The Neues Zeitung
of Stuttgart affirms that In spite of
regulations issued by the German gov
ernment, a great many capitalists, in
particular those who made enormous
war profits, are managing to export
their money.
The same paper asserts that In the
last two months, 25,000,000,000 marks
have been deposited in different Swiss
Temperature of 8 6 in New York
Makes Record for May 5.
NEW YORK. May 5. New York ex
perienced the first real summer weath
er of 1919 today, when official ther
mometers at the United States weather
bureau touched S6 degrees, and four
heat prostrations were reported.
Hundreds of straw hats and Palm
Beach suits appeared on the streets to
emphasize the summery nature of what
the weather bureau said was the hot
test May 5 in the history of the city.
Official Action First of Kind Since
Armistice Was Signed.
BERLIN, May 3. (By the Associated
Press., Direct conferences between
buyers and representatives of the Kali
Potash syndicate have been authorized
Ky the government.
This official action is the first since
the armistice to indicate that German
export firms are to be permitted to
carry on direct dealing.
London Would Have C S. General
Head Big Parade.
(Copyright bv the New Tork World. Pub
lished by Arrangement.)
LONDON, May 5. (Special cable.)
It is now hoped that when General Per
shing visits Londor. in the latter part
of May, as the guest of the British na
tion, he will ride at the head of a pro
cession of American troops. Plans for
the reception are being made.
As Result - Fire One Airplane
MayBe Delayed.
Trans-Oceanic Fliers Will Speed to
Trepassy, Newfoundland, Before
Starting Across Ocean.
NEW YORK, May 5. A score of
naval aviators, youths in the 20s and
early 30s. yet experts in flying, navi
gation and motor mechanics, were
ready tonight for a start soon after
daybreak tomorrow in their attempt
to drive three giant hydro-airplanes
of the American navy across the At
lantic. With favorable weather officially
predicted, both In the vicinity of the
home station at Rockaway Point, L. I.,
and along the coast to New Foundland.
terminus of the Journey's first "leg."
the airmen expected to launch at least
two and possibly all of the three planes
scheduled to make the cruise.
The NC-1, whose star-ribbed wings
were destroyed early today in a fire
which also slightly damaged the NC-4,
was nearly fit for flight again when
darkness fell on a small army of me
chanics who had worked on the craft
for more than 18 hours. The NC-4 had
been completely restored by mid-after
Early Start Is Planned.
There was a possibility that the- NC-1
might be delayed In her "Jump off" a
few hours, or even a day or more. If
necessity of unexpected adjustments of
the new wings 'developed at the last
moment, but the NC-3 and NC-4 were
scheduled to take the air some time be
tween dawn and 7 A. M.
Should the NC-1 be delayed. Com
mander John H. Towers, chief of the
expedition, said, then it would follow
the other two craft to Trepassey, ar
riving In ample time for the "big Jump"
to the Azores, scheduled for about the
middle of May.
Commander Towers declared that the
navy and civilian mechanics had done
"wonderful work" In preparing the
damaged NC-1 for the flight. The fire
started at 2:10 o'clock this morning.
when an overheated electric pump
which was emptying her hull of bilge
water. Ignited a can of oil nearby. The
plane's fuel tanks were being filled at
the time and the flames spread quick
ly to several barrels of gasoline on
the floor.
Within 20 minutes of the accident
(Concluded on Page. 3, Column 3.)
Crisis Is Believed to Have Passed.
Government Now Has Situation
. Well Under Control.
(Copyright by the New Tork Herald Com
pany. All rights reserved.)
CAIRO, May 1. (Special cable, de
layed.) American recognition of the
British protectorate over Egypt, while
a shock to the Egyptians, has been
a big factor in ending the crisis.
No anti-American demonstration oc
curred when the news became public,
and on the whole the hand of the gov
ernment was immeasurably strength
ened by it.
The next difficult time seen ahead
will come when the Paris peace con
ference answers the appeal of the
Egyptian delegation.
. The . government departments are
working without a cabinet. Meanwhile
only scattered acts of violence are re
ported. The government Is in com
plete control and all soviet bodies have
been suppressed except that which is
meeting at El Azhar Mosque.
Literature or Bolshevist Nature
Placed In Rural Boxes.
OREGON CITY, Or., May 5. (Spe
cial.) Frank Whitsman. for 15 years
a rural mailcarrler out of Oregon City,
was summarily dismissed about a week
ago upon telegraphic instructions from
the postoffice department. Postmaster
Cooke admitted that a carrier bad bcn
discharged, and said that one of the
carriers, had been discovered placing
literature of a Bolshevist nature in the
rural mail boxes on bis route, and that
he had warned th-5 offender. It Is pre
sumed that Whiteman persisted, how
ever, as the federal authorities de
manded his lmmediae removal. White
man was arked to make a statement,
but failed to do so.
AH Possible Precautions Against
Menace Taken by Government.
- WASHINGTON, May 5. All possible
precautions against the bolshevik men
ace have been taken by the government
of Denmark, said a cablegram received
today by the Danish legation from the
foreign office at Copenhagen.
Russian propagandists have been ex
pelled from the country, the bolshevik
bureau of information in Copenhagen
dissolved and the circulation of Rus
sian money forbidden.
New Zealand Premier Fears Domi
nation of Pacific.
WELLINGTON, N. Z.. May 6. (Via
Montreal.) Sir J. Allen, acting premier,
in a statement as quoted by Reuter's
correspondent, declared that he viewed
developments In the Pacific with some
It was difficult, he said, to discover
why Japan wanted the Marshall islands,
unless she wished to dominate the Pa
Men Who Boldly Take $7000
Abandon Food and Car.
Rase of Cashier's Daughter Protects-
Tray Holding $50,000 of
Liberty Loan Bonds.
VANCOUVER. Wash., May 5. (Spe
cial.) Ten miles from Washougal, in
thick brush and heavy timber, three
young men. between 16 and 17 years
old, tonight were dodging two posse?,
one in command of Sheriff Johnson of
Clarke county and tho other under
the leadership of Skamania county offi
cials. The tnree men robbed the Clarke
County bank at Washougal this morn
ing of $7000 and then fled up the
Washougal river road for seven miles,
where their machine became stuck !n
the mud and was abandoned. Before
pursuing posses got in touch with
them the robbers had advanced three
miles farther In their flight.
The men are believed to be armed
with revolvers, but have no food with
them, and their capture is thought to
bo but a matter of a few hours, unless
in the darkness they succeed In break
ing through the line of pursuit behind
them. Every precaution is being taken
to keep the robbers from doubling on
their tracks and Leating back south to
the Columbia river, which they might
thus be able to cross to Oregon, patrol
launches of the game warden's depart
ment are watching the river to frus
trate this one chance.
Satchel and 75 Cents Fon.d.
After trailing the robber 300 yards
beyond where the automobile was
abandoned. Sheriff Johnson found the
satchel In which the men had carried
money from the tsnk. In it .was 75
Beyond the point where the satchel
was found the trail led to tne north
fork of the Little Washougal river. On
the bank of the stream the men had
stopped to destroy letters in their
pockets and- had put the torn scraps
under a stone. With the letters was an
employe's badge from the- Columbia
River Shipbuilding corporation. Port
land, bearing the number 6978.
Shortly before 8 o'clock this evening
Sheriff Johnson made a flying trip to
Vancouver and ordered out Deputy
George Sanford and Chief of Police Mc-
Curdy at the bead of two other
posses, to neaa oir me roDoers on a
route he believes' they are taking. He
(Concluded on Page 16. Column
Union Officials Say International Is
Backing Strike and Will Pay
Benefits to Membership.
SPOKANE, Wash., May 5. (Spe
cial.) The threatened strike of the
teamsters and chauffeurs of Spokane
began today. Th men were called out
following a unanimous vote of the
membership Sunday to back up the de
mands embodied in tho new agreement
effective May 1.
Between 300 and 400 men were called
out from places where employers had
given a definite refusal to sign the new
scale. This number was being con
stantly added to all day. The commit-
tes calling upon employers and pre
senting the new scale would order out
the men upon refusal of the employer
to sign.
It was estimated by union officials
late this afternoon that between Coo
and 700 men would be on strike before
night if the committees met with a
concerted refusal on the part of tho
employers to sign.
The transfer business of the cltv Is
badly hit. At the three largest trans
fer companies it was stated that the
companies are paralyzed and have mado
no effort to operate In any department.
Unl-m officials ttate the Interna
tional is backing he strike and will
pay the membership a strike benefit to
enable them to carry on the fight.
Governor of California Admonishes
Southern Folk for Tardiness.
SACRAMENTO. May 5. Governor
William D. Stephens tonight Issued an
appeal to the citizens of California to
"realize at once the imperative duty
that devolves upon them to subscribe
to the victory loan."
The proclamation compares Califor
nia's efforts to those In Oregon thus:
"The state of Oregon already has
passed Its quota. We must congratu
late our neighbor state and must en
deavor quickly to Join her in her proud
record. Tbe people of that state are no
wealthier and are no more patriotic
than are the people of California. It
must be that the people of our state
have not been sufficiently aroused to
the urgency of the call that has been
made upon them." "
Australian Wets Would Eliminate
Wet Evils to Block Prohibition.
SYDNEY. N. S. W., May 5. A move
ment to offset the activities of the pro
hibition party which is becoming pow
erful In the state of New South Wales
has been launched by a group of citi
zens here. Tl.e purpose is to reduce
some of the evil aspects of the liquor
traffic rather than to do away with
liquor entirely.
The programme calls for agitation
for the reduction of the alcoholic con
tents of liquors; cancellation of li
censes of unscrupulous proprietors and
elimination of undesirable hotels.
Total of 199 Officers and 2 75 Men
Get French Decoration.
WASHINGTON. May 5. Only 474 per
sons "while in the military or naval
service of the United States have been
awarded the French croix de guerre
and are authorized to wear that decora
tion or a ribbon thereof" an order is
sued today by the war department said.
The list of persons who may wear the
French decoration Includes 199 officers
and 275 men.
D'Annunzio Forced to Go to Bed
After Making Speech.
ROME, May 4. Gabriele D'Annunzio.
Italian poet, after speaking at the
Augusteum today, was taken ill with
fever and forced to go to bed.
The municipality of Brescia, which
had decided to present President Wil
son with a copy of its famous statute
of victory, has revoked the decision
and will ask Signor D'Annunzio to pre
sent the statue to Flume.
Trophy to Be Awarded for Excel
lency in Marksmanship.
ATLANTIC CITT. N. J.. May 5. The
Aerial League of America, at a confer
ence today in which nine nations were
represented, decided to offer a trophy
to be competed for annually for effi
ciency in shooting from aircraft.
The gunner is to have 10 shots at
small balloons.
p porta.
McCredle hopes to take series from Seattle.
Page 14.
Willard-Dempaey tight to be in Toledo. Fsge
Faclfle Xorttawest.
Posses track Washougal bank robbers to
wilderness. Page 1.
Strike of teamsters and chauffeurs at Spo
kane paralyses transfer companies. Page 1.
Ruth Garrison on trial for murder. Pare 1.
Louis T. Hart gubernatorial boom receives
Impetus. Page 9.
Portland men named on tax advisory com
mission. Page 8.
Commercial and Marine.
Large, quantity of northwestern wheat to go
cast by rail. I 'ago S3.
Corn breaks at Chlcaro on news of wheat
Importations from Canada, rage S3.
Stock market broad with wide advances In
railway Issues. Page 23.
Flour fleet sure of seven new ships. Fage C2.
Portland and Vicinity.
Victor Tteckman suggests clipper ships to
keep yards open. Page 2.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 22.
Victory loan quota exceeded by at least
ll.uOO.OOO. Page It.
Several troop contingents expected here this
week. Pace 16.
Battle of Alienists Fore
casted by Defense.
Prisoner Takes Interest in Ex
amination of Talesmen.
Only Thoe Who Can rind &rats
Permitted to Remain Majority
Arc Women.
SEATTLE. Wash., May 5. (Special.)
With it battle of alienists, as expert
witnesses, foreshadowed by the defense
in its questioning of prospective Jurors.
18-year-old Ruth Garrison was placed
oil trial at 9:30 o'clock this morning in
the court of Judge John S. Jurey. de
partment No. 5 of the King county
court, for the murder of Mrs. Grace
Glatz Storrs. wife of Douglas M. Storrs.
with whom she was Infatuated.
The courtroom was Jammed to Its
capacity, and questioning of talesmen
was interrupted soon after it began
to clear the aisle and space about the
door, on request of Deputy Prosecuting
Attorney C. E. Claypool, who objected
to the congestion of persona standing
and blocking the entrance.
Many Who Crowd In Ejected.
Only those who could find seats were
permitted to remain and as the court
room is a small one. and space had to
be left for members of the venire, per
sons who had gained admittance after
waiting as long as three hours In the
corridors had to be ejected.
In the hallway was a large overflow,
which was crowded back beyond a
makeshift railing leading into the cor
ridor. With little hope of admittance,
men and women, mostly women, waited
all morning In the hall. A dozen women
were on the scene as early as 6:30 this
morning three hours before the trial
and several of these were among
those crowded out. Probably three
fourths of the crowd inside were
Prisoner Enters Almost lanoticesl.
Ruth Garrison slipped into court al
most unnoticed and was seated at the
table of her counsel. Thomas W. Askren
and A. R. Hilen, to their right, almost
before it was known that she was
present. She was brought from the
Juvenile detention home in charge of
Sheriff John Stringer and Jail Matron
Agnes Dow. the latter having been
designated by the sheriff to have
charge of her during the trial.
Outwardly she was calm, though her
school girl face looked pale under her
big black hat, the same one she wore
at her arraignment a month ago. Tl(
sombre hue of her blue-black dress was
relieved by a touch of bright greenish
blue about the throat.
Jury Questioning Watched.
There was a moment of seeming un
steadiness on her part as the informa
tion which charges her with poisoning
Mrs. Storrs was read to the Jury. Later,
however, as the questioning of tales
men proceeded, she looked steadily at
each man or woman questioned, some
times shifting her gaze to persons com
ing and going about the door or to and
from the Judge's chamber.
She smiled several times at the an
swers to questions, notably when one
of the talesmen remarked he had
formed a fixed opinion but had changed
It. Twice, when there was a halt in
the examination, she closed her eyes
and rested her head on her hand
Mother Sits Br Daughter.
Mrs. Llthia Garrison, mother of Ruth
Garrison, made her first appearance at
the daughter's trial when she entered
the courthouse at 1:30 o'clock this
afternoon. She sat at Ruth's right
hand at the little table facing Judge
J. S. Jurey. Ruth retained her unruf
fled composure which she displayed
during the morning session. -
This morning the only relatives pres
ent were Mrs. Clara Rice, a sister: Mra
George S. Esary. a cousin; Mr. Esary
and Mrs. Thomas Askcrn, wife of her
attorney, a cousin.
The defense began to indicate its
case would rest largely on the evlcjenue
of experts early in the questioning of
prospective jurors. Each talesman vas
avked if prejudiced against the plea of
Insanity and if he would give dm
weight to the testimony of evidence of
expert witnesses on the question of
mental responsibility.
Alienist's .srae Broor.St In.
Each man and woman in the Jury
box was asked In turn by Attorney
Hilcn of the defense. If he knew Dr.
Don A. Nicholson of Seattle. Dr. Nfc
holson is a widely known alienist and
brain specialist who has figured promi
nently In insanity cases, and will b a
witness for the prosecution.
Dr. Nicholson talked with Miss Gar
rison, according to prosecutJng Attor
ney Fred A. brown, directly after the
confession she is allege to have made
that she placed strychnine in Mrs.
Storrs food while lunching with lver in
a department store.
That the operation performed by Dr.
Copeland Plummer. in which a portion
of bone was removed from the forehead
of Ruth Garrison and paraffin substi
tuted, would figure in the case was ad
mitted by Attorney Hilcn. "It will be
one of the factors entering into the
(.Concluded on Page 3, Column 1.)